The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, July 24, 1906, Image 7
■HgMggBi THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN- AMERICAN DENTAL PARLORS 191 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, 6a. OVER tCHAUL A MAY. Dr. O.C. NEEDHAM, Prop. Rubber Plates (A cn 22-K 6otd Crown d /eOU Porcelain Crown #lin Bridgawork, pertootb Ur PAINLESS EXTRACTIN6 TEETH CLEANED FREE! Hour*, 8 am. till 8 p. m. Sunday, 9 a. m. till 4 p. m. WE TAKE IMPRESSION AND PUT IN YOUR TEETH S^ME DAY. MANY HALF-COOKED BILLS IN THE LEGISLATIVE POT Great Mass of General Measures Need to , Pass Either the House or the Senate. With the teuton o( the general as- Mmhly half over, exactly last Saturday, * great mast of general bills yet re main* on the house and senate calen dars for action. Few of the Important general meat area have passed both branches and gone to the governor for his approval or disapproval, as the case.may be. The Connor bill, appropriating 8100, (00 for an agricultural college, has passed both housu, and Saturday re, reived the signature of the chief exe cutive. Several Important measures pave passed one or the other branch of the law-making body, but yet have to run the gauntlet the balance of the The Hall bill, providing for a state auditor of accounts, has passed the Souse and senate, but has not yet re ceived the governor's approval. It Is understood that thirty-five applicants Save died notice with the chief execu tive of willingness to accept the place. Important senate measures that have passed and are now up to the house Includes Wheatley's- lieutenant gover nor bill: Miller’s bill to elect county of fers for four-year terms; Alsobrook's Sill to protect game and birds, and which practically poets every foot of ground In Georgia: Walker’s blow at "tigers" In dry counties in a bill making It a misdemeanor for any one to pur chase whisky for another without hold ing a license. Besides the senate has passed a large number of local and ■eml-Iocal bills. House Very Industrious. The house has been very Industrious, snd besides passing a multitude of lo cal measures, has put through some ■trong general measures, which are yet to have the senate's attention. The child labor bill is yet to be acted on In the senate. The house passed the senate measure. Introduced with • the signatures of twenty-three members, without any change, other than nam ing It the Bell bill. The upper house has not taken very kindly to that sort of thing, but the measure, It Is be lieved, will pass all right. Senators Peyton and Burr, It Is understood, do not Ilka the measure, and may make some kind of a light to get In pet amendments. These two senators In troduced the first child labor bill of the DU mu SKI ENDS IDE LIVES Grand Stand Struck by ■ Lightning Just Before Sunday Game. By Private Leased Wire. Manitowoc, Wl*., July 88.—Five per sons were killed and a score Injured when u bolt of lightning yesterday af ternoon struck the grandstand Just be fore a ball game between a local team and a Plymouth, Wls, nine opened up. A tierce. storm came up and the spectators and players had sought shelter In the grandstand. The dead are: Albert ghuhra, 88 yeare. Walter Hand), 18 years. Irvine Wlellert, 80 years. Anton Karge, 14 years. * William Knautzcn, 18 years. Those most seriously Injured are: Harvey Kone, 10 years; limbs para lysed. Frank Boehn, 17 years; splinter of wood forced Into breast. "'alter Boehn, 18 yean; shocked un- conscious. NEW INTERCHANGEA BLE 1,000 MILE TICKETS. The Central of Georgia Railway 1» »ow selling Interchangeable 1.000 Bile tickets, good over 80,000 miles of railway and steamship lines. W. H. FOGG. D. P. A., Atlanta, Qa. GENIUS of jap army CLAIMED BY DEATH Ffirsts Lessed Wire. Toklo, July 88.—Gen. Baron Koda- ®a. who, after the retlnment of Field asrahal Oyama, was made chief of the J sneral staff of the Japanese army, led here this morning. He was edu- 5“0 at Rutgers college and had been Wiled "The Genius of the Japanese «my," He was Field Manhal Oya- chief of staff during the Busso- •Jpeneae war. Later he was made tovernor of Formosa. Buy Diamonds The price of diamonds has Practically doubled in five years. As an investment proposition, * good diamond is not surpassed. See ours. They are rare values. session In the senate, but when the oth er was drafted they withdrew their measure, and signed the new one. Since the senate majority Is openly commit ted to the bill by signature, It Is hardly possible that any funny business will be attempted. • Fight on Assessor Bill. The house hoe passed the Hall bill for a state board of tax assessors, and when It reached the senate Murphy Candler offered a substitute, providing for both state and county board* of assessors. Opposition has sprung un in the senate to the substitute, and there Is some doubt whether It will pass. A peculiar fact Is that even those opposing It frankly admit that It Is a good bill, but that they must light It for reason*. It will probably be de rided this week. The house has passed the anti-lob bying bill: tbe Blackburn police patrol for country districts, and the Boykin antl-bucketshop and Porter cigarette bills were tabled at the end of last week. Both will probably come up dur ing tbe present week for final action. A number of Important measures yet remain for action In both houses. Nota ble among this class Is the bill for a circuit court of appeals tor the relief of the eupreme court of Georgia In order to get this relief at once, It must pass before the end of this month In order that It may be duly advertised thirty days before election. No meas ure for this session Is of more vital In terest to the state than this, and It some action Is not taken It will be a matter of neglect and Indifference that Is Inexcusable. Anti-Pass Blit BurlsdT Tbe pure food bill, the anti-pass bill and a number of others are yet to be considered. Which brings forward th# enlightening fact that If the house ad heres to Its policy of sticking to the calendar that It is very, very doubtful If the anti-pass bill is reached before adjournment, since It went to the heel of the calendar and a few .hundred oth er bills Interpose between It and day light. Which might lead to the Infer ence that the law-makers are not In a hurry to kill out their free transporta tion. Altogether the final twenty-live days of the session promise to be very busy ones, with double-decked sessions nearly every day. FOR THE GRAND Many Attractions of Highest Type Are Scheduled. the Although the management of the Grand opera house maintains Its cus tom of declining absolutely to give out Ite bookings for the‘approaching sea son, The Georgian Is able to present herewith a partial list of the attrac tions which will be seen at the Grand during the winter. The list this season comprises sev eral attractions of the highest class. From a midsummer forecast It looks as though the average Is 'far better than usual. Here Is the partial list: John Drew. Adelaide Thurston. Maud Fealy. William H. Crane. The Old Hemestead. Louis James. Dockstader's Minstrels. Sergeant Kitty. Rogers Bros. Holty Tolty. . Buster Brown. Prince of Pllsen. Checkers. The County Chairman. Lion and the Mouse. Al. H. Wilson. The Girl Patsey. Raffles. Vanderbilt Cup. Murray A Mack. 45 Minutes from Broadway. York A Adarh*. Bartow Minstrels. The Virgljtli Walker Wnl ..nlteslde. Thomas Jefferson. The One Woman. Finnegan^.. Maier & Berkele. Rollicking — Wonderland. The»Clan*man. Tbe College Widow. Our New Minister. Al. G. Field’s Minstrel*. Sultan of Bulu. Little Duchess. Primrose Minstrel*. Frohraan’s Musical Comedy Company Beauty and the Beast. Noah’s Ark. May Irwin. Isle of Spice. Paul Gilmore. Royal Chef. , Simple SlmotL Girt and the Bandit Robert Edeson. Toast of the Town. Florence Davis. WHOLE FAMILYTRAVEL IN BIG TOURING AUTO J. H. Green, His Wife and Five Children Reach Atlanta, Having Made Trip From Springfield, Illinois. Having traveled exactly lit miles since leaving their homes In Spring- field, 111, nearly four weeks ago, J. H. Green, a wealthy broker and real estate man, his wife and five children ar rived in the city Saturday night In a large Winton, Model K, 40-horsepower touring automobile. Being on the way from their home to Augusta, Oa. While here In Atlanta'the party was ths center of Interest to a large num ber of local auto enthusiasts. Ths ton neau of the ponderous machine was much larger and more roomy than any of those owned In Atlanta, and was fully equipped with traveling accesso ries. Extra tires, shovsls and other were on the machine, here the car laid In a new supply of gasoline and many feet of stout ropo for emergencies. While In Atlanta Sunday mornln L Mr. and Mrs. Green secured several views of the more prominent places, whloh they will carry along with them as souvenirs of a very pleasant stay In the Metropolis of the South. COMING DOWN THE STRETCH, POLITICIANS SEE DARK HORSE IN THE GUBERNATORIAL STABLES Wise Guys State That If Governor Isn’t Nomi nated on the First Ballot Attorney Gen eral John C. Hart Will Get Prize. In one month, less one day, the gu bernatorial campaign In Georgia will come tQ a close, marking the end of one of the most memorable contests In many years. From now until the evening of August 81 It is going to be hot going, and from Tybee to the Tennessee line gubernatorial guns will boom and re verberate In charges and countar' charges. With the primary Just one month away ths friends of Hoke Smith are claiming a practically clean sweep of the state. They say they will go Into the Macon convention with 880 dele gates (at a conservative estimate) out of 378—a majority of 81. It will take 189 to cinch the nomination. On the other hand, the opponents of the former secretary of the Interior say that he will not have enough delegates to elect him on the flret ballot—which Is the same as saying that he will be defeated, for even Smith’s friends real ise that he must hav* enough to get the plum on the first. Unquestionably the Rome debate re newed the hope and courago of the Howell followers. It took the sting out of th* Atlanta affair, and braced up the wsak-knoed brethren wonderfully and set north Georgia to humming with activity. It had its moral effect all over the state. A Remarkable Campaign. It has been and Is In many ways a remarkable campaign. For years It bad been understood that Mr. Howell would be governor, snd It seemed prac tically smooth sailing until Clark How- committed the tactical blunder of daring Hoke Smith to entar the race. They were ancient political enemies, and to encompass the defeat and hu miliation of each other was a cherished hope and object. The challenge thus flung In Smith’s face wae accepted and over a year ago Smith fired the opening shot In his Madison speech, In which, It I* charged, he made his famous “divine call" pro- nunctamento. “I hope way down In my heart that every man now In the race will have the ‘88’ sign hung on him down In Ma con next September, and that they will put John Hart In the governors chair. I'm sick, son, of this whole damn business, and I want the whole bunch relegated to the aalt river route. And If you've a mind to nose about Just as I do." ; of Goorglans who fsel COLLEGE FACULTIES. The average man of today te more careful than formerly ae to the kind of teachere that he entrust:. h'» chil dren to. Ha demands not only that they shall be persons of character and education, but also that they shall have adequate professional equipment, and that they shall be acquainted with the civilisation and literature of other countries besides their own. These de mands are fully met by the faculty In residence at Shorter CoIIcrc. All the teachers have been specially prepared for their work, and many of them havo traveled and studied In the different “ ou tend your countries of Europe. If yo girl to Shorter College, she will be thrown with teachers who know tbe world, and who take a keen and total ities and the great movemen generation. This will mean a great deal to your daughter. A catalogue of Shorter College will he sent you If you write the president at Rome, eGorglu. APPEAL TO FOR COMMUTATION Cullman Citizens Endeavor to Prevent Execution in Home County. "man ever waged a hotter or W* more thorough campaign In the South than he has. He has spoken In very nearly every county In Georgia, and In some of them two, three and four times. If he le elected It will be a striking case of the man and the opportunity meet lng Miss Bo-Peep. s Will Happen. Mistakes The Squaw Man. The Jefferson Boys. He Is wise enough to seise on the unrest of the times, and has pitched his campaign along the line that it Is the people's light and not his own. Every where there Is discontent with the ex isting order of things, and the cry is for change. The tide has borne to ob livion many a cherished political ma chine and Its chieftain. Will the same thing happen in Georgia? Clark Howell opened hie campaign officially In the Joint debate at Colum bus on January 10. Since then he bos been very active. He has made over a hundred speeches, and covered a good part of the etate. Four Joint debates have been held between Howell and Smith—Columbus, Atlanta, Rome and Albany. Only one—Rome—has helped Howell. He played a losing hand In the others. . , Dick Russell gave up a Judgeship when he went Into the race for gover nor. When he had cast aside the Judi cial ermine he threw himself Into the arena In deadly earnest. He has made a brave fight. For staying qualities and capacity to bear the killing work of a bruising campaign, he has the rest of the field beaten to a sUndstllL Ae to Russell's Chance*. And his friends will tell you In deadly earnest that when the ballots are counted out there will be a huge surprise for those who have elected to scoff at the man from Jackson. It Is admitted by astute politicians that judge Russell will go Into the'conven tion with the next largest delegation under his banner. And they go fur ther and say that If Hoks Smith Isn't there with the necessary number, Dick Russell will be able to dictate who Is to be tbe nominee. Colonel Estlll claims forty counties. It may be that the commentators here are too far away to get the right focus, but few believe that the Savannah man will carry half that number. Colonel Jim Smith hasn't spread out over the state In bis campaigning, but has centered hts activities to the sec tion of country in which he lives. He will carry a few counties only. It Is generally admitted. Will It Be s Dark Horse? Which brings It down to the point that If Hoke Smith doesn't go Into the convention with enough to cinch tbe Job, then will any man now In the race be able to swing enough to pull In the PI Many> folk will tell you “no" with emphasis on the first two letter*. Then the dark bore* Idea looms potential. And th* name of one man Is always heard first when this talk comes Up john C. Hart, attorney-general of Georgia John Hart Is blg-bodied, h)g- brained and splendidly poised. He pos sesses dignify. Judgment, brains, per fect bealth, and Is tied to no faction. An old politician put It thus: Birmingham, Ala, July 18.—A dele' gatlon of north Alabama cltlsens, car' rylng a petition signed by 8,000 cltt- sens of Cullman county, left for Mont gomery, Ala, this morning, where they will appear before Governor Jelka to seek a commutation for John Williams, of Cullman county, convicted of killing State, Senator R. L. Hlpp, and under sentence to hong next Friday. William* killed State Senator R. L. Hlpp, of Cullman county, nearly two yean ago, while Mr. Hlpp was attempt lng to serve an ouster notice upon the old man which would have compelled him to move his family out of doon. There has never been a hanging In Cullman county. Among th* signatures are those of nine of the members of the Jury that convicted him. BURN PEACH TREES TO KILL INFECTION By Print* Leased Wire. . Wilmington, Del, July 88.—Professor Weslsy Webb,* of Dover, secretary of the Delaware Board of Agricultun, made an Important announcement to the farmers of this state today on th* aubject of eradicating ‘Yellows" from the peach orchards. He urges the dig ging up and prompt burning of all In fected trees. In order that'orchards may be savsd. He continues: This method was put Into operation In the northern part of Sussex county and In ths lower third or more of Kent county. The growers believe tbe proc ess was effective, and claim that at this time there Is very little yellows In all this district." A Companion d.llghtfcl little traveling companion, Indispensable to many who travel, ere the "Little Comforters”—Dr. Mile.' Anti. Pain 1111*. By their soothing Infleenc* upon the nerves of the brain end stom ach, they prevent dirtiness, sick s(omarb snd brsdsche-Ct r-stehnsna Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills nr* all kind* of ptln qnlck snd tors, am perfectly harmleae and do not affect you la any way, except to noothn the ■erree and cere pain. ■I am pleased to recommend Dr. Miles’ shows ra disposition to ache, one Tuhlet stops It. I (He bundre-|* of them to ssfferere oa trains, and derive mu- h **t- eeJ 11. CIIABTL’S, TravsUsg Sole—is. 8t. Loul*. Mo. ksge will DSUsdt. If Th* drat iwckage will Iwnedt, It i druggist will return your money, as dost*, 81 cals haver euld In not, tbe bolk. YOUTH IS SAVED FI Virginian Charged with At tacking Girl 11 Years of Age. By Private Leased Wire. I.iirnv, Vs, July 2 1 All-.-rt V.uiriK, aged about 17 yearn, wan brought to Lurny lost night by Sheriff H. J. Mil ler, of Rappahannock county, and lodg ed la tho Page county Jail to prevent lynching. Young Is charged with committing an ossult upon Ounalo Welch, an 11-year-otd girl, living near Flint Hill, Rappahannock county. Tha crime was committed several day* ago and after A hearing before Justice Boo- ton Young was lodged In the Rappa hannock Jail, awaiting action by tho grand Jury. Sheriff Miller was notified at a late hour yesterday that a mob wn, forming In the neighborhood of tho crltno for tho purpose of lynching Young. Hastily summoning a deputy. Sheriff Miller at oneo started across ths nlua llldgo with the prisoner. When Been in the Luray Jail last evening Young denied the fhnrge, and said It was the outgrowth of strong THREE GOVERNORS and a host of depositors with Two Million. Three Hundred aod Fifty Thousand Dollars to their credit, strongly endorsed THE NEAL BANK. Was first appointed a State Depository by th* late Gov. W. Y. Atkin son, then by Ex-Governor Alton D. Candler, reappointed by him, then appointed by his nnecessor. Governor J. M. Trrroll, also reappointed by him. We aro so noar (ho ten thousand lino of accounts on our books that we aro enoournged to reach out for TWENTY THOUSAND DEPOSITORS. If each ono of our loyal patrons will sond us one or more accounts wo will soon have the roil complete, thus enabling us to still further increase our ability to aid Merchants, Manufacturers and Home Builders. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. One Dollar starts an account with a little Home Dank and hook or with n book only. \V<> allow Inti'rcvt. compounded seral-annuslly. at the rate of THREE AND ONE-HALF PER CENT. PER ANNUM. I. H. THORNTON, Rrtllltri. W. t. MtNNV. Cilkltr.. N. fc CAIDWILI. Ink Ctlklu. prejudice against him and hts family fn the T ... ... Flint Hill neighborhood, sold that the Welch girl was his first cousin, and, though having ofton been In company with her, his actions were always |T.-p-'r, There I* n very .*ti"Ug feeling In Bappahannoek against Young. WANTED-, COLORED $1.25 LABORERS per day GEORGIA CAR COMPANY, RIDGE AVENUE. IMINUL IS STARTLING OKE Murders and Assaults Laid at the Feet of Young Louisianan. 8pectat to The Georgian. Shreveport, La., July II.—Joe Fergu son, a young man 90 years of age, was taken Friday to Sabin* parish, where lengthy criminal record Is held against him. Ferguson, according to Deputy Sheriff Stoker, who returned him, has killed four white men, shot ono negro and broke a Mexican's leg, using his trusty pistol. Recently the prisoner shot and killed a man nt Zwolle. In this melee Fergu son endeavored to perform eom* fancy ■hooting, trying to send th* bullet un der hi* left arm. His aim waa untrue and the member was torn away. WILL INVESTIGATE POLICE DEPARTMENT Council in Revolt Holds Secret Sesalon Not Inviting Mayor. Special to The Georglsn. Savannah, On., July 88.—At a secret meeting of seven members of city coun ell held Friday night, It was agreed upon, so it Is understood, that them shall be an Investigation of tbe plllce department In njl Ita phases. Members of council are displeased with the man ner In which Mayor Myers treated tho letter *of Detective Moss Davis, ad dressed to th* council, tho mayor hav ing declined to allow It to be read be- fore that body. No Invitation was sent to Mayor Myers to be present at the caucus. It being supposed that th* meeting was antagonistic to him. For msr supporters of the Cltktsns' Club are apparently trying to show that they are reformat^ at heart. J theaters’] Kj xJ At th* Cselno, Orimmlna and Oore, ths stars of quaint vaudsvllls, will be th* attraction at th* Fonce DeLeon Casino for the week that starts Monday night This clsvsr duo of entertainers heads carefully selected company that h been touring some of the large cities this summer, and the hit of “A Warm Match” has been heralded as one of the treats of ths time. The attraction will be something of musical comedy, something of vaude ville and something of novelty. It Is a strong summer attraction and will no doubt racetva a strong Indorsement. Crimmlns and Gore have been recog nised as stars in vaudeville and In musical comedy, and thslr visit, here In the summer season Is quits out of the Crlmmli ordinary. Dan Crimmlns In a quaint comedy character that has mad* him a welcome visitor ovar the circuits will become popular hers, whlla Miss Gore, In character comedy, will surely win supporters. The company Is declared to be one of exceptional strength for a summer engagement, and there will be music of ths kind that pleases. There wlU be performances every night during tha week and matinees on Tuesday, Thurs day and Saturday. Pones DeLeon Popular. Ponce DeLeon Is a popular resort Even the wretched weather of Sunday waa not strong enough to keep some people away. Th* shelter building* wtrs crowded with folk, who enjoyed th* band coqcert*. Manager H. L. Cardosa announces th* coming of several features In free attractions, and during this week will exhibit moving picture* from the free act platform every night Just before th* close of th* perk. Mr. Cardoza Is satisfied that the recent exhibition of firework* was decidedly pleasing and proposes to arrange for another free treat within a while. The amusement devices at the park have become popular, and th* resort Is In keeping with th* best of Its kind anywhere. ROUND TRIP Summer and Convention Rates. Round trip Summer Excursions from all points East to Pacific Coast and Northwest from June 1 to Sept. 15, with special stop-over privileges, good returning to Oct. 31,1906. Summer Rates to Colorado, June September 30. to Use tho splendid through service of the SOUTH ERN PACIFIC from New Orleans; UNION PA CIFIC from Kansas City or Chicago. Through Pullman Tourist cars from Washing ton, Atlanta, Montgomery, etc., and from St.Louis and Chicago to California. Write mo for literature and information. J. F. VAN RENSSELAER, General Agent. 124 Peachtree St., Atlanta, Oa. R, O. BEAN, T. P. A. O. W. ELY, T. P. A. UP IN THE OZONE “In the Land of the Shy ** KENILWORTH INN Situated Ip a Private Park of 158 Acres, Blltmore, Near Ashe ville, N. C., 2,900 Feet Above tho Ses Level. —HWUST THC PLACE TO SPtNO THE SUMMERSES—— Recognised hr the leading hotel In the mountain* of Western North Carolina. No scenery In tho world will romnsro with tho view from tljlR hotel. Mount Mitchell ami 1’lsgflh to full view. Adjoins and overlooks th* Dlltinorw estate. Cool, Invigorating >ilniat«, mag nificently furnished, cuisine unsurpassed. Pare water. All vegetable* from oor private garden gathered freth every morning Orchestra. ‘ | * * Ides and drTvaa. > beautiful rides i coin mods ted under toy circumstances. Coach (a operated hr man agement, running every half hour bet ween trolley from Asheville and the hotel Open all the year. Write or wire for bonnet nnd rate*. ^ atOOuiLPi SOUTHERN BELL STRIKE IS OVEH The strike of th* linemen of th* Southern Bell Telephon* Company, which has been In effect since April 18, was called off Saturday night. Tha telephone company won out, Inasmuch as ths contention of the strikers that th* union be recognised was not sus tained. Thoe* of th* striking llnsmen who hav* not resorted to vtolenca or ob jectionable behavior will be re-em ployed by th* company, according to terms mads by th* company and the ■trike leaders. Th* strike extended over seven states and between 800 and 1,000 men walked out KILLED BY CAR WATCHING RUNAWAY Spedat to Tha Georgian. Marietta, Qa., July 21.—Will Harris, an employe# of tha Glover Machine Work*, wag atruck by the 4 o'clock out - going car of tho Atlanta Northern Railway, Saturday afternoon, suataln- Ing Injurlea from which he died Het- urd/iy night at • o'clock. Harris waa standing on tho track watching a run away team, tut tho car approached him, • ind paid no attention whatever to tho car, although the motorman Hounded the gong continuously when clone upon him. Harris leavee a wife and five chil dren. His remains were carried to Canton, Oa., Hunday, where they were burled with Odd Fellows* ceremonies. If You Will See ’SEAL Of that this teal Is on every roll of Roofing you buy, WE will see that you get value received for your money. VULCANITE ROOFING Is a per manent roofing, and not a make shift. It is put up one square to the roll; easily applied, and is recom mended by the National Board of Underwriters sr.d Boutheastern Tariff Association. Take heed, you need our roofing and we need your patronage. “You can put it on." ATLANTA SUPPLY CO., Sole State Agents, ATLANTA, GA. C. 4. RUN, Se<ret»rj. 29 and 31 8outh Forayth Street. /. C CRUHFIUD. Ptetideel.