The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, August 10, 1906, Image 4
TITE ATLANTA u WHO TAN. KILLING OF JAPS IS BEING PROBEI TO STOP TROUBLE Uucle Sam Gets Busy After Receiving an Official Report. RED MEN WILL PUT UP 'JO TAKE Bj Private I/Nwd Wfrs. Washington, Aug. 9.—The depart m^nt of Justice this morning received a on| telegram from the United States d>trict attorney at Sitka, Alaska. I waa in the nature of a preliminary re port upon the killing and capture of Japanese seal pouchers on St. Paul Is land. It is announced at the department that the case requires unusual care by reason of Its international feature, It was stated at the Japanese em- bn isy today that no word had been re ceived there from Japan, and Mr. Ml- yaoki, the chalrge d’affaires, will await an official report of the Incident from his government before Indicating what action, if any, will be taken by the of ficials at Toklo. KILLslOH-IN-LAW AND WOUNDS OTHER Aged Man Commits Murder After Abusing His Daughters. Special Id Tit. Georgian. Fort Payne, Ala., Aug. 9.—An nged man, named White, la In Jail hare, chary.(1 with committing murder near Lydia, Ala. Wright want to the houan of hla aona In law, Sam and John Hnlley and began to abune hla daughtara, when the othera remonstrated. John Boll- ay'a throat waa cut by White and he died almost Instantly. Ham Bnllay, who waa holding an Infant In hla arms, waa atabbed In the throat, but will re cover. Foaeea went after the old man, and he finally aurrendered. INTERURBAN LINE CUSSED AS R, R, The Atlanta Northern Railway, an electric line between Atlanta and Mari etta la a railroad. . Such waa the declalon of the rail road, commission Thursday. The de clalon means that the line will be un der the Jurisdiction of the commis sion. And the commlalon will have power under this ruling to regulate it. pasenger and freight ratea, and to Compel such regulations as govern any railroad In the state. BIG $60,000 BUILDING Decide-to Make Their Wigwam Six Stories in Height and One of the Finest in the Country. After a ’’union adoption sleep” of tbs Wigwams of Atlanta, stated Thu rein y that Utc trllws of Hod Men In Atlanta, to be bold during the earljr fall, work will com- mrnro on securing funds for the new wig wam to be constructed on the si to where now stands the three-story brick building, Central avenue, between Hunter and Mitchell streets. It was learned Thursday that the trlbea had decided to build a ala-story building, th«* equal. If not superior, to any a**cret r building In the Mouth. Chief of Hoc* stated that the building will cost nUiut f60.. 000, and will probably hare a swimming pool and an auditorium ronuected with If. The lied Men purehaaeU the present building four years ago for the sum of IH.GOO. Hlnce thnt time they have l»eeii offered three times that amount for the property. The lot has n frontage of feet, it la the plan now to parenaae the adjoining Ibt of 2& feet. ^Tbls will give a total frontage of 110 feet, which will bs ample for the large building. President II. J* Collier, of the Asaxdated there would iw uo trouble whatever In raising $40,000 to commence the building on. ,r Aa waa printed some time ago. I put the matter un to the live trllws,*' said President Collier. ’’Hlnce then they have derided to build. The enthusiasm spread like wild tire.” Mr. Collier further stated that the con struction proper would not commence prob- rough part of neat, but thnt „ would be submitted to architects and pinna drawn up for the work at an early date. Mr. Collier stated that the trllws all had money In their treasuries and wanted to ftiveat In the new building, as flie old one had proved to Iw such a gold mine. The building brings In a net Income of $250 a month on the total capital Invested of $11,600, which Is a boot 20 per cent. It la Mr. Collier’s idea to have the top I >or of the building for the Ited Men. the fifth floor for the Rlks, the fourth for the Knlghta of Pythias, the third for the Odd ** 71 the unloopw That satisfactorily ar- ® 1 t. ^uuitizwv zuum y t * s IN GEORGIA AND ADJOINING STATES. PLEASANT MENTION FROM OTHER CITIES »»»»» ♦»»»»»»»»♦» Deaths ahd Funerals. Mr*. M. M. Henson. Special to The Georgian. Xewnan, Oa, Aug. 9.—Mrs. M. M. Henson, formerly of Atlanta, dle<l In Nownan. Ua., Aug. I at 1:30 o'clock, <,f paralysis, from which aha had been ii patient sufferer for thirteen months. The funeral services will b, held at 4:10 o'clock this afternoon. Interment at Oak Hill cemetery. Mias Claudia Kilgore. Villa Rica. Oa., Aug. 0.—Mlaa I'laudle Kilgore, the 10-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jarkaon Kilgore, of this li ne, died yesterday afternoon of typhoid fever. She was very' popular sod h*r death Is generally mourned In the city. Elisa Johnson. t Elisa Johnson, 40 years old, died 1 lursday morning at her residence on t mfederate avenue. The funeral ser vices will be held Friday from llllburn ■v Holland's cha%-l, and the Interment will be at Wcstv'iciy. Mrs. Clsra Schoen. Mrs. Clara Hchoen, (he widow of the ! .'• Louis Schoen. died ut 12:10 o'clock Thursday morning at her residence, 161 K'.uth Pryor street, after on Illness of seven weeks. The funeral will be con ducted from the residence Friday ncrnlng at 10 o'clock. Dr. David Marx Kill officiate. Mrs. Schoen waa born In Bavaria, aermany, and had been liv ing In Atlanta since 1114. Three sons, Messrs. Isaac, Sam and Moaea Schoen, survive her. The Interment will be at Oakland. No flowers. Margaret Patta. Margaret, the 4-montha-old Infant of Mr. and lira. W. T. Potta, died nt the residence of the pa rente In Edgewood early Thursday morning. The body- wee carried to Conyers, as., at 10 o'clock Thursday morning for funeral services and Interment. BAY FATHER TOLD HIS SON TO KILL nr Private Leased Wire. Frederick, M«J., Aug. $.—Fred Psbold, I? jenr* old, eon of John Debnld, of Kylera Valley, Frederick coanty, shot nod killed George Smith, sod of Edward Huilth, yee- tarday evening. The two families neighbor*, but have been unarrellug cent!/ over picking blackberries. _ It f«a#llcgeil John I>ebold commanded *• > to shoot young Hmltb, ami after the killing the father aeld: ••Now. shoot the old man.** ••No." aald the boy: ”1 won’t ahoot the oM man—be ain’t worth a load of shot. Both of the Oeliolda were arrested, and are now In Jail here. PEACEMAKER SLAIN IN FAMILY FIGHT By Private lewd Wire. Detroit, Mich., Aug. 9.—Through hla Interference In trying to settle a family dispute, Joseph Mielka, 11 years old, living with bis parents on Chene street. Was Instantly killed ut a late hour Inat night. Walter Belmiska, aged 43, la under arrest for the crime. TOCCOA. Mr. Jease Gardner, of Wake Forest, N. a representative of Bhorter Col lege, Rome, as., spent several days In Toccoa recently. Mlaa Stella Duvall left Wednesday for her home In Ohio, after a visit to her slater, Mra. Wilber Calvin. Mlaa Louise Simona la attending a house party In Marietta given by Mlsa Eugenie Rnmbo. Misses Nellie and Klliu Ilrlghon huve'na their guests Mlaa Heasle New ton, of Oliver; Miss Bottle Carson, of Commerce, and Miss Ruby Hill, of Washington. Dr. and Mrs. Ferd C. McConnell, Mlaa Christine, Messrs. Luclua, Coella and Carter McConnell, of Kansas City, Mo., were the guests of Mr. and Mra. T. A. Capp this week. • Mlaa Olile May Osborne, of Atlanta, lalted Mlaa Louise Simmons recently. Hon. and Mra. Walter Gordon Park, after visiting Mrs. Park'a parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Capps, have gone for visits to Atlanta, Commerce, Athena and LaGrange, before returning their home In Blakely, Qn. Mlsa Rosa Davla, of Birmingham, Ala., has been visiting relatives and friends. Mr. Robert E. Park, of the Unlver alty of Georgia, visited hla brother, the Hon. Walter Gordon Park, In Toccoa, last week. Mrs. Odell Stapler and children, Christine and Joyce, have returned to Commerce after a visit to Mra. (Rap- pier's parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Capps. Mrs. II. C. Goodrich and children have returned to their home In Augus ts after a visit to Mr. and Mrs. Howell J. Cox. Miss Bertha Kinsey, of Cleveland, Is a guest of Mra. Wilbur Calvin. Mr. nnd Mra. Paul Matheaon, of Westminster, H. C„ are visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Matheaon. Mr, and Mrs. Perry Lumney, of Corona, S. C.. visited Mr. and Mrs. Howell Cox this week. Mlae Allle Hayes Is home from the summer school of Branau College, Gainesville. Mr. Ernest Willingham, of Houston, Tex., Is visiting relatives and friends. Mlaa Susie Newton la In Atlanta at tending school. Mr. Auguatua Wells, of Cornelia, spent Sunday In Toccoa, Mra. D. K. Ilogshed la visiting rela tives and friends In Elberton. Mrs. Wilt Hnllman ana children, of Augusta, are visiting the family of Mr. M. A. Fessenden. Mra. McDonald and Mra. Higgin botham, of Atlanta, are guests of Cob John W. Owens' family. Meadamea Farnsworth and Harris have returned to their homes In Atlan ta after spending some time at the Albcrmarle. Mr. Carl Staplea, of Commerce, visit ed Toccoa friends recently. Mlaa Lula Hayes, of Baatonallee, and Misses Fanny and Willie Carson, of Commerce, have returned home after u visit to Mlaa Willie Mabry. Mr. Guy Clillda Is visiting In Frank' lln, N. C. Mlaa L D. Ramsey visited friends In Cornelia recently. Mlases Etta nnd Rnllle Isbell, of Tn bor. visited the family of Mr. Richard Isbell Inst week. Miss Ansle Fredericks haa returned from an extended visit to Columbia, S. C. Mrs. Ernest Deaton and son, Ernest, have returned to their home In At lanta after a week's visit to relatives. Mrs. W. Jt. Fowler and Mlaa Mar jorie visited Atlanta this week. Mlaa Janie McGhee, of Live Oak. Fla., Is visiting Mlsa Aurora Strong at the Albemarle. Mra. Thomas M. Carlton, a native tleorglan, who haa been spending some years In the Indian Territory, spent Sunday In Toccoa, delivering an Inter esting lecture at the First Baptist Sunday school Sunday morning. Mra. Cnrlton Is a Bible class teacher much experience, a noted Sunday school worker to Whom belonga the honor of having organised the First Bethany Bible class In La Fayette Park Baptist Church, St. Louts, Mo., In 1197. FORTVAU.EY. One of the most enjoyable affaire of the season was the reception given last Tuesday evening by Mlaa Pearl Jones at her beautiful home on Anderson avenue. In honor of Mlaa Alva Jenkins, of Tuscaloosa, Ala. The guests began to arrive at 1 o'clock and Immediately upon entering the house were served with delicious punch; they then dis persed to the lawns and porches. As soon as the crowd had assembled the game of hearts and mlttena waa begun. This proved to be a very entertaining and amusing game. Each young man waa required to make love to the young lady 'whom he had drawn aa a partner. At the sound of the gong partners were exchanged and the love- making began anew. Mr. Fred P. Shepard won the prise for being the beet love-maker, while Mr. Sydney Wil son was awarded the booby. At a late hour cream and cake were served. Those present were: Misses Alva Jen- erts of Baltimore, Bessie Reese of Thomaavlll*, Claudia Ross of Macon, Adelle Fincher, Susie Lee Carter, Nelle Carter, Ollle Winslow, Ola Harwell, Matlle Scrogga, Pearl Brown, Viola Reynolds of Birmingham, Claudia Cul pepper, Janie Culpepper, Mamie Mil ler, Misses Marshall of Macon, Pearl Everett, Dixie Aldrich, Lens Duke, Pearl Jones, Mra. L. B. l’ratoa; Meaara. Fred P. Shepard, Sydney Wilson, Ed win Martin, Mr. Aultman, Edwin Mc Millan, John Everett, John Bcovllle of Ratonton, Ralph Roberta of Baltimore, Clifford Prutor, Louis Pralor, Hlalma Marshall of Macon. Dr. Virgin I us L. Brown, Dr. R. C. Roberson, Mr. Math ews, George Fincher, R. H. Braswell, Arva Osgood Brewlon, Edgar Duke. culZoden. .. .. —jrd of youtiK poop -.oam festival *tvrli liy Mr. — Means St bis spnetous sods fountain Mou day erenlng. (imp Imp ho nr music and akat- ’ is ware enjoyed until a late hour, when ikes ami Ices ware aervad. Anotbar pleasant occaalon Monday even Ing wna a party given to'the younger art by Mlaa Katharine Holmes In honor of Miss Msrlnr White, of Moron. Thoee pres ent were Misses Marine White of Mncon, Wynnte llotierla of James, Minnie Holmes, Basal Holmes. Helen Martin, jmnlsa Col- liert. Suale Ulastngame and William and Cleveland Ilolmen. _ Mias I,nelle Xelluer, of Forayth, Is Tlsltlng Mrs. it. II. Holmes. Mr. John T. Martin, of Memphis, Tana, la here with bis father s family. Mlsa Katie Beau lies returned to her home In Alabama. Mr. Tesslo Wilson, of Conyers, Is with Mr. J. II. Wllsou'e family. Mr. end Mrs. U. J. lllaloek and children are siiendlng several day; at Tnllulah. Mra. X. H. Fuller le at ludlnn Spring this week. VILLA”RICA. Mra Willie Dobbs, of Atlanta, Is tbs guest of relatlvea here. Mlaa lllaiiehe Wilson, of Atlanta, Is the gtleat of Misses Msrchman. Mlae Eva Malone, of Texas, la visiting Mr. F. A. Prltebett and family. Mrs. Dsn Orr and children, of Brunswick, nre with Mra Bruce Green for several Mr. end Mrs. Otroln, of Jacksonville, Fla., who have been visiting relatives hare, re turned home recently. , , Mrs. S. Henchmen, of Florida, la spend- Ing aorenl weeks with her parents. Mr. Alea Walker It at home from Chat tanooga. Mr. Carl Embry waa here from Uthla luring, Monday night, visiting home folks. Mias Claude Kilgore le aerlouely III with Ipatrlek, ... . ... f etotth Georgia, are the gueeta of Mlae llhoda Chocvea Mlaa llertn Kilgore haa returned to her tome in Columbus, after a visit to Mlaa lleotrla Kilgore. risincTfawn. of Way the guest of her ettut. tine returned tn her hotua Hon. W. W. Ctimfbu came tip from At- tnntn to spend Sunday. The following young people, rtinpernncd by Mrs. J. II. Allison, went down to Sul phur Springs last week: Messrs. E. I,. Al lison. L M. Allison, Frotik M. l'tttninii, Harry Gilbert, Charles Blekerataff sml <>*- enr nostrum. Misses May Cureton. I.tlllnn Clinton. Emma Pickle, kidney Allison, nnd Winnie Bnbliett. Mr. nnd Mra Alexander Tidwell have ret limed from Rlriotnithnm. Mr. and Mra II. L. Bsylesa of Birming ham, are hero for u few days. Misses Geraldine MeCuteheon nnd Ger aldine Handera of Dalton, who have lieen the guests of Mrs. Moorman, left for their home Inst week. , Mn. M. J. Fahey, of Port Payne, wns the guest of relatives Wednesday. Mra H. *M. Allison bits returned from Valley Heed. Mr. W. F. Pickle, accompanied liy hit wife and brother, Is spendlug hla vacation nt l.yerly. Miss lent Itlng her cousins, the DEAD OR LIVING HIS LAI Big Battle Promised in the Mountains of Vir ginia. By Prints Leased Wire. MMdleshoro, Ky„ Atiftmt 9.-A blf hat tie In Iii prospect In the Virginia mountain* rronk Ball, alleged slayer of Jtck Bolen, »>•* been surrounded at Home BUI. V*., Hheriff flics* Deputy Johnson and * pc— from Bell county. Ky. Johnson telegraphed to the sheriff here for men. A special train J!3*r* b# ***** ***** afternoon bearing volun *fd. 1° l» at the home - I Lr"”* Me refute. to surrender end sa, die lighting. He has several pa CHILD SMOTHERS INDER A PILLOW DURING THE NIGH special to The Georgian. Helms, Ala., August f.—Nathan, ths two- months-old sou of Mr. and Mrs. A. Fespermsn, of Latter, was smothered death st ths home of Mrs. Alwllda Turner. Mrs. Fesperman's sunt. In this city during last night. A pillow bad been placed the bend of the bed on which a mosquito uettlug was spread. In »<»mo manner dur ing the early morning hours, while tho tother slept at her baby's side, the little i>e pulled the pillow orer and It fell aeroaa Its face. Sirs. Turner weut In the room alKiut 6 o’clock nnd discovered ths rhllds plight. The mother picked the lit tle fellow up and be gave one gasp and was dead. CLOUDBURST KILLS THREE MEXICANS By Private Leased Wire. Fort Worth, Texas, Aug. J.—Infor mation has been received here from Durango, Mexico, Baying a cloudburst flooded the etreets of the city elx feet deep. Three people were drowned. Great damage le reported. 233 ALL WANTED TO ADOPT BABY By Private Leaseq Wire, Berkely, Cal., Aug. ..—Babies are In demand In Berkely. An advertisement by Mr. and Mrs. Greenfield, Ban Fran claco refugees, offering their little girl baby to any one who would give her good home, haa brought 213 replies to the Greenfield home. The parents are poverty atrlcken and III, but at the last moment the mother decided ahe could not give up the child 00l»rirH>00<i000000000000004» O FIRST NEW COTTON 80LD ON O O NEW ORLEANS EXCHANGE. O a Special to The Georgian. O New Orleans, La., Aug. ..—The O first bale of Mississippi cotton O coming from Columbia, Mlsa., and O . the first bale of Louisiana cotton O O from Amite, La, arrived today and 0 O sold at auction at the cotton ex- O change. Both were claaaed strict ly middling and sold for 11 cents per pound. • ! WEATHER Carrion. tug Mr. Blair amt slater, of Alabama, are the guests of their slater. Mrs. A. M. Halt. Is with her sister. W, L. Allison. Those preaent were: Minxes Alva Jen kins of Tuscaloosa, Ala., Maude Rob- ACWORTH. Mlaa leena McLain has returned from a flail to t'nlhoun. Uera. K. Y. Jamison. J. J. Bennett, It Mnncrlef, R. I>. Hawkins and othera were here the hitter part of the week attending the Noonday Baptist Aanoolatlon. which convened with the New Hope church near town. Mioses Mattie and Hattie Mitchell spent ls*t week nt Woodstock. Mr, C. O, McGee visited Marietta last week. Mlaa Beside Addington, of Calhoun, Is vis iting Mrs. 1». tl. Stewart. Mrs. Morris, of Calhoun, spent last week with her nnrent* near town. Mlsaea Vara Illll and Helds Upchurch, af ter upending several days here, have re turned to thHr home la Atlanta. Mia* Lynette Awtrey bat returned from a vlalt to Marietta. Mlaa Kva Smith, of Dalton. who haa been visiting here, has returned hfunc. ADRIAN. Mrs. K. M. Green left Tm'adav for a month’s slay with relatives In Durham, Aldred. formerly of Macon. has accepted a position with the James Mercantile Co. Mr. Aldred Is an old Adrian bov. nnd wre are ail glad to have him bort Itb us again. Messrs Frank and Albert James nre vis. Itlng relatives In Atlanta this week. Mrs. H. J. FIHsnti, of \V*vnenl»oro. nnd Mrs. J. T. Quitman. «»f Quitman, arc tltc mieata of Mr. nnd Mra. Edward Klllaou this week. Mr. W. P. Prew returned Tuesday fn»m « visit to relntfves In Mldvllle. Mr. M. B. Tutt returned last Tuesday n a visit f- —*■ •** **■—* •*• a 0000000000000^000000000000 O 8EE OLD SOL SMILE O O IN GH0ULI8H GLEE. O o o 0 Bee the emlle of *ghoutliih glee O O which Artlat Brewerton hns de- O O Dieted on the face of Old Sol. O O !t‘a a laugh at tha dog day su- O O pcratltlon out of which Mr. Mar- O O bury has Juat taken an awful falL O O Thursday la the hottest day At- O O lanla nas known alnce very early O ~ In July, the mercury reaching a O . maximum temperature of ,, at O O 13:20 o'clock In the afternoon. At 0 O that time, however, the Intensity O O reached Its limit, and the mervu- O 0 ry began tn slump slightly, get- O ting down to 17 at 1 o'clock and O back again to S8 at 3. O O The forecaet le: Fair Thura- O O day night and Friday. O O Thursday Temperatures: O 'clock a. m 7, degrees O 'clock a. m 11 degrees O ,.t! degrees 0 ..14 degrees 0 ..It degrees O .17 degrees O lock i OH o'clock a. m. , O 12 o'clock noon. O 13:10 (max.)... . O I o’clock p, m. . O 2 o'clock p. m. . degrees . .11 degrees O O LATEST SNAP-SHOT OF JOHN D.; WAS ABOUT TO SHAKE HANDS (Copyright, 1902, by W. R. Hearet.) Picture from a new photo of John D. Rockefeller, showing him about to shake hands with a visitor. MINNEAPOLIS TRIP A tpelral meeting of the Joint committee ou Atlanta national military parka was held In the Chamber of Commerce Thursday, when Anal arrangements were made for the trip to Mlnnenpolio, where will be held tho Grand Army of the Republic reunion. Home of the committeemen ’will leeve At* Ionia Saturday, othera will leave Sunday, and the' representatlvea from the city e ell will leave Monday afteruoou. B. TV. Martin, chairman: J. If. Harwell, J. Sid Holland and H. M. Clayton will repre sent the city; W. G. Cooper and Crnlg Co lloid will represent the Chamber of Com merce; G. A. Parnell and I>. 8. Carson will represent the O. A. It. nnd A. J. West will represent the United Confederate Vetera us. GRAND JURY JOKES; OFFICERS SWELTER By Private Leae«l Wire. Chicago, Aug. 9.—'flie fedora) grand jury returned tn Its labor this morning to take up the further Investigation of One or two minor wltneasee were heard early In the morning and the Jurors asked the various government lawyers to retire while they deliberat ed. 8ounda of laughter and Joking came from (he room after a few mo menta of quiet. Assistant District Attorneys Good man, Childs and llnnrhett, with Tariff F.xperis Rogers nnd Schindler stood tn the rorridnrs sweltering In the heat for 30 minutes. A number of wltneaee were In the same plight. SUICIDE PACT KEPT BY BOTH By Private Leased Wire. Macomb, III.. Aug. 9.—In fulfilment suicide pact, Edward Delaney, formerly a druggist, shot Amanda Er win Connors, an actress, on the street last night and then turned his re volver on himself. The woman died In a few minutes and Delaney's death Is expected soon. Both were conscious when found ly ing In the street, and said they had agreed to die together. MALE. MODJESKA VICTIM OF FALL MAKE HUSBAND LEAK Mrs. Allen Gossett has filed a suit for total divorce against her hatband, Ed Gos sett, because, she alleges, he kicked her out of bed and also came home in an Intoxi cated condition. Mra. Gossett says the and her busbaod are not living as man nnd wife, although they are both staving In the same bona*. Mra. Gossett says the house la her property and that ahe has repeatedly tried to get Gossett to leave, but that be refused to do ao and still occupies a room In Che bouse. ATLANTA NEWS BRIEFLY TOLD Private I^oswl Wire. Los Angeles, Cal., Aug. 9.—Mme. Helena Modjeska has gone to Ban Diego to rest because of a peculiar fall at the home of Dr. John H. Mnr- itndale here. While walking on the pollahnd floor, the actress slipped and In falling her cheek struck the cor ner of a heavy table. She will be obliged to cancel all her social engage- menu on her visit here. CHARGES CONSPIRACY AGAINST TWO WOMEN OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOI cun be determined. Kperl,l to The Georgian. * Shreveport, La., Aug. 9.—Alleging that they entered Into a conspiracy to poleon her, Mrs. (Taudle Morris haa caused the arrest of Mra. Minnie Kro- nenberg and Mandy Wynn, a ne groes. Battleship is Damaged. By 1'rirete Irased Wire. New York. Aug. 9.—The United States battleship Illinois, Injured last week In a collision with the Alabama Newport, R. I., has arrived at the Brooklyn navy yard. She will be put tn dry dock at once until the full ex tant of the damage from the uccldent Fire Excited Girls. A small blase in the engine room of the Royal Box Factory; corner John and Decatur streets, caused a little ex citement Thursday morning about 7:10 o'clock. The damage done by the blase was very slight and It took but a short while to extinguish the fire. Owing to the early hour only a few of the young girls and women employed In the fac tory wero on hand. The few there, however, became excited when the smoke friim the Are filled the main building. The damage will not exceed 160. Injustice to 8enstor Williams. An unintentional Injustice was done Senator Herbert Williams In the ac count Wednesday of the discussion on the bucket shop bill. The statement thnt Senator Wheatley forced a state ment from Senator Williams that he had speculated In bucketshops was In accurate, Inasmuch os Senator Wil liams voluntarily made the assertion of-Ids own Initiative. In questlonlnr Senator Wheatley for the purpose oi! drawing the distinction between buck- etshope and exchanges Senator Wil liams said he had some ellght knowl edge of bucketshops as he had had dealings In them. This Is a true ac count of how the Incident arose. Off for Chickameuge, Assistant Adjutant General A. J. Scott and City Passenger and Ticket Agent D. W. Morrah, of the Seaboard Air Line railway, will leave Friday —iprnlng for Chlckamauga, where they ill be the guests of the officers of the Fifth regiment, returning with that regiment on Saturday. The first spe cial train containing the state troops Is due In Atlanta at 1 o'clock Saturday afternoon. WIFE AND CHILD SEE MAN DROWNED By Private I-ensnl Wire. Cumberland, Md, Aug t 9.—-Burr Mal colm, of Rlgglnsvllle, W. Va., was waa drowned In the south branch of the Potomac, near Springfield, W. Va.. In the presence of his wife and child, while on a Ashing trip. He was seised with cramps or became exhausted as he attempted to swim across the river. DYING MAN TO WED IN HOSPITAL WARD By Private Ierased Wire. New York. Aug. 9.—Lewis R. Conk- ling, a Tale graduate and a lawyer of 792 Broadway, Is on hie death bed In the post graduate hospital. Manhattan, and his sweetheart. Miss Grace Frl$- bee, of this city. Is going to bis side to become his bride. They have been sweethearts for ten years and they were to be married on August 22 the day they set years ago for the cere- RECORDING SECY IS RETIRED AFTER 25 YEARC SERVICE A. O. U. W. Adjourns to Meet Next in Charleston in Convention.' Augusta, Oa.. Aug. The Ancient Order of .United Workmen Grand Lodge adjourned at 2 o'clock today, to meet In Charleston, a C.. in 1101. Tho officers were elected, which resulted In a number of changes, one being the selection of a now recorder. The recorder had been In the position for the past 25 years. The officers elected were as follows: Past grand master workman, H. M. Beck, of Birmingham, Ala. Orand master workman, M. F. Ken nedy, of Charleston, 8. C. Orand foreman, C. L. Elliott, of Brunswick, Oa. Orand overseer. E. L. Cahill, of Mo- bile, Ala. Orand recorder, D. McDowell, Holly Springs, Miss. Orand receiver, William H. Gilbert of Albany, Oa. Orand guide, P. A. Simpson, of Lau rens, 8. U. Orand Inside watchman, E L. Reeves; of Macon. Orand outside watchman, E B. Palmer, of Columbua, Oa. Grand medical examiner. Dr. N. o. Oewlnner, of Macon. Supreme lodge representatives, J. E. Breaxele, of Anderson, S. C.; W. T. Morgan, of Macon, and T. H. Hearth of Raleigh, N. C. Standing committees; Finance, W. T. Morgan, of Macon; B. B. Collins, of Birmingham; C. A. Barry, of Charles ton, 8. C.; laws. J. E. Breaxele, of An derson, S. C.; J. T. Culpepper, of Thomasvllle,; N. M. Reynolds, of Au gusta. SCORE OF WOMEN THROWN OVER LEDGE By Private Leased Wire. Pittsburg, Pa., Aug. A wagon containing twenty women of a picnic party laat night plunged over a 20-foot precipice, on a county road at Ever green, t miles from here, and all sus tained more or lets serious injuries. None was fatally hurt. LEAPS INTO FIRE TO CREMATE SELF By Private Leased Wire. Richmond, Va., Aug. 9,—Edward C. Bolwer, an employee of the American Tobacco Company, attempted to burn hlmsejf alive yesterday by leaping Into the furnace under the boiler at one of the company's factories. He was dragged out before he was fatally burned. Religious mania Is assigned as ths cause of tne act. THE MOCKING BIRD. Yon are a bird, A inocklnjj Mrd. And often heard A song Of another bird And would repeat In your retreat Along Tha b ram Ns thick And wonld be quick Lest you should tea To do you birds 1 go no. _ For birds art spared Not long. when boys ar# sent. Or random went In numbers bold And strong. That ynu haa placed And had often rnred To build home for Yonr young. Your home Is vanished, Your hope Is banished For many moments yet To come, But your wings remain, 1 ou'fl build again Far away from the • Boys. You mock on and on Till yonr race Is won And ^always have your wvJ&iU’rffwr 1 To CSUM'70S to have Twill not nit yeur txste, Aftor -Wlnnlst u< race, To chanxe your name . To lanlsr. fsrjsnijsi &£• Beeanse days are tad _ And sore. Tour friends will not For your soogs give cheer All along through the yetr To cheer us for ever „ Each day. , we will itand by you And will ever bo trso To soo your nemo not Taken sway. _ _ T. L. Y0UMAN4 Woycroos, Os. Lift without restraint I, without right* A_ little great rasa can always bo BUod with vanity. He who Honda for tho right will not com# to a standstill. Reverent reasoning may bo the best kind I a revelation. S'o man gets worthy riches unless he la willing to bo poor. annot separate society from tin by separating yourself from society. Two thonmnd uninhabited Islands Ue bo- tween Madagascar and the Indian eqn,t In Japan Osh have to bo osM olive, sod 7 nre hawked through the streets la ISO. Notice on a Conns There wlll be _ _ le Idowlng eighty miles ea hoot exerte a pressure of nearly tblrty-tw, pounds to the ogtura foot. isnght railway pisiform: last train on Saturday?*