The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, July 28, 1906, Image 14

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I - THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN. FAtrni'AT. Jt i.t irg. r WANT ADS ONE CENT A WORD No *d. taken for ?ess thnn 25 e«nt*. the pnc» four lines. Six words of average lengtli make a line. The foMewinq rates are for consecutive insertions: 1 .♦irre ..... 6 cents a line. X times 5 cents a line. 6 times 41/2 cents a lino. 26 times ..... 4 cents a lino. 57 times ..... IV/2 cents a line. 78 times . . V . .3 cents a Una. _ Written notice is required .to discontinue classified advsrtiss- •nsent*. OUT OF TOWN ORDERS MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY CASH Georgian want adi. are incx* pen.ive, bui they bring qqlek r«. suits and «‘jr« returns. I Ad«. for Situation. Wanted will b. in.erted on. tint* free of ehirge. They mull not exceed tpur line., I WE WILL SEND FOR YOUR AD. WITHOUT CHARGE FOR MESSENGER SERVICE. CALL US ON DELL PHONE 4927 MAIN. OR 4401 ATLANTA PHONE. When .ending ads. pay for at rate, quoted above. I MISCELLANEOUS. *r ' (ist-\|\ sti>*'K .*i iiioS kah’* ninl tnull «Jm,m> (. W .4*1 .1 «•«! .l.rlnx . Pvlt how Is /Out flap. rC H. liruml 1 -;~t. It XV. mils. Atlanta. ' | MIDGET VlfUTI.Hq ASU IIIM.VK.SS cArds. The Novidty of Merit, with tour i*w»f sfid mMroMf post paid. ‘25 arms |mr WT Autiry Greer. Empire building. At- laata. Cm. A ' ■■ W >- m/y- ~ FOR,SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. RI'MNKHS 1P»T St KIHHT-CLAX* ill*; southern auction and hai- vac* Company, at *1 South f'rjror street, will buy or sell ran nni. W»AI, DRY MT0VKXV00B-PR03IIT DR livery. infill T. fffocks A.t'o.. ?jf. Pefcr* afreet. IU1I 'pIlOUS lu W*0tl Atlanta 'ptXHte DON’T GO BON’D. WIEN YOU HKB * TUB ATLANTA Wrprklfti Cn.*« new line. .fn«» mlihl n fall tin.* nf trunks, fr*voters' supplies ami general office supplies. The cheapest erejr fcrtM. IV# Imy. #et| »r exchange everything. 27 and 29 tVeat Mitchell afreet, (tell plume lS)lt KAMI CUBA I'—TWO HRCOND hand light delivery wagons and barm**®. Apply Wiley, W Peachtree. ?nltdAl.i:-J.IMB F K l : K AI IT! XI i111K It! ^ 4 hr 1®. ,v30 *»''Jf l'rim*. AD WRITE YOUR WANT AD HERE. Scrid it to 'Hie Georgian office I)}’ a bicycle messenger. Wc pay the messenger. Or, if you prefer, telephone Main 4927; we will take your si over the phoney charge^ you at the ratoof oue cent a word, and collect later. If you need help, have anything to sell, rent, exchange, or wisli to purchase anything, try a want ad. They do* the work. * ORDINARY MAKE - tr* i- ■■VI.- ! 3} feel I. iliy. Gil \V ■■ - TWO CA1I - I.OADm ■nrnvt. n Hilt SALK Hiwkwny surile®. ruuchouta nod depot Wagons. Nothing butter made. Gnorgln Vrfilrlr Ilf*. Co.. $0 nml 52 We*r Mllrbrll «tn»nt. WANTED HELP—MALE WAMKU-OOOIt STIIONO WIIITK J4KJ «• helper* I. lb. foumlry In le«r»m-ilil ere' trode. Howl |my to *Mt «Hk hetlrr My In two nr Ibrw u|o.lbv Oi 'f tb"«» with good reference* ueeil eppil 11.1/iarb fin" Mfc. Ca Do you want to macoMB °r TCM;»t g#fvN? if so. cnii up iD6 fn#ni. * LABORER!-* WANTED. $1.25 PER DAY. Wages Paid Weekly. ATLANTA CAR WHEEL WORKS. Take Luckic St. Car to Waterworks. WANTED - flOOIl WOOD ■ WOlIKKIt t.'H.l xurii eteeily Job. Clupunfu'a l nr- rl.irr Kni-Sry. Jnrkaonrlllr. Fin. wixTffp r WE NTT flOOD UEI.I AIII.K iiovx bi:twi:f.n fihbtckn ani> hvWEVTiatN YKAlih or Ann roll kkv- i:uai. minis woiik in aithiixoon AIIIHIFKS. IN OWN II AN OWIt IT INI! II. X. I™ CAUE TIIB ATLANTA OE«H e; l AN. J WASTEI1—MOI.OER MAN AT TI1K AT- Wntn Trade Co.. 07 Heat alrerl. _ wixTBI*—FHIHT-CLA8S l'LI!)IBRn. *$» ^ijT tiny. 1>. W. VarljrouuU, » IL Hunter } THE REGAL CLUB Hum Iiimnl tn innmii 707 Fourth Nntloonl Until* llnlldhiff. WA.NTHI»-A ('OMI'KTKaNT HOUAUMfiXf tri- hiMikkffiNT. Itfferrui'VM rvqulm!. Htnf" Mnlfiry. M#rrl«l milt, prfferrwl. V. <». ||..\ 472. Mnrli'ttn, Un. WANTED HELP—FEMALE. Bxprnttu’iHl opr in tors mnkft from 16 If •>» ptT WM»k, nnd w wilt idv# Rood tint *.»*!•!» to llHKM without **spvr|piirs until th*»y l«nrit. If yon llvv out of Atlnntn. urP»» •"» nnd wo trill glv# you iiiforiiiiition mi•<uti iHMtntlM? hl»imu. Nunttnlly HroM. ii MrTrnu. no W. Alntmtun *trm»r. WA^rKlWAHHIPTANT HOOKKKBl'Bft wlui Im nli**» i* iMnimarsplinn*-•Nuturf* WA Ftntc nirv nml #*|H*rl#ucv. It. T. C’„ curt* WANTED. Two experienced girls to op erate' paper'hox staying ma- elnne. Good pay. Steady work. Apply EMPIRE PRINTING AND BOX CO.. 155 MADI SON ST. WANTED HELP—M«le nnd Fern.l,. WASTED-AN KXmilKNCKD OPBiIA- tor on th»* Hmlth l*rrtnl#r ty|H*tvrltvr, nml n::t» v. Iu» Is fniulllnr with tin* iiiliiH a uimii>li. Kslnry HO |wr w»*#k. Apply the .Smith Hrrmlnr Typnwrltnr roncMor. Bmpldytlifnt llfpiirtturnt. 121 rstwllvr hulhllui;. ■ SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE; I'MIVMBSCr WANTBD IIV A YOI NO Idle lunn. iik<‘ tl: no l.nd hnldta; lirat lereiiry. Welle. «lrlhi full.IxirUevIhfa. rea* K. II.. care The lieurglan lfOAITHlv'WANTKH ON GOOD STOCK tCnriu. Sclriitlflr ttirtu not ufrnhL of work. A^1rv«9 Sdrntln#. cure The Ooorgltth. ftTIONS WANTED—FEMALE. I k»*ei» Inline for few fimtleuiiHnvbo * nf lM»npllit;r nml %\«nt r*»uifurt« .V,. iUilwIru. jjviu-mi hlHn Mfg. t*n. gaar S? West MIG bell At BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. SHOE REPAIRING. GWINN’S SHOE SHOP. •4 LBCK7BL OPFOHITi: FIKHMONT. 4sell 2335. WM-n's Mird| half snlen. 75c. FOR FINE HIIOK RKrAIRI.NO Co to J. W. t'nrrnll, 47 Houih I'ryor street, oiiiMMlif eunrt house. All wiirk flrst-elnss. ■. i» ;■ 4tM-1 Mnln. ATITCACTIVK HICNH WILL DRINO'YoL' Imshiess. For hlch crude work cull on Kent. »M»t X- Pryor, Phono 2»3t. WK ARK IIKAIKIIIARTlitUI HUt Flloil Ids Ifni*»«. Write Hf for prices. Wilson 4c Huddleston. Miami. Fin. J6TAUT .. order liuHln^sn: we . .. nlsh nitiiloctun nml everytlilnc iienwllrr; hr our easy iiieihol. fnllure ImpnsAUile. Vlllliiirii lllrkM, HenrlNirti street, Chi cnjfo. • Fflll HAI.K-ONK l-AIII IIK iFlxH 11111 f: Hhoiits. 50 or tiOipotimlH yueh; flue eondl- Roll. JnincH B, Arttiour.-CirwuHlioiii. (Jn. Fun Valk^Viirkk' AIi.MIIIAIII.Y Ml. e.ifeil lots lii Hollywood eeiuotory. WIM ekehuiic* Dir nmnll holler nml oiiciue. H Houih A;Inntn OWNKR BHTAIIMHHBh MANFFACTI’R- lu« ouslness Imvlnc other hnsliiesN needs eompetent mini :<» tnke nmiiNffeineiit nnd more enpltnl to eiilsrxe. Will sell Inter est. <ir Inirrow money. Amply secured: 12,. 36J. Hlnple Nporliilfy. Hufe. nrofltnhie. Fullest luvenflpltlon. Rule opportunity. It. F.« <*sro Meorctsn. IF TUI* WISH INS 11 IB AllVICEH OF 2 TO W fioliitN in stnekn for mnrulnnl trmllnc. write me Immedlntety. It. \V. .Vlossiuaii, Hrondwny, New York. WALL PAPER. WALL I'APBIt AN I > l»AINt$. n’t Jet 'em foul you,** .llm lluruett Office nml show room 12 reet^Jlotii^^ones^^^^ whir L09T. NK'rrf OF COUUSK, you'v ‘lie . . ilntlnc no Wfllt No mutter the 'condition your walls are found. He'll niske them look Imth smooth ami Ami wlien'lt Is flv'.shed, then you will see As perfimt n Jnl> ns ever could lie: A look st his snuipler Is eerMIMy u tmit. MIHT-ONB ROFNIi CIOLH REST. PIN, HH wlih penrls. VH Apply 16 Curncglc plrtel Lomyn ty»nrtii|eij^s.^. .Mrs. Hnn lleiiuy, FOUNP. j Menus suits 11 to |1.5o. I'snfs 6dr. 166 Whitehall street. 'I'hones. |t»ll &•»; A r.ssl. 4ii. FOR RENT. Wnwhlncton street. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. TaLKLmT31 Al?riTm^^A.N I t^lBcTiTrim^ Wholesnle nnd retail dlstHhntir. of V|e. tor Tnlkfn^ Mnelilues nml R*H-ords. Just reeel red I arc# eoiwltfnment of tmtrhlnrs nnd over I0.0M records, liumedlsle nttentlnn riven mnll onl«#s. We want the nnuirs of ~ *“ soufh. ‘f nnuirs the tor • Rlyes i IIICYCI.BH AND MUXIHClES-LAKOttHT Idrrele und sundry dhtrllmtnrs In th* sqnrB. Southern Mu**nts for Fierce. Vale. Snrli nnd Hudson Idc.vrles, Write for nor E»|J rnfnloreu and price list. Alexander REYNOLDS. TUB *|f|N PAINTER Hlirns, luinners, unqs nnd tins decorations for special ocenslons. 204 P. Alnluinm Hf. CASH REGISTERS. (Second Hand.) NATIONALS. IIAI.HVOODS. IOKALK nnd oik other makes ut hnrffnln prices. Ws enn sell you -n register, suitable for nny huslness. st a price that csuuot help Imt pleas# you. Cosh or monthly psyments. Every register rnnrnntoed for two years. Southern Cosh Register Co.. Rrnnrh of A merles n Second- Hand Cash Register to., 24 H. Jlrond street, Atlnnta. On. SANDERS, SMITH & CONWAY. Phones 54S8. ,412 Peters Building I3.2M—I1AILEY 8T.. 7 ROOM HOrSB. good condition; sbndy lot, 60x223; think of It. 60x220- Within 4*l.|oeks of the ter minal station. Rents well; good imlgbhor- howl. You ean't bent this In the c|ty. $4.25J-:WE8T END-TWO STORY. (IRANI)- new Douse, ou large lot. Car line, chert strest; splendid community, nenr new iM-hool. This, bouse Is strictly flrst-ddss In every way. »Cnu make easy terms on It If desired. \ 12.C5%-.N. BOf LBV AH U LOT, Mx20(j; FOR I-’ 'W; enst side. Iietween lllghlnud are. oud Bust avenue; nothing else along here for loss than $3,000. $1.160^HIMPHON 8T., NBAI1 OIlMB, gootl 5-roout cottage on nice Inclosed lot; hoi.mV only occupied by owner for years; special reusou for selling; will reut easily for 117.50. H. C. PENDLETON, Rfeal Estate, Atlanta Phone 1237, 614 Pc ters Building. PWO-61 TBNNELLB 8T., 3-ROOM COT tnge, right; at Blsaa Muy mills, In flue rent for 17.60. This Is n gilt-edged place of property for the money. FOR RENT—STORES. *. x « FOR ItBNT-PAIlT OF HTOltH ON lVaehtre# str»*et. Central nml l*o*t l«*en- tlon -oil north side. Addtvdi 1% It.' Iku “ '"■'■ , ... FOR 8ALE—REAL ESTATE. UKT OLU LIST OF I'ltDl'KIITlKH Flllt sale on dllTei-eut st reels. Your address on n postal wifi bring It. It helps In th* locating *»f homes ami luveftuicuta. ,8t«v- ehNou it Co., real estate nsriicv. I'JO Can dler ImUdlng. Hell 1UM XL Atlanta .Td. NKAit"fiROR01A AVK.. HjC ^foOpSON atrvet. Avo large, ruonia and Isitli. ““f tflug THREE MONTHS RENT FREE Only Thrsr Left of 5ight Brand Now Suburban Homo*. Tlio flrat month will br glvrn KnEI? and If occuptrd on« yrar. two more month! will bo given FREE at the end of the year, malting only nine month* you will havo-to pay for. None but good famllle* will h* allowed In theie homes. Tbeie are located nn the Rl*er elfetrlc car lint only twenty minutes ride from the center of the city; contain 7 and S room*; have never been occupied; are located in West Atlantk Dark. Every bouse fronts a flfty.foot Park, which I* set In trees, evergreen* »nd^ flower*. Pur* air} na tive oak*; an Ideal spot for children, it la chenper titan living In the city and th, surraundlnga are more whole- e. In the center of this Park are the Forte Phosphate Spring*, which will curie any case of atomach or kidney trouble, no matter of how lot^g stand ing It now ha* a new church, neatly furnished, a store, a school-house cost ing $2,504.09 Will soon be completed. Captain 1. T. Mills, who lives on the grounds, will show- you through the nouses Rent $10.00 per month. JOHN J. WOODSIDE. 12 Auburn' Avtou*. $2.300—ItANKIN HT.. G ltOOU COTTAGE. Jnst oit the Houleranl, This oottirso has every Oinirtnilriiis., Is In slilrutlltl nnnlltbm. on large lot; rents readily at (1$. ‘Juu make iittraetlve terina uu It. $3,507—N. AVENUE, BRAND NF.\V G ROOM iiiringe on Inrge north frout lot. Tbla rot tnge la near Jarkaon st.. In siiletullil K lcblH>rhood. nnd one of tbe rosiest, beat lit cottngra la the elty. Best thing fur (be money on the north aide. Unit make lertna easy for right partlrs ILWh-OAKIlKN; ST., NEAR GEORGIA are.* wn have n modern 6-room cottage about 3 years old. with all courenlencr*. on nice lot, that wt are lustrurt«fl to aril nt unci', np party la leaving tbe stnte nnd will iiiiike n ancrlftce for quick auk*. Can lunko easy terms. jM>rce- ■ lot, tit) nIii tub; everytlilug uiu'leru; eofgyr l»y IM. elevated: line view of elty; lM*at “ ‘ihorbood. Terina. P. U. Hi FOR NAt.B—RKAl’TIFri. HOME AT CA1' Itul View. New four room ln»U»V PUjnl 160 by 136 feet: »K» miah. Balance like wt. XV. S. DavU, with XV. I). Ileutle. 210 ultajde Imlldln . . WANTED—ROOMS. Wasted, iir A cnui’t.i; wiTiior c t-lilldrcu. olio room or poNnlhhr tw»» con- netting fotium, either luiulobed or tin fur- nlahetl. In a reflnetl hmgA Must ha* mint. ami OfalralAo; prefer ate^ui hv«*>. ere* . ■north of Fur real n venue, mi cither of the Peachtree*, nr near.- Can take nice!# out.* HrfoeUtfe siren. AoblreM'Johu Philip*, P. O. Itox city., Mro. ri ATION ANTED—LADY DKif?HEX h new. rtte for < kililrcn t ami-do gtm«u*nf h*ework hi Clirl<«ti;iri home. Addren* lit. 4*.. earn The Georgian. fl'Nfl LADY HTBNOOI5 A I'll Bit. KDt* “ ••‘•I*, teltjjeil. j um*vt. jualllug nini.imuc I'Ui. <-tiu*4ieiit itniM service, would cn hurt i’I ii aatlafnrlory prupoaUiuu. .Ltd; *-*# lv ii. Ittc :♦*. Atlautn. ^ WANTED—AQE NTS. * PBRPBTI AJ.1.Y *RKABINil"TntoMJ* »fo ngenta aellltig popflar tiuiguzlue* gU- '— “ c**uiMi»»h| life.. nccMf'iit nu«| free n «t*niMn'' With WtT^UoX il V WANTE0 r^ ALE8M£N ' FAI«BHMBN-ili>|,1. U of R H'B rHI sifims .9y anlooMilat*. mala founlainbd*. «tnifcc 1**™. b ‘* vreaw • nuiuufnrtnren^ efe.: aid, : R*’" 1 •'■••nnujaalou. |)‘iv< > U|Mirt low «*hlp- Hjw^Ludilne roinuuny. '*-■ (Aw#. WANTED—LAW BOOK 8ALE8MAN. $»• TO r» t'DMMISSION BAIt.NKD PER fcostb sHans ••<>.•• ..I, tin- rt».ub A|,ptr nrxrlii. to r.\ |». IV'In, g^orrst sgriit, ' l.nry building. Atlanta, tla. !t.-fw..n. .-» us,cl ' hour* k to tt a. u., 7 to XVANTBD-TO RENT A* ROOXI BY SIN gic gentleman, cither connecting bath or privilege of hath. Ileaerlntlrtn and 'terms « in|iv$i In answering^ Addre*a II. II., ear# wjjBwaiBMaKantosweaeaBEaHi W^HTCP—BOARD* \ranted noAjth. nrrmvATE fami* Iv. clone Ip. by two young men. Am»wi»r, giving l«»'u(tairnml rat#H. J. T. J.. Ci An David \r. YAitiiRorcn. MAKTBR ILUMItBR. Phoset lJCL 20 B. Iltinter ft. _1.artrem« *io$J* to Houtli It -X. Itroad Hr. “KENT LIGHTS/^ THU BKST OK MANTLE LIGIITS NOW sob! *»t N-, Pryor At. Alex Kent. Ionic Circle. Mkb. ... pi-P HATS MADE NEW T'AN^iiA *vV"Mi’u*N ni'uAu'~iTAT» Hniunl .ml t,shaped. Mr. •he'mil #lW rr ' R«n«i* «*r. »»-Ata. 3** e-.ek extra. ACMK HATTERS. WWtrtiall 8L GLORE & JUSTIN, 215 Peters Building. ON TUB NORTH SIDE. NEAR Wit.- llama •treet orlniot. we hive ii nice 4- room euttage—gmal let—only H.SJ0. ahape. renting t$» whiff tenants at 17 each, nml Small homo* In the rear of one hit; this I* n bargain nt S1.4«K». NEAR CJEOROIA AVK. XVB HAVE TWO new 3-rmmi cottage*, renting at 96 each, we can sell the two tfit $90*. This la the kind of nn investiycM that you have been looking for. Hee u* a I Hint this. • HIXTthDM MODERN HOIXK. BEAT part of Jones avenue, and a luwiity—63*000. $12,000, A BARGAIN. OVBR 10 ACRES OK LAND, WITHIN city limits. JOO feet of car Hue, IS ralnutea' rids from router of city. $.000 fevt street froutage. Private tract prlvllegs of over L2U0 feet In center of property. All for $12,000.00, with term*. Buy this and double your jiiom-y sliblo one year. M, McNEIL and W. S. SHERWOOD 514 Empire Bldg. LAND BARGAINS. Lioo ACHES. POLK COUNTY. GA.. WITH- III live inllc* station, ou two different rail road*; sl*o nubile road running through the properly. The saw timber ha* been cut off thll land, but plenty of tfiulmr left for all purpose*. 1’onl wouil enough to |m.v for It. This will make $»m» of the llneat cattle o$r sheep rum-hex In the state; Onlr ,4<> mile* from Atlanta, aud the prlht Is 11.56 per acre or will exebnuge f«»r Im mue |>n>perty. This U without a question the Otieat bargain la a atoek or fruit farm In tbe state. XVITniN H MILE OF 8TATION AND . near almve place, I i-sq sell you 612 acres. 40 In cultivation, splendid 8-rnuiu up-to-«late dwelling sltuuteil In tine grove, with nil necessary outside buildings, top-flier with ti-room tenant bonne; fruit of nil kinds. The I Improvements cost more thnn the price ‘ “ r the whole, only 93.760. You only ‘ h an opportunity as Is now being jer; goml fanning land. Only I-.7D). 109 At’ltKH. DeKALR COUNTY—ONLY 13 miles irom Atlnnta by good dirt roa«l. S»>» yards at at Ion, Georgia railroad, at whleh lx pnsaenger trains sta|> each day. Oo«>d .•mom house, splendid orchard. Due pas ture and nil convenience*. The new elec- Money In this. Terms. FIVE-ROOM POTTAOE ON Mil.RON HT. Lot 56x126; this is close In; |H-ice $2,006. Terms. XVE HAVE A LOT ON WOODWARD avenue. lOtsISh to another street; only 91.1<». si.v.RooM ’ urtinrnN, iim xE. ear't front, uu Central aveuue: built for a home. Ia*t us show you this. for rent; ONE ELEVEN-BOOM IIOIRE *f> •ovflnwim ■fENTii>?rM’ , in)mTrr.r.~7.T.T:>M «)Xi;'Xlxi:-lt-myi~il<TisE $15 tl-n E r-Tn t i u wi m~ti.t i' SEd~^ : KloiiT yEvi:N'ntsVyiHorAKit. ' *~~ fWESrTVxVo*hi\ IhidjI 'HofifKIC RVifff Fivf;.|iiM)M*lii>t’R>sC fWEN v f\^l < IVE~FllinuollM^lU)YHEy~ hlllTY^lX Tiriii:I7lUM(M Ilill'SES. JOHN J. WOODSIDE, THK REXTIXO AGKXT, 12 Auburn Avenue, Both Phones CIS. 72 APREH. COUNTY, FOURTEEN mile* from Atlanta. op« mile station 8. A. ?,.; 46 acre* open land, balance original timber: 4-ro#m house and aR necessary ontbulhlluss; goo$l orchard, splendid water nud a flue Imrgntn at $1,400. N. KIRKXVOOD—EIGHT-ROOM COTTAGE nnd 2*/4 a<Te* of land, within two blocks car line, nt $3.0)0. This Is n bargain, nml also a desirable home for parties wanting acreage. CLARKHTON. GA.—TWENTY ACRES OF land facing Georgia railroad and beauti fully located, at $2,000. CLAUKBTOX, GA.—TWENTY-FIVE-ACRE farm In ntiout one mile of this village. In go<*d shape, with average farm house aud outbuildings, ut $1,000. INMAN PARK—TXVO NICE COTTAGES of 6 and 7 room* each, facing Georgia railroad, ‘that ran be bought at good bar gains. It will pay to Investigate these. . JACKSON ST. HOME. BEAUTIFUL EIOHT-ROOM TWO-STORY residence, comparatively new. In excellent nelghlmrbood. House has all modern Im provement®. f*ot Is slightly elevated. This Is a desirable home place. Price, $5,200. CHAS. M. ROBERTS, 12 AUBURN AVE. FOR RENT! , No.'1 Viaduct'Place $75.00 No. 5 Viaduct Place $75.00 These stores are very de sirable aud should be seen to be appreciated. Call to sec A. F. LIEBMAN, Real Estate and Renting, 28 Peachtree. SEE M. M’NEIL AND WM. S. SHERWOOD Room 514 Empire Building. IF YOU WANT RAILROAD FRONTAGE- Httiall or Inrge—at from $8 to $100 per front foot. % IF* YOU WANT A HOME OF FBOM 8IX to ten mum* nt from ll.iO) to $5,000. 54.- noo to 512.000; ony pnrt or the elty; with term*. IF YOU WANT A LOT, rrjtCHASB uuie from u«. anil ire will Imlhl for yon ui long time. 1.01. from |M0 tv 52,500. IF YOU XV A NT CENTRAL PROPKRTY. which we w.$l guarantee to UoubW your money; close In. near the poatofflce; luu l»y 106, for $25,000. 19* YOU XX* A NT CENTRAL PROPKRTY with 5 or 9 per cent net lnr#iue and sure to Increase- call and see us. AN ASHBY STREET LOT. There is only one building lot on Ashby Street, between Gordon and Oak; wc can sell it for $1,800. It is 50x190, widening out in rear, being 140 feet wide in buck*line. Letup show you this superb building lot. FORREST AND GEORGE ADAIR. STEVENSON & COMPANY, REAL ESTATE AGENCY. Ncgotl rosiof ■nn. h'gb-cln i«l f: Ir,»<• tr- bloody, lln e hnmes nml Inrextnients for purchasers. busIni xH on n *trnlght conimiRslon basis. The _» FOR HALE list. L. t*. Stevenson, “ olm Smith, salesmen. 1529 CANDLER BLDG., BELL PHONE M. 1051; ATLANTA 306. COLLEGE PARK HOMES * - DON'T PAY RENT. It Is exceedingly Imd form to do so wben you can pay your own money back la your pocket, by coming !<» me. Just run your eye orer this*' W#*|l build you a house Just like yon Wnnt It. un enajr payments, from $591 to $5,096, If you buy the lot. 3 room, modern, new bouso on corner tot, $160 cash, bnfauce easy monthly payments.. >. ", . 4-room modern new house, same terms. 6-moin. new.* imateru house on large corner lot; $33C( cash; balanca fasy monthly payments. 7. 8 nnd 10-rooui houses. The College Park Lnnd Company hn,re 2,000 lots to seloct from. $100 to $309 each. Come out nnd see me. or call tue up. Office at end of -car Una. Dell Phone 37-J East Point Exchange, Colleys Park, (la. I sell everything at College Park. EDWARD H. WALKER, The College Park Real Kstnle Dealer. CAN YOU GET $50,000.00 FOR A MANUFACTURING PUNT ' Provided you were convinced that an investment of that amount would give you a dally net profit of $160.00 for three hundred days out of the year, for the next fifty years, and In addition the total amount with accumulated eurplus then returned to you? This has been accomplished by a plant capitalized at $50,000.00 and operated In a New York village, and which la drawing Its raw materials from our Atlanta and Birmingham division and selling the finished product In Atlanta and other Southern cities and towns. The output Is 125 dozen per day, and the actual net profit la $1.40 per dozen. Surely there Is sufficient local capital In Georgia for on Investment ao substantial as this. We can give you the actual figures and facts, which you can then easily confirm. . SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY H. B. BIGHAM, ASST. GEN'L. INDUSTRIAL AGENT. 1109-11 Engliah-American Building. Atlanta, Georgia. COTTON MARKET OF A CHOPPY SORT New York. July 28.—The Sun anya: The Imuae* flint Inshtsl them seemed to hnve done no tor effect on the market more thnni anything else, ns they promptly stopped them lit tbe flrat opportunity. Moreover, the iMUiers wore, 111 some cases good barer*. Iioth of August aud later mouths, it Is easier to ha mile spots here under the u«wl Insurance rules and the lower rates. Menu time, too, there Is n steady demand for the nrtunl staple, add It la not supposed that the new crop will figure to nuy Important extent In tb« receipts for n mouth nud n half. Moreover, the Russian uews seemed inure ticnrcful nud the stock mnrket* less nppn-henslve. The receipt* were small, the weather In parts of Texas was ver/ hot, heavy rnlna fell In Ueorgln, considerable of tbe scsttereu long Interest lu the market luia receutly Ih*«ii weeded out. nnd on the whole lauir* showed more anxiety to cover thun the remnliilng bulls did to sell. The stock here la stcnmly decreasing aud many wonld not Im* nt nil surprised to see n some what bullish exhibit of weekly statistics, lint the outside public avoid the specula tion, nud eveu those who would like to op erate nre miecrtnlu alniut the croi> outlook III view of the fact thnt tbe yield ennnot really he determined lor fire or six weeks I to coine. i It Is therefore a narrow profes sional market—uusatlsfactory to everyiNNly.i although Its general drift has recently Im*cii downward. July broke sharply In New Or- ilcnu*. and, although August here showed ^decline of only a few imlnts. the next ■>p rnttag|HHM|gM|Mim|hi closed at muue ATLANTA MAFKETS. FRUITS AND PRODUCE. Officially corrected by Atlanta Fruit tad Produce exchange. Lemons, $f.754i5.60. Lillies 56 to ibe.' l’eaehes. per crate, 56e to $1.09. Pineapple*', $1.60 to $2.59. Ilnususs. straight*. bunch $1.51 t® 11.75. Culls. |ier bun-.-n. St to $1.23. XX'atermebi'a. $7.60 to $20.00 per 100: ds. unhd good. POULTRY AND COUNTRY PRODUCE.— Live bsns 33 lo 37%o; fries 22V6 to 25c; broilers 15 to 22X&C. live ducks* Pcklc 3) to 35c; puddle 26 to 27X6c. Dressed hens, per lb.. I2e to |3c. Eggs. |»er doxeu. 16 to 1iW\ Rutter, table, |mt lb.. 20 to 22V6c; cook- 7 to l$c. 10c lb.; .In Mb. racks 19 ■f Rutter, table, pe. ..... .. VEOETARLRS.—Irish 'potatoes, atoek $4 Imrrel; So. 3 aloek ^1.60. . Tomatoes, per crate, $5c to $1.25. Old sweet potatoes, per Imshel. 91 to $1.2*; new sweet i>otutoes $1.60 bushel. FLOUR. GRAIN. PROVISIONS. FLOUR—Poatels Patent. K00; Diamond patent, $5.<«5; Mnseoiitah Star. $4.76; fancy Imtcut. $4.66;* Rlue RIIiImui. *4.1"; finn y, *3.90: spring wheat patent. $5.23 to $5.75. CORN—Choice r«f cok 77c: No. 2 whits, 7.060 ACRES OS LINK U and N. It. leorgln* will rot 1.006 feet of hardwood timber |**r sers. These lands nre rolling, nml after tlml>er l< cot would 1m» go*Ml fruit or stock farms. Price $6 per acre, fee simple. I have farms, large aud small, all over the state. Home smsll places nenr the city. These nre suitable for track or chicken farms. E. A. XESBIT, 3 Edgcwood A ve. FOR SALE. Beautif«rCouutry Home. SEVEN-ROOM rfYffrofc. WITH ATTIC and stiwage room. Ilullt less than year ago for a home. Large New bam and servants* honse. Plenty of shade nml fruit tree*. !^»t » by 696. Opondtle |»r. Rid ley** estate, near Deestar. To avoid rent ing. will sell st a Vmrgaln. TKIDjH. Box 62, Ducatur, Giu M’CULLOUGH BROS.’ FHUIT s AND PRODUCE LETTER Atlanta, fin., July 2A—The present egg receipts nre uot suulclent to meet reuulre- lNcuts at an ndvanecd prb*« of 2fc3c per lff u i X» further glut In these gomla au- tlHpated during tbe present summer. Rutter of all kinds being treatetl with but little cwnslderatloa at very low values. wsnd nml eoiisumptlou. live poultry vslllng Id at$umtaucer In fact, receipts tdore thau.ii week have exrniM *t«ry largely tbs demaud and rousumptlan. with value* necessarily suffering as n result. Receipts af summer, apples from near by points quip* plentiful at .such prices - nntlwirize A general and lilieral remsu Mon. 6 ram present prospects, the npiile . r«*p will be exceedingly satisfying during the season IsUh as to yield and ouallty. Praeir condltlaus have lieaa thoroughly de- morsllxed during, the week: In fact. It has not.baea posalhl* to recover traas|R>rtatioii charges and expense of handling on rannv shlpaieuta. Itavlpts on Haturdsy. July ypry mnrh lighter than previous days Uur- lag th# week. Indicating that stock of qual ity can nud will l»e handled at very much better prices during the n#xt week. Home few jjear* coining In, the le* Conte variety bringing satisfactory prices. Xery little doing lit bananas for several days; In fact, we anticipate no reaction of note as lo ilematid and valu® until the re ceipt* of home-grown fruit Is through with. line* ftp Is* scarre anti selling at advanced prices. >" oranger In tbe market. More or less weakness as to prices Is noted In lemons at all points of Imports- ling at low prices. ^ rsfetl on Irish do- tatoe*. nml wlthotit adtlltlonal receipts for • will Is* Ml An Irregular and light deniaml prevails for cahlwigi* at qnotatloit prices. Onions scarce amt active* X'etetables. generally apeaklag. Nre being famished hy the home trucker* at h*w that governs the current narrow weather market lias kent th$» talent guessing con stantly. the hnnlcHt J»b the room trailer has encountered -III many a day lielng the successful extraction of profit therefrom. Technically there Is some canoe for donbt over the progress the cron Is making; prac tically the ontlook over the licit so n whi»|e Is quite promising, nml, barring weather damage not now apparent, the yield |*er acre will protmbly In* large, klntunal cot ton lu the Imt I already ha* been, received In New Orleans from Rnnkte, Im.. nnd tho early producing sections of Texas promise a fairly early movement from the new crop, lint Gcoigla Is not making tbe en couraging progress expected, hence ^'^“tSlrLtes of spiu. s rtUuiR* not likely to continue nny length of time In an actual cotton mnrket. Meanwhile the ellralnallou of idach sentiment ®a that eti- gendrred hy tlm July deal should affect the volume of trading favorably, though th# uncertainty of crop weather variation* will probably bold a tight rein on the mar ket for home weeks to come. The visible supply statement fully meets bullish expectations. ... . The Times-Demiferat will on Monday morning publish Its crop condition report for July.—Ware 4 Inland. STOCKS REVIEWED BY NEW YORK SUN 764*; No. 2 yellow, 73c; mixed. 75c. OATH-*L’holce white clipneiL 54cl come* white, 50c; choice mixed, 50c; Texas rust proof. 51c. . , MEAL.—IMam water ground, per hush»l- 74c; I lotted 140-Ib. Jutes, per * bushel. 66c; Mhorts. white, $1.40: medium. 51.33; brown. $1.30; pure bran, $1.15; nilxeil bran. $1.10. IIAX.-Timothy. ek>H<*e largi* rniics, I1.J9:’ do. choice small hales, $1.06; do. No. 1 timothy bales. da.. N^#2 lit No. I clover nllM. $1.00; do. No. 2* closed Nilxwl, 90c. CLOVER. —Choice 90a. The nlsive price* nr* f. a b. Atlnnta, aad subject to liiMiiPslinfe •••••eptauce. GROCERIES. RTTUAR.'Htnmlnru granulated 5c. New York Refined 4>* to 4H; piantatlofs 4*4 *» IHc. Market stronger. roFt-KK—Ronatod Arbuckle'a $15. bulk. In Mgs or barrels. l?Kc; green 19 ts 12c. Market nonual. IIICBs—Carolina 4*4 to 7V«tf. acconllag ts graile. Market very at rang. CHEESE—Fancy full cream dairy, .1414c; twins 14c: brick, lie. Market strong. I'UO VISIONS.—.supreme ha am Dev* hams IRHe. t'nllforuln hams 10Vt**: Ueil t nt*s hams. 16c. Dry salt extra rib*. $9.75: llellle*. 204 l|»s., $10.25; , fat I tacks. 8c; plate*. *•: Huureme Inru. $9-75: Red Bros*.. lAv Knew Drift comimnud, 7*4c; Ke«l Croat, T?4c. STOCKS AND BONDS. BI.L Asked. Georgia 4X4®. 1915...; 112 IW. Georgia, It. It. ta, 1910 106 104# Bars tin* h 3*. 1909 102*6 IW ♦ Macoti tin, 1910.. SOLDIERS ARRIVE FOR MANEUVERS R[*dal to The Grarglnn. C’hntUnaoga, Tenn., July 38.—Th- soliller boys are arriving at ChlcUa- mauga Park to take part In the ma neuvers which begin Monday. Th- Seventeenth Infantry has arrived. Th- regiment has In charge a Filipino mas cot, which they captured In China •! tr ine the war In the Philippines. It I- In charge of Colonel Orsman and »‘* organized In Columbus, O., nt the out- break of the Spanlrh-American war. The Seventy-flrst Virginia reg!m-."it under command of Colonel C. r - Vaughan: the First Alabama reglmenh under command of Colonel R. B. D' 1- mont. and the Third South CBrollu*- under command of Colonel Rchacht' 1 . are on the way to the encampment. Th’ tentage and part of the equipment • • the South Carolina boy* In already at wmmmmmmmmmmmmmm __ ■awNannai. Lytie. oa. valne*. Tkls sppllrs nls.. to raatalnaiie.. farnrnMe and Uimlon was s Imree In mir Major H. J. Goldman, of the Twelfth lag rejested for (Right charges. Albert A Cla*. umplra of all the'official conleat* New Y*ork. July 28.—Th* Hun says: Th# market showed a continuation of the up ward movement of prices which, with few Interruption*, ba* Wn In progre*# for a week or more. Rut after a few mluntes It asserted Itself all through the list under the Influence of an enormous buying de mand. The shorts seemed to Im> slmost pnnlr-strlcken. rnshlng to euTer with n ■pee<l which sent price® np rapidly. The It I* natural that advantage ken of the all-nmnd strength by those who bad large profits In storks like tathivn iMrlfle and Ht. IHnl that had Item market leaders to convert some part of their gains Into cash, bat In spite of th** reactions caused In these nnd In Canadian Far Me by profit-taking the time was strong throughout (lie session, nnd In many of the lending Issue* the closing was not fsr from the best #f the $lay. Tbe markets abroad showed subaMiitlal Imorovement. the rise In Russian Iwnd* being hanllr le#$ significant than the advance In British consols, which hare always been regarded .*$$14011 O, •<alU. AIM. Atlanta. 5*. Hdt M3 Atlanta. 4V4®. 1W2 107 Atlanta 4*. HB4........ 106 Atlautn and XXYst Point 143 Atlanta and XVest Point Debts. 107 C. R. of fieorgia first income.... ... do. secoml Income »*.* ^ do. third lucym..e S7 Augusta atnl Haranniihi!.*!!!!!.! 113 Hoothwesteni 116 Georgia Pacific lsta 126 L\. C. and A. 1st 112 l'H‘4 I'*7