Newspaper Page Text
Tt EsriAr. AforsT t. if».
Ini never been a feature In
the management of the Mu
tual Benefit Life of Newark.
K. J.
We can't tout of paring
the highest commissions to
agents, but when It comes to
low premium rates, large an
nual dividends, and liberal
policy contracts, we own no
Hlgh-clus business men
are proud to be our agents,
and the popularity of our pol
icies enables them to make
more money than, the agents
of the extravagant compa
If we are not represented
In your town, write us for
Angier & Foreman,
Stale Agents,
fliwlal to The (leorglau. . through the hand and cut several times
Yatearllle, Oa., Aug. 7.—Sunday at a Ion hie face,
negro camp meeting three brothers, A negro whose name could not be
who were said to be drinking Rnd ■■cerlalned wn. cut with a razor, and
gambling, engaged In a shooting and I Vbim'two* hundred .hots were fired I Special Officer
cutting affray and during the mfxup on the church grounds by different ne-1 1
Joe Stephens, the youngest, was shotlrroes.
Used His
Pistol iiml Captured
TO GE 7 CASH TO PL A Y RA CES\ An exciting scene waa enacted Tues
day morning In the ‘office of the
Southern Express
By Private I/miuhI Wire.
New York. Aug. 7.—A band of three
men, each currying a huge revolver,
entered cigar stores on Forsyth, Chrys-
tle streets end Second avenue and ob
tained a total of more than $500.
After the first place had been at
tacked and onn of the highwaymen
captured by * a policeman, the two
other hold'Up* were committed by the
two remaining robbers. The man ar-
By Prfrat© Lf.isfl Wire.
New York, Aug. 7.—Another Pitts
burg millionaire Is In trouble. He Is
Gilbert T. Rafferty, known as the
"coke king," who resides at the Wal
dorf Astoria. Rafferty's daughter-in-
law. Dora H. McIntyre Rafferty, has
brought suit against him In the su
preme court of Kings county for $500,-
""" SI 1 * ‘barges him ulth having
alienated the affections of her hus
band, George B. Rafferty, lately a pri
vate In the United States army ln*the
Young Rafferty and Harry Thaw
.were friends. The elder Rafferty and
when l jj, e e |<jer Thaw formerly were asso-
Company, ■ MBBj ■■
rested gave the name of Sidney*Jacob. 1 8am WtcWi, a negro, attempted together In business.
According to the police, the men be- rescue Abram Myers, another negro,
longed to tho “Five Points gong." It from Special Officer McCollough and
Tut* h*L I waf " hot at tw,ce h y ,he officer.
Neither of the bullets hit their mark
.The present suit Is the
brought by young Mrs. Rafferty. Four
years ago she sued John Harold Hay-
don, of New York, for $20,000. She
i-ii;irtr-‘<i him with .-ilh-natlng her hu©
band's affections. In her complaint she
alleged that Haydon agreed for $15,000
to cause a separation' betwen herself
and her husband.
20-Paymen: Life.
ndria Bay. She was handsome
and dashing and young Rafferty's pa
rents were Indignant and cast him off.
The young man then enlisted, leaving
Ms wife, and was sent to the Philip
pines, where he served three years. He
resides now at the Rnperlal Hotel.
“I married my wife when I was un
der the Influence of liquor," he said.
the men had received the "tip” to bet
on "Nigger Mike/' the 100 to 1 shot,.-,. .
owned by Jack Knnney. of Chatham I Th ® * hoot| ne attracted considerable at-
Square, which won a few days ago. I tention.
“Nigger Mike” Is to run today at Officer McCollough had arrested
.Saratoga, nnd It I* stated that In order M yera on a charge of dlaorderly con-
4& duct. a. the rc.ult of a row with an-
horae the band planned the hold-up. | other „ e gro., A* ha waa taking hla
prisoner from the building, IUtchle Is
said to have walked up behind him
OF 30,000 BRYAN MEN;
By Private Leased Wire.
Washington, Aug. 7.—“Jim” Griggs,
and causing A mad PANm^P^HF^S-B
1 Oolh,ugh-quickly pulled hla pistol'and P°»* ,hnt Jlm Sherman, chairman of
fired two shots In rapid ,ucce„lon at the Itepubllcan committee, .hall have a
hla a..allnnt, who waa running from copyright on the one dollar plan of
Warm 8prlnga, Gl $ 3.79
Chick Springs, 8. C ,, 8.30
Aahevllle. N. G. 10.50
Wayneaville, N. C.. 11.80
Hendersonville, N. C 10.00
Lake Toxaway, N. C. .......... 12.70
Tryon, N. C 10.00
Tate Sprlngi, Tenn ............ 11.35
8t. Simona, Qa 12.00
Cumberland liland, Ga 13.00
Atlantic Beach, Fla 14.60
Chicago, III 32.05
Saratoga Springs, N. Y ., ,. .. 43.80
•Atlantic City, N. J 40.00
Aabury Park, N. J 41.50
Detroit, Mich 30.05
The above rates are
for the Round Trip.
Tickets on sale dally limited for re
turn until October 31, 1906.
Passenger and Ticket Office No. 1
Peachtree Street. 'Phone 142.
District Passenger Agent.
By I'rUnts 1,-n-.. ,1 Wire.
Kansu, nty. Mo.. Aug. 7.—Dr. J. A.
Hnrlgar, a well-known physician, and
• andhlate for the Democratic nomlna-
l"n for congress, waa sentenced to
three days In the city Jail yesterday by
~ “yle for contempt of
lice Judge Kyle
uTt In refusing to reveal tha where
jta of hla dog. It was charged that
I'dlee Judge Kyle ordered the dog
killed, nnd asked the doctor where It
ass. He replied that It had been sent
av, ay. The Judge fined him 1100, add
ing that he would remit the fine If the
dog was produced. The doctor refused
to accept the propoeltlon. He was then
dared In contempt and sent to
By Private Leased IVIrc.
New York, Aug. 7.—Seven men were
badly hurt aa the elevator on the
Oreene street aide of the building at
107 and 109 Dleeker street fell with a
crash from the etxth story to the
basement today. One of the ateet
calves snapped and the elevator shot
downward without the least warning.
All tha Injured were rushed to St.
Vincent's hospital, where their condl- the scene. Leaving Myers, the officer I securing campaign contributions
Mad la *■“ —W—f ' * Ritchie and soon I A clrcujar letter Is to be sent out to
tlona were reported to be critical, I then gave chase after
The Bleaker street building Is an caught him. leach of the 30,000 enthusiastic Demo-
eight story structure and Is occupied Myers was later taken Into custody erats who subscribed one dollar each
‘ “ akr * ■ -- ..... ... — .
hy garment makers Exclusively, All again, and both men were arraigned I to the first Bryan campaign. Then a
circular letter Is to be sent to each of
the editors of 3,500 Democratic news
the employees of the various firms I before Acting Recorder Hlrsch. Aft
were at work when the elevator fell, I er hearing the evidence, the acting re
and hearing the terrific crash, many corder fined Ritchie J10.75 and Myera
bellnved the building waa collapsing 12.75. It was shown' I list both ne-
and started In a panic-stricken rush gross bear a good reputation,
toward the one narrow stairway and
papers throughout the country, calling
upon them to open subscription Data
among the subscribers.
The first dollar received as a con
tribution to the Democratic campaign
fund 'was yesterday pasted on a letter
hend nnd hung up In the offices of the
committee. The dollar came from
Judge J. H. Neville, of Mississippi. Un
der it appear these words: - “Ho con
tributed the first dollar to the Demo
cratic congressional committee's cam
paign fund. He has proved himself a
good, loyal Democrat." .
the single other elevator.
Bv Private 1-onM Wire.
Now York. Auk- 7.—Iii n lit of Jealous
* ‘ * un auil
ew Yorkc .....
amre, Iwattifl© all© talked with
wire next door, Outnopp© Lupo, a young
Italian of 22, allot nnd killed hla wife,
Mr*._A*uno Lupo, today In their hatu© at
345 East
atr©«t, nnd then tried
to put an ©ml to bla own Ilf©.
Istipo tired Neve nil aliota nt hla wlfa as
ah© atood hy th© window In th© front
room of tb©lr bom©. Aa ah© dropped to’ tho
floor, I-tipo turned th© revolver toward
hlnimdf and tired, hut did not wound him
self fatally.
Hot Contest for Newnan City
Court Solicitorship Decided.
Other Appointments.
"If anybody In Atlanta believes In
the race suicide theory they had better
pay a visit to this hotel today,” stated
Chief Clerk James F. de Jarnett, of the
Marlon, Tuesday morning. “Twenty-
one babies In this small house In one
day Is a record hard to beat, especially
when this Is known as being almost
exclusively a hotel for traveling men.
Eighteen of the youngstera arrived
Petition for Charter.
W. R. Ware, E. H. Thornton, John
L, Coleman nnd J, M. Dugger made
application Monday for a charter under
the name of tho Ware Furniture Fac
tories.' They ask to be allowed a capi
tal stock of 335,006, and to be permu
ted to Increase the capital to any sum
not exceeding a million dollars.
8tate Horticultural Society,
Guy L. Stewart, local agent of the
land and Industrial department of the
Southern, left Tuesday for Macon,
where he will attend the annual ses
sions of the Georgia State Horticul
tural Society. The meeting this year
promises to ha of unusual importance
g given the society. President
-kmans, of Augustn, has promised
to give some Interesting facts to those
In attendance upon the sessions,
Sues for Lost Trunk.
Through Attorneys lltnes A Jordan,
Mrs. IV. It. Smith has filed a suit
against the Southern ralhvny for 3200.
Mrs. Smith says she went on a visit
to Tate Springs snd that her trunk
waa lost while she was en route to that
place. Sho states that her trunk, con
taining her personal effects, was lost
when It was returned to her her
clothes which she carried In the trunk
were damp, moulded and mildewed
from water and exposure.
Ernest Willis Morgen's Gsb.
Chsrged with breaking Into the slot
of a gas meter. Ernest While Morgan,
a large black negro, aald to hall from
LaGrange, poured forth a stream of
language the like of which haa never
been heard before. Ernest Willie
talked long, but not very loudly, and
when he was exhausted Judge t'al-
houn remarked: " Well, NVIllle, there
but from your apeech I am Inrllni
believe you have been aaaoclated In
eome way with the gaa meter. "
may go."
the tit
Vets to Eat Melons.
At Judge Landrum's court rooms on
_________ Decatur street Tuesday night tha Tlge
The police are now hunting for I Anderson Camp, U. C. V., will be
g. tendered a watermelon cutting by the
Deaths and Funerals.
W. L. Stallltiffa has won tha solid- I with thalr parents Monday afternoon.
1‘torshlp of the city court of Newnan and with three already here made
for a term of tour years from March quite a nursery scene Tuesday morn
24, 1906, over the Incumbent, W. G.
Post. This has been one of tho hard
problems for the governor to solve, be
cause both men had come to him with
hundreds of Indorsements.
A. C. Wright will succeed C. C. Tin-
Ing. I reckon a baby convention or
prise beauty show must be under way
in thli vicinity.”
A perusal of the registration book at
the hotel confirmed tho statement of
Clerk de Jarnett. Mr. and Mrs. F. E.
Field, of Statesboro, with their five
small children; Mr. and Mrs. E. D.
Graham and two children, of McRae;
Mrs. G. W. Perkins nnd child, of Mil-
ledgevllle; Mrs. J. S. Gibson nnd child,
of Newnan; Mrs. F. 8chaufele and
four children, of Dublin, with five chil
dren with a party from Tampa, Fla.,
were among those who registered with
children Monday night, breaking all
records at this hotel. x
15-Payment Life.
10-Payment Life.
/ 25
$29 17
31 99
35 50
39 89
45 58
34 67
37 97
41 99
46 95
53 16
45 96
50 28
55 48
61 77
69 44
Rates and particulars furnished at
Engllah-Amerlcan Building,
Supt. Agent,.
Special to The (Jcnrgiim.
Dallas, Ga., Aug. 7.—There Is a larg,
gathering of votern here today to hear
Judge R. B. Russell speak In the In
terest of hla candidacy for the nomina
tion for governor. / '
The speech was along the usual lines
and hla followers aro well pleased
with the reception given tho Judge.
Mrs. Rebecca Brown.
Mrs. Rebecca Brown, wife of W. G. i a. C. WrlgU «... D ut^„ a_.
H? dall as solicitor of the county court of
Fair street, at 11:30 o clock Monday Kfilingham for a term of two years
morning, funeral services were held from May 26, 1906. The governor haa
J; *11® remdence at 3 o clock Tuesday I made the following other re-appolnt-
afternoon, and tho Interment was at 1 merits
Westvlew cemetery. r. j,. Bennett, to be solicitor of the
■I .. .. I county court of Waynes for two years
Mr*. Martha Chandler. from October 2, 1906.
Mrs. Martha Chandler, 72 years old, I , R. G. Tison, to he solicitor of the
died at 20 Catlton street, Monday I county court of Echols for two years
morning. Funeral services were con- from October 13, 1906.
ducted at 10 o'clock Tuesday morning The governor a large number of
at the residence, and the interment I other appointments to make before the
was at Westvlew. |general assembly adjoufns, and he will
probably decide some of the more Im-
Miat Tryphoaa Marshall. portnnt where strong contests are on
Funeral services over the body of before this week Is ended.
Miss Tryphosa Marshall were held on ... :
Monday night at 3 o'clock at Barclay A | Malaria Causes Loss of Appetite.
Probing in Chicago Against
the Standard Oil
By Private Lett sad Wire.
Chicago. Aug. 7.—Investigation
pel. Dr. A. T. Rpnldlng I Th ® 0, d Standard, Grove’s Tasteless I * h ® relationship between the Standard
Peacock officiating. Miss I Chill Tonic, drives out malaria and Oil Company nnd railroads handling
Marshall was the second daughter of builds up the system. Sold by all its product lyas scheduled to begin at
the late Dr. A. A. Marshall, at one dealers for 37 yeara. Pric* 50 centa.
time pastor of Jackson Kill Baptist
church, and the fifth lineal descendant I
In a line of Baptist ministers dating
bark to colonial days. The body of
Miss Marshall was taken to .tents-1
luma, Ga.. at 7:10 o'clock Tuesday!
morning for Interment.
Gilbert N. Flemings
Gilbert N. Fleming, 50 years old, | ^uiuinuu*, «»., a\u*. #*—uonn u. | u-hn wYiT t#s*tirv'h««.
?i; d SMK&JFtts , ttSKL < Kr*53R fore'the grand "jury h ° The dtatriS at-
Fivs Injured In Acoldent.
Spools! to The Georgian.
Columbus, Ga., Aug. 7.—John L.
o'clock this afternoon. The failure
I of aeverai of the veniremen for the
grand Jury to appear yesterday de
layed the impaneling of the Jury until
3 o'clock today.
Seven additional names were drawn.
I Moat of the men have been Investigated
by the secret service men. District
The funeral ',!£ F" «nHey four nran-S, were Injured forney spoke to many of them regard-
* Tuesday* after-1 ■» 9".accident due to th. failing of a | als0 lnterv
many of the men. They nre all rail
road employes, a majority being at
taches of the Lbke Shore and Mlchl-
Major J. B. Davenport. I N*gro Shoot, Ndgro.
Ths body of Major J. B. Davenport Bpeclsl to Tbo Georgian,
waa taken to Austell, Ga„ Tuesday "— * J “
vived by his wife.
vlcea were conducted Tuesday after-.
noon at 3 'clock at the residence snd ecaffold at the plant of the Home Mtxt-
the Interment was at Oakland. ure Quano Company yesterday after
gan Southern Railroad Company.
morning for funeral servlcea and Inter- negro man, was shot and killed b:
Columbus” Oa" Aug 7.—Jim Stark, „ 3,000 ANGRY CITIZENS
Contlnusd from Page One.
Monday night, and together with Pro- tree, at a house In the Bottom, east of
fessor John P. O'Donnelly, an old I the city, Sunday morning at 3 o'clock.
friend of the deceased, accompanied tho I
body. Majot Davenport, who waa a Change it Satisfactory,
prominent merchant and buslneea man I Speclsl to Th, Georglnn.
of New Orleans, died In Atlanta Sat- lolumbus. Oa., Aog. 7—The passage , solicitor Hammer atood
urday night In a private sanitarium. of the bill to allow four term* of 1MI HtoDs nnd addresaed tho
'superior court of this county. Instead T™, i“ h 1 ( .h‘"Sf th.7 time'Numbered
SrT Veaora crowd, which at that time numbered
W. M. Skate,. I he/. « Ttwin^enUy'^
d Ji e< L at A b,B p **!d®nca I business of that court. move—the mob lacking a leader. While
on Flat Shoals road Monday night aft-1 "T _ B1 they were appealing to the mob, two
New York Hospitals Are
Crowded with Heat
1 ■ Victims.
Ity Private I,cured Wire.
New York, Aug. 7.—New York
writhed today under the bunting heat
of a pitiless sky. A gentle hreexe was
all that made the weather a little more
bearable than that of 'yesterday.
The continued heat had claimed 17
victims at midnight.
Hospital, were crowded with those
who had been overcome In the stifling
atmosphere. Thousands slept on tho
benches and In the down-town parks,
but even In theae places the suffering
was fearful.
nt once take steps to dis
cover and bring to Justice the guilty
Local Militia Called Out.
About 9 o'clock Mayor Boyden called
upon the local military company, the
Rowan RIHes, for aid. They assembled
quickly, but were eupplted only with
blank cartridges, having no orders to
shoot to kill.
Fireman McLendon, of Charlotte, a
Southern railway employee, was ahot
In the stomach by u bullet said to
have been fired by a member of the
mob. He was fatally wounded. Will
Troutman, a negro drayman, was also
seriously shot at about the same time.
Both are said to have been accidents,
occasioned by some of the few wild
shots fired by members of the mob.
It IS expected that the board of po
lice commissioners, at Its regular
meeting next Tuesday night, will con
sider some feasible plan for 'the cen
soring of news Issuing from tha police
department to the local newspapers.
Chief of Police Jennings Is very much
In favor of such a plan, and, It Is un
derstood, will bring It to the attention
of the commissioner!. -
There has been considerable discus
sion of late concerning the giving out
of news at the police station, nnd Chief
Jennings Is anxious to systematise the
problem. It Is said that news has been
furnished the press at times In regard
to cases being worked by the officers
that has proved Injurious to the cases.
The matter reached a climax Sunday,
when a story was published concern
ing the solution of the mystery veiling
the murder of Policeman Albert nine
years ago. This Case was being work
ed by the detective department and be
fore It was completed the story was
published. This publication Is said to
have Interfered with the case.
By Private 1-ensed Wire.
Rockford, III., Aug. 7.—Dr. James H.
Jackson may bear a resemblance to the
not fancy be
ing told of It In public. At any rate,
he appeared as the complainant In the
MM r against Joseph
Brollnger, whom he charges with call
ing him "John D.” Tho trio pleaded
guilty and were fined, the fine being
suspended on condition that they re
frain from mistaking tho physician
for the oij man.
thre. daughters, 8. tayi^l ML'veraoa GaT Aug. 7-Th. bodyh®.™-^^ lh e Jail, when discovered
' Williams and Mrs. J. M. I of John trickling, who was drowned | * n<l
Mrs. C. A. Williams nnd Mrs. J. M. of John trickling, who was M
Davis, of Macon. Funeral services will In the river near here Saturday even- M0 ° K*<ntorcso.
be held at the . residence Wednesday Ing. was recovered yesterday after- At 10 o clock there was a stir In the
nfternnon at 3:30 o'clock, nnd the In- noon some distance below where the I mob—It was augmented by fully five
ferment will be at Sylvester church | buggy wu found and^a verdict was | h Un( i r ed men. who came. It la said,
from Whitney. It was but a few min.
burying ground.
Mrs. Paul Hauaman.
Mrs. Paul Hausman. 31 yeara old, I
died nt her residence, 437 Washington
utea after their'arrival when a crowd
What though on homely fare wo dine,
Wear hodden graj-, and a' that?
Gle fools their silks, and knavea their wine,
A man's a man for a'that. —Robert Burns
A man may be a man for a' that, but there's
a big difference In labels. This one
street, at 9 o'clock Monday night after!
nn Illness-of three weeks with typhoid
fever. She Is survived by her husband
and a (-year-old son. No funeral or-
I of fifty, forming n sort iff flying wedge,
kf« ' *“ —“
I respectfully announce myself a
made a break for the Jail doors, over,
powered the officers, and effected an
entrance. The crowd outside surged In
behind the leaders, and In a few, min
utes more merged from the door with
their victims, who were quietly march-
to Henderson'a ball ground In the
* yiirk* Brr,v *' °* * ler brother from war d, subject to the white primary on given time to confess the crime.
August 22.
The royal families of Hweilcn. Kpslu snd
Did Not Confess.
They refused to either deny or con
fess and were so thoroughly frightened
T..'!,." 1 . 1 * ** well ss | rsspsetfully announce myself s hove lost the nower of
tMIlielm. who has also been a heavy esndidita for council from tho Fourth ** almost to have lost tne power or
... 7 b*.lYestsrn property, while Kins word, subject to white primary on rpeeeh. John Gillespie wspt piteously
S *Jhjj?asd I?»7. & I and beraed for his life. Tiring of Its
©ropoTty from
thousninlft of i
©r©s of Western la nils.
atanda for the beat of workmanship and the
fairest of methods. It'i the workman’s pro
tection and the business man's guarantee of
quality. That's all.
I new commander,
| Landrum Is a past
and begged for hla life. Tiring
efforts to secure statements from ths
.negroes, at midnight the ropes were
mytelf \ a Quickly brought forward and adjusted
* ■ ■ ‘ — up to the
■ N T Gann. Judes candidate for council from tho Sixth and the three were strung up to
•at commander of tho w * rd - subject to tho white primary on limbs of one tree, and with howls
‘ ™ August 22. _ _ | Curses the crowd riddled the dangling
bodies with bullets.
George Brvln waa taken from the
Jail with bla associates and closely
Registration Still Small.
| The number of registered voters of
Fulton county will hardly exceed 11,-
1000, and unless an unexpected nver-
Atlanta Typographical Union,
| flow of voters sign their names to the I --did*,.
.registration slip. Inthenextfew days | >et w'hl'te' prima'ra on Aufuat’tT
,h * will hardly * MACON C. SHARP,
reach 13,000. According to Andy Stew
art, tax collector, this Is a very poor
gosera*average*of tlT'/.puT.u'SVf I ARE Y0 ^ «>' N 0 TO PAINT?
this county, there should be at least I Linseed Oil ll the Ufa of palnL See
questioned. Then the mob led him
back to hla cell. Neaae Gillespie main,
talned his Innocence to |}ie end. Thi
twenty-five or thirty thousand regie-1 that It la pure. Spencer Kellogg Old
tered voters at every election, and con- Process Linseed Oil Is the oldest
stdering the fact that two of the five brand In the United Ftates. Sold by
Won by H. J. Carroll, 151 Central avenue, Atlanta.
candidates for governor are natives of.
Fulton county, tho news of such n F, J. COOLEDGE & BRO„
smalt registration will come ax a sur-1 '
prise to a good many, 1 Atlanta. Savannah.
other two would neither confi
deny the crime.
Governor Glenn Notified.
Governor Olenn waa at 11:10 o'clock
told of the mob by Judge Long over
the telephone. He at once wired orders
to the military companies at Charlotte.
Greene boro and Statesville to hurry by
special trains to Salisbury. Finding
these were too late, he countermand
ed the orders. He states that soma
time ngo he offered the sheriff the
service of militia, but the offer was
declined as unnecessary. He declares took a recess.
Ity Private Leased Wire. *
Salisbury, N. C-, Aug. 7.—With every
foot of space jammed to the utmost.
Judge Long called to order the second
day’s session of tho criminal court to
day, following the lynching of the
three prisons™ placed on trial yes
terday, Jack Dillingham, John Gilles
pie and Neaae OIIIcBple.
The excitement was Intense, and al
though the court was convened over
an hour Inter then usual, many sat
two hours In the sweltering heat wait
ing for the expected words of the
court. Judge Lung first ordered even-
one seated. Sheriff Julian was eomo
minutes In carrying out the order of
the judge, while a strange silence per
vaded the room. The judge next or
dered the sheriff to call the grand
jury Into court. Sheriff Julian was so
under the Influence of some powerful
emotion that he appeared to speak
with difficulty. In fact, the aged sher
iff seemed almost overcome. Solicitor
Hammon then announced that
would ask for a continuance of the
case against Henry GlUesple, Della
Dlnllngham and George Erwin. Next
the eoHcltor asked that the case be
continued from day to day,' aa the
prisoners were in the Charlotte JalL
Court Will Inveitigate.
The judge said In hla new charge th
the grand Jury that he believed there
were still good people In Rowan and
that he would like for them to be In
attendance upon the court from day
to day. He (aid, however, that If there
were cltltena present aa was the case
last night. It would be better that
they keep away from the court. He
told the grand Jury that he would
want them to remain with him longer
than usual and that he would talk to
them later on an Important matter
"God Almighty still reigns," said the
Judge, "and this court will not adjourn
until this affair of last night la Inves
The special venire of 900 men sum
moned in thp murder rues was die.
harged and the court at 11:20 o'etoex
Is what a man wants when he
seeks protection for those de
pendent, upon him.
A Policy
protects him, while he Is pro
tecting them, as it provides In
surance against the loss of his
Earning Power by Accident, Ill
ness or Total Disability aa well
as by Death.
A broken leg or a caae of ty
phoid fever would not seem so
bad if he knew his Earning
Power waa Insured and he waa
not suffering a Financial loss as
well as pain.
to reduce the premium or In
crease tjie Insurance as dealred.
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