Newspaper Page Text
(Senator Copelan,
u-h**re ehe will s*i»'
Min Klenuor
n Atlanta, M
_ _ 1 the auimuer.
Branch entertained
An unusually pleasant midsummer
function was tbs reception at the Elks
purlors on Tuesday evening, compll
oentary to Mtas Bessie McRae, of
-(julncy, Fla. Mrs. J. Mr Pearson wa/
tne hostess. Mlsa McRae has been the
guest here for some time of Miss Mec
Young, and If the recipient of many so*
dal attentions. The aftalr on Tuesday
evening was attended by a large party
of Valdosta's society young people,
twenty or thirty couples being present.
Dancing, cards and music were the
features of the evening. Refreshments
were served. Mr. and Mrs. Ablal Winn
wtre chaperon*.
Mrs. R. T. Waldrep, of this city, has
returned from an extended visit to her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Fogler,
Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Briggs and their
son, Matt, are spending some time '
Washington and New York.
Rev. and Mrs. R. W. Wallace left this
week for a trip to points In Mississippi
and Kentucky.
Mrs. P. D. DuBose hns returned from
a visit to tjer former home at Blakely,
Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Dalton returned
this week from their bridal trip to Cal
Ifornla and other Western states.
Among the Valdosta people who are
away for the summer are: Dr. and
Mrs. K. P. Rose, Mrs. Darnell and the
Misses Converse, who have gone to
yew York: Mrs. Ray T. Thomas, who
Is in Athens: Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Bar
ber, at Atlantic Beach; Mr. and Mrs,
C. C. Varnedoe and Mrs. W. D. Pee.
pies, at Dahlonega; Mrs. W. E. Thom,
as, at various north Georgia points;
Mrs. Joseph Mark, and her daughter,
MISS Sadie, who are In St. Louis; Miss
Ida Rogers, who will divide her time
between Milwaukee and Chicago, and
Miss Lissle Havecott, who Is In Den
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Hicks have re
turned from a visit to relatives and
friends at Reynolds, Go.
and Mrs. A. W. Palin, of Al
banv. visited their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. T. J. Palin, In this city, this week.
Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Henderson have
gone to AsAevlIIe, N. C., from which
point they will visit Waynesvllle for
ro weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Gleason, of
Savannah, who were married. In this
city a few months ago, are In the city
this week and will likely make this
their home In future.
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Carrleger are
visiting In Gadsden.
Mias Hasty Lfcwts, of Birmingham,
visited here the past week.
Mrs. R. C. White, of East Lake, Is
visiting here.
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Solomon are
In Kelso, Tenn.
Miss Lula Hurst, of Savannah, Tenn.
Is In the city.
Mrs. D. A. Leatherwood, of Elkton,
Tenn., Is the guest of Mrs. J. F. Myers,
Mrs. R. A. Kirkland Is In Moulton.
Miss Frances Covington Is In Vine'
mont this week.
MrroBettle Pointer la at home for a
visit to Iuka, Miss.
Miss Hartley Patton, of Thomasvllle,
Ga.. Is the guest of Mrs. G. M. J.
Mrs. B. W. Watson Is In Livingston,
Mrs. James L. Echols Is spending the
•uminer at Vlnemont.
Miss Vene Littlejohn Is at Union
City, Tenn.
Mlsa Frances Dobbs has returned to
her home in Birmingham after a visit
to Mrs. 8. E. Wasson.
Mis. Foster Pointer Is at home after
t visit to Iuka, bliss.
Mr. and Mrs. Max J. Cohn are on
tn extended visit to the far West.
Miss Basel Hardy has returned to
her home In Union City, Tenn., after.
• visit here.
Miss Fannie McBride, of Florence,
wss here this week.
Miss Maud L. Dance has. returned to
her home In Kentucky..
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Koch and Miss
weaver have returned from a visit to
Louisville, Ky.
Mrs. o. J. Thomas Is In •Pulaski,
Miss Lily Maynerd Is In Elkmont.
The Misses Laude are In Fort Wayne,
Miss Clem Masterson Is at home aft-
tr a visit to Columbiana.
Mrs. T. D. Thomas, of Cullman, Is
In the Decaturs.
Mrs. p. e. Lewis Is in Huntsville.
Mrs. w. o. Parsons, of Atlanta, Ga.,
•as returned home after a visit here.
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie McKeyvey, of
Memphis, are here on a visit.
Miss Edna Newaon Is visiting In Fay'
•ttevllle. Tenn.
Mr. and Sirs. E. L. Brpadway, of
Louisville, Ky., ore here on a visit.
Mr. and Mrs. George Warrick vla-
«sd In Hartselle the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martatn, of
Fedora, Kano., are here,
Mrs. Lon Howell, of Neel, was here
“• past week.
Miss Lepha Jolly visited In Hunts-
FWj the past week.
Miss Maud Smith was In Florence
*nd Sheffield the past week.
u »e of the most charming picnics of
* season was the one given by-the
members of St. Johns Episcopal church
tki ' 8outh Side park on Thursday of
this week.
-Mrs. g. M. J. Thomas entertained on
raesday evening in honor of Miss
b I)anc *. of Louisville, Ky., and
Kl! Frances Dobbs, of Birmingham.
Sr* 1 thirty guests wsre present. Re-
tfwhments were served.
„ barnesville
H. 8. Bradley, of St Louts, Mo.,
5“ ,h « city, the guest of her parents,
* r Mrs. J. w. Stafford. She has
t.warm friends In thl| commun-
7,watch wss her former home.
Jack Blalock and family, of
^turnbia. s. c„ are at Resthaven, to
J™ 1 ; a few weeks, visiting relatives
“"and their old horns.
Mamie Dawson has returned to
"home In Columbus after spending
2W« of weeks with Mr. and Mrs.
and Mrs. W. R. Waldrop, of
sth Y ,lle > *■>*•. have been visiting
"the city,
Mtv.Ceorge T. Stocks, of Newnan, Is
h the family of her father, Mr.
u - • arawell.
J A - H. Henalee has gone to Grif-
Uu * p * nd a w*«h with relatives,
•till! „, L1I >' Turner has gone lo
-fe^'ille, where she will spend the
U, ,, weeks among relatives.
Homer Howard has returned
v ,, rrom Cuba, where he has been
■m*. ? a,t acveral months as civil
Mr. £ ,or a Wff railroad company.
Z trank W. Lake and children, of
Ini Yu ?**■ *** * n ,h * etty on a visit
• Hun Mrs. Blake's broth-
The old adage, "Look before you
leap," is applicable nowhere more than
in marriage. The entrance Into this
qtate should be contemplated In a most
practical way. Too often youths and
maidens are so much In love with one
another thht the serioue side of the life
they Intend to enter never presents
Itself to either of them.
Love Is a divine thing. It Is abso
lutely Indispensable to happiness either
single or married. But It Is not every
thing. The necessity for bread and
butter, for Instance, has a fashion of
Intruding Itself Into such combinations
In a way that Is somettmss startling.
If many silly boys and equally moon
struck girls were to devote as much
thought to the future as they do to
ward overcoming obstacles in the way
to the parson there would be fewer
foolish marriages, to say nothing of
Raven Theory Disproved,
Improvident youth seems to have a
weak developed Idea at times that the
ravens are waiting around In Hocks to
provide food. It It Incredible that In
this practical every-day age so many
absolutely hopeless cases, should pre
sent themselves to the view of the
average clllsen.
The happiest marriages are by no
means dependent en the possession of
a fortune. However, a man to be fair
to the girl he wishes to marry, to say
nothing of himself, should have In ac
tual possession some way to make a
living for her. Many times n struggle
Is good for the development of the
helpmeet when It comes unforeseen.
But to deliberately walk Into such a
fight with actual want as stares In the
face the hastily married, penniless, Job
less youth Is to court everything which
tends to breed misery.
The hopelessness of It all In the mar
riage of extreme youth Is that nine
times out of ten love, which Is the only
thing that can possibly counteract pov
erty, proves In such cases to be only a
virulent attack of the "puppy" variety,
and soon develops Into a condition to
be relieved only by the divorce courts.
A Heal Love Can Wait
Girls, don’t ever allow yourselves to
think of matrimony^ until you know
Ttitsy evening.
MIm Zu.lle I.»*•(>. of Attsnts, Is visit
ing her aunt, Mrs. J. IV. Moor*.
Ills* om McWhorter left Thor Mar for
vtalt to Atlanta and Greenville.
Misses May and Louts* UhresUng bar*
returned from a visit to IVnfletd.
Charles Davison ha* returned to Macon |
after n visit to Mrs. J. T. Roswell.
Miss l-ella Jernlgan enlertnlnrd the fol-
lowing gnrat* at a speud-theslar party
Thursday: Misses Adam*. K. and J. Evans I
and Mrt. Walker Maddox.
Mrs. Edward Smith and Miss Virginia
Smith apent several day* this week In Ail-
Messrs. W. E. Ilnmiss, Oridr and Paul
Atkinson and M. II. Armor, of Madloon.
came down Tuesday to attend Mlaa Klloe
Vrmor'a party.
W. T. Garrard haa returned to hit homo
nt Nona.
Joseph A. Hutchinson, of Montlcello, I*
visiting his nunt. Mrs. W. I). Armor.
Miss dura Hell Hayes, of Monroe, ,
visiting her sister, Mrt. Lnwton Caldwell. I
Miss Hayes. Mias** Ulekert and Miss
Wilson, of California, were the Immures
. *t * delightful Innrheon with whleh Mr*,
that a livlnw la assured vm, tf Caldwell entertained them and ntbrr guest*
max.a living is insured you. If you I Pr |,]„. coming. About fifty guest* were
and your fiance love each other you I entertained by Miss Elite Armor at a Hoke I
,o r' u 11 * ,,h r srffibmssssassftrfwajfs
caa be 8* ervea from allegiance to the I the evening. the lstlr'e prise. n hand-
other It Is well to And It out. Pfjnted "Phut* Record'* wee awarded to
There have been many happy mar- ll?». -"“L- _ genllem*** |
rlages where both parties tO the COn* I «««• ss«*»*W mailu. aur • ikmi |iri«p> i
tract have Want in th*iv I* Hoke timltli button, proved n source of
tract nave Kept’on In their same ca- wwh merriment. Orange punch was
pacity at wage earners, and jointly I served by MIm Virginia Carter and Jo-
contributed to the hom.-mokln, a. Htf .MV itiX, ‘.‘HTCVM
well ae-a growing hank account. Also. George McWhorter la atteudlug a house
men with small Incomes .have mar- PWF «t Buckheed. . . , , I
rled and their wives have been perfect- her f d.ii , »hte? , "ilra® '^ r H * lini'iiTrd" " '
ly happy because love was there. The.e paudehifilri-n.' “ BnmaJrtek, aJdj
wives knew, however, what to expect, I Parker and daughter, of Auguatn.
and laid their plane accordingly. Mrt. Florence II. liarllngtmi la v
Because a man does not want to I her mother, lira Hightower,
plunge.Immediately Into matrimony le [hiJSSL/SB!
?f°hi 8 «ill a v t on e *o 06 * J 10 * ' OV ,t y °°J5r U - *he* enfetTnitled a ™nfj of 'her illtlS |
If he asks you to postpone the wedding I friends on Tueedey afteruoon.
until he le well on hla feet, rest a*
and Mr*. W. T. Lin
ts here visiting the family of her
brother. Rev, J. O. Grogan.
Misses Stella and Llxa Cater, of Per
ry, and Miss Luclle Cater, of Forsyth,
have been visiting the family of Pro
fessor C. M. Neel.
Garland Seaman, who has been mak
ing hie home In New York for the past
several years, Is spending the week
here as the guest of the family of Judge
W. A. Prout.
Major J. R. Banke, of Forsyth, la In
the city, stopping with the family of
IIIU BIG i'J’lllft
Mrs. B. M. Turner.
Mrs. Robert Mitchell has gone to In
dian Springs, to remain about ten days.
Mrs. S. K. Cook has gone to New
York to bo with the family of her
daughter, Mrs. C. D. Massey, during
the next few months.
Colonel G. Dexter Blount, of Savan
nah, has been spending some days here
with the family of hla mother, Mrs. W.
C. Stafford.
Mis* Ora May Baird has gone to Vat
doeta to vtalt friends.
Mrs. Robert Holmes and children, of
Sparta, are here visiting the family of
Mr. W. P. Holme*.
Dr. and Mrs. A. P. Kemp, of Macon,
have been visiting the family of Mr.
F. J. Mlnhlnnette.
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Candler, form
erly of Washington, but now of At"
lanta, have been visiting the family of
Mr. E. 8. Murphy thl* week.
Mr*. Pierce Hammond has returned
from a visit with her sister, Mrs. A. 8.
Hardy, In Gainesville.
Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Walker, Jr., are
taking an extended tour, having sailed
Wednesday on the City of Memphis
for New York, from which place they
will go to Buffalo, Niagara Falls, To
ronto, Montreal and other points of In
A recent pleasant event was the Inf
tlal party, given by Miss Leila Collier
and Mr. Clarence Collier, at their home
on Foreyth street. The house was dec
orated with ferns, palms and cut flow
ers, and In the Japanese room, where
punch wa* served, the color scheme of
yellow and green wa« artistically car
ried out. An Initial game wa# played,
Miss Rosa Hammond being awarded
the prise for the moet witty answers.
Cream and cake were served.
On account of the abort length of
time that It ha# been In service, the
Sparta Rifles will not participate In
the encampment at Chtckamauga next
month, although It I* In the Second
Miss Mary Burt, of Macon, is the
guest of Miss Beetle Baker.
Mrs. Sterrette Tate Is making an ex
tended trip through the North and
Mlaa Aiken, of Atlanta, Is vleltlng
Mrs. R. B. Baxter.
Mlsa Ruth Hood left this week for
Mayfield, Ga, to vtalt Mtas Aleen An
derson. . . . ... ,
Mtas Leola Blrdeong Is visiting rela
tives In Mayfield.
Mrs. Flournoy Mlddlebrooks, of Kis
simmee, Fla, who haa been visiting rel
ative* here, has returned home.
Mrs. Dussenberry. of Atlanta. I* In
Sparta vleltlng her stater, Mr*. W. H.
B Mta* ll Alberta Orr, of Atlanta, Is the
gueet of Mrs. R. H. Thomas here.
Mr. and Mr*. J. T. Rhode* have re-
turned home after a vtalt to Atlanta.
Mr*. Harry Bradley entertained the
Young Matrons' Club at Ita last meet-
Ing. She we* assisted In receiving her
guest* by Mr*. D. B. Freeman. .Punch j
was served by Mis* Tumlln.
Miss Elisa Knight entertained the;
younger aoclety set at her home Thura- ;
day evening In honor of Ml** W llllama, 1
of Roebuck. S. C. The guest* were:
Misses William*. Mary Lee Milner, i
Kittle and BesrieCtmyere, Selma and
t ir na Scheur. Nellie Julia
Jones of 8an<ieravll!e,'Sarah WaldruP.
Suale May Price. Bertie Milner. Sara
Lee Wallace and Bveb'n Miller. Measrs.
ed to by parents or other relatives of I turned to ivntl**i<i afler a idenMiit vi»lt to
both contracting parties before the th« Ml**** Jernlann.
final atep Is taken. It la only in our Tto <l/l«*fafra fromJJreetiihoro lofice to
• land of the free" that the feeling of 'mSS?
Independence Is so frequently re*pon- ‘Jw|i. 1U NVr.rk, h'rank fliptay
slble for the worst form of slavery and Dr. B. C. Adam*,
known. I ._
Don’t Whin*. MARIETTA.
Other things than money should be ivi. 'jterge Montgomery entertained
looked at In a logical manner. Ha* | * number of friends at a speed-th*
the man of your choice an ungovern- day party on Wednesday In honor of
able temper, whose exhibition at time* Mtas Ship, the guest of Mr*. W A. Du-
half amused you? Might thl* temper I Pre.
develop with the year* until life would Mr*. Morgan McNeil entertained at
bo unbearable with It? If your pres- I bridge on Friday. After the game a
... „ ‘ course luncheon wa* served,
ence doe* not hold It In check now, jfl rs . Fred Morris entertained the
how about "compatibility of temper" Young Matrons' Bridge Whist Club on
later. Has he Intemperate habits? It Tuesday afternoon. A salad courae
you have not been ablo to lnfluenco was served at the close of the game,
h'm Into giving them up. think you The young people enjoyed tho dance
that It can be accomplished after mar- given at the armory Tuesday night by
rlnge? The answer to this Is a great professor Robert Northcutt.
big NO. The Ladles' Afternoqn Euchre Club
You will find It well worth your wna entertained on Thursday after
while to sit down and contemplate all noon by Miss Lettio Laurence, at the
thoao and many other things earnestly home of Mr. and Mr*. D. F. Laurence,
before you take such solemn vow* as on Whitlock avenue. The prise, a
the marriage service demand*. Then 1 book, "Lady Baltimore,” wa* won by
If, with your eye* wide open, you M ,„ Virginia Crosby. . . . „ , „
choose a booby prtae. In the nuptial The Round Doxen Luncheon Club Jone*, came down from Temple, Tex,
lottery, atlck to It, and don't go around W a* entertained by Mr*. Lewis Hoppe Wednesday to spend the remainder of
whining about It. | on Friday at her home, on Church I the summer.
Street I Mrs. Carrie Martin and Mra. M. M
, Mrs. D. C. Cole gave a charming Lambdln left Saturday for Indian
laat meeting of the Ragtime Club. [card party Wednesday afternoon com- Springs.
Mra. Charlie Dunn, who ha* been Lnmentary to her niece, Mlsa Lncla Ruth FMk to the gusetof-Mtaa
spending some time In Loe Angeles, I gtarnes, of Gainesville. The prise, a | Felker at h»r home In Monrqe.
ibn Lane attended
•tiding: In Savannah
im there Mrs. Lana
. Cra to apend the
tne to Richmond on
Photograph of Mra. W. R. Travers, who brought from Europe the liot
style of greeting for fashionable folk. Above le a sketch Illustrating the
new hitndshake, Introduced by Mrs. Travers at Newport. The distinguish
ing feature of the new shake ta the holding of the hand for a longer period
of time than heretofore.
Mtas Mary Harris ta visiting In El
Cal, haa returned home. I silver bodkin »et, wa* won by Mr*.
'n' Mo»«°rrt a nf’ afi’a!?.? Fred Morrl »* who presented It to the
are spending tw? week?with*ralatIvca I ^^aclf^of < t?ongrM#*card»,°wa*"cut*by
ir^statw* 1 Mra^Colbert **n* Atlantal^ ° f «•*“ S h T 'ESKll.'vS. LWau'JJSlta aZu'&'iSm
•; »!»*«::, M : In Atlanta. c w DuPre Mr> p Devant, Mr*. w h j 0 nee of HlghSholSe. wa* In
Akin P mim A C 2re d piiii M Akin M MM* Fred Morrt, » Mr# * && Hunt, Mr». B. B. I WatklnavlIIe laat weal.
T. h’. Lumpklt ."'ilia* Christine Lump- - nota^Brumby' r Mra r ’ Btack 'sfra^OKiar Mr *' Clar4nc ® jSgfifiay tod children,
kin and Mra John Calhoun, leave Mon- 5°',“ Bnimby. Mra. B^k. Mra. Oacar ot Alh . n , » r * visiting Cambell Jack-
day for Catooaa Springe. A • on *
Mtas L title Johnson, of Roma Q*- n!ir n ?ii ^ 3 ,| M h7 Mi** Marie Fullllov# spent laat Fri
I* visiting Mtas Ro.ebud JohatonT "’ •alad courae followed by an Ice wa* day here .
Misses Kate and Jane Croucb leave **w.„ , h . The Ice cream festival at the Chris
Mis* Virginia Crosby entertained the t)ttn C h U rch Friday evening wa* a euo
camping party on Tuesday evening In CMa lplte ot th . unfovarble weath
a dellghtful manner. er.
alias vraare. naaua ai wu.a, i hl f JSSff’Li.ffTgJSSi MlSSei Laura and MabelI Thompeon,
Friday evening In honor of tier guest, Miss hl m^ P j‘j 'rJl.rTd d^uehter Miss of Otalnetatrllle. are visiting Miss Rebec
hMpittll?y ^were ifihm Jtary Copeffn, Lab Chautauaui !f*Y <,ln * *° m * * lm ' ** Ctt,r - ot Atlanta, apant Sunday
1a Jernlgsn, Addle Copelsn. Mlsa DunUp, I Chautauqua N. Y. hers.
of Atlanta, and Messrs. Luther Smith,] Mra. W. H. Treyavant la vishing her M1 „ Murray, of Athena, ta
uaxteon, Guy Hall and B. O. daughtar. Mr*. Fredarlck Hopkins, In | ap « ndln g the summer with her rela
Mra Clem field Glbeon 1s spending thl. I U1 , n .! , _* ap ?!L , L % ,nl k I «v*a here.
WWU' I =
end Rev. l’harr tr* attending the Athens and Mr* George Catnp.
district meeting at Rutledge. Mr. and Mr* Dean at _ .......
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hall, or Norwood, were Misses Loula and Bessie, of Opelika Whitehead visited Atlanta laat week to
taa*t CSC* of Mr ' Md J ' B ' Armor Uta, are .laying at th. wfitlock Stand thS cJErteriP ““ vantlMi*
Miss n'lHe Kelley, of Macon, I* vtalt- ho JJ“- . .. v , H n Ml** Zlltah Hutcheraon ta npendlng
lux Ml** Belle Armor. . I Mr. and Mrs. V. 8. HaH, of Green*- I thl , month wUh fri*nd* here.
Me»*r*. A. A. Ponder, Mile* Lewi* *nd boro, Ga, are visiting Mr. and Mra. Earl Paulmott has accepted * pool
Noel Park attended the Installation of the T. It. Hall >lnn In Macon
- ‘ O*-. I" I IMS? Redoes Thomp.on entertained
last Tuesday evening at a reception
next week for Virginia Beach.
Miss France* Adam* entertained nt wbtat I
Minneapolis, Minn.
Mrs. John T. Brantlay, of Black- | M1 „ Uarle Eldar apant laat week at
shear le vtaltlng her parents, Mr. | jq at Hock with relatives and friends.
W. J. Gorham was In Macon Sunday,
Messrs Harachel Harris Snd Walker
Knights of Pythias lodge at Crawfordvllle Mra. Finn, of Thomaavllle, <]
^Meeira. ’vFlfile Jackson, Mites Lewis, Ony I iT B TtM>ert IO Wnfiama -- oP Evlmavfile I n «— , h -
Hill and K. H. Arojor itteridwl tb* «Uf . compllm«nUry to h§p fUMti, MIb8«»
hurh^coo at Slloom WedneiKlty nl*ht, i glrpu Ind., la ylRltlnir bar parent*, Mr. »nd Laura and Mabel Thompson. Among
by Judjre II. O. Lewi*, fn honor of nit via* | Mra. E. H. Slmpaon. I thoao nreaent were: Mlaaea Annie
ltlng friend*.
„ . . M those present war*: Ml**e* Annie
v£rn mm 1EZm nt Att.nt. re I wBifnday last. Mr. AJex white. Julia Johneton. ZUlah Hutoher-
.*L r i sSSPJSOX&iLfl. AiS 11 !!’JSIWaWra and Mlsa Efile Banford. The I >on , Mary Gwyn, Nolle Cocroft, Blanche
Gwyn, Mabel Thompeon, Laura
Thomposn, Willi* Bue Owyn, Messrs.
-- — ... _ ^ ... , „ - , .Jesse Maxey, Ernest Jennings, Roy
and Mrs. W. E. Adams. _ Washington, Baltimore and New York. Thrasher. Clinton Ashford. W. J.
of*as. mi. sswr th * ,ue,,aorhan ’' Addi, ° n ^ ic *'
for New York, where the will spend the
a J Jr. tall I w - Ii.u ir u” YVBMni MU Alias ratlin oaniuru. * **” I son Ml
turned home Friday after a visit to her I pmrttmnnv nerfnrmed hv the iii«- I !L on * 011
sister, Mrs. Itedmoifd Kor Overton. ™ y ,n * >"*' Gwyn.
Mr. and Mrs. Walker Maddox and Hat-1 . . .... . |Thomp<
tie Adams, of Putnam, are rialtlng Dr. JtflM Bertha Banks I* vlaltln* In JeMe ;
Mlaa Margie fiurha I* at t.’o-
Inmbla university, lu New York, for the
Mr. and Mr* John W. Wright und fun
ily nre at Llthln Mprlnga
•lisa Mary I'opclan Jolnnl her father,
Mr. and Mra. Roy Brown and little
MADISON. daughter, of Newnan, are the gueet* of
Mra. C. D. Hill and' daughters, of Mra. Hugh Hill.
I Nashville, are vtaltlng Mr*. B. F. Beck
Mieses Susie and Erin Hayea leave
,li * nd * throughout this sic- j Mathews. Freeman Puctori, Burges
°* the state. 1 Fite, Lindsay Forrester, Ernest Adair.
A . Prm,t •>** returned from I Philip Word, Earl Schaur. Cicero Plt-
•ffwutart St lin&iTlai Afisst*. U SSaa Milner was ilia boateaa at tha
Mrs. C. F. Barnett ta vtaltlng at her
old home. East Point.
Mrs. W. II. Burnette ta In Knoxville
for the cummer.
Mlaa Julian Truehart, of Terrell,
Tex., ta th* guest of Mra. J. T. Penlrk.
Mlsa Ida Aycock left Wednesday for
a vtalt to friends at Elberton.
Mra. II. L. Simmons, of Atlinte, ta
vtaltlng her stater, Mr*. H. T. Hhew.
Mr. Marahnll Penlck, of Terrell.
Tex., ta vtaltlng his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. L. T. Penlck.
Measn. % J. W. ard P. L. Burney are In
Tennessee for a fortnight.
Mra. Rosa Parker and llltle daugh
ter. Amelia, left Wednesday for Ashe
ville, N. C, where they will spend
some time.
Mlsa Martha Foster I* visiting (n
Mtas Julia Stubbs I* spending the
week at Oconee.
Misses Mettle and Bara Hearn ere
the guests of Misses Mas and Ruth
Poole In Warrenton.
Mary Helen Dennis has re
lumed from Monroe, where eh* has
been th* guest of Mias Mary Felker.
Mlsaes Luda and Georgia Hutehln
son are spending a few days with their
slater, Mrs. Roltn Hutchinson, In Meda
A targe number of the younger set
ere spending the week at Oconee In
on# of the cottage*. Th# crowd ta be
ing chaperoned by Mra. Nat Rainey
end Mlaa Bennie Mae Ingram.
Mrs. W. U dejemette and little
daughter, Sara, leave next week for
John Cowles, of High Springs, Pla
ta vtaltlng relatives In th* town and
Mtas Lillie Williams ta the guest of
, i her grand parents In Newborn.
HABn ? The returned missionaries. Misses
I Leverett# end Oary, who gave ad-
I'Ireese* In th# town Tuesday, left Wed-
lb :i ••■■oou.K-. ii.u. "•"doy for Milled*, vine.
OOicc 101K.Pryorfltrtet* Mr*. King Calloway and little daugh-
accompanied by her stater. Mis*
this week to attend a house party
Talladega, Ala.
Mr*. Will Fulls'and eon, Milton, are
ependlng tha week at Tallulah Falls.
W. 8. Askew, of Atlanta, apent th*
first of the week her*.
Miss Halite B. Moore expects to vtalt
relatives In Opelika next week.
Mlsa Allca 1-anler is attending
houae party at Macon this weak.
Misses Mary Jack and Ann* Hoi
left Friday for Henola, wher* they w
vtalt Mis* Stella Hogg.
Mlaaea Lillie and Alio# Warner left
Monday for an extended vtalt to Colo
rado Spring*. Salt Lake city and other
places of Interest In the West.
Mis* Elisabeth Lyon, who has been
the gueet of th* Ml**** Winston,' will
return to her home In Atlanta Friday,
Mlea Maggie Hogg will leave th ■
week for Atlanta to vtalt her stater,
Mra. J. L. Bchaub.
Mlsa Luele Higginbotham ta vtaltlng
relatives In Atlanta and Bremen.
Misses Eppl* Ita* and Nevll Scott
are expected home Saturday, afler at
tending a houa* party In Columbus,
glvan.hy Misses Ruth and Edith Mar
Mlsa Fannie IUgsdorn entertained
th* Thursday Morning Club at whist
Wednesday inornlnx. The first prise
was won by Mlsa Eatello Horsley, the
consolation by Mtas Kato Smith, and
the gusst'a prtae by Mtas Mayor, of
Mra. Mark McCulloh will entertain
at a card party Baturday morning In
honor of the Misses Frame, of West
Virginia and Mlaa Whitaker, of Co.
lumbus, oa
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Btack left this
week for New York to spend a week
or two. While away they will attend
Ihe graduation of thalr ton, Robert,
from * college at Pougbkeepale.
Mlaa Josephine Denmark has return
ed from en extended visit to friends
and relatives at Pensacola and othtr
Florida cities. g8ha was accompanied
home by her brother, Mr. Redden Den
Mlaaea Buale and Camilla Stevens
are vtaltlng relatives at Madison, Fla
Mr. and Mra. D. W. Hick* and Mtas
The greatest Improvement In
applying awnings to residence
or business building* ever In
Simplicity of operation, (JtORM
Noiseless in operation, PROOF
Roll up Ilk* a shade, t
* Do not shut out light from or
darken room.
Iron peris galvanised. Dust-
proof. Covering can be readily
removed, washed and replaced
again. Made In sixes up to ((
Inches. Write for circular, photo
and pricea
IHull fkHt fill.
United Sales Agency,
Selling Experts,
Fourth liliooil Bank Building. ATliKTi
&Q &he Georgian,
4927, MAIN.
PHONE: 4401.
Annie I'nrramore have gone to Rey
nold*. Oh., to spend some time.
Mrs. I,. C. Holtsendorff Is spending
some time at Warsaw Island.
Mr. and Mrs.
the Comer-Lane
on Wednesday,
went to .Saluda
summer, and Mr
Mra. John Parramore returned this
week from an extended visit to Balti
more. Hhe witnessed the graduation
of her son. William, and from there
went to New Jersey to visit relatives.
Mra. A. V. Loveless, of Hrewton, Ala
Is the guest In this city of Mr
Mrs. II. H. Stotesbury.
Mra. E. K. Wilcox 1a summering at
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fender and
Mlsaes Nora Fender and Stella Renfrne
left hla week for Indian Spring. After
spending two weeks there they will go
on an extended vtalt to points In north
Mra J. F. Ballsy and daughters are
spending tho summer In Atlanta.
Mrs. J. E. Springer ta the guest ot
friends and relatives at Marietta
Mr. and Mra. Massey Helote, of Fitz
gerald, have been spending a week or
two with relatives fn this city und nt
Madison, Fla
Mrs. C. R. Ashley accompanied her
husband, Hon. C. R. Ashley, on hta re
turn to Atlanta this week.
Mlsa Helen Lane, of Montlcello, Fla.,
ta vlsltng relatives here this week.
Mr*. J. II. Henderson and her daugh-
er, Mtas Helen, have returned from
lit. Simons Island, where they epent
■ereral week*.
Th* reception give# by Mr*. F. F. Btscer
to ths Isdles of the Baptist church wss a
very elegant affair. The beautiful h«m*
with Its broad verandas was decoratrd with
palms snd rosea Morn than fifty hand-
>tncly gowned women worn present.
Mr*. B. E. West entertained eighteen
file girls yesterday afternoon from?, to 7
fejoek In honor of the birthday of llltle.
Helen Weal. "Th*. Blma 1 ' lawns ««r«
doited with th* daintily dressed little . till-
.Inn. Various games wen played and .1-
I1. I..1IS creams and cakes wera served.
Mias Mary Tarloitton left on Tlmrsdsy
for n visit in friends In New York, iheur*
to Long Island.
Miss lltiib finderrs, daughter of Judge
It. L llodgers, 0? Atlanta, ta visiting To
"leuigdou nt tho horns of Mr. John
Miss Frances Young, of Wooilvllle. Mix ,
Is sneiiillnx tho snmmer In Mnndersvllle.
Miss !,oills* Mulllvan hns returned from
''mllhrllle, where she has been visiting her
nele, Mr. Frank lisle,
t'nlnnel Isaac I'eehles, of Augusta, spent
Tuesday In th# city.
Mrs. Corbin Gallaher and children, of
Monteiiinia. nre with Mra. D. FT llnlf nt
be "I'olaiinnile*. '
l>. P. Ilnle hns returned offer n long
trip through the Went soil South.
liny Aewmen and Miss ilessto Simmons,
accompanied Ur Miss Daisy McMillan, of
“Knreat Grove,'' are at Hale Hprlniji. Tenn.,
the guests of lino. John II. Wilke.*.,n
Misses Ismlse Wallop and Annie Gibbs.
t f Atlanta, who hire been guests of Mlaa
^ns fioWaon. _on Church street, returned H
S en, of MilleilgevlHi.
Era. O. L. lingers.
Mra Edward Cohen, of Atlanta. Is on a
Visit to her father, Hon, Louis Cohen.
Dr. and Mra O. W. Malone nr*. In New
York. From there they go to Niagara
V. 1
mg In In
n Athens on t rlilt
iM IsOlllM
P after a rlilt of a WNk
III* old hmnr, bu gonu to Macon to
■null hit mention.
MIm Itnrtlft IlyraM entertained t number
S f friend* on Tueadnj evening MIm Join
[rrmnu, of Knitmnn. wan the gmut of
Charter Tlynt ha* gone north to visit hit
ninth'll In Ma*nachu»ottt, Afterward* he
will lie In New York, where he tnk**« *
cmirio In pharmacy.
Mra. J. D. Nrlion nnd children, of Hu*
vtiinth. nro vtaltlng Mr*. C. !>. Thlcr>«*n
at Mtmhlll.
Mr. J. E. Jobnafon, rnthler of Citizen*'
hank, with hi* wife and children, nre nt
"•» H *|-iluK
Mr*. J. J. Il*rrl* left on Wcdneeday for
* 'Inn Hprlng
r*. Dora Wsrtben will upend the month
s’ew York city Hho will bo accompanied
MIm Bottlo Mathews.
Mr«. T. V. Bagwell la vleltlng her
mother, Mra. Brewor, In Elbert county.
MlSg Lul* dory, of A (Ian fa, vHIted
her sitter, lira. J. J. Rovaton, recently.
Professor John P. Cash, formerly
principal of tho Roytton High gohool,
now president of Hartwell Institute,
wna circulating among hie many
friend* recently.
Miss Cleo .Meadow, of Anderson. S.
r,, U on in extended visit to her els«
ter, Mrs. J. A. Roynton.
Mr. and Mre. Epp Baird, of Oalnee*
vlllf. Mu. ,ii" vMHng relatives end
friends here.
Mlse Eva Lester, the popular milliner
for J. A, RoyMon & Co., has gone to
Yi»f«’ivlllo for the Hummer.
Mre. Paul Hadaway, of Athena, and
Mrs. Love, of Crawford, are spending 4
while with the family of Mr. C. L. Hub
Mlsa Lula Hogsed, of Toccoa, visited
Mrs. C. A. Ginn recently.
Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Lee and little
daughter have returned Rrom an ex
tended visit to Thomoston relative*.
Professor Jacob A. Hunter, Vho has
been elected principal of the Royston
High school. Is In th# city.
B. F. Burnette, the auditor for the
Wltham bank*, spent eeveral days with
his parents recently.
Mr. R. B. Portuna Is an a trip ta
Mr. and Mrs. Emory Vaughn, of Car-
tsrsvllle, art visiting tha former'a
parents here.
Miss Louise Vsughn Is In Cummlng -
Mr. M. E. Bisk ta spending a month
his horns In Morganton, N. C.
Mlaa Beulah Ewing left Wednesday
tor Atlanta. .
.Misses Mildred and Evelln 8aaaer ara
apondlng th* summer at Senola.
Colonsl N. L. Hutehln* vtalted Warm
Bpring* last w«*k.
To Faithful, But Erring Tom,
Como forth, you little downy chicks—
No mor# a big tom-cat to dread—
For he has gone where good cats go;
H*’ll gobble you no more—be'a dead.
.. great and noble cat waa ho—
Of cat-ly way* nnd lordly mlon.
Ills mighty serenade* wore grand,
Aa can b« proved by any man.
They’d mak* Beethoven blush with
to Marlah he sang (Tom. not Boot)
To think a cat on a big board fence
Could mak* him fool like thirty cents.
No mor* old shoe* or bricks will fall
A* encore for hta mighty squall—
Peace to hi* ashes, let him rest—
I’m sure ho always did hla best.
Special to Th* Georgian.
Washington, On., July JJ.—After a
rest from Journalistic work for two
years, J. W. Chapman, of this city, who
on* of the best known newspaper
men In the state; haa nguin taken up
quill and ta actively <
th* <
Th* Washington
which b* formerly <
reported to be the i
I, nnd which ta
weekly new..
('hapman sue-
ait*, of Fernan-