The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, August 07, 1906, Image 11
•rt'KSliAY. Alroi'81 11 THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN. [IGLISH CABLES After Its Holidays Prices Started Better Thau Expected. . SEW YORK BEARISH prevented a Full Response to the Strength Abroad. Fluctuations Narrow. By Private Lent*! Wire. Sew York. Aug. 7.—The cotton market ioenlnc here won disappointing to those mSo had exported that the list would fol low qnotation* nt Liverpool. The room traders, who were still i*onrlsh nt heart, ■applied the doinnud. preventing n full rfsponse to the strength nhrond. This lo- #tl pressure was In part from Interests thnt rent l"i»* at the tatnm, hut who hare ♦uriifd again to the short side ns offering the nu»st nttractloo (or the liuuiedlnte fu 8POT CbTTON MARKET. New York, quiet ... Sew Orleans, ensyent 106-160. Mverpool, quiet at 6.93d. AngiiHtn. quiet at lOHc. Savannah. quiet nt 105-16c. LIVERPOOL COTTON MARKET. Llverptwd, Aug. 7, 12:16 p. m.—Cotton, mot quiet, with prices caster; middling uplands fi.OOd; sales 5.001: American 4,200; imviilntlon and export 600; receipts 6,000; American 100. Kuturea tqiened quiet. Opening l*re vlooa Itange. Close. Close. August. . . . ..,.5.66-5.63 6.02 6.72 August-Rept 6^60-6.57 5.56-5.57 6.06 Sept.-Oet.r 6.65-5.64 6.61-5.52 5.61-5.62 Oct.-Sov.. ... .6.52-6.40 6.47-6.48 5.6s Nor.-ltec. . - - . ..6.52-6.48 5.47-6.48 6.68 Hoc. Jan. . . . . ...5.52-6.54 6.47-6.48 8.68 Jan. Pel.. .... ,6.524.KV 5.41-6,42 6.60 l>l..-Mrrrli. ! .jStA'MHil S.«l M.n-li-Aprfl 8.51-4.34 IWM 5.6B April Mn.v 6.63-6.64 5.64 Closed quiet. TODAY'S PORT RECeTpTS, The following table shdwg receipts at ths INTERIOR MOVEMENT. The following tnlde shows receipts nt the Interior towns today, compared with the •mne dny Inst year 1906 1906 Itonaimi. ...... 3 if; 1 160 4369 Augusta Memphis St. taut* Clm'lmintl 33 » “* Total. •37ft 449! WARE A LELAND'd DAILY COTTON LETTER New York, Aug. 7.—It was generally ex- pee ted that the Liverpool market, after the two days’ holiday, would hardly re- si*md to the hresk In New York, while teat market was rinsed. This expectation was realized, l»«t the market Itself failed to hold the Initial advance and later on In the day nU the recovery was lost with priee* selling nt the low tlgure of the pres ent tiiovemenr. Weather In‘the south gen- •Tally favorable and therW neenjed to In*, no support worthy of name. Au effort was mnde to hold the market thmngh purchases «f January and December, on which holders attempted t»» sell Oetober. Iriit the operation failed In Its pur|i*se. nnd whenever Oetotar — offered th* entire market liroke away ^^ly. Thor’ * that the crop I - 1 * - so innr . elopment to Ih» feared at this sea mi. is very far away. It, la how the time lien Southern marketers of «*otton will begin to hedge their_rottnn with sales of NEWS AND GOSSIP Of the Fleecy Staple. l*tlriti WMio filbert & C*lny. New York. Aug. 7.—Liverpool 9 down from August 3. Was due about T the failure of the market was due to hammer lug by the local traders on the theory that cotton bought for action Is still for snip. Howard Wilson bids 10.16 for 10.W0 Jn markf. .. Iic.ilthy tone, with some Indications wr . parent of n larger volume of trade to come. Ihe-Jobblng lnuises had an especially active day. despite the great heat, a ml In the commission houses It was said that mall news was very satisfactory." The room traders arc liamnierlug the market on bearish news from Liverpool. Reims's first tale of cotton received to day—same day as last year's first. New Orleans, Ang. 7.—Liverpool at 8 di Is better than expected. Was due to » H a d«M-llne of 11 points on our mnrkct. unfa voralde chop accounts since the bureau 1 port causing the failure to fully respond. Liverpool rallies: "Expect temporary rally; market steady and continent buy ing . Map Is loss favorable owing to the tlnued rains which are fairly general. The weather Is still unsettled with cloudy con ditions prevailing nnd a low tarometric pressure of large area extending over west ern Texas. There has lieen considerable cotton for sale this morning, hut the market has found little difficulty In nlmorWng offerings. Offering* " ” ' - able dim federation owing to weevil and worms: 11 rely too much rain. Rains hare occurred again In north and south Texas and At •antic states. American spinners are buy ing/’ 'rivals Wire to Ware & Lelnnd. New York, Aug. 7.—Liverpool futures opened Irregular, 6 down on near ami 7 down on late; nt 12:16 n. m.. 8 down; quiet “ * 6,000. H|»otn 8 down, at little* disappointing on Liverpool cables. “”’ng very general hr commission houses locals. New Orleans nnd Liverpool sold cotton 'here. Hulls are disappointed and are Inclined to sell cotton. Mon't be Here advance will hold. New Orleans, Aug. 7.—Bulls appear to he unable to put prlrca up nnd tnc reaction favorable cables from Liver- IH*I. While one element In the market Is work Ing hard for a reaction, the market has an easy undertone and ran eaally be put lower. On any hard spot It Is a sale. ”*n-o wires —eyensburg & Sullivan tv-mlle drive through the eonn weevil and worms damage getting rloue. Rnlnt continue." ityy- b very 1 GIBERT A CLAY 8 DAILY COTTON LETTER ernl (Inv,' conation of l.u.lno,,. option. wn, rxporipiL ,. Nov <-llno<l.,’ until, ov 4h- - - .— 10 paint, trtt, rw-nrdMl. wlillo ,nnt wile, nnniuntrit to 5.000 lotion nt It docllno of I cnee in miniy mmir -vummwi, the opening attraction nnd gave considerable support to the market, sufficient, nt leaat, for a brief period to absorb the compara tively free offerings, but not lajitlng enough * ’utaln opening isldered less f again fslM*n wWilUHPWP casts continue to Indicate unsettled weath er, while private report* from Texas are to the effect that the damage front worms and weevils # ts fast liecomlng serious. Ou the oth»r band, the governmental week ly review of the woflther was exceedingly favorable and seemed to Indlvate that the frequent rains have beeti bewettHat, and that approximately normal temperatures with overcast skh* prerailed. begin to hedge their cotton w futures, nnd It Is difficult to t market ran atnnd this too much cotton In prospect to en- ‘‘•arage btiylug. and either one of two things must happen. Either there must lie a big crop disaster or a decline In prices. Thus far Indications seem to point to the ATLANTA MAFKETS.. FRlilTS AND PRODUCE. OITIcInll, <-nrrw.-t*d Ur Atlanta Frail an. Produce caetwHfa. I^mona, H.Mao.OO. 1.1 me, !i0 to ilc. IVnclic,. per mil.. S1.MHIJ& Pineapple, t" K-M. Ilauaaaa. atmifbta. •-*- Im-rh ILM t# 11.75. Culls, per buuvu. Si to $1.2L Watermelon 17.60 to SJO.OO per 100: de. p&iiCtkV.ano COUNT It Y PUOnUCR- Live hew 86 to *7He; fries 22%. to sic I .taller. II to MV4c. tJy, duckfc Pekin 1 to J6c: puddle 25 to 17%c. Dressed hen*, per lb., 12c to Kggs, i»er doxen. 16 to 16c. Butt — 13c. Rutter, table i»er lb., 20 t> "fi&uiAsshi. 20 to 22Hc; cook< 1-lb. rack* 16 e vh:ORTA8I.KS.-Irl,h MUIJ. No. •tack 14 liarrel: No. 1 »i«-k WM. Old awcet p —‘ — new sweet p« COFFEE MARKET. New York, Aug. 7.—The coffee market epeueil nrm at advance of 5 to 15 |»olnts. As the rail progressed heavy Wall street profit-hiking developed, nnd the late months *>re only 6 to 10 points not higher. There enough demand to nlfforh the large offerings around the Initial tignres. nnd the market showed a fine tone during the fore- Kuroin* and trade Interests appeared *» *» the buyers.—rilliert A flay. Following la the opening range and close "f the New York coffee market for today; - Ibinge. T40-L5C 7.56-7.56 May June July.... .. August *Ttewber.. ts-toher.. .. — nge. ... 7*0-7. W ....7.63-7.65 .,7.76 ,...7.70-7.#) .. ..7.75 ....7.80-7.85 .. ..7.854.80 ... .7.25 7.70-7.7* 7.767.80 7.16-7.26 7.9)-7.25 7.2S-7.»> 7.90-7.31 THE LIVE 8Y0CK MARKET. r*fpta today 13.000. Market strong to shade jiisiaaMMttiaMHHfiiMfiaMtttahnik MarftM i- _ . lusher; quality fair; left over 4.,8*:. ^ l^c.45: estimate*] fur - to sjjwanas m ('■Itto—RattolM r(‘*’,lpl. 1^ Xlark-, :'»n*lr to a-rnne: onalltr f.dr: tK-orra Gsxvr l-k): coxa IIT/1.3; h-lfcr. liS«Lr): rahrao pntcnlj 54.«S;’ Bed Katie. 14.40; Fllile ItllilHin. a.OOj fancy. aprlng wh;at patent, J5.S ttlltN—4*ho4re re-S -oh. WC. Nu. ” white. Tie: No. : }eifow, J4e; mlxe.1. We. 44AT8—<’noire white ellpped. tec; choice While.,Mr: choice mixed, «c; Texat mat- ’"xiKA^Ptaln water areond. per hwakfL TV: liolted I4»lh. jntca, l-akil. «c; SRfirat IT IVSi no. *i inhject to In-Ui-Ilnlc -••cepinucc. QROCERIES. HPrlAlt—Standard crannlnlel. B34 New York lieflned. Hi; pLmtatlona. IH. Mnrkct "irurrnr it«o,ii, Artmcuc', ,i,jo. Mdk, In Iaiga er Imrrclm IV; green. 10 to 1*-. Market alning. BICB.-Parollna 4!4 lo TUe. according t« grade. Market very at rang. t?IIEK8l6—Fancy full cream dairy, I4!4c; twlna 14c: l.rlck. t4r. Marker arrnng. Pltt>VIKI'iNS-#uprcinr hama. lie. Dora mia l-4ke. rallforola Mcka kef elate,' He; Bed Cm«a. tv. r , TV: lied c'roaa. "lie. ham, l-V. He. Iha.. «1»5 stockers and feeders 'Vh'-'i.-Vjilmale-l rreHpia ILftti. Mar. ket arroog tnjae Weher: nn^l'r f«lr|M- tlre, we.te-n ti-»w*i,S: y«*r. GIBERT & CLAY • TOCHI. HONDA. li • AUAAMA IT. COTTON. CRAIN. ATLANTA. OA. l,C.ALABAHAaT. COTFCC. RROVIAIONS i MCMBCkll Sew York Block Exchance IX,w O-Icana 1'ntton Exchange Ifhe ad MM v'w York ro-toS ^Tch.rirc N'cw Orleana Sloek Ei.-hangc Liverpool Cotton York Coffee KchSUP'lNew Orica... Board of 'Ir„1- Cotton Ex. hang*. Private Wlrea to all Exckanye, La cal and Long Dlctanaa Tal.phcna 029*. W. R. FAGAN. Manaoar. STOCKS STRONG THE FIRST HOUR Loudon Was More a Factor Tliau It has Been For Some Time. WAS A HEAVY BUYER Pennsylvania Was a Prom inent Feature of the Early Trading. By Print* Leased Wire. New York, Aug. 7.—The market this morning was In mart respects a repetition of yesterday’s movement. Trading was not particularly active, neither was It dull. But the feature again was the small quan tity of buying necessary to cause a sharp advance In prices. Thl» churn * fpristle ap peared somewhat more general than It had yesterday, giving the market n broad er aspect. While previous favorites. like 8t. Paul nml 1’nlon and Southern 1’nrlflc, returned to their high price levels again, they no longer In the same degree monop olised the trading Interest. The whole Pennsylvania group were notably strong and active, ns also were fhe Steels. Kven Missouri Pacific and other of the dominant southwestern stocks showed signs of con siderable life. In the stock market, Initial prices show ed a gain of %e In Aumlgnmated. New York Central, Ht. Paul. Colorado Fuel and Smelting common. Northwestern aid Rend ing were up He; 8t. Paul gained «|c. Krie common up He; Northern Pacific la ad vanced 1V4<*. Brooklyn Rapid Transit was the exception, lielng He lower. Following the general gains made at the opening, the market continued strong nil through the 6r*t hour, gild prices general ly made advances ranging from Hff2H points over the ntienlng. laondnn was more ft has r i factor than I i !kh»ii for some time. Peunsyl. — . r r ... _ the early trading, and was lionght on « largo urn lo hr at rang him mo*. Colorado Fuel ndvsneed lHc on buying by the same interests thnt were actlvs In Northern Pa cific stocks. Government bonds unrbauged. Other bonds firm. RANGE OF NEW YORK STOCK MARKET n<». preterm* AinciIc.-iii Sm.-ltlng Reflulng dOk prcferriHl Amcrl-an L'nttou <>11 Baltimore ami Ohio Brooklyn Rapid Transit Canadian Pmltlc....- Chlcngi* nnd Northwestern ake and Ohio.. » Fuel and Iron I Leather preferred..... I Chicago ami Great Western Milwaukee and St. Paul.... niul Iluils* Chesnpc Colornd C'vntn rlttci srnrltlea and Nasbvllie Mexican < Missouri v York. Ontario and Western National Lead Northern Pacific.... New York Central. Norfolk niul Western Pennsylvania .. .. I Pressed Steel * ca r wwv.v.w .wv.wv .\\\\\\* ,* i”: PaMflc' Mall Rending Republic Steel Rock Island do. preferred Itcd States Rubber do. preferred Southern Pacific Southern Rnllwny ■lo. preferred * is-Sheffleld Tennessee Coal and Iron Texas nnd Pacific I’nloa Pacific United States Steel do. preferred..., Western Union Wa ha **h do. preferred Wlsciinsln Central 7 do. preferred..............^,.... "Total stock sales today' 739,600 shares. NOTES ON GRAIN rctnters on Provisions. RANGE OF THE COTTON MARKET AT NEW YORK. The fol’owlng^ls tbe^ rants Is coUes Prevlivia CMsi fututes in Now York todav: Auk. .-’fn Hept. . 8.80 t. High. I** Vela 3.i3 ».*> 9.6D 8.80 9.70 9.71 Close. 9.6941 9.69-76 LONDON STOCK MARKET. HTOCfC—[2pm Anneonds Atehlaoo .. 92% Cnnndlnn Pacific f Chic., Mil. and St. Paul... Krie.. , Illinois Central 17*U I/nifsrIIIe and Nnshrllle.. ..146 .. New York central.. . . . ..I41H HIH prnnsyplvnnla.. U •: ..t;. <-|ll8H16fH Reading 183 181 Southern Pnrlflc 1 76% JfH Union Pacific 16TH ‘ •nlted Htntea Steel 40% do. preferred GOVERNMENT WEEKLY REPORT ON WEATHER Alabama—Fair wrath,r with ample •unahlne prevailed during the Brat four day,. The laat three daya were gen erajly cloudy 1 with ehowera over the greater part of the atdte, the rainfall being heavy In a few widely acattered localities. The temperature waa nearly normal. Arkansan—The aunshtne waa abun dant and the tem|>eratur« above the normal and favorable. Rainfall very light and below normal everywhere ex cept in Union county, neneflclal ahow- era occurred In the northeastern coun- tlex. Dry weather naa highly benoh- dal over the greater part of the atate. Georgia—Over moat of the atate the weather was cloudy with frequent ahowero, the rainfall being heavy to exresalve In acattered loealltlee, but below the normal In moat dlatrlou. The humidity was high and the tem perature moderate, the latter being from I degree to 2 degrees below the normal. • . Ix>ulalana—The weather waa partly cloudy and light scattered showers oc- eurred every day. The precipitation, however, was below the normal except In a few localities where the ralnfnll waa between I and S Inches. Temper ature and sunshine about normal. Mississippi—‘The weather waa gen erally fair with abundant sunshine ex cept durjng the dosing days, when local showers occurred. The rainfall exceeded one Inch over small areas In the eastern and southern portions, but elsewhere waa generally light. Tern- pr rut lire was comparatively uniform and nearlv normal. North Carolina—The weather waa generally cloudy and sultry. There was small range of temperature throughout the week, the mean being nearly normal. The rainfall averaged somewhat below the normal, but was excessive In the central and some east ern muntlea and ca'used considerable damage. Oklahoma and Indian Territory—The mean temperature was slightly beldw the normal. The forepart of the week was dry, warm and clear. The latter part waa cooler and cloudy with light to copious show-era over the entire sec tion. _ South Carolina—The weather was generally cloudy with freouenl show ers over the whole state. The precipi tation was heaviest to the northern, western and southeastern counties, where It was much abdve the normal. Mean temperature slightly below the normal. Texas—Scattered light to heavy showers occurred doily, being moat numerous on Sunday. The rainfall waa heavy In western, southwestern, north central and northern counties and below the normal In the extreme northwestern portion on ihe immediate coast and In eastern and numerous central counties. The mean tempera ture was below the normal except In a number of the northwestern counties and on the southwestern roast, where It was notmal. Sunshine la much needed In manv loraMtlaA Tennes-r.- Tem|»-raltirr mer.-iged about normal except In the western portion, where It was above. The rainfall was considerable below the normal, ronslatlng of scattered show- ere. generally light. The week waa generally favorable. Feb. 1 .j 10.04-0, Nov. . 10.1-J 10.J6 10.IX 10.14 10.13-14 10.J4-6 Vprll. . 10.16-18 Ifsr. -.10.r.; -lu*6 lax* 1(,S6 16.XI-54 Closed liurely steady. AT NEW ORLEANS. tha rauga In cotton The Chh-ngo luter-ltrean siya: Cash Mil,-a of whi-iit nt Chlcaico yesterday tvrre htiahi-ls, eorii, and onta 10,000 Imslirls. Export wiles were XH.OOO wheat III oil po- slllmiM 40,010 IWI, 00,000 lnishPla onta. Charters were made for 110,000 wheat and 06,000 corn nt lfce to IlnfTsln. A ear of new spring wheat frntn Iowa ar rived here yesterday, the Brat this year. •Die eomitrr sold less wheat yester, than on any Monday n-lthlu a month. Ci houses ended nceeptnnees small, hut when they came to Hgiire the nggregatu par they were of fslr volume. pnrtVu. larly of soft wheat, xnileh * exceeded exia-c lotions. Very low hldo were sent out KnP unlay night owing to the decline In prlees, and hnyera did unt look for large arrept- snees. Farmers are said to lie selling, less wheat, partleularly In the Southwest, where 3 thin nave delayed threshing. Bids sent hi last night were He higher than Satur day. American shipments of wheat Inst week were to |ier cent of Ihr total exporta from nil eountrlea. and wen* approximately four Ilmen the iiunnilty cxiiortrd Iasi year. Kx porta from Itusala ahowed a further marked falling off. while Indian sblpuienta were nn expectedly large, nf the total ahlpmeuix the amount ahlpiieil for orders were 1.016,00) heshels eomnnred to 1.600.000 the week pre vlnna. Coutlt ' hash ala. Wheat atoeka In pnhlte elevators In Chi engo Inst week Increased 1,618,000 Inisbets. corn deereaaed 80,000 nnd oats decreased 64.000 linehels. Aggregate at 2.038.001) wheat, decreased Increased 500,000 nets. The South waa In the market yesterday tncatr |ga ‘ I ■ — - was also n l htnl, Stocks of meats at the Western packing points nrc light ns compered with last a/|n-iis ■ lieu. 6*t»w- iwir. i iins, '.liw itlff. .10.43 10.43 10.26 10.26 10.24-26 10.40 ent. .10.12 10.12 10.00 10.00 9.99-10 10.12 trt. . 9.96 9.99 9.83 9.86 9.g-86 9.98- !io!oi ib.o2 .9S-99 9.99-01 9.SH-S!) 10.01-02 ,,,,, at,, •••« V-** W.Wy-lset Iv. IO-1W --- -10.20 10.20 10.07 10.07 ia08-09 10.20-21 Clofou •teadj’. TIPS FliASIIED From Wall Street. ah Steels and Believe there Is la to 15 paints to on share, for a lung pull. Is now i 7IH In January. It Is prneileolly i-clxl pridHsdtlnn, os another extra of not less than I per rest ran Private Wire lo Ware ft I .eland. New York. Adg. 7.—Until,III firm over the holldnya, >4 .to f. up. with a sharp rise jn conanla, reflecting Improved eltuntlon llnasla. Sentiment among lending operators , commissi,>n houses Inelliiea to hnlllkhn, for It Is evident that Secretary Shaw will assist the money market by either buying 34a.oao.OUU government laindl or making He- IHMlts In national Inmka. With li|g crops In sight, railroad and In dustrial enniluga allowing large Increase. II should work up to ni tmlnle Interest ju the innrket and s g Improvement In prices. I hear very sir, Atrhiaon, Krie, nnd Nciltheru Bsllwsy will, develop aelirlly In iui npwenl dlrpc- ItnlloMl IllSeidl earnings for fl»l alt month, of 1>S! equal In 8 per cent on C-- common. Relieve there Ih lo to 16 p*ijnt* Im* madp on *hni 67%. high — jjlyliwsl r - lie expected for tbo flsral year, poeailily more. . . Dow, sJottM Sc Co. a •uninmry: American atoeka In London atrong, H to % il«v* ^Harrlmnn atneka nnd United Ktntra Bt«el onljr dull feature*. Bbortngi* mnk of v . Ilarveating In Northweat will become gen Angu*t l\ . . . plentiful In the loan crowd. private demand for Honda, cape- dally In amall atnnnnta. Fifty-two riMda for June 9how average net inrreaae of 19.23 per rent, and f«»r •cnl year 21.20 per cent. . . , , Twenty-fix roam tor fourth week «f July allow nrernp* graaa Inerenie of 16.93 per cent. Prominent tanker* cxjwet no money rlncenry thin fall, provided stock a|»e«*ultt- ttnn la not over extended. Amerlron gipfHI •tockhnlilera agitating for 12 i»er cent dividend on afork. Ri'jKirtu from Denver Indicate t'dorado Fuel aundii* for fiscal yenr ended June 30 la fl.wn.nOO. “ ' ‘ dtMtrini* anvaneeu l.w per i • |M*| COTTON SEED OIL MARKET. New lork. August 7.—The innrket for cotton seed oil wo* quiet nnd slightly easier. There nppenrnl to he n little pressure lu August nod September, flinj %*nlue* «-n*e«l off under the*e offering*. Fnr dellrnrlee were'quiet. The innrket rontliiue lug one. with storks moilernte. L.. ddug little, hut there npponra to he little oil to do with. The recent hresk In cotton and more confident estimate* of the cotton p are naturally having ‘ ' sentiment. Prices nt the ngod to H lower.—Ware Ojjenlog August.. .. •• n h a. SF*~ Heptemher., •• .. «, ,. 37 Octnher.. It November 1 l*eeemher January I'loaed steady. NEW CROP COTTON IS BEING RECEIVED York. Aug. 7.—The Hun ears: With Liverpool dosed, the cotton apecnltitlnti was less netlve. nnd during the greater ’ “ of the dny prices were Irregular, ... ..... the fluctunttnna were eotnpnrat!rely narrow. At one time enrly III the ae*slon prices '"cnkrncd slightly owing to the fnct that ,.ie wenthcr nt the Kouth wn* generally favorable. Room trader*, too, sold nnd the South sent selling order*. The spot market* were quiet mid larger receipt* 0/ new cottnn were expected In the near fu ture. Yesterday Houston got SIT new talcs, ngnlnst none the nnma day ln*t year. Ijiter on, hewever. ’ covering of shorts Inmnrted 11 firmer tone to the innrket. The selling wax by no menniviggresslve. inntty preferring to nwnlt more light on tlw Rus sian situation. Outlook for n good, yield from the present appenraures I* generally e«m*ldercd tfoml, hut the weather during Ihe next few weeks will have nu lni|»or- tnnt hearing on thl* question. (‘oinml**loii house* In some icaae* h*d litiylng older*. 11 envy rain* were rrp<»rted In Texas. The action of IJvei ’ ** ““*■ n g«HM| deni of Interest, nee the *. Home suggest a national defense—the " r IlKhllnx P nr _ department of ternlty. ’ ISfal, the nest nn Incutator. removal to be hatched In SOUTHERNEXCHANGE Oldest Established Office South.* COTTON—STOCKS BONDS CRAIN Ground Floor Gould Building. Dally market letter nnd market manual mailed on application. By Private Wire to Gl!»ert A Clay- New York, Aug. 7.—Marshall. Hpader Unton .— Bnll tip* out on I'snadlnn PaHflc. pert to see It work higher. L. J. ANDERSON & CO Bankers and Brokers, COTTON. STOCKS, 6RAIN Comspoadiit's Capital $250,000 acresENce, the nkal bank PHONC HIT. PaUDENTIAL BLOC Now Orleans. Aug. 7.-J1lc Time* Demo crat enys: The spirit of rnntlon moved the In lent, nnd yesterday's mttnn innrket advanced In spite of rather general bearish sentiment. The fnrt flint the public refuse* to sell the stnplc ap|*flna to tie the 1“ stay, ami unless Liverpool dt«nlny* *r 1 < • 111:»r k 111 • 1 *• jirlee |m«h|ihI-ih IliU munitug the cIs-Atlnntle rings may experience a r turn of deadlock conditions, tnodlfied po*s hly. but none the li*«» tnntnllzliis. Truth I nt Hie moment there Is too anuria loglr In the belief that the tall weevil nnd exeesnlv inolsturi* I* doing enough damage to |# dure hcnrlsli discomfort, thnt foreign eidn nera will mil cotton In volume slmuM IJv erpool decline sharply, and that August mny bring n emp scare. Kcnlper* who luiv sold short without thought ns to the n*n nihility of nn enrty frost rannot be reltal ut>on to sit on the ltd should the bulls tliuf sufficient fuel to mnke the pot tall again, Meanwhile the outhudi I* f*»r n sinnll nnil narrow mnrkct. totnlly devoid of imblle lu tereat nnd dependent almost wholly upon room traders for dnlly activity. The world needs a Idg crop. If fnr no other pnrpoxe than for the llmtariiig up of the now ru*ty cotton trade machinery. St •> cunt Ion la tad for evorylKidy.—Wore Sc tala nd. STOCKS REVIEWED B YNEW YORK SUN New York. Aug. 7.— 1 The Hun anyi: With out any aid fmm tamlmi. where huslnena wn* suspended, the innrket here opeued with snkarnntlal advances all around, nnd during the fwsssiu price* generally worked tnunrd 11 higher level. After the find lutur nr so broker* begun t^p leave th«* floor on ac count of the hunt, nnd by the noon hour the attendance lmd dwindled to aninll pro portions. This rnused n contraction in he volume of business, hut the innrket con tinned firm, and In the Inst hour n nmnlwr f Important storks recovered to ntaut the SOMEWHAT HIGHER Early Foreign Bullish Re ports Started Fairly Good Buying. LITTLE WAS OFFERED At the Close Wheat Waa a Fraction Higher—Com a Fraction Lower. By Private {.eased Wire. Chicago. Aug. 7.—Bull Interests are under the wheat mnrknt. It will not ta allowed to decline unless a Innjnr movement mar ket ward la <i«iorwl. Hie longs lu wheat— up to the tricks In the trade— lmd buying orders III the hands of many of the big cash houses In ordar tn make a changed nnd stranger front. An enormous line of long wheat la held here, In whtch the buses are heavy and Hie hffidvr* are doitmim t»f turning prices upunnl so thnt a Nultnbte dumping groiiml may he constructed for the tail holdings. Wheat cl..** .| ' t fi higher, font was off Hff%e. Otis nera He off to He up. Hog prtMlin ts were 12H»t Pp to 2He off. t.'nsh grain transactions were modernt# hera ami at the scolumnl. The visible sup ply shows Increase* «»f 97S.^»> bushels vMiit atid 149.007 oats, while corn liicreas<*t| 1.S44.- CHICAGO GRAIN MARKET. Open. WHEAT- Hepf 72H Dec 76'i May 79 CORN— Hepf 49 ’Ve 45% lay 46% OATH- Illgh. 73*4, i 48% 8 K:::: M tt n Mny 31% 61% 31% 31% tisk Jan.... 14.20 LARD— ra... I.r% 81 DEB— kept... 9.rr% Oct... 8.97H ».*iV» Jan... 7.61 7.0 t’AHII WHEAT— No. J rad 72%«T73H; 8.V7H y »2H 8.17% • E% 8.17% 9.17H »» 9.23% No. 3 724173: .No No. 3 do 71 if/72. LIVERPOOL GRAIN MARKET. Wheat opened % lower: 1J6 p. m., % to j Inner; closed % lower. Corn opened and closed unchanged. CHICAGO CAR LOT8. Wheat.. Uorti.. ., Onta.. .. Hogs. . NORTHWEAT CAR& To<l3r. Week. Year. I It consideration some scheme fe relieving the money mark'd In tic fall, am m I. |.- i-cilr.-nciit "f n ; ,.it(|nii «.f the 4 pe cents maturing negt fvir wns reganb'd a tinf»fy fhe most fcclbb* method ef nfnr lie treasury’s nwill.tbb- funds nt th nl of tic fiiiHlm'ft* com It wa pgreed thnt there Ini'" arminpllsli the Nff nttrlh treasury depnrtn t 4*1 ATLANTA NATIONAL BANK ATLANTA, GA. :. E. CURRIER. PrttltiaM. A. E. THORNTON, Vie* -I. T. INMAN, Vlce-Pratld,nL QBO. R. DONOVAN, Cathl.r. JAMES 8. FLOYD, Ats't Cathl.r. Capital $500,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits $500,000.00 We Solicit Your Patronage. HUBBARD BROS & CO., Sts Atlanta Office,. 214-321 Century BulMing. Member* New York Cotton Exchange. New Or lean. Cotton Exchange, Liverpool Cotton Aseo elation. Chicago Board of Trado. New York Cot- Tee Exchange, New York Produce Exchange. BuilneM aollclted for the above exchange,. Direct wire aervlce. Correspondence invited. Phone, 454, Long Dlitance3». A.S. Huttace. Mgr. Hawkins, President. Tumnai C. Krwln. R. W. fryers. Asst. Third National Bank Capital Surplus $200,000.00. $300,000.00. DIRECTORS: Frank ffowkluc. II. M. Atkinson. Joseph A- McCord. J. II Nunnally. J Carroll Vnyae. K. R lt4>Mer. Dnrld Woo. I ward MADD0X-RUCKER BANKING CO. ware: a leland COTTON, GRAIN, PROVJSIONSrSTOCKS, BONDS, Is. 2 Wall SI., ftfsrs Iffnsfs. G». HIM UK S: _ u.-i feitton fidliMf. Chicago Kurd of Trado. Ktw Orloaot Callao Inhajgo. Chicago iiaekiichajgo. CAPITAL SURPLUS AND PROFITS ACCOUNTS INVITED Liverpool Colloo Aitoclalloa. fell Shoot I2i7. •Uta tnhaogo. Manage Standard rhane 291. $200,000.00 1500,000.00 Wc invite nixxtunts of indlridnAls, corporation*, banks nnd hankers and offer tho best terms consistent with conservative banking. at the Bata of 3 1*2 per