The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, July 26, 1906, Image 10

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THE ATLANTA UEOKfcHAN. WANT ADS ONE CENT A WORD No ad. takan for tea* than 25 eonta, tha prica of four linaa. Six word* of avaraga langth a line. The following rates • re for consecutive insertions: J *j me 6 cents a line. 3 times . . . . . 5 cents a line. 6 times 4'/fc cents a line. 28 times 4 cents a line. B2 times V/z cents a line. 78 times 3 cents a line. Written notice Is required to discontinue classified advertise ments. OUT OF TOWN ORDERS MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY CASH Georgian want ads. are Inex pensive, but they bring quick re- lulti end sure returns. Ads. for Situations Wanted will be inserted one time free of charge. They must not exceed four lines. WE WILL 8END FOR YOUR AD. WITHOUT CHARGE FOR MESSENGER 8ERVICE. CALL US ON BELL PHONE 4927 MAIN, OR 4401 ATLANTA PHONE. When sending ads. pay for at rates quoted above. J BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. WANTED HELP—MALE. WANTED—GOOD STRONG WHITE V.F.N aa helper* In tha foondry to laarn mold- trV trade. Good pay to aUrt with i-nd batter par In two or threo i * c - tbo.r with ecmd roferenc*. DaLotch Mlir Ufi. Co. DO YOU WANT TO DISPOSE OF YOUll (oodal If w>. call. up. WW (Dell). Tha LABORERS WANTED. $1.25 PER DAY. Wages Paid Weekly. ATLANTA CAR WHEEL WORKS. Take Luckio St. Car to Waterworks. WANTED — GOOD WOdD • WORKER. Good wages; steady Job. Chapman e Car riage Factory, Jacksonville, Fla. WE NEED COMPETENT MEN IN ALL -LINEN. IF YOU WANT A POSITION, CALL OR WRITE 'NOW. NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT A88OCIATI0N. 1022 1023- 1024 CENTURY BUILDING. EHTAnLIHIC El) FOR PROMPT AND RELIABLE SERVICE. YOUNG LADY . male and female ate- bograpliers, $46 to $76. Sim* tin at _onoo If WANTED HELP—FEMALE, Experienced operators make from ..... $1100 per week, and we will fire good day wages to those without experience until they learn. If you live out of Atlanta, write us and we will give you Information atiout boarding places. Nunually Bros. A McCrea. 36 W. Alabama street. WANTEP-A COMPETENT II0U8EKEEP- er for hotel In anmll place. Salary $20 per month. Apply 267 Peachtree. WANTED-AN EXPERIENCED 8TKNOO- rapher. Young Indy preferred. Salnrr, ... Aoplf at once to the Rmlth- Employment $16 per week. Apply at once t Premier Typewriter Company, Bureau, 121 Candler building. WANTED—COMPETENT COOK: ROOM on place; don't apply without reference. 'Phone 30B north, or call. Corner Peach* tree and Seventeenth streets. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE. WANTED-l'OHITION AS UOLLEUTon. SITUATIONS WANTED—FEMALE. more, 1S$ East Fair street. WANTED—8ALE8MEN. WANTED—SILK AND DRESS GOODS salesmen In Atlautn. State salary and give refe • •• - The Oeor Address L. II. 8., care MISCELLANEOUS. FOR TIIE NEXT TEN DAYS I WILL cut my $16 suits to $26. Carroll, ths tailor. 172 Psachtree street, opposite Aragon hotel. AT COST—MY STOCK OF IRON SAFES and vault doors to be sold ut cost during text week; now Is your time. 26 8. Broad street R. W. Ellis. Atlanta. 168 Whitehall street. MIDGET VISITING AND IIUKINESS cards. The Novelty of Merit, with your name and address, postpaid, 28 cents per 100. Autrey Greer, Empire building. At- FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. rmsT-cLAM BUSIN E8S have high grade tit " . VlVfc North 1 HOUSES is Call on ryor street THE SOUTHERN AUCTION AND SAL* . vagt Company, at 20 South Pryor street, will >uy or sell you out COAL, DRY STOVEWOOD-PKOM1T DR. livery. John T. Stocks.A Co., 2J6 Peters street. Bell 'phone 16 west; Atlanta 'phone 4793. FOR SALE-TWO CAR LOADS FINE Brotkway surrles, runabouts and depot wagons. Nothing better made. Georgia Vehicle Mfg. Co., 60 and 62 West Mitchell Street. FOR SALE-BEST RUBBER TIRE; workmanship guaranteed. Georgia ve- hide Mfg. Co.. A and 62 West Mitchell at DON’T GO BLIND. •oM. w« bur, Z.Y or exchange everything. W and » West Mitchell street Beil 'phooe WALL PAPER. (formerly of Iturnett A Willis) Is not dead nor ad Ming, lie Is contracting wall paper an<l (minting. Office and show 12 East Hunter street Beth 'phones 660. GO 8EE SOUTHERN AUTO AND EQUIP- mont Co. We repair, reconstruct, ex- chnnge. buy and sell automobiles. Garnge. 10-12 Mitchell street. Atlanta Gs. Nell Phone 4V94-I Main. ATTIIACTIVK llUltl WILL BItINO VOU bu^nna. for hl|h grade work rail on Kent. Ill, ft. l-rjor. Phone S3. WE ARB HEADQUARTERS FOR FIX)R- Ids limes. Write us for prices. Wilson k Huddleston, Miami. FIs. FOB TEX AM I.AND BARGAINS IN farm*, ranrb„ or town proper!/, writ. J. W. Parker k Mon. Manta Anna. Tex. FOR 8ALE—FURNITURE. REFRIGERATORS AT COST AT BOBI- son k Barnes, if East Hunter. nrOM AND MATTINGS AT WHOLE- aalo prion. Robison k Barnoa, 14 East Huntor. BRU8HELIJI AND AX MINSTER ART squares. 9 by 12 feet; $14 up. fiolitson k Barnes. 18 East Hunter. REMEMBER THAT WE SELL FUBNI- lure, matting nnd rugs cheaper than any house In the city. Robison k Barnes, 1* East Hunter. LOST. WHO J8 BURNETT? OF COURSE, you've heard tell; lie's the man who does papering and painting so well; No matter the condition your walls are found. He'll make them look both smooth end sound. And when It fe finished, then you will oee As perfect a job aa ever could be; A look at hla sampler Is certainty a treat Go see him at 12 East Hunter atreet— Both ‘phones 660. LOST—ONE ROUND GOLD REST FIN, set with pearls. Finder will lie reward- ed. Apply 16 Carnegie way, Ixiralne apart ments. FOUND. FTf3tTfKnsr~ 1 fiTI5 TTBXS PRIXSW. dean# suits $1 to $1.80. Fants 60c. 168 Whitehall street. ' Bell 520: A. 3861. FOR RENT—ROOMS. NEWLY FUBNIMflKD FRONT ROOMS for rant .lone In. 217 Mouth For.jth strrot. FOR RENT. FOR RENT-42 DOANE STREET. A GOOD slx-fwim house; water, gas and bath; close to new Fryor atreet school house; rent reasonable to a (lermnnent tenant. Owner. 674 Washington street. BOARDERS WANTED. FURNISHED ROOM. WITH HOARD, IN private family: ladles or gentlemen: $36. 720 Fourth National Bank building. Fhone M 660. PERSONAL. DAVID w. YARnnnron. MASTER PLUMBER, Phonn 1266. 20 B. Hnnlar St WILLIS WALL PArER COMPANY. largest stock In South. 64 N. Broad fit “KENT LIGHTS.” THE BEET OF MANTLE LIGHTS NOW sold at 91V6 N. Fryor Bt Alex Kant, Phone 4848. OLD HAT8 MADE NEW PANAMA "ANli MILAN MTUAliv HATS cleaned and reshaped, 6O0. 80ft and stiff fsli bats clsantd and ra- Shaped, 2Sc. Banda or sweats. 26c each extra. ACME HATTERS. Whitehall 8L SHOE REPAIRING. GWINN’S SHOE SHOP. 4 LUCKIE. OPPOSITE PIEDMONT. Bell 2336. Men's sewed half soles. 78c. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. TALKING MACHINES AND UECORDS- Wholessls and retail dlstrlbutum of Vic tor Talking Machines and Records. Just received large consignment of machines and ovsr 10,000 records. Immediate attention given mall ordeffs. We want ths nsmss of all talking machln# dealers In the south. Write for catalogue. Alexander-Elyes Co. BICYCLES AND BUNDItIRH-LAROEBT blrjcl* and sundry tllalrlbntnra In tha itoiith. Month.rn ,c.nt, for I'l.rro. Yal,. Until and ilutlioa blcyclro. Writ, tor onr 1904 cataloco, and prlc* list Al.xxndar- Klyro Co. REYNOLDS. THE SION PAINTER. Slfua. bannpr*. flats and flax drooration* for iprolal occaslona. 2M4 H. Alabama Bt CASH REGISTERS. (Second Hand.) NATIONALS. IIAI.LWOODS. IDEALS and all other makes at bargain prices. Ws can sell you a register, suitable for any business, at a price that cannot help but please yon. _ guaranteed for two yeara. Bout hern Caak Register Co. Branch of American Second- Hand Cash Register Co., 24 B. Broad street, Atlanta. Gs. FOR RENT. Have the only cen- * trallv located stores in the eitv. See LIEBMAN, Real Estate aud Renting, PHONK8 1075. 2S PEACHTREE ST. McNEILL & SHERWOOD REAL ESTATE AND CONTRACTING 514 Empire Building. Phone 857. LOOK AT THIS! 200x460 m. R. II. FRONTAGE. CLONE IN. Mod.rn building on Him,, containing 15.- 000 square feet of space, worth uot Ices than $12/5)0. If taken within a week can sell at $26,000 for entire property. FOR KALE—47,600 WILL PURCHASE AN elegant 9-room houee, lot 100x200 fu In Imuan Park, near Druid Circle. TURKU NEW 9-ROOM HOUSES ON beautiful corner In West Nad. 94,260 to •4,603. FIVE NEAT 6 AND 7-ROOM COTTAGES In tue best part of West End, from $2,860 to $3,100. 4-ROOM, 2 RT011Y NEW IIOt'HE. TINTED walls, cabinet mantels, Meldrlm at. Only $1,700. Terms. BEAUTIFUL NEW ID-ROOM IIOU8R ON Peachtree, with over oue acre of ground. Price $9,600. Liberal terms or will ex- change for vacant property or sius'ler home. R. ft. FRONTAGE OL'T OF AND WITHIN city limits, large and small lota. Prices $600 to $36,000 per lot. Buy uow and double your money within a year. , WRITE YOUR WANT AD HERE V. Send it to The Georgian office by a bicycle messenger. We pay the messenger. Or, if you prefer, telephone Main 4927; we will take your ad over the phone, charge you at the rate of one cent a word, and collect later. If you need help, have anything to sell, rent, exchange, or wish to purchase anything, try a want ad. They do’the work. "lix" ORDlkArtV wOrds MAKE' "ONE" TTneT INVESTMENT! New colored property, rents for $56.00 per month. I want an offer. Now is your chance to get a genuine bargain. THOS. W. JACKSON, 1416 FOURTH NATIONAL BANK BUILDINO. ATLANTA, OA. THREE MONTHS RENT FREE IF YOU WANT A BUSINESS 81TB WK hare client, who will buy anti ImproT* for yon. Cali and aca no. Only Thrta Left of Eight Brand Naw Suburban Homo*. Tha Brat month will bo (Ivan FREE and If occupiad on# year, two morn month# will bo ftvan FREE at tha and of tha yaar. making only nlna months you will havo to pay for. Nona but good famine, will bo allowed m those homes. These are located on the Rlrer electric car lint only twenty minutes ride from the center of the city; contain 7 and I rooms; have nover been occupied; are located in Weet Atlanta Park. Every house fronts flfty-foot Park, which la set In trees, evergreens and dowers. Pure air; na- tlva oaks; an Ideal spot for children. It Is cheaper than living In the city and the surroundings are more whole- In the centor of this Park are the Ferro Phosphate Spring*, which will cure any case of stomach or kidney trouble, no matter of how long stand ing. It now has a new church, neatly furnlphed, a store, a school-house cost ing 17,500.00 will soon be completed. Captain J.,T. Mills, who' lives on tha SANDERS, SMITH & CONWAY. Phones 6488. 412 Peters Building 42,260-IIAILEY ST.. 7-ROOM HOUSE. good condition; ahady lot. 10x220: think of It. 40x220. Within 4 blocks of the ter minal station. Rents well; good neighbor hood. Ton can't beat this In tha city. grounds will show you through houses. Rent 820.00 per month. the JOHN J. WOODSIDH, 12 Auburn Avenue. $12,000, A BARGAIN. )VER 10 ACRES OF LAND, WITIIIN city limits, 200 feet of car line, 16 minutes' Ids from center of city. 1,000 feet street rontsge. Private tract privilege of over ,200 feet In center of property. All for W. S. SHERWOOD 514 Empire Bldg. FOR RENT. l-room frame, on lot 60x200, which lies level. Is on the north side of W. North avenue, between Spring and Williams streets: has gas. hot and cold water, porcelain Imth. doaet, stationary wash- stand on both doors; sink In the kitchen and sink In the pantry; la. boated with hot air furnace. If you are looking for an extra nice houxe In the beat of re pair and In oue of our beat neighbor- ilf away. Will be vacant August 1. Rent $76 per month. JOHN j: WOODSIDE, THE RENTING AGENT, 12 Auburn Avenue, Both Phones 411. GLORE & JUSTIN, 215 Peters Building. items street school, we have a nice 4- have two 3-room cottages. In first-class hape. renting to white tenants at $7 each, indf small house In the rear of one lot; this new 3-room cottages, renting at $4 each. fIWUI luumra, iriuiug na can sell the two for $800. Tills Is the of an investment that you have been Lot 60x126; this Is close In; price $2,009. (IX ROOM MODERN IIOU8E. EA8T front, on Central nvenue: built for a mme. Let ns show yon this. TRY A WANT AD IN THE GEORGIAN 44.25D—WEST EXD—TWO-STORY, BRAND n»w bonro, on Ixrg, lot. Car line, ch.rt atrrot; ajil.ntlld community, n.w arhooL Thla houu la itrlctlj flrat-f-laaa In .T.ry way. Can mak. roay t.rma on It If drolrad. $2,660—N. BOULEVARD LOT, 10x200, FOR $2,660; east side, between Highland ave. nnd East avenue; nothing else along here for less than $3,000. $1,780—8IMFBON 8T., NEAR ORME, A good 6-room cottage on nice Inclosed lot; bona, only accaplpd by own.r for yura; ■p.clal rmaon for lolling; will rent caally for 417.60. $600-61 TENNELLE ST., S-ROOM COT* tnge, right at Etsas-May mills, In fine shape; rents readily at $6.75 per month; will rent for $7.60. This Is a gilt-edged piece of property for the money. $2.300—RANKIN 8T., 6-ROOM COTTAGE, Just off the Boulevard. This cottage has every convenience. Is In splendid condition, on large lot: rents readily at $13. Can make attractive terms on It $3,503—N. AVENUE, BRAND NEW 6-ROOM cottage on large north front lot. This cottage Is near Jackson at.. In splendid neighborhood, and one of the coxiest, best built cottggea in the city, nest thlug for the money on the north side. Can make terms easy for right parties. $1,960—GARDEN 8T., NEAR GEORGIA ave., we have a modern 6-room cottage about 3 years old. with nil conveniences, on nice lot, that we nre Instructed to sell at ouce. ns party'Is lenvlng tho state nnd will make a sacrifice for quick sale. Can moke easy terms. R. 0. MEDLOCK CO. Real Estate Agent, COR. PEACHTREE ST. AND EDGE- WOOD AVENUE. B. Phone No. 3794. A. Phone No. 4794 $450 FOR 3-ROOM HOUSE; RENTS FOR $6.60 per mouth; for quick customer. 46W—TilRKK-ROoSriloTRfc: rents f75r $1^000^.1^0 Pl ”y\ Woodward avenue.^ ^ lot: rents $1160 per month. Sima street. **iot!~room * for°another' house, on E. Bills street. 41,600—NIUE 5-liOOSr COTTAGE, lioh- orn: .trirlly white renting property: rent, for 420 per month. Tbl. I. on the market for only n few daya. Term*. 41,500—FOR 4-ROOM COtTAGE: RESiTR 416 per month; good tot; room for. an other boune. Glenn atreet. $1,426— rtlGIIT-ROOii IIoi’SK; GOOf> N*lfc- gro property; rents $30 per month; on al ley. This Is a pick-up and won't star on the market lint a few daya; three blocks from Peachtree street; near In. EpdPOR NIUE VACANT t.flT OS Jackson street; east front; $500 cash, bal ance to suit; biggest bargain for vacant property on the atreet. irooo-Foit NIUE f-RrtoM uotTage: llAit ■plendld. elevated, ahade<l lot; rent* for 422.60 tier month; near Highland avenue nnd Bonlevard. to negroes nt $26.60 per week, w'hlch Is $1,326 per nnnnm. UOSlft AND iTToK AT TllENE AT ONUE. nr ther will he taken, aa there are pnr- ehotter* for thla kind of property alwaya ready. bargains. JACKSON ST. HOME. BEAUTIFUL EIGHT-ROOM TWO-BTORY realdenee. new, In excellent nelghltorhood. Houae haa all modem Im provement*. Lot la allghtly elevated. Thla la a ilemlrable home place. Price, 46,200. CHAS. M. ROBERTS, 12 AUBURN AVE. H. C. PENDLETON, Real Estate, Atlanta Phone 1237, 614 Pe ters Building. N. KIRKWOOD-EIOIlT-ROOM COTTAGE and 2V4 acres of land, within two blocks car line, at $3,000. This Is a liergalu. and also a desirable home for parties wanting acreage. CLARK8TON, GA.—TWENTY ACRES OF land facing Georgia railroad and beauti fully located, at $2,000. outbuildings, at : INMAN PARK-TWO NICE COTTAGES of 6 and 7 rooms each, racing Georgia railroad, that can lie bought at good bar gains. It will pay to Investigate these. * BUCHER—The friends and acquaintances of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Bucher, Mr. and Mrs. A. 8. Bucher and Mr. and Mrs. John Cunningham arc requested to at tend the funeral of Mr. J. C. Bucher from his late residence. Houth Candler street. Decatur, Ga., this afternoon at 4 West Side Lots For Sale Call and get a plat of the 50 lots we are offering for sale Simpson St, Jones Ave., and Sunset Ave. on terms of $25.00 cash and $5.00 a month. They are near Warhendorff's Nurseries, and in a good home-own- ing neighborhood. PRICES RUN FROM $125.00 UP TO $400.00. FORREST AND GEORGE ADAIR. STEVENSON & CO. REAL ESTATE AGENCY. Negotiate sales for owirsra. Locate homes and Investments » for pnrrhasert. ^ - _ - - Jht commission nssls. Tha Oat our FOB SALE list. L C. Stevenson, E 1529 CANDLER BLDG., BELL PHONE M. 1051; ATLANTA 306. COLLEGE PARK HOMES DON'T PAY RENT. It I, axcMdlnyty bad form to do no when you can pay your own money back la your pocket, by coming to me. duet run your eye over thlal We'll build ‘you a boune Juat Ilk* you want It, oa atty payment*, from BN to 15,000, If you buy tbo lot 2-room, modern, new bouse on corner lot, 8100 cart, balance easy monthly payment*.. 4- room modern new houae, aame term,. 5- room, new, modern bouse on large comer lot; 8250 cash; balance easy monthly payment#. 7, 4 and 10-room bouaea. Tbe College Park Laud Company bare 2,000 lota to aelect from, $100 to fM each. Coma out and as* me, or call me up. Office at end of cv lino. Bell I’bone 17-J Elat Point Exchange, Collage Park, Ga. I aell everything at Collega Park. EDWARD H. WALKER, The College Park Real Estate Dealer. I'docit. STATISTICS. BIRTH8. To Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Crabtree, at 61 South Jackson street, a daughter. To Mr. and Mrs. M. Drenux, at 380 Grant street, a son. To Mr. and Mrs. George F. Stanford, at 620 Sunset avenue, a aou. • To Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Ellison, at 132 M eld r I in street, a son. To Mr. and Sirs. Charles Maddox, at 130 Meldrlm street, a daughter. CAN YOU GET $50,000.00 FOR A MANUFACTURING PUNT Provided you were convinced that an Investment of that amount would give you a dally net profit of $160.00 for three hundred daya out of the year, for the next fifty years, and In addition the total amount with accumulated surplus then returned to you? This has been accomplished by a plant capitalised at $60,000.00 and operated In a New Tork village, and which la drawing Its raw materials from our Atlanta and Birmingham division and selling the finished product lb Atlanta and other Southern cities and towns. The output Is 125 doxen per day, and the actual net profit la $1.40 per doxen. Surely there la sufficient local capital In Georgia for an Investment so substantial as this. We can give you the actual figures and facts, which you can then easily confirm. SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY H. B. BIGHAM, ASST. GEN*L. INDUSTRIAL AGENT. 1109-11 English-American Building. Atlanta, Georgia. DEATHS. 8. A. Whittier, 21 years old, died at Grady hospital. Ora Stroud, 17 years old, died at Grady hospital. J. C. Bucher, 68 years old, diet! of actl dent, at Manor. Ga. Thonuts B. Mallln, 71 years old, died at 17 West Cain street. died of par F. M. Terry, 63 years old, alysla, ct 146 Grant street. Charles II. Morris, Jr., S „ _ months old, died at 297 Highland avenue. Infant of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Zschry, 1 month old ( died at Grady hospital. BUILDING PERMITS. $100— E. W. Martin, to re-cover two frame dwellings at corner Martin end Buss streets. $400—J.* 8nellburger, to build addition to rarae dwelling at & Randolph atvftet. $3,200— Doxler k Reams, to build tr‘ - two-story $ came dwelling at 3$ 8t. Charles avenue. $30—D. Tys, to change front at 141 White hall street $1,200—8. Cunningham, to build two one- story frame dwellings at 12-13 Webster street. $800—Atlanta Table Company, to build $60— Mrs. A. Jones, to build addition to milk depot at 216 South avenue. $80—C. II. McCall, to build frame stable nt 806 Peachtree street. $800—J. Spellburger. to build one-story frame dwelling at 36 Randolph street. $76—R. C. Konts, to re-cover one-story frame dwelling at 28 Martin street. $1,000— K. i». Voiles, to build one-story frame dwelling at 00 McDonald street. $60—Carroll k Hunter, to build frame of- flee on Georgia avenue. $76—W. L. Arid well, to re-cover one-story frame dwelling at 30 hillott street. rsme dwelling at ; $160—Miss Kiln Wehb, to repair one-story frame dwelling at 23 Piedmont avenue. to add to one-atory frame dwelling at 263 Piedmont avenue. $80—J. R. Atwater, to add to one-story frame dwelling at 21 Fort street. PROPERTY TIJANSFER8. . O. Calls way to Union Savings bank, lot In East Point. Ga. Lonn deed. ana, 111 Mil a Glut. ua. iawii 4412—South Atlanta I .a ml Company __ W. T. AebfonL lot on corner of llrown etreet and Lanslug avenue. Warranty uue, near Ormond street, letaii uim. 4475 I’enat Sum—Continental Land Com. pany to Jam.* T. Netherland, lot on Or mond atreet, near Hill. Bond for title. STRICTLY GERM-PROOF. The Antieeptlc Baby and (be Prophylactic Pun Were playing la tbe garden when the Bunny gamboled m>: They looked upou the Crnatnre with a loathing umlligolaed— It wasn't Disinfected and It wasa t Ster ilised. They said It was a Microbe and n Hotbed of Dlneone. „ They .teamed It In n v.por of n thourond- odd degree.; They froxe It In n freeicr that wan cold as Ilanl.hed Hope, In anlpbnretted hydrogen they steeped lie Tlte?*Trimmed" If* frliky whiskers with a pair of hard-boiled shear.: They donned their rubier mittens and they took It by tbe hand, looted It a member A “'lta nd. • of tha Fumigated They i There’, not a Mlcrooocrna In the garden * l aw1m' , |n T pure* iodoform n doxen times n <lay; And earn Imbibe* his ration, from a Ily- gfenic Cup— The llunny ami tbe Bahy ami tbe Prophy lactic l*up. PUGILISTIC PUT-OUTS By Private Leased Wire. New York, July 26—Oue of the most'vi cious private tight* held In this vicinity since Governor Higgins put the ban oni public taxing took place Mat night In n roadhouse at Fort Lee. The principals were Eddie Gllmartln. the Jersey City I featherweight, and Joe. Murray, of Newark. Olurrsy was knocked out in the sixth round and It took hla seconds five wluutcs to bring him to consciousness. Much talk Is floating around among the New England sports of a match to lie pulled off a! Chelsea. Man., between Jack Jobu- aon and Sandy Ferguson, to tnke place within three weeks. The bout la to lie a twenty-round affair, and after the battle another ambitions heavyweight may be In troduced to Barn Berger. THE WEATHER. LOCAL FORECAST. WEATHER IN COTTON BELT, Mississippi—Jnckeon clear and pleasant. BrookUavi*u nml Hnslchurst cloudy and warm. Vicksburg dear and warm. Ynxoo City, Greenwood and .Meridian clear and pleasant. Hattiesburg cloudy and pleasant. Alabama—Huntavllle clear and pleasant. Alabama—Iluntavllle clear and pleaannt. Birmingham dear. Opelika cloudy, foggy and cool. Montgomery and Mobile cloudy aud warm Georgia—Rome cloudy and shower Inat night. Columbus cloudy: hard rain yesterday evening. Atlanta cloudy and cool. Tennessee—Memphis cloudy ami warm. Chattanooga partly cloudy and cool. Ma con cloudy and cool. Amerlcua and Albany cloudy and warm. Louisiana—New Orleans cloudy and hot. 8hrevc|iort cloudy and warm. WEATHER IN WHEAT BELT. Extreme Northwest—Partly doudy; 66 to 72 nliove; local rains. - Northwest—Clear; 66 to 66 above; general light rains lu Mlnesotn; local In 8outh 74 above; general mins In Oklahoma am Iowa: scattered In Kansas and Nebraska. Ohio Valley—Generally clear; 64 to 7 WEATHER FORECAST. Georgia—Occasional showers Thursday and Friday. laoulslrtiin—Showers Thursday; Friday jiartly cloudy; showers in eastern por- cloudy 'Thursday Western'Texas—Fair Thursday and Fri- »y. Arkansas—Partly cloud; hursimy Eastern Texas—Partly and Friday. ftblT Partly clouily Tburada; .a; Friday fair. nml Indinun—Generally fair lo tion. por- Missouri-Partly doudy tonight and Fri day. Michigan, Wisconsin, Niirth Dakota aud South Dakota—Showers and thunderstorms this aftermsm or tonight; cooler along Lake unerlor; Friday fair. Minnesota—Fair tonight and probably warmer Friday. storms: Friday .... « . Nebraska. ..anaas and Montana—Fair to night aial Friday; cooler tonight. STATE FORECAST. WEATHER CONDITIONS. The lisrnmeter continues moderately high „rer the northeastern states, causing north easterly winds and cbiudlnesa In that sec tion. Cloudiness also prevails over the greater porthin of the cotton belt, while the skies are generally dear throughout the north-central and northwestern sections. The pressure Is low orer the Rocky Moun tain region. _ Showers have occurred In nil districts of COTTON REGION BULLETIN. meridian time, July 26. STATIONS OF ATLANTA DISTRICT. *At!anta, doudy. "Chattanooga, p. cloudy.. Columbils. cloudy. . Gainesville, dear. . , Greenville, cloudy. . . Griffin, doudy. . ,., •Macon, doudy Montlcello. cloudy. . , Newnnu, doudy. . . . ••Home. desr. . . . Rome, dear. . . . Spartanburg, doudy. Tnllnpoosn. doudy. . Tocooa, clear West Point, dondy. •Minimum temperatures are for 12-boar period ending at 8 a. in. this ilate. ••Received late *|wlre trouble); not !■« eluded In averages. Tenjp'turt. 90 .T JO HEAVY. RAINFALLS. Klngstree. 8. C 1.6* Dallas. Tex 2.0* Sherman. Tex 1.M Parts, Tex 1.59 CENTRAL Iff STATION. III Atlanta Augusta Charleston Galveston Little Rock Memphis. Mobile Montgomery. • , . . New Orleans Oklahoma Savannah Vicksburg Wilmington 13 11 6 31 16 16 10 1>) 16 11 16 13 10 Dlst. Averages iij in REMARKS. „ . Considerably lower temperature# pww" over the Augusta and Charleston district*, with slight falls In most of the other dig trieta. Rainfall occurred In all portions <k the belt with the exception of Memphis «ll£ t rl r t. w I tip heavy' amount# in South C*ro* llna and Texas. W. A. MITCHELL Temporarily In Chars*. STOCKS REVIEWED BY NEW YORK SUN T New York, July 26.-The Sun say*: few minutes after the opening, price# re- " the Initial Sfiatb ' per Mississippi VHiley# and at scattered sta tions In the southwest Temperature changes, as • rule, have been slight. tVindltlona favor partly doudy weather The Grand Rapids Athletic Club has made an offer to Willie Fttsgerald to meet Jack Dougherty, the welterweight who was re cently defeated by Joe Wolcott —Woman's Home Companion, Mike Get tens, of Brooklyn, and Gns Kindi, of YorkvfUe, who fought a hard fifteen-round draw In private last week, are to lie rematehed to meet Vitkin two weeks. Both were dissatisfied with the last deelaton and each claimed that be hml won. They will meet la l£li city and this time tbe fight Is to fto to a finish. Temporarily In Charge. Rev. John J. Harkins, a Boston priest, has written an opera entitled "The In truders." which will In his city. shortly lie presented Here's somebody who has discovered that It Is no Linger necessary for s map Weft. * movement Cleveland Plain Dealer. to lie a lawyer to go to t-ongresa." 1. .well, I am glad that the reform prli '•—In ceiled on profit-taking until gains were atiout wiped out. out •• selling movement *4ion spent Its force. »»• tendency of securities to seek « higher l*** cl left a lietter feeling, and Improvement In the. money situation again ■■“'jJJjLLt self, with tbe result that many Issues gained handsomely on the d»>. Ing at or near the highest of the day. decided Improvement was shown ,0 , market In London, the Improvement win by no means confined to Americans, uw k,t Iroilrr from .r.rr l MI,lir , r Konthrm I*.cWr, admnMHl to " , Ift.I than It hml at anr orU 100S, when the Kroa, nnol market th. l£J np to 81l4o t bat falM to roll n shlmMo |>art of Its holillux.- ' ,^ flax's rt„ was lwao<l on <•>" J . t that tbo .took will l»o l»(*f' , L.^5rt»tx| (to«M por o.nt ftlrldonil latala. tho row oM oarront at oa. timo th«t 'W*‘''J A, nut- If. takon noxt wook. Th. Itetotim tor pmhattlx li that no ono km>w« „ oat Just what will h. flono illrlfl.ntl* on th. »tf>ok. A. I*J”|. ttonrlx Ulf of th.™mtno*«''-'*'[ a 'r,, i t rttolffo I. own*,, •jMjg>rS n p | I1 , lati- i» of th. Ur*. Interrot. ‘ilpo, 1 th. .irl nf n-.» i] ao-J „j; arrorln* rorrot*. \Vh»* I a pen orer each ear. U'l*