Newspaper Page Text
CYA'X 70
Mrs. George C. Ball, Editor. Charlotte Stewart and Selene Armstrong, Assistants.
Father Gunn, pastor of th« Sacred
Heart Church, and preildent of the
Marls College, will reach Atlanta Fri
dav afternoon. An Informal reception
win be given him by hla parlehlonera
from 8 to 1* on the lawn at the pres-
bytery, to welcome him home again.
The marriage Wedneeday evening ^f
Judge John 8. Candler, of Atlanta, to
Mrs. Florrle George Anderson, of Ma
rletta, waa an event of more than or
dlnary Interest throughout Georgia and
In many other parta of the South. The
cerembny waa performed at I o’clock
at the home of the bride. In Marietta,
by Rev. T. M. N. George, rector of
the Episcopal church at Marietta, and
Rev. W. T. Elmer, of Virginia, broth,
ers of the bride.
Relatives and Intimate frlenda only
were present, which Included a num
ber of the moat distinguished men and
women of the state.
Miss Allle Garnle Candler, the young
daughter of Judge Candler, and Mlaa
Mary Belle Williams were the brides
maids. The wedding music was played
by the slater of the bride.
The bride's gown waa a beautiful
creation of white crepe de chine, trim
med In rare lace. She carried a white
prayer book, instead of the usual bou.
<1U ThS bridesmaids wore toilets of whits
embroidered batiste, lace trimmed, and
their bouquets wrfre of pink roses.
Palma ferns and white roses were
used In artistic profusion lit the deco
ration of the home, and formed a beau
tiful altar, before which the bride and
groom stood during the ceremony.
An elaborate buffet supper was served
during the evening.
Judge and Mrs. Candler left on the
midnight train for a visit to Eastern
Master Stillwell Robinson entertained
a number of his young friends Wed'
nesday afternoon at his home In East
Fair street at a delightful party.
Miss Marguerite Barnes, the little
cousin of the young host, assisted In
receiving the guests, wearing a pretty
white embroidered frock, with hand
some sash.
Many game# were played, and ■
luncheon, consisting of Ices, cakes and
bonbons, was enjoyed.
Mrs. Robert Hemphill, of Atlanta, Is
being charmingly entertained In Ma.
eon. On Wednesday she was the guest
of honor at a bridge party given for
her by Mrs. Henry Lamar, Jr. On the
afternoon of the same day MraF-M.
Cunningham also entertained for her.
Miss Nannie Nlcolson entertained at
an Informal bridge Thursday morning
in honor of Miss Allle Joseph, of Co
lumbus, ths guest of Mrs. Harry En
K The first prise was a pair of silk
hose, and the consolation prise was
nlBO silk hose.
Miss Nlcolson received her guests
in a smart white Itnen suit, hknd-em-
broldered and trimmed with heavy lace.
Miss Joseph wore a' white mull
trimmed with Valenciennes lace and
embroidered In a design of flowers
Her hat of whits was trimmed with
white wings. . .
Mm. English wo |«wn»d in a iheer
white linen lawn, hand-anjbroldemd.
She wore n hat of white chip with a
touch of light blue.
Miss Nlcolson's guests Included
Miss Kathnrlne Gholsttn, Mlsa Janie
Speer, Miss Hnrrte Stockdell, Miss Ro-
llne Clarke, Miss Martha Woodwarch
Mlsa Bessie Woodward, Miss Mary
Dens Tupper. Miss Julia Porter.Mles
Annie Kitten. Mias Mary dnSIgnon,
Miss Nan duBIgnon. Miss Effle Beale
Phelan. Mias M A. Fh«lan. Mlss Laflra
Wlthnm, Mlsa Eugenia Oglesby, Miss
Kale Robinson.
the young guests or nonor.
The prisee were a box of writing pa
ir, a dainty piece of lingerie and a
dr of pink allk sleeve-holdere.
On Monday evening Mr. Caleb Nor
wood gave a charming reception at h a
home at Culloden, On., In honor of his
nieces. Miss Jennie Ponder and Miss
Annls Orlflln, of Atlanta.
Games, muslo and recitations by
Miss Roquemore made up an evening
of unusual pleasure. . _
Cut flowere and potted plants deco
rated the halls, dining room, parlors
n nurSng l0 'th" Ve ™*n*ng refreshment,
were served at small tables.
The invited guests were MIsaM M»W
Lou Morgan, Macon, Oa.. Luclle Zell
ner. Forsyth, G*: BaUle Colbert. IMr
othy Martin, Mlnnl. MarUn. LU«1«
Martin. Bailie Csrtm, MWT
SSSiTchSb&b OU% cSaffi:
Katie Wilson. Mol-
li* Wliaon, Kttlft D**n« Alexander
city Ala.; Messrs. Littleton, Fltspat-
rlck* Mallory Fltapatrick. Charlie Mar
tin,' Ren Hillman, Norwood Pierce,
Beauford Battle, Calvin Bat»*-
Wynn. John Jones, R u, '°n< La -’
Treavor Chatfleld, Wesley WUaon.
Hon. A. D. Harp and Miss Theresa
llewell were quietly married at the
home of the bride, near Cueeeta. Ga.
at * o’clock, Wednesday afternoon, Au-
^The "ceremony was witnessed by only
the relatives and a few Intimate friends
of the bridal eoupla.
Mrs. F. A. O’Donohue gave an In
formal reception Wednesday evening at
her home. I« Summit avenue, In honor
of her niece, Mias Della Fontana, of
Augusta. The houke was elaborately
decorated with potted plants and Jap-
aneee lanterns were used In profusion
on the verandas, as well as In the
dlawlng room and reception hall. A
number of entertaining games were
played, and at a late hour refreshments
were served. .
Several musical numbers were ren
dered by Mlsa Fontana and Miss Sug-
Mrs. O'Donohue's guests were; Miss
Della Fontana, Mlaa Sugarman, Misses
Goldsmith, Miss May Walker, Miss
Pauline Allen, Mr. and Mrs. I.’ P. Walk
er, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Walker, Mr. and
Mrs. F. A, O’Donohue, Mr. Harry B.
Baylor, Mr. St. Johns, Mr. Mixon,
Mr. Henry Kuhrt, Mr. Wllmont Mar-
jhall.’Measrs. Goldsmith ai
ry McCartha.
Miss Mattllena Blalock, of Fayette
ville; Mies Helen Carter, Mies Mary
Hughes, Mr. John L. Hopkins, Mr.
Paul Harris and Mr. J. D. Malsby wUl
occupy a box at the Casino Saturday
Thursday morning Mrs. W. S. Wil
son entertained charmingly at bridge
for Mrs. R. H. Warren, of Albany, and
Mrs. John Twiggs and Mrs. W. S. Tar-
Mrs. Wilson's party was thor.
Informal, her guests lncludlm
a congenial party of only twelve ladles.
After the game a delicious luncheon
was served at the card tables. Those
lent were Mrs. Warren, Mrs.
ggs, Mrs. Tarver, Mrs. A. P. Coles,
Mrs. Alice Muse Thornes, Mrs. George
Muse, Mrs. Fiorsnce Wsrner, Mrs. E.
L. Wright, Mrs. William Rushton, Mrs.
Thomas Daniel, Mrs James Dougherty,
Mlse Ellen Peters, Mrs. Albert Howell.
Thursday afternoon Mrs. W. S. La-
rendon entertained at bridge In honor
of Mlae Cannon and Mies Flanders, the
attractive guests of Mrs. J. D. Clayton,
and also In celebration of Mrs. Clay
ton’s birthday. The occasion was In
formal, Mrs. Larendo’s guest list In
cluding only twelve of the best friends
of the young gueste of honor.
pair , , ,
After the game a course luncheon
was served at the card tables. Mrs.
Larendnn's guests were Mlesea Can
non, Flanders, Mrs. J. D. Clayton,
Misses Connelly, Lewis, Zahner, Dosler,
Bostrnm, Jeannette and Lida Brown,
Mrs. C. D. Maddox, Mrs. W. F. Denny
and Misses Morris.
to mrsTwarren.
Friday momlng Mrs. George Muse
will entertain a number of friends at a
’500’’ party In honor of her guest, Mfs.
R. H. Warren. Mrs. Muse’s guests on
this occasion will be Mrs. R. H. War
ren, Mrs. A. P. Colsa Mrs W 8 Tar
ver, Mrs J. D. Twiggs, Mrs. W. S. Wil
son. Mrs. George Howard, Mrs. Alice
Muse Thomas, Mrs W. C. Rawson, Mrs.
Joseph Moody, Mrs B. M. Blount, Mrs.
Agnew Htllsman, Mrs. W. A. Gray.
1 Thursday afternoon Miss Georgia
Donnell entertained at a box party at
the Casino. The occasion was a’ pretty
compliment to Mlsa Balfour, the guest
of Miss Nettle Tiller. Miss Donnell's
guests were Miss Balfour, Miss Tiller,
Miss Ruth Blodgett, Miss Bessie
Vaughan and Miss Willie Asher.
informal" DINNER.
The informal dinner at which Dr.
and Mrs. A. H. VanDyke entertained
Wedneeday evening was a compliment
Mies Ada Leo Norfleet, whose
friends In Atlanta regret that she will
soon leave for Atlantic City.
Mrs. VanDyke was an attractive
hostess In a gown of blue organdie,
and Mlse Norfleet and Mrs. Felder
wore white lingerie gowna trimmed
with Val. lace. The congenial party
consisted of Dr. and Me- YonDyke,
Mr. and Mrs, T. B. Felder, I
fleet and Mr, Dunbar.
Wedneeday momlng of next week
Misses Leonle, Wills and Alaline Half,
ner will entertain at their home It
West End, In honor of Mieses Haaelle
Alexander, Harriet Bloodworth and
Florence Cater, three charming young
women of Forsyth. Oa, who are guests
of friends In West End.
Mlsse# Helfner wlU entertain some
forty or flfty of their friends, and the
occasion will be one of the pleaeanteat
of several to be given for the young
1 adles.
Mrs. John Barry entertained Thure
day afternoon at bridge complimentary
to Miss Balsley, of North Carolina who
la her guest.
The game was played on the veran
da and later refreshments were served
at small tables.
Ths It rat prlfe was an automobile
pin: the consolation, a handsome fan,
and the guest prist was a pair of silk
h °Mrs. Barry wore a beautiful white
toilet, embroidered In eyeleta and made
PI M| C ee*Balsle5% gown was of pink
silk, lace trimmed.
Invited to meet the guest of honor
were; Meadamea Albert Collier, Frank
Holland, Van Rensselaer, Samuel
Smith, Frank Pearson, E. W. McCer
ren. W. E. Wllmerdlng and Misses Flo
rins Richardson, Kathleen Brown and
Anala Cay.
Mre. W. E. Foeter entertained at a
charming card party Thursday after
noon at her home In Weet End In honor
of Mra Emmett Barnes, of Macon. Ths
house wae prettily decorated for the
occaalon with quantise of sunflowers.
After the game a delicious luncheon
was served.
Three handeome hand-painted plates
were the prises given by Mrs. Foster.
Mrs. Foster wore a stylish white em
Diamond Customers
We have adopted a moat liberal policy for our diamond customers,
and we are making It known, too. Our diamond bualness becomes more
extensive every day and whatever we do to help our customers, helps
our business.
It Is better to make more sales at leas profit, than to nfake leas sales
at a big profit. Our plan la moat convincing.
The Diamond Palace, 3 7 Whitehall Street.
broldered batiste, and the attractive
guest of honor, Mrs. Barnes, was gown
ed In white mull, lace trimmed.
Those Invited to meet Mrs. Barnes
were: Mesdames William Peabody, C.
T. Ladson, Charles Sclple, Harvey
Johnson, Henry Tanner, John Clark,
Albert Thornton, Archibald Davis, Jo
seph Moody, Nym Hurt, Fleming du
BIgnon, Noah B. Meador, John Fttten,
Frank Holland, James Williams, Har
vey Jackson, Albert Spalding, Thomas
P. Hlnman, Clarence May, William
Prescott, Logan Crichton, Lewis Gbol-
stln, Floyd McRae, W. A. .Wlmblsh,
George Forrester Hyde of Albany.
Carlton Miller. O. A. Nlcolson, W. C.
Jamlgan, H. Clay Moore, Miss Annie
Mary Hall, Mssdames Bartow Blount,
Howard Calloway, R. B. Ridley, J. H.
Porter, Frank Butt, C. F. Benson, Hen
ry Hynds, W. A. Speer, Charles Nor
man and MJs* Ogllvle.
Miss Helen Carter, at her home on
West Peachtree street, gave a charm
ing up-JInks party Thursday after
noon complimentary to Miss Mattle-
lena Blalock, of Fayetteville.
About thirty’ young girl friends of
Miss Carter enjoyed her hospitality.
Miss Lucy Miller and Miss Luella
Malsby served punch.
Roses and other cut floweja were
used In the decorations. •
Refreshments were served after the
games, and several pretty prises were
awarded the sutcsaful players.
Miss Carter and Miss Blalock wore
becoming gowns of white mull trim
med with lace.
The following were Miss Carter's
guests: Miss Matttelena Blalock, Miss
Helen Prior, Miss Alice May Freeman;
Miss Mary Hughes, Misses Louise and
Marie Lewis, Miss May Speer, Miss
Dorothy Fielder, Miss Aurelia Speer,
Miss Lucy Fain, Miss Marion Gold
smith, Mias Aline Parks, Mlsa Marga
ret Armstrong, Miss Minnie Lee Hay,
Miss Emma Jean Thorn, Miss Julia
Dodd. Mias Virginia Bowman; Miss
Smith, Mlsa Louise Hamilton,
Miss Hildreth Smith, Mlsaes Louise
and Laura Ripley, Miss Ida Landrum,
Mlsa Lillian Yow, Miss Frances Led-
erle, Miss Martha Lawahe, Mlsa Jen
nie Hutchins, Miss Louise Henderson,
Miss Trlcslla Rose, Miss Lolilt Lewis,
Mlaa Elisabeth Morgan, Miss Mary
Hines, Mias Princess Watts, Miss
Louise Green, Miss Ruth Wing, Miss
Vlra Phillips, Miss Ruth Irwin, Miss
Louise Rlploy, Mias Annie Sykes Rice,
Miss Sudle Robertson, of Opelika, and
Miss June McEachron.
Mias Matttelena Blalock, the guest of
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Malsby, was the
guest of honor at a party Wednesday
evening at their home, on North Boule
vard. A few of the young people were
Invited to meet MJss Blalock and many
games were played, after which de
licious refreshments were served.
Those present were: Miss Mary
Hughes, Mias Maris Lewis, Miss Lou
ise Lewis, Miss Pauline Randall, Mlsa
May Speer, Miss Helen Carter, Mr.
Howell Dobbs, Mr. Luther Randall,
Mr. Grady Speer, Mr. Hull, Mr. Garland
Smith, Mr. Smith.
The house party being entertained
by Mlaa Mary Hines at her home.
"Cross Keys,” on Peachtree rood, Is
one of the charming social affairs of
the season.
Wednesday the young people
Joyed a picnic at Sliver Lake, and oth
er pleasures are being planned for next
week by Miss Hines for her friends.
The party Includes Mlsa Aurelia
Speer, Miss Sllvey Speer, Mias Clif
ford west. Miss Clara Mitchell, Mr.
Ralph Ragan, Mr. George Speer, Mr.
Leman Phelan, Mr. Forrest Adair and
Mr. Charles Heard.
Cards have been Issued for the-mar.
riage of Miss Josephine Isaac, daugh.
ter of Mr. and Mrs. M. Isaac, of this
city, formerly of Brunswick, Ga, nnd
Mr. William Bernard Hess, of Balti
more. The wedding will take place on
Sunday afternoon, August 6. at 1
o’clock, at the residence of the bride’s
aunt, Mrs. Goffln, 185! Main street.
The eeremony will be performed by
Rabbi Solomon, of Savannah. The
young couple wilt take an extended
wedding trip North, and will be at
home In Jacksonville after August 25.
—Jacksonville (Fla.) Metropolis.
For those who hold that there Is
nothing new under the sun there
comes word from Newport that the
nuns of Our Lady of the Cenacle have
sent out Invitations for a retreat at
the Convent of the Cenacle, beginning
Thursday and lasting until Monday,
and that the Invitation haa been ac
cepted by a number of Newport’s fash
ionable leaders. Among the Newport
women who will for n time renounce
the w-.rld are Mrs. DeLaneey Koiftux,
Mrs. Charles Oelrichs, Mrs. Harry
Ia>hr, Mrs. \l. K. Vanderbilt, Jr.. Miss
Cisneros, Mrs. Royal Phelpa Carroll,
and It Is surmised that the occasion
will be os diverting to the nuns as It
Is unique to the society women.
Miss Aliens Gentry entertained at a
progressive "love" party Wednesday
evening at her home on Pine street.
Among those present were: Mias Ida
May Blount, Miss May Anderson.
Miss Annie Caverly, Miss Nancy-
Prince, Miss l.lda Brown, Miss Nell
Prince, Miss Margaret Lewis, Mlsa
Muecke, Miss Frances Connatly, Miss
Julia Rosser, Mlsa Sarah Dorsey’, Mlsa
Charlotte Stewart of Jonesboro, Ga..
Mlsa Ruby Mays of Jackson. Ga., Miss
Litltene McCord of Gadsden, Ala.. Miss
Nora Belle Rosser, Mr. Hunter Muse,
Mr. Charlie Sclple, Jr., Mr. J. C. Har
ris, Jr„ Mr. Arthur Hobbs, Mr. Clinton
Amorous, Mr, Victor Plane, Mr. Her
bert Allen. Mr. Charles Montgomery.
Mr. Lewis Parker, Mr. Dick Gregg, Mr.
Marshall Johnson, Mr. Carl Ridley, Mr.
Archie Forsyth, Mr. Stuart Wltham,
Mr. Edward Oay, Mr. Forrest Adair,
Jr., Mr. Charles Collier.
Thursday afternoon Mrs. e. a. Hol
brook entertained a large number of
her young friends at an "tip Jinks”
party, the occasion being a pretty com
pliment to her gueet. Miss Irene
Lemke, of Chattanooga, and to Misses
Marie McIntyre and Elisabeth Dyer, of
West End.
Mrs. Holbrooks home was decorated
with pink nnd white rosee and with
handsome palms and ferns, the colors
of white and pink being also carried
out In the refreshments served. Mrs.
Holbrook wore a dainty lingerie gown
of white, and her guests of honor wore
white muHlln frocks with girdles of
gresn and pink.
The first prize was a set of beauty
pins and the consolation a pretty fan.
The gubst prize, which was cut for
by the young ladles, was an erabrold
ered llnsn parasol.
Mrs. Holbrook's guests were; Misses
Elizabeth Irene Lemke, Marie McIn
tyre, Elisabeth Dyer, Ersklne Frailer,
Irene Siler, Edna Wade, Ruth Bur
nett, Bessie Hancock, Myrtle Han
cock, Martha Wagner, Charlotte Chaf.
fee, Julia Purser, Allle Purser, Marjorie
Wilkes, Lillian Davies, Bessie Pope.
Emmie Ray, Rosa Bells Chapman,
Ethel Thornton, Janie Gwlnn, Laurie
Hrldwell, Nell Pace, Mabel Cariyon,
Phyllis Stoeber, Antoinette Kirkpatrick,
Edith Kirkpatrick, May Richardson,
Elizabeth Richardson, Katherine
Spinks, Ella Snodgrass, Luna Asbury,
Jennie Knox, Willie McGaughee, Jen
nie Hudgins, Luclle Smith, Isabelle
Kuhrt, Isabello Gwlnn, Jennie Hutch.
Personal Mention
Mr. H. B. Baylor, who for many years
fcraa prominently Identified as a civil
and consulting engineer in Atlanta, haa
accepted the position* of chief engineer
for A. Cohn & Co, upon the "Delta"
plantation, one of the largest and most
flourishing tobacco farms In southwest
Georgia, and can be found by his
friends at Amsterdam, Decatur coun
ty, Georgia, In the future.
Miss Mary Deas Tupper will leave
on Saturday for Flat Rock, N. C„
Where she will Join her parents, who
have a cottage there. Miss Tupper has
been Visiting Miss Katharine Ghol-
sttn for the paat week.
Mrs. E. F. Lanier and Misses Bessie
and Sujette Lanier spent Thursday In
the city en roilte to Borden-Wheeler
Springs, where they will spend several
Miss Lillian Huff and Miss Mamie
Till, of Greenville, Ala., are the guests
of Atlanta trlemjs. Later they will go
to Greenville, 8. C, for a short stay.
Mr. and Mra Walker P. Inman, Mr.
Inman Gray, Miss Frances Gray and
Mr. and Mrs. Martin, of Roanoke, V*.
left Thursday for Tate Springs,
Miss Sarah Gladney leaves Sunday
for her home In Gainesville, where she
will spend two weeks with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Gladney.
Mrs. S. A. Rosenfeld, of. Seattle,
Wash, Is on a two weeks' visit to her
mother, Mre. J. Lowensteln, at 267
Washington street.
Miss Mary McGrath, accompanied
by Miss Kathleen Grant, has returned
to her home at Griffin, after a visit
to Atlanta frlenda
Mr. and Mrs. Stokeley and Miss Edna
Stokeley have moved from Chattanooga
to Atlanta to make this city their fu
ture home.
Mrs. Frank Pearson and Moore Pear,
son will leave on Saturday for Tallu
lah Falls, where they will spend sev
eral weeks.
Mrs. D. B. Leonard, Miss Leonard
and Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Hall, of
Vienna Ga, are spending some time In
the city.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dennis have re-
turned from Llthla Springs, where they
occupied a cottage during a part of the
Mrs. Robert Hemphill wlU return
Saturday from a visit of several weeks
to Mrs. Mallory Taylor, at Macon.
Mr. and Mrs. James N. Goddard
sailed Thursday for Europe, where they
will travel for several months.
Mrs. H. D. "McDaniel, of Monroe, Is
the guest of her son, Colonel Banders
McDaniel, at the Majestic.
Mrs. Leonard, Mr. and Mrs. Pliny
Hall and Mlsa Sally Leonard’art In
Atlanta, at the Aragon. ^
Mrs. R. R. Shropshire wlU spend the
month of August at Indian Spring. She
left the city Wednesday.
_ -a Lewis Hoppe, Miss Dorothea
Hoppe, Mrs. Joseph Murrow, of Flor.
Ido, are -t the Aragon.
Miss Louise Joseph, of Columblus, Is
expected In Atlanta on Friday to visit
Mrs. Edward Peter*
Mrs. G. N. Porter has returned to
her home In Chattanooga after a brief
visit to Atlanta.
Mr. and Mrs. B. 8. Walker and little
daughter, Louise, are guests of Mrs. J.
~ McCrary.
Mrs. Henry Clay Holbrook will leave
Saturday for an extended visit to Alex
andria. Va
Mtsa Ida Rachels has returned from
Perpetual Values.
Diamonds are not fid« of recurring
periods. They are a standard and a
lasting mode, and the quality of our
stone* It as constantly t.i best
Davis & Freeman,
Just Received. Look at Them.
Charles W. Crankshaw,
Diamond Merchant and Jeweler.
Century Building. Whitehall 8t.
High Grade Vs. Cheap
Ice Cream.
Ice Cream ordinarily found on the
market sells for something like one
dollar and a quarter per gallon.
Nunnally’s Ice Cream sells for
two dollars per gallon.
"What’s the difference?
The main difference is that Nun*
naliy’s Ice Cream is pure, of a very
high quality and unusually deli
cious, while the cheaper grades pos
sess none of* these characteristics.
Nunnally’s product is real ice
cream. It is made of twenty-five
per cent cream exclusively, and not
of a mixture of milk and waterl
Furthermore, Nunnally’s Ice
cream is guaranteed pure to the last
drop in the bucket. Every ounce of
material used is thoroughly tested,
and we know that it is pure.
Nunnally’s js a high-class prod
uct, sold at a fair price, and really
worth every cent that it brings.
The lower grades of Ice Cream
are a cheap product, sold at a price
that is higher in proportion to what
you get than is .Nunnally’s; and are
really not Ice Cream at all, but sim
ply Ice Milk or Ice Water.
That’s the difference.
a visit of several weeks to friends at
Dublin, Ga.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry S. Jackson and
children left Wedneeday night for Nar-
Miss Annie Griffin and Miss Jennie
Ponder are visiting friends at Cullo
den, Ga.
Mrs. Alexander Frank and son have
returned from a visit to friends at Dub
lin, Ga. .
Mrs. Pope Brown and Miss Marga
ret Brown, of Hawklnsvllle, are at the
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Inman are
registered at the Imperial at Narra-
Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Good hart and
children left Thursday for Warm
Mrs. Vaughn Nixon wilt entertain
the Young Matrone’ Club Friday morn
Miss Willie Stanley, of Griffin, Is
spending several daye In Atlanta.
Mre. Robert Black le visiting her son,
Mr. George Black, In Baltimore.
Mr. and Mrs. Z. N. Williams, of
Baltimore, are at the Aragon.
Mrs. Frank B. Meador and son have
returned from Atlantic City,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Rambo have
rationed from a trip Weet.
Mrs. Marcus Beck, of Griffin, epent
Wednesday in Atlanta. ■
Mr. Ralph Gibbs has returned from
a visit to Monroe, Ga.
Mlsa Charles bwens Is the gueet of
Mre. Claud Bhewmake.
Dr. Ed A. Tlgner Is visiting Dr. and
Mrs. George Tlgner.
Mr. .and Mrs. H. B. Ware, of Ope.
Ilka, are In the etty.
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Greer ara visit.
Ing In Oglethorpe.
Miss Janie Bethew,' of Buena Vista,
Is In theiclty.
Mrs. James Taylor and children are
at the Aragon.
Mrs. Mary Madden leaves Sunday
for Baltimore.
Mr. and Mrs. Bolling Jonea ara In
Mr. George Lowe, of Macon, la In
Mr. Edwin Ansley le In New York
Mies Lucy Harrleon Is at Atlantic
City. ^
Mr. Frank ElUs la at NarragansetL
Mr. Harry Ladd Is In New York.
Speriel to The Georgies.
Jackson, Miss., Aug. J.—A rather
surprising piece of legislation enacted
by the last legislature was discovered
In checking over the new code chap
ter* for making the Index. It Is a rev
olutionary change In the old ques
tion of chancery Jurisdiction and a
change which In effect gives to the
chancery courts Jurisdiction of any
civil cases which they may choose to
assume. In other words while the old
rule used to be that chancery courts
must adhere strictly to matters with
in chancery Jurisdiction, the new rule
In effect wipes out the distinction be
tween chancery and common law Ju
risdiction and gives the chancellor Ju
risdiction of all civil matters. If he
choose to take It.
New Postmaster in Charge.
Bpeclsl to The Georgian.
New Decatur, Ala., Aug. 2.—Captain
Ell P. Jennings, who has been post
master of New Decatur for the past
nine years, retired from the office
Tuesday night, and his successor,
William A. Warner, who was recently
appointed, took charge of the ofllce.
Captain Jennings was an applicant for
reappointment for a third term.
Thousand! Visit Tybee.
Special to The Georgiso.
, Savannah, Ga., Aug. 2.—For the three
months ending July, 21 the Tybee rail
road hauled 1,255 mqre passengers than
for the same period of the previous
year. Result* so far have'shown that
the present season Is the most prosper
ous In the history of the resort.
Archltset’s'iiil Allowed.
Special to The Georgian.
Savannah, Ga., Aug. 2.—The bill of
H. W. Whltcover, architect for the city
hall, for an additional 11,000 for chang
ing the plans, was passed on favorably
by tl)e city hall committee previous
to the council meeting.
Reward for’ Colored Sexton.
Special to The Georgian.
■ Savannah, Ga, Aug. 2.—A reward of
(50 was authorised by council for the
apprehension of J. E. Klmbal, colored,
the absconding keeper of the colored
section of Laurel Grove cemetery.
Work on Telephene Line.
Special to The Georgian.
Culloden, Ga., Aug. 2.—Work waa
started Monday on the Bell Telephone
from here to Forsyth. When flnlahed
this will give Culloden direct connec
tions to all parts of the North and
Bar Infsctlous Diseases.
Special to The Georgian.
Savannah, Ga., Aug. 2.—Dr. W. F.
Brunner, city health officer, has been
Instructed by the city sanitary board
to take steps to bar out from the city
hereafter all cases of Infectious dis
eases. This step Is taken because of
the statement that Savannah is get
ting eomethlng of a black eye from the
United States government statistics.
Lost Wsdding Ring Found.,.
Special to The Georgian.
Savannah, Oa., Aug. 2.—A wedding
ring lost eleven years ago by Mrs.
E. S. Meyer,’of Savannah, was found
In the sands of Tybee Sunday. A
young lady, while digging In the sand
with her toot, struck a glass bottle.
In pulling out the bottle the ring waa
Lease Windsor Hotel.
Special to Ths Georgiso.
Americas, Gs., Aug. 2.—The Windsor
Hotel Colnpony has leased the hotel
property to E. B. Worten, of Tarboro,
N: C, for five years, the new man
agement to, take charge September 1.
First Bale at Savannah.
Special to The Georgiso.
Savannah, Ga, Aug. 2.—The flrst new
bale of cotton of the season was placed
on the market here yesterday and sold
on the cotton exchange today at public
Senator Fortner Gives Dinntr.
Special to Ths Georgias.
Wrlghtsvllle. Ga, Aug, 2.—Hon. B.
O. Fortner, the esteemed clttsen nnd
senator from the Sixteenth senatorial
district, celebrated hie Sid birthday
Tuesday, July 21, by giving a picnic
at his home near Kite. The occasion
was one of great festivities and mer
Special to The Georgia a
Rockmart, Oa, Aug. 2.—A fearful
electric storm visited this place Tues
day evening. The homes of Dr. Cum
mings and Wesley Simpson were
struck by lightning, doing considerable
damage to both house* No one was
Special to The Georgia*
Minden, La, Aug. 2.—Two brothers,
named Gibson, and J. jbnklns, while
asleep on the track of the Louisiana
and Arkansas railroad, near this place,
were struck by a train and all three
fatally Injured.
Special to The Georgian.
Bristol, Tenn., Aug. 2.—Following
the sale of notes aggregating 115,000,.
000 to finance the South and Western
Hallway, the contract Is to be let at
once for the construction of 65 mile*
of the road In east Tennessee.
Prominent contractors are here to-
day to figure on the work, several
Eastern and Southern firms being rep
resented at a meeting.
B, Private Leased Wire.
Baltimore, Md., Aug. 2.—With elec
trical connections all over the house,
electric warning belle that could be
rung from any part of the building
and electric buttons on every flour,
which If pushed would extinguish
every light In the place, the Chinese
gambling Joint at 116 North Library
street, was kept free from police raid,
until about midnight last night, when
a squad of police succeeded In enter
ing the building and took Into Custody
i morning Der Fou Sen,
alleged to be the proprietor 6f tl
place, and Youg Hog, accused of being
—“ dealer,
accused i
the manager and dealer, were com
mitted for.court In default of $2,000
ball for the former and $1,000 for the
By Private I-eased Wire.
New York, Aug. 2.—The Democratic
state convention will be held In Buf
falo on September 25, and not In Sar
atoga on October 2. The time and
place were announced by the Demo
cratic state committee after a meeting
lasting Just six .minutes. It Is de
scribed as a compromise on. the basts
that no ihove should be made by ths
Hetrst men to hold Cord Meyer, chair
man of the committee, , to- his an
nounced Intention to resign; that the
wish of the. radicals to have the con
vention held In Buffalo should be ac
cepted and that Charles F. Murphy
should name the new state committee
men to All the two vacancies.
After the meeting the Hearst men
were particularly Jubilant They as
serted that they had won a victory In
the meeting, because In the selection
of Buffalo as the place of the conven
tion they had succeeded In' carrying
the only Issue brought up at the meet
ing, and that, too, without a bontest.
10 Cents
Has Atlanta.
If 100,000
Want ths
Exposition and
Will Spend Each
We will give $1,000 to ths
or One Cent for every official but
ton or pin sold.
Solid Metal Gold Plate Button
For Sale by Dealer*
717 Fourth National Bank Building,
lllinli Phone 1910.