The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, July 24, 1906, Image 10
10 THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN. WANT ADS ONE CENT A WORD No ad. taken for leas than 25 cents, the priof of four lines. Six words of average length make a line. The following rates are for consecutive insertionei 1 time ..... 6 cents a line. 3 times ..... 5 cents a line. 6 times 4>/i cents a line. 26 times 4 cents a line. 52 times 3'/i cents a line. 78 times 3 cents a line. Written notice is required to discontinue classified advertise ments. OUT OF TOWN ORDERS MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY CASH. Georgian want ada. are 'Inex pensive, but they bring quick re- aulta and sure returns. Ads. for Situations Wanted will be inserted one time free of charge. They must not exceed four lines. WE WILL 8ENO FOR YOUR AD. WITHOUT CHARGE FOR MESSENGER SERVICE. CALL US ON BELL PHONE 4927 MAIN, OR 4401 ATLANTA PHONE. When sending ads. pay for at rates quoted above. FOR 8ALE—FURNITURE. RUGS AM) MATTINGS AT WHOLE- sell- prices. Knlilsou A Barnes, 1# East Hunter. 1IRUHHELL8 AND AXMIN8TER ART squares. 9 by 12 feet; 114 up. Robison A Barnes, 18 East Hunter. It 1: MEM Ill'll THAT WE SELL FUBNI. JOB PRINTING WANTED HELP—MALE. WANTED—GOOD STRONG WHITE MEN as helpers In the foundry to learn mold- are* trade. Good pay to start with nnd better pay In two or three months. Only tboee with good references need apply, DeLoacb Mill Mfc. Co. DO TOU WANT TO DISPOSE OF TOUR goodsT If so, call up 2904 (Bell). The louthern Auction and Salvage Company, 30 louth Pryor. LABORERS WANTED. $1.25 PER DAY. Wages Paid Weekly. ATLANTA CAR WHEEL WORKS. Take Luckio St. Car to Waterworks. rlnge Factory. Jacksonville, Fla. JOB PRINTING. LOWEST PRICES. SEND for sample.. Chas. Barker, 20 Peters t., Atlanta. WALL PAPER. WALL PAPER AM) PAINTS. "Don't let 'em fool you. Jim Burnett (formerly of Burnett A Willis) Is not dead nor mleslng. He It contracting wall paper and painting. Office and show room 12 East Ylunter afreet. Both ’phones MO. LQ8T. .. WHO IS BURNETT? OF COURSE yon're heard tell: He's the mail who doea papering nnd painting to well; No matter the condition your well* are He'll make them look both smooth and sound, ... And when It la finished, then you will see An perfect n Job ae ever could be; A look at hie sampler, la certainly a treat. Go ace him at 12 Eaet Hunter street— Both 'phones MO. POR RENT—ROOMS. FOR RENT—8-ROOM, MTORT HOUSE. close In; only 225.00. Apply 57 Crew at Bell phone 4251. FOR RENT-A NICELY FURNISHED front room. Apply to 2*7 Peachtree sL FOR RfeNT— HOUSES. FOB RENT—42 DOANS STREET, A GOOD all-room house, water, gee nnd bath; eloae to new Pryor street school house; rent reasonable to a permanent tenant. Owner^HWnehln|toi^atri^t i ^^ FOR SALE—8EEP8. TURNIP HEEDS NOW IN ORDER; ALSO, beans, sweet corn, beets, lettuce, etc. Mark W. Johneon Seed Co., 86 South Pry- or street. WANTED—FURNISHED ROOM. wanted-furnTshed room near in ■Inxle man. T. Q. byjngkynan^ PERSONAL. DAVID W. YARBROUGH. MASTER PLUMBER, Phones 1266. *> E. Hunter SL WILLIS WALL PAPER COMPANY. largest stock In South. 64 N. Brotd St "KENT LIGHTS.” THE BEST OF MANTLE LIGHTS NOW sold et SlVi N. Pryor SL Alex Kent, OLD HAT8 MADE NEW FA NAmT^AN d'mI I ,A N STRAW HATS Sof* 0 ^ * n stlff* , fc!f'hsU IC cleened end re- shaped, ftc. Banda or sweats. 28e each tttra. ACME) HATTERS. 6ft Whitehall It SHOE REPAIRING. WANTED HELP—FEMALE. Experienced operators make from $£« write us and we will give you Informs about boarding places. Nnnnally Bros McCrea, 86 \V. Alabama street. WANTED—YOUNG LADIES TO WORK In stationery factory. ‘ Bros., 37 South Forsyth WANTED—SALE8MEN. SALESMEN—KELL OUR ICE CRU8HKU8 to aaloonlsts. ooda fountnlnlsts, confec tioners, let* cream manufacturers, etc. Side line; good commission. Davenport Ice Chip ping Machine Co., Davenport, Iowa. eltles. Hornet hi, _ trade. Commission basis, Clive references. Write fully. The Kenyon Mnp Co., Dea SITUATIONS WANTED-MALE. Davlsboro, On. SITUATION WANTED AS MARKER and sorter In laundry. Address McCall, care Chronicle, I*. O. Box 2, Davlsboro, Ga. FOR 8ALE—MI8CELLANEOU8. FIR8T-CLAS8 BUSINESS HOUSES should have high grade signs. Call on gent HJjn Co., 81ft North Pryor street THE SOUTHERN AUCTION AND SAL- vage Company, nt 30 South Pryor street, will bny or sell you out FOIt BALE—INFANT'S TROUSSEAU; fine materials never been used, and Is a bargain to any one who purchases. M 150, The Georglar. A. J. C., care Georgian. ONE BRAND-NEW SMITH PREMIER typewriter; $80 cash. One Remington. $18; one Yost. $12; one Crandall and three Call- graphs, $5 each. If you want a typewriter, consult us. Atlanta Typewriter Exchange, II. M. Ashe, president, Atlanta, Ga. DON’T GO BLIND. WHEN YOU BBB TIIE ATLANTA Wrecking Co.’s new line. Just added a fall line at truaka, travelers’ supplies and general office supplies. The cheapest ever sold. We buy, sell or exchange everything. $7 and 39 West Mitchell street. Bell 'phone MISCELLANEOUS. FOR TUB NEXT TEN DAYS I WILL cut my $35 suits to $25. Carroll, the tailor. 172 Peachtree street, opposite Aragon hotel. AT COST—MY STOCK OF IRON SAFES nnd vault doors to In* sold at cost during next week; now 1s your time. 26 H. Broad styeet. U. W. Ellis. Atlanta. $881. 16B Whitehall street. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. G6 SEE SOUTHERN AUTO AND EQUIP- meat Co. We repair, reconstruct, ex change. buy and sell automobiles. Garage. JO-12 Mitchell street. Atlanta. Ga. Bed phone 4894-L Main. ATTRACTIVE SIGNS WILL BRING YOU bostnesa. For big* Kent. 31ft N. Pryor. Sc Huddleston, Miami. Fin. I OR TEXAS LAND BARGAINS IN . r «‘*« bes or town property, write J.'W. Parker a Sou, Santa Anna, Tex. GWINN’S SHOE SHOP. . WRITE YOUR WANT AD HERE. Send it to The Georgian office by a bicycle messenger. We pay the messenger. Or, if you prefer, telephone Main 4927; we will take your aa over the phone, charge you at the rate of one cent a word, and collect later. If you need help, have anything to sell, rent, exchange, ok wish to purchase anything, try a want ad. They do the work. six 1 Ordinary WbRDS 1 MAKE ONE CiNE^ THREE MONTHS RENT FREE Only Thrte L.ft of Eight Brand New Suburban Horn.,. The first month will bo given FREE and It occupied one year, two mor. montha will b. given FREE at the end of the year, making only nine monthe you will have to pay for. None but good famlllee will be allowed In theca houata. Thtae are located on the River electrlo car line only twenty mlnutee ride from the center of the city; contain 7 and t room*; have never been occupied; are located in Weet Atlanta Park. Every houee fronts a flfty-foot Park, which te set In trees, evergreens and dowara Pure air; na tive oaks; an Ideal spot for children. It la cheaper than living in ths city and the surroundings arc more whole- soma In the center of this Park are the Ferro Phosphate Springe, which will euro any case of stomach or kidney trouble, no matter of how long stand ing. It now has a new church, neatly furnished/ a store, a school-houee cost ing 12,600.00 will soon bo completed. Captain J. T. Mills who lives on the grounds will show you through the housea Rent 220.00 per month. JOHN J. WOODSIDE. 13 Auburn Avenue. SANDERS, SMITH & CONWAY. Phones 6488. 412 Peters Building Men's sewed half aolas., BUSINESS DIRECTORY. TALKING MACHINES AND RECORDS- Wholesale ami ratall distributor!! of Vie* tor Talking Machine* and Record*. Just received largo consignment of machine* ana over 10,009 record*. Immediate attention' given mall ordi#*. We want the name* of all talking machine dealer* In the south. Write for catalogue. Alexander-Eljea Co. BICYCLES AND SUNDRIES—LARGEST bicycle and aundry distributor* In tha south. Southern agent* for Pierce. Yale, Snell and Hudaon bicycles. Write for our 1906 catalogue and price Hat Alexander- Utye* Co. WK MOVE, STORE. PACK AND SHIP household goods; insurance rate one per cent Office and warehouse 163-60 Walton atrest. Beth 'phones. Cathcart's Trans* fer. REYNOLDS, THE SION PAINTER. Signs, banners, flags and flag decorations or special occasions. 10ft R. Alabama St CASH REGISTERS. (Second Hand.) NATIONALS. ’HALLWOODS, IDRAL8 and all other makes at bargain prices. We can sell you a register, suitable for any butlneas. at a price that cannot help but please you. Caah or monthly payments. Every register guaranteed for two years. Southern Cash Register Co.. Branch of American Second- Hand Caah Register Co., U 8. Broad street Atlanta. Ga. STEVENSON & CO., REAL ESTATE AGENCY. NEGOTIATE SALES FOR OWN ERS. LOCATE HOMES AND IN VESTMENTS FOR PURCHASERS. CONDUCT A CLEAN. HIGH- CLASS AGENCY BUSINESS ON A STRAIGHT COMMISSION BASIS. STRANGER8 IN ATLANTA ARE WELCOME TO ANY INFORMATION AND HELP WE CAN AFFORD THEM. OFFICE, FIFTEENTH FLOOR CANDLER BUILDING. BELL PHONE MAIN, 1051; ATLANTA, 306. $12,000, A BARGAIN. OVER 16 ACRES OF LAND. WITHIN city limit., 200 feet of car line, 15 mlnutoa' rid. from cantor of city. 3,000 foct street frontage. Private tract privilege of over 1,200 feet In centor of property. All for 112,000.00, with term.. Buy ihla and double your money within one year. M. McNEIL and W. S. SHERWOOD 514 Empire Bldg. FOURTEENTH ST. LOT. ■unuuu «hu ;uuu| imu, ura iiiunj, nun la next to the home of Mr. Samuel Wey- man, nnd Immedlatelv across the street from the home* of Mr. Hennr Johnson and Mr. Eugene Callaway. Quick sale price $3,600. CHAS. M. ROBERTS, 13 AUBURN AVE. Bell 'phone 460*. CLAUDE L. NORRIS, Real Estate, 716 Fourth National Bank Building; Bell Phooio 4439. at Peachtree dirt. You should see thl*. uim »» «»* i raruurr gi.; turt-r aiurrw * lot. 64x100. How ulHint tbla for 231,000? MANUFACTURING SITES. ACREAGE. • RESIDENCE LOTS. TWENTY-FIVE BEAUTIFUL RESIDENCE lute. $350 to $1,250 cnch. 22ft acres front ing on Ponce Del .eon nvernie. Highland til avenue, * “ oil Houthci (anufaeturli nt attractive price* and Apply to COPEXHILL LAND CO., 16 EDGE WOOD AVENUE. INVESTMENT—Ll’CK IE ST.. NORTH- west corner of Cone afreet, le*a than one block from the new theater site, lft blocks from the new |K»*tofflce site, leu* than 406 feet of the Piedmont Hotel; 12-room hou*e It. renting for $#) per mouth. The price in very low at $14,Ow). 100x109 FT.. JUST"acHOKsTTHE STREET from the new t>ostoffice site. You know what thl* mean*. Price, $60,000. INVESTMENT—27 ACRES FRONTING la- 209 feet on North Boulevard, 1,600 feet on railroad. $24,000. FOR RENT. Have the only cen trally located stores in the city. See LIEBMAN, Real Estate and Renting, PHONES 1075. 28 PEACHTREE ST. », 660-BAILEY ST.. 7-ROOM HOUSE, good condition; ahad? lot, <0x339; think of It, 00x230. Within 4 block, of the ter minal atatlon. Renta well; good neighbor hood. You can't beat thia la the city. 87.60O-N. BOULEVARD. 10-ROOM HOUSE, lot 60x186, In best block on thla street, and this la the best bouse In the block; would cost nearly thla money to bnlld It today, to say nothing of the lot, which la easily worth $3,2S0. $2,660—N. BOULEVARD LOT, 60x300, FOR $2,660; east aide, between Highland ave. nnd East avenue; nothing elee along here for less than $3,000. $1,760—SIMPSON ST., NEAR ORMBJ* A good 6-room cottage on nice Inclosed lot; house only occupied by owner for years; special reason for selling; will rent easily for $17.60. $600-61 TENNELLE ST.. S-ROOM COT- tage, right at Elaas-Mny mills, In fine shape; rents readily at $6.75 per month; will rent for $7.60. Thla Is a gilt-edged piece of property for the money. - $2.900—RANKIN ST.. 6-ROOM COTTAGE. Just off the Boulevard. This cottage has every convenience. Is iu splendid condition, on large lot: rents readily at $18. Can make attractive terms on It. $3,600—N. AVENUE, BRAND NEW 6-ROOM coStnge on large north front lot. This cottage la near Jackson at., In splendid neighborhood, nnd one of the coziest, best built cottages In the city. Best thing for the money on the north side. Can make terms easy for right parties. $L960—GARDEN 8T.. NEAR GEORGIA ave., we have a modern 6-room cottage about 3 years old. With nil conveniences, on nice lot, that we are Instructed to sell nt once, as party Is lenvlng the state and will make a sacrifice for quick sale. Can make easy terms. STURGEON & LANE, REAL ESTATE AND INVESTMENTS 727-728 EMPIRE BLDG. BULL PHONE 4376, STANDARD 1379. 85,000-FOR CLOSE IN HOME WITH 8 rooms, on IPedmont avo.; lot 60x140; all conveniences, aud In splendid coudttlon. $4,250—FOR 7-ROOM COTTAGE ON WASH- ington at., with lot 60x200. House la in good condition nnd built for a home. Terms. $4,00O-FOR S. PRYOR 8T. HOME, WITH M rooms, storm sheeted and double floored. House has east front aud good shads; also has barn and stable; lot 60x190. Terms. 33,000—FOR frROOif COTTAOB. ON AU- guatn »ve., with Urge corner lot. Route hue all modern Improvements. Terma caay. 12,900—FOR NIOB HOME WlTlI «~KOOMH nml long hall, on lot 62x160, near Park ave., In a locality surrounded with home owners. $2,860—FOR NICE LITTLE 6-ROOM COT- tnge, on W. Baker atreet, and all city Improvements. Double floored and storm sheeted. A bargain for a few days only. $2.750—FOR 6-ROOM COTTAGE. ON MIL- ledge nve., near Park. Terms. $2,600—FOR 2-STORY, 7-ROOM COTTAGE. hear Washington at.; modern improve ments. Terms $300 cash, $25.00 a month. $2.250—FOR 6-ROOM COTTAGE. NEAR Boulevard. Terma $900 eaab, $20 a month. 31.950—FOR 5-HOOM COTTAGE. ON HIGH-- Innd ave., with all city Improvementa: lot tlca well and shaded, lias plant? of fruit end good garden. Terms. $1,800-81 X-ROOM DOUBLE IIOU8E. ALL city Improvement*, near Park ave. Al ways rented for $18 per month; 12 per cent Investment. Don’t fall to see thla. $1,600—ON THIRD 8T., CORNER LOT, good 6-room house and long hall. Terms. $T.600^FOR~V’ AC ANT LOT ON WILLIAMS st.; worth $1,750. 31,500—FOR 9-ROOM DOUBLE HOUSE. 10 minute.’ walk from new terminal. House Is well fitted up with cabinet mantels and la on a good corner lot Always rented for 315.00 per month. This la a good In vestment. 31,500—FOR 9-ROOM DOUBLE HOUSE. near Capitol ave.: has all clt? Improve ment.. tnoludlng two baths, and always rented for 119.W per month; 15H per cent Investment. $1,600 FOR NEW (NEVER BEEN OCCU* pled) 4-room house, near Grant Park. Terms. 31,359—FOR VACANT LOT. 90x360,- IN good section, with nil atreet Improve, ment. down; 3-room honaea dene b? bring ing 37.50 per month. A splendid opportunity to Invest. $1.900—FOR 4-ROOM HOUSE, SHORT • walking distance from Southern shops, ou lot 50x120. House In splendid shape. $75 caah. $12.60 per month. $1,000—FOR 4-ROOM COTTAGE. IM- proverocut* down, near HU1 at., always rented for $10.60 per month. $L400—FOR 3-ROOM COLORED HOUSE, on lot $0x66. FOR RENT. 1 ELEVEN-ROOM HOUSE. 3 TEN.ROOM HOUSES. NINE-ROOM HOUSES. 10 EIGHT-ROOM HOUSES: 14 SEVEN-ROOM HOUSES. 18 SIX ROOM HOUSES. W. E. WORLEY, 326 EMPIRE BUILDING. Atlanta 'Phone 3983. "NOTHING BUT BAR- * GAINS.” TWENTY-SEVEN ACRES LAND FRONT- Ing 1,400 f«et on Southern railroad and North Boulavard. A One propoaltlon at 325,- TWENTY-FOUR AcibttS LA>lti Otf NEW Marietta car line fronting 2.200 feet ou sathe and 1.960 feet on Chattahoochee. On* price, $2,400. on terms. BIGGEST BARGAIN ON POS Cfc DM- Leon avenue. Lot 60 by 166, near Jack- son. Price $2,760; adjoining lot sold at $2.- 500. is 8T. CBarlf.s avknue-a IH-IaU'I'I ful nine-room house. Lot 60 by 200. Price $3,600; $1,600 (-ash, balance easy. l’ft.WB DE LEON 1 AVENUE, THIS HIDE Jack«on—Fin. kouae of ulna rooma. Lot *0 b? 213. I’rlca 37.600. F<5OTir EHTBBJf X?Bnub—sBVen- room two-atorj house ou lot 60 by. 192 feet Price $1,250; 11,000 cash and $600 per year, 6 per cent. Close to the Boulevard. I’ONCE 1)E LEON -AVENUB-SlX-ltOOM house at $3,660. Lot 60 by 192, ou terms. 138 FEET 1’llONT ON l'ONCfc 1)6 t.EOjl nrcuuo, 307 feet on nnotber atreet. I'rlca 320 per foot. Nothlhg elae aa cheap ou thla 90-foot atreet. fine Nine-room ii6use on jacksotI street, near North avenue, at $5,100; half cash. It’s worth $5,600. NEW NINE-ftOoM HOUSE ON 8PR1NO - atreet, nenr North nvenua, mat front. Price 35,509; 31.900 caah and 359 per month. FIJTE cbRNKIt, OL08K IN, NORfJI side, 91 feet front. Good seven-room houio and room for an apartment house. In block bounded by Peacntree and Baker atreet. Price $6,500; third cash. 271 EAiiT CAIN 8TREET-060D SIX- room house; nice shady lot and barn. Very cheap. 136 WASHINGTON feTREET—CLOSE IN nlno-room house. Price $4,660. It s a beau ty, and the only one left. $1,750; can run five years at 6ft per cent uoot) mJc-nooii house on' Mills atraat; eloae to Luck.'*. Suitable for two famlllaa; 3599 caan. uniance 320 per month; leas than rant. 3260 OAfttt.'"32S l’Ell' MONTH. WILL BUY a beautiful six-room new house, all Im provements down. Price $2,500. 1|RANI)-Slc\v SIX-ROOM HOUSE; LOT i00 by 290 feet, to another atreet. -Price $2.- 600; terms. street' lots; titjte side- walks and car line: second lot from Grant park; 60 bv 180 feet each. Price $476; $100 cash and $10 per month. T\V6 FiNK fiLfcVAttiD LOTS, 44 BY 230 feet each; side nnd rear alloy. Price $300 each; easy terms. Could cut fnto four lots. FOUNDRY AND ELM STREETS LOTS. 312.60 cash, 12.60 to 34 per month. A chance to atart hare. FOUR BRAND-NElV SIX-ROOM HOUSES nenr Grant park; $350 cash, $25 per mouth. These are beauties. BIGGEST BARGAIN EVER OFFERED ON Ilasa atreet, betweon Grant nnd Hill; new six-room house. Price $2,250; part cash. Kiukt-IMOM HOUSE IN Wfc&T feNt>. ready for occupnncy. It’a a beauty nt $$.- 000; $400 cash, $35 per month. To see this would mean a sale. N E \f"'s EV E Nit OI) M IIOIHE, NEVER l>aan occupied. I'rlca 33.350 ; 3100 caah. 315 per month. Jnat Ilka rent, only chanpar. 11EAFITFUL NtNE-ftOOM HOUSE ON Richardson street, close to Washington street. Price $3,600, on tenus. Thla la a fine home and close In. TltlNk oU A IlfcAUTIFt'L ELEVATED Fifteenth street lot, Ansley Park, nt $3.- 000; 100 by 200 feet; half caah. 1H ACRES I-ANb iSfiTHl-i Tltfc CITY. with live housea and room for twenty more. You can have n regular village her* to yourself. Price $4,000. lNvESfMfcytB. HF.NTfi tlwTi'.H MONTH. PRlUfe H.ioo. IieNYS iti PKR moNtIi. fRice ItTso. KEEP Youit EYE ON MY AD. 100 ASHBY BTRfcRf, UOItNdt ()F OAK , atreet, u beautiful nlna room houac that coat 35,000 alone to build. I’rlca 34,650, ou terma. Sea me at once, aa tha owner la In tha clt? for a few daya. West linden, new fiveroom house on dead easy* terms, at $2,200; see me Monday. FINE CAIMTOI. AVENUE HOME OF TEN rooms, elevated lot. Price $4,500, on terms. This place Is worth $5,000. FOR BARGAINS. NO+it’E MY AD TIIE COMING WEEK. . West Side Lots For Sale Call and get a plat of the 50 lots we are offering for sale on Simpson St., Jones Ave., and Sunset Ave. on terms of $25.00 cash and $5.00 a month. They are near Waehendorff’s Nurseries, and in a good home-own ing neighborhood. PRICES RUN FROM $125.00 UP TO $400.00. FORREST AND GEORGE ADAIR. GLOBE & JTJSTXN, 215 Peters Building. and bath. $2,100; term*. 6-ROOM MODERN HOUSE, EAST FRONT. on Central ave.; lot 60x123; built for a home. Let us show you thl*. NICE LOT, CLARK ST., 104x160. Only $700. NICE STORE PROPERTY, RENTS FOR $60 per month; 200 feet on the Sonthern ill road. Price $6,000. NEW FIVE-ROOM HOUSE WITH HALL and 23 tores of land, 100 fruit trees nnd crop planted; eight miles from city. $1,200. STATISTICS. DEATHS. George O. Hutchins, 1 year old, at 302 East Fnlr street. W. P. Green, 46 years old, died of heart disease, at 604 South Pryor street. Thomas Cole, 18 years old, died of ty- BUILDING PERMIT8. $250-rL. P. S. Keen, to re-cover two frame dwellings at 639-641 Edgewood avenue. $160—Emily Cox, to make repairs nt 129 dwelling at 36 Ponders avenue. $200—J. 8. Rivers, to move and repair frame dwelling nt 267 Magnolia street. PROPERTY TRANSFERS. $450—Joseph Tate, to T. J. Treadwell, lot on a 20-foot street near Kennedy street. Loan deed. $1,000— Emory S. Mabry to Southern States Life Insurance Company, lot on Sidney street, near Loomis street. Loan deed. $1,400—J. H. Burton to Charles T. Sli der, lot on Magnolia street, near Lowe street. Warranty deed. $5—M. F. May to Charles T. Slider, same lot. Quit claim deed. $1,975—J. M. Hendrix to W. A. McWhor ter, lot on Grant streot, near Logan afreet. Warranty deed. $20—Mrs. M. D. Sparks to W. T. McCall, lot on Pryor street, near Donne street. Quit claim deed. $1,060—W. T. McCall to M. L. Petty, lot on South l'ryor street, near Ormond., War ranty deed. $1,600—Nathan Cannon to Joseph Olllnger, lot on Jones avenue, near Edwurds street. Warranty deed. $4,500—Al. A. Hall, et *1.. to Atlanta Real Estate Company, lot on Decatur road, In Inman Park. Warranty deed. THE WEATHER. LOCAL FORECA8T. FOR ATLANTA A..D VICINITY-Sw. sn tonight, Tueaday fair. 1 SSow ' WEATHER IN COTTON BELT. Texne—Fort Worth, eland?; hard rain... ring! loaf nluli# .U.. A L ,u . ra,Q *06 LBS wind i»t TOTKaTSM?"gfipa (/icuamii. Ajit-r, nouuy mlu uud wind ln.t night. Alabama-Mobile, clear and warm- r.lre, day 'nuntarllle. clear Vnd winS! eSBE cloud? and threatening. Tro?. cloud, raj warm; rained jeaterdu? evening ’ Mlaalallppl-sierldlan' clear and r, r , Haalehurat. cloud? and warm. Vlckabwt lironkbaren and Jackaon, clear and h.T Greenwood, dear and warm. Yaioo n , clear and plenannt. ‘ Georgia—Colunibu*' rained all jeat.rdi. and nearly all night; now cloud? and ni,,Z ant. Thomaarllle, parti? cloud? and wina Alban?, parti? cloud? and hot; rained lad JJght. Atlanta, cloud? pnd threatenlnV Macon, cloud? and warm: hard rain ,T| da? and laat night. Amerlcua, clond? aid cool; hard rain laat night. North Carolina—Charlotte, raining- hid hard rain Saturday night and liit nl." Greensboro, hear? rain ?eaterda?; cloudy and warm, WEATHER FORECA8T. „ Louisiana nnd East Texas—Generally (»!» Monday ami Tuesday; light to fresh south I winds. Georgia—Occasional showers Mondnvand Tuesday; light to fresh winds, mostly southwest. West Florida and Alabama—Occasional shower* Monday and Tuesday; vnriahls winds. Mississippi—Showers Monday In south nor- tlon, fair in north portion; Tuesday fair, warmer In south portion: variable winds, i Western Texas—Fair Monday and Toe#, day. Arkansas—^*alr Monday; allghtly colder la west portion; Tuesday fair. STATE FORECA8T. GEORGIA—Showera tonight; Tuesday air. SOUTH CAROLINA—Showers tonight, Tuesday partly cloudy. ALABAMA—Generally fair tonight and Tuesday. WEATHER CONDITIONS. Cloudiness prevails over the eastern half I of the map nnd the southwest; elsewhere east of the Rockies the weather Is mostly clear. No reports received from stations on the Pacific const on account of wire trouble. During the last 24 hours rains have oc curred throughout the southwest nnd at nearly nil stations east of the Mississippi. The following stations report one Inch nr more rain In the last 24 hours: Macon. 1.08; Augusta, 2.84; Charleston, 1.14; and Washington, D. C.. 2.40. An area of increased air pressure Is cen tered over the Dakotas, while the lowest j pressure Is In Western New York. The conditions- favor showers In this sec tion tonight, followed by fnlr weather os Tuesday. S3 Font ROOMJIOUSES. *1 TIIUKB-ROO>r HOUSES. 4 TWO-ROOM HOUSEIL L'OMinro see us. JOHN J. WOODSIDE, THE RENTING AGENT, 12 Auburn Avcnu*, Both Phone* *18 * — W. E. TREADWELL & 00., REAL ESTATE, 24 South Broad St.—Bell Phone 2644—Atlanta Phone 3803. SPECIAL. AfcVKS--ftutoU TwcTsTohV house; near Capitol avenue; moderu. illOO — llltiilT-UnOM TWO STORY house; nesr Washington street; corner lot. $2.500-fclX-UOOM*ll6rSK; KENTS FOR $28; well located, on Ira atreet. $4.9CX>-ElQt!T-ROOM TWO-KTORY NEW house; close In; on Washington street dele In every particular. complete I $j,60d—8KV Tom 1 HOUSE; UENTUAI. "liorsEi VKNlt) avenue; modern. liSIto-sEVKN'-KlTnH iloCsfc; NEau Gvorgln: ui.-tn-.latr., U.S&) - E1liltt-RO(*t TW'O-STORY house; Spring street; model borne. R'ioW-SiSw "M6I 4 3e: VllWW a" M6|>el home In every particular. 13,56.) WW m A liftAl t fiFi.TTASli>"coM- plete home in every |particular. Located Forrest nvenm KSn-FohUKHT AVENUE UlGIIT ItOOM house; well located ou Forrest arenne. Liant-FiTl'fiThEN 1 AubEs of laNiT: two rnllnw.l jurats: Ira Drain. Soon I'ROl'OSITION IN CENTRAL pruprrt?; giro, In Inrratmrut pro|«*rty. If you go In nwimmln’," iwld Tom my'* younger brother, "I'll tell m»w!" "Tell >r. if you wont to, you naaty llttle muck raker!" blurted Tommy, plunging Into the water.—Chicago Tri bune SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Trains Ltava Atlanta. New Terminal Station, oornar Mitchell and Madison Avanua. 0 ■—— ■ ■ ■ N. B.—Following schedule figures pub lished only as Information and are not guaranteed: 4:00 A. M.-No. 23, DAILY. Local to Bir mingham, making all stops; arriving In Birmingham 10:15 s. m. 6.3) A.-M.-No. 1$, DAILY. “CHICAGO AND CINCINNATI LIMITED.” A solid vestlbuled train Atlanta to Cincinnati with out change, composed of vestlbuled day coaches and Pullman drawing room sleep ing cars. Arrives Rome 7:10 a. m.; Chat tanooga 9:45 s. m.; Cincinnati 7:10 p. m.; Lonlavllle 8:16 p. ra.; Chicago 7:2$ a. m. Cafe car service. All meals between At lanta and Cincinnati. 6:S0 A. M.-No. 30 DAILY, to Griffin nnd Columbus. Arrives Griffin 7:11 a. m.; Co lumbus 10 a. m. 6:16 A. M.-No. 12, DAILY, local to Macon. Brunswick and Jacksonville. Makes all stops , arriving Macon 9:15 a. m.; Bruns wick 4 p. ra.; Jacksonville 7:40 p. m. 7:00 A. M.-N’o. X. DAILY.—Pullmko to," Birmingham, Memphla, Kansas City and <fo Springs. ^Arrives Memphis 1:061 J* COTTON REGION BULLETIN. STATIONS OF ATLANTA DI8TRICT. •Atlsntn, cloudy TT7 •t'hnttnnoogrt, pt. cloudy Columbus, cloudy .. Gainesville, cloudy Greenville, cloudy ... Uirru » uir, liiiui Griffin, eloudy •Macon, cloudy Montlcello, cloudy .... Newnnn, cloudy Home, cloudy Spartanburg, cloudy .... ITnllapoosn. pt. cloudy.. Toccoa. clear ... West Point, cloudy ..... • Minimum temperatures are for 12 bocf period ending nt 8 this date. f Received late (wire trouble); not is* eluded In average*. HEAVY RAINFALLS. 7:65 A. M.—No. 7. DAILY. Chattanooga. 12 NOON, No. $8, DAILY.—Wtshlngton md Southwestern Limited. Electric light- sleeping, library, observation and club ( through without change. Dlningcars re all meals en route. Arrives Wash- Express. Day coaches between Atlanta and Washington. Sleepers between Atlanta, Charlotte nnd Washington. Arrives Wash ington 11:06 a. m.; New York ip. n. 12:16 P. M.-No. 8, DAILY.—Local for Macon, arriving Macon 2:40 n. m. 4:10 P. M.-No. 10. DAILY.—Macon and Hawklusville. Pullman observation chair car Atlanta to Macon. 4:36 P. M.-No. «7, DAILY.-Pullmsn sleeping car and day roaches to Blrming ham. Arrives Birmingham •- 7:16 a. m. M.-No. 18, $:I6 p. m.; drawing room end steeplo/'car* clnnati and Memphis and Chattanooga to 4:10 P. M.-No. 18. DAILY, except Sun- lay. “Air Lino Belle” to Toccoa. 4:30 P. M.-No. 32. DAILY.-Orlffln and «:olnmbua. Pullman palace aleeplng car Hid day coaches. 4:85 P. M.-No. 23. DAILY.-Local to Fay- ettevtlle and Fort Valley. “ P. M.-No. 16. DAILY.—Throi tw -2- .tome 7:20 8^8 p. m.; Chattanooga 9:56 p. m.; Memphis 8:29 a. m.; Louisville 8:60 a. ra.; St. Louis 6 p. ra.: Cincinnati 8:10 a. m. 4:15 P. M.-No. 25. DAILY.—Makes all stops. Local to Heflin; arrives Ilefiln 10:60 .11:1* P. M.-No. 14, DAILY.—Florida Urn- •Jed. A Mild v.«tlbnlrd train to Jackaon- Till,. Fla. Through ilMpIng can and da? roachc* to JackKun:!, and Brnn.wtck; ar- rtTM Jackaonrlllc 1*0 a. m.: Drumwlck ( a. m.: 8t Aurnatln. 10 a. m. ll:» 1\ M.-So. ft, DAILY.—Through Pullnun drawing room alcplng car. At- l«nta to 8hr*r«i»rt. Local ifc'HT AtUnU to Blrmlnghntn. Arrive. Birmingham S 3£ a. nt.; Meridian 11 a. m.; Jackaon 2:36 n. nt.; Vlck.bnrg, 4*6 p. m.; Shreveport 10*1 P^tn- Slrap*rn open to receive pn.icng.ra 13 %GHT-No. 36. DAILY.—United State. Fast Mali Solid veetibnled train. Steeping cars to New lork. Richmond. Charlotte and Asheville. Coaches to Washington. Dining cars serve all meals en route. Arrives Washington 9:30 p. m.; New York 6:23 a. ra laoesl Attanta-Charls*te sleeper open to receive passengers at 9:00 p. m. Ixxal AtUnta-Asherllle sleeper open 10:*) p. m —Ticket Office No. ; P«ichtrrc. on Viaduct. Termjnal Station. hnrleston .. . Galveston ... Mobile Montgomery .. New Orleans .. Knvnnunh .. .. Wilmington REMARKS. , Slight. temperature fall* were reporw ( from most districts. ” irom mom uisincu. Rainfall n few heavy fall* occurring in South < Una and Georgia. "nlrector^ RAILROAD SCHEDULES. tboinAU ur Arrive From— L. Dapart T*r l0 Savannah 7:19 am Macon...... U;« l0 Jackaonvlllc.. 7:6* am Savannah a Macon 11:49 am Macon....-- U Ma«u“.‘::.v.'. 12SSSc T k‘S?tej4tt aTLa^Ta aS'd P WEi!-r TST^TTuTir BOAD. , , Arrlva rrom- ia 11:49 am -Montgonicrj ) J ^ tgomcry. 7:40 pm •>(«»>* m rJ ") p* d *iil train, of Atlanm and Wet Mltch.ll atraat and Madlion »V«°°—-ra » » vraliafl ••Y.ra I Ofit>BTO ra From— a 6:90 6:99 ami-Atifuata •, •:4» ara Uthonja.... Arrlva Convert?.".'.... *:46 amllJtlwo)* .•• ^ Jo P» Covington 7:44 aml'Angnlta |o) P* S BlSSSIte::" ,{3S “’sEAUiiXbli Altt LlSlTKAn^XT Birmingham. Sigjp I ater?gs--'«a2 New Tort *:*> pm lAbbcrl lr - | Monro... .. .. 7:40 pm Mrmphla- ,g,a Birmingham,. »:» pmjWaahlngtoa- | Shown In Central tla*