The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, August 02, 1906, Image 11

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THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN. TitrnsnAY, accustiiw. 11 edited by JOSEPH B. LIVELY f THE GEORGIAN’S RECORD OF MARKETS AND FINANCE^!? Ively*s ire* experience In Atlanta and South hna made him a ree- tbority In hi* specialty. : WAS FEATURELESS NEWS AND GOSSIP Of the Fleecy Staple. I Little Tone Was Shotfn at - the Opening in New York. undertone STEADIER Due Largely to Excessive Bains in Georgia and Fa vorable Cables. Br Prirate l-*«»«t W it*. York, Auk. l-l'rlcf. at. the opening I V.k, market ihonred little tone, The un- Iftooe raa aieaily. but largely -due to ex- lL| t , rain. Ill Orergla and favorable re- I JJJJ; ituilneu wn« coullneU to profeaalon- I tla ifoln. me rotten market tloea not furnlih life I iA nap of a nature to call for comment It 5a. been dull and narrow for a month I O .... malnlv tha NMtllt nf „ r ,,n, / _ 1 ou.,»o^ , .ln r 1 r ii t he w re,,dt^of BtA aFde and Mura S°»' I nreflt. flrst on the mm phi I Lar side of the account. 1 t* trade generally la waiting for nqjrs from the crop on which to bate now, ven- , TV apot altnatlon. while It la g.n.ratlr known there will lie rimugh of the old ernp I . ...... thn en nnari Inf,. thre tiotv J cotton to carry the *l ,, t n 1 n crp ( lnto _ttu^_now I crop, hold* swI ‘ ** “ “ fiflfi * . cniu . jfesdy, which la responsible for the steadiness In tljo futures depart There will apparently be « scramble for frit receipts of lew cotton, find It Is re ported that there are n large number.of | ported time inert* nrr n inis«J fiurera In southwest Texas paying 10%c hfliSli middling lauded In Houston for all | the early cotton. SPOT COTTON MARKET. Now Orleans—Quiet. MHc. IJverpool—Barely -steady, 6.990. Savannah—Steady. 10 9-16. Augiistn— Quiet, 11c. St. Louis A , ‘ Louis-Quiet, 10%c. LIVERPOOL COTTON MARKET. Liverpool; August 2; 12:15 p. m.—Cotton, •pot business moderate, with prices steady; middling uplands 5.99d; sales 6,000; Amer ican 6,100: speculation and receipt* 2,000; Atnerirnn none. •Iierulntlou rrrrimo American Futures opened steady. Opening Banco. lAngutt.. 5.73 IlSESSTf" :/.:i8 I Oet.-Xov 6.68 I Nov..Dec 6.58 I Dec.-Jail.. .. ......5.61 export 600; Previous Close. Close. 5.70-6.71 6.71-6.72 SMi8 6.IM.ft r .6.W I Mnrch Aprll. . .6.63 5.57 6.5W.57 5.66- 6.67 6.56 6.66- 6.67 6.66 £&• U*m 6.61-6.62 6.60-6.61 6.62-6.63 6.61-6.62 opened steady. 2 up. At 12:15 p. in., 1 to up and dull. Sales 6,00). Spots 1 up at 6.!"' Futures due to come 1 to 2 up. rpool cable soya: “Featureless mar ket.* Cotton In Xew Vork opened very quiet, and with practically no outside trade. Lo- cals rather mixed. Hownrd. Wilson and Itay Inclined to buy cottou. Balance of tho crowd soiling a Hi tie. Look for d.-iv anil unt! Sentiment seems to lie that bureau to* morrow will be between 81 and 82. This uld not cause any particular change and 1% to ?% up. on Sew York. ket Is dull and easy. Shorts srs i aggressive on the continued heavy move ment of new cotton In Texas snn on the ther. Spots are quiet. Buyi fair-sized N’et stock cotton In New Orleans Is 24,655 bales, against 45,257 at this time last year. Amount on shipboard 6,793 bales, arnlnst 11.718 Inst year. The weather map Is favorable except along thp Atlantic const. , At Augusta 3.28 Undies, of ralu are reported. ton nt 100,000 bales. say; j.—k.«n»ruier, okrui a It looks now as If the offerings of the season would l»e reduced ss com pared with other years on account of the financial Improvement In condition of plant ers and merchants of the South. We weub suggest that It Is time to be careful and conservative and Indulge In only moderate trading. Dick Bros. A Co. sty: “There Is llttls to the situation Just now. A bureau report of between 80 and 81% Is expected, and un less figures vary from these limits the change In the market will be small. Tho crop Is doing well enough to hold forth t hope of a very large yield. It d ‘pends ( 11 rely on whether a trader counts on crop disaster or not when It comes to Loosing aides In the matter." The Journal of Commerce says: “The trength of the dry goods market was real aid plainly apparent. Buyers proceeded to take goods to meet their needs wlthont regard to opinions ns to coat of production no.w or In the Immediate future. In the which show conclusively that hers* hands are not large and that manufnc turers are well provided with ordera for thi next twenty day a." New Orleans, Ang. 2.—Liverpool 2 up la apnroxlmstely aa due and ahould be with out effect on oUr opening. ** Ninp * hnn ' 1 haav* ralna « and New Orleans, but outside of these lo calities Ideal weather prevails for the fur ther maturity of the plnnt. The following Is from Hnngerford. Tex.: ’Cotton Is opening rapidly here: overybody •nay nicking; several bales have been ginned und In n short time gins will be rnnnlng dag and night." The following Is from Lcnnder, Tex. I Preparations are being made to harvest the splendid cotton crop now maturing In TODAY’S PORT RECEIPTS. _ The following table shows receipts at the G ifts today, compared with tho same day it year:- I New Orleans. , I Gnlrruton.. . . 1 Mobil** | Nuvaniuih. . . Charleston.. . I Wilmington. . I Norfolk. I Boston Philadelphia. . . IBS »T" WARE d. LELAND’S DAILY. COTTON LETTER New York, Ang. 2.—The effort made to advance the market shortly before the ^ -urchase of was In ration was repeated this momlhg. As a result, Octo ber ran up to 10.27, or, mm I “ dose last night, through tho purchase ol H large quantity of OctoUer. was - measure successful, and the operation INTERIOR MOVEMENT. IGIBERT A CLAY'S DAILY COTTON LETTER Nf* Orleans, Aug. 2.—Kariy cablet rs- . cloae optlona, considering the narrow- of the market, eased rather unexpect- |e<i y. final prlcee being unchanged to a 1* rt . Tn, wr. hoot sales continue fair at I JttJJt b# e- ’ IMtlOofll l>elng advance * * Lnrsiijr there was no change from the | that hat l»ccn the rule of late. Coterlni horts alone maintains a steadiness o ■ .otherwise, a general lack of Interest I# * .P®* 1 wairgnant type prevailed. How- lever, the government report to be Issued | tomorrow n t 11 o'clock (our time) Is exs ■akferifeMHftyiBHfeftll erhnrgy and to reawaken Interest now’iw »"»ig dormant. ■ ^*1 weather again Is reported In nearly I VIST*™ .°f thff Ml, and our advices to ll”* bot reiterate tbs excellence of crop lEITPSTf* • n ' 1 note With satisfaction the I P ro *vi*ss made during the past few lk!£i°. f Ban# blne. Hardly a complaint le I i.u.n lo PV ,h ‘* uniformity of tbs favors- I men ess of the reports. COFFEE MARKET. I fw *. An * i-The opening In cof- I ™ flrro . at an advance of well points J" * **! ff active bull support and In- XmllT-JIi 1 *blfh seemed to be eo- b 7 the official confirmation of the pawngi. of the valorisation bill. Havre dlwinpointlng^ early, but rallied be- tlal advance.—Q|bert Jk Ctef. Opening Benge. Close. .7.46-7J6 7.30-7.2S i fl "5*ry v: "tjb*** l&S 7.®-7.'** 7.65-7.70 March is?! ..TW-T.M te."" ..7.U-T.J* f^rah*.,. .. Clui«l .tredj. J.TO-T.n 7.TS-7.W) 7.00-7.CB few eorerla* order, ii, , rreatt of th« Ri,nlfe<t,tlon. and thl, Indicated the cenerally erened-np character of the market at tho preaent time. Hear/ cared to look after, ao one waa found to take the atotf off their handa. Roma look for a decline nf :«3 point. In the condition tomorrow, while other, rernrd It more thnn likely that the deterioration will be found care* to operate eitenalrely. COTTON 8EED OIL MARKET In the market tor imaeeu on yeaternay. no aalea belli* recorded, deiplte utemly price* on all dellrerlea. AuKuat remained drm. and there waa aome IdddlnK for that da- there waa aome lilddlna fi llrery. There waa practically ho apccu latlnK. however, a* the trade la *1111 await In, the movement of the new crop. More Intrrrat la alio centered In Hrptrraber and October dellvrrtee. In which there hart been lar*e tradca, particularly the Stock* were n ‘ iMwIllon* Arm Loland. AuKtiat •aptombor Octohci tradca, particularly the latter, i moderate yeaterday with near m on Itfht Offertnita.—Ware St Openln. Ranee. Cloae. October.• i, »* *• November December*. ** ## January Closed steady. STOCKS REVIEWED BY NEW YORK SUN New York. Anrnst t-Tbo New York Ron anya: In *plte of the nnnettlnl fcclln* abroad rrraltloir from tho dlatnrlMncei In Rnaala, the market here opened with an all-round advance and notwlthitandlnr n fair volume nf rrallilni retnlnvl Ita atrendb throuBhont the entire aewlon. RnrreaMre borata of atrenirth oecnrrwl ilnr- In* the day, and while each waa availed of for proRt-taklOK. aoch reeeeelon* aa Ihla ransril were opeedlly recorcred. Been at the clone, there woe almoat K'»cral atrencth. althnn(h the rolntnc of preat-t*k- InK In the laat boor wae l*rjw. leadln* hollar* reported a lar*er participation on the part of the public than on any other day for acveral week* pa*t, Whll* the nom- l»-r of Inqnlrlea recelreil front ont-tf town iiidlcatetl ’the prohablllty of a farther In dream of pnltRe ... ... Intrreat. lemdon boyer of atneka In oar nwrpof, t»Wc,7 a mnatdarable nmnont of RteH. TVe drcUra. Ron of a dividend on thla atoek and the publication of the aorpdMnfJr Rood *tat£ meat nf the corporation a rarntmt* for tho July M quarter dpi more lo etlmnlate In- trtrot lu Ibe market thaa all the other naira of tbs day combined. —Olbsrt ■ Clay. DEALINGS HEAVY IN SAINT Sensation of the Morning in the Stock Market Early. SCORED BIG ADVANCE General Railroad List Some ivlmt Unsettled—Many Issues Sold Off. I" • « - •it.-.l Wire New York, Aug. 2. The disturbing news from Russia again served to unsettle the foreign markets this morning. While there was no great decline lu Uusalau se curities nor heavy liquidation In other parts of the list, prices were lower. Tho Bank of England reported a small shrinkage the proportion of rsoerve to liabilities, uted somewhat to the uncertain feeling however, wns really very little Influenced by these foreign incidents. It was Ini Iterested chiefly Id the rumOra which were circulated yeaterday lu connection with the movements of Individual stocks, and on the question of whether the general Hat hadi uot risen enough for the time being for aome reaction to be In order. St. Paul stock rose again In the early dealings over 9 points* strengthening the opinion that the stock was In urgent demand for some purpose, which, when dlsclosedi would , buying for an ad vance waa resumed In other parts of the list during the first hour, but from the realising salei. The market for time In a week looked really reaction- and by noon quotations were nearly a!?down on the day. In the stock market, Chesapenk Ohio and Reading started .In ,%c “ lined %c at the and St. Paul final. compared with yestei rlnnlug. and In the first five mlnntcs of msInesB had gained 1% net, touching the highest figure of the movement. what reactionary In , Previous Open. High. Low 8-Oe Clone. Close. Aug. . #!» 9.90 9.97 9.97 9.96-97 9.96 97 Hept .10.10 10.10 10.06 10.09 10.08-09 10.12-13 Oct. .10.25 10.27 10.22 10.23 10.23 24 10.25-26 Nov 10.25*27 10.27-21 irec. .was law ia» law. lo.g-w laitw j*a. ,iaw ia*o io.J7 law io.n-» 10.34W Dealings were extremely heavy and many competitive on the portWHI Oil and the Union Pacific Interest, henry trading. It advanced to 188%. Heavy —illng then aet la. but -thla* In -turn waa followed by Irregular and somewhat fever ish .recoveries. Reeding waa decidedly strong, under renewed pool operations. The general railroad lift, ho waver, -waa aome- what unsettled by the prominence of St. Paul and the fear of uafavorable market complications, and many lsanen sold off fractionally. Government bends unchanged. Other bonds strong. LONDON STOCK MARKET. .—.m Anaconda... .... Atchison 988! Canadian Pacific -,1165 4 Chic., MIL and St. Pnul....| ftsV go. prexerrra.. •• *• •«** Ulnola Central.. .. .... .. joulsrlUe and Nashville.... New York Central Southern Pacific Union Pacific,. .. United States Steel. . . do, preferred.. COTTON ADVANCED ON BULL SUPPORT port from the liqll lead *ome *hort*. wh ' their ooatracl*. itnrjr how.ver, ware lietter rablea from Liver- |kkI than expected, and atrength In the •pot I>ii*Inr**. Iinlllih report, from the Atlantic atatea, where hnr.l rain* were re- portedj and hujrlnf hr apot Interata. The of i report of The Journal .... ..j« hetter'tban expeetad. ilerllne In tho condition within n month Com port waa Sutr "i,' an’liftj&ii on Jol/ i«. »l» month ago, anil 7S a rear aao. Theae porU were regarded aa hearlih, and canard some to raise their guraaes on the cotnll Hob to ho given br the government Pvt dir. New rollon la beginning to raovt “ Ivetf - more freelr. W nmim, URiTmuii t Him mji'n «. bum romparallvelr lllieral movement of tho - rrep In Texae la eipeeted (n tba near future' ^Tbe aooth eold’ and the itnailqn new, wee enrthlng hut favorable. the dMilne. however, the hull lender gave eupport, awl more or lean covering occur- red. whereupon price* quleklr rellled. landing fpot Interata Inngfat. and there waa a certain amount of rommlaelon houae boring. No dedalve change In prlcee I. looked for until the government report le tllng trill o pending lellef In a bnllt dar'a cotton market advenced jut enough to Indicate oo*lng «inil.len.-e among (carp er* on the abort aide. Nobodjr dug very _ . J, < eenlr Into the logic of the thin ardlr — ' PRICE CURRENT CROP REPORT. Cincinnati. Ohio. Ang. 1-1Prire Citrjeli Pree marketing of winter wheat. Italn Pree marketing Ilamagw unimportant, lug line promlaq. Rprlng wheat ehnw Corn making gnod a"*hMt"awt lreegnl*r field, racking tf&OOa *** l “ t w, - 0<w - GIBERT & CLAY •• t Alabama tr. stocks, ooreos. COTTON. GRAIN. corrcc. provisions ATLANTA. OA. « . MfNacaii _ . KxehancnjNew OrleM* Cotton Exchnage.lOilrego BoardIs vtlliiiSSP 0 Kxehange.lNew Orlcun* Stock Exchange. Uverpjol Cotton J>*w York CM-e Eiehangc.I.Veur Orlenu Board of 1 rade.|Oal*e*toa totioi Wire* to all exchange* Board of Trade. t«.l and Lon a DI.Un.rVS7p^^ LlC 'W. R- FAGAN, Mender, nneelble for the bureau to indicate a condition not Ju.tlfrlng encouraging field proepecte. nor la It an rear matter for beer* to pro re ni> ground* for trail* peedml.m la the trend of Ruropeen event*. Meanwhile, the weather I* good enoogb, the price I* high enough, the farmer nn.i the eplnner are coaldent enoogb and the feature, et lead, warrant, hope of ruo- tlaoed proaperttf. Bnt lower priee* for cotton mill obtain l-ef.-re .i^enlitlon will hob up again, unle**. of eourer, the boll* manege to pull off the Mared crop near* liefore the hervret time ahall have coma and goo#.”—War* St I-el*ad. THE LIVE 8V0CK MARKET. Ilf Private leaned Wire. Chicago. Ang. 3.—ling*—Estimated re. celpta todaf l£w0. Market dull and steady to shade lower: qnatltf fair; left over 11.- SK-, bulk *.jn*«.*- eetlnuile.1 for tomor- I row I6.KM; light K.Se<77H; mixed W.UC SIS; heavy ».«0CHO; nmrt »l.30«6.»0; SS, ■•^wriaaiariiaaiiaaiSiHiaSi fe.TM.’SS.’* (kttle-Ritlaatnl H— ... rwHpta 6,606. Market SSTevVTS fc&rz&s?** nwih-Bittmitrd rrcri|»ta 16,096. Market nN*a«!/: qoallly fair; aatlvw UJr*tk3ii w. .r vfykM; yrartlBKR IS 40^6.17; lamba 76; w«-*tcra RANGE OF NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Open’ll lyb[Loir Count Line...... American Locomotive do, pr»-f* .* American Him*ltiux Reflnlnc . preferred. AtchlvMi lo, preferred. do. pri'fcrnsl........ Amorlcnu Cotton nil Baltimore und Ohio It rook b n Hnpld Transit Canadian l'acltlc Chicago nml Northwestern*..-. peake nnd Ohio... ido Fuel nml Iron Central Leather <1". pit-f.-rn-il do, preferriHl Chicago and Great Western (’ h!«’;« l; • *, Mllw aukff 1 ■ i ^ ' I Delaware and Hudson Distiller's Securities Erie do, preferred; General Electric Illinois Central American Ice Sccurltlaa I.oiiisvlllo nnd Nashville Mexican Central Missouri l’acltlc New York. Ontario and Western.... National Lend Northern l'acltlc New York Central Norfolk nnd Wcsturn Pennsylvania People's Gas 1 copies uni Muni Pressed Steel Car * do, preferred Pacific Mall JO, prefer 1 United States Rubber do, praferrod...* Southern Pacific .. Southern Railway do, preferred... Sloss-Shefflcld. Tennessee Coal and Iron .. Texas nnd Pacific Union Pacific United 8tatea Steel do, preferred Vlrglnta-Carollna Chemical do, preferred Western Union Wabash .. referred. do, preferred.. Wisconsin Central do, preferred. Total stock antes today 1,262,800 shares. RANGE OF THE COTTON MARKET AT NEW YORK. Feb'. .... .... .... 10.40-4210.42-44 Mar. .10.50 *10.10 10.48 10.41 10.47-41 10.6042 Closed steady, AT NEW ORLEAN8. futures in Naw Orleans today: Last Previous ih. Low* Bale. Cloae. Open. Hlfh. Lour- 8*le. Cloae. Close. Adg. .10.43 10.46 10.41 10.41 10.40-42 10.4S-48 Sept .10.29 10.29 10.29 10.24 10.27-28 10.29*1 " “ '“.18 10.19 10.19-20 10.21-22 10.21-22 10.22 24 Sept ora. .10.21 10.22 16.11 Nov. t*VT, e .... •*•* eee* **.* Dec. .10.24 10.21 16.23 10.22 10.22-22 10.24-26 ' ?! IS!§:SS ft. Mar'. IlO.ia lb! 48 19.44 lOktf ioltHI w’:«35 C’loaad quiet TIPS FLASHED From Wall StroeL Private Wire tn filbert St Claf. , New York, Aug. A—Daniel Oilell 1 St Co.: “8pei-ialtf operatlona eeem to ue likely to the verge of eu upward movement. The bnflng ha, been good dur- ug tho bast weak, according to a tpeclal- at who — iL who report, accumulation. The llgure of (0 thla week for United that It la one of the brat Industrial par- ‘ * " will soon go on i rnlugk fully Justify dividend basis. ■ or 4 per There Is evidently a strong effort to cre- n bullish feeling on St Paul. We note the circulation of very bullish Information among big houses. The stock Is hafdly at tractive for the Individual Investor at prea- nlpulatlva element to imt It higher. Deals are persistently hlntea. Ht. Paul's friends have maintained for a long time that the stock waa worth 200. London % to % off. consol ff. consols off on rt- ... ... Russian warships, leohdon likely, ami reactions ncilllll i tj iaihuuh Iibrij. 111*44 imiiuug n Im» exiH'ctcd nnd tnay l»e adrlMble to alt for them. “ Erics, I/OuIbvIIIh nnd Nashville, AtchTaon, active and” look' for "mod" buy ing' In' steels ‘ they work off, bnt on sharp ad- here Is talk of a stiff advance In Cheaa* St. Paul Is likely —|L — carry the iMlance of the market with It, as St. Paul seenls to l»e scarce. and look for higher range la tha In^rt ate future. Dow, Jone_ .... Bank of England rut* unr American atocke lu London lower, 'A to .Inwrle,?*?hat Rnealan warablp* hav* mutlnlnl to aid rebels. lowa-Itepubllcnna turned down tnrllt re- vtalon. Democratic convention at ButTalo Boptom- bar S. Action to test atnmp law regarding ahare, ■ less than 1109 pnr value. did not '‘Brooklyn 1 ferry company defaults on In terest of bonds on account of business di verted by subway. Reported aome arrangement arrived at w th holders of Wnbnsh denatures. London market selling off on unsatisfac tory Unsaid it position In •* week, while Issues that feh they least. We continue To’ he”oonierrat?vefy bullish on the geueral stock market, but would not Ignore reasonable returns on NOTES ON GRAIN Pointers on Provisions. rrlrale Mire to Wore it Leland. < lilcugo, Aug. A.—W’ln-n t broke on aome with the erowi . bicugo, Aug. 3.—Wheat br MtUu by receiving huuge, ni trailing. A llllle buvlng of wheat now by few local, who sold yeaterday. Wheat baa had euch a aevero decline tlMt a rally la certainly lu order, but do not look for much of one. It look, na If corn nnd oela would do better. Homo eerloue complaint* ou core from central llllnola. Would faror buy Ing May corn. The u^rtet waa eteodled^to Finley Der- .... taking 360,000 December corn'.”'tfulaldc of that, rary little doing. Oate opened a ahode higher on comnili- alon houM buying. Free_ aelllug by packer* and covering by aborts .mm Ing scattered. Lighter stocks «»f provislous on . waa cause of the itreogth. i The Liverpool market on grain closra at ») tomororw. August 3. J Chicago Inter-Ocean: Onta are on an ex port basis, and New York *old 2t».<«0 mixed to trance. This wni the first sale re- ported In months, there were more bids closer to the market than exporters have known of late, and with on/ further da- rllna a good exmirt business Is antldpatt Russia la uot offering oats freely, and cr nnd trade comlltlons there are agnlUNt large movement. Thornton, of The Duluth Commercial Record, estimates the wheat crop of three northwestern atates at *tt,000,w0 bushels, north western atntes nt Including 4.006.066 Mann ml. The provision trade waa surprised at the laowlDf of the monthly stocx atatenu ‘ tlercea, and Hi 2.000 L OW pounds leas tli\i expei-ted. Lard •tocka Increased only 2,.»oo tierces of con tract last month, and short ribs») pounds. Pork showed practically no chnngo In cotitract and other pork decreased 6,- 000 liarrels. Ktock* of all meats decre;iaoil| 8,000,000 pounds, and are 101.718.660 pounds compared with 120,708,000 pounds laat year. The only delivery on August contracts yeaterday waa 6,000 bushels of oata.^^ Uke rates ware lHOlttc bid In Instances for corn to Iftiffalo. with cha^M oFmff? bu8h * ,,, ot 001,11 oncl i«*0« buahcW A hull pool, made up of three large opJ tors, cash handlers In central Illinois, he S hy Cumralncv. unlondnl 1.600,000 bushels k^ rn . ,r *T t,, . nin J’* JT h *« a Hue of 8.. iwO.poo bushels. These operators bought their eorn mors than a niofith aio lu an ticipation of crop da mare In central Illi nois through drought. Reports front their shipping stations havo confirmed tholr Idea of crop damage, but good prospects of tho crop olsewhere hate offset bulllah calc Corn came out resterday through Nash Wright nml a bau dosrn brokers. Hurt- Ictt Fraater bought the greater part of the Umu Cash sales of wheat ot Chicago were 116,. WW, (Deluding 60,00) bushels No. 3 hora, 150,000 bushels No. 3 rod, tho balance be- Ing mixed lota. Private Wire to Glbert A Clay. Chicago, Ang. 2.—Cablet In wheat are only fractionally lower. No further sen- rational nexvs from Russia. Prices here likely to open a little ‘ * .—re, aa. wywu re ..a...' higher, bUt SCO Slimli •roapects of any advance being maintained n face of continued movement. Pressure of corn comes chiefly from tho beard tn an effort to dlslotig# country holders. Do not believe It will oucceed, os fanners In this state have every reason for holding northwest ttie more. Chicago Kecorff-T?era!4: “Nebraska hard - 'Mit !..-l:!nIIl*r to UK*\ ■ Min n t — “It will hare to coma to CM- bulges." May - IMriUVT, Marshall, ftpader A Co.: “The Russian alt nation .looks extremely bad, bur __ . nt wo cannot yet believe otherwise thnn that the gov ernment will finaHy qnptrol what Is now a the Lon- (loii market this morning and the decline In consols may reflect aome apprehension, i nnd if thla be also uoted In Paris ourM ket might easily show some tenderness dur ing the day." . Strength In Rt Paul believed to be due to ctlve covering of short Interests. THE METAL MARKET. v fly Private Leased Wire. New York, Aug. 8.—There waa a decided ly firmer tone In tin, due to tho pronounced strength In the foreign market. Bpot and r oy delivery were un He. upper firm, but nuchangad. iesr> ('<• | LIVERPOOL GRAIN MARKET. . Wheat opened HPto H lower; 1:80 p. at, unchanged; doted H to H lower. Cora opened ^.to H lower; 1-J0 p. tn„ H higher; dosed % / higher. supplied witbpMaty of cheap wheat of Ita own. As soon ne the new spring wheat begins to move north west. there will be a decline In Heptnn- Imr delivery at Minneapolis to nhout 2ff3c l»clow Chicago. The hedging sales will l>« made at Minneapolis until that market gets well below Chicago, when tho hedging will be dons here. rttVM hare to remember that Chicago elevator people will not pay any prciulunis this K sr fur spring wheat, ns they already ve their houses well filled with good winter wheat. Minneapolis will have to take care of her own wheat." Hales of cash grain In C'blrago yeaterday was 166,000 bushel*. WHEAT OPENED * - FAIRLY STEADY Started Unchanged But La ter Sold Off Half a Cent. PIT CROWD SELLERS Buying Scattered—-Cl o s e Was Fraction Lower. Com Was Up. g Ry Private Leased Wire. Chicago, Aug. 2.—Market opened fairly steady about unchanged, but sobl off Ho shortly after opening on heavy selling by the pit crowd. Buying Is scattered and un important. Corn broke on heavy selling by commis sion houses. The nrowd had the corn they bought on dry waa that predictions. Thera was a recovery later and the close showed a fraction gain. The Price Current was construed as bull ish ond brought In big orders, while the fact that exporters were In the market fop and buying for France was an addl- tolnnl help. Fort Dodge. Iowa, wired: “Farmers refuse t*- sell nt these prices; do not look for tn i-u of a movement un til prices advance." ('ash sold lower again today, but the Im pression prevails that If further declines ap pear they will not DO extensive. The packers forced the buying early In pr<*\ Ub.iiH, compelling shorts to cover, thereby creating advances nil around with the Cudabys taking bird. Sentiment Is not near so bearish nnd It In possible that higher prices will be witnessed. CHICAGO GRAIN MARKET. Open. WHEAT— Bopt.... 74 pee.... fm May.... 80H CORN- Hept 49V4 ~OC 46H ay 47H OAT*- •apt 21 Dec 2141 May.,... 331* PORK— Sspt.. 16.66 Jan.. 11.9 LARD— ftfPt.. l-JJVfc Oct.,., 2.7S Jan.... 1.10 73H 73% St ««5 m 49% 32‘ q 81H 30% 21S 33% flfbEft— Kept... (.92% Oct.... 8.70 Jan..,. 7.66 8-87% 8.96 - 1.30 9.07% 8.93% 1.07% PRIMARY MOVEMENT. The following figures give tho primary movement of wheat And rorn: Wheat—Rscolpts today, L239,000 Imshels, -gainst M.600 bustielH last year; shipments today, 821.000 bushels, against 611,000 IniNh- ols last year. ■ ■ Corn—Receipts today gainst 262,000 busbcls !.i«t 367,000 bushels ship CHICAGO CAR LOT8. Wheat.. Corn.. .1 Oats.. .• Hogs.. .. Today. Tomorrow. SOUTHERN EXCHANGE Oldest Established Office South. COTTOK —STOCKS—BONOS—GR1IN Ground Floor Gould Building. Dally market latter nnd markat manual mall.d on application. L. J. ANDERSON & CO Bankers and Brokers, COTTON. STOCKS, GRAIN Correspondent's Capital $250,000 REFERENCE. THE NEAL DANK PHONE 1417. PRUDENTIAL DLOG CENTRAL BANKS TRUST CORPORATION, CAPITAL $500,000.00 It you contemplate opening a now account, or changing your preamt banking arrangement, nnd wl*h to connect youreolf with a.atronfc, oonaary- atlTe bank, fully equipped to serve you aa your bualuees J uttflei. we [ Invito you to call and talk the raattor over with ui. Aaa Q. Candlar, Praaldont, W. H. Patt.raon, Vica-Pre.idant, A. P. Cat.a^Ca.hl.r, John 8. Owana, Vica-Pr.ildant, Wm. D, Owan, Aaat. Caahlar. r ATLANTA NATIONAL BANK ATLANTA, GA. C. B. CUSRIER, Prealdent. A. E. THORNTOW, Vlce-Proaldant. H. T. INMAN, Vloa-Praaldant. GEO. R. DONOVAN, Caahl.r. JAMES S. FLOYD, Aaa't Caahlor. Capital $500,090.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits $500,060.00 We Solicit Your Patronage. Indcatrial. advanred 1.11 par rent. HUBBARD BROS & CO., “™ Atlanta Offices, 219-221 Century Building. Members New York Cotton Exchange, New Or leans Cotton Exchange, Liverpool Cotton Asso ciation, Chicago Board of Trade. New York Cof fee Exchange. New York Produce Exchange. Business solicited for the above exchanges. Direct wire service. Correspondence invited. Phones 454, Long Distance 39. A.S. Hiistace. Mgr. Frank Hawkins, Pr^iKDnt. H. M. Atkinson, V. P TnomasjC. Joseph A. McCord, OtsMar. It. W. wye Third National Bank Capital Surplus Dr. A. W. rslhoun. >f::f< l ii Dnrgsn. John W. mat Y. McCord. $200,000.00. $300,000.00. DIRECTORS! _J. Nunnatly. Frank Hawkins. J. Carroll Psyns. II. M. Atkltmon. »: R. llosser. Joseph A. McCord. David Woodward. PEEPLES, Cashier. G. LKHTEIl, Aos't Csshlsr. MADD0X-RUCKER BANKING CO. cotton^c^a:^, ^rovisiSn's.HtocksPbonds, Nt. 2 Wall St., Pilrrt Building, Atlanta. 0a. HIM BIBS few Tsrl Catlaa iubaate. Ntm Orleans Cotton tathaagt. Liverpool Callao AtsaclaK * fnialVlhrei to Hem Vork, New Orleans, Chicago tell tho at 1262. Chicago Board of Trait. Chicago Stack hchaaga. New York Coffee tnhsiga. C. C0THMAH. IMdoesev. CAPITAL B . . $300,000.00 SURPLUS AND PROFITS .... $500,000.00 ACCOUNTS INVITED We Invito accounts of individuals, corporations, banks and bankers and offer the best terms consistent with conservative banking. -— .rare*—i