The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, July 31, 1906, Image 11

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FAIRLY STEADY AT THE OPENING .Was Some Support Based on Further Bains in Atlantic States. BOOM SHOETS COVEE KEWS AND GOSSIP 01 tho Fleecy Staple. Print* Wlrr to' Gthart A Clay. tork. Joly 30 -l-lvsrnool at S p. - * •- • ‘—t. It we. aipsc wa, nnrhsngnl to J lower. to he unctumrsd. Ths Journal of Commerce aaya: “The week'* trading In dry good! ended with confidence eipreaoed on aQ aldra aa to the Immediate future of the Imalueee. The from the time the HI Monday, and return* from the nulla were quite aa encouraging aa the talk of buy- tfM|ueere fine spots i market, sml they are to On Which Late Months Ad vanced to Within a Point • of Saturday. By lTlratn Leaned Wire. Now V"rk, .lull 30.—The cotton mnrhet waa fairly steady at tho open In a. In view of tho cables. There was some support based on further rains in the Atlantic states. After tho call late months advanced to within a point of Saturday's final verlng by tho room. .Commission moderate. 'trade 8P0T COTTON MARKET. .. Vork-gulet at 10,.... New Orleane-Qulet at^ Mftc; sales, MO Liverpool—(Julet at Aiiguttn—Sternly St. Loots—Qnlet ‘on—golrt nt gulet at W. temly at 11c. gulet at 10 lM6c. IloUNton—steady nt 10*0. lt«ltliui»re—Nominal nt 11' gulet at 1<H4c. Havnimiih-guiet at 10 9-16c. Moldle gulet at 10He. Norfolk—Steady at lie. Philadelphia—steady plpldu—steady at 1L15C. LIVERPOOL COTTON MARKET. 13:15 p. in.—Cotton, with prices easier; middling ;plnnds 6.1; sales 5,000: American 3,900; pecnjiitlon/nnd export too; receipts ifcooo; l tw slcr. Opening Prorle Hancc. Close. Cloe ..5.77-5.74 6.73-5.74 6.78 .cV.'-Nnv"/;12 -W.-Dm 5.65 .6.74-6.73 5.71 676 .665 5.64-665 666 5.56-6.60 660 18™ tH 6.56 6.66 I. .Usn h. ... .§.57-5.68 5.57-5 TODAY’S PORT RECEIPT8. "he following table shows receipts at the rts today, compared with the same day 1906 1906 J v (>rl»nns „ ,* ,, •il** .. .*.*..**„**.,!! t ii un h Heaton ., nlngton oik tflHpiiln .. V. !. j is § 17S1 104 4tt- n r V vnl 6291 16363 ® INTERIOR MOVEMENT. . 1906 — 3M8 w jstoii ... UHtn .. lphiK leOUlH JR MS*'** 3100 li If* M 210 rr too m »tni .* 1429 MM °l w ARE A LELAND'S DAILY MARKET LETTER. Ically suspended for n nu hour nt a time. Krery one Is nltlng for the report on Friday of this id the occurrence of additional erne wbe In other words, trading la he professional element and fluctu- nrdfy. pay for tbs trouble Involved . merchants, but the great volume of the operations were of * healthy and satis-. factory character." New Orleans, July 1 a shade disappointing. V .. Our traveling man wires: “Crop dear through Indian Territory and Oklahoma simply immense. Little Rock to Memphis Un ssr*“ 1 _ . ante. The. Timas-Democrat’s report on the prog- > during the month nproveraent has been the Dlsttnet .. ___ rule, though the Atlantic states complain of exceaalrs rains and similar complaints l»egln to come from the districts to the westward. The boll weevil and other pests sdem to have done no appreciable harm so far. ‘nt heavy mini have retarded the nr and may cause serious change in conditions later on. some sections, bat meat on this account can hardly l>e said to be greater than usual. opened Nsw York, July VL qnlet 1 down. At 12:16 p. m. to l down, with the sicsf “ which la 4 down and qnlet Spots down at 6d. Due to come about changed. The New York cotton market opened m., unchanged option of July, ef. Sales 6.000. cnnngcs. New Orleans, July JO.-rCablss are about what was expected. The 1,000 new tenders reported are hardly a fatornble feature. The Tlmes-Deuiocrat’e July conditions extremely bearish. Weekly press reports generally are also favorable, especially those rela“— — J —* lose relating to Texas and Mississippi. ■ The weather map la favorable. doodl showers are reported In the Atlsntlcs, but QIBERT A CLAY'S DAILY COTTON LETTER, New Orleans, July SO.—Options In Liver pool closed steady and unchanged to 1 point lower, while spot transactions amounted to 6.000 bales 4 points lower. Cables were ex tremely scarce, and denoted a featureless market. The only feature of Interest was furnished by The Times-Democrat today lu .—— -- — * - itim weevil or other cilpp Insects, nni of cotton for the year to cotpe. Friday next. It Is proba- ' “ it witnessed, altboQgMPHMHW mkr from time to time before Its issuance Fovcrlng by nervous shorts whose fearsi it based on the l*ellef that the report vorable to nn advance. DAILY COFFEE LETTER New York, July 10.—The coffee market on a continued demand for shorl which was promote rope explaining the advance there as due to tho covering of scared shorts and the tag *- **■ — “*■ bill. bill. Another factor In favor of prices also furnished by the low temperatures event 1 districts of San Paulo, which served to remind the trade of damage to crop previously suffering os a Id weather during tbe late sum- tying m ward a renewal permanent advance as a result the world ss s consequence _ off In production.—Ware k Inland. Opening J.nniir fm 955*41 February 7.40-7.60 7.4S-7.K March.. 7.50 7.55-7.60 April 7.60-7.66 7.60-7/ not likely to last long, the monthly report Is out of the way some activity Ih certain to develop. There was a little too much rain In many sections, nnd tills led to some short covering. Cotton seemed to bo for sale on tbe advance, how ever, and operations continued of the kind that has led to a narrow market for some i of the n past. Reports on the programs of the show the majority of sections to be illy good shape for this season of New York, July 30.—Ths stock market was trim* In the morning, with considerable nni.i..iiintion to ttdutat* realising, and afternoon an attack Wing made on I maVket will be in n reir good technical shape again i n ino-Wate recession and we be- toclcs should be confidently bought tw4» to three point recession from > of today. The underlying factors o be very good, and we think the n remit a arc determined to raise tbe levs! for distribution lattr. There are en- on raging signs »>f an Increasing outside merest and tbe broadening of the market will ii4i doubt do much to advertise It. We continue conservatively bullish, ss outlined dp today. large MONEY AND EXCHANGE. , 7.70 7.70-7.71 > 7.76 7J0-7 J 6.06-7.10 7.66-7.H uat 6.96-7.10 7.06-7.11 ember 7.00-7.06 7.06-7.1< October...... November.. , ... „ ......7.15-7.25 December. . ., 7.26 Closed firm. Sales 102,600 tag*. COTTON 8EED OIL MARKET. New York. July 30.—There was but llttla activity In the market for cotton feed oil on Saturday, as usual on tbe Inst day of the week, and the only feature was a slight reduction In prices. Throughout the week, the market was well-sustained, with more Interest centered In Sentemlwr delivery. Its premium of le STOCK MARKET OPENED HIGHERik^tseh=s RANGE OF NEW YORK STOCK MARKET NOTES ON GRAIN h^j t/ow | Traders Favorably Impress ed by Persistent En ergy of Bulls. AmVrlrin g^ir n'rlinlni::::. . American locomotive do, .preferred American Smelt hi J limning.... . do, preferred Atchison do. preferred American Cotton Oil Baltimore and Ohio Brooklyn Ilapld CnnailUn Tactile Tbeaapeak* and Colorado Fuel and Iron ■ Central lumber TOOK PBOFITS :2::: But the Market Very Slightly From the Best Figures. Drlswar* and Hudson Iilatlller'a Prcurltlen........ Shaded I Eri do,’pra/eirnV.V.V.V.’.'.’.’.'.'.'.’.'.'.'.'.'.'.V."V.'’.V.“.‘. , .’i!!."!!!.’.’ tlcncral Fleet rlc. a American Ice BsrilritiM... Louisville and Nashvllls Missouri Piclfle . New York, Ontario and Wsstern National Lead. Northern Pacific New York Central Norfolk and Western... Pennsylvania People’s (.us By Private Leased Wire. New York, July 10.—The markets abroad were again considerably' unset* . -—. tied thla morning a. a remit o* re- "'E'nft'.Y. newed waaknesa In Ruaslan aacuritlea. I Pacific Vl.ll Ruaalan bond, fell sharply on all the {••“HV -ly". European bournes, while In London the I iioi-J l.'aod almost the top of a^wask ago. It did | un, j^ nrcfcfrid" hh * r not appear that the A waa anything In Southern Pacific V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V. the newe of the day to explain thla I Rou i^rn_ M.ll^rray caaloned by Pari, liquidating part ol Tmo»l. . . .. ... which It bought last week to sustain | Taxes and Pacific ua............ •«••»••• #• Coal and Iron rs '* do, prefer red.... * nrin Cei | Wisconsin Central do, preferred.. Total stock sales today 755,666 shares. the market- All the London depart- Ji? tnenla were more or lass shaken by the I Jg 1 Ruaelan celling movement, but on what virglnla-Carollna' Chemical 1 order, from .do, prefem ‘ Jlat waa held | Waatcrn Union above our cloning parity of Saturday. I Wabaah There was accordingly very little check In the early houra of hualness upon local operation, for the rise. Buying went on heavily, pretty much through the entire Hat and In moat of the loading la.uea laat week’, high figure, were exceeded. In the stock market opening prlcea In almost every caee disclosed provement over Saturday’s clone, antic Coast Lina and Great Northern preferred gained a point; Sugar 3-4; Stcci preferred 8-8 and Northern Pa-, , , elite, Baltimore and Ohio and Smelting The following la the range la cottoa -4; Amalgamated and 8t. Paul opened | future. In Naw Vork tedav .-4 lower and Brooklyn Rapid Transit, Union Pacific and National Lead .had- j„|, ed 1-8. _ ... Aug Pointers on Provision.. WHEAT OPENED ITlvats. Wire to filbert k Cta; • RANGE OF THE COTTON MARKET AT NEW YORK. . Utah. Low {£*« ed by the peraUtent energy of the bull forces. The trader, were Inclined to IE®* m. k.,ainitae Kafnnt tha ami nf I ■ n ’ take profits, however, before the end of 11’™ the hour, but the market nhaded very Fi |, <4 10.1 10.37*4 10.3344 10*40-43 10.3S-40 uiu imui, uui me 4n«iABi Iran ,. .... ..... ..... ,#»•» »u.i slightly for the beet figures. The rise Mch ..10.43 10.48 10.43 J0.a 10.49-50 10. In Amalgamated Copper and continued Closed atcady. references to the strong strategic posi tion of the Industrials caused new ad herent. to come into the hull ranks. At the end of the first hour, following the early fractional Improvement li many stocks, the feature or tho regu larly active Hat was Rending at a net gain of nearly 2 points. Government bonds unchanged. Oth- | Private,Wire iiTbonds firm. AT NEW ORLEAN8. Ths following Is ths rang. In cotton future, In N.w Orlanua tod.yi Loat Pravlnus Open. High. Lour Kale. Clna July . ,10.49 10.50 10.40 10.10 1050 Aog ..10.44 10.44 1A42 10.43 jO.JL^ oJ? ilioii' ioa io.'ii ioso mn-S £ ::i<!:*> 1^,1 TS.S ii|l Mch .' .Toao io.39 ioii ion io40-u lolo-IS lul Closed barely steady. TIPS FLASHED From Wall StrcoL LONDON STOCK MARKET. Anaconda.. an racinc.. . . ..... hlr.. Mil. and 8t Paul.... Erl* * .. .. preferred Illinois Central. intr Northern Taclflc ’eunaylvanla teadlna.. .. .. .. .. * iro Paclffe Pacific.. „i United States Steel., do. preferred *»-**-■ jyasASPfc "Developments over Sunday si iSgmmOiif forsffn news Is I ment. This F7r^tl«rrepwt w 5ff k .=77a- ext.nsion of Clo. the preaent moderate outilda latareat In ■SS17 the .lock mnrket, beeanae of It. .xpecled tenor. Wo hnvo good res ana. for hollering- that ths money market la grad ually Improving, and prominent Investment Institutions freely express the opinion that i abaoi atlfjln Odell * Co. . are not dla- inco of disturbing tho stngnetlon In Ibo^mnd market will ho dispelled by lower money rales. Tho market la well In hand, and In lb* event of any goneral racclon Ibl. week .wo 8T0CK8 AND corgis 4ft*,. t»18.... jeorxi»,j^*ii. fc/iiio (scan 8*. 19W tlsntn, 6», ML Hants, 4fts. 1933 Innts 4e, 1*14 brats and West Point......... lanta and West Point Debta. K. of Heoratn first Income. BONDS. Bid. Asked. 113 V would' embrace Ibo^opportunlly to buy good stock,.'' Tbe market may recede from present price*, but at present they look like a porches* on all declines. ... The market eeeme to ho holding well, but looks a little at If the tellers and buy er* of len days ago were reverted. 1 think the wiling today lg much liettor thnrv tbs buying. W# should have a reaction. Aogoeln and donthwestern,.. Oeorgla Pnetfie . C, C. sod A. tat, (in iimi iiicviuv.ii, ,,, icome..., 89ft com..* IT bavanuak!!!."!!-!! Ill le tats...! U* Prlvnt# Wire to Ware A Leland. Dow-Jonre' summary; , American atoeks In London Irregular. Dooms members will meet probably In F Insurance companies losa tl83.M3.087 la the riico earthquake, of wklck forjjgn com- inlet sustslned ■ loss of 3l7.7trl.8«. Stool roll orders for nearby deUverv are > heavy that Carnegie company la refining Bernard Baker gayi forglgn policy-holdera of Motnol Ufo ouatatn the policy holders' C °gtSk t ?roni*etlpni list week gained I.IOO,- STOCKS BEVIEWED neteen clearing house tank* faportad than Ike legal rose nr# of * per cent. * the first time since February, throe dors piss to doable track Bv rrivntc wire. New York. July fO.—Vloocy OB csll n tcrilng'mfiaage 4 !CC4 Kft. RSn COFFEE MARKET, le Lcsssi Wire. • I irk. July J8.—Coffee firm; Kft Fifty years a<o ths Hambur*ff-Am«ri- an Lin^ was ntartcd with two itetm* rs. Today the same company has 167 locpan st^aniers plrinf on flfty-flvi dlf- | f^rant routes to all parts of the world* Kina Edward has taken to equestrian exercise as a means of keeping his weight down. Slnre the rabbit hole mis* hap. whl^h liirn^l him, HU MsjSfty has br : **n unable to take walking exercise. This month has held Its premium of sc over October,.notwithstanding that It has l»ecn predicted that s liir*e amount of new oil can be had bars for September de livery. Many dealers are nf the opinion that this could bo done only to a limit ed extent, however, and for thla rcaoou there hat been little luteraat on the abort aide, ileaplto-the slltirlnK difference In the prico tie tween the two months. Local bulla and prominent refining Interests wars the principal bnyera last week, and toward tbe close had to take on qnlte a large amount of nil to absorb offerings and hold the market. Of late, nn crude oil has boon offered more freely in tho valley and at Texas points on tba basis of 27c for Au gust ilell very. Stocks of oil ire rather —.. m-*. atfoujj hands, and th spot demand.—Ware - Opening. Afe::::: :. ::::*"*** fleplemker. October. .. December f'lneed eteafiy. Bales 300 August at 38ft. CONTRACTOR DIES AT ANDERSON, S. C. Special to The Oeorglan. Anderaon, B. C, July 10—Thomas A. Archer, m leading business man, died here at 12:48 this afternoon, after an lllnera of only a few days. Ho waa t* years old and leaves a large family. He waa the senior member of the firm of Archer ft Acker, tlnnera and contractors. GIBERT & CLAY i ti K. ALABAMA ST. STOCKS BONOS. COTTON. CRAIN. corrcc. provisions ATLANTA. OA. ICMBCnti a .Liverpool Cotton Assoc Utloo l ualwanrftaiiMrfhrafeaMti JKvv OrV — _ . JNcw Orleans Board of lrade.!<«aDaaton Cottoa Exchaags I’rlvntf \Vir* H f i . Knhui.^ * Local and Lena Dlstsnoo Tslsphons 5296, W, R. FAGAN, Msnagsr. BY NEW YORK SUN td*rol7LtWSi"A.'iua*. wheat field. New York, July 19.—The Bun My,: “Tk. , fltn .1 „r (he aouthwaut eon- atoi'k market opened laat week under rath- ,,F<MiwlaI condlUon of the aoatnwMt con er Innustdelou* etreumetancea os account of ,!?”_• i,nnl nn rae. the dlMoIuttnn of the Hnsslan doum* l>y Atlantic pnaaeagar travel largest on roc the caar and the death of IIumsII Mage. Turk New ITe, S , *ra , “'Ae.P"n l 'Bl^«n“mwrtM M 4a'wkleK W <* lending active laeue*. Notwltbatandlng thla. however, our market opened strong on Monday and gained •trangtta ns the day adrascad, being appareally Indlffereat to The popolatlon of Oertnsny. according to Ike. »<»-gVV h *V& quietly condurtml ‘for some time poat.’ i*#" I t^ore ire nonTULi parsons for svarj^square cams more aggressive toward tba mtddla kilometer, of ths week, using particularly manifests* In floathern Pacific, union Pacific and 8L Paul, with tba Conpsr stocks also prornl 1 States creasa there l - Ju»tlc. Darting, an Engllah Judge, ‘itl (SffctrtJSEK suggested In the course of an automo- aetlvltytoward tbe endoF th* Ml* caa# recently that the week. The Improvement In Americans was I catoni of autoa might »*ll » marked followed bv a subitaaila! recovery In the -Fine,’* “Imprisonment, Manalaugh- markets abroad. In which Bnaataa aecur-’ -— Itle* .participated to a v«y ^^faetory _ revolution waa not Imminent and that the populace nf th* empire did not regard the Aleaolatlon of th* donna aa that reaction*# were to prevail n of the' doom* aa proof I Th* ^*^*y*** J° . t .l!f l i! lll |aat*^Mr , wS rv and ropronalve pofictea I slaughtered In Germany laat year waa ill.''—Glbert ft CTny. to conslderabl* that th* heavy Import* of cured pork producU from Holland, Austria and th* United Btatee were not sufficient to maintain a good eupply. THE LIVE 8TOCK MARKET. relpta i —Hog*—Estimated re- Market alow sad l*e lower: | owillty fair; left over 4.183; balk N.494(, „ 4I»: ro*!.™* , c i l for, tomorrow 18.900;. .light natural armchair by twisting a gi *** rorkin?Vft*P»- r goSfto ln * v1n * ,nto ,h » required ahapa. Me lower S3L«sS' wer; qnalllr fair; A gardener In Korea ha. mad. .... K Af- ttr the vines had grown large enough they were cut, th* wood poll.hed, and co.. 31 .sol*; 1 'irifera' ll»Sr*;*ra?rot7i | SfmahopInyE 'it’welgha JOoT^unda^* ^iffiSu^'Eetlmated receipt* 39,909. Market “jjA-"- 1 * Mredy; qnelttT fatr;; as- THE FIRST AIR BRAKE. From Buccase. l'araons who should htr* known batter thought Wrstlnghoute visionary when they war* told that ha proposed to atop a train by air. Nobody teemed Inclined to let him try bis plan on a real train, but they did not ob ject to his working a model of It la a sbop where he could do no, harm or Involve anybody else In expenae. II* know bis scheme would work, but he could nnt make any on* else bell tvs It. Ho bo continued to sell hie Invention for to tnlk shout hla . man who waa willing to llateu- with ’this % he couldn't say that b* bad dons to. . - Um ^ | tl aren on t Nobody would let train of dump cert. pne jiay.he arrived la Pltteburg^eelllnj i with *| railroad out than, "That a a great Idea of youra.” said th* isn; “w# will try It on our lino.” IWastlnghone* to put bit new _ Indemnify tbo road for any damage that might be ranted to th* train » the reeoit of tils trials. ' t deelg- rain on which tbo first air bra(i went th* train nn Its Initial trip. Tba ear pat on foil sored, and Just as be tided a cores he saw ahead. little lever, and th* fint train that wa, ever stopped lyr air palled up at a stand still several feet .fiort of tho obstruc- lon. Tims, on Its first trial, th* Weetlngho**# ' ' damage ?. nD » r fthU 1 ISu th.t elans* eecuring eompem rtnne waa then only 87. od’YeteKd. 1 na dated Irani nreutor'thoaghtoJ The value of copper produced In th* In 1198 waa 1117,498,737. United Blair# ,,, tw. .«« e„i,,,e,i*i l as compared with 8108,819,145 in 1194. Th* product of 1908 waa much th* largaat aver recorded In th* United State*. Exports of copper to Gvmany, Holland and other countries continue to Increase. Chicago. July JO.-Lower cabin over run of wheat receipt* uiea lower price* todny. Hecelpta Mi i and heavy pfnuH kail of ihr Ml—1,-lppl. but very little eo far tu thl, state, where It waa clear yattanlay and Is again today. We do not seu any proepect of making money on short eld* of corn at present, and would buy It ou weak .pot* h 1 well. Not so much red rust, but pretty dry," Commleelou bouse* bar* keen eellera of ,o. dajb Reimrla from tho country continue A lot of corn has been told out on the rains, hut Mlere this eieelleut place lo buy. Illinois la going to have a poor crop. A attic of th* long nala wer* damped on the opening decline. The norlhwrel wer* buyer*. The weeknee* In com end oale if nolM future npfdi winter wheat belt are having no dlf In supplying current and oftep future •t their own mill door* foreign I are thua far delllierat* In. thrlr purr despite Ihe rertalniy of I heir used of large a iianlltlea of Araerlran wheal, fiuffieleat sta hss com* to hand In the last week to nati. Indlrats that tho northwWt ’crop will not S ika good Its sirljr promloa of axcoodlng • production of sny format jroar. i Minueapol is Lower on tlio Curb and Cable Were Weaker. STARTS MARKET WEAK At the Close All Options Showed Sharp De- • dines. Private Wire lo Ware ft Leland. Chicago, July 39 -l-oag wheat comlag ant through eommlaalon houaaa Do not soem any atopa at 78 and few buying or- >H * when! and oats. Corn wta sold generally h houae* on larger reeel pie, ralna ovor Bun- day end weakness In wheat. Shorta an rovering on Ihe break. There ha a been ronelderahle liquids lion May have small rnlllea. but Jhj- . ‘I- "«•» hay* small ralllat,' leva they can h« bought lower down will Herds# of pntl.neo. FLOUR MARKET IS VERY QUIET The local Dour situation Is very quiet at present, aa dealers are aomowbat aur- nrat state that farmers a|j storing^vfe %»‘^t.* u I arret ludlcata that tbe crop lg Ibe t li for. years, an ' ll- IV I.--I — - , ..jd^’tH* nualUy is of Ihe very floret. The bow nmir prod - ‘"--ita U superior to auy that hae ..reived hen for years, Atlanta "liliera btv* a reputation both locally and the weal weat of Do high standard! of pet ton, whli* tbe bran market corn and oats market la vary strong. dtlrn of thin article ss a food for familiar with IL with yonr erancea," said tbe lady of tba house to tho lb cook euplylng for work. "NeyiBer am I, uium; but tbey'r* tba 1 coo d las-" 01 TO BE INCURABLE. >n er—I oroaldn't mind baring on In* ablu case of gout. Ascum-Vou wouldn’t! Yeruej-—No; they my poverty I, th* only ire cur* for guut. By Prirat* Leased Wire. Chicago, July 30.—Wheat stocks con tinue to pile up tn all position#, the visible eupply Increnelng 3.400,999 bushels for tho weak nnd putting tho total to 18,111,009 bushels, compared with 11.114,000 bushels n year ago. Long wheat waa mild on thin, rnupiod with Ih* bearish condition. In genera!, and wheat struck the lou-i nt level nine 1808. Th* clo* e.houred losses of 7-119 1 I-8c for th* day. A Philadelphia exporting concern wired that unlees Ih* public cam* Into Ui* market 70c wheat would bo Beta. A dispatch from Minneapolis says: "New wheat will be delivered to dour mills In ths Routh.m .Minnesota th* last half of thla week." There wo* naught on which to buy wheat. Primary' receipt* of wheat were 1,- 178,000 bushels nnd corn 454.000 hunh- ela, compared with 1,847,090 and 447,900, reap - — Ml “ wheat 41,000 buahela of corn and 19,0.0 bu.hel. nf oat*. Com clo.*d firm nnd 1-403-Ho hlgh- Oata off, 1-847I-8C and hug pro duct. ware 7 1-8(9Wo lower. At Chicago 300,000 wheat, 150.909 com and 300,000 bushels oatn, cash, war* trad ad In. CHICAGO GRAIN MARKET. Prer. Low. rioo*. Clooa. opfli WnKAT- Jttijr 74H Hfpt ron.N- Jnljr I0U Hcpt..... 60>« ••S..M. 47H OATS— July 23 fcPL.... m !»•■** 2) POUK- Juijr... ia.a 17.69 Jan.... 14.29 74V4 *MU E 77S 74ft :,ft St «7% 23U His Likitl— mat- a. 14.2U U.X> 17 0214 to Es m cjs i.T*) S.77H BIDKB- .Illly... ,.00 ,.00 fiept... 9.10 9.10 A.,.. «13ft S.91ft I'AHIl tVIIKAT- 3 red T4U«-ft: Nn. er 73ft4774; 1.97ft is 1 bard winter 1 ’4: Np. 1 northt-rn rrom ins rnuaaaipma rrasa. I imrlli.rn ej-Hiir 9 ; No. 3 do :;<TT7. 4179; .Nu. 2 .Pi Mr Th ! tho preeeift _j«, Upton he. hid models made evaoTSk fjsi. cfnhH ’ dal,. They are now bring *»• Wagner, a. German m.atcl eompoecr. ejoaVrt.*oftwn > *vSalt” IL'* lK’tallied 0 much on PRIMARY against astttfi u_-_ bnahals jssf rasi. Corn—Ilacffcts today 474.666 hnsbris* ^i n y ,l i 0 «h , .’ , t t , .;.7nrAo8&!; at year. CHICAGO CAR LOTS. gjj liate Ilogs LIVERPOOL ORAIN MARKET. ' i,0% NORTHWEST CARS. • oorthwsst y*ftr: MlnnMpolfa Duluth Cblrsgo ... ... ... CENTRAL BANKS TRUST CORPORATION, CAPITAL $300,000.00 SOUTHERN EXCHANGE Oldeat Eelabllihed Office Booth. COTTOI—STOCiS—BOIDS—-GRAII Ground Floor Gould Building. Dally market letter and marirot manual mailed on applies I Ion. L.J. ANDERSON & CO Bankers and Brokers, COTTON, STOCKS, GRAIN Correspondent's Capital $250,000 nercacNce. the ncal dank PHONE MIT. PRUDENTIAL BLDG 4006.60; lambs THE SUGAR MARKET. Dr PrlTSta Lssssd Wirt. ' L or York, inly *).—I/xml refiaM sad sagsr ataady aad aarl lawt markets quirt; July Inr fwL Btw Orlttnt. El cotton^gra:^, ^rovisio^StocksPbonds, Kt. 2 Wall St., A Ita a la. Ca ChUaf Baard at Trait. Btw Ytrk Cation CuBaagt. Btw Orltaat Caltoa tnhangt. Iherooal Callta Anatlallta. MlMBtKS: York Cafttt lukaagt. f. C CO J MB AH. Mauagtf. StandtrJ Fhoot TM. If you contemplate opening a new account, or changing your preaaat banking arrangamant, and wl,h to connect yoaraelf with a (trong. conaerv- atlvo bank, fnlly equipped to aorve you an your bualnca.i J letlfiaa. Invite you to call and talk the matter over with u,. As* 0. Candlsr, President. W. H. Patterson, Vic,-President. A. P. Co Iro, Cashier. John 8. Owen,, VlM-Prroldant Wm. D. Owen,, Ant. Ceahlro, LOWRV NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL, SURPLUS AND PROFITS OVER ONE MILLION DOLLARS Foreign Exchange, Travelers’ Checks, Brown Brothers’ Letters of Credit available in all parts of the world. i ■4. WM. La PEEL, PrtaikwmL ROUT. r. MADDOX. Tire-Pres. MADDOX-RUCKER BANKING CO. CAPITAL SURPLUS AND PROFITS $200,000.00 $500,000.00 ACCOUNTS INVITED Wc invite accounts of individuals, corporations, banks and bankers and offer the best terms consistent with conservative banking. In our Having* Department ws allow Interest at the Rate of 3 1-2 psr snt. Compound'd Beml-An ■kBmM ism