Newspaper Page Text
Says Deposition Is Mali
eiously False—Sleut Ii
a Witness.
By Private l-enaed Win.
PlilKburir, July JO.—Mro. Hartje waa
summoned lo the witness stand thla
m.'rnfni? by Attonwy Freeman
the opening of the day's aeaaloa of
the divorce trial. She aald ehe waa at
Mr. Ferguson's olllce on October 21.
when the depoaltlon of Clifford Hooe
waa taken; alleging Improper relatione
with her. She denounced the depoel
tl"n aa mallciouely falae.
Mr*. Hartje apoke In a firm vole*
and looked directly at her hue band.
Mr. Ray, a private detective, called
for the defenee. aald the alatement of
the negro coachman. Hooe. waa made
In Mr. Ferguaon'a office, and that Hooe
v aa cautioned that any atatement he
made might be uaed again*! him; that
he waa hot to be coerced and anything
he aald muni be written down.
“What did Hoe aayr
"He aald he wanted to make a atatc*
ment that It waa the flint peaceful day
In four month*, and that he had not
beep treated fair by the people who
employed him. He wanted to make a
• • >. lesion b«rau*e he ought to have
hi* head cut ofT for talking about auch
a thing."
• What did ha aay when you read
the atatement over to him?"
lie aald It waa correct."
"Waa he threatened or coerced In
any tvayr
Stat ing tho Arrive! and Hrpartur# of P»*
1 ruth* . I 'll.- I ni "\\ li.g U'.r.Ih
No -Arrtrf — ,r
•W ,Vn «hr{ilp..ll :4b *»i* f2 N’iixJh HRv4:S
• & Marietta... f:§» |»ui[ 71 Martatta.. i:9
• 1 NaebrUU.. 1M pan* 4 Xaakvtlla. •£
>Ji j>iai» 4 Xaabvlli*.
vNfBAL W iiC(VIiOT* BatTWAfr^
Arrive Krm}». I Depart To—
irou 11:40 ani|Marnn.
13 S " ■
Arrive Fi
1*e From— . J Depirt To—
>1:40 «m •Moolgom-ri- 1.90 am
iouiwj. 1:4J pnai^Moutg’mTy.i::^ i»iu
in. !U- pm •Solum 4:tO pm
l.n<; nnjr >*t» amlfj\(lr«nga.... 6:90 pm
•Mmifgamirr. |;4> pm ’Moat* la’ p»u
* l»«lTy. All oxbar train* daily axcvpt Sun-
All train*
i«l t.ompnny
Atlonta Terminal
■ and Mi<
Atlanta ami W«t
arrive at aud (lapart
, . tfnnl atatloa. earner of
Mitchell atroet and Madlnon avenue.
Arrive Pram | Depart To—
•Aiifiiata 6:00 am *Atigusta 7:4
Onyera f :4ft an Lltfcoula..,, .10:€
t fungfon 7:44 am.'Augu«ta f;5< pta
•Amuata.. . .U' I) poi Cfiivrra I.*00 pm
l.itiivHtji. M |dl pm f*ir1ngtoa.... 4:14 bra
•A"<<.H‘n • 16 jnui*Auftiata 11:46 pm
•Pally. All oclrar tmlna dally except Matt
Where Established by Leg
islature People May
Vote Them Out.
Anti-Cigarette Bill Warmly
Argued Before tlie
The feature* of the Friday morn
ing aeaalon of the houae war* the paa*.
age of the Bgcbanan dlapanaary bill.
burning dlscuaalon of tbe cigarette
queatlon, the pgaaage of the Longley
reaolution to preaerve the tattered and
torn flaga of the Georgia regiments In
the Confederate aervlce, and the ruah
of requeata of th* member* to hgve
their bill* read a second time, so aa to
advance them to tbe calendar.
To Vet* Out Oiapanaariaa.
The bill by Mr. BUchanan, of Early,
to aljow those dry countlea In which
dl*pen*arlea have been created by spe
cial actk of the general assembly tbe
right to vote out such dispensaries,
waa passed by the vote of ’ll to 0.
This does not permit a dispensary to
be voted Into a dry county.
Mr. Covington, of Colquitt, explained
Its provisions. Th# supreme court bald
that dispensaries could be opened In
dry counties by legislative enactment,
and could only be abolished In the
same manner. They wished to give
these counties the right to vote out
these dispensaries, If desired, and to
•revent any subsequent election for
'our year*.
.Mr. Bush, of Miller, offered no objdc
llun, tout said he wanted to see the
sgAhoAinv aiit mvt iutewat. -
Arrive Vrota— I Depart To—
'V n-hlnston... «:» ani.nirmlnibam.. 1:40 am
am #:0o am ilooriHf, In am
MemMla Il:ts siu-New Y*rk..-.U.-ou m
«« I* geUhberljFe.... 4:00 pi*
Monro. .. .. f;*o pm.iirmpbla S:»i pm
Trains Laava Atlanta* Naw Tsrminal
8tation. cornar Mitchsll and
Madison Avanut.
Il»hc4l only na luforinatl
“i’Sa* 7fc-N*. a DAILY. I-oral to Blr-
ndrghaiu, maklns all stups: arriving la
Birmingham 10:11 a. ui
ami' cisi’iNNATf' idsn'rKD.'
restllmled train Atlanta to v'liioli 10:ib~a. ■
vestllniied train AtlantaTii Mnrinnatt with
•at change, composed «f TSStlhnled ilty
easchet aud Pullman drawing room sleep-
lag ears. Arrlvsa Home 7:30 a. m.; Chat-
tans.,ga lb a. w.; t'liictnnatl 7 :*> p. m.;
1.*,'ilsvllls *:1S p. m.; Chicago 1M a. m.
Cafe ear service. All arsali between At.
“f'A •AiS.tntH.r. until ..d
Col'.nibaa. Arrive* Uriflln 7:11 a. m.i Cs-
luoihua la a. m.
4 ii A. M. No. 12. DAILY, local to tfaeaa,
Brums I Ok . and Jaekanavlllo. Slake* all
slops . arriving Mno.ui 1:15 a. in.; ltruna-
C m : Knots. V Ity Id a. a, and Cjiartda
prloga ids a. m.
: Si A. M.-No. 12 DAII.Y -Laenl to
Charlotte, Danrille. Richmond nod Aahe
: SS A. SI.—No. J, DAILY, Chattanooga.
12 NOON, No. k DAILY-WsthlMtuS
and bonihweatern Limited. Itlaetric light,
keeping, library, observation tod etna
Mi.-ii. arriving SI toon 2:4* p. m. .
4 It p. SI.-So. R DAILY.—Slacon and
ttswklii.vllls. rntlmaa obaervalloa rbalr
rsr Ar'enia to If SCO*. ■
11 P. SI—No. *7. DAILY.—Pullmaa
sis?'*vau!*wa.»2' , . , iT" , a
Memphis 7:15 a. m.
y ffif.-Ka. 23. DAILY —lirttria and]
time whan whisky was driven entirely
out of th* state. As the vote showed,
no oppoeltlon tvas given to th* meas
The lost few minute* ware utilised
In the aecond reading of bills
Many Billt Tabled.
The bill by Mr. t'hrlatophar, of Hall,
lo change the law allowing notaries
and Justices of tbe peace In cities of
t,000 lo hold separate courts, so that
the city census Instead of the United
Mtatw census would determine the pop
ulation of such cities, likewise passed,
ns also that of Mr. Longley, of Troup,
to preserve th* 1 tattered and bullet-
holed Hags of the state.
Many Important measures, reached
In their order, were tabled because of
th* meager attendance of the mem
Make Cigarette Smoking Misdemeanor,
Th* cigarette queatlon stirred up con
atderable commotion among th* mem
bers, and nflavr about an hour waa
consumed In fervid oratory upon the
pan of several members. It all "went
up In smoke,” and the Mil was taMed,
upon the motion of Mr. Fleder, of Bibb.
The bill was by Mr. Porter, of Floyd,
and Mr. Corn, of Towns.
Mr. Porter explained ail
law' now forbids anyone from selling
or furnishing to uny minor any ciga
rette or rlgarett* papers or tobacco,
but lie had observed that It did not
prevent young boy* from smoking ci
garette* on tha streets. This bill sought
to ivrocur* Information as to the source
from which they ware furnished. It
makas U a misdemeanor for any minor
to be caught smoking a cigarette or to
be caught with any In his possession or
any rlgaratl* papers or tobacco, but
the minor can rellava himself by fur
nlshlng th* Information.aa to who gavi
or sold him th* article*. That waa th*
only way In which violation* of the law
could ba proaecuted.
Mr. Anderson objected to tbe provi
sion lo ronvIcL aa the boy might fur
nish lb* Informtalon a* to v*her* he got
th* articles, but It would not be auf-
flclent to convict, and yet under th*
bill It would not relieve th* boy. Mr.
Porter offered an amendment to over-
conie thla objection.
Mr. William* elicited applaua* when
he said he would prosacule the low
est, measliest, <llrtl**t negro In th* slat*
Vaken to th* Grady haspltal Thurs
day night In a beastly atatc of Intoxi
cation and In a serious condition, Al
bert Taylor, 1# yean of age, a bright
llttl* fallow with an abundance of
pretty curly brown hair, Friday morn
ing declared to the' hospital physicians
that hi* father mad* him drunk,
threatening him with th* lash If he did
not drink.
As a result of the little boy's story,
hla father, Quincy Taylor, of 10 Corput
street, an employee of Schmidt's bak
ery, I* being sought by police and de
When the child was drat taken to the
hospital Friday night about 10:20
o'clock. It waa thought ha had been
mysteriously drugged. At that time th*
father told Bicycle Policemen Arro-
wood and Wylie a remarkable story.
He aald ha was going to hla homo and
foond hla boy lying unconscious In th*
* T the Tabernacle Infirmary In
street. II* picked up the child
he said, alung Mm acroas hla back, and
took him home. Shortly afterwards,
the lAd waa sent to the hoapttal In an
Father Told Straight Tala.
Tha tathtr la said to have been In a
drunken condition at the time, but told
such a straightforward story, the police
never suspected he had mads th* boy
drunk. The boy waa In a deep atujmr
and had the appearance of being under
" e Influence of some powerful drug.
On hla arrival at tb* hospital, and<as
soon as the physicians had made an
eeamlnatlon, however, It was discover
ed he was In a terrible elate of Intoxi
cation. It waa seen he waa in a serious
condition and steps were promptly
taken In an effort to save him.
The unconscious little fellow was
taken Into the operating room, where
the doctor* had to work with him fully
an hour and a half before lie revived.
Ho powerful waa the coma that It waa
found necessary to apply a strong elec
tric current to the little fellow to
arouse him.
He waa later placed In tbe male
ward, and, after careful attention, re
covered sufficiently by Friday morn
Ing to leave the hospital.
Home Is Deserted.
Where the boy went la not known.
Inquiry at hi a home developed the
fart that no one was there. Neither
the child nor hla parents could
found and no one In the neighborhood
could give any Information concerning
On learning of the affair. Police
Chief Jennings Instructed the detective
department to make an Investigation,
and Detectives Simpson and Campbell
were detailed. Ttiay visited th* hos
pital, but found the little patient gone.
They talked with th* doctorn, however,
end obtained from them tbe story of
the boy.
Ur. Mangel, the. houae surgeon, and
Drs. Baird, Cline and Yarbrough had
all talked with the boy, and to them
he related the same story.
"My father took me up town with
him lost night,” said th* little fellow,
“and made me drunk. I don't know
what all he gave me. He waa drink
Ing and told me If I did not drink what
he told me to, he would whip me. I
was afraid not to do as he said and I
Just hnd to keep on drinking until
oat my senses."
( T, P £l^N*. n DAILY — Iswal to Fay
rttsrme and Fort Valley.
4 y I'. M -X*. U. DAILY.—Tbrougk
’ I— J* Wa-
drawls* room and s!**p:u/ cars
etnastt*sod Meroylila sud i-battsi
I.m, I trills. Arrlres Home 7*) p. bMRI
J “ >' m: 'Tmtlsnougn M* p. m ; Memphis
I 7) a. a • Loalarllle I SO a. m.i St. Loan
• p n.: IWlnnatl 1:19 a, h ■ a
1:15 I'. M.-No. >.
fop*. Local to lledln; arrives Ilefilu I0:M
P. M.-No. 14. DAILY —Florida Urn-
kmmA mM rettlimled train t» Jaekapa-i
■ h aleaplox cart and day
rule an-l Braniwtct; nr-
VPIPffiMMHpW IAS a. m.: Bruntwlrk
* - £ '* DaILy.—Throwah
I' roan drs wine room sleeping ear. At-
its to Bhr*ro**»t .Local usapar Atlanta
nirmlBxbim. Arrlres Blnanifkasi *:»
in.: Meridtss II a. m.\ Jteluow 7:% u.
: Vlckslinrg, 4NS p. m.; Shreveport ld:M
m. Sleepers open lo receive pstseugeis
7 NHHIT-Nn. M. DAII.Y.—Fatted Stales
7 m N>w*?i!i T Klr£m^d , ^UrlMra‘;a
• to spw ion. *ucpmon»i. t dhiioit^ iii
•till#. Coorhn to Wauhlncton. Dining
. « ••m »U m«)i M rmit^ ArrlTPN
l.i'rtilxftta 9:90 p. Tort «.•» «. ru.
I/h *| Atlanta (liarls't^ »l##p«T mptn to
paaa^nsora at %’M p. m. Ijocal
•Aab^rllle 10^»> n. m. \
I r^a^htr^o. *>n V!a»]
Wo. Kit.
nai liP* to Ja* V
41 starts*! r*
»yif« #'|»* office. |42 ,
Tenaluai oxebs-*-.
■ a StfQlf
boy. He was tired of these "hound*
hell, tho cigarette Hand, damning our
Mr. Falder was against tha measure,
tiecaus* It prevented boys from selling
these things to adults, whtch was quit*
frequently done now. Kven If i boy
should pick up tobacco—'"a swipe"—on
the street the boy would be liable.
Weuld Make Criminal* of Boys.
Mr. Wrlgbl, of Richmond, opposed
such stringent legislation. He recalled
how he had tslfen tobacco from Ills
father’s pouch arid gone behind the
bam or In the wood* to amoke. Boys
ara tha same y*t, and we will but make
falsifier* out of them, as they will not
tell where they get them. They will
not "peach" on those furnishing them,
lie said, and this alatement wu* ap
Judge T.ongley, of Troup, likewise
thought the effect of tta* measure
would simply be to make criminal* out
of our boy*. Mr. Mann, of Catoosa,
also coincided with this view.
Mr. I<elgfc of coureta, favored th#
bill, cigarette smoking, he said, en
dangered property, such as barns and
similar houses where there waa stored
Inflammable material.
on motion of Mr. Felder toe bill via
then tabled.
Wanted Ptnalen Laws Changed.
Mr. Hall, of Bibb, took Issue with Mr.
Whitley, of Douglas, upon the Mil of th*
letter gentleman to flx a property qual
ification In the payment of pensions to
Confederate soldier*. Mr. Whitley's
measure provided for payment of pay
ments to thoae entitled to them only
when they owned less than 11.200 of
Mr. Hall thought It waa sought to
enact Into law by a mere bill what It
would require an amendment to the
ronatlt'utlon to arrnmpltah—and to sub
stantiate this position read from the
constitution for what purposes taxes
might be levied.
"Poverty," and what waa meant by
the word, was th# keynote around
which the battle of word* raged. Mr.
Whitley contended that the poverty
contemplated In the constitution was,
In a sense, equivalent to that contained
In his measure.
The purpose of the bill was to pre
vent the payment of pensions to those
who were worth 11.200 or more In prop
erty. thus giving more money to the
eeally Impoverished soldier* of th*
Two big automobiles, taken from th*
Atlanta Automobile Company by negro
chauffeurs, without permission of the
owner*, and each containing a party of
nagro men and women, were chased
and caught by the police In autoe Fri
day morning between midnight and 2
Another machine was alao takafl nut
without permission, but borke down at
the Brookwood bridge. In Peachtree
road. The three drivers. It appear*,
conceived tha Idea of n little automobile
tour, and accordingly Invited a number
of their friend* to Join them, both men
and women.
The machines were obtained by th*
negroes late Thursday afternoon and
were kept In use until the early hours
of Friday morning, the trip being con
fined chiefly to Peachtree road. When
It became known that the autos were
out without the consent or knowledge
of the owners, the police station was
notified anil Call Officers Hulsey and
Domett were detailed to catch the ne
groes. i
Eight arrest* ware made, and the no
roes will all be arraigned for trial
Friday afternoon before Recorder
The three machine* belong to W. E.
Cliapln, W. C. Walter* and n. E. Fort-
"°>i ; on* of the*# owner* knew hla auto
had been taken out for the IlltJ* auto
mobile party.
Th* crowd of negroes Is said to have
had atdentlful supply of liquor on hnnd
and were having n general good time
when the police Interrupted. Several
of the negroes are said to have been
On* Machine Wracked.
The police officers were furnished
with two machines and a driver for
each, starting on the chase about
midnight. The first auto found was
the wrecked machine at the Brookwood
bridge. Th* negroes who were In this
machine quids their escape.
Another machine was sighted In
Peachtree road, proceeding In (he dl
ractlon of th* city, and the police start
ed after it. On seeing the police, the
negroes opened up the auto and began
a run for liberty. The police machine
Increased its speed and there was an
auto race the like of which has never
been seen fit Peachtree. One of the
men estimated that the machines made
a record of at least 10 miles an hpur.
The chase led to Fourteenth ktreet,
down to Piedmont park, and thenca
along Piedmont avenue to Tenth street,
where the fugitives were run tb earth
and taken Into custody.
.The third machine waa sighted In
Peachtree street, at Qaker, and another
chase ensued. This machine managed
to keep In the lead and waa not rap
tured until It reached the establishment
of the automobile company. In North
Ptyor street.
By, Private lapsed Wire.
Chicago, July 20.—Profeeor Charles
Zurblln. of the University of Chicago,
who hail startled the world /with his
reported plan for "marriage* on trial,”
todny modified his declaration In »urb
a way ns M make It more sensational
than before.
Notsd Lawyer Drops Dead.
New York, July 20.—Walter 8. Lo
gan, a lawyer, died sud.vnly while
transacting business In the Equitable
building yesterday. He was formerly
president of the New York Bar Asso
ciation and president of the American
Bar Association. A physician said
that Mr. Logan's death waa due to
heart failure. .
While declaring that he doe* not
favor a "marriage on trial." he declar
ed himself for a probationary marriage,
In the form of a legalised engagement.
In other words, he proposed that ther*
shall be two marriage ceremonies, the
second to be the reel and binding cera-
mony, six months after the first.
state. The author moved to table It,
to await the action of th* senate on an
identical measure now (tending there.
No Afternoon Session.
Ther* will be no afternoon session, the
house having adopted th* motion of
Mr. Steed, of Carroll, that when the
house adjourn at l o'clock, It do so to
meet at 10 o’clock Saturday morning.
Nsw Bill*.
Tha following new bills war* Intro
By Mr. Mann, of Catoosa—A reaolu
tion for llie relief of W. J. Boxeinan.
By Mr. SeJ-mour—To amend section
574, volume 1 of the code; also to
amend 575, volume 1 of the code.
By Mr. Kelly, of tllnarock—To re
quire rompante* operating electric car*
In thla stale to furnish suitable stools
for molormen.
By Messrs. M*y*on and Alexander—
To authorise election of a county com
missioner of road* and revenues for
DeKalb county.
By Mr. lowgley, of Troup—To amend
the net providing for (he acceptance by
the state of the Soldier*' Home.
By Me*»r». Akin and Connor, of Bar
tow—To pay E W. Hendrick* for work
don* In the pension department.
By Mr. Ashley, of Lowndes— 1 To
amend the act creating th* city court
of Valdosta.
By M r. Wise, of Fayette—To amend
an act to levy and collect a tax for
etate government, etc.
By Me»er*. Hardman *nd Holder, of
Jackaon—To pay pension due Mr*. M.
E. Lord; to pay J. L. Martin MOO.
By Mr. Wright, of Floyd—To amend
the charter of Rome.
By Mr. Buchanan, of Early—To abol
ish the city court of Earfv county and
create the city court of Blakely.
By Mr. Barker, of Troup—To repeal
an 'act to amend an act to create a
Boys’ Washable Suits
$1.00 to $5.00
Muse’s jnakes it easy for every boy to have stylish and
becoming wash suits. And his mother doesn’t have to be
extravagant, either.
Our price range ascends in such easy steps that no 1 pocket
book is skipped. And, the suits are all picked suits—picked
for goodness and durability of material as well as style.
Our rules in buying are your*rules.
Collarlcss Russian Blouse
Suit for boys two and a
half to five years; comes in
tan or blue chambray with
white pique shield. .$2.50
Cadet Russian Blouse Suit
for boys from two and a
half to five years; it comes
in a white Galatea or
white French Cam
bric .. $3.00
White Pique or white Lin
en, at, $3.50
The new Sailor Blouse
Suit for boys from five to
ten; comes in brown. Lin
en, at .. . .$2.00 and $3,00
In white Linen .. . .$3.50
Cadet Sailor Blouse Suit
for boys from five to nine
years. In dark blue or tan
Chambray $3.00
White Pique, at....$4.00
Boys’ Bathing Suits.
Boys’ Bathing Suits in solid blue or gn . /\/\
fancy banded in colors. All sizes... OvC lO
And Other Things.
Boys’Blouse Shirt Waists Boys’ Overall And “Jack
in white and colored Ma
dras; with or without col
lars. .. 50c, 75c and $1.00
Boys’ Pongee and Linen
Blou8oa with soft collar
and cuffs attached. Sizes
9 to 14 $1.00
Boys’ Indian Play Suits,
made in tan Khaki, trim
med with red. Sizes 3 to
12 ..$1.00
and Jill” Play Suits,
25c and 50c
Boys’ Neckties in Silk
Four-in-Hands aud Wind
sor 25c and 50c
Boys’ Stockings, fast
black, aft.. . .15c; 2for 25c
Lisle Thread, at 25c
Cleaned Up Work on Desk
and Adjourned Till -
system <if public schools In the town
>f West Point.
By Mr. Jenkins, of Putnam—To pay
pension of Joseph Dee*.
By 51 r. Beauchamp, of Butta—To
amend the charter of Pepperton.
FOR SALE—A Great Bargain—200-
Year-Cslendar. Handaomely printed
on nne paper. Just the thing for pre-
mluma and aouvanlra.
400 Highland Ave.
J. C. lllakely, a flagman for tha
Imulavllle and Nashville Railroad, waa
bound over to the stale court* Friday
morning by Recorder Broyles on tha
charge of larceny from the house, he
being accused of stealing ■ grip Wed
nesday from the baggage room In the
old depot.
The stolen grip belong* to W. W.
Carlton, of Atlantic City, Fla. It wa»
recovered by Detective* Simpson nnd
Campbell In a barroom, where It Is aald
to have been left by the accused flag
man. Blakely waived trial and made
no alatement.
lly Private I esse. I Wire.
Ithncn, X. V., July 20.—James
Morrison ninl Mrs. Roselle Hollen
beck, of Dnnbv, a village aouth of
this city, are in jai! charged with
torturing Kona Hollenbeck, seven
yeara old, 'a granddaughter of
Mrs. Hollenbeck.
The little girl, it is alleged, had
been laid on n table by her guar
dian* ami her face scraped with a
butcher knife, the man threaten
ing meanwhile to skin her alive.
The offense for which the child
was punishetl the prisoners’ state,
was the defacing of paint on the
side of the house with a lead pen
Take Up for Roosevelt.
Hartford, Conn., July 20.—Criticism
of the methods pursued by President
Rooaevelt In connection with the In
vestigation of the packer* by Frank
Thurber, a New York lawyer, formerly
a manufacturer, was the chief feature
of yesterday’s session of the National
Pure Food convention. A motion was
1 Missed unanimously disapproving th*
sentiments expressed against Presi
dent Rooaevelt
The senate made short ahrtft of It
Friday morning, and after cleaning up
all business on^the desk at 11:20, ad
journed until 11 o’clock Monday morn
Three senate and four house bills
ware passed and four new one* intro
duced. Henator Birmans Introduced, by
request, a bill to create a new coun
ty out of Coffee, Appling and Ware. It
I* proposed to name th* new county
Nlcholla, after Captain John C. Nlch-
The *o-called Bell child labor bill
was read for the first time and referred
to the committee on labor and labor
fljiere I* some feeling of resentment
In the senate over th* action of th*
house In taking the child labor bill,
word for word, as Introduced In the
senate by twenty-thre* members, and
passing It under the name of a house
Bills Introducad.
By Henator Bond: To repeal section
of code requiring notice to be given
to mortgager* when mortgages are
foreclosed In Justice courts.
By Henator Hlrman* (by request): To
■eate new county out of Coffee, Ap
pling nnd Ware, to be named Nlcholla.
By Henator West: To amend code
which provides for the posting of lands
and for punishment of persona fishing
hunting on same.
By Henator Wheatley (by request):
To cede to the United Htate* exclusive
Jurisdiction over certain lands acquired
( or public purposes within this state,
nd authorise ths acquisition thareof.
Senat* Bill* Patatd.
By Henator Htrange: To establish a
board of commissioners of road* and
revenues for JenkJns.
By 8enator Htrange: To provide for
the election of the city court Judge* of
By Henator Htrange: To provide for
the election of a city court solicitor for
House Bills Paasad.
By Mr. Perry of Hall: A reaolution
providing a Joint committee to consider
propriety of n revision of the law of
criminal procedure. Two from senate,
three from house and three from Oeor.
gla Bar Association. Senators Reid and
Bennett appointed for senate.
By Mr. Felder of Bibb: To make
It unlawful to ride a bicycle, tricycle
or like contrivance upon the sidewalks
of the suburbs of Macon.
By Mr. Dunbar of Richmond: To reg-
ulnte compensation of official stenog
raphers of superior courts In certain
By Mr. Wilcox of Irwin: To repeal
act Incorporating town of Chula. In
Irwin county.
At 11:20 the senate adjourned until 11
o'clock Monday morning.
Malaria Makes Pat* Blood.
Th* Old Standard, Grove's Tasteless
Chill Tonic, drives out malaria and I respa
builds up tha system. Sold by all i candidate
dealers fur 2* years. Price 50 cents.
I respectfully announce mysalf a
candidate for council from tha Second
ward, subject to tha whit* orimary on
August 22.
I respectfully announce myself a
candidate lor council from tho Third
ward, subject to tha white primary an
August 22.
I respectfully announce myaalf a
candidate for council from the Sloth
ward, subject to the white primary a*
August 22.
I respectfully announce myself a
candidate for council from the Fourth
ward, subject to white primary an
August 22. .
Sperlnl Cable—Copyrixbt.
Uln He Janeiro, Brasil. July 35.—Elab
orate preparations are brine made for the
meeting of tbe Pon-Amerlmn congress
which meets lo this city next week. Every
egort wilt lie made l,y the Ilmtlllnn gov
ernment to make the stny of rbe commit-
■toners plrsaant.
Secretary of State Root, nlmard the
flitted .Stairs cruiser charleston, la ei.
peeled to arrive here a week from today,
Foreign Minister Itlo Rlsneo .rut * eonllal
jrefemse to Mr. Unnt when be Drat touch.
#<l Hnstllnn aotl at Par*.
In reply, he tint received from Mr. Root
the following telegram:
"f thank you for yonr kind m-ssifge of
greeting, received at the moment of first
'lag my root on the enll of llrusll. I
IT *s n hapny omen of the good result*
wbleh will Inevitably flow from more iter-
feet understanding and frlendaklp between
nor two rmrotrtea. and these, 1 bepe, we
may lire long to promote."
for County Treaiurer, sub
ject to whit* prlmary^on^ Au^uat^22L
respectfully announce myself
" ata for
joet to white primary on Au^ust^tt
ly .
County Treasurar.jiub-
imary on Ai
Captain Winfield Jones, who hM of
fice* In Century building, has been ap
pointed -commandant of George C.
Looney'* School at 97 Washington
To My Friends:
I am a candidate for County Treasurer for Fulton
County, and I hope to seeurc your vote and support.
I have taken an active part in pushing forward Ful
ton County’s aud Atlanta’s interests in every way possi
ble, and I promise you aud your friends to protect your
interest as a county official.
Thanking you in advance for your support, I am,
Yours truly,
Democratic Primary August 22, 1008.
By I'rivals Iodised Wire.
New York. July M.-I«ula A. OmiMe.
who says he will lura burglar If aeed »
lo break Into Joliet pealleatlary. errirto
bore tbla morning on bis way bark V**
from Nnnagsnsett Pier. R. 1. where,.fl"
s talk with Justice White, of the l»K”
States supreme court, be deckled to g»
up trying to hare America’s hl*lie*> replace him In Joliet penitentiary.
District Attorney Morrlaon. at i bb-apk
says If Gonrdaln really wants t" *'<
Jail, ks (Morrison) will arrange It for
Special Cable-Copyright.
Compelgne, France, July
Rockefeller left today for 1 Writ awl
where he will board one of the ft™
liners for New York. _ .
The oil king elnue# M* Hx weeks n
lloii. the Brat be bus allowed biro* 1 '
seven yearn, n heller hand *«
sticks than he baa been at any
be become devoted to the sport. ,
"I am tea stroke, better . &
IB.-* beva." hu said today »l“ *
uphaut ami to ,