Newspaper Page Text
Five Days’ Maneuver Be
gins with Many Soldici's
on the Field.
Program Will Close with
Grand Scene of Mim
ic Warfare.
Spcrl.ll to The Georgtnn. *
Chattanooga, Tenn., July 30.—The
army maneuver* at Chlckamaiiga Pnrk
began today. Among the reglmente
participating are the Third South Car
olina, First Alabama, Seventy-tint
Virginia, Twelfth cavalry, Seventeenth
Infantry, a corps of Engineer* and oth
Today'* maneuven consisted of In
struction* In signaling, Instruction* In
tint aid for every troop, battery nnd
company under chief surgeon, ambu.
lance and hospital drill.
Special to The Georgian.
Chattanooga, Tenn., July 30.—The
live-days' program, of army Inetruc
tlona, began here today, according to a
detailed order lesued commanding Gen
eral Bubb.
The first day'* work consist* of com
pany Instruction by all organisation*,
Including technical worlt In the engi
neer and signal corps, exemplified by
the regulars.
Battalion work and squadron drills
will be the order for the second day. In
cluding deployment as skirmishers and
practice In attack and defense.
Wednesday all the forces will be out
In regimental formation, when the
technical Instruction will become more
comprehensive. At night there will be
study of signals.
Thursday will be devoted to practice
outpost duty. There will be Surprises
and open attacks by cavalry and In
The militia will be trained In the art
of developing a hostile force and like
problem* presented In actual warfaro.
All of this leads up to the last of the
five days, when tactical problem* are
to be solved. On that day the forces
are to be divided Into two hostile arm
ies. The park, now a marked battle
field, will be the scene of mimic war
fare on as large a scale as possible.
There are now In camp the Twelfth
cavalry, Seventeenth Infantry, Third
and Fourth batteries of artillery, be
sides large details of the engineer
corps, signal corps and hospital de
partments of the regular army and
the Flrat Alabama, Third South Caro
lina and Seventy-first Virginia regi
Mayor Woodward Is hoarse!
His office la overflowing with bulky
communications of Identical else and
The mayor's telephone has • hot box
and the people of Atlanta are still pus-
All because of Milton H. • Smith,
president of the Louisville and Nash
ville Railroad.
The trouble started Saturday and
seems destined to continue for some
week*. Certainly there was no respite
To condense the most ludicrous sit
uation In municipal afTalrs that has
come to pass In many, many nfoonst
The city council passed an ordinance
allowing the Louisville A Nashville
three openings to the railroad yard on
East Hunter street and one on Butler
street. The railroad wanted the entlro
sidewalk In front of Its property. Now
President Smith send* out some thous
and rnmmunlratlona to the business
men of Atlanta In which he stated. In
no uncertain words, exactly what laws
the city should pass relative to the
openings. These communications con
sisted of a six-page, single-space,
typewritten letter, addressed to Mayor
Woodward; a two-page letter from
Mayor Woodward to tne council and a
three-foot map showing the yards on
Hunter street nnd a large part of Ihl*
terrestrial globe in connection there
Everybody Got ’Em.
These communications were received
by every business man of prominence
In the city. There was no accompany
ing explanatory note of the "enclosed
you will find" order, so, of course, the* were pussled. “Why should a
communication addressed to the may
or be sent to mu?" was the natural
query. And then the recipient would
call up the mayor's office. When he
wn* informed by central that "There
are 7»» call* ahead of you," he would
then hie himself, bulky communication
In hand, to the office on the third floor
of the city hall.
Saturday the mayor's office wire the
appearance of an apartment store on
bargain day. Monday it looked Ilk* a
metropllttan poetofflce. Both day* the
telephone kept up a continuous ac
companiment to the fiery phrases ejac.
ulated by the mayor.
"Hello • • Throw It In the waste
basket. • • Nothing to It. • • I’m
besieged with ’em. • •"
"Mr. Mayor?" a
"Tea, I know—Hello—Throw It In the
waste basket. There are—"
"Mr. Mayor, hern's a letter. It must
belong to you. Sent to me by mlat—”
"It'* an outrage—reflection on the
city council—Yes, I know what It Is—
Ia»k at this waste basket—Hello."
And thus It has continued throughout
the two days.
Opened by Mistake.
The Woodward Mantel Company sent
a profuse letter of apology by a special
messenger to the mayor along with the
great brown official communication,
marked "Having opened It by ml*
H. W. Yarbrough, of 21-2 Auburn
avenue, mistaking the. Idea of the com
munication. wrote president Smith,
quoting a 32 price on framing the map
with a 2-Inch oak frame, ‘Including
glass and wire," and sollcltng further
Many other things were done, but
most of the recipient* after having
spent, several of their valuable hour*
attempting to ferret out the mystery,
simply "cussed."
One amusing feature of the situa
tion was the fact that President Smith
In hi* ultra-sealousners to make the
law* of the land as would best eult the
Louisville and Nashville, sent out many
of the communications with two 2-cent
stnmps. This would not be cause for
comment but for the fact that one of
th stamps was a due stamp.
What Mayor Woodward said was
probably lost track of, even by the re
cording angel; certainly no mere mor
tal could have taken down the rapid
fir* of splcey explanations.
Throughout Saturday he stood the
strain wonderfully well, despite the
somber predictions of his friend* that
*e wouldTiave nervous prostration, but
shortly after noon Monday he gave the
howling populus, which wa* mobollzed
In the nnty room, the slip by getting
through the side door.
As the door closed some one said:
Milton Smith be—?"
And some one else said; "It was the
Joe Bliickstock Took Mor
phine—Wife Was Ar
rested bv Police.
Longworths Refuse to Visit
The Sick Man of Europe
By Private Leased Wire.
New York, July 30.—It’s the sultan
of Turkey'* own fault If he Is not to
have the pleasure of meeting Mr. and
Mrs. Nicholas Longworth. They were
ready. If not a little more, to go to
Constantinople, but after the wgy Min
ister Lclshman has been treated by the
aultan, of course, they abandoned the
Idea and are now making their way
horn*. Already New York Is getting
ready to receive them In a proper man
ner after their conquest of Europe. It
Is understood they are to sail Saturday
for home.
To Hr. nnd Mr*. William A. Flowers, at
<> Wevuinn avenue, a ilanghtej.
To Mr. and Mrs. Claude Folds, at 57
Poplar street, a sou.
William L. Bartlett, 48 year* old, died of
typhoid fever at 124S Marietta street.
Mr*. Georgia Heed, 3 rear* okl. died
of Bright'* <Tl*e**e at 617 West North nve.
Mr-. Settle Jolley, M ycers old, dlocl of
eeagestloa *t to Houtb IMtn Mass.
Ito-liard T. llpeliureh. 63 yesrs old, died
of pnralysl* st 11 Hereto »ycuue.
C. p. Ktrkley. 7* years urn, died nt 366
Utenwsod avenue.
Mr-. Stella K. Hudson. 53 years old, died
at 7(« Hello avenue.
Grace M. Uurpltt. 1 year old. died at El-
"m'iV' e! >1. Carey. G yearn old, died of
|.«rnly*l* nt 4U Xorth Jackson street.
Infant of Mr. nod Mrs II. 11. Burger died
at II lltlllarri street. . .
James liePaa* I'flda, Infant, died at
pkold fever at 37 ... ■ . I
H. I,. Barnhart, 3S years el.l, .lied of ty
phoid fever at Greenspxid avenue.
MV-Istat* 1. Links to Atlanta Banking
gag Savings Cnaspasy. lot on eorusr of
Lindsey nnd Weston streets. Mortgage.
3;'A—A. 1). Adair to H. L. Watts et *1..
lot on corner of Lakewood and Adslr ave
nue*. Warranty deed. . „ ..
3*60—Edwin P- Ansley to J. 8. Donaldson.
1st on Pteduiout sveuue, In Analey Psrk.
"^SKteilyC. Moer* t.O, E. Hitch-
ens and Mr*. Cell* Anderson, lot on Ogle
thorpe avenue, near l'ceples afreet. Mar-
H.WS—41. K. Kitchen* and Mr*. Pella An
daman to Houthern State life Insurance
Company, name lot. I«n deed.
3360-B. Kelsey to l.nlld one-story frame
dwelling In rser of 31 Port atiwt.
1176—J. H. le-mmond to repair tno story
frame dwelling at US Windsor street.
1106—Ml*. A. II. Hmlth to recover one'
story frame dwelling nt 141 lltlt street.
J7S->V. F. lists*! to recover une story
frame dwelling at S3 William, street.
11-g—Mrs. M. J- llotmes to sd.l to one-
st.,ry frame dwelling at 00 Itsukln street.
l>-»-A. «'. K»Hln to tiutld two one-story
CuJ-J. B. Plnessn to Imlld one-story
frame dwelling at ® Tye street.
•SO—John A. Hmlth to-recover one-story
frame dwelling st 635 Olenn street.
31.600—A. O. Rhodes to ndd to one-story
brick I,sliding *t I* Marietta street.
3L0M-W. 6. Archer to Imlld one-atory
f sns* dwelling nt 41 Rerean nvsnne.
33a*—E. 11. St* to Imlld tw.i-at.wy trams
winSsfa one.
story frame dwelling st 10 Pornella street.
Mslsria Maks* Pal* Sickly Children.
Th* Old Standard, Grove's Tasteless
Chill Tonic, drive* out malaria and
bullda up the system. Sold by All
dealers for 27 years. Pries 60 cents.
By Privets Lresed Wire.
New York. July 20.—F. Landon Mc
Ginnis, s bright youth, who had grad
uated from Ogden College, Bowling
Groan, Ky„ wilt sail In the steerage of
the Carman!* tomorrow morning for
an sight-months' walking tour through
Britain, Ireland nnd the contl-
-t. H* Is It years old end will- start
on his foreign travels with only 2100.
McGinnis Is confident h* will Iwvs
enough money to pay Ms expenses and
bring him back.
Insult Is Given
Tombs Before
By Private WIra.
New York, July 30.—lively Nesblt
Tlin.v wan publicly Hnubhed today by
Mm. William Tbaw, her husband's
mother. Th© Incident occurred In th©
Tomb* prison In full view of all the
kt*©t**n» and a group of persons In the
waiting rooms. It left no d iubt that
the two women are once again nt ouv*.
By Private Leased Wire.
New York, July 20.—A Plttnburg de
tective agency today glvea a new mo
tive for the murder of Stanford White.
Harry Thaw ohot tho architect bo-
cauie White wan trying to prevnll
upon hli young wlfo to leave him when
bln mother cut off his supply of spend
ing money. It Is said.
When Thaw morried Evelyn Nesblt
nt the demand of his mother, after ho
had created u scandal, Mrs. Thaw cut
off hi* credit at her hunkers. It In said,
and announced that thereafter he
muat live with her. Hhe uent hln
young wife to school, studying French,
voice .culture, piano nnd violin. Thin
Ilfs did not null the young wife.
Turned Back at Pier.
After a violent argument over mon
ey matter* In April last, Harry Thaw
left his wlfo and mother and stalled
for Europe to see his sister, the Count
ess of Yarmouth. He wa* gone only
a few weeks, nnd she returned with
him. Penes wn» patched up, but an
other dispute arose tho week before
Mr*. William Thaw salted for Europe.
Harrv Tltaiv was ordered to go with
her, but lie turned gnek at the pier. All
thin time, It wue sold today, White
wa* endeavoring to get the young wife
to leave her husband, representing that
he had no property of his own. Tor
tured by the thought tliot White had
won hi* wife from him, Thaw shot him
on the Monday night after hlB mother
hud sailed.
Thaw’s Mother It III.
Mrs. William Thaw In prostrated to
day at the home of her daughter. Mrs.
George L. Carnegie. Roslyn, L. I., a* a
result of her son's obstinacy In refus
ing to follow her advice and plead In
sanity a* hi* defense.
Clifford Vf. Hartridge, Thaws chief
counsel, today nos making desperate
efforts to obtain tho original copies of
letters written by Evelyn Nesblt Thaw
to Rtanford White prior to her mar-
These letter*. It Is believed. If put In
evidence nt Thaw's trtat will place
Stanford White In anything but an en
viable light, and will establish a strong
motive for Thaw’s act In shooting down
the architect.
Three Children Bitten.
Special to The Georgian.
Wrlghtsville, Ga.. July 20.—On last
Thursday the three small children of
Mr. and Mrs. Ell Smith were bitten by
a puppy supposed to be mad. The dog
has been shut up to await further de
Run Over by Wagon.
Special to The Georgian.
Wrlghtsville, Oa.. July 20.—While
playing about n wagon a few day* ago
the four-year-old son of Mr. and Mr*.
Kennedy fall beneath It, one wheel
(Missing over him. breaking bis left leg
in the thigh.
n». Private Leased Wire.
Bay City, L. 1„ July 20.—Oscar Root,
14 year* old, a Cold water State School
charge, who was bound nut to n farm
er living a short distance from this
city, sprang Into the river here nnd was
drowned because tha farmer had beat
en him.
o o
O By Private Leased Wire. O
O Anderson, Ind„ July 20.—Six O
O thousand (icoplo were attracted to O
O Anderson cemetery yesterday nf- O
O ternnon by the burial of Joseph O
O Rodecap, a farmer and the heav- O
O lest man In Madison county. Mr. O
D Rodecap weighed 460 pounds. HI* 0
O coffin was 2 feet wide, 2* Inches O
O deep and 7 feet long. No hearse O
O could carry the body because of O
O Its else and a wagon was used as O
O n funeral car. O
o a
o o
O . O
O Special to The Georgian. O
O Cincinnati, Ohio, July 30.—In O
O tho course of an Interview here O
O Rev. Sam P. Jones, the evangelist, O
6 of Carteravltle, Ga., said: O
O "I have been In over twenty O
O states In the last few weeks and I O
O find that William J. Bryan Is more O
O universally popular today titan O
0 ever. I believe that he will be O
O the only Democratic nominee for O
O president In 1308, and that he will 0
0 be elected. 0
0 "William R. Hearst Is the only O
O menace to Bryan's candidacy. If 0
O Hearst Is elected governor of New O
O York, then there will be some- 0
O thing doing In the folds of the O
0 Democratic party. O
0 O
0 O
0 Dog days started off In great 0
O fashion with the downpour of Sat- 0
O unlay afternoon and kept up with 0
O a good hard rain a part nf Sun- 0
O day and another on Monday morn- 0
0 lug. After that the sun came out 0
O good and strong and all the farm- 0
O era are hoping nnd praying that O
O It may stay out, as a rainy spell 0
0 at this time would mean ruin to O
0 the cotton crop. O
0 Mr. Morbury’* forecast is: O
0 "Partly cloudy tonight and 0
0 .Tuesday.” 0
O Monday temperatures: 0
0*7*. m ..« degrees 0
0 8 a. <3 degrees 0
0 3 a. m. 70 degrees O
O Ilia, m 74 degree* 0
0 11 a. in 78 degrees 0
O 12 noon 73 degree* 0
0 1p.m. 73 degrees O
O 2 p. 10 degrees O
Mrs. Joe J. Blsckstock, a young
woman, whose home Is In Roek street,
near Haynes, was arrested Sunday
morning by Policemen Wood and
Chewnlng, suspected of having at
tempted to kill her husband with
poison, but Monday morning wa* re
leased by Recorder Broylc* on request
of the officer*.
Blackstock, who was taken. to the
Grady hospital In an unconscious con
dition Saturday night, stated to Of
ficer Wood Monday morning the
hospital that he swallowed on over
dose of morphine of hie own accord,
and that btr wife had nothing to do
with the act. He declined to explain,
however, the motive for the rash deed.
When the case of Mrs. Blackstock
was called before the recorder, the
statement of the husband, exonerating
his wife, was tendered in evidence, aft
er which the young woman was given
her freedom.
Blackstock, Is rapidly Improving, and
It Is thought will be able to leave the
hospital within a short time.
The arrest of the wife was mode on
complaint of Marcellue Blackstock, her
By Private Leased Wire.
Poughlteepsle, N. Y.. July 30.—The
police here are trying to run down tho
band of a doxen robbers who made an
attack on sixteen workmen sleeping In
a shanty near the big bridge and
robbed them of every cent of the wages
paid to them on Saturday.
Platols and knives were freely used
by the bandits while valise*, boxes and
money bag* were ripped out of
every hiding place In the shanty. Each
workman had about 330, hts
month's pay. One man Is In the Vas-
aar hospital with an ugly gash In the
face and tiorloualy Injured, while a doz
en others are nursing cuts and brulaea.
The men believe they have been
marked by a band of Sicilian black
mailers, haring their headquarters In
New York, and are leaving their em
ployment here. The Italians are all
employees of th* American Bridge
Clinfged with Igsuing Fraudulent
Naturalization Papers Be
fore Election.
Hpeclal to The Georgian.
Savannah, Oa., - July 80.—Harbor
Master James MeRrlde wa* tried be
fore Judges Oann and Seabrook this
morning on a charge of contempt, the
proceedings growing nut of cases of
alleged fraudulent naturalisation.
Pero Alamaras wna the man made a
cltlxen, who, It la stated, had not been
In this country five yenra. Counsel for
the defendant asked for Jury, but the
request was overruled. The defendant
presented a sworn answer and refused
go on the stand.
The rase was Instituted by Judge
Cann, following a plea of guilt entered
by McBride in the federal court on a
charge of aiding aod abetting fraudu-
lant registration. Tho contempt cose
was taken under ndvisenirnt. Hla sen
tence In the federal court wa* suspend
ed some time ago by Judge Speer dur
ing good behavior.
The alleged frauds were rommltted
In corineelTon with making of clttsens
for the recent county election, Mc
Bride's faction being defeated.
Judgment* Affirmed,
Perdue v. State, from Cobb superior
court, before Judge Gober. N. A. Mor
ris, C. D. Phillips, J. 8. Lewie and H.
B. Moss for plaintiff. In error. John C.
Hart, attorney general, B. F. Simpson,
solicitor general, nnd Malvern Hill,
Flower* v. State, from 8umter su
perior court. Judge Littlejohn. James
Taylor and T. F. Callaway for plain
tiff In er^or. John C. Hart, attorney
general, and F. A. Hooper, solicitor
general, contra.
Morrison, administrator, V. Hllbum
Poole, from Fulton superior court.
Judge Pentlelton. Lowndes Calhoun
for plaintiff In error. 8; D. Johnson
and R. O. Lovett, contra.
Wicker et al. v. Howard et al., from
Richmond superior court. Judge Ham
mond. E. B. Baxter and W. H. Flem
ing for plaintiffs In error. C. Henry
Cohen and H. C. Roney, contra.
Hardwood Manufacturing Company
v. Vooten. from Wilcox superior court
Judge Parker. Hal Lawton, for
plaintiff In error. Haygood A Cults,
contra. ,
Crouch v. Hlce. from Fulton superior
court Judge Pendleton. Joseph W. and
John D. Humphries; for plaintiff In er
ror. \V. E. Talley, contra.
Moore v. Trounetlne, from Bulloch
superior court. Judge Rawlings. G. 8.
Johnston, for plaintiff In error. Slaton
A Phillips and Brannen A Booth, con
Talley v. Atlantic and Birmingham
Railway Company, from city court of
Waycroes, Judge Reynolds Harde
man A Jones and Leon A. Wilson, for
plaintiff In error. Rosser A Brandon
and J. L. Sweat, contra.
Morgan v. Langford, from city court
jif Atlanta. Judge Reid. J. F. Ooltght-
ly, for plaintiff In error. Westmoreland
Brothers and J. C. Clarke, contra.
American Ambassa
dor Has Talk With
They Are Expected to Show
Architect White in an
Unenviable Light.
Here 1* a picture from a photograph .of John D. Rockefeller, who ar
rived at New York from France Saturday, and diagram showing position
of the liner Amerlka when a wireless message was received In New York.
The lower picture shows a photo of the trans-Atlantic liner Amerlka, on
which Mr. Rockefeller returned to America.
King of Oil Attends Church Sunday at
Tarrytown, N. Y. and Puts $10 Bill
in the Collection Plate.
By Privet# Leased Wire.
Tarrytown, N. Y., July 30.—John D.
Rockefeller and hts wife left for
Cleveland today on the Lake Shore
railroad, which made a special atop at
Tarrytown for them. Mr. Rockefeller
will reply to the process of the Cuy
ahoga county probate court, and he will
fight the charges made against him In
connection with the Standard Oil In
vestigation In Ohio,
After making arrangements to fight
the charges. Rockefeller will spend two
weeks with hla son In Beverly, Maas.,
after which he will return to Pocantlco
Hills to superintend the building of hla
new mansion on the summit of Kykult
The rich man greeted hla townsfolk
berg In tha most cordial manner. He
drove two miles from Pocantlco Hills
to church In the rain and dropped a
310 bill In the collection plate. Mrs.
Rockefeller made her contribution In a
sealed envelope.
By Privete Leased Wire.
Cleveland, Ohio, July 10.—Dr. H. F.
Blggar, S. R., arrived home from his
trip abroad with John D. P.oeMafeller.
“Mr. Rockefeller’s trip abroad has
done him a world of good,” said Dr.
Blggar. “H* Is aa active and light
hearted as a boy. He la stronger phy
sically that he has been In the last
fifteen year*. Although he enjoyed hla
Journey, I believe he Is glad to get
back. He thinks tha United States Is
a mighty good country to live In."
Judgments Affirmed.
Georgia Industrial Company et aL
vs. Provident Savings Life Assurance
Society et at., from Chatham superior
court, before Judge Cann. Walter
MrElreath and W. C. Neill, for plain
tiff# In error. J. II. Gilbert, W. H.
Burwell, W. L. Clay, Green, Tllson &
McKinney, Osborne & Lawrence, Law-
ton A Cunningham, H. W. Johnson,
Hall & Wimberly, F.rwtn & Callaway.
John R. L. Smith and Charles It. Hall,
Jr., contra.
Vlrglnla-Carollna Chemical Company
vs. Provident Savings Life Assurance
Society et al.. from Fulton superior
court. Judge Pendleton. Green, Tllson
A McKinney, for plaintiff In error. J. H.
Gilbert, W. H. Burwell, Walter Mo
Klreath and H. W. Johnson, contra
United Brothers va. WtlUaina, from
Bibb superior court. Judge Felton. Ma
rlon W. Harrle and Julian F. Urqu-
hart, for plaintiff In error. F. R. Mar
tin. contra.
Hamilton ve. Rogers; from Mllton-su-
pertor court. Judge Gober. J. P.
Irooke and J. K. Illnes, for plaintiff In
error. H. L. Patterson, contra.
Moore va Vlckere, from city court
of Douglas. Judge o'Steen. Quincey
A McDonald and Hal Lawson, for
dalntlff In error. L. Kennedy and
Dart A Roan, contra.
Singer va Atlantic Rice Mill# Com
pany, from Fulton superior court.
Judge Pendleton. C. D. Maddox, for
flalntlff In error. Malvern Hill, con t
tr Southem Exerts* Company TS. City
of Atlanta, and vie# versa, from Ful
ton superior court. Judge Pendleton.
DuBIgnon & Alston, for plaintiff In er
ror In main bill. J. L. Mayaon and W.
P. Hill, contra.
Sowell ve. State, from city Court of
Sylvan la. Judge Overstreet. Lovett
Sowell, for plaintiff In error. H. A.
Boykin, solicitor, contra.
Long v*. State, from Walton superior
court. Judge Brand. J. W. Arnold. J.
H. Felker, A. C. Stone and F. C. Fos
ter, for plaintiff In error. John C. Halt,
attorney general, and 8. J. Tribble,
solicitor general, contra.
Clark Brother# ve. Wyche, from
Floyd superior court. Judge Wright
Griffith A Weatherly and C. E. Car-
pen ter, for plaintiff* In error. M* B.
Eubanks, contra. _ , . .
Dougherty va. Dougherty, from Floyd
superior court. Judge Wright. HmiT
Walker, for plaintiff in error.
If. Harrle A Sim and Llpecomb A
Willingham, contra.
Decatur superior court. Judge Spence.
Bower A Bower, Russell A Hawes and
Byron Bower, for plaintiffs In error. M.
E. O’Neal and Oarrard A Meldrlm,
Cross bills of exceptions In Virginia.
Carolina Chemical Compaay v*. Provi-
dent Savings Life Assurance Society
et al., and In Southern Express Com'
pany v*. City of Atlanta.
Special to The Georgian.
Portsmouth, Va., July 20.—The
Jamestown Press Club will oppose th*
Birmingham, Ala, Press Club In tie
effort# to secure the 1307 convention
of the International League of Press
Clubs. The newspaper men of this
section are endeavoring to secure the
ISO* convention of the International
League, tn view of the fact that the
Jamestown Exposition will be held on
the shores of Hampton Roads during
that year, and they feel that this will
K ive an Inducement to the League.
legates are to be appointed within
the next few days to go to Denver and
extend n formal Invitation at the Den-
vir convention.
Sina Olivia Holland.
Sins Olivia Holland, the (-months-
old Infant of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Hol
land, 261 Crew street, died very sud
denly Monday morning after an tllaesa
of a few hours of cholera Infantum.
Sltut la survived by a little twin broth
er. The interment will take place at
3 o'clock Tuesday afternoon st River-
dale, On. ,
O 0
O By Private Leased Wire. o
O Chose City, Va. July 36.—While O
a attending court In Aeheboro. N. O
O C, I ait week. Colonel James T. o
o Moorehead, a lawyer. In examln- 0
o Ing the court records, found that 0
O Andrew Jackson was a "special o
O constable" tn Guilford county 0
0 while studying law, and that he 0
O tried hla first case In Guilford O
O county court honae. Spena Me- O
o Coy, of Salisbury, N. C, elected 0
O first county attorney of Randolph 0
0 county, read law with Jackson. O
0 O
itoweretaL va Cohen et al, from O000OO0O0OOOOOO0O00O0O000O
Special Cable—Copyright.
St. Petersburg. July 30.—It has been
Impossible as yet to verify the rumor
that General Trepoff has been assas
sinated. While the report has been of
ficially denied. It still persists, and Is
credited In usually well-informed cir
The most serious report of trouble In
the provinces cornea from Trans-Cau
casia. The section around Shusa Is In
open rebellion,' and the rebels have set
fire to that town. The whole section
Is In a state of panic.
The state of feeling In the army Is
Indicated by the reports of the mutiny
of the Flrat battalion of the Sevskt
regiment at Poltava. A number of the
men of this battalion had been present
at a meeting of the Social Democrats,
which was raided by the police.
One of the soldiers was captured and
the whole battalion, assisted by a great
mob, attempted to rescue him. It was
only by the use of machine guns that
the mob was quelled.
M. Stolyplu has Indicated hla willing
ness to receive and confer with delega
tion* of peasants from various sections
who are coming to learn at flrat hand
what the government's Intentions are
as to the distribution*.
In government circles this Is regard
ed as a moat encouraging symptom.
The douma deputies are gradually
dispersing to their home*, many of tho
peasants with much sinking at heart
In vlaw of their failure to redeem their
pledge to bring bnck with them land
and freedom. Many constitutional
democratic deputies nfter learning tha
state of feeling of their constituent*
will return to report nt the party con
gress to be held probably In FtnWnd
toward the end of August. .
United States Ambassador Meye;'
wa* summoned to Peterhof Sunday to
enlighten tho czar upon -how the new*
of hla dissolving of tha douma had
been received In America and what
Impresaton It bad produced upon the
government nt Washington.
Mr. Meyer spent two hour* In the
esaria study In the Peterhof palate
answering questions nnd giving the In
formation sought for. Of course the
ambassador’s Up* are sealed by diplo
matic ethics as to what was said at
thla highly significant Interview.
It la said the czar gave tho Ameri
can ambassador positive assurance that
he certainly will establish conatltutlon-
al institutions.
There will be no general strike at
present. The leaders of the working
men have agreed that It will be beet to
postpone action of this kind until prep
arations are further advanced. Dele
gates to the late douma are making
their way to their constituencies for
the purpose of sounding public opin
ion,' and jt Is understood that tha
douma will be called again about the
flrat of September.
It la aald that FI. Alladln. leader of
the "Group of Toll” In the douma, haa
returned from London, where ho went
to attend the meeting of the Inter-par-
llsmentary union, but he la keeping
himself very quiet, as It Is understood
that the police aro seeking to arreat
him. . .
The escape of Samendorff. regarded
aa one of the most dangerous revolu
tionary organisers In Russia, from pris
on at Sevastopol, haa caused much Joy
In revolutionary circles. It la staled
on high authority this afternoon that
General Trepoff haa not been assassi
nated. The brewery at Schuaaalburg
has been destroyed by riotous work
Special to Th# Georgian.
Bameavllle, Ga, July 30.—Mr*. ».
M. Turner, widow of the .late Captain
B. M. Turner, superintendent of th*
railway mall service under President
Cleveland's administration, died sud
denly at her home here yesterday eva-
nlng. . ...
When attacked with paralysis of th*
heart she was entertaining friend* wno
had called, and dle.l In a few minutes
before medical attention could be given
Mr*. Turner was the daughter of
Major R. O. Banka, of Monroe county,
one of the first families of the state.
o 2
0 By Private Leased Wirt £
0 Bloomington, HI.. July 30.—The 0
O sixteen girl operator* at the Cen- v
O tral Union exchange at Cham-
0 palgn have struck, alleging that o
O the male employee* of the com- g
O pany Indulge In too much pro- “
O fanlty tn the operating room and o
O that the manager decline# to etop «
O 1L The places of the striker* are “
O being filled from the exchange* o
O In neighboring cltlea 0
Formtr Chattanoogan Dead.
Special to Tke Georgian
Chattanooga, Tenn, July 30.—N***
of the death of Ben Young, a former
Chattanoogan, who died In Corinth,
Miss, ham been received In this clW»
Mr. Young was the son .f Colonel T. »
Young, f imei ly a prominent attorney
of this city