The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, August 03, 1906, Image 4

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. THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN. KKIJ>AV, Al GL'i SENATE ON RECORD TO IKE- IRW VERY DRY COUNTY. Sharp Debate Caused by ' Amendment to Leave to People. YYhen th« house bills of Mr. Wilcox, of Irwin, to Abolish the dispensary Ocllla and to (lx the whisky license of Irwin at 110,004 came up for aaye In the senate Friday moraine engendered a sharp debate. Senator Rose precipitated It by amendment to leave (Inal settlement the matter to the people, which was lost by a vota of 10 to 7. Senator Steed mored to recommit the bills to the teneral judiciary and when It u as voted down by a vote of 16 to be showed some heat In explaining his position. He charged that senatorial courtesy was not always observed the body. On the passage of the two bills, which were Incorporated Into one, the ton- was 16 to 1. The senate passed a large number local house measures, but are studious, ly refraining from passing any general tncnsursu or the lower house. And It 1* pretty well understood that they will not until the house psunes some senate measures. Senste Bills Passed. By Senator Phillips—To incorporate the town of Epworth In Fannin county By Senator Carlthers—To provide for one additional Iruelee of the University of Georgia to be a non-resident. By Senator Hennet—To amend the act creating the prison commission, By Senstor Bonnet—To amend the act of August 17. 1*01, securing to tha countlea a pro rata share -of the com. mon school fund. By Senator Crum—To tlx tha time of holding superior erttirt In the coun tlee composing the Alapaha circuit. Housa Bills Pasted. By Messrs. Orr end Leigh of Coweta To Incorporate the city of Benola. By Messrs. Orr and Leigh of Coweta To amend act establishing public schools of Newnan. By Aftesrs. Mayaon and Alexander of DeKatb: To amend the charter Edgewocd. By Messrs. Blackburn, Bell and 81a ton of Fulton: To regulate the com. pensatlon of Judges of the superior courts. ,■ By Mr. Williams of Madlaon: To errate the office of county commla m. nera for Madison county. By Sir. Hayes of Macon: To lncpr. pornie tha town of Marshatlvllle. By Sir. Harrell of Quitman: To era ale new charter for Oeoriietown. By Messrs. Nix and Wilson of Owln nett: To create a new charter for Du Iuth. By Mr. Fusasll Of Chattahoochee: To rej.e.ii act authorising tha ordinary of, Clinitahoocheo county to act aa clerk of the superior court. By Mr. Calvin of Richmond: To au thorite the trustees of the academy of Richmond county to surrender trust and estate. By Messrs. Barksdale and Wooten of Wilkea: To create a uniform aystem of paying accounts In and for Wilkea county. By Mr. Singletary of Thomas: pr .vlde for a state depository at Cairo. By Sir. Mann of Catoosa: To Incor porate Boynton school. liy Mr. King of Newton: To create new charter for Mansfield. By Messrs. Anderson and Thomas ot Bulloch: To Incorporata the town of Brooklet. By Mr. Rainey of Terrell: To amend a section of the charter of tha city of Dawson. By Sir. Rainey of Terrell: To amend net creating school board of Dawaon. Naw Bills In 8anate. lly Senator Miller: To amend code so that bally nay be given more tMan twice before trial -for the same offense. By Senator Atsobrook: A resolution for the relief of T. J. Lumpkin. Ms- Senator Westbrook: To amend act establishing the city court of Syl- By Senator Crum: To amend char ter of the city of Vienna. lly Senator Parker: To establish pub lie schools In Chlpley. lly Senator Peyton: To amend the charter of Cornelia. At 11:40 o'clock the senate adjourned until noon Monday. STREET RAILWAY MEN ON STRIKE IN MACON Fpests! to The Georgies. Macon, Os, Aug. 1.—Macon pull ..1 off Its second sttSVe yesterday This time It Is the motormen and con ductors of the street railway, who are out. There have been no demands node by the workmen and no refusal to grant anything by the comimny. The men held a meeting last night to organise and the management <>f the company tired three of (he lend- • t s this morning for "the good i f the company." About noon today the men began to quit the company, one by cue, without any reason being given. About a doaen have quit thus far and it in expected that many more will ■luring the course of the day. The car service has been In no wav Impeded. - .JEROME, WON’T RUN FOR GOVERNORSHIP By Private I .eased Wire. New York, Aug. *.—District Attorney Jerome »lll not be a candidate for the Hem... i atlq nomination for governor this fall. Sir. Jerome's views of the] men who control the machinery of the JiemocriMc r»rty In the state are such, It le said, that he believes conditions umild be Imposed upon him that It would l>. Impossible for him to ac cept O0OOO000000000000000000006 O LEGALIZES marriage O o WITH SISTER-IN-LAW. O o o O By Private Leased Wire. O O London, Aug. 1.—The house of O O commons has pa-red, on third O O reading, the blit providing for the O O legalization In toe t'nlted King- 0 o d..m of marriage with a dead O wife's xliter contracted anywhere O ■ , the British poaeeantonn. O SOOO0OOOO0 060000000000 — ' — Syrian Leper Is Now Being Batted From Pillar to Post By Health Folk By Private Leased Wire. Elkins. W. Vs., Aug. 3.—Literally batted from pillar, to post, George Rossett, or Raehld, the Syrian leper, who left Elkina July 18, worrying the authorities of three states, has been returned to Randolph county by tha state board of health, at the request of the Maryland board, and la now housed In a tent near Pickens, Randolph county. The authorities of this city have, however, refused to allow him to en ter the city, and have so notified the Western Maryland road. ROUSE PROVIDES $2,500,000 FIRE DAM A GEDONE TO EXPOSITION A T MILAN By Private Leased Wire. < Rome, Italy, Aug. 1.—Damage estimated at $1,600,000 was dona by Are which destroyed the palace of decorative art at the Milan exposition this morning. The origin of the Are Is not known. Despite the strenuous ef forts of Aremen, the building was destroyed. Several of the Are Aghters were Injured. LOCAL NEWS CONDENSED Ctrroll’s Pine Shewing. Evidently Carroll county has fallen on prosperous times, as the returns for 1008 show an Increase of about 10 per cent over 1106. Tha returns for this year an 16,6*6,606, and for last 84,- 186,068, an Increase of 61,409.667. Rochelle Gets New Bank. A charter wa# granted Friday to the Cltlaena* Bank of Rochelle, Wilcox county. It has a capital stock of 825,- 000, and the Incorporators are: J. D. Woodbum. W. G. Brown, O. W. Holli day. Dr. W. Q. Ford, Calvin Crummey and others, ■ May 8uta tha City. George S, May Ale<l ault against the city of Atlanta In the city court Fri day, claiming (2,600 damages. He al leges that the city built a viaduct across Mangum street, on Peter* street, and damaged his property to that ex tent. Husband In Penitentiary. Nellie lilll Aled suit for divorce In the superior court Friday against Fred H. Hill, who, She alleges. Is a convict In the Federal penitentiary In Atlan ta. She set* forth that she was mar ried to petitioner In 1817 and that In 1004 her husband was convicted by the Un!te<l States court of larceny of let ters. Hill waa a railway mall clerk and was convicted of stealing 1100 In currency from a package. He was sen tenced to Ave years In the penitentiary and la now serving his tarm. New Sanitarium. A permtl wa* granted Friday morn ing for the erection of a sanitarium to be built by Dr. W. B. Hamby-at 30 Crew street. The building Is to be three atorlea high and will be built of brick. The cost, when completed, will be abuot 114,000. W. A. Rhudy Goat to Anniston, William A. Rhudy, treasurer of the Walker-Rhudy Furniture Company, on Peachtree street, will sever hi* connec tion with thst Arm on August 11 and on September 1 will remove with his family to Anniston, Ala., where he will make his home In the future. As sodn as possible after reaching Anniston Mr. Rhudy Is to ra-enter the furniture bus iness aa a partner of J. L. Murphy, of that city, one of the oldest m*rchants of the city, end county coroner. Fell From Viaduot. David Kelser, a rapenter, of 63 Jef ferson street, while working on the new Nelson street viaduct Friday morning, stepped on a loose plank and fell to the ground below. He was sent to the Orady hospital In tha am bulance, and It waa found on exami nation that he waa seriously but not fatally hurt, several ribs being free tured. He le resting easily. Reward for Murderer. Oovernor Tsrralt authorised a re ward of 1100 Friday for the arrest of Albert Loden, who shot and killed William Smith, In Stephens county, on July 29. Loden also wounded another man severely. To Consider Cigarette Bill. A special meeting of the general Ju- ltclary committee of the senate will be held In the ofdce of the secretary of the senate Tuesday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock, for the purpose ot considering the Porter cigarette bill, passed In the house. Hilltman Wants Damages. Alsx Hlllsman brought suit In the city court Friday against the N. P. Pratt laboratory, claiming 12,000 dam ages for personal Injuries. He alleges that he was burned by molten Iron on June 21 while employed by the defend ant. Charter Aoplltd For. N. G. Long and R. M. Mitchell ap plied to the superior court Friday for a charter for the North Atlanta Land Company, to be capitalised at 1100.000, with the privilege of Increasing It to 1(00,000. • Mrs. W.~a7Hamilton. Mrs. W. A. Hamilton, 19 years old, died at a private sanitarium Friday morning at 6:30 o'clock of appendi citis. She Is survived by her husband, W. H. Hamilton. The remain* were taken to the undertaking establishment of H. O. Poole & Co., and the funeral services and Interment will be held at Antioch church at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon. Mrs. A. E. Flnkell. Mrs. A. E. Flnkell, of 161 Washing ton street, died suddenly ot heart fail ure early Thursday morning. She la survived by her husband, A. E. Flnkell, n son, George D. Flnkell, of Philadel phia, and a daughter, Mrs. D. Moaen, ot Atlanta. The funeral services will be conducted at the residence Saturday afternoon at 6 o'clock, and tha remains will be placed In a temporary receiving vault nt Oakland, and will later be car rted to Philadelphia for Interment. IN $TATE_ ASYLUM Bill Passed to Erect Build ing for Isolation of This G'hiss of Insane . WALLY HURT TAKEN TO HOSPITAL IN ELYING AUTO After being fatally Injured in a street car nccldent In West End Thursday night shortly before midnight, Conduc tor J. C.» Hightower, of the Oeorgla Railway and Electric Company, whose home Is In Fraser street, was taken to the Grady hospital In an apparently dying condition In an automobile, which skimmed over the deserted thor oughfares at record speed. The auto Is owned and waa opera-ad by Julian F. Baxter. The tnachln* reached the scene of the accident Just after tt occurred, and, reallalng that the condltlon.of Conductor Hightower waa desperate, Mr. Baxter placed him the auto. A race for life then com menced. Mr. Baxter nulling the nil- chine open nndj-ushlng through the streets like the wlild In an effort to get the injured man to medical eld at the quickest possible moment. It we* the spare of only a few minutes until the auto Hilled up to the hospital entrance and Hightower waa hurried Into the operating room. A remarkable feature of the run Is the fact that the machine broko down just after reaching tha hospital anil refused to budge when Mr. Baxter tried to start It on the return trip. It was some time before the machine was Anally got In repair. Conductor Hightower was Injured a* the result of the derailment of the last Incoming car from West End. the ac. c|,tent occurring ut Gordon und Ilold- erneKS streets. The car left tha rail* at a switch, and, attar running over the pavement for nbout 60 feet, crash ed Into a telegraph pole, the car being badly crushed. Motnrnmn J. W. Johnson Jumped In time lo escape serious Injury. -He was slightly bruised, but was able to be out Friday. , , Conductor Hightower is reported In j extremely critical condition and all hope of hi* recovery ha* been aban doned. His death Is regarded as a matter of only a short time. He was Internally Injured and hi* hip wga also broken. 40 THOUSAND ACRES TIMBER LAND SOLD Special to The Georgian. Alexandria, La., Aug. J.—A big land deal has been consummated In this section. Forty thousand acres In the parishes of Rapides. Calcasieu and Vernon have been disposed of by the Wright-Blodgett Company, of Saginaw, Mich., to the Southwestern Lumber 'omptuiy, of Kew Jersey, for 11,611,- 'MAY NOT OPEN POLLS IN COLOUITT COUNTY FOR PRIMARY ELECTION Hpeclal to The Georgian. Moultrie, Ga., Aug. I.—Financing the approaching state primary Is a ques tion that la agitating the minds of tha local organisation ot the Democratic party. Chairman Z. H. Clark of the county executive committee said to day that there was some doubt about there being any primary held In this county. There Is no money In the treasury and lie thinks It Improbable that the candidates will stand for an assessment from every county, or eve» two-thirds of the countlea of the state. There are thirteen voting places In tht* county, and 2,800 white quattAed voters. It costs 6100 minimum to hold nn election, when the polling places all over the county are opened. The coun ty commissioners of this county have recently refused to pay a portion of the expenses of the county primary, which wna held two months ago, and It Is presumed will refuse to bear U>* •*- penses of the state primary. The registrars of the county will re fuse to make out the voters’ lists until some assurance Is forthcoming that they will receive nay. There are tick ets and election blanks to be printed and none of this will be undertaken un less some scheme presents Itself for raising the money. Chairman Clark has written to State Chairman Yeo mans to get his advice In the matter. SCALDTDIOTEATR IN FREIGHT WRECK Throe lieu Killed When Train Hits String of Cars. By I'rlrnt* Ia>8mhI Wire. llutler. Pa.. Aug. J.—Three Buffalo, Rochester and PUtuburg trainmen were killed In a wreck on the Relbold cut off of the Baltimore and Ohio road, near Relbold Junction laat night, when a local freight crushed Into a line ot cars left on the track by the break- tog of a coupling. The dead are: II. 1). FIELD, aged 46, of Butler, mar ried, conductor freight. JEROME HANLIN, aged 10. of But ter, fireman, second engine. JAMES SMITH, aged 11. of Punx- satawney, brakeman. C. E. Hunter, engineer, of Butler, wee Injured. The engine plowed through several cars and toppled on Ifci aide, pinching Smith and Hanlln beneath and scald ing them to death. The Isolation of the Insane consump tive# In the state asylum at Mllledge villa waa provided for In a bill passed by the house Friday morning. This measure, which Is by Messes. Hard man and Holder, of Jackson, provides further that 110,000 of tha Jhet appro priation vote(i for tha sanltorium' In MllledgevUlt, be used to erect a build ing for the Isolation of this class of the Insane. An attempt was made to make the antl-pasa bill a special order of busi ness for Friday at 12 o’clock, but on an aye and nay vote, the effort was un successful, Ct members voting against the report of the rules committee. The bill to amend the code to pro vide for the prosecution of persona using obscene language on the streets or In public by accusation. Instead of waiting for the convening of a grand Jury to draw an Indictment was con sidered by the house. Mr. Hall, of Bibb, aa usual, opposed the bill. Parker-Hall Tilt Mr. Parker, ofj Appling, took Mr. Hall to task for opposing the bill. He was on the verge of Indulging In per- sonallttes which drew Mr. Hall to his feet to a question of personal privilege, but Mr. Parker Insisted quickly that sorely Joking. The call for the previous question called by Mr. Wright, of Richmond, waa auatalnad, and tha vote on tht bill waa taken. The bill was defeated, not receiving the regular constitution al majority of 16 votes. Anti-Pass Bill Again. The house voted down an effort to make Joe Hall's anti-pass bill a ape clal order for Friday at noon. The rules committee offered a re port to make the pure food bill by Mr. Wright, of Floyd, a special order for Monday, the Mattingly bond bill by ■dr. Wright, of Richmond, for Tuesday morning, and the Immigration bill by Mr. Lawrence, of Chatham, for Wed nesday. The drat two orders were granted. The house adjourned at 1:10 o'lock. Special Saturday Order. For an hour after the house met at o’clock Friday .morning much gen eral routine business of reading house and senate bill* waa disposed of. A special order of bualneaa waa set for Saturday morning, In order to transact much bualneaa ot both local and gen eral nature. The bill by Messrs. Hardman and Holder to separate and Isolate the In sane consumptives In the asylum at Mtlledgevllle, and to set aside 110,000 of the appropriation for 1906 and 1907 for tha purpose of erecting a building for this class of the Insane, was taken up In Ita regular order on the calen dar. > ■ Mr. Hardman, of Jackson, spoke for the bill, showing the neceyalty for the Isolation of the insane consumptives. Mr. Hall, of Bibb, said he was op posed to expending any more money at Mllledgevllle, until other Institu tions were Improved. “To Sober Up.” "That place at Mllledgevllle la the dumping ground for every poor house In the state," continued Mr. Hall, who also aald that many- people were sent 'to Mllledgevllle to sober up. He waa aceountlng for what he said as tha "always overcrowded condition" of the aaylum. Mr.-Knight, of Berrien, opposed 'the bill, while Mr. Akin, ot Bartow and Mr. Hlnea, of Baldwin, supported It. On the motion of Mr. Longley, ot Troup, tha committee reported the bill back with the recommendation that It "do peas." An amendment was offered and adopted, making any unauthorised person spending more than the 110,000 responsible for the expenditure. This amendment was by Mr. Alexander, ot DeKalb, who said It waa tha custom for persons having charge ot appropria tions for buildings to go ahead and ex ceed the amount given and then come back to the general assembly for the deficit. The vote on the bill showed Ita pass S ie by 120 to 7. On tha motion of Mr elly, of Glascock, the bill was Iran* mltted to the senate. Naw Bills. Ths following new matter was In troduced, read the Aral time by Read ing Clerk McClatchey and referred to committees:. / By Mr. Rainey,-'of Terrell—To ex empt Confederate soldiers not worth more than 6800 from the payment of special municipal license er business tax. By Mr. Mlllkln, of Wayne—To revise the superior court calendar for the countlea comprising tha Brunswick Ju dicial circuit. By Messrs. Duggan and Walker, of Washington—To pay pension of Jor dan Fennell to his widow. By Mr. Covington, of Colqult—To establish city court of Moultrie. By Mr. Covington, of Qolqult—To amend the charter of Norman park. By Mr. McMIchael, of Marion—To pay pension of J. H. Johnson. By Mr. Holder, of Floyd—Amend act Incorporating East Rome. By Mr. Mitchell, of Thomas—To pay pension of O. W. Cane. MA YOR TOM, OF CLE VELAND, NOT GUILTY OF CONTEMPT WEALTH OF SAGE By Private Leased Wire. Cleveland! Ohio, Aug. 1,—Mayor Tom L. Johnson la not guilty of con tempt of court for tearing up the track of the Cleveland electric railroad be tween Lorain street and Franklin circle In Fulton road in his crusade for I-cent fares In Cleveland. It was charged that he had Ignored an order of coun. Judge Kennedy, after Andlng W. J. Springbom guilty of contempt* of court, Impoeed a tine on him of 6100. It wae proven that Springbom waa actually In charge of the man who tore up the tracks of the Cleveland Elec tric Company after a restraining order had been Issued and he had been duly notified. B RIND A MO UR ESCAPES LEA VING CELL LOCKED Brlndamour, the handcuff wonder and Jallbreaker, who has been myatlfylng audiences at the Casino thlt week, suc cessfully broke out of the Atlanta pollca station Thursday night, after having been locked In a cell and both of hla hands handcuffed to the barred cell door. The feat required Juat two minutes and forty-Ave seconds. And It places the Atlanta prison on the record as ths four hundred and sixty-seventh Jail broken by the mar velous Brlndamour. Pollca Captain Mayo and several po lice officers were present at the station Thursday night when Brindamouc vis ited the prison and performed hla re markable act. None of the officers be lieved the man could do what he claimed, but It wae only a tew minutes until their opinion materially changed. Brlndamour waa taken Into cell No. 26 ani. a pair of handcuffs placed either wrist. One hand was then fast ened near the top of the cell door, high as the “prisons!" could reach, and tha other handcuffed to the bottom portion of the door. The strongly barred door waa then closed and se curely locked by Turnkey Brannan, fastening with a spring lock. The auditors than retired from the corridor and awaited developments. Two minutes and forty-five seconds from the time the door wae closed Brlndamour stood In tha corridor, pair of handcuffs dangling from each hand, and tha cell door still locked. An announcement of this feat was made by Brlndamour a short whlls later Thursday night from the Casino stage. In breaking out of 467 Jalla, Brlnda mour has won the record of being the only man who ever broke from Sing Sing prison. GOVERNOR POOH-POOHS, A7 ATTORNEY COOPER Attorney John R. Cooper came to Atlanta late Thureday afternoon, pos sessed ot the Idea that a plot was on foot In Valdosta to lynch the Rawline and Alf Moore, ▼ tie visited the governor, who laughed the Macon man out of any such wild notion. "John,” said the governor, "I don t think there’s the least danger of any kind of a demonstration In Valdosta. But maybe you'd beet not go down there without a military escort." And by thla kind of “Joshing" Gov ernor Terrell appeased the fears of the lawyer who has fought so hard to save his clients. According to a story In The Macon News, Mrs. J. G. Rawlins came “ Macon Wednesday night and had long consultation with Mr. Cooper. She tried to keep her preeence secret, but It became known that she was In the city. It le probable that Mrs. Rawlins was unduly excited over the matter, and communicated her fears to Mr. Cooper. At any rate, he made a hurry-up trip to Atlanta to sea Governor Terrell. THINK CLERK GOT !UM OF $300,000 SUPPOSED MUTE FROM FI 1ICK BANK CONFESSES FAK C, 1LADSON SELLS FOR $2,000,000 By Private Leased Wire. Pittsburg, Pa., Aug. 3.—It Is be lieved today that Clifford Hlxton, who le In Jail charged with having robbed the Union Trust -(Sompttny, a Henry C. Frick steel trust bank, In which he wae employed as a bookkeeper, secured fully 1300,000 from the Institution. Hlxton le alleged to havg confessed to and Implicated another employee of the bank, whose arrest Is expected today. REAL LORD DOUGLAS TO SUE FOR $50,000 By Private Leased Wire. Portland, Me., Aug. 6.—Indignant over hie treatment at the hands of the Portland police and enraged because the sensation has caused his wife lo suffer a nervous collapse. Lord Sholto George Douglas will bring ault for 850,- 000 against those who took him Into custody. He says he waa eubjected to many Indignities during his day and two nights of conflnement and he en listed the aid of the British consul to bring about a cessation of the perse cutions. Because the police of the city believed they had caught the much- wanted bigamist, they guarded Lord Sholto with unusual care, and even went so far aa to Iron him, fearing he would attempt to escape. * BABY SUFFOCATED BY BED CLOTHING HELD FOR BEGGING, Pat McDaniel, a young white man arrested Thursday for soliciting alms In the streets, and who waa supposed to be a mute, startled tha officials at the police station Friday morning by suddenly putting hl»vocal chords Into action and carrying" on" a conversation with perfect ease. After being seen In the prison,by an acquaintance,* McDaniel realised the "Jig waa up,” and he frankly admitted to Turnkey Bostwlck he had been "fak ing." After that he talked freely and continuously to the tumkey'and other prisoners, seeming glad of the opportu nity to rid himself of the aham and ap parently desirous ot making up lor lost time. ' , Before confessing his deception. Me Daniel professed to be unable to speak at all and carried on conversation by means of writing and signs. He had been making all kinds of signs to T key Bostwlck and had handed him eral notes In order to manifest hie At the time of hie arrest McDaniel was la the street representing himself as a mute and soliciting alms. He will be tiled Friday afternoon In police court. HIS WIFE DEAD, MAN DISAPPEARS! POLICE NOTIFIED When they awoke Thursday morning, Mr. and Mra. W. W.- Glover, o 9 SI Long- ley avenue, found that durlt<f the night their 2-monthe-old Infant aon, Gordon, had lM»en suffocated by the bed clothing. The body was taken to Utriy Q. Pool* A Ca’e undertaking establishment, and an Inquest was held by Coroner Tbompeon Thursday _he verdict reached wae that the child rauie to accidental death by suffocation. The body was taken to Duluth. Ga..,for CA, MARBLE DEALERS AT LITHIA SPRINCS Ci T. I julaon has sold to a New York syndicate 600.000 acres of timber land In Cuba for 62,000,000 the Cuban In- eating Corporation of. Naw York hav ing been organised to take over the land,. The corporation U organised under the laws of New York with a capitalisation of 1100,000. Mr. Ladson recently returned from New York and announces that he has closed the deal, which was a straight sale. Mr. Ladson ha* been made one of the director* of the company. The property was purchased by him last October, and la situated on tha sea- coast. near Santiago. Special to The Georgia a. I.lthla Springs, oa., Aug. I.—Many sections of the state were represented thla morning at the opening of a meet ing of the Georgia Retail Marble Deal ers' Association. President J. B. Rob- round. presiding, will continue two dajn _ voted to the considera tion of various Important subjects per taining to the marble trade. LEMONS ON BEACH INDICATE A WRECK By Private LeaeeiTwir*. Sayville, L. I., Aug 1.—Surfmen re port the beach strewn with lemons op posite Sayville. Thsy have apparently been In the water no longer than twenty-four hours. Indicating that some vessel la in serious trouble near this coast. Relieving F. C. .Whippy to be erased because of the death ot hla wife on Wednesday night, the police were notl lied Friday afternoon by Mrs. Mattie Wheeler, of 86 Williams street, to look out for him. Mrs. Whippy had been In Atlanta for several months tor her health, boarding somewhere In West Peachtree street, Wednesday night she died, and her husband, who Is an engraver and lives tr Cincinnati, was notified. He arrived In Atlanta Thursday and Immediately went to the home of Mrs. Wheeler, whose family are friends of hie. He appeared to be suffering un usual anguish because of the death of Ms wife and la said to have acted strangely. He has not been seen by the Wheel ere since Thureday night and they have been unable to locate him at any of the hotels. Several telegrams have arrived for Mm, Indicating that he had Intend ed to stop with the Wheelers. Barclay A Brandon, the undertakers, say they hare not seen Mr. Whippy Friday, but have possession of hla grip. The undertaker* declined to tell where Mra Whippy died. Although she died Wednesday, no death certificate has been filed with the city health department. FORTY CAR REPAIRERS ARE ON STRIKE HERE As result of the strike of the Broth erhood of Railway Carmen which was declared on the Central of Georgia Railway Thursday, about forty Inspec tors and car repairers are reported to have walked nut In the Atlanta yards. These men claim that the strike was precipitated because of the fact' that they made a demand for increase in wages ot 2 1-2 cents an hour on the average, and this waa denied, but later when ordinary negro day laborers made a demand for Increased wages they got lu Gilt-Edge Securities Found When Strong Box Is Opened. By Private Leased Wire. New York, Aug. 1.—That Russell Saga's wealth waa enormous everybody has surmised for many years, into the fifty and sixty millions of dollars wa* a common guess, but that It should reach more than twice that aum waa beyond almost any person's excreta, tlon. The wealth this great juggler of moneys left behind can only be fit. tlngly characterized as fabulous and prodigious. The Inventory of the estate of Rut- •ell Sage, begun three days ago by representatives of the executors, had established by today to the satisfac tion of the executors and their lawyen that the value of the estate was not below 6160,000,000. In the Sage strong boxes have been found millions of dollars worth of se curities bearing high Intereat and guaranteed as to principal and Income, which have been for. year* unknown to the manipulators of Wall street. YELLOWMIOLLS VICTIM IN CUBA By Private Leased Wire. Havana, Aug. 3.—A fatal case of yel low fever Is reported from Coloh, pro vince of Matanzae, the victim being a Spaniard. ROY HITS NEGRO A Enraged by an epithet which he alleges Alfred Davie, a negro dray man, applied to him, Luther Whit tle, a 17-year-old youth, employed at the King Hardware Company, dealt • the negro a blow In the hack of the held with a brand-new hatchet. Davis will probably die. The negro la at the hospital, and, It said, there la only a bhre chance that he will recover. Whittle is held at the police station. Whittle la employed at the King Hardware Company aa a packer In the Shipping department .He wae at work In the basement at the Prjror street en trance Friday afternbon when the dray man, Davie, drove up. They became mixed In an altercation and Whittle aald the negro called him a vile name. He struck him with the hatchet which was lying on the floor. Call Officers Luck and Cooper ar rested the boy. He Uvea at 262 Luckle street The negro has only ona leg. AfHISKY MEN WANT TO EMPLOY MINORS The whisky dealers were again In the fhreground at a meeting ot the police committee held In the mayor's parlors Friday morning. The Foster ordinance pertaining to minora work ing In liquor houses waa up .for dis cussion. It was decided to return the ordinance to council with a substitute, whtch will only allow minora to work In liquor houses with the conaent of parents and no children under the age of 16 to be allowed to work In connec tion with such business. , Benjamin Z. Phillips, of the law firm of Slaton ft Phillips, represented the liquor men. He baaed hie argu ment on paternalism, declaring that the council, If It passed the Foster ordi nance, took authority out of the pa rents' hands and that this character of legislation had been condemned since the sixteenth century. The attorney asked that minora at least be allowed to work with the conaent of the pa rents. Councilman Foster stated that there era laws preventing minors from en tering pool rooms and saloons; that they had been considered good laws, and certainly the one under discussion wae a good one. He gave examples of children who were taken to the police •tatton with the delirium tremeps, and aald that the men who opposed the law were only attempting to save a few dollars at the expense of humanity, while they wore diamonds aa large aa chestnuts. At this Juncture one of the liquor men, who waa resplendent with dia monds, turned a large Jewel ornament ing hla finger, toward the Inside of hla hand and quietly took from hla necktie a "headlight” and ahaenlahly hid,Ita glare under hla coat. Tha only other matter of Importance waa the unfavorable report on the ordi nance taking from Reid Gordon. It Decatur street, the license to have • door on Edgewood avenue. ORSEllEMENi WILL BE EXAMINED AS TO HIS SANITY R. Myers, a weil-knewn yeong maa who sella fruit and flowers tfhoef “is city. arraigned before Acting Recorder CheeewiMtd Friday morning, sod wee or dered held until be can be examined ns to his sanity. Myers wna arrested Thursday sfternooa by Policeman Hood after haring created a seen* of exctteawat In the vicinity of Are station No. 9 la Central nrenne by caret nr several of the trenien. Myers resides near the Are station, snd Is said to base bee* on goat terms with the Bremen nntlt re cently when, for some noses, he became angered at them.