The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, August 11, 1906, Image 19

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THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN. i ! : EDITED BY / " “ ‘ \ Hr. Mreir'i 15 e»arr I I JOSEPH B. LIVELY l THE GEORGIAN’S RECORD OF MARKETS AND FINANCE ggifjgi | COTTON OPENED FAIRLY_ ACTIVE- prices Were Advanced on a Lot of Covering By I ' Small Shorts. FOLLOWED BY SALES NEWS AND GOSSIP Of the Fleecy Staple. After an Advance of 8 to 9 Points, Declined and Closed 2 to 4 off. Br Private Leateil Wire. New York, Aug. 11;— In the cotton mar krt Imalneo* at the opening waa fairly no- Mtr. Price* advanced 66'9 |>olnta on a lot it covering for email abort*. hut also pro- rldrd a good aelllng l«al« for certain In tarrfts that anggeatwl lower Wall street. SPOT COTTON MARKET, >ew tors, wrnny ni ;u.wr. New orb-mi*. quiet at 105-lSc. Liverpool. quiet at 5.70(1. kt. I.011I*. quiet at lt^e HontiMi. steady at 10.6 Houston, steady m Baltimore, notnli Gnlveaton, quiet plillfldelpbln, quiet LIVERPOOL COTTON MARKET. tic. il, Ith pile aalea 4. d export Futures opened atendy. k Opening w Range. Close. Aujtunt 5.44*6.48 5.48 August-Kept {.424.44 6.44 kept.-Met. * # . * ..5.35-5.87 6.87 ihr.Nor .5.83-5.26 5.S5 X«»v.-I*ec 5.33-5.35 5.35 , iM-.-ian 6.86 Jan.-Fell 6.31-5.88 6.38 Krl>.-March 5.36-6.38 5.18 March April. . . . .6.18-6.40 6.40 April May 5.89-6.41 6.41 Previous Close. 5.42-5.43 5.49-5.41 •JlXf 1 5.31-6.32 5.31-6.32 6.32 5.33 6.36 6.37 5.38 TODAY’S PORT RECEIPTS. The following tablo abotva receipts at ths ports toflny, compared with the same day l , rl v « , 4 Wire to War. * Inland, S.w x«rk, Au*. II.—ivmnn opened Jn.i a .hade lower thaa ,‘ip,'rtwl ou IJvrrp, ■ atM,.. There was not th. amount of oho., rarortnc some of th. holla expected. Th. market la quiet, and within* looked for tiNlar. Iftirk.t ac Juat It little hit nreraolil at th. present. *! future*! steady 1 to 1 up. . LJ* : ^ P' 2 to 5 nn and quiet. Hole* 4.M0 spots I up at 5.7M. future, da. to coni. uuehau*nl to 1 down. . Liverpool enhlea anrs: "1'ontlnental buy ln S f. 1 "’ ,»*“«» rarertn*." Fpllowlnx I, the atatlatleal position of eotton on \ rlday. An*. 10. na iiuide up liy Tb. Sew York tlimiu-lal Chronicle. This Ijist faint _. ... , Week. Week. Year, riallil. aupply.. -;a.M8 2,73*33 American. . . . I.<W.179 1.171.919 1.71LI7T [“ •W*' KMEOT 10, *-1.917 For the week.. *3.099 7S.469 101.0* rort receipts. .. 31,017 42.S71 Htoeka JM.6H- SOS,1*0 an. Ill Export*. .... -’4.513 19,710 nt. receipt a.... 11.124 l.’.tts Int. slitpiuents. 77.733 2I.SSS Interior atock*.. 13.760 1X1.930 37.100 44.9241 179.001 Orleans. Ait*. 11.—Tb. market .. and fairly sternly. The weaker abort followln* la tuellwHl to rarer or.r Httn- day, but there In iio buying for long ac count of any consequence. The action of the market this morning would Indicate that those who were talking the loudest » reaction were dolug the moat of the selling. The c-, the report. „ .. , out In Natchitoches pariah, I*oul*laun, and threatens great damage to the craps. The weevil I*, notice ou twenty-three plantations In the parish. Houston r veaton 1,782 ... .. . Nyl of cotton In New Oflesua Is 16,861 I Niles, against 60,659 at this- time Uat year. Aiuouut of cotton on ahlplaiard Is 16.877 I«Ihs, ngnlnat 16.886 Inst year. Ths Week's sales of spots In Liverpool were 26.000 bales, against 30.000 last year ‘ ~~ 1. Amount of cotton for- 31.000 Inst year, 292,000 lu 1904, nil 000 In 1903. in shows scattered show- era over the l»elt, Ins tend of the fnlr weather predicted yesterday by the weath er bureau. Fort Worth gets 2.06 ralu. • i nc wen in- Inches or Private Wire to Olhcrt A- Clay. N«*w York. Aug, ll.—LIvcrpiMd nt 12:30 m.. was 3<83Vk up on new crop. Was due a (Hint 2 dowu. ed 1 better market for ucar eotton In < New Orleans. Knlvcxtoii. . . Mobile. . . . kfivniitish. . . rhnrlriitoii. . * Wilmington. . INTERIOR MOVEMENT. The following table ahowa receipts at ths New York. Aug. 11.—Weather conditions I are fairly satisfactory In the* main. Knln fallen In almost all sections, but the precipitation has l»eeu moderate or light. •• n rule. In Texns, It Is claimed that oamage Is being done by Ih»U weevils and ••ell worms, and that nn excess of rain In northern districts of Texas Is causing de terioration. and fr<mi a few |K»lnta In other •bites there are complaints of injury to cotton. Klsewhere the crop appears to l»e progressing well, and new bales are moving quite freely In earlier sections. weatTier" in cotton*belt. re has been some uilscelln neons buy ing by wire houaea, but the local traders have shown no disposition to raid, ns yet. New Orleans. Aug. 11.—Liverpool 3ff4 higher fa lad ter than due. Ail advance of about 1 point na compared with New Orica us and 2 ou New York was expected. Dr. Hunter, of the agricultural depart ment, verifies the reports that lsill weevil Is moat Industriously at work In Natchito ches pariah, and will cause great damage. Found them ou twenty-three plantations. Ktlll the reports that the crop of that par iah wlU l»e completely destroyed he oohsld era much exaggerated. Bradatraet'tf review says: ‘‘Cotton has been Improved by the cess rnlna In the south Atlantic Liverpool cables: "Market has advanced In consequence of lN*ara buying to cover their abort sales. Don't think improvement will last.” The Ians the o|H*nli MAJORITY OF LIST RANGE OF NEW YORK STOCK MARKET First Hour Feature Was the Drive That Was Made at Beading. LA TEE RECOVERIES Atlantic Anaconda American Lue emotive. do, preferred .* American Smelling lteflnlug . do. preferred.. * Atchison preferred....... ,nn Cotton Oft..... B.iltlm->rc nud Ohio......... llnwiVIvu Kla|U<l Transit c.ii,Hill in rarlltc * Chicago and Northwestern Chesapeake and Ohio Colorado Fuel and Iron Central leather do. preferred Chicago a— **“ t hlcsffo... lH*Uwsre reo....»••..••••...•..••........i..,,.,,,,,,,, . Great Western Milwaukee ami Ht. i’aul... ‘ lludsoi Covering of Shorts and Some Supporting Orders Caused Slight Rally. WARE & LELAND'S DAILY COTTON LETTER. dine of the we«k. there was prodt-takini on the part of the shorts In the Llrerpu market this morning and the covering the led to a rally of 4 points when n deelli. had lK*eit exp«*eted. The recovery abroad started some short rovering In the bwal market and prices opened tip 8 or 10 (mints, otdy to lose most of the advance and dosed rather tame nt the slight recovery of 4 points. In View of the recent break, the very was unimportant, though profea- ila are now going rather slow on the t side. Crop news whs fairly good, al though the Chronicle complained of Insects and ton much moisture In north Texan. The crop Is now so far advanced and Inis had so much rain that all fear of drouth damage seems to In* eliminated, and with frequent showers iKmtig the month of September It Is more than likely that an eiiormotm yield will In* made. I’nder these circumstances. It would be difficult to get mote than reactions out of the market. QIBERT & CLAY’S DAILY COTTON LETTER. Texas—Iti Dallas, Tyler and Fort Worth It has Inn*u raining since 4 a. m. Hous ton cloudy nud hot: iio rnlu, except slight shower yesterday afternoou. . .. , Mississippi—Natehex, Jackson and Mevl- 6lan dear anti hot. Ynaoo City dear and yen- hot. Alwrdesn cloudy and warm; LtI good rain yesterday. New Albany dear and warm. Aroory cloudy; light rain yesterday nfternoou. Tupelo clear and pleasant. . Alabama—Illrmlngham dear sod hot; hard rain yesterday afternoon.. Seima dear and hot. Montgomery dear nud twm; heavy rain yesterday afternoou. Opelika dear and warm; light rain yesterday afternoon. Mobile dear and warm. Iluuts* vlljf dear and hot. Georgia—Albany, Americas. Macon and Atlanta dear ami pleasant. Columbus clear ‘ rain yesf EBgMHH tid hot; light sterdny afternoon. clear ami _ rain yeaterrtny a . North Carolina—Oreenalioro . . . . ..- hot. Charlotte dear and tbot; had good •hower yesterday afternoon. Raleigh clear aud hot. altore; genera! rains Kansas^ and Okla home; local la Nebraska and Missouri. Ohio Valley-Fair to dear; 72 to 71 above; light scattered rains. weatheiTTorecast. Georgia. Alabama'*and Mlssftolppl-Khow. Haturday; Knmlay showera; light to Bast and West Florlda-Showers Katurday and Xiiielay; light variable winds. "eat TexnsJFatr In weat; showers In north (Hwtton Katurday and Huuday. WORLD’S VISIBLE SUPPLY OF COTTON -—rn,,, IlMtrr'a «t»l«»*nt of th. vtethle nppljr of rattrm .bow. f--f th- wnk jt»t t of M.3S*. a^tn.t * drnnww <’f H9.7SJ la.t [rar M0d * dtttMK of 137.3*4 yoir before The toUl vlrihl. U 2.170.3*4, «*•!.« t- jeptl _ . the permanency of tiMlay'a advance, the cause of the Improvement lielng generally attributed to the covering of the abort In terest In anticipation of a natural reaction. Optlona on the close gained 3. points over looey waa in renmy inn » upwrni linent of expectations, but the eager- with which the acaitiera oecincil to t the movement of the Improvement to put forth new lines of short commit ments. makes It very evident that a crop •rare of some decisive character must form a sound logical basis for more than tem porary advances. However, no mntter how lienrlsli the situation mar appear .on the surface, there must also be reckoned with the Introduction Into market affairs of new nnd disturbing elements, which mar up set the most conservative calculation. The change of front of an eratwblle bull leader, the creating of a large short Amsiienn Interest, nnd the fact that re- porta of deterioration ore not all nntlcl- patnry, but Indeed actualities, snggeatlng that a downward oourne will not l»* entirely l and which may ,ev * tlthy improvements. . year In*fore last. Of this, the to tal of American cotton Is 1,005,904. against 1.185.293 Inst week, L712.712 last year and 572.831 year !*fore Inst, and of all other kinds. Including Kgwpt, Braall. India, etc.. 1.036.000, against 1.4W.OD Inst w«*ek. 1.076,- 000 last year ami 7U.606 rear before last. The total world’s visible supply of eotton ns above shows a decrease cmnparcd with last week of 114,288. a decrease compared with last year of 666.8011 and an increase compared with year before last of TH- the world's visible supply of cotton ns above, there Is now nfloat nnd held In (treat Britain mw\ rontlneatal Kurom* L- 063.000, against 1.627.000 teat year and .11.000 rear iiefovr Inst: Jn Bgypt ©.000. ngnlnat &9.0f» last year and OO.OOO year liefore last, and In tbi I nlted Ktntcs 338.000. against «9O.00d last year nnd 141.000 year before last. Xtf/ib-Yre..- from laat nimitb'. iiremire f—t nf tb- wtnl-r wbrat taim • «mM- -ntl-t- wbrat l«ra*kt durin* •»“ "*Hj■ lug was sold owt after the government lg- ares were anDoanred. GIBERT & CLAY •• K. ALABAMA BT. COfl-ce. PROVlilON, MCMBCR At ATLANTA. OA >•« York Stock Ei-b.nre|S-wOrlra,..^«rari;^n,.;chlras^no. i • rrtr.1. lYIrra to.ll ClCb.c— Led and DI»Unc. T.ltphent 529fc ot Trad.. Cotton Arre-t.tlMl Cotton Cl-tKOgL w. R. FAGAN, M*n«n«r. Dr Print- rra.—l wire. Ntvr York, Au*. It.—Th* .took m«r- ket thl. mornlnc felt the In.pi ration of )-e.terda>-'* extraordinary crop esti mate more than the shrinkage of the rash reserve. Reflertlng th* unrecord ed loes of a week ago, cash holding* of the local In.tltutlons fell ofT 19,200,- 000, and In .pile of a reduction of 34,- 700,000 In the loan account the surplus tva, reduced 13.8X1,000. The stock market up to the publics tlon of the bank figure, had been dull and quite Irregular. An attack on Reading .hare, drove the stock down a p- .nt and a half, and Pennsylvania wen also quite heavy. But with the appearance of th* bank statement th* market acted as it IT had only been wnltlng for the -bad new." to be out of the way before renewing Its on ward march. In the last half hour ac cordingly the buying movement was resumed all along the line, being es pecially aggressive In the Pacific shares, the Routhweatem Issue., and Chicago and Northwestern. The market opened with n majority nf the list showing fractional declines. Atchison opened 1-4 higher and gain ed 3-3 In all. Northwestern was a point higher. Pennsylvania lost 3-8, South ern Pacific and Union Pacific started half lower and New York Central and Reading lost T-3. The feature of the stock market In the first hour was the drive that was made at Reading. Southern Pacific, on the other hand, was bid up 2 1-3 points. At the end of the first hour, covering of shorts and some support ing orders caused a moderate rally, on which part of the corly losses were re covered. Government bonds unchanged. Oth er bonds steady. LONDON STOCK MARKET. NOTES ON GRAIN Pointers on iTovltlona. Private Wire to Ware it I-elaml. Chicago, Attff. 11.—In face of very hr ffovertitiimt Itjun-H ou wheat, ntblea Would buy trheat oniMB well ny fop a acalHug turn. Komi* pHIIiik wheat by few Crowd IiicIIiiinI to buy It for heartah ra *eld alt ipota to- eat by few Mated long*, buy It for a turn. Aiiennci or «ae Chicago Inter th-eau fig- urcM tbo coni crop at L©6.093 UtubeU* and thlukN be la right. We may have ralllea on fhla corn ami then nrlll In* the time to aell December ami May for«a b ug pull. Provision Mieculatora vdll at tent Ion to tbo fact that while nag prtcra an* almut the name now na they were n abort time ago, lard la about %e per pound higher. Cur- rent nrlcea look all the more artlilclal lu IhdAware and lludann.. Plitlllef'8 Keeurltlea •lo. referred jefnl electric llllunU Central .... Ainorhfin Ice Kecutitlca I.oulHvllle and Xaabrllle Mexican Central....,, ,.«• MioftonrJ Pacific New York, Ontario aud Western.. National Lead Northern Pacific »w York Central. Norfolk and Western Pennsylvania .......v People's Una ''ressed Hteel Car J# do, pn Pacific Mi Raadlng Republic Hteel..... do, preferred Unltcil States Rubber do, preferred* Houtheru Pacific Southern Railway do, preferred Kloss-Sb>-nield ' .. Tennewc Coal mid Iron Texas nnd Pacific - 1'tilou Pacific United tf fa tea Hteel do, preferred Virginia-Carolina Chemical do, preferred., Western Union ,. Wabash do, preferred.. Wisconsin Central as also controlled and manipulated iiIhiv he level, eurmit for other prmluct, the .'udahya then having a bull campaign op jin ml. Pm-kIiig' opera t Iona show la rg«< prof; Lo, aii on the present "cost of rlvnte Wire to filbert A Clay, i liirago, Ang. II.— 1 The Price Currentouiys Huuiiiiary of reports continue. t» show a largt* yield of winter wheat {Aid the un usually fine quality of the grain. In Iowa mu excellent out look Is reported. In .Mis souri there Is home Irregularity In re|mrts. but on the whole the crop Is doing well." Cudahy selling September lard slid ribs. Friedman selling January lard. Very little support to the market. Thl* continued heavy run of hogs has demoralised every PRIMARY MOVEMENT* The following figures show the primary movement of wheat amt corg 811,009 bushels. Wheat—Receipts today 8U, against 777.000 bushels last nvnt* today 1.663.000 bushels, Oft) bushels last year. Corn—llccelnta today 294,000 bushels, against 428.000 bushels last year; shipments today 607.000 bushels, against 912,000 hush* els last year. LIVERPOOL GRAIN MARKET. Wheat—Open M,c lower; closed low- Corn—0|mued unchanged.and closed uu- THE COTTON 8EED OIL MARKET. during the early dealln go, particularly for the near by deliveries. There was R fair demand rc|N>rted, and offerings were light er. There waa also n little ateadler feel lag lu file distant deliveries, notwlthitaud lug the (lendatcnt weakness In cottop. ib'tolH*r mlvaiiccii f»f»nt the low point, tml the difference In*tween Keptemlwr mid Octolmr baa usrrnweil considerably. The ‘II litfluiiceil I FOR CASH WHEAT Other Influences W’c Bearish Averai thi.t Morniut PRICES SIIOVEI) DOWN Selling Was Heavy, Result ing in a Fraction Dc- ' clino at Opcuing. Hr l-rlv.te Iraanl Wire. ('Hlra«a, Auf. ll.~Ttie entire >i n- littve list on Ihe board of trail*' auf- feretl further receMlona rr.tlng epotx for th* day, allowing loaaea of 1-4 0 l-2c In wheat and com, 1-403 - In oata, and 11-IO10 cent* In hog t>r*>- durta Th* entire epeculatlve Hat was un der tnora or leu aalllng iireuur* -lur ing th* entire day. Cash aalre h,™ Int-ltideti 150,000 huahala \rheaL >03.- 000 buahela corn and tlO.000 bttabrla oata. The Maboard rapt.rteil 21 |, wheat, 20 ioalla com anti 30,000 rlw oata. Primary Heoelpta—Wheat, for Hi* day, 811,000 buehela, and mm 234, buahela, compared with 777,000 nn*l 423,000 buahela reapecthrely a year ago. Clearancea for the Day—Wheal .’.23 000 buahela, com 39,000 buahela, oata 20,000. CHICAGO GRAIN MARKET. HTOf-K-; Auialaauiatrd fopper. , t-liraoprakt- iinil iihlo I'ltl*-., till, anil Ht. I'nul.,.. New York I'entral. . Northern l-arlOt-,. .. Norfolk ami Weatern. Ontario anil Weatern. 1-ennaylranln. . . . - * llra.Nn* ■took lalaml Houlhorn l-nrlOr Hoiillii-rn Itnllway Union I*nrifle.. . . . United Ktntra Hteel.. ,. ]o, |,referred. . . Wat,a eh do, preferred flreat Weatern Uloaed ateadr. INTO 8IGHT MOVEMENT. By Private I*eas«*d Wire. New York, Aug. # 11.—‘Tbs*fallowing sin tlstlcs on the movement of cotton for the week ending Friday. August la eomidlcd by Hii|N*rlntendent King, of the New Y “ cotton exchange: . Weekly Movement. This 'ort receipts.. ,. .. .. 82,229 Overland to mills aud Canada 7,666 Koutbern mills takings (estimated).... . ... 39,000 Loos of stock at Inte rior towns Ust Year. 63,143 30,000 10,697 Brought Into sight for the week 69,©1 30,193 Total Crop Movamsnt •ort receipts.. 7,820,732 10,112,601 Overland to mills and , ... Canada 900,326 1,104,447 Hostbem mills.-, takings (estimated) 2,100,000 2,175,000 BU*ck at Interior.towns In exciwa of September 1 00.784 M'CULLOUGH BROS/ FRUIT AND PRODUCE LETTER The unprecedented hot weather for the season prevailing daring the present week has served In a measure to retard l»oth ■Sira ..Jlly of _ r . necessarily, to some extent, .sal rosnlt. Values I offered i The market on cabbage Jias been staff- nant. and even at give-away prl«*s It has not lieou pcnudble to^ wove the heavy supply In the market, and the loo# by rea son of rot will l>e very heavy and will result In very dissatisfactory returns to those Interested. Home I letter feeling la noticeable In the market ou Irish potatoes. While no ma terial advance Is in evjdenee, the demand PRICES BETTER FOR TURPENTINE tarannah. fla., Aug. ll.-HpIrlla turpen tine .i|H-no*t at B7i*i' fur Jb* week Juat i'luau.1, iin-l waa quoted nt 30*- for Ihe era- demuu i niortn ta inore artire. with the reralpta out t>ruui|.tly, oiilona of *ood <1 nulltr not In aupply to meet reqnlreiuenfa, ere vowed prlraa, . .... Hwrat potato** quit* plentiful, with no chan*** nattrenbl* a* to ralura. V*-**'(.Iilra, generally aprakln*. —I erln* the rarlnua amall rarletlea. loiln* fnrnlalied almoat exelnalrety by the local and aellln* at ad- laical apple receipt* of a dealrable qiiallty ri.'ty aellln* rradlly at autlafactory .. ahowln* a* upward tendeucy with the rantlnuatlpn of the preeeut . weather will no doubt aell for much higher ralura In tb* near future. only one rar of orance* In the preeent market, mnatattn* of t’ellfornla alock of (•moI qnallty. K*K recclpta 1 dally adrancea. ™ . Ibith lire and droaned. ponltry In liberal inpty with no chanuc of note lu value*. Dutlrr continue* plenllfnl and dull. NEW YORK BANK STATEMENT. The weekly atnlement of the New York aaeoctated Make ahowa the followlag ,JP market one day at whatever prlee waa [KMitr'l. Another buyer took ad- rantnxe nf the altuatlun and ran prlcea an. On Thnraday there waa a deellne of le from Ihe hl*li price, and In Ihe late Irnillri* today there waa another almllar deellne. Onolnllona will lie G9o tnmnr row. The tlemnnd after the cloae tmlay I'loaed ateady. waa not anlTIclent to nhaorli all nl7erl|i(a, a ainttll lot l-eln* earrled over. Tilt* coin' lu* week will prolwbly nee Ihe price nround B754e, or (Htsallily e rntcllo(i lower. The receipt* for the week were anmewlmt llelit. Ihua giving heller nppnrlnnlty for mimlptilotlon. The feature of Ihe roaln market Itaa lieen the further Tine In the three hl*li eat Krndea. Water white llegoit the week nt 13.23 and eloaeil at K.<5, with n further ndvanee of 3e In the Into trnillni: hour lialay. The Inweat grtute. ami other i Ulona, have ahnwn a ell*ht decline. SOUTHERN EXCHANGE Oldeat Katabllahed Office Smith. CO non STOCKS BONOS GRJIN Ground Floor Qould Dulldlng. Dally Itrr nud m appllrallon. L. J. ANDERSON & CO Bankers and Brokers, COTTON, STOCKS, GRAIN CorrispondPt's Capital (250,000 HCPKRCNCE. THE NEAL BANK PHONE f AIT. PRUDENTIAL BLOC distant deliveries are still liiflunced by ths crap altuatlun.N The iiqirket at the rlnaa nj is quiet with prlees tine bunged to lifghet'.—Warn Sc leeliiiiil. New Yftrk, Ang. 11.—'There w.ia a steadier tone In the eotton market tinlsy, but week end dulln**Mi prevailed mefall| nud prlticl- nal trail ecu snrm^d Imdlaed t<» b«>l-J «»ff In view <>f the vast dlffereiiff «*f ffptnlnn rela tive tn thf nf wmii* nf tbi* rtk)Os III- tcri'-Mts. There eg* reiiurtqd te In a large Ibimttenn long Interest In tb* mm ket Slid of tlie riMHit trader* ipr» Unit this 'lined after In mt . certain Interests who \ ket Sonia ilnjPH ago re long nf the msr id wh«» have now ..ra...-wra. -flier side. The trap and weather new* roatlMel fseorabli* ifwlaj nnd the staJLarirs were In line with rarly nredb'tb>ii" Ilon-ever. nn curly material In crease In Visible supply Is «8pert*d In mmm quarters mi account of the amaUer s(«it tie tttatnl. The general market haa rerentlr stisfnlii**fI n good decline, nnd It will In all prtdiablllty fcoulre fame new lH*nrtah fea tare .to put the market flown materially from prevailing quotations. lies go gi | today follow: WIIgA-pE" ("Ti'iiU-”" 3! O r ATS- ‘ Kept., 4i M nigh. Low. Close. Close, jfB K)hk- tt Kept... J6J6 Jaj'VtfJi.lO LARD- Kept... g.« Oet.... S.75 Jan... 9,00 KIDEK- ispi.. mm p. g. 4S4i . © 46 • 44% 46H 46(J s- ® 14.1754 13.13 I3.M 13.90 13.30 13.7754 13.7754 Il.k754 58 m I.« ISP* 3.10 1.73 7.4254 , !:S Jan... 7.4754 ,-AHIt Will No. 2 red 735*^72 w: tv No, 2 haul wlater n5»b «7t54. \k ffl iSt NORTHWE3T CARS* Todav. Week. CHICAGO CAR LOTS. Today. Tomorrow CENTRAL BANK & TRUST CORPORATION, CAPITAL - - - • ■ • $500,000.00 If you contemplato oponlng a now account, or changing your pr*acnt banking arrnngcmonL and wlali lo connect youraelf with a atrotig, conaerv- ntlr* bank, fully equipped to aorvo you aa your bualneaa J lattflea, we Invito you to call and talk tbo matter over with aa. Aea G. Candler, Praeldant. W. H. Pattaraon, VIca-PraatdanL A. P. Cotoa, Caahtar. John 8. Ovum, Vte*-Pre*ld*nL Wm. D. Owana, Aaat. Caahiar. Occidental Fruit and Produce Co. Miuo.rottno WHOLESALE FRUITS AND PRODUCE AND CENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. HEADQUARTERS FOR BANANAS, PEACHES AND CANTALOUPES THE HUSTLERS Frank Hawkins, President. , P. ToomaajC. Erwin. Amt , CnrMer. II. W. wyers, Asst. Cash Third National Bank Capital Surplus $200,000.00. $300,000.00. Dr. A. W. Calbnuo. M f..n I •! i ,M.H Mg W. (tranf. T. McCord. DIRECTORS! Frank Hawkins. II M. Atkinson. Joseph A. McCord- Dm Id WofNlwsrd. J. M. COPELIN, Pret. 2 N. BROAD ST. JOS. GENNTISON, Mgr. ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Rraerr**.. .. t-napa... .... Hprete Kpiiv.vv. Cblculntlon... nearing* for week.. Same week last rear. DARWIN C*. JoNKH, ltaoagtrr. THE COFFEL MARKET. Pnllinrlnc waa the npraln* ran*, and etaae la th* N.w York raff.* market to- HUBBARD BROS & CO., mSants Atlanta Office*, II9-2JI Cenfury Uulldihg. Member* New York Cotton Exchange, New Or leans Cotton Exchange, Liverpool Cotton Asso ciation. Chicago Board of Trade, New York Cob fee Exchange. New York Produce Exchange. Business solicited for the above exchanges. Direct wire service. Correspondence invited. Phones 454, Long Distance 39. A.S. Huatace. Mgr. day: January February March iff} 1 . June July August - *- Mepteiaber Ortnlirr... .. .. Xorrstlirr... .. . perttlvr,. .. • Cloned steady. ATLANTA NATIONAL BANK ATLANTA, OA. C E. CURRIER. President. A. E. THORNTON, Vle#-Pr**ld*n«. H. T. INMAN, Vlco-Praaldent. GEO. R. DONOVAN, Caahiar. ‘JAMES 8. FLOYD, Aes’t Cashltr. Capital $500,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits $500,000.00 We Solicit Your Patronage. Opening Range. ..7.15-7.20 , ..7.30-7.26 , ..7.26-7.36- . ..7.9* 7.90 • ...7.16-7.46 ....7.46-7 JA . .7.66-7.60 ...6JM.6) . .6J6-7.00 ..c.m-7.06 ..',.7.66-7.10 • N4.iy-7.15 Ni* Ortrttt. WARE A LELAND COTTON, GRAIN, PROVISIONS, STOCKS, r , BONDS, *., 2 Will 31., r.I.M 9.U4I.,. Atluti. C. HlMllKS: fra T.rt Of.. r Oja* ‘"'1 i' 1 ” t '- l.» CU.M. CUM CMm. IIMt BT TtSX*. fra o,L,„. Oka*w Ycrk Coffer lt:!u C COTHBAN, ¥ MADDOX-RUCKER BANKING CO. CAPITAL $200,000.00 SURPLUS AND PROFITS .... $500,000.00 ACCOUNTS INVITCO We Invite aceountu of individuals* corjtonition-i. banks nnd banken nnd olfer the best terms consistent wit It conservative hanking. In our Saving* Departm-nt w. allow Inten at at the Rate of 31-2 per cent. Compounded Semi-Annually.