Newspaper Page Text
■ ( RtlAY, AT'Ut'flT 4, WO*.
Humanity and Inhumanity
-.Neither d? Vn'sTiI 11 ’’’'' B ° " n ' 1
Shuman‘document, In
■r^^SSS? 55W?ifpcSS't
^•TimJ and «5St»rin authority Is an
occurred In Palestine In
rtS clW o( Jerusalem. The story
J?f g fdr mo V re than thirty years carried
w ti *«»* n f a nuin b er of people:
■MSU one »*riT.eml»ercd It and wrote
That la how It came to us.
^nsuSia great Jewish fete day, alien
SSL* from every quarter were gath-
^ Moaether-ln the capital, there was
TjXdon tnd jest unusual. Peo» ; le
tire camplnff out In booths along the
everything being crowded.
Among the thousands In attendance
A n fhe fea«t was Jeans of Nazareth
and"several «t Kto friends and dlscl-
Ii-« He stood apart from the confu-
JJ<ind seated Hlnieir In the precincts
^There^arosa n sudden commotion. The
<>rowd, concentrated at the spot, and In
?ier curiosity « waved along the street
following a struggling knot of exclte-
mint at the center of which a woman
Errstleo and resisted In the rough
hands of strorig men. She had been
raufht In the act of Immorality and the
Pharisees pounced on her and raised nn
«nro«r. Toward the temple they shoved
S, woman along, and rushed her right
iritn the presence of Jesus. Her veil
was torn ofT, her hair disheveled and
her pale and frightened face was an
own mirror of shame and confusion.
Then the spokesman of the scribes and
nharifees accused her of her deed and
demanded, with religious insistence, to
h»ve the opinion of Jesus on the case.
For the once Jesus' seemed embar-
L.yed. He does not seem to hear them,
u/ha* seen the woman. He compre
hend*. One glance at her was enough.
A stainless soul Hlmsel., He stoops
down to hide the blush He could not
prevent, and as one confused He wrote
—-shall we say nervdualy?—on the
ground with his finger. What He wrote
nobody knew. That He wrote anything
definitely nobody knows. But at length
He stood up. not looking at the wretch
ed woman, but at the prurient crowd
that gaped and at the hypercritical ac
cusers and simply and quietly said:
•'Let him that Is without sin among
you first cast a stone at her." And then
He stooped and began to write on the
ground again. Then w hile His eyes are
{withdrawn from them they begin to
have business somewhere else. First. In
old pharisee, the oldest one of them,
concludes that he cannot afford to
throw the stone at her. and that he
would better go home "till from the
eldest even unto the last, "convicted
bj; their own conscience, they went
out one by one and left the woman
standing there.
Jesus stood up from the ground and
spoke to the woman. “Where are
they?" He said. "Did none of them
strike you?" And she said: “No, sir."
And then with all vigor and heart In
His voice He said to her: "Neither do
1 condemn vmi; \ <*u may g". fi .
and you will not sin any more." Un
fortunately the rest of the story Is lost
We have no record of the woman’s after
life. Hut I think we all know It. She
was saved. What saved ber? The
faith of Jesus In her saved her.
—you will not sin any more* Half
command, half entreaty. It was to her
a new hope, a new and strange faith.
It was also new' life, because If He
believed In her. forgave her and trusted
her, she would not disappoint Him for
the world.
Leah Kletchma.
The other atory is like unto this,
mdre recent, and modern, but jts mean
ing Is the same'. There was in Paris a
famous burglar named Kleschnla. He
was the boldest and most successful
thief In Europe. Always suspected and
shadowed by the police, they could
never In the delicately executed bur
glaries that ever anon startled
country trace the crimes to his hi
Kleschnlt had a daughter, an c
daughter, named Leah, and hers *
the skillful hand which executed
robberies ho planned. She was yo
and beautiful. Her courage \t as
that of Joan of Arc. An Austrian b<
ber peasant mother had died In her in
fancy. Her father trained her to li
thief. Her skill and nerve was
pride, and from her he reaped i
harvests. Hut one day there came 1
that girlV !I f«> something that filled her
with unrest. Crossing the Channel the
ship took fire and she, with many oth
ers, was rescued In the boat by a gen
tleman whose strong, pure, heroic face
framed itself in her heart. She could
never forget the face, though she knew
not his name. One day she saw* mn
picture In a shop window. She bought
it and carried it home. Looking at It,
she was heard to say: "It’s a poor
thing to be a thief." Her father wan
at that hour planning the burglary of
a wealthy home at St. Cloud. Monsieur
811valne. the rising stnf of the chamber
of deputies, was to be married. Tbo
family Jewels, worth a million francs.
In his house, were to be moved to his
bride’s home the next day. The rob
bery was fo tnke place that night and
Leah was to go into the house and get
them. All was planned In her pres
ence. Turning to her, Klesrhnla saw
the pale cloud oo her face and railed at
her for being chicken-hearted.
"Hut you say he sleep** adjoining,
that, his bedroom door opens Ipto this
room where. I am to find the Jewels.
Suppose he should come In on me7"
she said.
"Here, haven’t I * told you; haven’t
I trained you; here la your gun~ Stand
him ofT, tell him that you will kill him;
that you are going out."
Hut. Dad, I’ve told you a thousand
times I would not shoot,” she nervous
ly replied. "And suppose he is not
afraid of the gun?"
"Then bluff him! Threaten him with
a scandal—a woman in his rooms at 3
In the morning! Ha! ha! ha! Mon
sieur Pllvalne Is not a fool. He’s to
be married tomorrow. Ho will let you
That night in hla library M. 811-
vainc worked late. He waa a man
born out of due time. He held a most
strange philosophy. He believed in
men, that every man, had something
good In him; that the worst of men
had nn ftngoi somewhere to be invoked.
He preached that faith In his states
manship. Ills associates In the cham
bers laughed at him for nn Idealist
ahead of his age. That night he sat
and mused over his speech In the dep
uties which was on all tongues In
Paris. He had declnrod against the
criminal system of France, had pleaded
for more faith in humanity and a sya-
tem 'hat would n< I murder hopo in the
hearts of the criminal class whom *he
said were our brothers who are differ
ent from us only in degree and mis
As he reflected the clock struck 2.
He arose. "I may l-c a fool,* ho said,
to himself, as he turned to Ills bedroom,
"bdt the greatest, dlvinent Man this
world has ever known was n fool, too."
He turned out tb© lights and the room
was dark save for the moon which
made shadows through the shutters on
the floor.
In a few minutes the shutters slowly,
stealthily open and in a moment
there, kneeling by the safe with a dark
lantern, Is Leah. Hhp listens; then
with only a little noise, she works the
lock open, takes the box of jew’els and
lays them quietly on the table, and—
then starts. The door of the bod room
Is opening. Is opened, and the figure of
a man stands in It.
"Woman, what are you doing?"
"I’m robbing you," ahe shrilly says,
"and you’d better stand back and let
me go. I will shoot you! I will shoot
■ I
‘ 1 Oh, no. you will not." Then steadily
ho came toward her, turned on the light
and stnod between her and the open
window. *i’m going out of here,” she
said; "you’d better let me go. I'll make
noise. I’m In your room at 3 o’clock
in the morning. There'll be a scandal.
I’d better let me go." “No, no,!’ ho
snld, "not yet. 1 believe you know that
it is not you who are doing this thing,
that on evil one not yourself Is the
thief. Tell me about yourself. Wore
you always a thief?" He is near her
} now. the pistol hangs In her nerveless
I hand. Her eyes are on his face, star
ing ii S "tie blind He 1 • t M.'fi III*
picture! He bod saved ber life. Bhe
I** :■ fi mi ll i'ti • lm: l ' ii'-'v m fi ••
j hands of n man. the man she did not
know, but worshipped, and he la look-
l Ing into her ayes for her soul. "Are
! you not afraid In thta dreadful busi-
ness?" he gently queried. "No. not now
1 used to be when I was a little girl."
("What la your name?" "My name la
'Leah." "Leah, look nt me; let me see;
do you know what rate? I see the little
girl that was afraid, and listen, I be
lieve In you. I believe In the little girl
that wns afraid." And with calm, sweet
kindness he pleaded with her for her
self, for her soul, for "the little girl that
was afraid,” once more, till she burst
Into tears and fell upon the chair and
sobbed. Over her he brooded like an
angel, aa she quivered In an agony of
tears, put his faith In her, told her of
the light thnt would be her strength;
till heaven came down on that strange
.scene of a soul’s struggle and both of
them were quiet and still. Then she
rose calmly. "Monsieur, what will you
now do with me?" ."You may go," he
said. "You will not sin any more. You
will leave the life, leave Paris, go back
to your mother's home «In the lettuce
fields of Austria and be at peace." "Yes,
Fho started for the window through
which she had come. He atopped her
"No," he said, "not that way. I do not
like that way." He took her hand and
led her ns though a Indy of the land
through the lighted hall to the door of
the mansion.
Into tho burglars* lodgings yonder
Kleschna had come raving in despair
that she .had not come, that his child
waa taken by the police. Raging ho
cursed the hour that he had put her to
the business.
The door of the noom at length
opened and, pale and calm, ahe came
(In to hln
ened t
still rrpeatrd: "So, I an
I am going away."
He changed to tears
was nil h* had— that be v
to her—she would not 1
dad by himself! Hut wi
tenderness she went to
arms about his neck an
poor, miserable, pathetic fi
"Ooodby, dad, poor dad; y
the true.Hki . i».i» '•'in
when I am gone, and w!
receive It, dad. for It I
of peace In thl
Id him she was going
Ing to her mother’s
■ned upon her. threat-
kin her. <,'aimly sho
so, i am going away.
told her she
ould be good
rave h#r old
'■ an Infinite
film, put her
-l kissed hla
■ < e, and said:
• hope
Id and
She' went out
fourtd rest In the I
beauty and her womanhood blossomed
there and love did not fall her. (Jod
gave her her heart’s d*#Ire.
These aro tho human documents In
my hands. They bear their own mes
sage. They enforco their own applica
tion. They arraign the hypocrisy of
our age that flaltera Itself to he vir
tuous because It deals harshly with
fallen Women, while ft shields and pro
tects the deeper, vaster criminals of
society. They also arraign the Chris
tian church at the Judgment of Christ
for Infidelity to His Spirit. I?,, would
not condemn the woman. Ho condemn
ed her accusers. Beware of your con
tempt. Beware how you despise those
sinned against and miserable. Beware
lest you fall under the condemnation
of Christ, who said: "Verily, verily, I
say unto you, tho harlots go Into the
kingdom of heaven before you.”
"Down In the human heart, crushed by
the tempter, feelings lie burled
Which Grace can restore:
Touched by a Idvlng hand, wakened by
Chorda that were broken will vibrate
once more."
Are You Still Paying Rent? If so, I am Surprised!
Rent Receipts Remind me of Money
Thrown Away.
Do you know that tho Standard Heal Estate Loan Company of Wash
ington, D. C., will sell you a home purchasinB contract whereby you
can buy or build n homo anywhere In the United States and pay for
it In monthly payments for less than you aro now paying rent? They
will lend you from $1,000 to $5,000 at D per cent, simple Interest, al
lowing you to pay It back in monthly Installments of $7.50 on each
thousand borrowed. For prospectus and plnns of our proposition,
call on or write J. St Jullen Yates. State Agejht, 321 Austell Bldg., At
lanta, Qa. Bell phono 2653-J. Atlanta phono 1918.
Truthful Huttling Agents WantedIn Ewry County in iht Stile.
Services in Atlanta Churches
DO YOU WANT $16.00?
Yes! Then don’t pay for a Buggy when
wo will sell you & better Buggy for 949.00. We
give you tho dealer’! profit of 910.00. Why
not moke this profit yourself by buying direct
from our factory?
Golden.e.flc Buttle, ar* fuaraiUccd
equip, vo tho 14ug«ies your dealers toll for
ftt.00. Handsomely finished and light run
ning. Don’t buy a Buggy until you get our
natalogue and great Harness offer. Write to
day for catalogue No. 11 and Ilarneis offer.
Matt t. Golden Eagle Buggy Co. itiuu.0..
^SEAi. orou^'
If You Will See
that this seal Is on every roll of
Roofing you buy. WE will see that
you get value received for your
mnnont roofing, and hot a make
shift. It Is put up one square to the
roll; easily applied, and is recom
mended by the National Board of
Underwriters nnd Southeastern
Tariff Association. Take heed, you
need our roofing nnd we need your
patronage. “You can put it on.”
ATLANTA SUPPLY CO., Sole State Agents,
29 and 31 South Forsyth Street.
I. C. GKEENHELP. President.
C. *. PECK, Secretary.
Warm 8prlngs, Ga $ 3.75
Chick 8prlng,, S. C 8.50
Ashsvllle, N. C.. 10.50
Waynesville, N. 0.4 .. 11.60
Hendersonville, N. C 10.00
Lake Toxsway, N. C 12.70
Tryon, N. C 10.00
Tste Springs, Tenn 11-35
St. Simons,'Ga 12.00
Cumberland Island, Ga ... 13.00
Atlantic Beach, Fla 14-60
Chicago, III 32.05
Saratoga Springs, N. Y 43.80
Atlantic City, N. J .... .. 40.00
Aibury Park, N. J 41.50
Detroit, Mich 30.05
The above rates are
for the Round Trip.
Tickets on sale daily limited for re
turn until October 31, 1906.
Passenger and Ticket Office No. 1
Peachtree Street. ’Phone 142.
School of Millinery.
Do you desire advanced Instruction,
or, are you looking for employment
that will glvo you good returns for
your.labor? Address
40 1-2 Whitehall Street,
Atlanta, Ga
130 So. Forcyth St.
i respectfully announce my«©lf. -
candidate for council from the Third
ward, subject to the white primary on
August 22. ^ W MANGUM.
I respectfully snnojne*. myself
candidate for council from the Four...
ward, subject to white primary on
August 22. DR b E- p EA RCE.
I respectfully announce my.elf
candidate for council from the Sixth
ward, subject to tho white primary on
August 22. J0HN w qrant
for county treasurer.
I respectfully announce myself
te for County Treesurer, sub
lU gust 22.
candidate — , -
ject to «hite Pf > , "*g' R on A
District Passenger Agent.
I respectfully announce myself
candidate for County Treasurer, sub
. icet to white primary on August 22.
pastor has returned nnd will preach nt 11 a.
in. and 7:30 p. in. Sunday school at 9:30 a.
McDonald BAPTIST-West Folr nnd
Walnut streets. Rt*>. O. T. Howe, pastor.
Sunday school nt 9:15a Trenching at 11 n.
m. nnd 8 p. m. Morning subject, "Ordi
nance^;" evening subject, "Belshazzar.’*
CENTRAL 1JATT18T—Services st 11 a.
_j. nnd 8 p. m. Trenching by the rois
ter at both hoars. The ordinance of bap
tism will follow the evening sermon. Sun
day school at 9:30 a. m. Personal work
er*’ club nt 7:15 p. m. Ladles* meeting
Monday afternoon at 3:30 o’clock. Prayer
meeting nnd church conference Wednesday
at 8 p. m.
avenue and Jackson street. Preaching 11
m in nnd S j». in. by llcv. Colder It.
Willingham, missionary to Jnpan, and son
of Dr. It. J. Willingham, of Richmond, Vn.
Himdny school at 9:33 n. m. Prayer moot
ing Wednesday orenlug nt 8. Baptist Young
People's union at 7 p. tn. Wnmmi's Mis
sionary and AJd Society Thursday after-
FIRST BAPTIST—Corner of Tcnchtree
and Cnln atroeta. Trenching by ReV. It. L»
W. Sintih. No evening service.,
baenre of (be pastor.
nor of Woodward nnd Cherokee avenues.
Trenching nt 11 n. m. nnd f p. m. by Dr.
J. K. Pnco. llltile school at 9:30 n. in. Ju
nior B. Y. P. l ? . .Sunday nt 2:30 p.
Thursday nt 8 p. tn. very member is urged
to attend this mooting. At the 11 n clock
Sunday service tho ordinance of tho Lord's
•npptr vn be observed^ "
Cooper street, third block from Whitehall.
The pastor. Rev. Rolfe Hunt, hna Just re
turned from Cedar Itook, where no con-
'acted n ten days* Bible conference, nnd
rill occupy his jieiplt Monday at 11 S. m.
nd 7:15 p. m. Prayer meeting Wedueaday
ball nnd Trinity avenue. Dr. J. W. Lee,
•aator. Services at 11 a. in. and 1 p. m.
ieneral Evans will preach at both services.
Sunday school at 9») a. tn. Weekly prayer
meeting Wednesday at 8 p. m.
h Pattllto, pantos. Sunday school at 10
. tn. Preaching at 11 a. in. by the pas-
or. ’ •
I'nttlllo. pnator. Sunday school at 10 a. in.
Epworth League at 7:30 p. m. Preaching
at 8 p. m. by Rev. J. L. Pnttlllo, of Port
school nt 9:30 n. in. Trenching at 11 a. m.
and 7:30 p. m. by tho pastor. Morning
subject, ’The Parable of the Mustard
C. Christian, will preach at 11 u. ui. end
administer the sacrament of tho Lord’s
Hupper. At 8 p. in., the pastor will hold
revlrul services, preaching on n npcrlnl
subject. Also, rcvlavl services Wednesday
rnrk and Leo streets. Rev. M. L. Trout-
pastor^ j Hunda/ service*: Knndny
school at 9:30
by W. F. Cl
No service at night. Sunday
n. in. Deaf mute class taught
MT~" Woman's Missionary
8oelety%Tuesdny nt 4.80 p. m. Prayer meet
ing \\ euhesday nt 8 p. m.
lngton and Fulton streets. Preaching nt
** m. nnd h p. in. Subject: ••Three
1:45 p.
Eighth Sunday after Trinity.
CATHEDRAL—Corner of Washington and
Hunter HlleelH. \ V R.-l . < . J . A. Pise,
dean. 7J0 a. m., holy communion; 11 a.
m., litany, sermon nnd holy communion:
the bishop will officiate st this servlco; 5
p. in., evening prayer and sermon. Sunday
school nt 9:45. All other days; 7:10 m. ni.,
holy couimtiulon; 9 a. tn.. morning prayer:
6 p. tn., evening prayer. Wednesday and
Friday: Litany at 10JO. n. in., uoiy communion; ji a. m., noiy
communion and sermon; 8 p. m.,-gracing
prayer and sermon. Sunday school at 9:15.
Friday: Litany at 11.
, INCARNATION—Lee, near Gordon, West
End. Rev. J. J. I*. Perry, rector. 7 JO a.
m . l...h < '-miiiUMon; 11 ; m , mm nlng
prayer, sermou nud holy comiutinUuy; 8 p.
m., evening prayer nnd sermon. Sunday
school at 3:30. Wednesday: Evening prffyr~
at 9. Friday: Litany at 4:30.
ALT, 8AIXT8—Corner of Went Peachtree
Charles It. Xlsbet, pnator. Morning serv
ice nt 11 n. m. Evening service nt fi p. tn.
The evening service will be under the di
rection of the Business Men's Gospel Union.
Sunday school nt 9:33 a. in. Young People's
Society at 7:15 p. tn. Midweek prayer aerv-
Ice IVedncadny evening at 8.
ton street, opposlto Capitol. Sunday school
at 9:30 a. in. Largo clnas for men con-
ducted by J. J. Engnti. Regular Sunday
service nt 11 a. in. and 8 p. m. Dr. Htrlck-
ler, of Union Theological seminary, will
.. ..Monday school at 9 JO ...
m. Morning servlco at 11. Mormon by the
pastor. Young People'* Society Christian
Endeavor nt 7 p. m. Evening servlco at 8.
Prayer meeting Wednesday evening nt 8,
followed by the teachers’ training aud nor
mal class#
Jackson and Chamberlin streets. Preach
ing nt 11 a. m. nml & p. rn. Sunday. Also,
remembor the regular prayer meeting Wed-
Impressions Taken and Work Delivered Same Day.
This Is a Dental School u here Dentists of years ofeiperl-
ence come to learn the Uteet thing* in Crown and Bridge
Work nnd Denial Operations. No students allowed to
enter. Patients patronizing us will get the advantage of
esperienre and skill at cost, whirh they rould not get else
where. Gas. Air or Local Injection administered for the
This la a regular chartered Dental College, running 12
months in thoyrar.and AlwatbOkkn. Remember tho place
DR. W. CONWAY, M»N«oc«. ,
2nd FloorSletofr-finwy Bulldlncj.PfatMrto Strut, ATLANTA, GEORGIA.
Orsugr, na.
d«tl, Jr., iiastor. rrrarbln, at II a. ra.
and at J:45 i>. m. b, thi- pastor. Bonds,
whnol at »:» ». in. Prayrr mratio, Wad.
,t 7:« p. p*. J5ET so-atlo;
WKHf.BV MKMOItlAL-Comar Antiurn
avenue and Ivy street. Rev. Frank Enkes.
pastor. Sunday school at, 9:30 a. m. Busy
people’s class. VMM IMM HMlBfMi
clnss, Y’oting Men's Darien Bible clans.
Preaching at 11 a. ro. by the pastor. Kong
service nt 7:45 p. m. Trenching at * by
the pnator. Epworth-league devotional
servlco at 8:45 p. m. Midweek proper meet.
Ing Wednesday evening at 8 o’clock.
Church social at 9 p. tu. Noonday prayer
meeting every day II to 1 o'clock.
I*. K. L. Timmons, pastor. At 11 a. m..
preaching by Rev. W. A. King. Sunday
school at 9:93 a. tn. Preaching at 7:30 P- m.
by the pastor. Tuesday prayer meeting
at 7:90 p. m. Thursday, bollaewi prayer
meeting st 7:99 p. m. Hnnrlee prayer meet
ing. Ready workers Monday at ):20 p. m.
I*. Timmons, pastor. At It a. gi., commu
nion service by the pastor. Kaiidav w«*li*-«-l
• t I p. m. At 7J9 p. m.. captain K. M.
Roberts will speak on "Fidelity to tbs Gos
pel. with Persevera nee." Sunrise prayer
meeting Sunday. | Wednesday prayer meet
ing st 7J9 p- m. _\oung men a prayer
m. Steward's
Washington street niul Ridge avenne.
Preaching st II s. ra. and 8 p. m. Special
song service at 9:48. Communion at close
of morning service. Prayer meeting at 7J9
p. to t every Thursday.
woods avenue, near West Peachtree. Sun
day school srery Sunday at 3:9),
HOLY COMFORTER—Con»er of Atlanta
avenne nnd Pulliam. Rev. Gilbert Higgs.
D. D., in charge. Evening prayer and ser
mon at 5. Wednesday; Litany and choir
work at 8.
ST. ANDREWS—Corner Glenn and Kent.
R ev. Gilbert Higgs, D. t>., In charge- K'
ig prayer and sermon at 9.
HOLY TRINITY—Decntnr. UeY. C. A.
Langston In charge. Holy communion and
sermon at 11 by Iter. K. F. Moody.
m., evening prayer and sermon. Seevjeof
b^ tho Iter, W. J. Moody. Mtudey school
6 o'clock.
Rer. Richard Onpe FUnn, pastor. Morning
worship at 11. evening worship at 8. The
pastor will preach at .both »*Tvlree. The
* for the evening hour wllifbe "A Bit
•ratmuir and What It Meana to Yon."
Christian Endeavor at 7 p, m., aubicct be
ing "Doty. Privilege and Kxcure*. ’ Sab-
M mm. The Men's league
B. Via
eh Ing by
at 11 a. m. Hoi
Convinced. ' At S p. tn.. the Mcrhodlxr-t
will worship with the Intnnn Park Presl.y-
tcrlans. and Mr. Mays will pn*sicU on the
“Growing Christian. These union «»»rTl< <■*
will root I one every Sunday night fm* tjic*
month of August. Sunday arbeat nt Co-
prnblll at 4 p. m
bath school at tat) a. m. ___.
and Teachers’ Training Class meet at 1)
m. Prayer meeting Wednesday at 8 p.
Subject, "Christian Fltlscnehlp; nr The
RHatlonabljt of the Christian to Govern
ment.” The Covenanters band inecti at
4 |». m. Sunday and • p. tn. Monday. U-
•lien’ prayer elrele Thursday afternoon at 8.
Business women's committee Thursday at
6.9) p. m.^lK the parlors of the chun h.
nnl w •).< r* • i - Friday nt 9 |t. nt.
homes of tbs members, as announced.
mt Mi Lntimer streets. Dr. A.
rlty, the pastor, will preach at 11
Ho»*b-ty. Prayer meeting Wednesday
p. tn.
Walker nnd Htouswsll. Her? T. P. Cleve
land. pastor. Her vires at 11 a. ni. sad f p.
ui. Habbsth school at 99) a. ui. Prayer
tuetUug Wednesday
r prayer
—. — _ Sunday schol at 9:30
nt. nnd 1 oang People's Society nt 8
m. on Friday. Rev. T. H. Newkirk,
ncatlny nt 8 p. m.
linalneaa Men's Gospel union. Union ...
Ice nt 8 n. m. conducteil by Rsy, II.
Mayes, or Inman Park Mstuodlat church.
pnstor, Her. George H. Mack, has returned
from Tennessee and will preach at 11
o'clock. No service at night. Huudny school
at 9:90 a. m.
. D. T '
day school at 9:30
deavor nt 6:45 p. in.
ted during August.
•tnr C. Williams, pastor. Prsnrhlug nt 11
, m. and 730 p. m. Sunday school at 930
Rev. W, II. Tillman, pastor. Preaching at
Il^n. tn. nnd 730 p. m. Kundny school nt
“In the Land of the Shy”
Situated in n Private Park of 160 Acres, Hiltmorc, Near Ashe
ville, N. C., 2,500 Feet Above the Sea Level.
the ©lack to spend the: summknkw—
Recognised as the lending hotel In the tnnunralns of Western
North Carolina. No S'-euery In tbo world will compnro with the view
front this hotel. Mount Mltchelj and J’lRgab In r<ai view. Adjoins
and overlooks the lillttnore estate. Cool, Invigorating ellmnte, msg-
olfle«ntly furnished, cuisine inis jr; ni«p I. Pun* wif»»r All vegetables
from onr private garden gathered fresh every niornlng. Orchestra,
golf, pool, t»llliar* 1 -*. tennlH. liver; . beautiful rides nnd drives.
coach rosats all-trains at Itlltnmie statlou. ronaumptlves not ac-
comrnodnted under any rlrcumstntices. Coadf Is oporatod by man-
gefnenf. running ererr half hour batweoo trolley from Asheville and
~ i year. Write or wire for booklet nnd rnt«a.
EDGAR n MOORE. Proprlet
hotel. Open nil
Traina Lsavs Atlanta, New Terminal
U ftlOIlT-
Fnat Mall. K
3*1, DAILY.-United State*
Y. M. C.
A.—Corner Tryor street i
I A..
burn avenue. At 3 o'clock the III Ido clasi
lit b© rondnrted by Rev. J. C. Oliver. AI
33d o’clock the regular Hundnv nfternonii
service will !»e held In tbo gospel hall. **'
'clock. Uuljdlng open froi
,t a i „ .
vlcea at 11 s.
:«* P- m
111 plaj’
‘ting Thursday
streets. Services will bs conduct J nnd
n sermon preached by tho pnator. Rer. W.
VnttiiMMt •* it o’clock a. ro. Hnnday
place. Rey. R, C. Crunk, pimtor.
service with sermon nt II o’clock. Hnnday
school at 930 o’clock. Evening service at
‘ o'clock.
ASSOCIATION—A gospel service of Interest
to all men will ha* held nt the Knllr»fld
Young Men's ('hrlstlnn Association ball
Kituday afternoon at 4 o'clock.
ta Psyrhologjcfll K«ic|ety will h»»l*I a S|»e-
rial meeting fur the mothers nnd trained
iiura«‘« of Atlanta at 4 o'clock at 132 Peach
tree *treet. The subject for considers flea
will be "Psychology In the Hbk Room."
with practical demur, stmt Pm a, showing In
stant relief from heodarho ami other pains.
A beautiful musical urogram has hoen ar
ranged by Professor Walter P. Grace. Vis
itors welcome.
A special missionary servlco will be held
St the Christian and Missionary Alliance
hall at 71V4 North Brosd street Huuduy nt
939 p. m. At this time, tha regular month-
missionary offering will bo token. Rev,
... A, Forreat will apeak on the subject
of foreign missions, and there will be some
stHi-lal singing and stirring testimonies.
Everybody Is cordially Invited, nnd a full
attendance la ezpected.
The regular monthly meeting of the At
lanta Baptist Sunday FGmol Association
will meet on Tuesday afternoon nt 339
o'clock with the Aotlo* h Baptist church,
near Federal prison. Good speakers arid
good m»fic will be provided. President
John M. Green will preside as naunl.
Federal prison car# pass directly ta front
of this church.
4 . „ . .car.ivruM. . w ,k. Richmond. Charlotte and
Station, corner Mitcholl srtd | A-hevUlr. o>»* he* in Wn» blngtou. Dining
Madison Avenue. cars serye nil m-nh * : n route Arrives
■V. B.—Following ikur.. pob-1 York u.
Hshed only os iDfornmtlon and aro not ,1^, ^,, nt «>■»■«, i/»col
gunrantced: AUnntS-AshevlU*' sleciier open !A n. m.
4:00 A. MA- No. 23. DAILY. I^tcol to Illr- Ticket ttfrire .No. 1 leach tree .on induct,
mlnghnni, making nil stops; arriving io KS^l^ire^rit 0 }?l^mAn; Ssmil
Blrmlnghnni 10:1S o. m. • <^- Q • oll 'j'«. r mtmil eicbnngc
630 A. M.-No. 13. DAILY. "CHICAGO
railroad schedules,
mttkm m4 BoRmni liitin npm rtosb* I ■* ,,,, 'e ,,nr,x L - - j 1 1 * —
In, <-nri. Arrlmi Bom. 7 30 n. a.; CU.,t ahowlo* th- Arfl<»l «n.| nf p.w
- »•« *• -« e
• % Nt shrill»
73 Marietta .
•Ki Nasbrtlle.
75 Marietta .
1 Nashville
Ijoulsrlllc 8:16 p. m.; Cbl
c’nfe car serrlro. All meals botwocn At- •
lanta aud Cincinnati.
6:39* A. M.—So. 30 DAILY, to Griffin and |
Columbus. Arrives Griffin 7:11 a. in.; Co
lumbus 10 a. ra.
6.13 A. M.—,»o. 12. DAILY, local to Macon, j
Brunswick and Jacksoorllle. Makes all] Savnnnnh
stops , arriving Mncon 9:15 o. in.; Bruns
wick 4 p. nd Jacksonville 7:40 p. m.
7:00 A. M.—No. 36. DAILY.-Pullrnso to
Birmingham, Memphis, Kansas City and
Colorado Springs. Arrives Memphis 8:06
p. tn.; Kansas City 9.45 s. tn., and Colorado
Hptinga 8:16 a. nt.
730 A. M.—No. 19. DAILY.-Ijncal fo
Charlotte, Danville, Richmond and Ashe-
7:56 A. ll.-N* 7. DAILY, Cbntta
12 NOON, No. 3*, DAILY ~
an«I Houthwest
ftepsrt To
il,* *2 Nashville. I K ana
ii, 74 Mnrletta .12:10 pm
n, # f*2 Nashville.4.60 pus
n, 7J Msrleus.. 6:30 pml
ii,* 4 Nashville. 8 50 png
iorg'iA TiaiT.WaY
, Depart To-
..... .12:01 sm|
h 1:00 sn
4 00 po*
h... ■ P.15 pus
rlll<».. N 30pm
i pluk. library,
,_rougU wit’ aste
ervn all meals
ft. DAILY - Washing TO I day.
Limited. Elec trie light-1 All
i:i; I
i • Ne
fork 12-^ d. m.
r. M. N" 4". DA 11 l S. v. York
I: X I • r n I*,I > « O l< ||> < liriHv... ,, At I- I. * .1 .1/1-1 *
WnsUlugton. Steensrt between Atlanta, <
Charlotte nnd Washington. Arrives Wash- t
lngton 11:06 n. m.; Row York 6 p. m. j •
12:16 p. M No. 3. DAILY.—Local for t
Moron, arriving Moron t:40 p m.
4:10 P. M.—No. 1). DAILY.—3Iacon and
Iluwklu«rtin-, i'ullnian obscrvatlou chair
car Atlontn to tlaoin.
4:25 P. M.-No. 97, DAILY.-Pullman
sleeping rnr snd day coscncs to Birmlng-
bain. Arrives Blrminghatii 9.15 p. tn.;
Memphis 7:15 n. ra.
4:90 P. M.-No. is. DAILY, except Sun
day. "Air Une Iteile" to T.jccki
4:90 V. M.—No. DAILY. Griffin and
Columbus. Pullman palace sleeping car
11:401 _
; 4') pni •Montg'ru’ry.12.46 pm
11 .16 ptu *S«lrna 4:3) pm
s ;•» am.Latirange.... 6:30 prai
cept 8uo-
nn*l West Point
ner ot
.. M » am,Monroe.
..11:45 sns New York. ..
.. 3 >> pm Abltevllle....
7 40 pm,.Memphis
i. !* 36 ^m^Washlngton..
436 I* M.- ..
rttevllle aud Fort Vollsy.
4 JO P. M.-No. li,
drawing ro-jm snd sleep
DAILY.—Local to Fay-
-Through J
* J. ni , Me
‘fo" i»
: t : ln* Innntl 1:19 a. i
Cotton Dealer Diet.
8pecU\ to T1*e tleoTiflan.
Carrollton, Go., Aug. 4.—Olln EL I
due. Junior member of tha firm of W.
Ilftllu J *
11:15 P. M -
4. DAILY.—Florida I
lbn!t*d train to Jack
Flo. Through sloping cars and
OK junior mernoer or in© urm or W*T l “" lfclB Bnu»«lrk.
J. Perdue A Bro, cotton and guano rtvw Jsrktonriii.. 3JO s. m.; Rrui.iv
dealers In this city, died from sun- (* *. *»•: 8I - Auim-tine Ms. m.
stroke yesterday morning nt 11 o'clock, i 1S39. F- M.—No. 97. DAILY. i hi<
At the time of his denth he wns living ' r r 1 ^ 0 ^ » r .i
I lanta ta BorfvejKirt. .LisaLf ‘ Atl
to Illrmlughs
I Copper, l.f ad, Hra^a. Zinc, Rag«. Bot-
Burlap, Wash Cotton, Backs. All
nut of town orders uollclted.
175 Madison Avenue,
Both Phones 1739.
•iu.; Vicksburg, 4..*6 p. in.; Mi
M i
eared at home with*