The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, July 28, 1906, Image 11

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THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN. 11 OPENING TRADE IEI Kotiees on August Broke That Op tion Sharply at the Opening. OTHER MONTHS STEADY ' Looked as if Bears Were Making a Strong Effort to Break It. , Br Private Leafed Wire. New York, July J7.—TUa cotton market 4*0*1 steady with a big trade. August broke 9 points on the coil under henry wilt ns due to notices to the extent of about joouo hales. The rest of the list was fairly Heady. The mnrket acted ns If the bears were 'again making strong efforts to break She cotton market opened this morning with a ahow of activity, but July and Au- ruit were weak and sold off quite sharp* h. The uew crops held steady. After the opening, the mnrkpt became doll and steady, professionals doing the bulk of the trading. Theo Trice Issued a circular this morn* lie says In part: •ay decline, and the slightest Intimation of hot weather In Texas will result In - substantial advance. “As bearing upon the bureau report, to be published a week from todny, I may say that, assuming average conditions from the day of that report to the end of the sea* •on, n percentage of 83 will indicate a crop of 10,920.000 bales: 82 will Indicate 10.- IM.000 ; 81 will Indicate 10,660,000; 80 will ladlncte 10.530,000 : 7» will Indicate 10,400,000, and 78 indicates 10,170,000. the crop deteriorated only 1.7, as against an raerage deterioration for the same K lod In the nine years previous of 16.9. A 1ble disaster was averted Inst year by the extraordinarily fnvornble conditions pre vailing after the flrat of August, of which the early maturity, of the plant allowed It to take full ndvantoge. This year the crop Is from two to throe weeks later than the average, and probably four to five weeks Inter than last year, so that It Is lardly likely that last year’s autumnal growth will be duplicated this season." SPOT COTTON MARKET. . wiunuoii; ijcuTereu on comraci, New Orleans, easy at 10 ll-16c. — Liverpool, -easier at 6.03d. Augusta, quiet at 11 l-16c. Sarnr.nnh, quiet at 10 91*6c. ft. I/>u!s, steady at 10 15*16c. Norfolk, steady at 11 l*16c. Mobile, easy at 10%c. ITjUtdelphla, quiet nt 10%c. Galveston, steady at 11c. Houston, quiet at 10%C. l/wlsvllle. Arm at 11c. Charleston nominal, Baltimore, nominal, at llt&c. Private Wire to Glbart A Clay. New York, July 27.—Liverpool at 12J0 p. in. was lH lower, which was about as ctsd. tlces for 15,000 to 20,000 bales August . Journal of Commerce says: “There la nothing In yesterday a demand for dry gooda to lead to the thought thjit any speculative movement of large proportions la at hand. In the opinion or market lead ers, conditions are ripe for a full and healthy trade this fall with jobbers, and with a continuance of active trade for •pring deliveries of goods that have been scarce for some time past. The buylug Is quite general, with the greatest activity still in domestics, printed goods and gray cloths 6f print cloth yarn construction. Bleached cottons In the low and medium lines are becoming better conditioned every day.*' Sew Orleans, July 27.—The weather map Is ngalu very favorable with fair weather generally prevailing, the only rainfall re corded .being extremely light and mostly confined to the Atlantic coast. The market Is very qnlet with prices at yesterday’s closing figures. The map Is favorable, likewise crop advices, but shorts at the moment are covering, causing Brm- ness. IL LIST OPEN]!) HIGH The Heaviest Trading Was in United States Steel Com mon Stock. ROOM WAS FULL OF GOSSIP Regarding Ore Contracts To Be Issued at Quarterly Meeting Tuesday. mnraei i» ucau; uuh, uui OVOWd here SX‘ ports some short covering before bureau. The western forecast indicates scattered showers tonight and tomorrow for all this section. The eastern forecast Indicates cloudy weather with occasional showers for all this section tonight and Saturday. new iurs, «iuiy *i.—mvcrywi iuiuivs opened 1 to t down; at 12:11 p. m., 1 down and quiet Spot sales 5,000; 3 down, at 6.r* Futures were due 1 to 2 down. Liverpool cables: "Market very narrow and steady at the decline.’’ Cotton opened demoralised In New York, due to heavy liquidation of August, McFad den and Craig being buyers of some. Com mission houses and local trade sold consid erable cotton. sser-Coleman Weekly Crop Report: C rable rains have fallen during the past ^..jn days In southeast Missouri, Arkan sas and the north portion of the Indian Territory, which, as Indicated In ours * the 6th. has given rise to complaints ay fields and rank growth on the t lands. The uplands have been bene fited by the rain, and are still In excellent condition. Dry weather Is now wanted and s week or ten days of that would restore the very promising ontlook we had two “*■ " e weeks ago. At the moment, with t- ption of too much moisture, with thi the outlook and condition a good average for the sections named.’’ New Orleans, July 27.—The weather map la practically rainless. Light rainfalls are reported only in a few localities over the cotton belt. Stock of cotton In New Orl«an, In 10,334 bnlcH, nitnlnat 03.676 nt thl, time Inat year. Manchester cable,: "Cloth, qnlet, with very iranll hmlnen doing; yarn, quiet and unchanged.” San Antonio, Tex, wire,: "Foreign ipln- nor, nro asking for Arm offer, on new cot “it In hard to gue„ the Into-alght now. hot It look. Ilka 45,000 hale, at least, perhaps 60,000. MODERN MILLER’S CROP REPORT. Chicago, Julr ST.—Soft winter whet farm rn are selling their grain slowly. A ..roportloo la being ntored or stacked. _ tlrerlea are large of hard winter wheat. The principal purchases nre hy miller, and by large elevator systems nnd country dealer, to hold Id store. The threahlnr the Michigan crop generally shows n be yield than was expected earlier In the i TODAY’S PORT RECEIPT8. The following table shows receipts nt the get* today, compared with the name day Kew Orleans. . . Galveston. . • . • Mobile Birannah Charleston. . . . Jlltulngton, . . Norfolk. .... Baltimore, . . . Now York. . . . K -i phn INTERIOR MOVEMENT. The following tnhle shows receipt* at the Interior ton* today, compared with the ■me (lay [ait year: e'lKORT, ■ BTSt-.v::: Total*. LIVERPOOL COTTON MARKET. IJrerpool, July -7. 13:15 •pertllotlon American 7.700.. ret urea opened dull. opening Prerlons , , Bing*. Close. Close ftL-.e. 5.76 5.79 5.77-1.76 ^ August 5.72-5.74 5.76 5.74 #a*l#r. with prices qnlet; middling 2J*ndslflMj sales 5,000: Amerimn 4,lorf; ■filiation and export 600; receipts 8,000; •“'/•August Antast-fieptember. .5.64 ^PtMnlBjr-Octcher.IJi S>rinb*r XoTtmbar..i.M N°vemb«T-DViii , hr.5.53 J‘^mber-Janoary.J.5* L* nun r y-Fehrus ry. .6.54 Pehrunry-Msrch. ""rch-Aprll. .5.57 ’Tosed steady. S.WS.W 6.5* -1.665.5* 5.55 5.545.55 6.545.15 5.545.65 5.545 5.555.55 UM. 5.57 5.57 6.69 6.15 OIBERT A CLAV’S DAILY COTTON LETTER K *?W Orleans. July 27.—Options In Liver- ” were unchanged no the close, a slight t steady Imbrarement having occurred ontn opening price* on account of some “"rtnghy the short interest. Spot sales wsre 5.900 hales, yesterday's qnotstlons he. "* reduced 5 points. Today's market waa ft" . n,r, ">sly doll and uninteresting affair, osPparenuy being the rale of Inte that S™ prices show an advancing tendency natural canses, such a* a further mmldation of the abort Interest witness- E,“d»7. even the scalping element wlth- "',**• preferring n more opportune mo- 8?"' <0 operate on the short side. wrathsT reports rontlnae excellent, the 'ylng clear nnd emapnratlrely dry. ex- » f« some scattered showers on the, *'[«ntlr cosst. Texas yesterday was dry ff c'oudy, being precisely the eberae- r’.of wenther desired to further the al- JHS’ exedJeet progress mad- there. AJJ o 1 ”*' considered; crop news Is very setls- “'*°ry: here and there reports of shedillny. S" "id weevils and also excessive rains to light, bnt they merely represent "m* particular locality, nnd nre by no ROOM OPERATORS HAD THE MARKET New York, July 27.—The Son «ay»: lower prices the speculation won given up largely to honnl room operators who nro bears. They bcllero that the crop Is going to be big nnd that there Is a good deal of danger that the ltusslan upheaval may ennae a considerable decrease In the world n consumption. Menntlme speculation Is dul and prices, owing to the generally good crop ontlook, nre gradually drifting to - lower level. It Is trne that yesterday' Liverpool was for a time nrro, the crop movement continued small and cotton pen pie thought that the revolutionists In Bus- sin had received n derided check. The buy ing was mostly to cover ahorta. Very few have enough faith la the market to take even qnlek turns on the long aide. Bom bay stock of cotton gooda, like that of Shanghai. It sold to lie very large. The hull lender at time* gave support lo om December option nnd sncrcdetl In checking the decline, hut the outside public refuse, to follow him or anyone elm. on the bull side. Today la the day for August no"— and, although some do not look for I to be Isaned. others predict that a am awaits the bolls. Trade reports In the meantime continue favorable so far as this country nnd England nre concerned, an; the short Interest Is large. There Is sill a chance for a crop scare* — Qtbert A Clay. New Orleans. Jniy JT.-The Tlmes-Demo- ernt says: "The market being on a fairly legitimate basis nnd yeaterdny'n Held newn proving of n more encouraging tenor than anybody looked for.- caused the loss of the G revlona day's price gain on new emp op- ono, while the declining tendency of spot market and the disinterested nttlt of the mid-summer bull pool was reflated In * sharp alump on July contracts, the tangible Influence rather than the of the man that la now regulating tb* swing of the price pendulum, and with liual- neas yet rnnflned almost wholly to profes sional traders, the dally sessions lack In Urge measure the quality of speculstlre significance usual at this time of year. Consctcntloos men are stressing the nrnhn- blllty of n large yield per acre, and also the ability of the farmer I" sqmmse the actual cotton short on month and rattle- menfn In tb* event no world's disturbance cornea to mar mlil activity. —Ware & Le- means Indicative of the general conditions ‘ N>w n ?otV July 37.-The opening of the stock mnfket today was described ns ex citing. Prices were IrregnUr. hot through out. the market dlanlnved a good tone. One of the features of the opening w»* the henry rolnme of business, especially no- liveable In I'nlted flint's Bteel common The Harrimnn stock* showed the effect of pressure—the Pennsylvania group, how ever. under the leadership of Baltimore and Ohio displayed n very g»?d tone. After the opening the mnrket rattled down, nnd on large bnylng orders became very strong. After the noon hour, the market contlnned strong, though nt times there was hesttan- ev which might he read as * forerunner of a natnral reaction. The known more- ment of money for the week wonld Indicate TOp" h/thej.ank.frt.m the Interior and snb-treasnrr of 16.151.390, The rain of the Imnka through snb-trcnsnra was 36-7.0M. The grain rate war which has begun on the Ronthwentern lines may prove to be rarious. tve bnve hid * material rise In the market now with praetl-aly no rraetton nnd a mod Part of the buying today looked mlwe like aborts rove ring than anything 22!* The market Is now entitled to a rear- tlon. and we would advise waiting n few days before bnylng. attanta. oa. GIBERT & CLAY STOCKS. BOND*. -B.AUhAMA.T. York Stack ffxchsng»|N'*w Or^:.n, M Cott»n B«toW-|™J^Board of^Tratk.^ £ York Coffee E^hmgel.vjw OrtraS or T^elrinl.raton Cotton Kxehnngn . ... jt* Wlrr* t» all Exchan ^ocal and Lonfl Dlttanca Taleph^ne 5298. W- R- FAOANp Manager, By Prlrat® Leaaed Wlra. New Y’ork, July 27.—Today** market ap peared to-be following the ordinary course of a speculation for the rise, Yesterday afternoon's sharp rise, which was con tinued iu the early London trading this morning, nttracted heavy realising sales, and, iu consequence, there waa a great deal of irregularity In the movement o£ the flrat two hours. St. Paul, Union Pacific and Houthern Taelflc were all freely supplied, end, In the case of the latter stock par ticularly, caused by a sharp dcdlns In the price. At the same time, however, new buying continued heavily In other direc tions in Baltimore and Ohio, Colorado Fuel, the United 8tates Steels, Smelters, Brooklyn Rapid Transit, nnd a large num* lK*r of the minor specialties. For a while the mnrket was very uneven under the conflicting Influences, but toward midday the pressure of profit-taking subsided and tho upward tendency once more ■ hecaino fnlrly general. Union Pacific, which had j»een heavy at the start, was hid up rapid ly to tho highest It had reached on tl* present upturn and uew high prices were recorded for a majority tbs list. The stock market opened active, and, though eht pcomervmleneItOC9EPE3(sKE9 though the price moremeuts showed some Irregularity, liberal fractional gains wers recorded In the majority of the list, Bal- tlmors nnd Ohio was the strong feature. After the opening trade, the market con tinued to diaplay Irregularity, hut further price cf limlta. narlcot .... , t and for a g< flrat fiaif hour material gains'were mads Iu practically everything on the list The heaviest trading was In United States Steel common. The room was full of gos sip about an Important announcement with regard to Ore contracts to be Issued at the quarterly meeting- on Tuesday, The fact that J. P. Morgan, J. J. Hill and Wil liam Rockefeller are now In this dtv creat ed a belief that some Important develop ments are peudlng. The " *“ Union and Pennsylvania, Induced heavy buylug of the lower priced shares. Arbitrage brokers said that London waa more cheer* ful. Trading for London account was mix ed, purchases exceeding sales- by 16,000 shares. Before the end of the first hour, heavy profit-taking sales caused reactions, bnt Atlantic Coast .... America u Sugar Refining, Anaconda ...... American Locomotive do preferred.*. Amerlctfi Smelting Rafinlug do preferred Ate/son Jo preferred Canadian Pacific.. Chicago and Northwestern Chesapeake and Ohio Colorado Fuel and Iron Ceutrnl leather, do preferred Chicago and Great Western B hlcago, Milwaukee and HL Paul «... clnware and Httuaon lilatlUer’a Securities Erie do the 1 movement mlnntes. Government bonds unchanged. Other bonds firm. few Electric. ..., Illinois Central American Ice Securities Louisville and Naahvllle. Mexican Ceutrnl Missouri Pacific New York. Ontario and western National Lead..., North - * NSW jP ... Norfolk and WestsrnJ Pennsylvania People's Gil Pressed Steel Car do. preferred.... Pacific Mall... Reading Republic Steel Ho n Island Kfisferin;:::::::::::::::::::;::::::::: do. preferred Southern Pacific Southern Railway do. preferred Sloss-Hhefflrld Tennessee Coal and Iron Texas nnd Pacific.... Union Pacific United States Steel r. do. preferred.... Vlrjrlnla-Carollna Chemical do. preferred.. Western Union...* Wabash da preferred...., Wisconsin Centre) do. preferred Total'stock sales today j,073,700 shares. RANGE OF THE COTTON MARKET AT NEW YORK. .... .. the rang. In cotton '.tv York teiav: Last l'rn.lou. Jnen. Illgh. I«o» lt*.l. Dora. Clone. July. . 5.47 9.94 5.47 6.17 5.4550 9.53-B4 Aug. . 5.90 9.M ».S1 6.52 9.91-K 9.96-94 Kept. . 9.99 10.09 9.98 10.07 10.04-07 W.04-04 “ — *■— 10.11 10.21 10.20-31 10.14-17 10.23-23 10.19-19 0.23 10.90 10.30-31 10.25-24 iO.S 16.14 10.31-35 10.20-30 Feb. .10.33 10.88 I0.IJ 10.14 10.3911 10.1051 Mar. .10.30 10.43 10.19 10.41 10,47-48 10.41-42 CloMd .tend,. AT NEW ORLEANS. Tb* fallowing It th. rang. In eotton future, tn N.w Orlratu t«)»y: Last Previous Open. Ill,h. l-oir tLle. Clara. Cl,we. July. .10.70 10.70 10.44 10:50 10.5151 10.71-70 Aug. .10.40 10.40 10.40 10.40 10.4153 10.46 40 Hept. .10.28 10.31 10.28 10.31 10.10-31 10.30-31 Oct. .10.14 10.22 10.13 10.31 10.20-21 10.14-17 Nov 10.21-23 10.17-19 reu JU.MWD 10.21-28 Mnr, .10.39 10.28 10.33 10.11 10.4254 10.3759 Closed .toady. TIPS FLASHED From Wall Street LONDON arcCK MARKET. Vi Anaconda. . i . I , Atchison ... Canadla. Pacific.. .. Chic., &iil. and 8>. Phul..... Erie do, preferred.. .. .. Illinois Central Louisville and Nashville. New York Central. . . , Pennsylvania Reading.. .. .. .. ,. . Southern 1‘nclflc. .... Union Pacific. , ..... United States Steel. . STOCKS REVIEWED BY NEW YORK SUN New York, July 27.—The Sun says: "The higher range of prices sent over by London was reflected In an advance In our market at the opening, to which Southern Pacific proved the only Important exception. Mt. Paul was the leader with an advance of 1 point Tbla atock sold a few minutes af- *r the opculng at 182»c. »t» advr * — • rdnta from the low level of Mi “Trading had been In progress time, however, before heavy profit-taking all through the active list l>egan to make s id- Ac count Two circumstances wers used to bring about a reaction—namely, the low prices obtained for the New York city (muds, and the fact that those who looked n or an announcement of rights to foilowr he. meeting of 8t. Paul directors were o r likely to be disappointed. The aetloa kets were gener- recovery of nearly 2 One of the moet encouraging features blocks and thousands of shares were without causing a .recession.’’—Glbert Clay. THE LIVE STOCK MARKET. By Friv.le Lmk4 Wlra. Chicago. July n.-lIocs-E.tlmntMl re ceipt. tml.T 20.009. Market riow and weak: unnllty fnlr: left over 4.7*; hulk |4.46fi*.75: estlnuitml for tomorrow 13,000; jBsssAfflSn i’nltle—K.tlm.ted receipt. 2500. Market .tendr; quality fair: beeve* a.«Kil.57: cow. “ 2504-40; heifer. 4*4066.40; calre* 1687; ‘ prime etrara 95.15474,60; poor to me.,; .locker, and feeder* 52.41# Hheep—llellm.ted receipts 6.000. Market week: qnnMtv fair; native 5ll«|S50; weat- L. J. ANDERSON & CO'S. DAILY COTTON LETTER. New York. July 36.—Thla living tile flrat August notice day, the market opened tn fear nnd trembling, lint the failure to forte the long, to rattle for large qtuntl too uncertain condition to follow cotton H UkhuA niorf’taiiedT Imt It in"pratty we’ll'aranred that the Atlantic ataten will nuke a abort crop, and the Inlancr of the licit I* now going tbroagk the critical period. Prtrata Wire to Olbert A Clay. New York, July 17.—Daniel Odell A I Co.: There I* no change In funda mental* and artificials are bettering | continually, but alowly and surely. The technical position of the market la, of course, not os good aa It waa, and this Is one of the reasons why, If the bull operation la pushed too aggressively, It will be left open to attack. The mar ket looks ,o ue remarkably bare of stocks after the good recovery, and It la evident an abiding, stubborn short age le extant. Bpeclally advances will be more the order of the day for a time now, we think. The market acta all right and looks pretty good. Marshall, Bpader A Co.: It Is our opinion that fundamentals are dis tinctly favorable, and believe that on all soft spots the purchase of stocks will show a good profit. Private Wire to Were A Inland. New York, July 37.—London Irregu lar. It Is doubtful If any atatement re garding Bt. Paul will be put out today, and there Is a rate war on grain nnd flour among western and southwestern roads. Bentlment I* quits bullish on Bteels. Mr. J. P. Morgan says the stock market le all right and with so many of th* big men back In New York buy ing movement* expected to material ise. Rather look for an active market, but It may prove advisable to sell out long stocks on sharp upturns. Look for further Improvement today with Bteels and Pacifica as features. Do not advise purchase* at this level. Dow-Jones summary: Americana In London Irregular. London settlement concluded today. Good demand for stocks In loan crowd. The treasury deficit for first twenty- four days of July waa 111,137,166, and for month 1s estimated at 510,000,400. fltuyveeant Kish said to have won In contest with Hsrrlman for control of th* Illinois Central. Twelve active Industrial bonds havs declined 4.6 since January. Kansas City Southern net earnings for flscal year over 4 per cent on pre ferred stock. Minneapolis and Bt. Louis earned 6 per cent on common stock for year ended June. > Eighteen Are Insurance companies report payment of 51,406,655 out of total risks of 527,665,741. Iowa Central’s fiscal year show* net Increase of 50 per cent. No Increased dividend for Michigan Central's stockholders. . John D, Rockefeller's trial Is set for September 4. Railroads centering In Chicago have Inaugurated a rate war In grain and flour. _ Wei la-Fargo Express Company earn ed 40 per cent In 1905 a*d an average of 32 per cent In the thrie yean pre ceding. Westlnghouee stockholders Insist upon quitting Georg* Westlnghous* when'he returns from Europe. President Winter la mum aa to ex tension* of Brooklyn Rapid Transit. Twenty-seven road* tor third week of July show an average gross Increase of 12.93 per cent. Twelve Industrial* advanced .44. Twenty active railroads advanced * 1 NEW YORK COFFEE. Following la glvan tn* opanlng and cloalni quotation* or the Sew York cottee marks Opening Ran ga. January 7.06-V.16 BKE!7.r: ,:y: ::.::.:4S' 7W June ,7.65 July 4.9)5.76 August 5455.75 Heptember 8.75 October 6.30 6.K .November 6.K5.90 WARE * LELAND’S • DAILY COTTON LETTER cottou today, or other they i sell, although .or some orcalWBBIHRVBHMRMMHMHI# furred to buy rather then sell, although lb* talk around tb* ring was bearish enough, nnd ths news of the day certainly did not favor the long aide, buying was for both nnd short sccount. Ths most pliust- Mkxplsnttloti for this seemed to be that the trade was afraid of th* forthcoming bureau report on condition, ami ths fors- csst which promised rsln over nearly the whole belt tonight and tomorrow. i Crop reports were extremely good. Prom inent Texans wired that ths outlook was monthly summary of lb* rn In (ieorgls wss much I letter It railed th* plant that prospect* wers good on tbs whole. MOVEMENT IN SIGHT, Brought Info sight for lb* week, accord ing to fluperintendrnt King, of fhe New York cotton exchange, 41,111 bales, egtlnsf 114.41* lest year. For Ilia season to date 19,*21,(25 balsa, tgslaat 12,253,415 last yssr. STEAL 50,000 ACRES AND PLEAD GUILTY By Prirst* Leased Wire. Washington, July 17.—Th# land of fice today recalved a telegram from Fargo, N. Dak, announcing that the Huldekoper Brothers, ownirs of the Little Missouri Hors* Company, and W. A. Clark, their manager, had plead ed guilty to th* Illegal fencing In of 60,009 acres of government lands SOUTHERN EXCHANGE Oldest Established Office South. COTTOU STOWS BOFDS OWIH Ground Floor Ooold Building. Dally | market letter nnd market manna! mailed on application. LJ. ANDERSON & CO Bankers and Brokers, COTTON, STOCKS, GRAIN Correspondent’s Capital $250,000 SErcncNcc. the neal bank PHONE I SIT. PRUDENTIAL BLDO Private Wire to Olbert A Clay. Chicago, July 27,—Liverpool wheat rable* are a shade higher, but the m Important bullish feature Is a material reduction In freight rates from th* Alls aouri river—notably, to Chicago, but also to the Atlantic seaboard. Our per sonal northwest crop advices continue of moet favorable character and ap parently jio new developments In Rus slan situation. Thera I* no relief to corn crop where rain I* moat needed. It le clear and hot over Illinois corn belt. Look for higher pricee today, Oats threshing showing disappoint Ing returns as to quantity and weight. Believe they are a purchase. Our crop expert wires from Huron, S. Dak, under date of July 25: "I thought I had better cover some of th* same ground that I did before to a< how the wheat had progressed since I waa there. I find the wheat doing well; It Is nearer being ripe than It le around Watertown, Bradley or Lake Preeton, but It Is not so good a crop—shorter and a little Ihln on Ihe ground, but It Is tilling good. I will send you a few heads from the ripest fleld that 1 saw today. This fleld Is past all dsngrer, except from storm. There Is a great deal of wheat here that will be rip* In about len day*. Do not let the black rust report* alarm you, because 1 do not think the wheat Is In the right condition to become Infested generally with black ruet. "The weather has been very favor able for wheat, a little hot yesterday, but ther* was a strong breeie. There Is not so much wheat raised here as there la farther north. The farther north you go the larger the wheat fields and the emaller the fields of oats, barley and macaroni.’’ The Argentine news today Is bullish. Good export business likely today aa a result of reduced freight* tq the sea board. Ought to get higher market to day. Cooler northwest showers middle and upper Missouri and Mississippi valley. Fnlr elsewhere. Record Herald: Increasing activity In all branches of the export wheat trade was quite marked yesterday. The chief activity waa In th* way of ocean freight room engagements, the export trade appreciating that freights could not remnln at the current low level very long In ensa there was any' In crease In the demand for wheat from abroad. The actual aalea of wheat for export, though large In the aggregate, fell far short of the freight room en gagement* and vary much shorter than the popularly accepted figures purport ing to show the amount of business done. Heavy storms In Manitoba have laid a portion of the growing wheat Following nre reports received by Finley, Barrel) A Co.; From Winnipeg: Gretna, Man, re- f iort* severe electric storms. Rain fell n torrents. Damage mostly by heavy winds laying wheat almost flat Cartwright Man, says: "Bevere storms, no material (damage. Several towns report same." Winnipeg" report*: "Heavy rain and hall. Bom* danger generally around Wolaey and MacGregor." Prlvat* Wire to Ware A Leland. Chicago, July 17.—Receiving houses sold wheat at tho opening and Ihe crowd have been best buyer*. Ought to rally little more. BartJett, Frailer A Ca: Buying Hep tember corn tho only feature. They are taking all In sight. Oats steady; trade rather light Blerllng about th* best seller of May. Buying scattered. patten has bought a lot of wheat nnd market does not respond. It acta heavy. The Illinois cron report* say excel lent crops of all kinds promise abun dant yields. The season's wheat crop Is slightly above the average, with the yield slightly above 10 bushels per acre. Corn seems to be progressing favor- ably. Rains would be welcome, but slight damage could result If It did not rain In iwo weeks. Oats harvest I# nt It* height. Tho crop Is excspllonally good and ths straw fairly heavy. Pasture* show III. tie signs of dryness COTTON 8EED OIL MARKET. ■ ■ n«w York, July 27 —Tbsro wse bat lulls [activity In tb# market for cotton seed oil yesterday, and during the •arlr tradlsgi quiet prevailed generally, Firm prices wsrsl quoted, however. f*r all deliveries. There iws* very little offering In the near-by past- tlon, but wall* rallrrs were asking mors ■nosey bids were about on • lev*) with hose of Wednesday. In coo sequence herd, y any buelnoa was transacted. The feel- ns steadier In tbe new crop montbe, ■moll bwdneee wne done at hrerstl- terabor shipment. Traders sr* afraid u a ll Heptember, however, and bull* claim st nsw oil cannot be bed her* for Sep tern bar delivery.—War#^ Jnly.. .. .. .. eptrtnW.*..'.’. Viobcr, , 09 *# 99 •• 99 soT*inlmr.. •• •• •• .. December .... Close* steady. OPENED STEADY! PRICES^ HIGHER Tin Wlient Market Was Influ enced By Strong Cables at Start. THERE WAS NO PRESSURE A Big Short Wa* Thought To Be Covering—Closed a Frac tion Up. By Trivet* Leased Wire. I'blrsgo, July 27.—Tb* markols on th* board of trade wore typical lor nirntre, and lb* Clorins* war* tamo and Iwlow Hi* best price reaobsd. Tbe fact tbst wo nro to hurt a ran of 440 nr* of whest for Sat urday and that tb* spring whot crop will Oh* of tbe -largest professloasia ... - isrket fa loug s big lot of whet end ranees , were 1.70*.MO bushels of whest, M els corn, compared with 344,400 and 773,000 bushels respectively s year ago. Cash rales of wheat st tb* Ms board sport :S loads. Primary receipt -J* and corn Mt# _ 139,000 and 4377000 huihels rcpectlvely year ago. l.'lqaranees wers 107.000 bushels whest, In- 'hiding 15550 barrels flour, 7,705 bnihels orn sad 39,085 bmhtls oats. CHICAGO GRAIN MARKET. Prev. Open. (Ilgh. Low. Clog*. Close. WHEAT— •- €l®. ■ i ■ i 4k.i 8 8 11 ■k i iri iepb'.'. iiiie" iY.ii" iiii& iloSh lliw J *LARt) 14.*0 few m m IT BE lly,.9?12t4 9.1214 9.1214 9.10 9.10 (Pt... 9.20 9.90 9.15 9.15 9.17H Oct.... 9.00 6.00 1.99 5,9744 9.9744 CASH WHEAT- 79C79 7 ; sm 1 m nwA ; so - 2 ,fo PRIMARY MOVEMENT. Tb# following flfftiroa giro tbo primary tnuT#tncQt of wbvot ami corn: Wheat—n#c*l|it# today I.rU'/'-o liuahHa, affalnat 1.239.000 huabala Init yoar: «blnnw»ntt I*s*rn v 3fio,0(W bilshcia, ngnlnat 49i,0W buah< «-la bat year. i ’orii-Ro*rolpta today 313,oo> tiuabela, nunliiMi 4J7,0>>> IiiibIipIb Inat year; ablpumnia tmloy 146,00) bushels, alagnat 4C2.000 bushel* bat year. ' NORTHWEST CAR8. Minneapolis. • , ( Duluth Chicago. .**.4 Todar. W##k. Y# LIVERPOOL GRAIN MARKET. cbnogM; dosed •<* high CHICAGO CAR LOTS. Wheat.. Coro.. .. Oata.. .. Hogs.. .. Tods# Tomorrow, IS WOOED AND WON JN INSANE A8YLUM By Privet* Leased Wire. < Los Angel**, Csl, July 27.—Delmsr Castelman, n son of a Chicago Hoard of Trade operator, and Mrs. Grace Lorton, matron at the Boutbern California Insane asylum, were mar ried yesterday at Ban Bernardino. Five weeks ago Casselman was discharged ■ a patltnt, and, na Is suspected, eole- to be near th* widowed matron, ob tained employment In tb* asylum of. Acs. The couple will reside In San Bernardino. 10WRY NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL, SURPLUS AND PROFITS OVER ONE MILLION DOLLARS Foreign Exchange, Travelers’ Checks, Brown Brothers’ Letters of Credit available in all parts of the world. g,w YerL coTTON^GRAm, ?rovisi5n5,Hto(~ksPbonds, Mo. 2 Wall St., Pilots Buildloj, Atlaala. Ca. MtMBMS: Hew fork Cotton htbangr. Hew Orleans Cotloo utkaage. Lherpoel Co'leo Associ'toa. Prltate Wires to Hew York, Hew Orleoot. CkJeago. Bell Phooe 12S2. Chicago Board of Trade. Ckltafo Slock hchaoge. Hem fork Coffee Itckaogo. B.CCOTHKAk. Va-aget. Standard Hot WM. L. PEEL. Pr#dd#nt. ROOT. r. MADDOX. Vlco-Preo. MADD0X-RUCKER BANKING CO. CAPITAL SURPLUS AND PROFITS ACCOUNTS INVITED $200,000.00 $500,000.00 \V<- invite ;icn)imt~ of indivitliialH, corporations. Iinnks and bankere and offer tho best terms consistent with conservative banking. In our Raving* Department we allow Int#r#st at the Rate of 3 1-J par cent. Compounded Saml-Annuaily.