Newspaper Page Text
batt’Hdat, Acr.rsr«, an*.
Attorneys Rand and Os
borne Are to Represent
* the Prisoner
n Prfvat, Lnuni wire.
New fork. Aua. 4.—Harry K. Thaw
an I hi* mother had another disagree-
ni'-nt In the Tomb* today,
.Mr*. Thaw came to see her mm, ac
companied by the latter** wife, and the
f' •» vl*lted Thaw at the *ame time.
, Hilling the course of the hour they
’"'ne ou(Vide the priKoner'* cell, Harry
Thaw** voice could be heard at fre
quent interval* In rotort*.
HI* mother wa* extremely pale when
elm i cached the prison. But when *he
1* ■' the Tomb* *hc had regained her
color, and her eye* bore an angry ex-
Former Assistant DIMtict Attorney
" dlfam Hand, Jr., It wa* reported to-
«!•' , ha* been retained to defend Harry
Tl -av and negotiation* are pending for
th^ retaining of former AanlHtant Dla-
til< t Attorney Jame*Osborne to a**l*t
By Private (.eased Wire. %
New York. Aug. 4.—Much specula-
tlon resulted today among friends of
Harry K. Thaw, to be tried this fall
f *r the murder of* Stanford White,
" hrn plana were filed for changing nnd
n modeling the two handsome foiir-
etory house* at 1054 and 1055 Fifth
avenue, owned by Benjamin Thnw who
!• having the work dine In anticipa
tion of moving to N?w York that he
might he nearer hi* kinsman to aid
him In preparation for 1»U trial and at
the *nme time not be subjected to the
Inconvenience* of hotel life. The pro-
1- Bed c*h*nge* will co*t a'lHiut $40,000.
brokerage™ case
The queRtlon a* to whether or not i
r* a! estate or insurance broker not op
erating an Independent business I* lia
ble to n tax for conducting such i
business was again brought up Thurs
day afternoon In the recorder's court
when ex-C'ouncllman (*. II Olrardenu
was lined $50 and cost* by Council
man Terrell, who occupied the chair,
on the charge of doing buxines* with
out n license.
Girardeau has desk space Ip the of
fice of Mi L.* Thrower, the real estate
d< «ler. In the Prudential building, and
it U said ha* been conducting an inde
pendent brokerage and Insurance inisl-
n»*-s. Wnen arraigned In court he
claimed to be a solicitor for J. L. Riley
a Company and for no other firm,
thereby not being liable to a tax $? an
Independent solicitor.
An appeal from the fine Imposed hV
the acting recorder was taken by Gir
ardeau nnd the case will be tnkvn to
the superior court.
Special to The Georgian.
• America*, Ga.; Aug. 4.—In a rather
peculiar and unique manner Tom
Heath, a hegro, charged with pointing
a pistol at another, escaped from the
court room this morning. Jailor Cov
ington brought htfn from the county
jail over to the court-house for a com
mitment trial. After he wa* tried ho
arose and deliberately' walked from the
court room, the spectator* thinking ho
was going to make bond.
Nothing has been seen of him since.
Charter for Bar Association.
A petition for a charter was flled In
the superior court Haturdny morning
by the Atlanta Bar Association, the
object of the association being to "main
tain the honor and dignity of the pro
fession and to advance the science o'
jurisprudence arid administration o
Justice, the promotion of legal ethic
In the community, establish and cul
tivate the social Intercourse among It*
member* and care for the sick and the
dead umoitg member* of the associa
tion." %
K. of C. Barbecue.
The annual barbecue of the Knight*
of Columbus will be held at the home
of the Cold Bprings Cue Club on next
Haturday, August II, and the members
are anticipating the usual good time
which always attend* thin annual af
Net So M«ny a* Expected.
The total number of registrations for
the year up to Haturday morning wa*
10.900, and unless the voter* appear
faster than they have th^ past week,
the number will not total more than
13.000 <»r 13.000, us only alx more day*
remain In which to do *o. Andfr Stew
art state* that the expected registra
tion of or over will hardly be
realised at this late day.
Sue* For Loss of Arm*
Because of injuries received while
employed at the Gate City Cotton
Mills In which his arm wa* cut off In
a carding machine on May 14, Loyd
Abercrombie, through hi* next friend,
t\ W. Abercrombie, has filed suit In
the city court for $5,000. Attorneys
Hinton hllllps are counsel for peti
Hand Lost In Press.
J.. C. Turner, a? minor, hi* brought
suit In the city court, through hi* next
friend. J. L. Turner, against The At
lanta Jouranl Company for $5,000 for
Injuries received In the pres* room of
defendant company on May 19 In
which the petitioner had his hand and
nrin ground off.
Thrown Prom 8treet Car.
Mary Lmilne Murphy has flled suit
In the city court against the Georgia
Hallway and Electric Company, ask
ing for $10,000 for alleged Injuries sus
tained on July 25 when she was thrown
to the pavement while alighting from
car Of the defendant company at the
corner of Garnett and Whitehall
streets. She claims serious Internal In
juries were the result of the conductor
signalling the cur to proceed while she
was in the act of*alighting. Jame* I*
Key Is attorney for plulntlff.
Court Convenes Monday.
The crlmnal branch of the city court
will convene Monday morning at the
•ourt house with Judge Calhoun on the
bench. Only petty eases* are set for
trial at thl* sesssb-n of the court.
J Private (.eased Wire.
N * ■" York. Aug. 4.—Admiral Coghhin,
•mm.unler of the Brooklyn navy yard, real-
that no one thing will Impnir illsel-
line thoard ship *« quickly n* poor faml.
cn«f he has acted promptly on the r*nn-
Inn's ,.f the bltte jackets that the meat
iniMied them Is not tit for liiiinnn fowl,
’ Tin re has been a lot of siuoke nruuml
pre," «nld Admiral iNigliloii. "I want to
"-I out whether It has Iteen caused l»y
-'•led projectiles or blank cartridges.”
»* has appointed a bonisl with (*i,,.
In Kras ton of the Mg cruiser Colorado nt
- bend to make it Searching investigation.
Hds la not the only trouble the meat
cii «d- lii. according to tin* day’s i
wenty nurses in Bellevue hospital nr*
■fins front ptomaine poisoning caused hy
dint i i-titled meat; and also, Italy tins
irred all meat prodnets from the rotted
tales unleMN scemnmitiled by a certificate
Mifylng to Its sotiudiicM,
The city board of health haa grant-
r<l perml.alon for the removal of the
body of John t’ Carruth.ra, who died
at the detention hne|ilt«tl on Septem
ber i, 1»0S. The body will be .carried
to Thomn.ton, On., for Interment. ■■
There la no danger to any one on
account of thla removal, nnd the health
.-mthoiitle* ate aure that no one will
.offer even the allghleat danger, or they
would not have granted the permit for
the removal.
By I’rlvnte In-nerd Wire.
New York, Aug. 4.—The Kev. M. W.
Jrnklna, of Georgia, an evangellat of
wide reputation in the Booth, win open
a week of v-rvlcea In Tent Evangel.
.Vo. I, Klfty-aeventh atreet and Broad
way, tomorrow. He will be followed
one week by the Rev, Len G. Brough
ton, one of the moat celebrated apeak,
era at the Northlteld conference.
C000O000O00000O OO00OOO000O
O 0
O Special to The Georgian. O
0 Albany. Oa., Aug. 4. --’ro(>e In O
O Dougherty and Lee countlea are 0
O t hreatened with complete deatruc- O
O tlnn by graaa norma, targe armiea 0
O "f theac Insect. appearing In thta •
O a action within the paat week., O
<3 At present the hay crop la auf- 0
o :• i '4 moat from the norm., en- 0
O "re llelda being deatroyed In aome 0
O localltlea, hut 'he other cropa are 0
O alao being attacked by the worme O
O In lire* numliera. 0
To Recover Old,
A anlt for judgment for 11,010.14 wna
tiled 111 the auperlor court Saturday
morning by the Acme White Lead nnd
i-olor Work* to recover on a bill of
gooda alleged to hnve boon purchased
by the \Veat Lumber Company.
Sut. for Small Amount.
H. G. C. I'lnckney la the defendant In
ini action brought. In the auperlor court
Saturday morning by Scott A Peavy
to collect 1219.7* nlleged to be due pe
tltlonera fur an old debt.
Suita Still Coming.
Three more anile ngoinat the Atlnnta
nnd Weet Point and the Central of
Georgia toada were llled In the city
court Saturday morning an the reault
of a wreck of the Pearl Springe picnic
train In thla city on the night of Juno
7. One ault for Is,(Kin for Internal In
juries wna tiled by Hire. M. O. Brant-
lev In Itehnlf of her daughter, Minnie
Lee Brantley; another of 33.000 by
•lira. Nina V. Price, and a third for
12,000 by Mra. Carrie Stone, all alleg
ing Internal Injuriea aa the reault of
the atiock.
Watermelon Cutting.
II, Ellin gave a large nunlber of
hie frlenda a watermelon cutting on
Thuradav nlgl]t at Kirkwood avenuu
nnd Pearl atreet. The affair wan great
ly enjoyed. Mr, Kill- la a well-known
merchant at Harrold and Pearl etreeta.
Goei to Montgomery. H
Charlea O. Day, for several monlha
day clerk at the Marlon Hotel, haa
Beveled hla connection with that Ann
and haa accepted a p*—Itlon with Joiner
K. Hickey, manager .if the New Ex
change Hotel at Montgomery. Mr.
Hickey waa In the city Saturday af
ternoon renewln* acquaintance. wlli
hla hotel frlenda In the city. Mr. Day
Irnvea for the Alabama city on Hun-lay,
Hla aucceaaor at the Marlon wttl be
\V. J. Freeman. a well-known hotel
man of Knoxville, Tenn.
May,on to Addresa Young Man.
Hon. Jnmea L. Mayaon, city attor
ney, will addreaa the Young Men’a
Helpera Clnaa at Trinity
r *P*S|agfr.
Special to The Georgian.
Covington, Gi., Aug. 4.—A report
reached Covington till— morning that
W. It. Graham, a highly reapected cltl-
xen of Newton county, living about a
mile front her-v-va* killed In an acci
dent at Mnnafleld.
Mr, Grahnm la a contractor and
builder, nnd while at work on the
realdence of Elijah Campbell title
morning he fell from the aecond atory.
A block of ahlnglea from above fell on
him. He died In a few houra.
Mr. Grahnm waa about 45 years of
ngp and Irnvea n wife and several
children. The Interment will occur to
Deaths ahd Funerals.
... Methodist
church Sunday morning at »:I0 o’clock.
In the absence of the regular teacher.
Mr. Mayaon la a forceful and Interest'
lag speaker.
Intar-urban Ordinance Up.
At an Important meeting of the
council committee on streets held Kri-
day afternoon It waa decided to recom.
ntlt the passage of at. ordinance allow
ing the Atlanta. Gridin and Macon
electric railway to wnter this city. The
ordinance had been drawn UP by City
Attorney Mayaon and will go before
council Monday. At the meeting Joel
Hurt opposed allowing the car line on
Exchange place. He argued that the
atreet waa too narrow and would Inter
fere with the 175.000 theater he Intends
building. The committee In executive
session overruled the objection.
(Iprctal to The Georgian,
Decatur. Ala.. Aug. 4.—While tak
ing a pleasure ride In a small gaso
line boat on the Tennessee river here,
Btickel Draper and Rhoe Mason, two
John C. Burton.
'John C. Hutton, a minister, waa taken
III tvllh epilepsy Friday afternoon and
died on the Blockade road. He la Sur
vived by hla wife, a-ho Uvea Bt 391
East Fair street. The body waa sent
to Modal Circle for funeral services and
Interment Haturday morning.
Mias Christina 8. Grant.
Mias Christine. 8. Grant, the 14-
year-old daughter of E«1 Grant, died nt
the residence of her ptrenla, 195 Euclid
avenue, at 3 o'clock Haturday morning,
after an IHnea* of two weeks, from
typhoid fever. Funeral services will be
held Hunday afternoon at 3 o’clock at
the realdence, and tl e Interment will
be at Decatur.
Foster Hunter Camp-
Foster Hunter, the 4-yenr*old aon of
Luther D. Camp, of 38 Wheeler atreet,
.lied Friday at the realdence of hla pa
rents. Thp body will be sent to. Wood-
stock. Ga.. at 3:30 o'clock Haturdny
night for funeral services and Inter
Joseph T. Whitfield.
Joeeph T. Withheld, IS months old.
died at Ihe realdence of hla parents,
*97 Chestnut atreet, nt 10 o’clock oil
Thursday night. Funeral services were
held at the residence at 10 o’clock Sat
urday morning, and the Interment waa
at Casey’s cemetery.
The Genkwar of Baroda wears
“blinkers,” and eannnt see any
beauty In American women. He
calls nur girls honest but plain.
Here la the answer to the Gaekwar
of Baroda, who ungallantly says
American women are not beauti
ful: tin the left la shown a pic
ture of Mra. Anthony Romadka,
formerly Mias Gene Dolan, whom
Prince Henry of Prussia cnlle.1 the
most henutlfol fclrl In America. On
the right la Mrs. Hobart Chatficld-
Taylor, whom Prince Boris of
Prussia styled the prettiest wom
an he had ever seen on hla trav
els. In the etnter, at th'e bottom,
la Mij>. J. J. Aator, after a paint
ing by Prince Troubelskol, who de
clares she la the moat beautiful
woman he has ever painted. - In
the center at the top la the Ma-
harani of Barnca, who represents
the type of beauty "that moat ap
peals to the Gaekwar.
0 0
O o
0 By Private Leased Wire. ,0
0 Brussels, Aug. 4.—A daughter 0
0 waa born today at Ostend to 0
0 Crown Princess Elisabeth of Bel- O
0 glum. 0
O 0
Russian News
E. W. Greenway. to The Georgies.
Bowman, Ga.. Aug. 4.—E. W. Green-
way, a prominent liveryman, died at
his home here Thursday night after a
short Illness of fever and stomach
trouble. He leaves a wife and three
anutll children.
Mrs. A. E. Finksll.
The funeral services of Mrs. A. E.
Flnkell have been postponed until Hun
day afternoon at 5 o’clock In order that
her son, George D. Flnkell, of Phila
delphia. may attend. Rev. O. R. Stick
ler will officiate at the services, which
will be held at the realdence, 3*1 Wash
ington street.
popular young men, came near losing
their live*. They were in the middle
of the river when the boat took Are.
The current of the river was very
swift. Draper took to the water and
swam t" shore while Mason succeeded
In paddling the boat to shore with hie
By Trieste Iwased Wire.
London, Aug. 4.—A dispatch from
t’sbvka, Russia, say* that several
score of strikers were Injured more or
less seriously today In a conflict with
dragoons, at Donetx, a mining and
smelting center, ' -
Six thousand strikers, singing the
"Marseillais,' matched to' the residence
of Governor General Homing and de
manded the release of certain orateri.
who were arrested at a pouW meet
ing last night. The demand being re
fused the strikers refused to disperse.
Dragoons wares called and threatened
the strikers with gnouts and sabres.
By I’rlrgte lease) Wire.
8t. Petersburg, Aug. 4.—The Terek,
a mining vessei, which had been cap
tured by a mutinous crew, arrived at
1’ today. The vessel had been
abandoned Jay the rebels.
Hy l’rlrate Leased Wire. ,
Philadelphia, Pa.. Aug. 4,—The So
rlety for the Protection of Children
from Cruelty here Is having all the
children who come Into Its care oper
ated upon for the removal of every
tendency to evil.
Following the aucceaa of the opera
tlons which were recently published
live new operations have Just been per
formed, and the doctors who did the
work nay today thnt they are satis
fled these will be equally aa sue
cefsful as Ihe previous ones.
At the same time fifty .other children
committed to the society’s care were
examined nn.l will, wlthih .he next few
.lays, also be operated on for the re
moval of criminal tendencies.
One of Ihe most fruitful causes of
criminal predisposition, bay the doc
tors, springs from astigmatism of the
eye. It Is as If there were close con
nection between physical and moral
obloquy. The removal of the defect
from the eye will, the doctors say, alao
correct the moral crookedtjesa.
By Prlrsts leased Wire.
New York, Aug. 4.—No one Ip art
circles was more surprised at the leis
ure by Anthony Comstock of maga-
xlnes published by the Art Students'
League than Hlr Caspar Purdon Clarke,
director of the Metropolitan Museum,
and leading authority on art In this
country, If not In the world. Sir Cas
par wilt not be surprised to ace the
agent of the antt-vlce society swoop
down on the Metropolitan Museuqi any
day and seise some of Ite famous ex
’’Who Is this man Comstock?" asked
Sir Caspar. "la he,serious, or Is his
action a joke? I trust that hla action
does not mean that the'liberty of the
art schools Is to be taken away. There
Is no Indecency In art. All the art
school! employ modela In the nude. A
nude figure Is not Indecent, unless It Is
made nude with the object of offending
public morals."
Asked If he thought the museum was
In danger of being raided. Sir Caapar
said he did not care to express an opin
I*rlrnte Le:
1 Wire. ,p
ug. 4.—Mile. Marguer* J n
Ite Cassini, the adopted daughter of j ° :
Count Cassini, formerly Russian am-Ip
bassador to the United Htntes. now „
representing the czar at the court of a
Madrid, I* reported to tofcve abandoned I ci
the Russian state church and Joined l
the Roman Catholic communion. 11*
Mile. Cassini was the chum of MI:
Alice Roosevelt before the. latter b<
came Mrs. Longworth. Hy her net tf
pretty Russian woman sacrifices
’ -><*• not
fl nd social
She has bee
fisslnl for so
mgrd from Count
ic. She has br.„
" “- at Madrid
of recognition at the court of St. i we
Ivlng In Paris while he
nd it is said that s!
rossed the Spanish bo
Her abandoning tho orthodox church
« undoubtedly the last net In the£.
rnngement with her guardian, gnl
bandons net only her religion, but
er country, and from thlg time forth
ill not bo a Russian, but a French
Another lance was shattered between ; Arthur Jackson, ;t native of Scot-
Mayor Woodward and the Louisville land, and a stone cutter by trade, died
and .Nashville railroad Saturday morn- | suddenly at his hoarding house at 5g
ing. The tilt occurred at an early [ Walton street Friday night.
hour and ended by the mayor’s threat- • Jackson, who was 48 years old, had
enlng to make cases against the of- . been In bad health for some time
llcials of the railroad If the sidewalk 1 called to his roommate during the night
In front of the Louisville and Nash* | to come to his assistance as he was
villa freight yards on East Hunter •‘■Irk. His roommate found that he
street is not put In better order. |
reet is not put in better oruer. i m"* 11 ™**
Mayor Woodward called up Resident , J*5S! h« i n HTect8 ot
Engineer Schultz and told him that the | ® short time,
bricks around the center opening left
for ingress and exit were knee deep In
mud, that dangerous holes had been
made by passing wagons nnd that If it
wa* not attended to immediately cases
would be made against him in the re
corder's court.
Engineer Schultz stated that the
sidewalk would be repaired and
Mayor Woodward said to a Georgian
reporter that if the Louisville and
Nashville did not keep the sidewalk In
better condition he would have this
entrance also fenced up.
Jackson wa* a member
Knight* of Pythias, Mason*. Burn*
Club nnd Stonecutters' ‘Union. The
funeral services will bq held at Bar- I
clay & Brandon** chapel Sunday at.
ternoon at 4 o'clock, nnd the Interment
...m The Mason* an ,t I
111 be at Westvle
Stonecutter's Union will condu v
( services at the chapel and nt^
By Private Leased Wire. ,
Washington, August 4.—A committee
of the National Colored Teachers* As
sociation held a meeting this moJnlng
at Gallbreath A. M. E. church ami
adopted the following resolution:
"We condemn the railroad companies
of this country for the Inequality of
service furnished on their trains, con
tending that the negro Is satisfied with
cars, but not satisfied with inequality
of service; that the negro Is not fur
nished with accommodations as - pre
scribed by law.”
By Itatat* lana^l wire.
New York, A if*. 4.—A auspected
thler, who wa* being arrested early to
day. was probably fatally shot by an
unknown jteraon after be had knocked
down and beaten the policeman and
das escaping.
The prisoner was Patrick Hennes
sey, of 453 West Twenty-ninth street.
He la In Rnoaevelt Hospital with a
fractured skull aa the reault of the bul
let wound. Hennessey, who I, a pow
erful man, had almost overcome Po
liceman Dale, who won trying to ar
rest him, when n pistol shot rang out
and Henneaaey felL
Sj>eclal to Tbe Gcoralau.
Greenville, 8. C„ Aug. 4.—In the red
light district last night Georgej Bur
bage, a young white man about town,
as quite seriously chopped up with
an axe by a Greek fruit dealer, with an
unpronouncable name. The row occur
red over a woman.
Burbage’i condition la serious.
By Private f«Miad*WJre.; ** • •* f i
Washington, Aug. 4.—Mrs. Mary K.
Boyce, widow of William E. Boyce,
who was a member of congress from
South Carolina from 1858 to 1861, when
he was elected a member of the Con
federate congress, died last night nt
the home of her daughter, Mrs. Gall-
lard, widow of Captain Robert W.
Galllnrd, 304 Houtn Fairfax street,
grave. So for as is known the de.
ceased had no relatives in this coun*
Special Cable—Copyright. .
London,^Aug; -4.—Harvard Universi
ty will not, for the present at least,
secure the English home of John Har
vard, the founder of • the university.
The Harvard home, which Is situated
at Stratford-on-Avon, i» now the prop,
erty of Nelson Morris, the noted meat
packer of Chicago. Mr.. Morris bought
It with the intention of. presenting it
to the American university, but has
decided to withhold the gift until the
excitement created by the tainted meat
cry has died out.
New York. Aufc. 4.—J. P. Morgan &
Company, acting at the request of hold-
ers of large amounts of stocks of the
Hocking Valley Railway Company and
the Kanaw’ha and Michigan Railway
Company, gave notice that they have
prepared a plan for the Consolidation of
their companies, afnd have consented to
manage the project.
By I’rlvnte Lenied Wire.
’ Washington, Aug 4.—Assistant Sur
geons Theodore Normand Pease and
Harry Lee Brown, of the United States
navy, have been ordered hy the secre
tary of the navy to appear before a
courtmartlal board Monday and an
swer to the serious charge of “goug
ing," the naval term fyr cribbing or
cheating, while being examined last
week for promotion.
By rriTtte Leased Wire.
New York, Aug. 4.—James Hamilton
Lewis, former member of congress, and
now' corporation counsel of the city of
Chicago, looks askance upon what he
said today w*as "this combustible
move” to make Bryan the nominee of
the Democratic party. Colonel Lewis
thinks a political blunder Is being
commltteed which will lead to the re-
. .. (i ’ll t.f President Roosevelt as
defensive measure. Mr. Lewi* is at
the Hoffman House.
By Private Leased Wire.
Pittsburg. Pa.. Aug. 4.—In company
with seven other suspects, Clark Duffy,
is yen 1 s <■!.], w«i taken Lef-u. .!;•
Hawkins, of rhe iorphswy^ Tcourt. ?h!«
morning nnd Captain or , Detectives
Egan positively identified young Duffy
jin one of a croud of young men who
assaulted and robbed -him last Wed-
Russell's Appointments.
Judge R. B. Russell’s appointments
for the ensuing week have been an
nounced, and are na follows:
Monday, August 6 (noon) Jefferson.
Tuesday. August 7 (poon) Dallas.
Wednesday, August 8,(noon), Carrol-
Friday, August 10 <U a. m.), Stone
Mountain. * ,
Friday, August 10 (4 pi nt), Doravllle.
Special to The Georgian.
Tallahassee, Fla., ^ug. 4.—The state
board of pardons yesterday commuted
to life Imprisonment the death sen
tences of Caldwell and Larkins, sen
tenced. to hang for the murder of N.
W. Eppes, county superintendent of
public Instruction. Isam Edwards was
hanged last November for this crime,
a stay of execution being granted <40
Caldwell and Larkins on the claim of
new evidence. ,
Thl* I* the rase where an alleged
'before day club” I* said to have plan
ned the murder of Eppes.
Dog days are batting .1000 at O
O the end of one wek, It having O
O rained every day since last Fat- O
a urday, when they officially start- O
O ed. O
The weather has paid. so O
O little attention to the predictions O
Q of Mr. Marbury during the week O
O that he has ault prognosticating O
O **falr” and has turned to "rain'* O
Q a* a last resort. He lays: o
O "Showers Saturday night and O
O Sunday.” O
Saturday** Temperature*. O
7 o'clock a. bl. Tft p|ni*, O
8 o’clock a. m-, 72 degree*. O
9 o'clock a. m. 72 degree*. O
O 10 o’clock a. rn., 74 degree*. O
O 11 o'clock a. m., 75 degrees. O
OM2 o’clock, noon, 7* degree*.
“■ 1 o'clock p. m . 75 degree*.
2 o'clock p. m.. 75 degree*.
2:80 o'clock p. rru 70 degrees. u I
To Mr. nnd Mr*. Ab*n!cm Label, nt 11$
5dg**wuod arenne. n *«n.
To Mr. nnd Mr*. J. R. Grcnsbnw, at
74 Kdgewowl Avenue, n *on.
To 31 r. and Mr*. I^c Lowe, at*637 Ea»t
Fair street, n daughter.
T*» Mr. anil Mr*. J. K. l'etty, at 59 Uan*
dolpti street, a daughter.
Infant of T. B. Dickey,.2 weeks old, died I
of pneumonia at Bdgewood. Go.
O. H. Hightower. J9 year* old, died of
nccldent nt (Irmly hospital.
•Jlaa Florence Lanier, 98 year* old, died
nt 135 lVnrl street. r
J. T. Whitfield, 1 year old,- died of dlar-
rhea, ot »:i*7 t'hestnot street.
Mis* Ruth Harrison. 19,years old, died or
apnendleltis. nt ffratfy hospital.
John R, Burton. 58 years old, died of
epilepsy on Mtorftrte rood.
Foster 11. OuBp, 4 years old, died *t
SX Wheeler utreet.
Hnllle Schell, Infant, died at 314 Ea*t Hun
ter atreet.
Klla Flnkell, 55 years old, dlcft of
disease, at 361 Washington street.
(lonlon (Hover, 2 months old, died of suf
focation at 31 Lingley avenue.
ilrs. Lillie Mnnldln, 21 years old, died of
apoplexy nt 170 Echo street.
$500—J. p. T. Itoper to Mary Ana Fum,
»t on Lee atreet. near Greensferry * Tt *
nue. Warranty deed.
$5,750—J. M. Stephens to W. A. Hancock,
lot • • '
atreet, near Piedmont avenue, (jult claim
deed. -
$1.000—Mrs. Belle Martin to Thomaa J.
Ilnchniian, lot on Fowler street, nesr Alex*
under street. Warranty -deni. ^
l&SOS-Brnctt Woodruff («• E. D- LupOi
lot on Euclid avenue. Warranty dset.
IL3B0—W. D. Owens nnd A. D. Them***
to Home Investment Company, lot on
field street, near Fort street. Warranty
$MlD0a Penal Sam—Coca-Cola Co*P* B V.®
Bond for tk
$T.5-»-J. p. Gin. to build brick stable o*
■ ‘ e. near Houston *tr*et
lowed, to add to one st^ry
at •» North Roolevsrd-
$3M—Ur. !„ P. Stephens, to add to frsm*
dwelling at 142 West Baker street.
$1-5—It. Langford, to build frame offic*
<1 ’ 14 < eiitml .i\ i i iif ■ #
$99-W. r. Dykes, t.» Instal furnace •*
8j-» West J’t rV’ijf# -• reef. .
iaW A. P. Col*-, to Instal furnace in
frame dwelUng at West Peachtree *no
Ttstl street*. • m
C3k-!I. M. I’enr
nt .f*») North Jm-k*-
$30—Mr*. ~
»i Instal furnm*
at t-.
o ' ttflOilMT YTpefty. t.» l"llld two OB**
etorv frame dwelling* at 61S and 420 souia
saniren -m