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Upton Sinclair’s Story in the
Ending 'Rouses Thoughts
of the Future.
(Copyright IMS, by Upton Sinclair. All right* reserved. Published by
■ courtesy of Doubleday, Page & Co.>
Just at this time the mayor waa boasting that he had put an end to
gambling and prise lighting In the city; but here a swarm of professional
gamblers had leagued themselves with the police to lleece the strike break*
ere; and any night In the big open space In front of Brown's one might see
brawny negroes stripped to the waist and pounding each other for money,
while a howling throng of three or four thousand surged about, men and
women, young white girls from the country rubbing elbows with big buck
negroes with daggers In their boots, while rows of woolly heads peered
down from every window of the surrounding factories. The ancestors of
thesa black people had been savages In Africa; and since then they had
been chattel slaves, or had bepn held down by a community ruled by the
traditions of slavery. Now for the first time they were free—free to gratify
every passion, free to wreck themselves. They were wanted to break a
strike, and when It was broken they would be shipped away and their
present mss tors would never see thorn again; and so whisky and women
were brought In by the carload and sold to them, and hell waa let loose In
tbs yards. Every night there were atabblngs and shootings; It was said that
the packers had blank permits, which enabled them to ship dead bodies from
the city without troubling the authorities! They lodged men and women on
the same floor; and with the night there began a saturnalia of debauchery
—scenes such as never before had been witnessed In America. And aa the
women were the dregs from the brothels of Chicago, and the men were, for
the most part, Ignorant country negroes, the nameless diseases of vice were
soon rite; and this where food waa being handled which was sent out to
every corner of the civilised world. ;
Thu UuioA mock Yards" were never a pleasant place; but now they
were not only a collection of (laughter houses, but also the camping placa
of an army of fifteen or twenty thousand human beasts. All day long the
biasing midsummer sun beat down upofi that sqaare mile of abominations;
upon tens of thousands of rattle crowded Into pens whose wooden floors
stank and steamed contagion; upon bare, blistering, cinder-strewn railroad
tracks and huge blocks of dingy meut factorlts, whose labyrinthine passages
defied a Wrath of fresh air to penetrate them; and there werf not merely
rivers of hot blood and car loads of moist flesh and rendering vats and soap
caldrons, glue factories and fertiliser tanka, that, emailed like the craters
of hell—there were also tone of garbage festering In the sun, and tha
greasy laundry of the workers hung out to dry, and dining rooms littered
With food and black with flies, and toilet rooms that were open sewers.
And then at night, when this throng poured out Into the streets tb play
^-lighting, gambling, drinking and carousing, cursing and screaming, laugh
ing and singing, playing banjos ana danclngl They were worked In' the
yards all the seven days of the week, and they had their prise fights and
crap games on Sunday night aa well; but then around the corner one might
see a bonfire biasing and an old, gray-headed negress, lean and wltch-llke,
her hair flying wild and her eyes biasing, yelling and chanting of the fires of
perdition and the blood of the "Lamb," while men and women lay down upon
the ground and moaned and screamed In convulsions of terror and remorse.
Such were the stockyards during the the police proceeded to administer It
•trike; while the unions watched In by leaping from the truck and cracking
aullen despair, and the country clam- a t_«very head they saw.
ored like a greedy child for Its food,
and the packers went grimly on their
way. Each day they added new work
ers, and could be more stern with the'
old ones—could put them on piece
work, and dismiss them If they did not
keep up the pace. Jurgls was now-
one of their agents In this process: and
he could feel the chunge duy by day,
like the slow starting up of a huge
machine. He had gotten used to being
a master of men; and because of the
atlfling heat and the stench, and the
at every
There were yells of rage, and the
terrified people lied Into houses und
stores, or scattered he'.ter-akelter down
the street. Jurgls and his gang joined
In the sport, every man singling out
his victim, und striving to bring him
to bay and punch lilin. If he lied Into
a house hie pursuer would smash In
the flimsy door and follow him up the
stairs, hitting every one who came
within reach, and Anally dragging h|s
squealing quarry from under u bed or
a pile of old clothes In a closet.
Jurgls and two policemen chased
fact that he was a "scab" and knew It, some men Into a barroom. One of
and despised himself, he wo,s drinking,
and developing a villainous temper,
and he stormed and cursed and raged
at hie men, and drove them until they
were ready to drop with exhaustion.
Then one day late In August, a su
perintendent ran Into the place and
shouted to Jurgls and hie gang to drop
their work and come. They followed
Mm outside, to where. In the midst of
a dense throng, they saw several two-
horse trucks waiting, and three patrol
wagon loads of police. Jurgls and hts
men sprang upon one of the trucks,
and the driver yelled to the crowd,
and they went thundering away at a
gallop. Borne steers had just escaped
from the yards, and the strikers had
got hold of them, and there would be
the chance of a scrap!
They went out at tha Ashland ave
nue gate, and over in the direction of
the "dump." There was a yell aa soon
as they were sighted, men and women
rushing out of houses and saloons as
they galloped by. There were eight or
ten policemen on the trucks, however,
atvl there waa no disturbance until
they came to a place where the street
was hjocked with a dense throng. Those
on the flying track yelled a warning
and the crowd scattered pellmelL dis
closing one of the steers lying In Its
blood. There were a good many cat
tle butchers about Just then, with noth
ing much to do, and hungry children
at home; and to some one had knock
ed out the steer—and as a first-class
man can kill and dress one in a couple
of minutes, there were a good many
steaks and roosts already missing. This
ceiled for punishment of course; and
them took shelter behind the bar,
where a policeman cornered him and
proceeded to whack him over the back
and shoulders, until he lay down and
gave a chance at his head. The oth
ers leaped a fence In the rear, balking
the second policeman, who waa fat;
and as he came back, furious and curs
ing, a big Polish wom'an, the owner
of the saloon, rushed In screaming, and
received a poke In the stomach that
doubled her up on the floor. Mean
time Jurgls, who was of a practical
temper, waa helping himself at the bar;
and the first policeman, who had laid
out his. man. Joined him, handing out
several more boltles, and filling his
pockets besides, and then, as he started
to leave, cleaning off all the balance
with a sweep of hts club. The din of
the glass crashing to the floor brought
the fat Polish woman to her feet again,
but another policeman came up behind
her and put hie knee Into her back
and his hands over her eyes—end then
called to hla companion, who went back
and broke open the cash drawer and
tilled his pocket* with the contents.
Then the three went outside, and the
man who was holding the woman gave
her a shove and dashed out himself.
The gang, having already got the car
cass onto the truck, the party set out
at a trot, followed by screams nnd
curses and a shower of bricks and
stones from unseen, enemies. These
bricks and stones would figure In the
accounts of the "riot" which would be
sent out to a few thousand newspaper*
within an hour or two; but the epi
sode of the cash drawer would never
be mentioned again, save only In the
hoart-breaklng legends of Packlngtown.
It waa late In the afternoon when
they got back, and they dressed out the
remainder of the steer, and a couple of
others that had been killed, and then
knocked off for the day. Jurgls went
downtown to supper, with three friends
who had been on the other trucks,
and they exchanged reminiscences on
tha way. Afterward they drifted Into a
roulette parlor, and Jurgls, who was
never lucky at gambling, dropped about
•IS. To console himself, he had to
drink a good deal, and he went back
to Packlngtown about 2 o'clock In the
morning, very much the worse for his
excursion, and. It must be confessed,
entirely deserving the calamity that
was In store for him.
As he was going to the place where
he slept he met a painted-cheeked
woman In a greasy "kimono," and she
put her arm about hla waist to steady
him; they turned Into a dark room
they were passing—but scarcely had
they taken two step* before suddenly
a door swung open, and a man enter
ed, carrying a lantern. "Who's there?"
he called sharply. And Jurgls started
to mutter some reply; but at the same
Instant the man raised his light, which
flashed In his face, so that It was pos
sible to recognise him. Jurgls stood
stricken dumb, and his heart gave a
leap like a mad thing. The man was
Connor! ^
Connor, the boss of the loading gang.
The man who had ruined hts wife—who
had sent him to prison, and wrecked
his home, and ruined hie life. He stood
there, staring with the light shining
full upon him.
Jurgls had often thought of Connor
since coming hack to Packlngtown. hut
It had been as of something far off,
that no longer concerned him. Now,
however, when he saw him, alive and
In the flesh, the same thing happened
to him that had happened before—a
flood of rage boiled up In him, a blind
frensy seised him. And he flung him
self at the man, and smote him be
tween the eyes—and then, as he fell,
seised him by tho throat and began to
pound Ms head upon the stones.
The wdman began screaming, and
people came rushing In. Tho lantern
had been upset and- extlngullhed, and
It was so dark they could not see a
thing; hut they could hear Jurgls
panting, nnd hear the thumping of his
victim's skull, and they rushed there
and tried to pull him off. Precisely
UK before. Jurgls came away with a
piece of hla enemy's flesh between his
teeth: nnd, as before, he went on fight
ing with those who hnd Interfered
with him, until a policeman had come
and beaten him Into Insensibility.
And so Jurgls spent tho balance of
the night In the stock yards station
house. This time, however, he had
money In his pocket, and when he came
to his senses he could get something
to drink, hnd also a messenger to take
word of his plight to “Bush" Harper.
Harper did not appear, however, until
after the prisoner, feeling very weak
and III, had been haled Into court and re-
manded at 1500 ball to await the result
of his victim's Injuries. Jurgls was
wild about this, because a different
magistrate had chanced to be on the
bench, nnd he had stated that he had
never been arrested before, and also
that he had been attacked first—and If
only some one had been there to speak
a good word for him he could have
been let off at once.
But Harper explained that he hnd
been down town, and had not got the
message. "What's happened to you?"
he asked.
"I've been doing a fellow up," said
Jurgls, "and I've got to get $500 hall."
"I can arrange thnt all right," said
the other, "though It may eost you a
few dollnrs, of course. But what was
the trouble?"
it was n man that did me a mean
trick once," answered Jurgls.
"Who Is her
"He’s a foreman in Brown'a—or used
to be. His name’s Connor.
And the other gave a start. "Con
nor!"' ho cried. "Not Phil Connorr
"Yes," said Jurgls, "that's the fellow.
"flood Clod!" exclaimed the other,
then you're In for It, old man! I
can’t help you!"
"Not help me! Why not?"
"Why. he's one of Scully's biggest
men—he’s a member of the War-
Whoop League, and they talked - of
sending him to the legislature! Phil
Connor! Great heavens!”
Jurgls sat dumb with dismay.
"Why, he ran send you to Joliet. If
he wants to!” declared the other.
"Can't I have Scully get me off be
fore he flnds out about It?" asked Jur
ats, at length.
"But Scully's out of town,” the other
answered. "I don't even know where
he Is—he's run away to dodge the
That was a pretty mess, Indeed. Poor
Jurgls sat half dated. His pull hod run
up agajnst a bigger pull, and he was
down and out! "But what am I going
to do?" he asked, weakly.
How should I know?" said the otb-
“I shouldn't even dare to get ball
for you—why, I might ruin myself for
Again there was silence. "Can't you
do It for me?” Jurgls asked. "And pre
tend that you didn't know who I'd
“But what good would that do when
you came to stand trial?” asked Harp
er. Then he eat burled In thought for
a minute or two. "There’s nothing—
unless It's this." he said. "I could have
your ball reduced; and then If you had
the money you could pay It and skip."
"How much will It be?” Jurgls aske<_.
after he had had this explained more
In detail.
"I don't know,” said the other. "How
much do you own?"
"I've got about |JOO," was- the an
"Well," said Harper, 'Tm not sure,
but I'll try and get you off for that. I'll
take the risk for friendship's sake—for
I'd hate to see you sent to state prison
for a year or two."
And ao finally Jurgls ripped out hie
bank book—which was sewed up In
his trousers—and signed an order,
which “Buell" Harper wrote, for all the
money to be paid out Then the lat
ter went and got It, and hurried t<
the court, and explained to the magta.
trate that Jurgls was a decent fellow
and a friend of Scully's, who had been
attacked by a strike-breaker. So the
ball was reduced to 1300, and Harper
went on it himself; ho did not tell this
to Jtirgls, however—nor did he tell him
that when the time for trial came It
would be^nn easy matter for him to
avoid tho forfeiting of the ball and
pocket the-4100 as his reward for the
risk of offending Mike Scully! All that
he told Jurgls was that he waa now
free, and that the best thing he could
do was to clear out as quickly aa pos
sible; and so Jurgls, overwhelmed with
gratitude and Tellef, took the dollar
and fourteen cents that woe left him
out of all his bank account, and put It
with the two dollars and a quarter
that was left from his last night's cele
bration, and boarded a street car and
got off at the other end of Chicago,
After Chapter XXVI "The Jungle"
drops completely the narrative of life
In the stockyards and plunges Into the
story of how Jurgls Is led Into a coterie
of Socialists; how he Imbibed their
principles, and how they promulgated
these principles.
(This Is a brief synopsis of the last
live chapters.)
Poor Jurgls was now an outcast and
a tramp once more. He was crippled
—as literally crippled as any wild ani
mal which hnd lost Its claws. He
could no longer command a Job when
he wanted it; he could no longer steal
with Impunity.
And aleo he labored under another
handicap now. When he had been out
of work before he had been content
If he could sleep In a doorway or un
der a truck out of the rain, and If. he
could get 15 cents a aay for saloon
lunches. But now he desired all sorts
of other things, and suffered because
he had to do without them. He tqust
have a drink now and then, a drink
for Ita own sake and apart from the
food that came with It.
Jurgls became once more a besieger
of factory gates. But never since he
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had been In Chicago had he stood less
chance of getting a job than Just then.
At the end of about ten days he had
only a. few pennies left; and he had
not yet found a Job—not even a chance
to carry a satchel. Raw, naked terror
posaesed him. lie was guing to die o'
hunger! He would walk, begging to:
work, until he was exhausted. Every
where he went there were hundreds of
others like him; everywhere was the
sight of plenty—and the merciless hand
of authority waving them away. There
Is one kind of prison Where the man la
behind bars, and everything that he
desires Is outside; and there Is an
other kind where the thlhgs are be
hind bars and the man is outside.
Down to hie last quarter, Jurgls took
to living on stale bread, which .the
bakers sold at a reduced price, and
lived for two days upon a cabbage
which he snatched from a stall.
One night he was given a quarter
by an old lady for carrying her bun
dles and he obtained a meal which
stufKd hie akin as tight as a football,
afterward finding himself In a hall
where Senator Spareshonks was ex
plaining the system of protection, an
Ingenious device whereby the working
man permitted the manufacturer t<
charge him high prices, In order that
he might receive higher wages; thus
taking his money out of hie pocket
with one hand and putting a part of It
back with the other. To the senator
this unique arrangement had somehow
become Identified with the higher veri
ties of the universe. -v
Singular as It may seem, Jurgls was
making a desperate effort to compre
hend the extent of American prosper
ity. The reason was that he wanted
to keep awake. But he had eaten such
a big dinner, and the room was so
warm, Jurgls began to snore; one of
his neighbors called a policeman and
he was thrown out.
In the street, Jurgls caught elgHt of
a well-dressed woman. It waa Alena
Jasaltyte, who bad been the belle of hla
wedding feastl
Alena gave Jurgls the address of
MarIJa, a number on Clark street, and
he set out to And her. While waiting
In the hall, there was a cry of "Po-
llcel ” nnd In the confusion Jurgls
comas upon MarIJa. Every one In the
house was arrested, hut the magistrate
frees Jurgls next morning, and he wan
ders past the hall from which ha had
been ejected for snoring during Sena
tor Spareehanks' speech.
Another meeting was In progress,
and Jurgls entered, to And that It was
held by Socialists. After the speaking
he ventured to thank the lecturer for
hla address and waa Introducsd to
Ostrinakl, a little tailor, who took Jur
gls to his room and talked to him for
hours of the Socialist movement.
To Jurgls the packers had been
equivalent to fate; Ostrinakl showed
him that they were the beef trust It
was a monster devouring with a thou
sand mouths, trampling with a thou
sand hoofs; It waa the Great Butcher
—It waa tha spirit of capitalism made
flesh. Bribery and corruptlqn were Ita
everyday methods. In Chicago the city
government was simply one of Its
branch offices; It stole billions of gal
lons of city water openly; It dictated
to the courts the sentences of disor
derly strikers; It forbade the mayor
to enforce the building laws against It.
In the national capital It had power to
prevent Inspection of It* product, and
to falsify government report*; It vio
lated the rebate laws, and when an In
vestigation was threatened It burned
Its books and sent Ita criminal agents
out of the country.
It had forced the price of cattle so
low as to destroy the stock raising in-
dustry, an occupation upon which whole
states existed! It had ruined thou
sands of butchers who had refused to
handle Its products. It divided the
country Into districts, and fixed the
price of meat In all of them; and It
owned all the refrigerator can, and
levied on enormous tribute upon all
raultry and eggs and fruit and vegeta-
>les. With the millions of dollars a
week that pouredln upon It, It was
reaching out for the control of other
Interests, railroad and trolley lines, gas
and electric light franchises—It alrea"?.-
owned the groin and leather business
of the country.
After breakfast with OstrtnskL Jur
gls »V nt home to Elsbleta and began
i:he hunt for work, soon getttng a Job
as porter in a small hotel kept by
‘Tommy" Hinds, a leader In the So
cialist party. Here many Western cat
tlemen were accustomed to stay, and
Hinds would get them around him In
the lobby and paint little pictures of
•The System."
•See here," he would say In the midst
of an argument, "I’ve got a fellow right
here who’s worked there and seen ev
ery bit of It.” Gradually Jurgls found
out what was wanted, and he would
stand up and speak his piece with en
thusiasm, and when Jurgta would give
the formula for “potted ham” or tell
about the condemned hogs that were
dropped Into the "destructor*" at the
top and taken out again at the bottom,
to be shipped Into another state and
made iato lard. Hinds would bang hla
knee and cry. “Do you think a man
could make up a thing like that?"
And ‘when the victim would aay that
the whole country waa getting stirred
up, that the newspapers were full of
denunciations of the beef trash and the
government taking action a gains' It.
Tommy Hinds had a knockout blow all
ready. "Yes," he would say, "all that
la true—but what do you suppose is
the reason for It Are you foolish
enough to believe that It la done for
the public? There are other trusts In
the country Just as Illegal and actor-
tlonate as the beef trust; there Is the
coal trust that freeses the poor In
winter; there t* the steel trust that
doubles the pries of every nail In your
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you from reading at night—and why
you suppose It Is that all the fury Is
directed against the beef trust?
And when to this the victim would
reply that there was clamor enough
over the oil trust ths other would con
tinue: "Ten years ago Henry D.
Lloyd told all ths truth about the
Standard Oil Company In his "Wealth
Versus Commonwealth,' and ths book
waa allowed to die, and you hardly
ever hear of It.. And now, why Is It all
ao different with the beef trust?”
Here the other would generally admit
that he waa stuck, and Tommy Hinds
would explain to him. “It la the rail
road trust that runs your state govern
ment wherever you live, and that runs
the United States senate. And all of
ths trusts that I have named are rail-*
road trusts—save only the beef trust.
The beef trust has defied the railroads
—It Is plundering them day by day
through the private car; and so the
public is routed to fury, and the gov
ernment goes on the warpath.
“And you poor common people watch
and applaud ths job, and think It's all
done for you, and never dream that It
Is really the grand climax of the cen
tury-long battle of commercial compe
tition—the final death-grapple of ths
chiefs of the beef trust and Standard
Oil for the prise of the mastery and
ownership of the United States of
After an Ineffectual effort to Indues
MarIJa to abandon the life she waa
leading In the house on Clark street,
Jurgls settled down to work and tha
constant study of Socialism, so thnt
when the night of the election came
around he was one of the most excited
In the group receiving the returns of
the party, and his story ends, ns ons
of the orators declaims, "'Chicago will
be ours!"
(The End.)
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