The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, July 28, 1906, Image 14

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THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN. SATURDAY. JULY 2*. 1 re. WANT ADS ONE CENT A WORD No a<L taken for lest than 25 cents, the price of four lines* Six words of average length make a line. The following rates are for consecutive insertions: 1*tim» 6 cents a line. 3 times 5 cents a line. 6 times 4^ cents a line. 26 times 4 cents a line. 5? times 3’/i cents a line. 73 times 3 cents a line. V/ritten notice is required to discontinue classified advertise ments. OUT OF~TOWN ORDERS MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY CASH Georgian want ad a. are Inex pensive, but they bring quick re- suite and sure returns. Ads. for Situations Wanted will e inserted one time free of charge. They must not exceed • four lines. WE WILL SEND FOR YOUR AD. WITHOUT CHARGE FOR MESSENGER SERVICE. CALL US ON BELL PHONE 4927 MAIN, OR 4401 ATLANTA PHONE. When sending ads. pay for at rates quoted above. MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED HELP—MALE. wantkd-good htrono white, wen u helper, In lb. foundry t. I«rn twill *r»' trad*, flood par to Mart «lth mm 1 bettor par lu two or throe month*. < Ou'l tbo,e with rood tvferencea uwJ npplj DeLoatb Mlir Mfs. Co. VO TOO WANT TO Ullimt or TOLil eood.J If «o. nil up 2220 tU.ill. Tin- Ponthrrn Auction and 8*lrag, Com South I’rjror. LABORERS WANTED. $1.25 PER DAY. , Wages Paid Weekly. ATLANTA CAR WHEE WORKS. Take Luckio St. Car to Waterworks. WANTF.K — GOOD WOOIl - WOltKKH. (ioo.1 W.cra; .tendr Job. Cbnpiuau • Lor- rinse Factor).. Jarhaonvllle. Fla. WANTKIt—TWBSTY. GOOIl IIK.I.IMII.F BOTE BETWEEN FOURTEEN AND HF.VKNTF.KN YBAIIK OF AtIB FOIt HI.'V- B1IAI; Hol'llS WORK IN AKTBRNOON. AllllUBHS, IN OWN UANIIWIIITINO. It. X. L., VAIIK TUB ATLANTA lIKOIt- QIAN. , : t WANTKIt-MOl.lIKlI MAN AT THE AT- lantn Table Co.. 97 Brit atreet. WANTBri^FilisiMM.AHS - PM’MBRR. N THE REGAL CLUB WANTED—A COMl'KTKNT Ilorni.K KN try l»K>kkm|n-r. Iti.fwenree reqntrnl. Star. Ml.rr. Mnrrtwl ninn preferred. O. lint frf. Mnrlnttn. tin. WANTED HELP—FEMALE. V Oil. i.IYK ItKtU ..All KMI'I.OVil.'.NT <n our roving room to girl* anil women on Miy work, abort hour, anil uooil pay. Experience.! operator, make from SHOO In tilM par weak, nml wa will *lra zooj day w«se* to Ibona without experience until thay Irani. If yon llva out uf AllnnIn. writ. it. »tul wa will give you lufurinallnn • leint Ixuirillni pl.raa. Nunn.lly Urn. A MH’ren. 3* W. At.iliainn .trait. WANTEII—ASSISTANT BOOKKEEPER ‘Who Is slsn it stenographer. Salary, tio. Ftiitr age end experience. II. T. C., cure tfeorglau, WANTED. Two experienced girls to op erate paper box staying ;ua- ehipe. Good pay. Steady work. Apply EMPIRE PRINTING'^ND BOX CO., 155 MADI SON ST. WANTED HELP—Mult and Female. WANTFI r-iiT'BX mil KNt'pir rtl'KIIa' ter o* the Huilth-fromler typewriter, sml on* who Is familiar with the mimeograph. Salary flu per week. Apply the Smith Premier Typewriter Company. Employment lMlIitllllC. Department. 121 •’audit* WANT6P—MALI. MlFLOYMENT WANTED BY A YpPNU white mnii. .ig«* !l; no l»a«l hnlilli! (test rtf*-n*mv. Write, giving full particular* Address 8. II.. ear* The Georgian. I*nHITlON WANTED ON GOOD STOCK farm. Scientific man in* afraid of work. Andres* 8* lout I fir, rare The Georgian. tmi-- ^.•■■■ui- n..— 1 SITUATIONS WANTED—FEMALE. delivery. SITUATION WANTED—I.AI»Y DESIRES • fo’setv. rare for efifbfreti nhtf rfo gem-nil htn>«ework In ('hruKlnn home. AddreSM Til# G It. C.. i Georgian. Young i.adv stenographer. i:di rated. r I'll nml. correct spcttlng nml ptinr- t us fInn. cmisclentlou* service. wntiUl en tertain satisfactory proposition. Address I*, o. Bet TO. Atlanta. WANTED—AGENTS. I’RRUKTI'aI.i.V INCREASING INCOME ‘ «C**nta selling jurpular magaalnen glv WANTED—SALESMAN. SALESMEN—MELI. Ollt ICE CRUSHERS In sahMMilatk. sodn fountain lata. confec tioners. |«e , remn manufacturers. etc.; side line: • omnilsalnti. Dnveuimrf le- rhlp- |»1r»g Mreklne ( ouinajir, Davenport. lown. ANTEC—LAW BOOK SALE8MAN. ) Ttl Kli I’llMM HSION BARNHII I’BIt mmilh a-UIn* "Fjr" mi Hu- nuul. Apply ar wrti* In JW l>. i Hn a. gaiiaral .caul. i» tiidury ImlPMne. Allnula. tie. Iti.faranr,-. r.,|iilri.l, oBlci hour, I Iv M a. u., J to AT • 08T-5ft rFUCR OF IHON fiAFKH and vault du«*rB to In* sold it cost dnrfiig next week; now Is your time. 2$ H. Broad •♦reef. R. w. Kills. Atlanta. MIDGET VISITING AND BUSINESS cards. The Novelty of Merit, with your name and sddretv. t»«uitpiild. 25 cents per 101. Astray Greer, Empire bulbllng, At lanta, Gu. FOR SALE— MI8CELLANEOU8. FIRST-CLASS BIJSINESS HOUSES should have high grade elftis Cell on Kent sign Co., MH North Pryor street. Phone 2928 TIIB SOI,Till:UN AUCTION ANU HAL vsge I'niopany. at 20 Hontli Pryor afreet, wlllliay or wit roil out. COAL. DRY 8TOVRWOOD—PROMPT DE- IIvery. Joliu T. Mtocke A Co., Peters street. Bell 'phoue 16 west; Atlanta 'phone 4793. DON’T GO BLIND. tVIIKN VOL- HUB TIIB ATLANTA Wrecking Co. s uew line. Jn«t ,i.ld*-d * full line of trunks, travelers* snppllee sml general offire supulle*. The rkesp«>st ever sold. We buy, sell or exchange everything. 17 end 29 Weat Mitchell arreet. Bell ’ptioue 1839 FOR SALE CHEAP-TWO SECOND- hnnd light delivery wagons nnd hsruess. Apply Wiley, 89 Peachtree. FOR MALE—1.030, FEET HEART TIMBER, 4 by 10, 22 feet long, tit lmlf price. Al- fred II. Ashby, 69 West Peachtree place. FOR HALE-TWO CAR LOADS FINK Brock way snrrles. ninnlMiiits nnd depot Wagons. Nothing letter made. Georgia Vehicle Mfg. Co., 60 sud 52 West Mitchell street. FOR SALE-BEST RUIIBEK TIRE; > wrukuiiitislilp gun run teed. Georgia Ve- hi. I.- Mr*. Co., a and 53 Writ Mil. boll al. ' BU8INES8 OPPORTUNITIES. - GO HUB KOUTIIBUN AUTO AM) Kyllll’. went Co. We repair, reconstruct, ex- i rimnge. buy nud sell automobiles. Garage. „ 10-12 Mitchell alrect. Atlanta. Cn. Bell 2 phone 4894-1 • Main. ATTRACTIVE SIGNS WILL BRING YOU buslncaa. l*or high grade work call on r Kent. !HH X. Pryor. Photo- 2928. 1 WB AIIB IIBArujUARTBIIfi H»B FI.OII- r Mn limes. Write ua for pricea, Wilson S A Huddleston. Miami. Fin. A KBIV IIOEI.ARH WILL HTAIIT A ^ proNpcrous mull order buNlnena: we rur- 1 nlah c.ilnloguea and everything necessary; , br our enay Method, failure Impossible. • Mllburn-Illcks, 259 DenrlHiru street, Chi- - «ngo. FOU HALE—ONE PAIR BERKSHIRE shouts, 60 or 60 pounds each; fine condi tion. James E. Armour, OreetialMiro. Gn. FOR HALE—THREE ADMIRABLY Lfta c.ited lots In Hollywood cemeferv. WIR exchange for Ninnll bolter nnd engine. H. v . o: Kidd. 13 Milton avenue, South Atlanta. *' bell ‘phone 1976. ^ OWNER K8TABI.ISIimi MANUFACTUIt- * lug business having other business uctpls u competent Ilian Jo take management nnd more eapltnl to enlarge. Will sell Inter- K est. or Ian-row money. Amply secured; $2,- T 500. Staple Npeclnliy. Mate, profitable. V Fullest Investigation. Rare opportunity. R. F.. rare Georgian. IF YOU WISH INSIDE ADVICES OF 2 TO 10 (mints In stocks foe marginal trading, write me Immediately. I R. W. Mossmnn, 44 Broadway, New York. WALL PAPER. WALL PAPER AND PAINTS. “Don't let ’em fool you." Jim Burnett 0 (formerly of Burnett A Willis) In not dead Uor missing. He Is contracting wall paper and (minting. Office nnd show room 12 East Hunter street. Both ’pbonee 560. LOST. • W1IO 18 BURNETT? OF COURSE, ir you’ve heord tell; lie’s the man who does papering and e painting so wall: No matter the vendition your walls are n He’ll mhko them look both smooth nnd H And when It la fta'.sbed. then you will see As perfect a Job na ever could lie; 11 A look nt his sampler Is certainly n treat. _ Go we him at 12 East Hunter street— « Both ’phones 560; i.imr—oni; tmumt golii ukht pin. " set with imarls. Finder will In* reward- r « ed. Apply U Carnegie wny, tairslne apart- meuts. n LOHT-tONK BOUND GOLD BREAST-PIN, set with iienrls. Finder wilt In* rewarded. V Apply 16 Carnegie place. Mrs. Dnu Denny, ta>ra|ne simrtmeiits. a POUND. *' msKm;' i rwr"» f.KXS , ~'Vi!LTb'vy » • leans suits $1 to $1.50. Pants 60c. 168 Whitehall street. ’Phone*. Bell 529* A. M81. t» liOR RENT. »' FOR RENT—42 DOANE HTItEKT, A GOOD sc slx-r«mtn house; water, gaa nml bath; elofc to new Pryor street arhooi house; tr rout reasonable to a permanent tenant. „ Owner. C7I Washington utreet. ^ * tr FOR RENT—STORES. • (n Wll RENT-PART OF STORK ON - Peachtree street. Central and l»cst lorn- 11 tloti on north side. AddreM • V. ’O. -Box ._ «. >•»*• — -• -- ,n FOR SALE—REAL ESTATE. g GET 01*11 LIST OF PHOPEUTIKM FOR h . sab* on dlflTerout streets. Your address ou a isistal will bring It. It helps In the Inratlug )«»f homes and Investments. Stev enson A* Co., fMI estate agency, 1629 Can dler building. Bell 1061 M. Atlanta SOU. — NEAR GEORGIA AYR.. ON WOODSON street, five large rooms and Imtlt, jmrer- lalu tub; everything modern; imriter lot. (Id by HO. elevated; tine view of elty; best neighborhood. $2,0»S). Terms. P. O. Box 87. city. • FOR ► AI.K-BEA1 tTfU1. HOME AT CAP Itol View, New four rtiotu house on lot ^ 100 by *l.t)vfeer; $J0t) cash. Balance like rent. W. S. Davis, with W. D. Beatle, 210 ° j^ijltalde bnlldln^. r|) WANTED—ROOMS. * A ' WANTEIL BY A POPPLE W v itlIO|‘T sh rhlldren. one riMiiit or |msidblv two eon- nt tiectliig rooms, either furnished or unfiir- Is tilshed. In n refilled Hoiim*. Must lie tmsl- ~r ern and desirable; prefer steam heat. Pro- fer north of Forrest avenue, on cither of the Peachtree*, ot* near. Cun take meals Jj* out. Referonce given. Address John O. •' Philips. l». O. Box 75. city, bn WANTED—TO RENT A ROOM BY SIN- SI glc gcntleinau. either connecting bath or privilege of bnth. Dcs-ritdlon amt terms re«iu!red lit atuwerluj. Address II. II.. care ‘Die Georgian. WANTED—BOARD. 'V WANTED- HOARD. IN PRIVATE FA MU $1. I>. dose In. by two y«mng men. Answer, giving liN-ittloti and rites. J. T. J.. 45 Ati- burn avenue. PERSONAL. — U*VII> \Y. YARRfilll'GII. MAST Bit ILUMIIKK. Uboee, l»0. #) B. Ilanler At. WII.I.IA IV A 1,1. I'AI'HH IHMI'A.NY. ON Ijirrest st,N*k In Smith 54 N. Broad Sr. rR “KENT LIGHTS.” ^ TUB I'.KHT OK MAXTLK LIGHTS NOW »°M nt f-IVi N. Prjor fit. Al.t Krai, 11 Pbnflr 4M1 Bl WK XKEK ill-HBANIi KOI! KRFINRD P lady lu Georgia, age 27. worth 911.003; one B age 41, worth Write for pnrtlculura. T\ 1 tonic Circle. Detroit. i||rh. pp OLD HATS MADE NEW <• WRITE YOUR WANT AD HERE. Send it to The Georgian office by a bicycle messenger. We pay the messenger. Or, if you prefer, telephone Main 4927; we will take your ad over the phone, charge you at the rate of one cent a word, and collect later. If you need help, have anything to sell, rent, exchange, or wish to purchase anything, try a want ad. They doThe work. MAKE ONE LINE. AN ASHBY STREET LOT. There is only one building lot on Ashby . Street, between Gordon and Oak; we can sell it for $1,800. It is 50x190, widening out in rear, being 140 feet wide in back line. Let us show you this superb building lot. FORREST AND GEORGE ADAIR. SHOE REPAIRING. GWINN’S SHOE SHOP. All ururk Drat rlnia. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. AAA>IA A.XIi Mll.AN niU.YK llAl'u rli-.uml ami ry*b«pml. My. B.M and all* Mi tah .IkiuwI uml ry ■ba|*<l. &*. Ban.l« or Jfc* *v-h nir*. ACMB U ATT LBS, f!i IVWlebaM »L I'AI.KINU MAt.’III.NKn AND KECOHDH- IVboIrgnle «ud retail dintrjhiiton. of Vic* ItnmodlMc nttcntlon Wrlta for mtglogin*. Alctwwd«»r-Blymi tu Idcycl# xnd sundry dlitiihutorn to the c ftonthern wgentn for Plcrco. t»lc. nd Hudson bicycles. Write for oar tsfoiroo and prfco list. Alexander- for hjhtJs! oeraelona. 20V» K. Alabama Hr. CASH REGISTERS. (Second Hand.) ... —prlc a register, suitable for nusiness. nc n price that cannot help please you. Caeh or monthly payments. Rrery register rnarsnteed for two yesrs. Southern Cash Ister Co.. Branch of American Second* d Cssh Register Co., 24 M. Broad street. SANDERS, SMITH & CONWAY. Phone, G488. 412 Peter* Building IS.BO-BAlt.KT 8T., 7 ROOM HOUSE, good coniltllon: ah.dy lot. 60x220: tblnl. of If, 00,220. Within 4 Monk, uf thi (or* uilnal atntloo. Unit, will: goo.1 o.lghbor howl. Vou mo't Pont till. In Hie illy, H. C. PENDLETON, ‘Real Estate, t Atlanta Phone 1237, 614 Pe ters Building. THREE MONTHS RENT FREE Only Thro, Loft of Eight Brand Now Suburban Horn,,. The drat month will be given FREE making only nln. the,, houie,. Thai, ar, located on th. contain 7 and t room,; have m and Rower*. Pur, air; na il v, oaks; an Ideal a pot for children, cheaper than living In tha city te surroundings art more whole- In the center of this Park art It now ha, a new church, neatly J. T. Mills, who lives on the i, will show you through the Rent CO.OO per month. JOHN J. WOOOSIDK. 12 Auburn Avenue. GI.ORE} & JUSTIN,, 215 Betel's Building. NORTH • WOE. NEAR Wlf. rct»t echool. we have n nice 4- room collage— qoud lot—only $!.&*). NKAIt GRORGIA AVK. VtR IIAVB TWO om cotingce. renting at 16 verb. *11 the taro fa.* S3<D. Tide le the t liivrstment that yon have been ►r. See ua nlmut this. MODKUN HtM’HK, BK8T A MIT ON WOODWARD FOR RENT. iUuirnnm'vk<>H fitsric ahrfkr TmEH. TWF.NTV tVPT* SlNRiWa IIOl'KElt. F<ii;rv _ PT\.';i:im>riioT!H;«. JOHN J. WOODSIDE, THE RE.VTINO AGENT, 12 Auburn Avenue* Both Phones 111. $4.2$3-WE8T END-TWO STORY, BRAND- new house, on large lot. Car line, chert street; splendid community, nesr new school. This house Is strictly first-class In every wuy. Can make easy terms on It If desired. $2,653—N. BOULEVARD LOT, 60x300. FOR $2,650; east side, betiveen Highland ave. nnd East avenue; uothlng el#e along here for less tbou $3,000. $1,750-81 MPSON ST., NEAR ORME, A house only occupied by owner for years; special reason for selling; will rent easily for $17.60. •000-01 TENNELLB ST., - i-KOOM COT- tagv. right at Bl*a,-)fajr mill,. Id Hue alinpe; rent, reacllljr nt J6.7S per month; will rent for t?.M. Thla la a gilt-edged piece of property for Ihe money. •2.300—ItANK1N ST.. 6 BOOM COTTAGE. juat off the Boulevard. Thla rottngr ban every roaveiilrnee. I, lu anlrndld eoudltlon. on large lot: rent, readily at IIS. Cau make attractive term, ou It. •160J-X. AVENUE, IlllAND NEW 5,BOOM cottage no targe north front lot. Tbl* cottage 1* near Jnckwm at.. In aplrndld ui'IchlKirhiH.I. nnd one of the cozlcnt. best Imllt cottngea in the city, licit thing for the money on tbe north side. Con make terma cany for right parties. $1,960—GARDEN BT.. NEAR GEORGIA nvc., wu bare a imwlcrn 6-room cottage about S years old. with all conveniences, on nice lot, that wo are Instructed to eell at once, as party la leaving the state and will make a sacrifice for quick sale. Can make easy terms. $12,000, A BARGAIN. OVKR 19 ACRES OF LAND, WITHIN city limit,, 200 feet of car line, IS minute*' ride from center of city. 1,000 feet atreet frontage, rrivate tract privilege of over 1.200 feet In center of property. All for •12,000.00, with terma. Buy thla and double your money within on, year. M. McNETL aud W. S. SHERWOOD 514 Empire Bldg. LAND BARGAINS. MOD ACRES. POIaK COUNTY, GA., WITH- In five miles station, on two different rail roads; stso public road running through the property. The saw ttmlmr has Iteen cut off this laud, but plenty of timber left for all purposes. Cord wood enough to psy for It. This will make one of the finest cattle «r sheep ranches In the state, tlnlr 49 tulles from Atlanta, aud tbe price Is $4.50 per acre or will exchange for litvouie property. This Is without a question the finest Imrgalu In u stock or fruit farm In tbe state. . WITHIN MILE OF STATION AND near above iWnce- l can sell you 512 acres. 40 In cultivation., splendid l-rooiu up-to-date dwelling shunted lu fine grove, with all necessary outside hnlldlngs, together with 6-room tenant bouse; fruit of all kinds. Tbe Improvements cost more than tbe price asked for the whole, only $3,750. Yon only have such au opportunity as Is now Itolng nlaive' prnneVty and It will mnke you tic'll. Titles perfect. 120 A. 25 MILES EAST OK ATLANTA. 8.A. 1... ft mile of Station: two settlements on place; 70 acres open land, balance In tim ber; good farming land, only $2,733. 100 ACRES. DeKALB COUNTY—43NLY 12 miles fnmi Atlanta by good dirt rood. 3M ynnls station, Georgia railroad, ot which six passenger trains stop each' day. Good 5-room house, splendid orchsnl. fine pas ture nud all conveniences. The new elec tric Hue to Stone Mountain will pass this property nnd then the price will double. Brice $3,250. Money In this. Tcrqp. 72 At'ltES. DeKALB COUNTYI IfOURTEEK miles from Atlanta, one mile station M. A. L.; 40 acres open land, balance original timber; 4-room house and all necessary outbuildings; good orchard, splendid water and a flue bargain nt $1,409. 7,000 ACRES ON. NEW LINK L. nnd >\ R. It.. Gordon county. Georgia* will cut 3,000 feet of hardwood tlmlter per acre. These lands are rolling, and after tlmlwr Is cut would le good rrult or stock farms. Brice 96 per acre, fee almple. THESE ARE ONLY A FEW OF MY fatm bargains. If you are going to buy a farm call aud see my list or write for If. 1 have farms, large and small, all over the ■rate. Home small places near the city. These are suitable For truck or chlckeu farms. E. A. NESBIT, 3 Edgewood Ave. FOR SALE. Beautiful Count rv Home. . car line, at $3.0)0. This la a Ifhrgntn. and also a desirable borne for parties warning acreage. CLAHK8TON, GA.—TWENTY ACRES OK Innd facing Georgia folly located, at $2,000. CLARK8TON. GA.-TWBNTY FIVE-ACRB fnriu !n nlxmt one mile of this village. In good ah;ine. with average farm bouse and outbuilding*, at $1,000. INMAN PARK-TWO NICK COTTAGES of 6 and 7 roouia each, facing Georgia railroad, that enu Ik» bought at goo«l bar- gains. It will pay to Investigate these. JACKSON ST. HOME. BEAUTIFUL EIGHT-ROOM TIVO8T0HV residence, comparatively new. In excellent neighborhood. House has nil modern Im provements. Lot le slightly elevated. Thla la a desirable home place. Price. $5,200. CHAS. M. ROBERTS, 12 AUBURN AVE. FOR RENT! No. 1 Viaduct Place $75.00 No. 5 Viaduct Place $75.00 These stores arc very de sirable and should be seen to be appreciated. Call to see A. F. LIEBMAN, Real Estate and Renting, 28 Peachtree. SEE M. M’XEIL AND WM. S. SHERWOOD Room 514 Empire Building. IF YOU WANT RAILROAD FRONTAGE— ainall or large—at from $8 to $100 per front foot. F TOP WANT A LOT. PIT1ICIIA8E same from ua. nml we will build for yon on mug time. Lot* from $000 to $2,&w. money; rlose In. near the jumto/TIce; too by 100, for $26,000. 1 STEVENSON & COMPANY", REAL ESTATE AGENCY. Negotiate sales for nyrtrare. Locate bomea and fnveatinenta imni— . , JC I*. C. bteveneon, E. 15:9 CANDLER BLDG., BELL PHONE M, 1C51? ATLANTA 306. COLLEGE PARK HOMES DON’ T PAY RENT. It Is exceedingly bad form to do eo when you can pay your own money back la your pocket, by coming to me. Juat run your eye over this! We’ll build you n bouse Just like you want It. on easy payments, from $501 to $6,000, If you buy tbe lot. 2-room, modern, new bouso on corner lot. $100 cask, balance enay monthly paymenta.. 4-room modern new bouse, tame terms. 6-room, new. modern house on large corner lot; $260 cash; lotlance easy monthly paymenta. 7, S and 10-room houses. The College Park loind ComjMiiiy have 2.030 lota to select from, $100 to C53I each. Come out and see me, or call me up. Office at end of car Hue. Bell Phone 37-J East Point Exchange, College Park. Ga. 1 sell everything at College Park. EDWARD H. WALKER, The College Park Real Estate Dealer. CAN YOU GET $50,000.00 FOR A MANUFACTURING PLANT Provided you were convinced that an Investment of that amount ,xrould give you a dally net profit of 4160.00 for three hundred days ’ out of th, year, for the next fifty years, and In addition the total amount with accumulated surplus then returned to you? This has been accomplished by a plant capitalised at 450,000.00 and operated In a New York village, and which la drawing Ita raw materials from our Atlanta and Birmingham division and selling the finished product In Atlanta and other Southern cities and towns. The output Is 125 dozen per day, and the actual net profit Is 4L40 per dozen. * Surely there l« sufficient local capital In Georgia for an Investment so substantial aa this. We can give you the actual figures and facts, which you con then easily confirm. SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY H. B. BIGHAM r ASST. GEN*L. INDUSTRIAL AGENT. 1109-11 English-American Building. Atlanta* Georgia. IF YOIT WANT CENTRAL PROPERTY with 6 or t» p**r «*»*ut net Income uiul sure to Increase—cull ami »ee us. 8RYEN-ROOM COTTAOR. WITH ATTIC ami storage room. Built Iras than year ago for a borne. Lint * new Imrn ami servant*’ boose. Plenty of shade nml fruit trees. Lot 2T> by 136. Opposite Dr. Uhl- ley’s eslate. near fvesrsr. To s*o|<l rout- lug. will sell at a bargain. TERMS. Box 92, Decatur, Ua. M’CULLOUGH BROS.’ FRUIT AND PRODUCE LETTER Atlsnta. On,. July at—The nmu-ut eg, rm-fipia nrv. m,t auulclvut to meet require ments at nn silraueed price uf 2bgr per iloxeu. N« further glut fn these gmsls ait. tli'lpslnl during tbe present summer. Rutter of all kinds lielu* treated with but little consideration nt eery low rsluea. But little. If any. rhanze In dressed poul try. receipts lieluz slaiut «|Unl to the de mand and ■onaniuptlon. Lire poultry pre vailing In abundance; lu tact, receipts for .more thnn u week hare exrerdtil very largely the demand unit consumption, with points quite plentiful nt such prices at ' ' ' *“— 1 np- rii VI -' «■—« V U »• »w .» H'l'l "MU IIUnillT. Poach condltbHis have Iwcn thoroughly ilr- jorallxtHl during the week: In fact. It has not l*eu possible to rst*orer transportation charge* nml expense of hnuilllug on many •hlpuiettrs. Receipts on Hattmlay. July 2% very much lighter thnn previous Usys Uur- log tbe week. linlUttlng that stock of qusl- Ity can amt will be handled st very much •-Piter prices during tbe next week. Home few pears coming In. the Le Coot* vnrteiy bringing satisfactory prices. Very little doing lu iMiiauas for several days; In fact, we anticipate no reaction of note as to demand and value until the re- cltits of home grown fruit Is through with. Pineapples m-sree and selling at advanced •rices. < o oranges In the market. More or less weakness ns to prices Is ofed la lemons at all isdats of fmporta* Ion. tirnnes plentiful and selling at low prices. Market thoroughly congested on Irish po rt toes, nml wlthnat additional receipts for ten days no Inconvenience will lie felt. New crop sweet potatoes coming In In a small way and commandluc g »n1 prices. An Irregular and light driusml prevails for cshtMge at quotation prices. Onions scarce and active. Vegetables, generally speaking, are t»eing furnished by the bum* truckers at low values. This applies alu* to cantaloupes. Melon receipts excessive. Msay cart be ing rejected for freight charges. COTTON MARKET OF A CHOPPY SORT New York, July 28.—The Fun says: The -tills got a surprise lu the / *'— which amounted to some 33,.... caused only a alight net decline, nut the houses that Issued them seemed to have done so for effect on the market more than anything else, ns they promptly stopped them nt the first opportunity. Moreover, the Issuers were In some cases good buyers, lK>th of August nud later months. It Is easier to handle snots here under tbe new* Insurance rules,and tbe lower rotes. Mean time, too, there Is n steady demand for the actual staple, oud It Is not supposed that the new crop will figure to any Important extent In the receipts for n month and a half. Moreover, the* Russian news seemed more peaceful jind the stock markets less apprehensive. The receipts were small, the weather In pnrts of Texas was very hot, heavy ralus fell In Georgia, considerable of the ncattered long Interest In the market has recently Iwon weeded out. and on the whole hears showed more nnxlety to cover than the remaining bulls pld to sell. Tbe stock here Is steadily decreasing and ninny would not l»e at all surprised to. see n some- wbnt bullish .exhibit of weekly statistics. But the outside public avoid tbe specula* tlon, nml even those who would like to op* ernte are uncertain altout the cron outlook lu view of the* faet that the yield cannot really l*e determined for flvs or six week* to come. It Is therefore a narrow profes sional market—unsatisfactory to everybody, although Its general drift has recently been downward. July broke sharply In New Or leans, nml, although August here showed a -decline of only a few points, the next Top milled rath “ * ' “ lust'd at somq i •tantly, the hardest Job the room trader has encountered In many n day being tbe successful extinction of profit thercfroui. Technically there Is some cause for doubt over the progress tbe cron Is making; prne- Realty the outlook over the licit ns u whole Is qnlte promising, ami, barring weather damage not now unparent, the yield |H»r acre will probably lu* large. Matured cot ton In the Itoll already has lieeu received In New Orlennk from Dunkle. tat., ami the earlr producing sections of Texas promise a fairly early movement from the new crop, lint Gedrgls Is not-making the en couraging progress expected, hence the fresh strength of the fall positions. On the other hand, actual cotton appears to l>e z»lnz ,-lH-gglnc for piirrlinwr., nnil the summer opr Ion tadng neglected, the pool, seenilugly having hail Its fill, have dropiMtl well below the value of spots, a situation not likely to coiillnue any length of time In an actual cofton market. Meanwhile the elimination of such sentiment as that NY 1 I probnhty for some though irlatlons i tight rein on the mar- weeks to come, hnply statement fully meets bullish expectations. The Timee-lteinrfcrat will on Monday morning publish Ita crop condition report for July.—War# A Inland. STOCKS REVIEWED BY NEW YORK SUN ATLANTA MAF.KETS. FRUITS AND PRODUCE. Officially corrected by Atlaota Fruit i Produce exchange. I«ctnons, $t.7o><h5.00. Limes CO to 75<*. Benches, per cratg. Me to $1.00. rineappler, $1.60 to |2J>0. Blinnmis - * JTSlL-. .... Watermelons. $7.60 to $20.00 per 100; ds. maud good. POULTRY AND COUNTRY TRODUCK.- Llve bens 25 to fries 22V5 to 2k*; broilers 16 to 22V5e. Live ducks, Tekln 33 to 36c; puddle 26 to 27ftc. Dressed hens, per Hi., 12c to 13c. Eggs, per dozen, 15 to pic. Butter, table, per lb., 20 to 22Hc; cook ing. per lb.. 12V4c to 15c. tlouey—New wlOc lb.; to Mb. racks 10 ®VKGF.TAIH.F.s:-lrl,b rxilnln... No, I stock $4 Imrrel; No. 2 slock $2.50. Tomatoes, per ciatc, «5c to $1.25. ^ Old sweet | iota foes, tier bushel. $1 to $L2»; new sweet potatoes $1.50 bushel. FLOUR, GRAIN. PROVISIONS. FLOUR—Postds Patent. $100; Diamond patent, $5.61; Mnscoutab 8tar, $4.75; fancy pntcut, $4.65; Blue RlblKui. $4.10; fancy, $iw: spring wheat pntcut. $5.2& to $5.75. CORN—Choice r«f cob. 77c: So. 2. whits, ‘V: No. 2 yellow. 73c; mixed. 75c. OATH—Choice white dipped. 54c: choice white, 50c; choice mixed, 50c; Texts rust proof. 51c. MEAL—Plain water ground, per Imshd. 74c; ladled 140-lb. Jutea, per bushel, 6&*; Shorts, white, $1.40: medium. #*.35; brown, $1.33; pure bran, $1.15; mixed bran, $1.10. 11ATimothy, clmice largo imles. lUO: do, choice small bale#, $1.06; do. No. 1 timothy bales,*, do.. No. -* #1: do., N«*. I clover uilxeil, $1.00; do. No. 2 closed mixed* ^CLOVKR.-Cholc# fOr. The above prices are f. o. b. Atlanta, sod subject to immediate **reeptauce. GROCERIES. SUGAR.-Stnmlani grs mils ted 5c. New York HeflueU 4 1 .* to iW, plnuUtlors 4>4 to Hfie. Market atrooeer. COFFEE—Roasted Arbuckle s $1j. hulk, in lugs or barrels. l?$4c; green 13 ts 12c. Market normal. RICE,—Carolina 4H to 7M*. according ts grade. Market very strong. twins 14c; brick. • 4.I" oEi .mm ". !«., Market strong. PROVISIONS.—supreme hams 15t*. Dove hams 15He. Csllfornln hams lOVic; Red ire* bams. 15c. Dry salt extra ribs. Jfi.75: bellies, 20-5 lbs., $10.26; fat Inicks. 8c; plates. 8c: Supreme lard. *».76: Beil Cross. 10i\ Snow Drift compound, 7‘ic; Ue«l Cross, 7?«c. STOCKS AND BONDS. Bid. Asked. Georgia 44s. ISIS... 112 Georgia, It. R. 6s. 1910 106 Savannah Ss. 1909 ltttt Slaton Is. 1910 106 Atlanta, 6s. Ml 105 Atlanta. 4fcs. 107 Atlanta 4s. 1934 106 Atlanta sml West Point 116 Atlanta and West Point Debts. W. C. It- *>f Georgia first income do. s<*cond Income 89Vk do. third Incotn. $7 Georgia M& Augusta and Savannah 116 Southwestern... 116 New \T»rk. July a.—The Sun says: The market showed a continuation of the up ward movement of prices which, with few speed which sent prices np rapidly. The volume of transactions In the first half hour was very large and the market broadened to a greater extent than In many weeks. It Is natural that advantage should lie ta ken of tbe all-round strength by tboae who he,I large profits In stocks like Southern I’aridr and St. Paul that had lieen market leaders Vo convert some part of their gains Into cash. I»nt In spite of the reactions caused In these mid In Canadian Pacific by profit-taking the tone was strong throughout the seealon. and In many of the leading Issues the closing was not far from the best of the day. The markets abroad show*! **l»«tantl*l Imnrovement. the rise In Knsidaii Itonds being banlly less significant thin the advance In British consols, which have always been regarded loft* 103* ymk P>7 170 Georgia Pacific 123 12* C- C- and A. 1st 1U SOLDIERS ARRIVE FOR MANEUVERS Bp^lal to Tbe Georgian. Chattanooga, Tenn., July it.—The .oldler boy* are arrlvintt at Chlrkn- ntauga Park .to take part In the ma- neuvera which begin Monday. The Seventeenth Infantry ha* arrived. The regiment ha* In charge a Klllplno m-i«- eot. which they captured In China dur ing the war In the Philippine*. It I* in charge of Colonel Orsm.rn and w,» organized In Columbus, O.. at the our- break of the Spanish-American ivnr. The Seventy-first Virginia regiment, under command of Colonel C. • • Vaughan; the First Alabama regiment, under command of Colonel R. B. Un- mom. and the Third South CnmliaV under command of Colonel Schachtr. are on the way to the encampment. The tentage and part of th# equipment <* the South Carolina boya la already at waai - ■■ ■ . Lytle. Oe. favorable and London waa a l"»r»r In oar Major H. J. Goldman, of th. Twelfth 38,0)0 ofeam. Cavalry, hn* been appointed a* cffi'-’l** • umpire of all the official content*.