The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, July 27, 1906, Image 11
IDE WAS FI JICOHOII MARKET There "Was Less Bear Pres sure Apparent Than of Late. TRADE WAS BEARISH Chiefly Owing to the Fine Crop Reports Now Be ing Received. tj Print* L«as*d Wire. Keir York. July M.—The cotton market epeoed steady with a fair speculative trade la procress and less hear pressure than of hie tltbnufh the farting among room trad- tn remslned faverahle to lower prices, tUelr owing to the line crop prospects. renewing are some wen sews received late today: Vicksburg. Miss—Crop In line condition, rcis-lthstandlng had weather; with two neks more of good weather will bare Belts / @S- rwk» more of good w< |»Mt proipecto In yeara. ■ R«ln Broi. coble n>: "Lnneaahlre nnaply H r till middle of September and tTeu Early movement may precipitate 'Shreveport, La.—Too much rain alnce laat week; com plaint a of shedding, boll weevil Iceonlag namerons. Cloudy and threaten- la# bow; must have clear weather. Jickaon, Mlaa.—Weather during past r»ek was Ideal and cotton doing nleely. Huntsville. Ala.—Crop In this section do ing well. No rain alnce Monday; need dry weather. _ . . . »w Orleans. La.—Private advlcea from Texns are so distinctly favorable that no ItrlotiS effort la made to support the ma- ket'i more natural Inclination to decline. Hailehurat. Miss.—Crop condition finest ever: weather bns been perfect, Liverpool cables: ' — — stock Is Insured for Another Liverpool cable eaya: “Market talking bearish In consequence very favora ble crop news." 8POT con ON MARKET. Atlanta, steady at lOll-lfc*. New Orleans, steady at lOftc. New York, quiet at 10.90c; sales 93 con nmptlon: delivered on contract, 100. Liverpool, quiet at 6.0€d. Augusta, quiet at 11lM«e. LIVERPOOL COTTON MARKET. Liverpool, July 28, 12:15 p. m.—Cotton, spot business moderate, with rrices steady; middling uplands ft.06d; saleit 5.000; Ameri can 4,200; speculation nnd export 500; ro- cilptM A000: American 10ft,, ^ ... raturee opened firm. , ■ Opening Previous Banff. Close. Close i&H t£L lil| I uspi.^ct.. . . . .i.Q4.a §.«* . OA-Fot.. . .. .'..1.5* 5.55 5 55-5.55 Not.-Dk- 5.55-1.5* 6.5*4.56 6.55 lirc.-Jan 5.55 5444.51 J.n.Frb 1.6* 6.564.65 r.l, March 1.67 Wurrli April. .. . .5.53 5.59 *.o* L. TODAY’S PORT RECEIPTS. The following table shows recaipta at the . ** day 1 year. NEWS AND GOSSIP Of tho Fleecy Staple. Prlrato Wire to Ware A Iceland. Liverpool futures opened steady, 2 to _ HP; 4Ltf:l» p. m., 2 to 3 up and quiet. Bales xpob 5 op at 108d. Futures doe to come 2 to 3 up. 8peclal monthly crop report to Jooma of CoromffCf nays: "Cotton bits deteriorated •lightly over the Carolina#, due to ea win*. IS® •**■■*• No con._ of ahfHldlng or Insects. Good proportion crop laid by." Tomorrow la notice day on AugnsL ... poet liberal tenders* and. as have no places, will have to sell long August If tendered. Trade moderately active, outside orders mostly on buying side. Locals disposed to bear market Wilson offerlug 6,000 October at 10.XL II. Wilson offering 6.900 January at 1 and 6.000 October at 10.19. Jones offering 6,mo December at 10.30. Dick Bros, selling December. Bcblll buy* , The market la soft under a flood, of favorable crop news. Reliable people sending In reports from the Atlantic which are anything but bullish. Local bulla op- r r to fear the effect of August tenders tho New York market. Spots are dulL Tho n*-t sr».-k of In New nrlonns la 30.92S bales, against 61.00ft at this time last rear. The amount of cotton on ship board Is 17,391 bales, against 16,991 laat year. A few notices have broken July. So far as we can learn, not over 400 or 600 bales ' ivo been tendered. Notches, Mlaa., wires: "T. Goldman, from Torras l’olntr. Coupe Parrish, Louisiana, reports having two balsa of cotton out. Would gin It nut has no gin near. Crops beat on record." A letter to Thorn h McGInnla from Gas tonia, N. C., saya: "Have been over most of the North and South Carolina territory, and avarywhere found a good, healthy plant* although In soma sections It la a little smaU. Every field examined aeetued to be well fruited and If shedding does not begin noon we can depend on a very full crop." Private Wire to Glbert k Clay. ' ily 21.-We have t I wM Hi nan reHabto ‘farad Texas friends: "Raining hard this after noon; we want dry weather; rain doing damage." We understand the Southwestern Bnve Association shows Texaa condition 90 ngnlnst 84.6 last month. Present condltl Indicates a yield as large aa year before laat. Our traveling representative wires from fort Worth: "Conditions around Dallas nod; had too much rain north of Dallas*| rove over port of Ellis county, also Belli county: no boll weevil yet: spent two days In fields: plant full of blooms; no algni| of weavfl anywhere." [ Ml • lit! J ilt. Central stall ■tlona elsewhere. Western forecast:! i are clear. Cloudy con Cloudy, with scattered Few Orleans. . • . . <inlr»*ton. . • • • • Mobile ‘Savannah Charleston. . • • • • Wilmington Norfolk New York Beaton. Philadelphia. •W” MM U d INTERIOR MOVEMENT. Houston. . . Augusta. . . Memphis. . . , ft. Louts. . , Cincinnati. . QIBERT A CLAY’S DAILY COTTON LETTER, New Orleans, Jnly 2ft.-Cables were no K and l*eoriah to a degree In tone, hie erop advices went to the other >*1ng too atrongly an Influence In fivor of lower prices, notwithstanding the Iftri that the major sentiment, financially, [n Liverpool could hardly be anything else wt bullish. In view of the large stocks of wtton held there. Options worn nn< *- to 1 down on close nnd spot sab bales, advanced 6 points. Today's _J £ **' manifestly In accordance with the le- tiauta Influence* surrounding the trade. > pronounced preaanre was brought to hr. In spite of the fact that crop news rpotlnnes moat satisfactory. The few riear and warm days that the belt has •sperlaneed of late §cem to hnve been of treat benefit to the plant, nnd our crop Mvlcea today report no deterioration other *b*n local shedding end grnssy fields. In Trass, the uniform progress made Is moat ■Otlofaetory and encournglng. and aome ■kthorttles malntnln that tho prefect rendition Indicates a yield fully as large aa Jf* neat crop year before laat. Were this only difference affecting market prices. P,would be anrcosonable to suppose that ImliUb enthusiasm could nowhere find a ‘•'ftbold, but since there must also he reck- •®"1 the well supplied condition, said to •JNtod eves through September, of the fill center* of Kgtand, nn«l especially tonrester, and prospects for an early *°vtment of new cotton, together with the “ft that this season suppuca bid fair to •••nple for all needs, remembering the Jftrietlon of the eastern trade through •Tripreduction. It docs not appear * radical st.*p to take In declaring that f*rilncs are tor uore likely to occur than **k.acii,nt In taluw. W *RE A LELAND’S , „ DAILY COTTON LETTER; Hrw York. July &—The sharp reaction J*. •b°rt covering yesterday left the mar- •rt In rather a weakened condition when attempted to sell a few thousand "let this morning. The result was a loss •» Practleallv all the recovery dnria* the Sr Which serre«l to steady the tone. CU.m format: Partly cloudy through! oat, with ahnwero Friday In all atatn •*• capt MluluippL SHORT COVERING CAUSED STRENGTH Naw York. July 28.—The Fun aaya: The me of strength wa* from the covcrlns ~ loria on thia aide. Tkla was prompt! >y n number of caueea. For example, tl ,-tock marketa looked better to the cotton triple nnd tho nuaslan eltuntlon let, threat- enlng. lnauraneo rotes here under tho new rules will not be prohibitive and the I natural Inference la that atoadlty d acres stock of cotton nt New York will be nor who .. 1 party In the past la.ucil n of a bullish character. Tin I states the condition at only 71.2 per cent,* or nearly I per cent lean than on June 1*. and only a little orer I per cent better than that of a year ago. tbeae compariaoos being made with hla own llgnres. More over, epot markets were pretty generally firm, dry good, reports nre beginning taA* more eheerfnl nnd the short Interest la posed to be pretty hoary. The fluctuations, however, were within moderate limits, and It la n fact beyond I dispute that generally people Incline to the bear aide owing to tha Impression that whatarar tho drawback* reported herd and thare In tbo b«lt from time to time th* crop I* on the whole doing well. Meantime th* Booth continue* to aelll and the baying Is rather to cover abort* than to embark In vantnre* on the long aide of tho market. The KoaaUn situation la still naturally more or laaa of a disturb ing factor, as vary many of tha cotton trade look for farther trouble In that roun- try. The Month eotd here to some extent, bnt New Orleane and Liverpool bought Fo did well known room traderi. TexaeoperaJ tor* were buying In New Orleans. The ad- vance wa* by many reganled aa a momen tary rally and not at all eorprialng after the recent decline. ejpecUUy »» the ehort Intereet In the room had become somewhat large.—Glbert ft Clay. New Orletne, Joly 25,-The Tlme»-nemo-| ernt eaye: The eplrlt of nation le abroad In the cotton world, and tbe dally done now tppeare to carry eentlmental Id- finance than old-time trader! onr eiReetfj to witness. Barope threatena , rmrolutlon and the belt threaten* anotherUrr. crop, bat th#* talent la not vat InformedIn td &• St. .of.kjur.g the rt?t'e of'kim'.V .po ?,d,,y r en< S n^ •pecnl«tlon| r, n»xL H? So profraalonal In correctly coat and importaaco of each and move, and laat but by no imean* lMat. lo mor longa have anccoaafullj protoettd their nine In other yenre ""J" ‘’'l? Influence, Iweanre of the epot cotton ree ssD | sS p 40S , s l s 'jrZi’ ^ _ 0 ^. WT f.™erV^?w h £t r , M.n» « ^sssy^tsfSer trtre notwithstanding.—\5 are ft l-el«— 1 day radical change IS — iwer* were again i bait, and asms reported la th* aonthweat. OntaKW Oft/f tfin* 1 KJembir W? i l^Vnd at tbat rJSS i^5tde«"of «ttco aeemed to be JffnTkf *Wh to the tobonnd wa* not »*• rerial It wa* arldent that real at* be* to ** rl .*V—. —.. hot at that figure, rooking at^th” eltnatlon somewhat broadly, the “ ,b ?,w Jay* wilt wtad »p tke nrgenf ISX u fmdber along In »■ pmcrere. 14 t ALABAMA »T. m GIBCRT & CLAY STOCKS nOMOS COTTON. OB Ales corwee. phovi»ion» EMBCRSI ATLANTA. OA. ®rk Stock g*rhan|o.|N*w Orlaana Cottoo Iffi^po^SttoWwjaBaW toffre cUmSmIn-- 83SS Sft of Traie OMreato* Cottoo Kx-baag*. rt’SlSKTfttf Eld “ DI W. n» FAOAN, Managar. STRONG^IN ION Duo to More Favorable Turn of Affairs in Russian Situation. ADVANCE LATER LOST Duo to Profit-Taking Sales Arbitrage Sales Esti mated at 20,000. By Trlvate Leased Wire. New York, July 2ft.—The strong undertone was by no meetis lost In this morning's se curity dealings, but the market fait tha weight of proflt-tAklng to a much greater extent than on tha previous day, and as result tha movement waa extremely Irregu tar, some stocks riel*"" ***** their prerl upturn, wl E. the ttren__ Iny rather lu the Industrial quarter; In the Stffl stocks, which wars be “ __ patlon of a vary favorable statement due In a few day#* tlmo: In Ten nessee Coal, Colorado Fuel, Cast Iron and Pipe and others of tho same class. A fe of the railroad stocks, among them ilia', ng. Union Pacific, Northern Pacific, Great Northern, 8t. Paul and Atchison, made a show of continuing their rise at the open' lng. Ilut rrullr.liic sales, which were heavy at tho outset In Southern Pacific and other recant leaders, soon spread to the rest il\' ml. Bent . .. Incressln, . fesslonal traders operating for a reaction. Influenced by the apparently more favors the r lost l 1th i «iloi turn of affairs > apparently more fav< _ ra in Russia, th* 1« stock market opened with a display of ttvity and prices showing moderate gi over yesterday. With th* exception . Southern Pacific, which waa down »ic, the general list waa up from Vu!» . After ten minutes trading the ml •old off mmlerately on profit-taking. After a decidedly strong opening, which advances of 1 point or more ware made In many Issues, tha market yielded under heavy profit-taking aalft, and a large K rt of th* early gains waa lost before a end of the first boor. The total trage sale* was estimated at 30*000 shai hare*. Go van LONDON STOCK MARKET. Atchison Canadian Pacific.,.. .... .. . Chic., Mil. and 8t. Paul... Erie, UlnoJs Central IgoulsvIUe and dHH New York Central. Pennsylvania leading.. .. them Pacific.. .. States Steel, preferred.. .. JniUd COTTON 8EEP OIL MARKET. few York, July lfl.-Tb* trading w „n!n more acUve, but purely sneculntb , ud the feeling waa firm* with prices show .jig but slight change. The later months were offered more freely. Cash trading waa quiet, aa the market at he preeent la Infiuencfd to aoat extent by speculative manipulation.—Wa re k Leland. _ , Opening. Clr-*— July g “ “ leptemliar.. * >7 October November.. .. .. .. .. December Bales, 100 September at S3, 200 at 31 Closed steady. ATLANTA MARKETS. FRUIT8 AND PRODUCE. Officially corrected by Atlanta Fruit and 'reduce exchange. Lemons, 13.00 to J5.60. Limes 60 to 75e. ‘ .' Peaches, per crate, 60c to IL00. Pineapples, 8LM to 12.60. Bananas straights. i* m bunch 11.69 to .75. Culls, per hunen, II to 11.25. Watermelons, 17.60 to 320.00 per 100; da, "'tl'CtuV AND rol.'NTRr PRODUCE.— 37H?; frlre 22S4 to 2- ve ducks, Pekin V, 75; *4 75; l trailers 15 tn 22Hc. i.i re 0 26c; puddle 2d to 21%c. Pressed hens, per lb., 12c to 13c. 'UK*, per doaen. 15 fo lftc. tut ter, table, per Ibj, 20 to 22Hc; cook- Ing, per lb., lift? to lifia ifoiiey—New HflOc lb.; In 1-lb. racks 10 ^VEGETABLES.—Irish potatoea, 1 stock 34 barrel; No. 2 stock WO. Tomatoes, per crate, 75c to IIS. Old Irish potatoes, per bushel, 3L4T. — Old sweet potatoes, per.bushel, 31 'O HJR new sweet potatoes 31.60 bushel. Cherries. 24-qunrt crate, 31-50 to 31.75 C’sntnloupes, per crate, 31 to 9L50. Ilackberries 10 to :2ftc quart. 1 dewberries 10 to U^ec quart. FLOUR. GRAIN. PROVISIONS FLOClt -Poatela Elegant 36.10; Diamond MaacsntnTe Htar. 34.76; fancy Blue Ribbon, *4.10; fancy* itent, 35 26 to 36.76. luh.^.—Looicn r»>i cob 76c: No. 2 whits Tic; No. t yellow 73c; mixed 74c. OATB—Choice white clipped, 62c; choice white, 60c; choice mixed, 49c; Texas rual •roof, 60c. MEAL—Plain water ground, per hush»L Jc? bolted 140-lb. Jute*, per bnahel, «3a Hsorts, whit*. M-JJ: n«ll.un>i ;>•»: feown, II»; nnr. brsn. 11.16: tnlisd limn, 11.10. I|X\.—Tlmothj. choir, tors. b.l.i,ILI0: da. choice email hale* *1.14; do.. No. 1 timothy bales, it 06; do.. No. 2 31: do., No. 1 clover mixed 3L<&; do.* No. 2 closed mixed fbfabmpilr'.".re\o. b. Atlsnts, and ■ubject to '-^^VrTe's.'""- BtrOAR— Ftanilsrn srsnototsfl 6ff. N.w York Rsflnsfl *'v to 4Vfc; plnntaUani 414 to iSr. ilnrktt itronm. COFKBfc.—Rosstod lk. In Ins* °r b.ri Ife. Usrkrt Masl RICE.—Caretto* 414 to 714r. sccortllnc to ersfis Jlsrkst vsrv stron*. CMEE8E-K.nrv foil rman flslrj, 1414e: twins lb-; brisk. 14c. Jlsrkst stron*. PUOVIHIoNM.—Mnprsms h«m« at. JDsr. hsms 1514c. Csllfomls hsm* W4r: Rs.l Cm., isms. 15r. Dtj salt extra rlt.«. *» 75; hsllls.. Drift componsd, .lie: K«<1 Cross. THe. STOCKS AND BONDS. Ill-L AlVsd. TSnn.h it. 1*4 1»714 1«S ..area to. 1S10 *}«; Atlanta, C«. tkUU 1® .- Atlnntn, 4',.. 1^22 Ill 10J14 Attonts 4s. 1M4. 106 IB Atlanta and West Point lie 170 Atlanta and Weat Point Debt*. 107 110 b. ef Gargle first Income 9ft da second Income 39ft M ib». third *7 J7 Georgia RANGE OF NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Aniiiignmuted Copper Atlantic C«mst l.lue American Sugar Refining Anaconda American Ijocnmotlre....*. •lo pi•*/»•! ied American Snndtlog Refining., do preferred Atchison do preferred American Cotton OIL.,,,.... Baltimore and ohh>.... Brooklyn ltnpbl Transit „ Canadian Pacific .,,*„„„ Chl.ngt* mid Northwestern Chesapeake «nd Ohio Colorado Fuel nnd Iron Central Leather do preferred Chicago and (*reat Western Chicago, Milwaukee nnd 8t. Paul Delaware — 3 — IMatliler’i I rle •lo preferred (ieneral Electric Itltiiola Central American Ice Seourltlef l/oulsvllle and Nashville lean Central lOUrl Pacific MHMM,M..4,I New York. Ontario and Western National I^ead...* Northern Pacific New York Central Norfolk and Western........ PtMinayIranis People’s (ins Presaml 8tael Car no. nreforred raclflc Mall Reading Republic Steel Rock Island do. prfffrrfd... United Htntes Rubber.... m I'l-'f-llnl Southern Pacific. Southern Railway _ do. preferred... Slou-8heffleld - Tennessee Coal and Iron >xns and nlon United States 81 *1 nitSSroiffi' *6liamifty^ do. prefarrod 7. Western Unlou Wabash ..I!* ..!’ . ^ preferred.. Wisconsin Cantral....... do. preferred.. "Total stock sales today 923,500 _ aharea. ~ litgb 136ft' 137^ 136' 137 137ft] 135 249ft fijtohfH 70ft 10%\ W 114 114 114 1*«\ 147 (81 *”51 UJft Utft looft) lood ljos 1D"», ll^ft 117ft lift's U3'« 76ft! 7ft 74ft 7ft 76ft 163ft 164 163ft 163ft! I6jft 193 I 197 | 1M i l'.‘N> 196 67ft 66ft, fdft 67ft, 66ft 63 49ft| 63 61ft 49ft 36ft| 3«fti 36ft 3»»ft 36ft *i7ft 'itu 'ini *nii 1 ?r?J *81* ni'ft. 1 Vift, iv) xm in ikii -'Uft, .’I.Sft .'13ft 316 .67 I 67 67 67 41ft 43 41 43 41' 73 ft 74 7hft 7» “ B*ft 163 ft 166 179 190 ( 179 [ 1M 1 l^ft 171 ftJSl C:T4| 63ft I 63ft, I 141 | 142ft. 141 | 142ft U *861 SOftra - “ ■■■iSi 93ft 1 92ft . '.ftj tosft 2".:ft 2Q RANGE OF THE COTTON MARKET AT NEW YORK* Tha following la the rang* In eotto* *- ^- -wjay; Laar futures In New York todav: . , Open. High. fx>»r s-la Close. Close. Hi: .¥8 !S:8 « Y8 185 MX b*pl .10.17 io.i* io.« loo* io.(«to laiin Him r.h IO.JO-11 10.17X3 M«r. .10.43 10.49 10,41 10.U U.U-41 10.41-43 aoMd .l.*<ly. AT NEW ORLEANS. ,!• tb. ran*. In eotton >a in new c July. Aug. .11 Mt .11 M ii!s M ffl IK 1 Mar " xo.r-38 CIOMd ItMlly. TIPS FLASHED From Wall 8tro«L Jl ■•ini] tow York, Jmnrornn*ot K rtofl thl* morning stir ndtontif ncttolty. Uto contlmm f'[u:,rrvi bulllxb, aupportnl by InfbtinaUon and locbulra! romlltlou*. th* Uttar Inclmllua * tort, (hortl*. h.r.totor. -.*M. Dar.lopmaut* orer ulfht ire prac. tb-nlly ill firorahlo to .nhanMoont of ■took market vatu#., whlrh *r. noocnlilac gj.'lsf iufy hnJjr b mrin e M 10, that monatary conditions are improving more rapidly than heretofore, and that railroad earnings and Industrial receipts Inc rearing.’’ Market may have mthacka from ttma to time, but look for gradual * ‘ r idual li Co.: tbat mnrovemi '•Tha new Brt^tat^ha^h^ubllMunott radl ng, bat wa are Inclined to ball ere tbla la only partially true, and It appaara to ua that the present upward movement also has tho ippurt uud approval of the larger Inter I Sharp advance In Kunstan aacnrltlas re- ported this morning, nnd the postponement of the Industrial strike, which was fixed for Saturday. We think Union raclflc will follow the mnrkot up; perhaps, lead It Uptown sentiment: There Is still consld- eraiili. akoptlelMin uj'town \rirh r.-*;.••• t Im the r*- 4 nf fu lh lt> mi-1 »\ erU-- • .*• Of ttl<* nrtllO At'.r ki It |« . l |.J the conservative Interest* that tha Improve ment In the UiiRRlnu situation run «.nly teinjHirary, nn-1 that u K' IhtmI **v#-i (Ini*w of the government mu at come sooner or later. It la admitted, however, that If af fairs In Russia continue to linprovp, It Is |U"li:it.|e that our mnrke*H will be coiiRbl erablv more ncfivs during the wn-k. Men who tunc heeii very actho In the market during tho last two years, but who aoM out gome months agv, take the position that they do not wish to sell the market short In view of the large crops promised and the enormous business tbat la bring done (n all lines throughout tha United States. On tbo other hand, they maintain that they do not wish to totka commit ments on tha long aide, but will bold for a long campaign. Private Wire to Ware k Leland. New York, July 2*.—Bank rata unchanged. London ftc up on Americana. Russian 4s I* 3 points. Railroad earning* show i announcement expecti . financing plan today, and there are bull tips |on It, as wall aa Southern Pacific, Atchl- eon. Southern Railway and Stools. It la thought Amalgamated Copper dividend will p recovered quickly. There may ba considerable hurrah In tha rlv market, but an unwelcome feature tho poor reaponae In bids for Naw l Hty bonds. >re than likely, advances In stocks will be utilized for liquidating purposes, aapa- cially should tha Mg Sh-.rf Intor-Ht bo. (.mo frightened. There I* a bull tip oot on Cbaaapeaka ■pd Ohio from Pblliulafpnlf thJa morning. It will ba remembered ‘ k ** —— ‘ NOTES ON GRAIN Pointers on Prorlsiom. Private Wire to Glbert k Clay. Chicago, July H—Liverpool prices Mat about the advance made /eaterday. Our market lout more. There la nothing aUrt- ling In the Russian situation, and receipts Of Wheat here overrun estimates liberally. All this probably means •• easier open •m- H i h riout th'High . .. hall In Manitoba laa( night. Wf that tha long aide will ba more comfortable, and that declines will t>* small, compared to what advances might be. Weather In the corn bolt of this atatn and part of Indiana Is still not and d L fa higher prl« e*. The big advance In hay will keep oat* ■traaf, fit. Paul wire*: "Vary heavy ball through Canada nnd at Gretnn. Manitoba. Many fields laid bare bx tho hall." Our crop expert wires from Huron, R. Dak., July 26: "Wheat filling floe; weather favorable." cago Record-Herald: Dry I note is tbemmlng a very i day’i tho bay man's reports, the pastures are bar* aa a floor, and oata are being ! and fed to live itock. Another effect the dry weather la to Induce farmer* to .id thnlr oats, tnatead < from the threahers. as la common wi Iner ai HEAVY EXPORTS HELPEDTHE BULLS Wheat Closed Higher and Corn Sympa thized. By Private Leased Wire Chicago, July It—Mr shown In the ramp ef < • of and gulf porta were the ba fuel that Argi ntlin la alatetl to ship I.huo,- OuO bushels wheat and i.v4>)0 buanela — - .^nfldeoce wa# shown In the rnmp of tho wheat bulla to ward the clone of the 4]oy*a aesuloo. The talk of heavy export taking ngi at the i bull help* this week, compared u._ ... . ITC.Ofk) reane- lively the neok before was i"»t r-INh-l ! ' t trn 1- ton, and oats qntet Reattag spots aiMw#.| wheat $M*wte i ur'*iSBL?K' •ts. Instead of markHtlog them HBvfth the appear to be confined to ceutral and • nola and western Ifidtra* alt are scattered dry wrtihtr ern llllnola and parts of XXJP though tt nib In noi unfavorable reports on corn orn n Rain this week will put sn fiR II nerbum end to It. Prlrato Wire to Ware A Leland. Wheat seems to have been absorbed by couple parties, and It looks aa If New York woe taking sumo. A couplo comnilslaon bouse* good buyers of wheat. Look a uke five York. The only conspicuous buying le by Yat eutlne. who has bought about a half mil lion wheat. market was easier on Improved Iowa and proapecta of rnln In ■M.. id Iad tana, fieillog largaly by ocal longs. A few ef the larger eoea un ending a little. Demand poor. Gate opened a shade eeatsr on Belling. houses. Buckley and ovlslone weak *nd lower. Swift brok ■riling September lard. Illba lower. Trade light. Commission houses selling modarately. Chicago Inter-Ocean wheat in Chicago was elevator people taklni * al sellers t Cash holiness In confined to car Mia, g all' the offerings, picked up were JMjfiM buahela to although local cars. I Bslss of corn I H New England nnd of onta. 23009) bushel*. At flie e<* ft«4»ar«l, eiport h«I»-a ..f wli«*rif In all potltlona ware 256,000 buebel*. In orel times In esceaa of Ita rate at present. The Dick following will, come active on the long peak* and Ohio. ■ It la rumored from the board thta morn will. of II rate at preset iwrC to* that (ood hu/lo* to takls* pl*M Id lltltlmoro aod Uhl», which to nut to pl.o- t[firi rappljr, *cc£rdlD* to r^orto«d iduillj^to “ Iptocatotiri jiroaldVklM "h«, t*k** plan In thu mrl, npMtottonaTodar. Th*r* to * {±?XM7 7,lr tlon durlne th. remain. from iki'rMo: W< i3n«tTfft I* lo • portion to ulranca *r*dn*l ■ _ro««4ilM*blr r ^9*r In.l. PRICE CURRENT CROP REPORT. rtnclnnatl. Jnlr 2*.—Sc*tt»rx, report, of rain on wb,at In .hock; no matarlAl karm f at apparent. rino ,t.|4 >ml quality. orn making good *dTonr«tnont. oat* abort, but Lottar thin *ipoct*d. THE SUGAR MARKET. row tngar .toady and tiathtngtd Lonilno tart market ■teii'lj; July and Auguat to C\d SOUTHERN EXCHANGE Oldest ICstabllahod Office South. COnON—STOWS- -BONDS GRAIN Oround Floor Qould Building. Dally market Mt.r Saod market manual inalkod cm applt atlon L.J. ANDERSON & CO Bankers and Brokers, COTTON, STOCKS, GRAIN Cormpoadiit’s CspRil $250,000 arrcacNcc. tmk ncal bank PHONE 1-ffT. MUOCNTIAL BUMS HUBBARD BROS & CO., Sns Atlanta Office*, 319-221 Century Building. Member* New York Cotton Exchange, New Of' lean* Cotton Exchange, Liverpool Cotton Aaao- ciation, Chicago Board of Trade, New York Cof fee Exchange, New York Produce Exchange. Buaineaa solicited for the aboveexchanget. Direct wire aervlce. Correapondence invited. Phone* <S4, Long Distance 39. A.S. Huitace. Mgr, l *cal and Lone Diatanee Teltphen* 529*. ■ini.i and Savannah ll& thweet*-rri 114 Gvorgln Psslflc lsta 120 C.* d. aad A. lot UJ y 0ft *«• OrftMl. COTTON^GRAJ^, »• 2 Will SI., him l.iititt. Cl. 3>llli(*J; f nr Y#r» Mi. Ii.b.|. Ckk... I#W W tofc Htw Oil.... f ■!»«•*« Ckltij. Sink Cttf* Innlitl.M. »«• rort CjJj* Willi 11 Hit ft rk, a*. Olltt.l. Ckltltt. • c. COT mil gniattt. — 5In«o4 file*i Bell tho•# 120. and the tialance durum. Reports of corn allow so Irregular dltloo. The moat bulllih advices com* from central and southern Illinois. There le oo doubt but aomo corn la hurt, but do not think It serious. Rato this week will put ao end to It. NEW YORK COFFEE. Following If given tire opening nn 1 rMring quotations of tha New York coffee market today: January •• .. February. ...*.*. March., *t April .... to** November r5^2 December.. .. ., #*•* ..150 4* Closed steady. 15:, mary receipt* of wheat wei aI*. ng■Ifint swxfrt) a yea - - 2 ft 43 1.16«. find a year ago 6)0.000 CHICAGO GRAIN MARKET. as 49 8 & 9 h a s* lob 51«i ll<4 M'i MJ, K,pt.,„ fttj, 61', f-’, 7. DM.~. ■* 4S1. 41>i ,Hi nr..,. x«i *h *4M Hop!.,.. Mk. S3* to UK I'm..,., it! ns » i« 1 OllK— KfC »:ii HLsh ii.ahi 1! n Ski ».j» gxan wheat- o. 2 hero wlotci Vo. 1 northern anrln No. 3 do TlfrTfi WT I.97H I 33ft 3.90 3.97ft ■ HW; No. 3 do PRIMARY MOVEMENT. The following figures give the primary movement of wheat nnd corn: Wboat~Receipt* today 1.166,000 baabele, agalnat v>2‘m) fnmlielb ln»t year; aUtpmAiifa tolnv 292.000 buahola, agalmt 632.000 tmth- lo&t rear. 'orn—Recaipta today 476,000 huBhela, nK'rirmt kllOf)) buehela last year; ahlbm«*nia to«lay 223,000 baahelJ, against 6M.0UQ buehels lant NORTHWEST CARE. Minneapolis, palutb. • • • Chicago. . • Today. TVoek. Ye CHICAGO CAR LOTS. LIVERPOOL GRAIN MARKET. Wheat opened ft lower; 1 So p. m., ft low* •f: closed ft to 4 lower. Corn opet CENTRAL BANKS TRUST CORPORATION, . CAPITAL $500,000.00 If you contemplate opening a n.w acoount, or changing your preMnt banking arrangeraenL and wlih to oonnoot yourself with a atrong, oonaerv- attre bank, fully equipped to aery, you a. year bualnoaa Justifies, wa | Invite you to call and talk th. matter over with ua. Aw Q. Candl.r, Pr.aW.nt, W. H. PWtoraen, Vlo.-Prwld.nL A. P. Calm, Caahlw. John 8. Owana, Vlw-Pr.tld.nL Wot. D. Owml Aa*L Onklw. ATLANTA NATIONAL BANK ATLANTA, OA. c. E. CURRIER, Pr«*ld.nL A. E. THORNTON, Vloe-Pr«.ld«nL H. T. INMAN, Vlw-Prwld.nL OEO. R. DONOVAN, CnMw. JAMES S. FLOYD, Awt Cellar. Capital $544,400.40 Surplus and Undivided Profits $590,0*0.** We Solicit Your Patronage. Frank Hawkins, President. 5 nomas C . w. «y< C. Erwin. Aset. Caekler. ' era, Aaat. Cashier. Third National Bank Capital Surplus Dr. A. W. Calhoun. Mlltpq^pargan.^ . . $200,000.00. . . $300,000.00. DIRECTORS! 1, n. 3 <’» - . _ iiy- rrelt Payw. E. I) ltr, M r. ItoTld Wood. WM. L PEEL Prrotd.oL KOBT. t. MADDOX. Vlr.Pr.n, MADD0X-RUCKER BANKING CO. CAPITAL $200,000.00 SURPLUS AND PROFITS .... $500,000.00 ACCOUNT* INVITrO Wo invite accounts of Individuals, cor]* >rnt ions, banks nnd bankers and offer the best terms consistent with conservative banking. In our Savings Department we allow Interest at the Rate of 3 1-5 pil cent. Compounded Semi-Annually.