The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, August 10, 1906, Image 11

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Bulls Give No Support to
Prices, While Bears
Were Aggressive.
At Midday Prices for the
Active List Show De
dines of 14 to 20-
Br Private T.raaM Wire.
New York. Aug. 9.—On Belling by
vratarday'. burns tile cotton market
opened 2 to S points lower. The sell
ing was Influenced by Improved news
from the South nnd lower cables. After
the call the bears added considerable
pressure to the market. Commission
houses were sellers.
Sentiment was decidedly bearish in
the cotton market today, nnd from start
to flnleh weakness was the feature.
New low records for the season were
made through the entire list, all op
tions selling below the 10c mark.
The weather and crop news were
the factors, the following being sam
ples of the day's news:
Houston received 1,643 anil Galves
ton 553 new bales of cotton today.
Following are samples of *rop and
weather news received today:
Cuere. DeWitt county, Texas. In
dispatch says: “Yesterday was a ban
ner cotton day for Cuere. nbout 350
bales coming in, and It came from all
parts of the country, ns the prices
paid at Cuere attracted the cotton."
Nacogdoches, Texas, wires: “The cot
ton crop, except In a jew communities.
Is line to date. It is reported by
farmers that from one-halt to two-
thirds of a crop of cotton Is now ma
tured. If this bo the case, the county
h,a from 10.000 to 14.000 bales In sight.
Too much rain Is reported iii some
localities and the boll weevils and boll
worms are getting in their destructive
work." '
•Two new bale* of cotton, one from
Louisiana and the other from Mlsste-
ilppl, have Just been auctioned off In
New Orleans for He per pound each.
They were classed as strict middling
•nd middling/*, •
Wtxahachfe wires: “Ellis county has
the biggest crop on record.” It will be
remembered that Ellis county maclo
the banner crop of any county In Texas
In 1904—11,500 bales.
Price is selling December today,
which fir against hfs long October. He
Is trying to sell October.
Atlanta—Steady nt lOtyo.
Now York—Quiet and stcndy at I0.60c.
w., consumption delivered on contract
Kt. Louis—Quiet at lOVjc.
.N.ivniiimh—Qnlet it 10 5-16c.
rolmnltus—Steady at 10Hr.
Galveston—Stcndy at 10%e.
Its It (more—Nominal.
M ehlle—Dali, 10C.
Norfolk—Steady at 10*0.
Boston—Quiet nt 10.70r.
Houston -Steady at 10*e.
Liverpool. Aug. 9.-12:15 P. m.—Snot cot
ton quiet, with prices stcndy. Middling up
land*. 5.Sid. Sales 6,000. American 5,300;
•pecnUtton jind export MO; receipts 1,000,
a ulet nnd steady,
pening Previous
Range. Close, Close,
PrtTite I .eased Wire to filbert ft
New York. August 9.—Liverpool St 12
P*PJ; ^ ”I»* About as expected.
Mitchell offering 10.0Q6 January a!
traders hammering market
The Journal of Commerce mvs:
dltlons In the nrlmniy market tor •
goods could hardly be better nt the be*
nlug of a Jobbing season. Mnless except
be taken because of the scarcity which
tsts for the time ledng In aperlat liuca
merchandise. Agents And fbat buyers real
Ixe the idmatlon in so far as supply It
affecting It and the larger ronsunx-rs are
disposed to cover further ahead than they
were a few weeks ago.'*
• "'i'"'* la IriW ii i 11 _ , lit, in'll M i.
New Orleans. August livscpm 1 up
Is ns expected, nnd without furthc
changes should not nffect our opening.
Liverpool cables: "Have little fnlllt .
higher price*. Mach of the recent buying
hns been on speculation, and with a *le-
ellaing tendency all this cotton will be
thrown upon the market"
Mobile, Ain., wires: "Crop this seetlon
reported a best the same; rains did
damage ami outlook exeelleut."
The market 1ms beei* very active this
morning. The mere faroralde map aud
erop news caused Incrensod selling.
Tlie western forecast Indicates fair
weather for Louisiana tonight and Friday:
partly cloudy weather fig Arkansas nnd
Oklahoma; partly cloudy weather with
proiialde showers on coaat In Eastern
Texas nnd in Western Texas. Sea
hewers tonight nnd tomorrow.
Eastern forecast Indicates fair weather
hmngtiout tonight and Friday.
Map fs excellent—Hear and dry and warm
In the eastern section nnd alternately clear
nml eloody with no rain Hi tke wester
section. Market prices likely to be Intfi
Private Wire to Ware A LeUniL
New York, August 9.-LJvemool futuri
opened quiet and unchanged. At 12:15 p.s
unchanged ami dulL Bales, 6.000. Spots
up at 5.84<1. Futures due to come un
changed to 1 np. ^ . .
IJvarpool cable soys: Continent buy
ftie New York cotfott market opened
heavy. Selling power strong. Hupi*ort poor.
Weather mop good. Loos for grndurlty
lower market. ... .
This market Is getting hsav 1st each day,
Absolutely no support To mnrket and col
ton Is comtng out from every quarto
Weather map good. I/wks as though \
are In for lower market. Advise teglng.
Hchlll offering the market down. Belling
5.000 blocks of December nnd January.
Mnrket breaking on heavy offerings b;
Hchlll. Mitchell. Pearsall ami Ray.
<?ates & Vo. henry buyers of cotton on
th N>w*oS«ina, August 9.-L!rerpool was
dne tin chnnged to 1 up and there fora cables
up to 12:10 p.m. are Just right.
New Orlenas receipt*. 45, 1 n«w; Hous
ton 2.421, 1.80 new.
It Is small slxed Ik... ———- -,
will sdl the markst on farther rtas untest
iroflt taking by satisfied aborts liecoraev
fod MoeroL
Thr ilrtallnl wrather huren* reports ire
fratnrelm.. No milk Is iwmrtwl oror
Texas. A maximum ttinpomrere of 101 .to-
sree. Is reported from Alex.n'irin, l.o., hnt
other locnlltlra In Loulalan. St* much
"noth OctolJ'r and Detwinls’r rab>bflsl'u<l
new low reoords for the season, nml sHll
the market looks lower.,
Net stork cotton la New Orleans 13>XJ,
■RlffiRRIPAnaisl on ship-
bo»ril 14J6S hnT,V aanibst 1H.3K last >rari
against M.4J7 ta.t jrar.
A very lair loislness has hreu done. Mar
ket Is q.leter now. The ring Is .linnet
solidly Arrayed in the Ini «hVr. i ,;nd only
anrorewrn itecelopmenta ran Jnit prim
higher. Spota are I tin: 11 re. Offering. are
poor .md so la tbo demand.
Private \Vlre to Hubbard Bros.
Clearing weather map broug# local
selling. Liverpool reports London and
America aelllng. Under!,ne ls stend-
ler than on Tuesday. Mitchell. Dick
Bros., Norden heavy sellers, supplylns
outside coverln, orders of about 60,-
000 bales. Mitchell very heavy seller.
This heavy selling now attributed to
Broadway liquidation. The market
cannot stand this good weather.
Mitchell Just sold 20,000 December
etween 70,00 and >0,-
kept..Oct. . .
Oct.-Nov, . .
Nov.-|)cr. .
bee. J* II. . .
Jun.-Keb. .
Feb.-Mar. .
5.414.0 8.46-5.43
5.28 5.44 „
ss rsss
ID 5.45-6.4«
is tztx
6.44 5.51-5,61
New Orleans, August 9.—Cotton wn» weak
‘ selling which sppean** *
ly divided between the
ciime from *11 sides,
latent seller seemed t<_
i ... «It w** estimated :hnt he
let go «VW bales. principally liecentlHT.
during the m:»rnlag. The weakness started
in the Uverpnol market Jast before the
tipening of the American markets. Prl
vate cnldegrams said thrt the order* to let
entne principally from Loudon
IV *“
New Orleans. . . . ,
Galveston. . . ,
Mobile. . . ; .
Hnrannah. . .
Charleston. . .
Wilmington. . ,
New York. . .
I’sciflc coast. .
The following table shows receipt* at the
interior towus today, compared with ths
•nme day Inst year:
Houston. . .
August*. . .
Memphis. . ,
Kt. Liuts. .
1 iminnatl.
■ N>w York. August 0.—The eoffee market
nervous *nd Irregular this morning.
Kuronean market* did not fully respond
lT L . , P < * York declines of yesterday,
I vhlch were dne to active liquidation by a
fpuple local bouses. Trading was quits ae-
hero during the esriy session, and
held around the opening figures.—
^“^rt Ac clay.
March.. ’
May.. ..
June.. ..
July.. ..
Angutt.. M
i-.r a
i:£ 7 *
7.08-7. U
7.49-7 JO
7.06-7. M
7.06-7.1* 7.06-7.10
I’-'-lw ,. .. 7.W-7.55 7.06-7.M
7.W-7JS T.lVT.r,
7.16-7.2) 7.16-7.26
1 1*0 «ir»dy..
Xmcrlcs. 1'»l, sellhiff eaeimt s lower oi.',,
Inc here, the srllrr jxvUMon. living
6 point, nml l»trr tbr rtu* ntlsoki-iT prior,
on almost Mini wrath-r a-musH aii.I >w
the frrr mnrrmrnt of now rottok. Tl;t
flrsl I,.Ilf from In'll Ismlslaim amt Mis
,l,.lpp‘ wrrr aarllosml off nt Now Ur
Ioann Imlay In Vsrlotlo, Alloy. Ilopiol.
from Iflsrbsfppl «lrongtlioiio<l iho .iwliof
la a roconl lironklrg onqi for Mint staff,
tdrlcos from manjr In lanilslans
wore very oplImUilo and Iho movement
of now oottou In Texan contlntioU heavy
,n,l prorttwnl to 611 the wants of those
who have ronualttsd themselves to August
Glbert & Clay’s Cotton L,tt,r.
New Orleans, Aug. Th» specula-
tlve buying of the past few days In
Liverpool seems to have been the for
eign market’a strength, and cablea In
dlrated that as soon aa the support wai
withdrawn lower price* would follow
Opllona loat In the net reault 6 points
from yesterday's close, while spot aalea
amounted to 6,000 bales, < points high
er. Increased activity marked the
day's developments, a more general In
terest In market affairs being displayed
on all sides. Frequently during the
day the market would steady up ot)
covering by satisfied shorts, but every
such period would only serve aa a fur
ther Incentive for bearish attacks.
However, there was nothing unnatural
about the decline, for the exceedingly
favorable crop news Justified In a
measure the lower range of values at
tained. Our own advices from the In
terior are excellent Indeed, stamping
with more certainty the ruling pros
pects for a splendid out-turn. The va
riable weather of late, now wet and
overcast, now clear and dry. haa In
reality given considerable impetus to
the further devolpment and maturity of
the plana already heavily fruited. With
these facta In view. It appears as If
present price* are completely vindi
cated by the conditions existing.
rMeegn. August _ ».-Tbe‘ Price Purrent
ays: "Heavy wlater wheat movement
.nM.IIng. Spring wheat give, rfmd pcom-
Ine, hut rein 'lanugo apprehended. OM»
muse I tetter than expected. Packing 470,-
000 a galoot 360,500 last year.
v!T L* 8!< *k Exchang».|N«w Oriean* Cotton
New York Cotton Ex<*h*ngejktw Orlcana Btaek Cotton AraoeUtloo
York Coffee Exchange ./New Orleant Board of Ir« .• ,«.al\c*ton Cotton Exebang*
Trlr*te Wire* to all Exchange*- M
Local and Lang Diotanoa Talaphon, 5298. W. R. FAGAN, Maninar.
Pednsvlraoia Was Again
the Leader, Scoring
Sharp Advance.
There Was n Demand for
Union Pacific from
Room Traders.
Bj Private Leaced Wire!
New York. Aug. 9.—Thl* morning'*
movement on tha atock exchange was
characterised by tha same conflict of
speculative opinion that waa apparent
yesterday. American stocks in Lon
don were quoted fractionally lower,
accompanying a generally heavy un
dertone in the markets abroad.
Sales for foreign account, however,
was only trifling and during the first
hour the local market displayed con
siderable strength. Pennsylvania was
again the leader, rising another point
and a half, and the shares of the allied
road* were for a white conspicuous
in the buying, but the upblddlng of the
Pennsylvania group failed to have
more than temporary effect on
of the list. The market soon began to
take notice of the heavy selling of
New York Central shares, under which
the quotation broke very sharply. This
was connected naturally enough with
yesterday’s violent fail In the com
pany 3 1-2 per cent hoods, following
the dissolution of the underwriting
In the stork market, with the exception
of lViiusylvnnh, which opened up *, ne*r
ly nil of the active list *t*rted In either
nni'luinged or nt fractional recession*. New
York Central, Amnljramnted Clipper. t«l
orailo Fuel, Rending. Steel preferred anr
Southern Pari tic were
common Uowu %
Smelting. Erie and
** mipjrlvanta was the lender
rising to 12*\. The upw> ; -
meat was accompanied by assertion* that
nt the November meeting the stock will 1m»
pnt on a 7 per cent InisIs.
There was n demand for I nlon 1’nclflc
from the room -traders lu anticipation of
some favorable developments at the* di
rectors* meeting.
Ice securities also were a feature, sd
vanelng 2 points.
Price niovemeu
Iiondon sold less than 10,000 ‘■shares on
Imlnnce. t ,
Governments unchanged. Other bonds
Ic were tyichiumed; Sira
% nnd Brooklyn Truuslt,
and Ht. Paul off ft.
’nnsdlnti Pacific
'heMpenke A Ohio
hlrsgo. Milwaukee ft 8t. L.
Jllnols C’entrsl
sonlavillc A Nashville
New York Central,*...
[leading.. .. .. .* .. •* •* ..
Ilouthcrn Pnclfle.,
■J«Jnn Pacific ,,
United Htrttrs MteeL...........
'nlteil Htntes Hteel pfd..T...
Bid. Asked.
mulish k,m 10JH
iImcoii 6
. 11. of Georgia 1st Income..
do. 2d Income...,
do. 2d income...'
South western...,
“ fla Pnclfle 1
, and A. 1st...,
:::::::: i
>f,w Vnrk, A«e- Tb» bus ssjs: lofln
.h'-'-'t lir unfsvanhl, WMthm rrpnrt, from
Ml. ,'intbw.I,ru r.iltou l.'lt .ad rmfrilE
war. n.rvmis, fmrinx th,
d.vrlonni.nt i>4 s rmp mn, .ml ttwjr cev-
.rail rstli.r frcly nt tlmrs. IlMTjr rstn,
were eslit to lie seriously rismsgfn
amt Indl worms Were received from Texss.
thl* nstarslly crested nerriwssees
X some of the hears. Then, too, sol
liousht Is expectstlon of s nstural rail.
I.tvrn»>l WSS le'tter thus eineetr* and
brokers repraseellns Urrrpoa) Interests
sere buyers. There was less selling pre»s-
■, especially from southern snarees, si-
client. The erop
K g4ncrslly ilctertorstie
the month of A
condltloa Is cxl
this ys#r. The weather In, the Atlantic
state* was more favorable, hot sentiment
was molded by the bad reports from the
iHithwest. Weather conditions. It Is be-
dmnlmite tb** coarse of the
time to come.
I* considered
hulls l « r k sg
Ikrca. will
market for *««e little time
Meantime the short Interest. Is
rather extensive. Bnt the Imll
enem and the ontridi
to give the tpemlntloo
Glbert k Clay.
«’fw wiixnup, nu*. w.— i nr s/vui'r
crat asy*: The fact that the heavy new
rrnp movement In Texaa haa not broken
tha spdt prices there as rapidly as antic!-
patsd haa checked to Mint oxtent active
endeavor on the part of bearish disposed
scalpers* and wa* probably responsible for
I the promptness with which room trader*
accepted the exaggerated reports of flood
damage In the I .one Star Stale. As a mat
iter of fact, the*wide difference between the
American awl .Liverpool rings encourage
straddle operations In some volume, which
appear to be supporting the cla-Atfantte
new crop portions without depressing the
I English market. la the last aaalysls It
moabl seem that the average bear, made
■■■■■■iImiIIMi surcease* hi the
snd lu aplte of an-
dent logic, yet fears the lucky star of the
old enemy and the market horsed in down
ward tendency, .simply beeaus* the public
nor the professionals poesem the courage
ileariy the talent had
■MPPRMVPRIPffPsure thing than to take
the gambler’s chance on the new retitnrea
Meanwhile the local correspondents of l.l
rrponl firms have use«l the cal,lea In i
effort to educate tbrir foreign friend*
cotton crop.—Ware A LeUud.
I*rtvate Ie«*n| Wire,
ew York. August l.-I/ml reined and
ember 5w
Hmeltlng Refining.
Ax preferred.
day preferred
American Cotton OIL.
Hiltliuorv and Ohio/.
Brooklyn Rapid Transit
Cnnaillan I*ac|th*
Chicago 'ind North western...
Chesapeake nml Ohio.,.,
Colorado Fuel aud Iron
Ceutral leather,
do, preferred;
Idqo and (1
- -jcugf*, Mtlwa
I (claw a re and l
DIatlllcr'a Hecpritlcs
«io, ‘ prafW^iV.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.’
Oeuernl Electric
Illinois Central...,
American Ice \
I^uiKllle and ...
Mexican Central .
Missouri Pacific
New York. Ontario and Western
National Lend
Northern Pnclfle
.virmiTii t n«-mc.
New York Central..
Norfolk and Western.
“eople's Gas
'teased Htcrl Car
tbA IKil™:::::::::::::::;:;
Heading *
Republic Hteel
Rock Island
do, preferred... I
United Rtates Rubber
do, preferred...
Southern Pacific
Southern Itailwny
'lo. iwrfwml
Hloss-Hheffleld.., * ,\...
Tennessee Coni and Iron
Texas and Pnclfle
Union I'Uriflc
United Htntes Steel
do. preferred..
Virginia'-Carolina Chemical
do, preferred
stern Uttlun
do, preferred
Wisconsin Ceutral
do, preferred
Total stock sales today 796,400 share*.
Irfwt* wheat came «hiI
waa hard to sell. Tin
•obi It nut on the dip.
Fair buying of ‘ *
and Updike. Mel
Bartlett, Fra tier _
Ought to get a little rally from TS%e-
brook la wheat amt market now ateadler.
Wevatnr j»e.q»le now picking up some on
the break. Brokers here bayiitg quit# a line
“f *1iteat. aepposed to he f*»r Kneel and.
oats hy Mar field. Northern
Helling mostly by tonga and
With ele...
market but!
exile rlei
i-nriuk w««lh,r .wt . kM.y vfan"
nil. un Mvy rnr. NB<i "ui. will
n msi. itlffl'-ully In holilf
tlln. up
.ml rili. wnIl .mi low*,, with
tnnt., nor run tknn cxpwtwj. Pork wt.
•troDy. wIMt lleht trail,- I.H-.I aprratnra
«mi rnmnOral,., hnum nukl lanl .sil rllMM
KM?lt,ii h»nw. took t.riL ■■■
I htrafn InlM In-van: A wat hnrrrat
■SN.M. . Imll fnatn. In whmt .ml «*t.
for I hr lint. twin*. Thwv b.v. Ihwhj
■httwrry «ml OkU
hum. th, srv.r.r p.rt "f fwo wrok., amt
th, tv brat is rkv .h'M-k ..<] .tort haa tlr-
tvrl.watnl la quality. Imt II t* not MltvvM
that tk.ra will h, any lora In quantity na
ira. rain, mntlnur. T'-iaa nml Oktahnot.l
hail 6imh1, yralonlay .sit th, day Iwfora.l
«soul*, hail 4.4* Im-hra of rain.
’alt raURml "
H <" i
IS» wl
> 6 I if bra. Thl. la not K"»vl
i"i i'< N- " >"iK
Last Previous
Open. High. IaOW. Hale. Close. Clow.
Aug. , 9.81 “ kM MUI
9.70 9.71
let. . 186 9.61
fov. . 9.99 9.91
_»ec. . 9.97 f.97
Jan, .10.94 10.IM
Yell. .10.00 10.00
Mar. .10.15 10.16
Closed steady.
9.72-75 9.93-95
9.76-79 10.01-02
9.66-99 10.0H-09
1.93-98 10.11-12
9.97 19.93 10.01-02 10.20-21
The fallowing la the range In cotton fu
tores In New Orleuus belay:
l.nat Previous
Open. High. Low. Hale. Close. Cloi
Aug. .10.00 10.00 0.92 9.92 9.92 '
*“ 9.88 9.82
9.66 9.72
9.74 9.74
9.72 9.76
9.79 9.82
Kept. . 9.MI
Oct. . 9.85
. 9.78
llec, . 9.87 9.Hi
Jim. . 9.93 9.94
Mur. .10.08 10.09
Closed steady.
9.74- 76
9.75- 76
9.82 63
. 17-23
9.94 9.98
From Wall Streot
By Private Wire to Ware A Lelanfl.
New York, Aug. Bsifk rate un
changed: I-owlon .tightly lower.
There I. bullish talk on Pennsylvania
and Un silled group of stocks, but
netting can hardly be restrained nml
the general market is likely to work
oft to lower level, sml another poor
bonk la predicted.
There 1b no certainty of anything
favorable coming out pn St. Paul or
the Jfsrrlmsn Pacific. Look for a
traders’ market, but on good recensions
would take on Steels and the low-
prtiwd Southern ond Western rail*.—
C. K. Rackett.
The Dick following Is thin morning
bulling Norfolk and Western, saying
that the tendency of the coalers la
upward and that the market reaction
will soon cease and permit Improve
ment. This following Is also buying
Cincinnati and Ohio, according to our
report* today.
per cent.
I'rlrnt. Wire to Clthert A Vlay.
New York, A"X. *—, kpailHr *
Co,: "We fiivor the long .tile of tu, mxr-
ket on any further <l< |in-»«l»u tmlnr nr tn-
mortnw, nml think uctfvq nmirovml illrlitrml
pnrlnK Mock will nlv.iu-c.
iIihmI hnylua "f Nnrfulk In re|iortcil to ua
December.. .
morning thnt there I. ncalc down buy
ing of Southern Pacific, which «eem»
strong. The Information In high-grade
houses Is to buy It confidently for re
actions for s time. Some board spe
cialists are talking *0 for the stock.
Eugene Heyer and H. Content buying
Dow-Jones summary: Amerlcfln
stocks In London aulet, a shade below (’lnat*l Ktofub
parity. ^ ,
Grand Jury drops Ice charge.
Standard Oil Indicted In Chicago for
accepting rebate, from Lake Shore.
Bank of England rate unchanged.
London market generally cheerful
with further recovery In console
Well.-Fargo minority stockholder,
fight for Increased dividend begins at
meeting this morning.
Eastern railroads nil Increasing or
ders for rail, for this and next year',
delivery. . ■
Stocks freely offered In loan crowd
with light demand for Pennsylvania
the only feature.
Thirty-three roeda for fourth week
July show overage gross Increase 14.77
par cant.
President Vorgnn. tit First National
Hank, of Chicago, says there Is money
enough to move cropa, but speculation
should be restricted.
Demand for steel products continues
good, even where some falling off In
ugust was usually expected.
Twelve Industrials declined .87 per
Twenty active railroads declined .52
Wi*. The WRF
liiKher dividend
The FiiiniK-liil
a renewal of Insiirane. |
will operate for renetlonnry operations In
the stork market, hut our riilnilntlou* lend
ns to the belief thnt the market I* now sim
ply In s trading ixmltlon, where the trading
rule* should Ik* closely adhered to. with u
•trtet observance of Individual limits with
in a range of 2 to 8 point*,'according to the
Ntocks. The Htnndnrd Oil Indletmeutn III
the We*t may have th# effect of ranting
short Helling l (M piy, || lmt the gi»oil _ govern
t w congeHtlnii *hould be rolnrldent
sn enortiioUN crop Umnand for fondi
either alngl/ could hnvo been cored for
without dlfffculty, hut the bond relief must
wall till the erop demand* aball hnV* been, according ft» the n resow I outlook.
Wo expert to *«• a tporlnlty or two pot
forward htillUhly to«lnjr, ceriums after the
manner of Uennsylranln, which im* evl
■Mtir Ikwii etr |— " _
liildatlou wn*
Oldest ISstabllshed Office South.
Ground Floor Gould Ouildlng. Dally
mnrket letter nnd mnrket manunt
mailed on application.
wheat In shock or atoek* and la atm«*t
much for the corn. Indians. Illlunta.
InwM, Neltraaka, and most Mata In the
eurn licit hnve han rain enough to curry
the rorn erop well along to inntnrity with-
out any more moisture. In part of t*
northwest ahowerr weather for nearly ..
week ka* delnycd rutting of the ripened
wheat and every day of unfavorable wroth-
cr puices the wheat crop in n more eritienl
rontlltlon. making It liable to lost from
shelling from Mng too ripe.
.Oats In llllnot* and lows hnve been
corn crop* couth of the Ohio
Jnmea A. Patton, "t Iwlleve that the ft
will raise 180,003,000 bushel* awe than la*t
I* the Inrgrnt ever huowb. In Arknnnnn
e»*rn la 5o per rent better than laat year.
The Isoulidnnii com rrop Is the Inrgeat ever
It was notlen
ralllea hero and lu Mluneenolj* long wh
was put on the market In qiisutltlea _
rliovk a further ndvsuro. Elevator p^oplo
were also c«*utplou«u* on the trlling •We
in ludh market*.
Gets threshing will be over In ten •
The rrop will im» 1ft nrr r«*nt tee* than j
of last year. Grub worm* Injuring
Private Wire to UllMfl ft Play.
Chicago, Attg. - 9.—I*H*nla started to huy
wheat. I»nt. finding no oiitaMe *umK>rf,
hnve tarneti srliiT*. UelloTe it Is saru to
buy on any dip.
Chicago Record-Her* Id: “Total export
sale* yesterday were rjfl.noo bushels. In nd
dlflon there were 118.000 bushela hnnl wheat
snid here. 50.000 at Ht. Lull* nml 180.000 at
Kansas City to sen hoard and gulf exporter*.
Other rash grain *nle* here were 225.004
corn and 168,000 oat*. Prediction* wired Imre
from Mlnnmpntlft thnt the North Dakota
wheat crop would not be ns Inrge as Inst
year brought forth an offer by II. P. Wat
*0/1 to wnger 15.009 on the contrary shle of
the proposition. MlnneaiHilI* report* that
there I* a possibility of gbod 1100kInga of
flour any tlinK now In rate the market for
| hold* *t<
.lew York, August 9.—Thc strength In tin |
nbrand wna reflected In price4 here. Hpot I
ud nearby deliveries Improved Hr. ]
Copper firm but «M%Bog> I
fa-id and *prlter were iieift«c«e<L
Later Selling to Realize Re
sulted in Loss of the
Early Advance.
By Private Leased Wlr*.
1'llca.o, Au., l.-^Ther, woa eon,id-
•rabl* pmnrt nit Kbeai and It cl'-".i
6-407-6'' lower for til* day. The buy-
in. orders were not In evldenr* and
bears bad little trouble | n h.wln. th.
"■ - i 1 l' I )i" in'ivf-rn-n' "f
1 wheat will Irtrr.a*. a. rapidly ..
iprln. wheat Is Ihrrah'.il nnd pr>-
par*d for in.rk.t. I'orn rioaed dull
and off l-603-4r. Oats were "IT 1-4 if
l-6c. Provl.taaa aft 11* u i-jc.
Primary wheat reroipt, 1.066,856
bu.heli and corn 671.000 buahel., com-
pared with (49,000 and 665.P0U, reaprot-
Ively, a year ngo.
ciearancM far tha day: Wheat 3J«,-
000 bushel.; corn 171,000 buahel.; „nt.
17,000, .
A. aa 76 boa> load, wn, tnk'-n
by Ih* seaboard r.\ tk" rin,. At > m-
ca.0 66,000 buahel, wheat, 155.000 buali.
els corn and 115,1)00 buahel, oats.
chlraao train and prorlalona MetatloM
for today fell"*:
E : I
aa-.: jtt
isa-.: at
May. . 34*1
Hrpt. .I6.W 18.68 H.mi
Jan. ..14.00 14.0) 12.90
Jan. .. 6.00 1.09 ' 8.0:55
flept. *.«TH 9.0-Jt
• rl. ,.. 1,66 X.« « TfS
in. .. 7.4755 7.50 7.4755
Cnali Wlteol-No. 7 reil. 7W4«7»:
da, 77VJ»n5J5^Ne. 1 lioril wlnfer, flV
III|h. Law. Cloe
8’ C C
a; i si
i r '8
h *< ’
Corn.. ..
Tonny. Tomon
' today, last week find Inst yea
CAPITAL $500,000.00
If you contemplate opening a new account, or changing your present
banking arrangement, nnd wl«h to connect yournolt with a atroiig. conserv
ative bank, fully equipped to serve you ns your buafnesH ‘jjsftfles. we
invite you to call and talk the matter over with tie.
Am O. Candler, President.
W. H* Patterson* Vice-President. A. P. Colee, Ceehier.
John 8. Owene, Vieo-ProxidenL Wm. D. Owens, Aset. Ceehier.
Bankers and Brokers,
Comspondent's Capital 1250,000
arrcsENCc. thc ncal bank
C. e. CURRIER, President. A. E. THORNTON, Vlc.Pra.Id.nt,
H, T. INMAN, Vlc*-Pr**ld*nL GEO. R. DONOVAN, C**hl*r.
JAMES 8. FLOYD, Aii't Cathltr.
Capital $500,000.00
Surplus and Undivided Profits $500,000.00
We Solicit Your Patronage.
Atlanta Offices. 219-221 Century Building.
Members New York Cotton Exchingc, New Or
leans Cotton Exchange, Liverpool Cotton Asso
ciation. Chicago Board of Trrfde, New York Cof
fee Exchange, New York Produce Exchange.
Business solicited for the above exchanges.
Direct wire service. Correspondence Invited.
Phones 4M f Long DD2ance39. A.S. Huatace. Mgr.
I(6*QD, wm a.
McCord. Casfxlrr.
Third National Bank
Dr. A. W. Caiho-a
Milton Dnrgan.
John W. Grant.
IL T. MK’ord.
. . , . $200,000.00.
. . . . $300,000.00.
Frank Hawkins.
It. M. Atkinson.
Joseph A. McConL
J. II. Nunnally.
J. Carroll Payn*.
LV R. Itos^r.
Darid W«H>»!w*r<
tiioft. j. rnsri^s. csshUr.
JAH. O. LKKTEU. Ass t Cashier
^ ^ ^rovisi6n5,HtocksPbonds,
Ho. 2 Wsll SI.. Ps/ei
iilditf, Atlonfs. 0$.
raw pn»r stonily and B«irto*«nl.
Nwt vtfMi Angutt at H»1;