Newspaper Page Text
ii ii ■ i mi ipp II
TI'E8l»A Y, AIAil ST 7. If*
ha* never been a feature In
the management of the Mu
tual Benefit Life of Newark.
N. J.
We cin't bout of paying
the highest commissions to
agents, but when It comes to
low premium rates, large an
nual dividends, and liberal
policy contracts, we own no
High-class business men
are proud to be our agents,
end the popularity of our pol
icies enables them to make
more money than the agents
of the extravagant compa
If we are not represented
In your town, write us for
Angier & Foreman,
State Agents,
Atlanta. '
Special to The Georgian.
Yatesvllle, O,.. Aug. 7.—Sufidsy at a
r.egro camp meeting three brothers,
who were said to be drinking and
gambling, engaged In a shooting and
cutting affray and during the mlxup
Joe Stephens, the youngest, was shot
through the hand and cut several times
on his face,
A negro whoet, name could not he
ascertained was rut with a razor, and
w-tlt probably die.
About two hundred shots were fired
on the church grounds by different ne
By I’rlrote Leased Wire.
New York, Aug. 7.—A band of^hroe
men. each carrying a huge revolver,
entered cigar store* on Forsyth. tThrys-
tle streets and Second avepue and ob
tained a total of more than 3509. -
After the first place had been at-
tacked and one of the highwaymen
captured by u policeman, the two
other hold-ups were committed by tho
two remaining robbers. Ths man nr-
rested gave the name of Sidnev Jacob.
According to the police, the men be
longed to the “Five Points gang.” It
was further stated by the police that
the men had received the ”tlp' r to bet
on “Nigger Mike,” the 100 to 1 shot,
owned hy Jack Kanney, of Chatham
Hqunre. which won a few* days ago.
“Nigger Mike” ts to run today at
Barntoga, and ft Is stated that in order
to raise money enough to bet on the
horse the band planned the hold-up.
ny Prlrate D'sse<l Wire.
New York. Aug. 7.—Seven men were
badly hurt' as the elevator on the t
Greene street side of the building nt
107 and 109 Bleeker street fell with a
crash from the sixth story to the
basement today. One of the steel
calves snapped and the elevator shot
downward without the least warning.
— All the Injured were rushed to St.
Vincent's hnsnltal. where their condi
tions werr reported to be crttlcaL
The Bleeker street building Is *n
eight story structure and Is occupied
by garmept makers exclusively. All
the employees of the various firms It
w ; etc at work when the elevator fell,
and hearing the terrlfl* crash, many <
believed the building was collapsing 1
and started In s panic-stricken rush
toward tho «ne narrow stairway and
the single other elevator. I
fir 1'rirsto L<>niu»<l Wire.
\**w York. Auu. 7.—Iii s 6t of jMlmm
rns«*. Iirrnu** m!i«* tnlketl with n mnn mnl
wlf»* nost floor. tlnlHOpiH* Lu|>o, n young
lUlinn of 22. nliot Mini klllnl hi* trlft*.
Mrs. Afftino l.upo, toilny In their home nt
346 Hast Twelfth street, mnl then tried
to put nu Hid to lilft own life.
Lujni tired •uveriil nliota nt bin wife hr
Mio atood irr the window In thr front
room of their home. An nhe dropped to ths
l«M»r. Lupo tnrned the revolver toward
htniMdf nnd fired, hut did not wound him*
■nlf fntally.
Warm Springs, Ga ....
Chick Springs, 8. 0.. ,
Asheville, N. C
Wayneaville, ..
Hendersonville, N. C. ..
Lake Toxaway, N, C. ..
Tryon, N. C
Tata Springs, Tenn ....
St. Simons, Ga
Cumberland Island, Ga
Atlantic Beach, I'la ....
Chicago, III
Saratoga Springs, N. Y
Atlantic City, N. J .. ,.
Asbury Park, N. J
Detroit, Mich .,
.$ 3.75
. 10.00
. 12.70
. 10.00
. 11.35
. 13.00
. 14.60
. 32.05
. 43.80
. 40.00
. 41.50
. 30.05
The above rates are
for the Round Trip.
Tickets on sale dally limited for re
turn until Octobor 31, 1206.
Passenger and Ticket Office No. 1
Peachtree Street. 'Phone 142.
Dletr>ct Paeaenger Agenti
H' Private l^-n.,-,1 Wire.«n» City, Mo., Aug. 7.—Dr. J. A.
Hm lgar. n well-known physician, and
candidate for the Democratic notnlmt-
»l"n for congress, waa sentenced to
three days In the city jail yesterday by
Police Judge Kyle for contempt of
court In refusing to reveal the where-
«Pouts of hla dog. It was charged that
the dog had bitten an t-year-old girl.
Police Judge Kyle ordered the dog
killed, and asked the doctor where It
mas. He replied that It had been sent
away. The judge fined him 1100, add
ing that he would remit the fine If the
<1 c was produced. The doctor refused
i > accept the proposition. He was then
dr. lared In contempt and sent to a
cell The police arc now hunting for
the <tog.
Petition for Charter.
TV. R. Waro, K. H. Thornton, John
t'nleman and J, M. Dugger made
application Monday for a charter under
the name of tho Ware Furniture Fur
lories. They ask to be allowed a rapl
tal stock of 125,000, and to be permu
ted to increnso the capital to any sum
not exceeding a million dollars.
State Horticultural 8oolaty.
(luy L. Stewart, local agent of the
land and Industrial department of the
Southern, left Tuesday' fur Macon,
where he will attend the annual ses
slons of the Georgia State Hortlcul
tural Society. The meeting this year
promises to be of unusual Importance
owing to the greater scope which Is
being given the society. President
Herckgisns, of Augusta, haa promised
to give some Intereetlng facts to thoae
In attendance upon the sessions.
Suss for Lost Trunk.
Through Attornaya Hines ft Jordan,
Mrs. W. II. Smith has filed a suit
against the Southern rallwny for 1200.
Mrs. Smith aaya ehe went on a visit
to Tate Springs and that her trunk
waa lost while she was en route, to that
place. She states that har trunk, con-
' tg her personal effects, wna lost
Juno is until July 17, and that
when It waa returned to her her
clothes which she carried In the trunk
were damp, moulded and mildewed
from water and exposure.
Ernest Willie Morgan's Gab.
Charged with breaking Into the slot
of a gns molar. Ernest Willie Morgan,
a large black negro, aald to hall from
lAOrange, poured forth a stream of
language the like of which has naver
been heard before. Ernest - Willie
talked long, but not very loudly, and
when he was exhausted Judge Cal
houn remarked: ' Well, Willie, there
Isn't enough evidence to convict you,
but from your speech I am Inclined to
believe you have been associated tn
some way with the gas meter. You
may go."
Vets to Eat Milena.
At Judge !.andrum'e court rooms on
Decatur street Tuesday night the Tlge
Anderson Camp. V. C, V., will be
tendered a watermelon cutting by the
Deaths and Funerals.
Mrs. Rebecca Brown.
Mrs. Rebkrcn Brown, wife of W. O.
Brown, died at her residence. 113 West
Fair street, at 11:30 o'clock Monday
morning. Funeral services were held
at the residence at 3 o'clock Tuesday
afternoon, and the Interment, was
Westvlew cemetery.
Mrs. Martha Chandlar.
Mrs. Martha Chandler, 71 years old,
died at 20 Carlton street, Monday
morning. Funeral services wera con
ducted at 10 o'clock Tuesday mornlni
at the residence, and the Interment
waa at Westvlew.
What though on homely fare we dine.
Wear hodden gray, and a' that?
Gle fools their silks, and knaves their wine,
A man s a man for a' that. —Robert Burns
A man may be a man for a' that, but there's
a big difference In labels. This one
Mias Tryphosa Marshall.
Funeral services over the bodv of
Miss Tryphosa Marshall were held on
Monday night at 3 o'clock at Barclay ft
Brandon's chattel, Dr. A. T. Rpaldlng
and Mr. E. H. Peacock officiating. Miss
Marshall was the second daughter of
the late Dr. A. A. Marshall, at one
time pnstor of Jnrkaon Hill Baptist
church, and the fifth lineal descendant
In a line'of Baptist ministers dntlng
back to colonial days. The body* of
Miss Marshall was taken to Monte-
auma. Oa., at 7:30 o'clock Tueaday
morning ror Interment.
Gilbert N. Fleming.
.Gilbert N. Fleming, 50 years old,
died Monday morning at Ills residence.
133 Greensferry avenue. He Is sur
vived by his wife. The funeral aer.
vlrea ware conducted Tuesday after,
noon at 3 'clock at the residence and
the Interment waa at Oakland.
Major J. B, Davtnport.
The body of Major J. B. Davenport
was taken to Austell, Oa.. Tuesday
morning for funeral services and Inter
ment. His slater arrived from Texas
Monday night, and together with Pro.
feasor John P. O'Donnelly, an olt
friend of the deceased, accompanied tho
body. Mnjoi Davenport, who waa a
prominent merchant and business mnn
of New Orleans, died In Atlanta Sat
urday night In a private sanitarium.
W. M. Skates.
IV. M. Skates died at his residence
on Flat Shoals road Monday night aft
er an Illness of two days from paraly
sis. He Is survived by his wlfs and
three daughters, Mrs. W. 8. Taylor,
Mrs. O. A. Williams and Mrs. J. M.
Darla, of Macon. Funeral services will
be held at the residence Wednesday
afternoon at 3:30 o'clock, and the In
terment will be at Sylvester church
burying ground.
Mrs. Paul Hauaman.
Mrs. Paul Bailsman.' 31 years old,
died at her residence, 457 Washington
street, at 9 o'clock Monday night after
an Illness of three weeks with typhoid
fever. She Is survived hy her husband
and a *-year-old son. No funer.1l ar
rangements have lawn announced
pending the arrlvat of her brother from
Tho roynl fnmlllo* i*f Sweden. Spain ami
Italy imn Iota In Sew York. «• well an
kil* n r Wllh**!m. who haa nlm lieen a heavy
hirpsTor In Western property, while Kltijr
Kdwnrd Inherit*! a phi' of New York
property fnnn hla mother ami ovn* wuio
Ibnninuli of aiM of Western la tula.
stands for tho best of workmanship and
fairest of method*. It's the workman's pro
taction and the bualnesx man’s guarantee of
quality. That's alL
Atlanta Typographical Union,
lCflSJi</yl new commander. N. T. Gann. Judg*
Landrum Is a past commander of the
Registration Still Small..
The number of registered voters of
Pulton county will hardly exceed 12,-
000, and unless an unexpected over,
flow of voters sign their names to the
registration slips In the next few days
the number registered still hardly
reach 12.000. According to Andy Btew-
art, tax collector, this la a very poor
showing for Fulton county. Taking a
general average of the population of
I this county, there should be at least
twenty-five or thirty thousand regia
Special Officer Used His
Pistol and Captured
Union Central Life Insurance Co.
An exciting: scene wax enacted Tues
day morning In the office of the
Southern Kxpre«i Company, when
Sam Ritchie, n negro, attempted to
rescue Abram Myers, another negro,
from Special Officer McCollough and
was shot at twice by the officer*-
Neither of the bullets hit their mark
The shooting attracted considerable at
Officer McCollough hod arrested
Myers on a charge of disorderly con-
i the result of a rqw with an-
legro. As he was taking his
As he did so. Officer Mc-
Ftltchle and soon
tught him.
Myers was later taken Into custody
It was shown that both ne-
Hot Contest for Newnan City
Court Solicitorship Decided.
Other Appointments.
W. L. StnlH/igs has won the sollcl-
torshlp of the city court of Newnan
for a term of four years from March
24, 1006, over the Incumbent, W. O.
Post. This has been one of the hard
problems for the governor to solv^ be
cause both men had come to him with
hundreds of Indorsements.
A. C. Wright will succeed C. C. Tin
dall as solicitor of the county court of
Kffllngham for a term of two years
from May 26, 1906. The governor has
made the following other re-appoint-
R. L. Bennett, i to be solicitor of the
•unty court of W
from October 2, 19i
O. Tlson, to be solicitor of the
county court of Echols for two years
from October 13, 1906.
The governor raw a I
other appointments to mal
general assembly adjourns, and he will
probably decide noim of tho more Im
portnnt where strong contests are on
beforo this week Is ended.
By Prlrate Lense-d Wire.
New Ydrk. Aug. 7.—Another Pitts
burg millionaire Is In trouble. He Is
Gilbert T. Rafferty, known as the
"coke king," who resides at the Wal
dorf- Astoria. Rafferty's daughter-in-
law, t Dora H. McIntyre Rafferty; has
brought jiult against him in the su
preme court of Kings county for 6500.-
006. She charges him with having
alienated the affections of her hus
band, George B. Rafferty, lately a pri
vate In the United States army In the
Young Rafferty and Harry Thaw
were friends. The elder Rafferty and
the elder Thaw formerly were asso
ciated together In business.
The present suit Is the second
brought by young Mrs. Rafferty. Four
years ago she sued John Harold Hay-
don. of New York, for 620.000. She
charged him with alienating her hus
band's affections. In her complaint she
alleged that Haydon agreed for 615.000
to cause a separation betw^n herself
and her husband.
Mrs. Rafferty was a photographer at
Alexandria Bay. She was handsome
and dashing and young Rafferty's pa
rents were Indignant and cast him off.
The young man then enlisted, leaving
hlft wife, and was sent to the Philip
pines, where he served three years. He
resides now* at the Imperial Hotel.
“I married my wife when I w*as un
der -the Influence of liquor,” he said.
25 I $29 17
30 31 99
35 35 50
40 I 39 89'
45 45 58
20-Paymen: Ufa.
15-Payment Life.
OF 30,000 BRYAN MEN;
By Prlrate Lenoed Wire.
Washington, Aug. 7.—“Jim” Griggs,
pf Georgia, chaltman of the Democratic
congressional committee, does not pro
pose that *‘JIin” Sherman, chairman of
•the Republican committee, shall have a
copyright on the one dollar plan of
securing campaign contributions.
A circular letter Is to be sent out to
each of the 30,000 enthusiastic Demo
crats who SUbecrilu-iJ ..n- dollar ouch
liiyan . . 1 Ml I .1 i ern. Th'-n ;i
jlar letter Is to* be sent to each of
editors, of 3,500- Democratic news-,
papers throughout the country, calling
upon them to open subscription lists
among the subscribers. *
Tb* first dollar received as a con
tribution to the Democratic campaign
fund waa yesterday pasted on a letter
head and hung up In the offices of the
committee. The dollar came from
"If anybody in Atlanta believe* in
the race auielde theory they had better
pay a visit *to this hotel today," stated
Chief Clerk James F. de Jarnett, of the
Marion,' Tuesday morning. "Twenty-
one babies In this small house in one
day la a record hard to beat, especially
when this la known as being almost
exclusively a hotel tor traveling men.
Eighteen of the youngsters arrived
with their parents Monday afternoon,
anil with three . already here made
quite a nursery scene Tuesday morn
ing. I reckon a baby convention or
Malaria Cause* Lota of Appetite.
The Old Standard, Grove's Tasteless
Chill Tonic, drives out malaria and
builds up the ajitem. Sold by all
dealers for 37 years. Pries 50 cents.
Five Injured In Acoldent.
H|ieclnl to The Georgian.
Columbus. Ga., Aug. 7.—John
Warnock, acid maker. Green Butler,
Ed Jackson, Ed Walker and Hender
son Hnlley, four negroes, wera Injured
In an accident due tn the falling of a
scaffold at the plant of the Home Mixt
ure Guano Company yesterday after
Negro Shoote Negro.
Hiiwlal to The Georgian.
Columbus, Ge„ Aug. 7.—Jim Btark, >
negro mnn, was shot and killed by an-
other negro, supposed to be John Rnun.
tree, at a house In the Bottom, east of
the city, Sunday morning at 3 o'clock.
Change it Satlefaotory.
Special to The Georglnii.
-omnibus. 04., Aug. 7.—The pasi
the bill to allow four terms of
superior court of this county. Instead
of two; meeta with general approval
here, as It will greatly facilitate the
business of that court.
Body Recovered From River.
ttiH-rlnl to The Georgina.
Mt. Vernon, Oa., Aug. 7.—The body
John Flckllng, who waa drowned
... the river near here Saturday even
ing. was recovered yesterday after
noon some distance, below where the
buggy was found and a verdict was
reached that hts death was due
. respectfully announce myself a
candidate for council from the Third
word, subject to ths white primary on
August 22.
nan . _
ts for council from tho Fourth
ward, subjset to whits primary on
August 22. jjp B> E- PEARCE.
Ily announce mysslf a
County Treasurer, cub
ed to white primary on Auguit C2.
Probing in Chicago Against
ths Standard Oil
otel confirmed the statement of
Clerk de Jarnett. Mr. and Mrs. F. E.
Field, of Statesboro, with their five
small children; Mr. and Mrs. E. D.
Graham atod two children, of McRae;
Mrs. G. W. Perkins and child, of MII-
ledgevllle; Mrs. J. S. Gibson and child,
of Newnan; Mrs. F. Schaufele and
four children, of Dublin, with five chil
dren with a party from Tampa, Fla.,
those * ’ '
were among i
who registered with
children Monday night, breaking all
records at this hotel.
By Private I*es«ed Wire.
. Chicago, Aug. ^—Investigation
the relationship between the Standard
Oil Company and railroads handling
Its product was scheduled to begin at
2 o'clock this afternoon. The failure
of several of the veniremen for the
grand Jury to appear yesterday de
layed the Impaneling of the jury , until
2 o’clock today.
Seven additional names were drawn.
Most of the men have been Investigated
by the secret service meh. District
Attorney C. B. Morrison's office was
crowded all the morning- with pro
posed witnesses, who will testify be
fore the grand Jury. The district at
torney spoke to many of them regard
ing their testimony.
Assistant Childs also Interviewed
many of the men. They are all rall-
I employ***. a majority being ut-
les of the Lake Shore and Michi
gan Southern Railroad Company.
Continued from Page One.
10-Payment Life.
/ 40
34 67
37 97
41 99
46 95
53 16
45 96
50 28
55 48
61 77
69 44
Rates and particulars furnished at
request. f
THOMAS H. DANIEL, Gen’l Agent.
Englfxh.American Building.
Supt. Agents.
Hjteoln I to Thu Georgian.
Dallas, Ga„ Aug. 7.—There la a large
gathering of voters here today to hear
Judge R. B. Russell speak In the in
terest of hi* candidacy for the nomina
tion for governor.
The speech was along the usual lines
and his followers are well pleased
with the reception given the Judge.
New York Hospitals Are
Crowded with Heat
Ily Private leased Wire.
New York, Aug. 7.—New York
writhed today under the burning heat
of a pitiless sky. A gentle breeze was
all that made the weather a little more
bearable than that oi yesterday.
The continued heat had claimed 17
victims at midnight.
Hospitals were crowded with those
who had been overcome In the stifling
atmosphere. Thousands slept on the
benches and In the down-town parks,
but even In tbene places the suffering
was fearful.
the lynching a blot on the statp, and
says he will at once take steps to dis
cover and bring to Justice the guilty
Local Militia Called Out
About 9 o'clock Mayor Boyden called
upon the local military company, the
Rowan Rifles, for aid. They assembled
quickly, but were tyipplied only with
blank cartridges, having no orders to
shoot to kill.
Fireman McLendon, of Charlotte,
Southern railway employee, was shot
In the stomach by a bullet said to
havo been fired by a member of the
mob. He was fatally wounded. Will
Troutman, a negro drayman, was also
serldusly shot at about the same time.
Both are said to have been accidents,
occasioned by some of the few wild
shots fired by members of the mob.
It Is expected that the board of po
lice commissioners, at Its regular
meeting next Tuesday night, will con
sider some feasible plan for the cen
soring of news Issuing from the police
department to the local newspapers. *
Chief of Police Jonnlngs Is very much
In favor of such a plan, and, It Is un
derstood, will bring It to'the attention
of the commissioners.
There has been considerable discus
sion of late concerning the giving out
of news at the police station, and Chief
Jennings is anxious to systematize the
problem. It Is said that news has been
furnished the press at-times In regard
to cases being worked by the officers
that has proved injurious to the cases.
The matter reached a climax Sunday,
when a story was published concern
ing the solution of the mystery veiling
the murder of Policeman Albert nine
years ago. This case was being work
ed by the detective department and be
fore It was completed tha story .was
K ubllnhcd. This publication la said to
ave Interfered with, the case.: v' 3 .
By Private Leased Wire. . *
Rockford, III., Aug. 7.—Dr. James H.
Jackson may bear a resemblance to the
published photographs of John D.
Rockefeller, but he does not fancy be
ing told of It In public. At any rate,
he appeared ns the complainant in-the
police court yesterday against Joseph
Leonard, Reynolds Bean and Leo
Brollnger, whom he charges with call
ing him “John D." The trio pleaded
guilty and were fined, the fine being
suspended on condition that they re
frain from mistaking the physician
for the oil man.
negroes,, and Solicitor Hammer, stood
on the Jail steps and addressed the
crowd, which at that time numbered
move-the mob locking a leoder. While 1 vsirsuisin nc we,
they were appealing to the mob, two
men slipped through
Linseed Oil Is the lire of paint See
_ that It ta pore. Spencer Kellogg Old
tered voters si every election, and con- Process Linseed Oil Is the oldest
Sidering the fact that two of the five brand In the United States Sold bv
condldates for governor are natives of _ ___
Fulton county, the news of such a F. J. COOLEDGE & BRO.,
*m*1! registration will come as a sur-1
_ _ the crowd and
were entering the Jail, when discovered
and arrested.
Mob Reinforced.
At 10 o'clock there was a stir In the
mob—R, wee augmented by fully five
hundred men, who came. It Is said.
Trom Whitney. It was but a few min
utes after their arrival when a crowd
of fifty, forming a sort of flying wedge,
made a break for the jail dftors, over
powered the officers, and effected an
entrance. The crowd outside surged In
behind the leaders, and In a few min
utes more merged from the door with
their victims, who were quietly march
ed to Henderson's ball ground In the
edge of town. There the negroes were
given time to confess the crime.
Did Not Confess.
They refused to either deny or con
fess and were so thoroughly frightened
ae almost to have lost the power of
speech. John Gillespie wept piteously
and begged for his life. Tiring of Its
efforts to secure statements from the
egmee. nt midnight the ropes were
ulckly brought forward and adjusted
„nd the three were strung up to ths
limbs of on* tree, and with howl* and
curses the crowd riddled the dangling
bodies with bullets.
George Ervin was taken from the
jail with hie associates and closely
questioned. Then the mob led Min
back to hie cell.* Nease Gillespie main
tained his Innocence to the end. The
other ta-o would neither confess nor
deny the crime.
Governor Glenn Notified.
Governor Glenn was at 11:10 o'clock
told of the mob by Judge Long over
the telephone. He at once wired orders
to ths military companies at Charlotte.
Greensboro and Statesville to liurty by
special trains to Salisbury. Finding
these were too late, he countermand
ed the orders. He states that some
time ago he offered the sheriff the
service of militia, but the offer was
declined a* unnecessary. He declares cook a recess.
By Private Lcsscd Wire.
Salisbury, N. Aug. 7.—With every
foot of space Jammed to the utmost.
Judge Long called to order the second
day's session of the criminal court to
day, following the lynching of the |
three prisoners placed on trial yes
terday, Jack Dillingham, John Gllles-1
pie nnd Nease Gillespie.
The excitement was Intense, and al- I
though tho court was convened over!
an hour later than usual, many sat
two hours In the sweltering heat wait- I
Ing for the expected words of the I
court. Judge Long first ordered every
one seated. Sheriff Julian was some
minutes In carrying out the order of
the Judge, while a strange silence per-1
vaded the room. The Judge next or
dered the sheriff to call the grand I
Jury Into court. Sheriff Julian was so
under the Influence of some powerful I
emotion that he arpeared to speak
with difficulty. In fact, the aged eher-1
Iff seemed almost overcome. Solicitor |
Hammon then announced that
would ask for a continuance of the I
case agsinst Henry Gillespie, Della
Dtnlingham and George Erwin. Next
the solicitor asked that the case he
continued from day to day, as the
prisoners were In the Charlotte jail.
Court Will Investigate.
The Judge sold In his new charge to I
the grand jury that he believed there
were still good people In Rowan and
that he would like for them to be In
attendance upon the court from day
to day. He said, however, that If there
were cltlieni present as was the case
last night. It would be better that
they keep away from the court. He
told the grand Jury that ho would
want them to remain with him longer
than usual and that he would talk to
them later on an Important matter.
"God Almighty still reigns," said the I
judge, "and this court will not adjourn
until this affair of last night Is Inves
The special venire of 200 men sum
moned In the murder cases was dir ■
barged and the court at 11:29 o'cloct
Is wlist a mnn wants when he
seeks protection for those de
pendent upon him.
A Policy
protects him, whl!e f he Is pro
tecting them, as It provides In
surance against tho loss of nls
Earning Power by Accident, Ill
ness or Tots) Disability as well
as by Death.
A broken leg or a case of ty
phoid fever would not seem so
bad If be knew his Earning
Power was Insured and he was
not suffering a Financial loss ns
well as pain.
to reduce the premium or In
crease the Insurance as desired.
In asking for Information and
rates, give your age and occu
J. Clements Shafer,
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