The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, July 30, 1906, Image 10

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f TUfcj ATLANTA GEORGIAN. ONE CENT A WORD No ad. taken for feta than 25 cents, the price of four lines. Six words of average length make a line. The following rates are for consecutive insertions! 1 time 6 cente a line. 3 times 5 cents a line. 6 times 4'/ 2 cents a line. 25 times 4 cente a line. 52 times T/i cents a tins. 78 times 3 cents a lins. Written notice is required to discontinue classified advertise ments. OUT OF TOWN ORDERS MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY CASH Georgian want ads. are inex pensive, but they bring quick re- suits and sure returns. Ads. for Situations Wanted will be Inserted one time free of charge. They must not exceed four lines. WE WILL SEND FOR YOUR AD. WITHOUT CHARGE FOR MESSENGER 8ERVICE. CALL US ON BELL PHONE 4927 MAIN, OR 4401 ATLANTA PHONE. When sending ads. pay for at rates quoted above. WANTED HELP-MALE. WANTED—GOOD STRONG WHITS UEh .. i n the foundry to lesrn mold- Good pey to start with i.nd BS, better pay In two or three months. Ouly those with rood references need spplj. DeLoach Mill Ufa. Co. DO TOU WANT TO DISPOSE OF YOUR goodsl If so, cell up HOS (Beil). The K nthern Auction end Selvage Company, SO mtb Pryor. LABORERS WANTED. $1.25 PER DAY. Wages Paid Weekly. ATLANTA CAR WHEEL WORKS. Take Luckie St. Car to Waterworks. WANTED — GOOD WOOD - WORKER. Good wagea; steady Job. Chapman'* Car riage Factory, Jacksonville, Fla. WANTED—TWENTY GOOD RELIABLE HOYS BETWEEN FOURTEEN AND SEVENTEEN TEARS OF AGE FOB 8EV- URAL HOURS WORK IN AFTERNOON. ADDRESS. IN OWN HANDWRITING. 6. X. L, CARE THE ATLANTA GEOR GIAN. WANTED - THE APPLICATION OF every commercial, technical and mechani cal mail wanting positions or advance- E t. Wo secure poalllona. Nations! Em inent Association, 1022-1023 Century ling. WANTED—EXPERIENCED STENOORA- pher: young lady or young man preferred. State aalnry wanted. Andre*. VoatoBIre BOOKKEEPER FOR SUMMER RESORT, tes ntnl board: 1100kkeeper, ISO; stenogra pher. 346: stenographer. 378. If you wish a good position, see us at once. We have inure rails for stenographer! than wa ran fill. Bellamy Business Agency, 1330 Candler WANTED HELP—FEMALE. WANTED—ASSISTANT BOOKKEEPER who la also a stenographer. Salary, 110. State age and axperlence. R. T. C„ cars Georgian. WANTED. Two experienced girls to op erate paper box staying ma chine. Good pay. Steady work. Apply EMPIRE PRINTING AND BOX CO., 155 MADI SON ST. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE. MISCELLANEOUS. AT COST-MT STOCK OF IRON SAFES (treat. B. MIDGET VISITING AND BUSINESS cards. The Novelty of Merit, with yonr name and address, postpaid, 26 rents per 101. Antrey Greer, Empire building, At lanta. On. FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. FIRST-CLASS BUSINESS HOUSES ■hnuld have high grads tint- Call on Kfnt Blip Co., n% North Pryor street. Phone 2921 THE SOUTHERN AUCTION AND SAL- COAle* DRY 8TOVEWOOD—PROMIT DE- livery. John T. Stocks k Co., Ztf Peters ■freer. Roll 'phone 15 west; Atlanta 'phone DON’T GO BLIND. WHEN YOU SEE THE ATLANTA Wrecking Co.'s new line. Just added a tall line of trunks, travelers' supplies and * uit “AI.r. » HbAl “I WU O ha nil light delivery wagons and Apply Wiley, © Peachtree. FOR HA I.E—1.000 FRET HEART TIM HER. 4 l»r R 22 feet long, st Imlf price. Al fred It. Ashby, 59 West Peachtree place. WANTED - TO HELL IIOUHKIIOLD gooele eUfgp; |hirtlei* leaving rlty. Ad- orwi \V. J. C., rare Georgian. WALL PAPER. (formerly of Unmet t & Willis) Is not dead missing. He Is centmeting wall {taper BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. UO SF.K SOUTHERN AUTO AND EQUII moot Co. We repair, reconstruct, es- ftlang- T n 1.1 -• .11.1 .lift.lie-S (isr.tgi ATTRACTIVE SIGNS WII.L RUING YOU business. For high grade work call on Kept. >Ui N. Pryor. Phone WL Write us for prices. exchange for small holler end engine. O. Kidd, IS Milton avenue, South Atlanta, Bell 'phone 1176. F„ rare Georgian. LOST. And guarantees fhat It will stlrk; !»oea your painting, does It nice. Anti * r always lowest In the priori" Burnett, of course! Tour "Uncle Jim" Is hard to heat; lie s st Number 12 E. Hunter street. Both l'hones 560. about three months old. Reward If ed to 304 Whitehall street, or ci 'phone M 2823. Dr. Jute Henmans. FOUND. y ir Ayttcnr" THg^etiigaBr ~ cleans salts <1 to 81.60. I’ants Whl^eUsll^street^l^onew. Hell 6?); TEOT FOR 8ALE—REAL ESTATE. (JET OUB LIST OF PROPERTIES FOR enson k Co., real estate agency, 1529 Can dler building. Bell 1061 M, Atlanta 306. NEAR GEORGIA AYR., ON WOODSON afreet, five large rooma and hath, lain tab; erer/tblne modern; corner I by 100, elevated; flne view of city; neighborhood. $2,000. Terms. P. O •7, city. DAVID W. YARBROUGH. MASTER PLUMPER, Phones 136. 30 U. Hunter St VILLIS WALL PAPER COMPANY, largest stock In Sooth. 64 N. Broad St “KENT LIGHTS.” THE BEST OF MANTLE LIOY1TS I (Old it MH N. Pryor fit. Alex I rbone fill OLD HATS MADE NEW cleaned and rc,h«tietl, 60c. Soft and atlff fell hata cleaned and re- ahapeil, 36c. 8HOE REPAIRING. OWINN’S SHOE SHOP. « LUCKIB. OPPOSITE PIEDMONT. Ball 2336. Mcn'a newel half nolee, 75c. FOR FINE SHOE RE PAIRING go to J. W. Carroll, 47 South Pryor street, >oslte court hor— — cheap prices. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Wh«l esnlo and retail dlstrlhutoru _ tor Talking Machines nnd Records. Just received large consignment of machines and orer 10,000 records. Immndlato attention given mall ord(ffs. We want the names of II talking machine dealers In Trite for catalogue. Aloxander-1 the so Elyca Inell and Hudson fflcyciea. Write for our I W0 catalogue and price list Alexaodar- Clyea Co. CASH REGISTERS. (Second Hand.) NATIONALS, HALLWOODB. IDEALS and all othnr makea i‘ We can ael! you a reft any traalaeaa, at a erica bol ntaaaa yon. Cart or monthly paymet guaranteed for two yearn. Southern Caah Regfater Co.. Braoch of American Second- Hand Caah Register Co.. 34 S. Oroad (treat. WRITE YOUR WANT AD HERE. Send it to The Georgian office by a bicycle messenger. We pay the messenger. Or, if you prefer, telephone Main 4927; we will take your aa over the phone, charge you at the rate of one cent a word, and collect later. If you need help, have anything to sell, rent, exchange, or wish to purchase anything, try a want ad. They do the work. SIX 1 ORDINARV" WdRDS I MAKE ONE One! ' • • BUSINESS OPPORTU NITY. WOULD YOU BUY COCA COLA STOCK AT PAR VALUE? »1.000 OR MORE WILL INTEREST IN A8 OOOD AN INVESTMENT. THOR OUOH INVESTIGATION WILL PROVE INTERESTING. "ADDRESS MANUFACTURER, Room 604 Piedmont Hotel. SEE M. M’NEIL AND WM. S. SHERWOOD Room 514 Empire Building, IF YOU WANT A HOMK OF FROM HIX to ten rooma at from $1,700 to $3,000. $«.- 000 to $12,000; any part of the city; with YOU WANT j ne fr»mi ua, and ... on long time. IA>ta from $600 to $2,500. i W. E. WORLEY, * 325 Empire Bldg. Atlanta Phone 3983. EASY TERMS. EASY TERMS. $100 CASH. $15 FER MONTH, WILL GET u brand new 7-room house, two-story, lot 00x160 teet and a corner. $100 CAH1I, $16 l'KIt MON'fll. WILL PUII- chaae the best looking 5-rootu bouse you ever saw. you a new 4-room iiouae. Can you bent throe terms t JLHT ABOUT COMl'LKTKD—A 6l(OOil house lu 200 feet of Grsut Park, on car Hue; price »2,3uo; $25U cash, $-!d to $^> per month. °secUotG R pHc^ $2,600;^*^60 cash, per month; lot 60x190 feet to another street. liKAUTIFL'l. 3-UOOjI ITSl'HF. ON *)• foot parad street, double car tracks, best south side street. $350 cash, $36 per mouth. An ideal gentleman's home. Park, Are new f-room bouses. Price $2,304 to $3,500 each—on dead easy terms. Tile sidewalks. 64 w. l1n'I)8n-a' beautiful 6 Room cottage on your own terms and very cheep. Call for keye. CooiT'AT tsr w. MKIUUTTH AVE.N'Ut!, corner of Venable. Very cheap.* r"AM GOirftl TO HELL THIH WEEK 3ii Little el., 7-room buiiee, lot 40x240 feet to Houtb avenue; nleo 271 E. Cain strrot and IN Wellington street. Call at unco nnd make olfern. Easy t.rms. FINK HOSreTt^ofiinN, fioUTH Hnib; has 9 rooms snd a servant's house. It's dirt cheap at $3,600, on terms. TWo-ITGIIY 7-HOOM HOl'SK. ON I'ON'CK DeLeon nv*„ $4,260, ou term*. Lot 60x1112 feet. U06I1 *-tr60M iISDAe On' milIji St“ $600 cteh. $20 per month. Lee* then rent. fc sf. ciiAhisrAVitrysiroTJsiiT to see this 8-room house st $3,600, oa terms. GOOD 7-ROOM "HOUBB, “CLOSE IN. ON north side, Hne corner lot 81 fest front. Bounded _py Peachtree and Baker streets, ’rice $6,600, on terms. klN'fc HOME OF # IIOOMH ON JACKSON, near North ave. Price R),100, on terms. Jl'llT A llEAtlTiimi. sTtbDM IIOUSN IN West Ead, flun ahady lot; prleu $3,000, ou terma. Hee thla. Tile sidewalks. foot street, thla aid. of Grant Park. I have aeveral lino building lots 60xl$0 feet. Car line la front, tile sidewalks, price $475 each. $100 cash, $10 per mouth. I will gusr- iStre n Gear $2U) profit here In 12 month* Itememher, ONLY while, they laet T'WoTfNfrklevTtf.I) .LOTTctbsS to Capitol are. anil Ormond, lflce $*» each, $100 cash, $l« per month, t per cent—44x310 each and elevatad. fflTT5El r oN l‘GNcrDEi.KON AVlSNUB and n corner at $20 per month. ItE rtUhB ANI5 HgfTTfe ABOUT, flit: mond atreet lota They never will he aa WiN<i:H i)F.LW>S’ AVe. CofTAAB, Thih side tbs springs, at $3,650, on terms. Lot P1NF, I'EAi-ilTltkli ttoMB. S'EAh io«T etreet. at $16,000. It's a iM-nuty. KUkP your BYETiSIfY aTT. JUNipNIi hTThoMe oF > iibbHBTt $6,600, near North are. i'lBliMoNT AVKStUBjAiTS. NtJATiTTre Driving club, at $1,100 and $1,300. Eaay unliKS’Til St. t.ATd. 1’KACffWffiB Circle Iota at $2,360 and $3,000. on terma . llKAI.yl AltTKltH Ei KOU Il03*S 6H I.Ntr'c >lk.vr«. ' INVKHTMriSl'nt. NEW 3t6tHE~ON~BguT1TSrtrE. CIBtSET msntels, rents now and has been rented for $20 per month to white tenants. 1 rice $1,900. neat thla and the treat a are on me. lt'» clean white property. THHKirnHANTrNEW SROOM tljlUHEH. tiaved etreet and car line. Rented, white tenanla 346. Price 34 v 600-a ric,in cut and dried 12 per cent. It'a up to you. Now, If yon are wise net quickly. THE OllMOND HT. I.OT8 KEEP CoMlXd nn Into my mind. Think of paying only* $475--lion down nnd before you pay any more sell for $876. It can bejloue. FOl frNfeWHOrSEH ON GLF.NWgoT» nve.. rented nt $56; price $5,WO—half cash If tlpslrtnl. . . U't'Klli HY.. iniT a hTgne h Tltllow of Piedmont hotel-7 roon» house st $3,600, hnlf rash. Hfi>fT8 $108 PER MONTH. PRICE $3.K»- rlght near Forrest svenue, aud new prop er* r. 16 ner cent. 24"ACHEH OF'I.AND FRONTING tKO W! on new Marietta enr line. L£0fert *»n mnltahaoehee avenue. Price $2,400; $500 msb. K5 |>er mouth. Here Is your dairy snd chicken farm. KINK CAPITOI. AVE. HOME*tllAT COHT $5,000 nlon«» to build. Price $4,500, on terms. oN'iiTioTieh"ktTnew s iioom iiouhe; rent* |S.6«. Prliv- I5». . fWriHTOUY 7-ROOM IIOTHE. PHTU hnnie nrctlnn. nnrlh .lil*’. together with a 3-room holier unnth able, both l | l" , 'o« aro new and will rent at $36. Price $S.«0: $1.5iW can run 6 years at 4 per cent. Owner leaving f WANT TO SHOW YOU TWO HOrHEH on Johnson are., renfe«» at $35; price $3.33ft NdfK'K'MY AD. FOR BARGAINS. W. E. WORLEY, 325 Empire Bldg. jKtlantn Phone 3983. FOR RENT. 1 ONE ELEVEN-ROOM HOUSE $*) SANDERS, SMITH & CONWAY. Phones 5488. 412 Peters Building $3,250—RAJLEY ST., 7-BOOM nOUSE, Rood condition; ahady lot, 60x220; think of It. 60x220. Within 4 blocks of the ter minal Station. Renta well; good neighbor hood. You caa't heat tbfa lu the cltj. H. C. PENDLETON, Real Estate, Atlanta Phone 1237, 614 Pe ters Building. 14,260-WEST END-TWO-STORV. BRAND- new bona*, un large lot. Car line, chert atreet; aplendld community, near new nebool. Thla home la atrlctly flrot-claas In every way. Can make emy terms on II If desired. 32,684—N. BOULEVARD LOT. 60x200. FOR 32,660; east aide, between Highland are, and East avenue; uotblng eta* along here for lets than 33,000. 11,180—SIMPSON ST., NEAR ORME, A good 6-room cottage on nice Inclosed lot; huuae only occupied by owner fur years; apeelal reason for selling; will rent easily for 317.60. 3000-41 TBNNELLE ST.. 3-ROOM COT- tage, right at Elaas-May milts. In Sna shape; rents readily at 36.76 per month; will rent for (7.60. This Is a gilt-edged piece of property for the money. 82.300—RANKIN ST.. BROOM COTTAGE, Jnet oft the Boulevard. This cottage has every convenience, Is lu aplendld condition, on large lot; rents readily at IIS. Can make attractive terms y"loi. ; clom* In. near Ihe (toatofflce; 100 to lucrenie—call and «ce na. TWENTYd-'IVE FOUR*BOOM lIofSTRS - f'iiUTVkl?r , fiOtV:TMtiMiMiioVSkK. WETWoft" - orn “liMSKSnsNiraoVE our tenanla five. JOHN J. WOODSIDE, THE RENTING AGENT, 13 Auburn Avenue, Both Phonta fit. $3.WVV-N. AVENUE. BRAND NEW 5-ROOM cottage on large north front lot. This cottage Is near Jackaon at,. In aplendld neighborhood, and one of the coxiest, beat built cottagea In the city. Rest thing for the money on the north aide. Can make terma eaay for right parties. i,$60—GARDEN ST.. NEAR GEORGIA are., wa have a modern 5-room cottage about 3 years old. with nil conveniences, on nice lot, that we arc Instrflcted to aoll aa party la leaving the state and THREE MONTHS RENT FREE Only Thro* Laft of Eight Brand Nnw Suburban Homai. Tilt first month will ba given FRES) and If occupied ona year, two mors months will ba given FREE at U>. and of the year, making only nine months you will bars to pay for. Nona but good families will ba allowed In these houses. These are located on the River electric car tins only twenty minutes ride from the center of the city; contain T and ( rooms; have never been occupied; are located In Weat Atlanta Park. Every house fronts a fifty-root Park, which la set In trees, evergreens and flowars. Pure air; na live oaks; an Ideal spot for children. In tbs center of this Park are the Ferro Phosphate Springs, which will cure any cose of stomach or kidney trouble, no matter of how long etand- Ing. It now has a new church, neatly furnished, a store, a achool-houie coat ing 32,600.00 will aoon ba completed, i J. T. Mill*, who Uvea on the ■, will show you through the houses. Rent 520.00 per month. JOHN J. WOODSIDE. 12 Auburn Avenue. FOR RENT! io. 1 Viaduct Place $75.00 Co. 5 Viaduct Place $75.00 These stores are very dc- A. F. LIEBMAN, l Estate and Renting, 28 Peachtree. FOR SALE. Beautiful Country Home. BF.VEN-ROOM COTTAGE. WITH ATTIC mill *torage room. Rnllt Iras than year ago for a hour. . Large new tiara and servants' hoaar. Plenty of shade and fruit tree*. Irat 230 by 600. Oppnalt* Hr. Wil ley's ratatr. near Decatur. To avoid rent ing, will sell at n bargain. TERMS. Box 62, Decatur, Ga. N. KIRK WOOD-EIGHT-ROOM COTTAGE and 2Vk-acres of land, within two blocks car line, at $3,030. This Is a bargain, and also a desirable home for parties wanting acreage. CLARKBTON, GA.—TWENTY ACRES OF land facing Georgia railroad and beauti fully located, at $2,000. CLARKBTON. OA.—TWENTY-FIVE-ACRE farm In about one mile of this village, lu good shape, with average farm bouse aud outbuildings, at $1,000. INMAN PARK-TWO NICE COTTAGER of 6 and 7 rooma each, facing Georgia railroad, that can he bought at good bar gains. It will psy to Investigate these. H. C. WILSON & CO., Real Estate and Renting Agents, 1208 4th Nat’l Bank Bldg. Bell Phone 192. $3,000 FOR NICE SIX-ROOM COTTAGE on lot 50 by 103 on Spring street, near Ra ker. Terms. $500 cash and $25 per month. $2,500 GETS NIUE SIX-ROOM COTTAGE —lot do by Mft-wlthln one and half blocka of West Peachtree, on Mills street. Terms, $500 ini'll ftnd $25 per month. $4,26u UKTH NICE TWO-STOUV EIGHT 1 - room house, elevated lot. well shaded, on terms of $800 cash and $50 per month, ou West Fifth street, near Spring. itfBO FOB flKAUTlPUL NWE-KOOM two-story house: modern; lot 55 by 200. with good barn; flue shade. Terms, $1,000 cash and $50 per month^ ^ ^ boose: will rent for $80 per month; close In. on spring street. l*.6x>-ftBA*mFlt(. TWO-HTOhY BIGHT- room house, modern In every way; lot 50 by 200, on West Baker, near Penehtree. Terms, one-third rash, balance enay. I yon are looking for n home close In, cal and let us show you this. SOUTH SIDE HOMES $$.600 FOR nBAUTIFUL HIX-ROOM COT- tage, modern In every way, built for Some; walls nicely tinted, double-floored aud atorni-sheutheU. Terms, $1,000 cash, balance easy. Capitol avenue. $i,lA)—NICE KDIItUOUM lllllHK. IN first-class oondltlouj very large lot, on Glenwood avenue. Terms, $600 cash, bal ance easy. IL?86"SKTH NICE K1VK-KIIOM COTTAGE. first-class condition: lot 50 br 166, on Rroylea street, near Glenwood. Terms. $500 rash, bale lice easy. Thla Is a bnrgniu. IE V6TT AllE i/kiKING Kim A HOME, we mn larats you on any street In the ml It will pay yon to aro us before buying. INVESTMENTS— NEGRO PROPERTY. $1,600 BUYS THREE BRAND-NEW TWO- story houses, rented to first-class negro tenants nt $1,330 per year. This Is fourth ward property, and elosq lu, ami can fa counted on to rent the year round. Fig ure out the per cent and call to see us. $1.21)0 I1ETH TWO TllltKK WIOll HOl'HILS on lot to by 100: room for two more houses; within six blocks of Kimball house. Irot alone Is worth the money. $l.S5o GETS NICE FlVE-llOOM COTTAGE on Green street; lot well shaded and close In. on terma of 8500 caah, balance $10 per month without Intereat. $1,200 GKTM NlL'b I'OllSElt LOT. WITH tlve-nioni b«ms«», rented regularly at $12 per month, near Houston street. Terms, $300 cash, balance easy. $800 GETS S'lUfi tllKKK-tlOOM ttoUHE snd reception hall on largo loC well fenced; house newly paired and painted. Hfiutli avenue. Terms, $100 cash and $10 per month. $750 GETS GOOD TltltEK ROOM IIOIhK. lot 40 by 80, on Perry atreet. Terms, $100 rash snd $10 |*er month. $750 gRTI4 111)1)1) THIIEE-IIGOM IIOUHK, lot 3* by UL on Horton street, near Deea- tur atreet. Terras, $160 rash, balance $10 per month. li.AJ fti vVt iivE iiAom iiouhe. fiiwt- class condition, on DtMlfonl place, near Linden. Terms. $150 cash nnd $12.50 per month. GLORE & JUSTIN, 215 Peters Building. ON TIIE NORTH 8IDE. NEAR WIL- llaraa atreet achool, we have a Me* 4- room cottage—good lot—only $1,100. AT NO. 304-306 W. FOURTH STREET WK have two f-room cottages. In flrst-clssa shape, renting to white tenants at $7 each, snd small house In the rear of one lot; this Is a bargain at $1,800. - NEAR GEORGIA A VIC, WE HAVE TWO new 3-room cottages.'renting at $6 each, we can aril the two for $*». This Is the kind nf a* Investment that yon hav* been looking for. Her na abont thla SIX-ROOM MODERN IIQUSE. BEST part of Jones avenue, and n beauty—33,000. FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE ON NEIJ40N ST. Lot 59x126; this Is close In; price $2*000. Terms. WE HAVE A LOT ON WOODWARD avenue, 1*1x185 to another street; only turn AN ASHBY STREET LOT. There is only one building lot on Ashby Street, between Gordon and Oak; we can sell it for $1,800. It is 50x190, widening out in rear, being 140 feet wide in back line. Let us show you this superb building lot. FORREST AND GEORGE ADAlk. STEVENSON & COMPANY, REAL E8TATE AGENCY. Negotiate sales for owirtrs. Locate homes ami Investments for purchasers. Conduct a dean, high-class agency business on n straight commission fault. Th® beat service ami fairest treatment. Get our FOR SALE list. L. C. Stevenson. B. i, John Moody, Malcolm Smith, salesmen. 1529 CANDLER BLDG., BELL PHONE M. 1051; ATLANTA 306. R. O. MEDLOCK. HENRY H. JACKSON. R. O, MEDLOCK CO., Corner Peachtree Street and Edgewood Are. BELL TIIOXK 3736. STANDARD 'PHONE 6796. 33,600—TE.VIIOOM HOUSE. LARGE LOT, Peachtree atreet. 313,606—ELEVEN-ROOM HOUSE, LARGE lot. Peachtree atreet. 17.004—TEN-ROOM HOUSE. CRESCENT nvenne. near penehtree. 57,009—TEN-ItOOM HOUSE, PIEDMONT avenue. $8.600—TKX-ROOM HOUSE, PIEDMONT nvenne. 510,000—TEN-ROOM HOUSE, PIEDMONT avenue. 1.000- 10-R. HOUSE. W. PEACHTREE ST. 1.534—10-11. II.. W. PEACHTREE ST. 1.000— 8-R. HOUSE. SPRING STREET. i.600-S-lt. II.. SPUING STREET. H„ NORTH JACKSON ST. 1.604-8.11. II.. NORTH JACKSON ST. i.509—10.R. I|„ NORTH AVENUE. S 1,160-8-11. II., SUMMIT AVENUE. ,760-4.11. !I„ SUMMIT AVENUE. .000-8 It. II.. ANGIKH AVENUE. .600-10-11. II., ANGIK1I AVENUE. “i.OOO-9-ll. II., NORTH BOULEVARD. 1,000-4.11. II., HIGHLAND AVENUE. .600-10.11. I|„ HIGHLAND AVENUE. 1.760-7-R. II.. HIGHLAND AVENUE. :.lS0-«-K. H„ JOHNSON AVENUE. 1.100-66 BY 180; JACKSON; BARGAIN. !.60o—e.R. H„ HOWELL STREET. 33.160-6-11. II„ WILLIAMS STREET. SJ.660—6-11. It., SIMPSON STREET. 32.100-7-II. II., NEW, NEAR HIGHLAND areaiie. 31.100—k-R. It., NEAR CORNER PEACH tree anil Currier. g .600-s-n. n„ COtinTLAND AVENUE. 400-7 AND 4-R. II., 1IELLWOOD, 130 By 3S.00O-4-R., MODERN; 3160 CASH, 330 month. $4.500—10-K. It., MODERN; $600 CASH AND $60 n mouth. $4.600—«■!(. It., CLOSE IN; WHITEHALL atreet. $6.000—10-11. H„ CLOSE IN; WHITEHALL atreet. $i750-g.n. If.. CLOSE IN; SMITH ST. $3,250—10*R. H., CLOSE IS; SMITH ST. f|. # CLOSE IN; SMITH ST.; $500 cash. II., WOODWARD AVENUE. $2.500—5-R. II., WOODWARD AVENUE. $3,600—7-R. II., WOODWARD AVENUE. 2,250—g-R. H., GREENWOOD AVENUE. $3.000—g-R. H., NEW, MODERN, SOUTH Roiilcvard. $3,200—g-R. II.. NEW, MODERN; EAST i loorglu nvenne. $2,600—5-R. II., NEW, MODERN; EAST Georgia avenue. $5,000-3-11. II., MODERNk SHADED LOT 75 liy 335. $6.000—g-R, H., SHADED I*OT; 3 ACRES. 95,250-8-11. It., SHADED LOT; 2 ACRES, fi.uuo—LMt. II.. SHADED LOT. 3 ACRES. $2,000—7*R. II., CREW STREET. p.000—7-R. II., CREW STREET. NO. 297. $4500-8-11. II.. NEAR CORNER WASH; Ington nnd Fultnn streets. II., NEW; CAPITOL AVENUE. $3,250—g-R. II., NEW; CAPITOL AVENUE. $4.500—g-R. H., NEW; CAPITOL AVENUE. M.O0O-1O-R. II., NEW: CAPITOL AVENUE. $2,600—g*It. IU NEW; NEAR WASHING- ton. $8,500—6-R. II., NEW; SOUTH PRYOR. £.250-10-11. II.. NEW i SOUTH PRYOR ST. $LT~ •• THE WEATHER. $1,500—g-It. II.. NElV; RENTS $18. ALL ABOVE MODERN IMPROVEMENTS. 6 ,500—URIf’K STORE. ETC., RENTS. ,800—STORE; 6-R. H., 100 BY 2«0. ,500—TWO 6-R. HOUSES, WOODWARD avenue. ! 5.000—14-R. FLAT: RENTS $50 MONTH. 10.000—28-It. FLAT; RENTS $100 MONTH. 10.000—34-R. BRICK HOTEL; RENTS $150 month. ATTENTION OF BUYERS IS WHAT WE want nml chanee to show them. We have the property and aurely can ault them. $$,000—7S-ACRE FARM, FINE LAND; worth $40: well Improved, nnd 3 miles off Georgia railroad. Will sell or exchange for desirable home here. Don't 'phone na for Information. Call at office or let na know, and we will call on yon. JACKSON ST. HOME. Beautiful eight-room two-story residence, comparatively new. In excellent neighborhood. House has all modern !m provements. Lot It slightly elevated. This Is a desirable home place. Price, $8,200. CHAS. M. ROBERTS, 12 AUBURN AVE. LOCAL FORECAST. FOR ATLANTA AND VICINITV-Patlly cloudy tonight and Tueaday. WEATHER IN COTTON BELT. MI«M«,lpnl-Jackaon, cloudy and' iriri*. Natchez, rloudy and cool. Haiclhurit cloudy, and warm; light rain yraterday Vlokatrarg, clear nnd warm; henry rail yraterday. Merhllau, clear and pleaunt: rain yeatenlay and laat night. Vaaoo city! clear and pleaaant; hard rain yeatenlay. Urecnwonil, dear ami pleaaant. Brook- baren. rloudy and warm. Aialienm-Troy. partly cloudy and plena- ant. Birmingham, cloudy; rain yeaterday. Montgomery, Goody and threatening. Ope lika, cloudy nnd cool; rained all yaateraay and laat night. ’ Georgia—Albany and Thomaarllle, cloudy and cool. Macon, cloudy and cool; hear, rain yeaterday and all laat night; look, like rain thla morning. Amtrlcua. fair and cool: heavy rain yeaterday and laat night. North Carolina—Charlotte, raining and cool. Raleigh, orcaalonal hard ahoweri all yeeterday aud laat night; heavy rlouda thla morning and cool. Greeneboro, cloudy and cool; henry mine yeaterday and laat night. WEATHER IN WHEAT BELT. Extreme Northweat—Generally cloudy; 6$ to 62 uliorp; local rains. WEATHER FORECAST. uvimwt'si iiuruuD lufwmy iair, wanner In north, showers In south portion, light to fresh southwest winds. Virginia—Showers Monday, followed by fair, warmer lu southwestern portion; Tues day, fair, fresh southwest to weat winds. North Carolina—Showers Monday; Tues day nnrtly cloudy, fresh west to uorthwest winds. South Carolina — Occasional showers Monday and • probably Tuesday, light to fresh southwest winds. East Florida—Showers Mondsy and prob- 7 Tncf — estern Monday; Tuesdn, or, light to fresh mium wiling. Mississippi—Partly cloudy Monday, warm er In southeast portion; Tuesday, fair, light to fresh south winds. Louisiana—Generally fair Mondsy sod Tuesday, warmer Mondsy .In southeast por- sml Alabama—8bowers .partly cloudy south winds. estern Texas—Fair Monday and Tues- .... and eastern portion; Tues<„, Kentucky—Fair Monday and Tuesday. Illinois, indlsua, Missouri. Montana, Kan sas. Mlchlgau and Wisconsin—Fair tonight and Tuesday. Dakota—Scattered showers Tuesday: warmer Tuesday. Nebraska—Fair tonight and warmer tonight. tonight or Tuesday j STATE FORECA8T, SIX-ROOM MODERN HOWE. EAST froat, on Central a venae; built for a home. Let us show you this ATLANTA MARKETS. FRUITS AND PRODUCE. OSIclallj corrected bp Atlanta Fruit tn< ’reduce exchange. I.cnun;., $t.K<i..(M. I .line* 60 to lie. rearhee, per crate, 60c to $1.00. IMueappler, $1.60 to 51.60. Banenni. etraigbte. i-— bimch $1.50 to IL78, Colie. per bnoco, $i to 11.36. YVetermeln'e, $7.60 to $30.00 per 100; de. mend good. POULTRY AND COUNTRY PRODUC_ Ure bene 36 to 57%; frle* 32H to 26c; broiler* 15 to 22%. Ur* ducke, Pekin ti to Kc; puddle 35 to 27%. Dressed hens, par lb.. 15c to 15c. k.ggs, per ducen. 16 to 16e. ln»ir , Sv^. ,b &. a ’ *° ^ • nonsy-Naw W10c lb.; In 1-lhb racks 10 013e. VEGETADLE8.—Irish potatoes. No. ] stock $4 barrel; No. 2 stock $2.10. •Tomatoes, per crate, ,75c to $1.26. Old tweet potatoes, per bushel, $1 to $1.25; new aweet poutoea 51.50 buaheL FLOUR, GRAIN. PROVISIONS. FLOUR-Poatela Patent, 5400; Diamond patent, 16.66; Mascoutnh Star, 31.75; fanev patent, 56.66; Blue Klhbou. 54.10; fane/ UW; soring wheat patent. 36.25 to $6.76. COIIN-Chplee red cob, 77c; No. 2 while. 7$r; No. 2 yellow. 75%; nilxeil, 76e. GATS-CMee, white rllpned, 54c; choice white. 60c; choice mud, tor; Tegaa ruat proof, 51c. M67AL.—Plain water ground, per hnahel. Je: bolted 160-lh. Jnte/ per l>u,hel. 06c; Shorta. white. $L6ff: medluu. StK; Iwown, b ™?' »>•«; »!*»4 bran, $1.10. IIAJ.—Timothy, ch-nce large lx lea, $LI0: do. choice small Ixiles, $1.06: do. No. 1 timothy bales, eun, aa.. S— 2 *1: no.. No. i clover mixed. $1.00; do. No. 2 closed mixed. CLOVER.—Choir* tOr. aubhrat'to , |mmenate , «ceetltancm l * n, *' R--SU^Sri?^ramiUIe.l $e. New Me." Market Sl&t*' <* •» IO FFKE—Rottitcd Arhucklc's $15. tP’&JBFSJar***“ “ «• giV^^'rKIVe? ^ **—Fanry tall cream dairy, 14Uc- twlns 14c: hrlek, 14c. Market strong. ’** PROVISION'S.—Sappeme )£ Dorr hams 13%. California home Wjr: if^i GEORGIA—Partly cloudy tonight snd Tuesday, showers Tuesday In south por tion. SOUTH CAROLINA—8howers tonight, Tuesday partly cloudy. ALABAMA—Fair tonight and Tuesday. WEATHEh CONDITIONS, suily weather prernlls this morning over the eastern portion of the cotton belt, tho North Atlantic states, and lu the upper Missouri valley; elsewhere the skies nrs geaernlly clear. The region of rainfall corresponds with the ares of cloudiness, rain having fallen over the country east of the Mississippi ami south of the Ohio, In New York and New England, along the coast of Texas and In Montana. This rain accompanied the passage of a low prw- sure area whose center Is now over the lower lakes and whose lower extremity reaches southward to the gulf. The barom eter Is slightly higher over the eastern slope of the Rockies and the eastward movement of this area Is expected to cams partly cloudy weather In this section to night nnd Tuesday. W. A. MITCHELL. Temporarily In Charge. COTTON REGION BULLETIN. For the 24 hours ending at t a. m., 7ltb meridian time, July 30, 1101 STATIONS OP DISTRICT. *Atlsnta, rain ’Chattanooga, pt. cloudy Columbus, cloudy , Gainesville, rloudy Greenville, rain ..4 Griftln, cloudy ’Macon, cloudy •MontIce!!o, clear Newnnn, cloudy HEAVY RAINFALLS. Amite. La tM Washington. Ga. ... 1W Mobile, Ala. I*!« Macon. Ala Good water. Ala LH Cuero, Tex ?■?? Kosciusko. Miss. . Ysxoo City, Mlsg. Montrose. Ark. ... to* ... *•!! ... lu CENTRAL STATION. jii HI Atlanta Augusta Charleston .. ., Galveston .. .. Little thick .. .. 83BPT. v.:: Montgomery .. New Orleans .. .. Oklahoma ,. .. Savannah Wllmli . — T ladlcstes Inappreciable ralufilL Dlst. Averagss- ii| r* REMARKS. .... Temperatnre, uvre somewhat lower ■ for breeding ;i hours. Rainfall ttrom* In all nectloos of the Idt with the ex.*'9- of Oklahoma dletrlel. The » m "" 1 "; -e.e heavy to exeeealve In. lawthw* Georgia. Ala hams. Mlasiealppl. LouUlaa*. Texas and Arkanaaa. . W. A. MITCHELL. Tviuporarlly la caxr-*