The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, July 21, 1906, Image 1
j SPECIAL SATURDAY I NIGHT EDITION. | | |~ ie Atlanta Georgian, i SPECIAL SATURDAY ' NIGHT EDITION. I VOL. L NO. 74. ATLANTA, GA., SATURDAY, JULY 21, 1906 TypTrtir • fB TWO CENTS. XMVJAaLj. on Train* FIVE CENTS. ONE MORE WEEK PASSES AND CARTOONIST BREWERTON GIVES HIS IMPRESSION OF WHAT IT BROUGHT FORTH £ Southern to Double -track FROM ATLANTA TC MACON He TO MAKE A PUBLIC PARK AT GREAT COST Will Spend $25,000 Beautifying the Grounds A. O. Rhode* will make a public park out of the land adjacent to hla magnifi cent home on the Peachtree road and will spend *25,000 In beautifying It. When aeen by a reporter Saturday morning Mr. Rhode* eald: it In too noon for me to give you a definite outline of my plan*. I do not object, however, to telling you that tha park Is a certainty." ‘Van you say when It will be laid off?" "I cannot. Certainly not before au tumn. If that soon." "Will you place the matter In the hands of an expert landscape artist, a* |> reported?” "I shall, of courao, though a* yet I have made no arrangements for any contract." . When asked what amount he would expend on the enterprise, Mr. Rhodes replied warily, "I have no idea how : m£h It will require,” which may be iken us an Indication that he stand* ■ady to expend whatever the artist Inks necessary. Report has It, how- >er, that Mr. Rhode* expect* to uae fully >25,000 to good advantage In Im proving and beautifying the proporty. When asked If tho imrk would bo n public one, he said that of course It would still bo prlvato property, but that It would be for tho use of the public. The plot lies between the homes of Mr. Rhode* and Dr. Crawford on Peachtree road, and sloping gently from the street, make* a beautiful dell ad mirably suited for park purposes. The project 1* a decided step toward civic Improvement, and one which. If followed by other cltlxena, would mean m much toward the happiness of our people as toward the boat FRIENDS OF ARCHITECT WORK TO HAVE THAW SENT TO AN ASYLUM They Fear Disclosures of Family Skeleton At Trial—Mother of Slayer Pleads With Her Stubborn Son in Vain. autlfylng of BROUGHTON GOING 10 TAKE Accord Inf to a notice aent to Tha Geor< Clan Saturday, Dr. Lao G. Broughton will Mb reaped* to the praaant Atlanta political situation In a sermon to ha deltv rred Sunday night. , Ah J»r. Broughton will Mil for Europe In a few daye, the service Sunday night »lll i-c hlB last In the city for three month*. He w m also jjavo a few things Xn of “An Immoral Heaven,” ami irnmlw* to make It tntereetlng enoug people from thinking of the heat. SCRIPPS-M’RAE BUY PUBLISHERS* PRESS By Private Leased Wire. .NVw York, July 21.—At a special meeting of thn directors of the Publishers’ Press htlon, held nt the general offices «f the iiHRoclatlon here. It was announced that K. \v. Herlppa anil M. A. Mcllae had pnrchuMdl a controlling interest In the as- »tIon. J. B. Mhale, president of the Publish,.fa* press Association, announced ’nit »• and T. J. Keenan, aecretary of the •Mncintion. have disposed of all their !«> wh,r h Jointly gave a control. Shale •n«l Keenan thereupon tendered their realff tHtlou, n * officer* and directors. , M , A. Mcltne. J. C. Harper and John jsndcrrnok were elected directors to fill ttinrii'iea In the board and the board then nnlniMURiy elected M .A. McRae president ■ti'i John Vandercook aecretary and general manager. Andrew McLean was retained 8 * vl<« president and treasurer. maxybids filed 1’OIi panama bonds By Prlvute Leased Wire. Washington, July 21.—Allotment of VC. >30,000,000 Parvima canal bond* for the bids were opened la*t evening at “* treasury department, but will not S* r fflrlally made until the department has rail opportunity to cerlfy the au- ' *n.i, lty „f the b | dll> which on their ta, . are within the limit neee«*ary to their acceptance. About 2,000 ow, were received. The average price *•>111 he below 101.15. SOLDIER boys arrive AT FORT OGLETHORPE Serial to The Georgian. ' hatpin™**, Tenn.. July 21.-Oeo*r»l ''"mmsndlng the soldiers while en- ampe.1 at Fort Oglethorpe. Chiokaman** ;‘ ,k ' Ba, leaned order, which will regulate aruiy mencoeer* of the troop* while jci-anyt hero. None of the public prop- R* P^' -Mury'c^dfitenTTbero By no a hooting for sane on the t-T “ 'Be law* of Georgia Impo** * I-entity for hilling game ont of n.-io. .J of the aoliller* who *re to , baa reached the camp. It w«* By Private Leased Wire. New York, July 21.—The friend* of Stanford White, the murdered art hi - fecL today are co-operating Indirectly with Mr*. William Thaw to prevent Harry Kendall Thaw from being placed on trial. A trial would be productive of star tling revelations, and this the dead architect's friends seek to avoid, while Mr*. Thaw fear* the electric chair for her *on in the event of a trial with the "unwritten law” a* a defense. Two Women Don’t 8p*ak. The breach between Evelyn Nesblt Thaw and her husband's mother has widened, because the young wife, alone of those close to him, ha* encouraged him In hi* decision to fight all at tempts to prove him Insane. In private the two women do not speak now. Mrs. Thaw Ignores the ng wife entirely, and while Evelyn w Is dolftg all she> can to aid her husband to keep the insanity plea out of the case, Mrs. William Thaw con stantly la sending suggestions to Mr. Olcott to enable him to establish Thaw's-mental Irresponsibility. Lawyers Not Recognised, The Olcott firm, which the mother retains. Is not recognised by her son and Mr*. Thaw and her lawyer* ignore Clifford Hartrldge, Thaw'* personal counsel. It I* understood that. In line with the new policy of the defense In plead ing justification, Mr. Hartrldge will make public within the next few daye fact* that have hitherto been unreveal- ed bearing upon the case and tending to show the tension to which Thaw had been wrought up by the circumstance* In which he labored. Whits’* Widow to Lsav*. , It is bellsved the publication of these excerpts from the evidence which the defense has collected, including por tions of the secret statements made by the wife of the prisoner, will go far toward bringing public sympathy to his cause, which Is considered a highly desirable objective by his counsel. Mrs. Stanford White will leave New York for Paris early In August and will remain away until the Thaw trial Is concluded. Will Keep Statement. Terrence J. McManus of the firm of Black, Olcott. Gruber & Bonynge today refused to give up the first statement of Evelyn Nesblt Thaw of her life story. When Hartrldge's brother, also a lawyer, asked for It today Mu. Mc Manus referred Mr. Hartrldge to Judge Olcott and turned on his heel. Plead* With Her 8on. Thaw's mother made a last appeal'to her son today to permit her to direct the fight for hts life. Mrs. Thaw, ac companied by her daughter, Mrs. Car negie, came to ths Tombs from the latter’s country place at Roslyn, R. I., and later, Joined by Harry Thaw's wife, held a lengthy conference with him in the conference room of the prison. But the attitude of Evelyn Nesblt Thaw toward her mother-in-law Indi cated that, In spite of the fact she Joined the family council, the elder and the yodnger women were still opposing each other. HEARD THAT HARTJE HAD KILLED SELF Rumor Caused Excitement. Effort Made to Steal Judge’s Papers. By Prlvato Loosed Wire. Pittsburg, Pi. # July 21.—Excitement reign ed'ln Pittsburg for a short time this af ternoon when a report became current that Augustus Ilartje, the millionaire paper manufacturer who la suing bis wife for divorce, had committed otilrde. For aotno time no trace of the man could lie found, but A telephone mesMgc to the office oj Attorney W. II. Rodgers finally located him. What Is believed to have been a dellb- Judge Robert B. _ the IlartJe case, Mew Ixiug beard, fruatrnten by an alert woman employee of the court nouee, when a young man, claiming to he a eon of the Judge, wee din- covered trying to obtain entrauco to the Judge's cbstnlwre. Word was received by the police from the authorities In Philadelphia that a plot had been hatched In that city to kidnap the two Ilartje children. Detectives ere guarding the children. KANSAS CITY PENS ARE UNSANITARY HL. 0000000000000000000000000a MEAT LAW RULES ARE TO BE MADE. INJUNCTION GRANTED IN CHUR CH UNION CASE Are Restrained From Using the Name Cumberland. 8peclel to The Georgina. Nashville, Tenn., July 21.—Dr. Ira lion because of the acute eltuatlon the union of the Cumberland with the Presbyterian church In the United States has brought about and to pre vent a multiplicity of law suits threat ening because of the various divisions of Individual churches. The defend ants are enjoined from using the name Cumberland Presbyterian. NEGRO MURDERER HAS BEEN CAPTURED Special to The Oeorrf.n. assembly of the Cumberland Presbyte rlan church, and head of the conven tional board, is complainant In a blit today, presented to Judge John A. Childress, of the circuit court, and upon which a temporary Injunction was granted against the antl-unlonlsts of that church, restraining them from In terfering In any way with the services preparatory or Judlcatora of that part of the Presbyterian church formerly known as the Cumberland Prssbyte- rlan. The principal defendants named are Rev. J. L. Hudnee and Rev. T. H. Padgett, and stated clerk of the body Padgett, stated clerk of the body True Cumberland Presbyterian Assem- bly. The restraining order applies to the entire state and was ssked for after a conference of leaders of the union fac- ONE MAN IS KILLED TWO INJURED IN FREIGHT WRECK Engine and Four Cars Leap From Track and Turn Turtle. Special to The Georgian. Charlotte. N. C„ July 21.—Near Salisbury last night an extra freight train was derailed on the Southern Railway. Fireman Hsrvey M. Bmlr- ley was Instantly killed and Engineer L. B. Lucas and Brakeman E. M. Par ker were seriously Injured. The en gine and four cars turned turtle, and Fireman Smlrley w«* caught beneath the engine and crushed to death. En gineer Lucas was bsdly scalded and Brakeman Parker has » broken arm and leg. Gadsden, Ala., July 21.—Ed. Taylor, a negro who murdered Henry Ham mond at Rock Sprtnga, thta county, on June 9, has been captured at Colum bus, On. The sheriff has gone to that city for the prisoner and will take him to the Birmingham jail for safekeeping. ENGINES COLLIDE; ENGINEER IS HURT Special to The Georgian. Albany, Oa., July 21.—Two Atlantic Coast Line switch engines collided In the yards here last night, shortly af ter S o’clock. Engineer Joe Hill was badly mashed across the abdomen. It will be several days before the extent of hie Injuries can be ascertain ed. Both engines were badly damaged. A misunderstanding of signals caused the wreck. DESPERATE ATTEMPT TO COMMIT SUICIDI BY DEPUTV SHEBIff Says He Doeg Not Remember Rash Act, Which He At tributes to Liquor. 8peclal to The Georgian. Savannah, Ga., July 21.—J. J. Sweat, deputy sheriff of Clinch county, made two unsuccessful attempts at suicide In the Screven house lobby yesterday aft ernoon. He first took laudanum and then tried to shoot himself. Patrol man Tullls wrested . the pistol away from him. Sweat waa arrested and at the police eUtlon declared he did not remember trying to take his Ilfs and laid It on to liquor. He came here to get some negroes wanted in bis county. He was dismissed by the recorder this morning, aa be had sobered up. By Private Leased Wire. Washington, 'July 21.—Secre tary Wilson, who has returned from hla trip among the packers of the West, hopes to protnuf- O 0 o o o o o 0 0 0 o o 0O000OQ00000O00O0OOOO000O0 By Private Leased Wire. Kansas City, July 21.—Every packing house, except one, has ben pronounced unsanitary by the United Htates bu reau of animal Industry, and have been given until August 1 to clean up. They had been "whitewashed” by the Commercial Club and Live Stock Exchange. If the houaea are not fixed up not an animal will be allowed tp pass the gates for slaughter. BOTH ARE HELD IN CITY PRISON FOR GEM THEFT WHITE DID NOT VIOLATE THE “UNWRITTEN LAW” DECLARED MR. JEROME Prosecutor Garvan Also Stated at Warm Springs That Thaw’s Victim Had Not Been Too Intimate With Mrs. Thaw. •FAKE" LEGISLATOR By WIDEMAN LEE. By Private Leased Wire. New York, July 21.—Mrs. Elisabeth MoVettte and Alfred M. King, a book maker, both of whom were arrested In connection with the theft of |50,004 worth of Jewels from Mm. Halsey Cor win, were held In >5,000 ball each to day In the Tombs court, for further ex amination on Monday. Lawyer Dan iel O'Reilly, who represented the pris oners, said the whole affair was Irreg ular, as Mra. Corwin had refused to make a complaint against hla clients. Tha woman cried bitterly when she waa led back to her cell. “JUST GIVE 'EM HELL, ANOEL8 CANT DO MORE. By Prints Leased Wire. Eureka Springs, Ark., July 21.—In the Republican congressional conven tion here yesterday General Powell Clayton, In the keynote speech, pro dlctd Democratic defeat. He adjured hla hearers to "give 'em hell, and angels can do no more.’ Oeneral Clayton ' ex-minister to Mexico, IDENTITY OF VICTIMS HA8 BEEN LEARNED Mr. Jeromo would not talk of the Thaw case—that Is to reporters. He did have considerable to say on the subject In talking to some of the law yers at the bar meeting, though hie re marks were not learned until he left there. ‘This rase has attracted considerable attention,” said Mr. Jerome In talking to the solicitor of one of the county courts of Georgia. "It lias been mainly on account of tho many stereotyped newspaper features connected with the tragedy. Some people are looking for ward to the trial. It will not attract the attention the Mollneux case did, for It hasn't the depth to It. "1 am of the opinion that there will be a long (rial, In case a sanity com mission Is applied for. If ths trial Is simply one of defense on the 'unwrit ten law,' It will not last long. “Oh, no. It won't be hard to get Jury, owing to the special law In New York,” eald he In reply to a question from a lawyer. When It was announced that the taw Arm of Judga William K. Olcott had been discharged by Thaw and Hart rldge retained, while the mother of Harry Thaw re-engaged the former firm, there waa considerable doubt In Mr. Gamm's mind as to whether Jt ‘ Olcott could act, being retained ■ome one other than the accused. Oh, I don't think there will bd any trouble about that," said Mr. Jerome when asked about that phase of the alTalr. Move of Last Resort. "Now as to the temporary Injunction secured by Hartrldge against -the dis trict attorney’s otAre, restraining ua from securing evidence and going fur ther with the case', I have only to aay that that Is the course generally pur sued by every lawyer. It Is nothing lual, for Invariably when a lawyer gate, to the end of hie row be appl for a writ of prohibition. It • will i amount to anything. It also became known while the dis trict attorney and his assistants were In Warm Springs that they were of the opinion that tha discharge of hie law yers by Thaw was a part of his Insani ty "play." Ths district attorney and Mr. Gsrvan placed little credence In the "unwritten law" claim. 'Ths South Is not unlike the North, East or West, when It cornea to the un written law, aa It Is called," eald the district attorney. "You cannot secure a conviction In our part of tha state any more than down hare. It la tha •ame anywhere—It Is a subject that appeals to every man In the same light, and the juries disregard the law. This Thaw case, however, le nothing of that sort. Knowing what I do about the case, the 'unwritten law’ will amount to nothing In the trial." "All of this libelous stuff that has been written about Stanford White waa done so purely because those papers knsw they would not be held account able. Had they thought Ills family would care to go to court about It, they would not have dared. Some people have formed .the Ides that certain pa pers were paid to defend Thaw, la * ya. absurd. In a case of this sort It Is the custom of a certain branch of the press to take the side of the case fur nishing the most yellow stuff. In this case It was simple. Hera woe the young and beautiful girl and tha rich n, and the dead man waa pic- working tha husband Into a fransy of rags by hla persecutors. It has s lot of glamor about It. The** yellow papers then got Clara Morris, Julian Hawthorns, KIT* Whesl- •r Wilcox snd other* of that class to write some of their stuff about the beautiful girl, about whom the mantis of wifehood had been thrown by the young millionaire, being pursued by the rich 'beastly' While, oh, It le Just their gnme In an affair of this sort. That side of such a case Is always taken by this certain branch of the press." Nothing Improper, Said Garvan. It waa also learned Friday afternoon that whllo at Warm Springs tha dis trict attorney’s assistant, Mr. Garvan, aald that from the Information he had White had naver been Improperly In tlmate with Evelyn Thaw. While at Warm Springs the Thaw css* was not discussed by Mr. Jeroms with reporters, lie said that on* re porter ram* to him and ssksd whst would hsppsn If Thaw applied for sanity commission. "Why," said Mr. Jaroms, "the asms thing that would happen to any other man M an* ha spa vse tha tlffilial tiroTSU nt ST A TESMEN ARE MARKED FOR DEFEAT BY LABOR Speaker Cannon and OthersTo be Opposed in Campaign. By Private Leased Wire. Cheyenne, Wyo., July 21.—The mys tery surrounding the Identity of the emigrants found murdered between Rawlins and Hanna, west of here, has been solved. The man was Archie Irvine, a wealthy farmer of Costoos, and hla 20-year-old son, Tom. Mrs. Irvine waa suffering with consumption, and last year an overland trip to Ba ker City, Ore., was made, ths family passing through Wyoming on their way watt. ICE TRU8T LAWYER8 ARE NOT IN CONTEMPT By I’rirstr I waned Wire. Toledo, Ohio, July 21.—The circuit court overruled the action of Judge Klnkaide of common pleas court today. In which Thomas H. Tracy. Clarence Brown and Alexander Smith. Ice trust lawyers, were found to be In contempt and were sentenced to serve ten days in jslL By Private Leased Wire. Washington, July 21.—The American Federation of Labor has prepared a political proclamation urging the workingmen of America to unite In op posing the election of all candidates unfavorable to organised labor snd its Interests. This proclamation will ba Issued by President Oompera Monday to tho 2,000,000 voters In Its member ship and the half million member* of ths railroad brotherhood who work with It. Special measures will be taken to defeat Congressman LlttleAeld, of Maine, and President Oompera will give his persons! attention to that copgress- tonal district. On the so-called "unfair list” are also Speaker Cannon, Payne, Landis, Dalsell, Jenkins, of Wisconsin, who Is said to have defeatsd tha In junction bill; Parker, of New Jersey, and several other*. Blrdsall, of Iowa, and Pearce, of Maryland, are the only members of the Judiciary committee to escape. The Hat Includes all the Republican members of the labor committee. AND ESCAPES TRIAL Charged With Insulting Woman At Jackson Hotel. Accused of Insulting Mra. W. O. Green, a young woman of Palestine Texas, Friday night at tha Jack.",, hotel, a young man, who gave hi. name aa ‘‘8. B. Johnson," and professed to be a member of the legislature from Jasper county, waa served with a copy of charges and Saturday morning tailed to appear for trial In police court. At the time the case waa callad, ’Johnson" waa supposed to be a bon i Ade representative and Judge Hrnyl, < ruled he could not be held tn contempt of court because of the law that pro hibits tha arrest of legislators during a session of tha legislature, except for a felony. The unusual situation also prompted the recorder severely to roast this special law, characterising It a • "absolutely absurd." The recorder held that Mrs. Green had no recourse except to protect her self In any way ah a might deem and nscsssary. loiter Investigation failed to reveal the whereabouts of H s. LI. Jdfcnam," and It developed that there Is no sw-ii representative. There are only two rep- reeentatlvaa by the name of Johnson, and neither Of those boasts the initial. '8. H." Mr. Lane, of Montlcello, Is tho representative from Jusper county. "Johnson" could not be found at tha Jackson hotal Saturday and the ,.frt- clals of the hotel could give no Infor mation concerning him. Night Clerk Williamson, who appear- ad In court to testify, was under iho Impression thht “Johnion" waa a tuil- Aedged representative, and that ho hulled from Jasper county. According to later development., the police are convinced that the police court has simply been Aim-flammed by| a smooth stranger, who has escaped tho law by representing himself to be a representative. Charity for Mrs. Grssn. Mr*. Green related to Judge [troyles psthetlo story. She esld that -ha and her children were en route from her Tessa horn* to ths home of rela tives at Danes Ferry, near Macon, end that before reaching Atlanta she lost nil of her money, >20. On arrival hero •ha appealsd to a policeman nnd ho took her to the Jackson hotel, making arrangements for her to remain thore until some action could be taken tn her Friday night, a faw hours after he arrival at tha hotel, she elated thn "Johnson" appeared at her door am grossly Insulted her, ehe slamming th door In hla face. The matter waa 1 he notlAed Policeman Shaw, whosei (Johnson" with a copy of chargee. ■Mrs. Green and her children w.i furnished with transportation Saturdu by City Warden Evane and resume their journey. BANKERS DENY $2oo,ooo THEFT MASSACRE OF JEWS REPORTED A TSYZRAN By Privets Leased Wire. St. Petersburg, July 21.—There le no doubt today that the government Is In complete control of the situation, and that for the moment at least the reac tionaries have gained a distinct tri umph. The douma le completely subdued by the presence of the troops and the peo ple throughout the city are nearly In the same condition. The esar has taken the reactionaries to hla bosom. RESCUES ARE MADE AT HOTEL BLAZE By Privets Leased Wire. Chicago, July 21.—'Two women were rescued from death and sixty persona were driven In a panic from the annes of the St. Elmo hotel, at South Chi cago, following Ihe outbreak of a Are that destroyed the hotel early this morning. C. E. Elllt, tha proprietor, rescued bis wits. It Is believed the Socialist members will Issue k proclamation appealing di rectly to the peasants, end this would bring about a crisis, as ths esar would at ones dissolve the douma. The town of Hysrnn la burned out, snd It Is said the Jews are being mas sacred. There are Immense Ares also at Alathyn and Atkarsk. Hundreds of houses In each town have been de stroyed. Thousands of persons ars camping out It Is believed all the Ares are of Incendiary origin. O0O000000000O00O0O00OOO0OO LONGWORTHS GUE8T8 IN AUSTRIAN CASTLE. By Private Leased Wire. Vienna, July 21.—Count Ap- ppyl. a minister In the Austrian cabinet, will entertain Mr. and Mra Nicholas Longworth In hla eaatle near Trieste over Sun day. They will then go to Con stantinople, after a brief visit to Flum. 00OOOOO0O00OO0OO0O00OO0OO0 By Private I-eased Wire. New York, July II.—Edward Fro.t, paying teller of the National Pnrk bank, waa arraigned In the Tombs court today, charged spet-IAcaily with the larceny of >150, and aent to a cell In the Tombs prison In default of >:.- 600 ball. Olllclala of the bank bars Issued a ■tatemant denying the reports that there had been a defalcation of |20A- 000, and Indicating that Froat would ba prosecuted only on the speclAc charge against him. Tha officials' statement eaya "there are no accomplices.” EIGHT CRUSHED • UNDER GIRDER By Private Leased Wire. Chicago, July 21.—Eight men were crushed under a seven-ton steel girder, which was being lifted up to the third Boor of th* Knickerbocker Ice Com pany's ■ new branch building at Fif teenth street and Indiana avenue, early today. Five of the Injured are In a critical condition. HONOR IN DEATH FOR LADY CURZOX By Private Leased Wire. London; July 11.—The body of Lady Curson will ba taken on Sunday after noon to Derby for Interment on Mon day at Kedleston, Derbyshire, the neat of Baron Scandals, father of Lord Curson. Funeral services will he held In St Margarets church, Westminster, simultaneously with the burial at Ke dleston.