Newspaper Page Text
Passenger Trains Crash
Head-On Iuto Each
Sr I’riret* ImhiI Wire.
l'.>rt Worth, Tex.. Aur 18.—Two
Miooari, Kansas and Tnu passenger
train* crashed head-on In the eastern
yard* her* today.
It la reported that twenty person*
were Injured.
From 2 o’clock Sunday morning un
til late In the afternoon* a corpa of
men were bu*y on the coagulating bn*
•In of the water work* cleaning out the
depoalt of mud which had gathered
during the pn*t three month*. The
bailn la now thoroughly clean and It
I* Manager Woodward’* belief that It
Fill be poaalble to get through the rent
of the gummer without another clear
water baain.
• There waa an Immenne depoalt of
mud. In aome of the pai#J of the
bailn the mud waa 7 feet thick. When
the water waa turned direct from the
reaervolr Into the Altera It waa found
ttnpoaelble to get It thoroughly clear.
By Wirt*.
Richmond, Vn.. Atig. 18.—Tremen-
dnualy heavy rain* vlalted till* aertlon
je.ttrday, aeveral Inrhea of water fall
ing In a brief time. A heavy wash-
t*ut of the madbetl of the Richmond,
Fredericksburg and Potomac railroad
near Aahland blocked all traffic. The
iae*en**t train* of the Atlantic Coaat
I.lni, Seaboard Air f.tne and Southern
cere detoured.
Believes He and Hopkins
Robbed Democrats of
By Private I/Mfil Wire.
Pari a. An*. 13.—A atatewent fit explnnn
tloii of why be la (•pjMMring the retentluti
of Roger Halil van aa f !»•• Iltlnola nientlicr
of the lJemocratlc Natlonnl committee waa
mnde public today by William J. Bryan.
• | entered Into fhla ion teat IwcnniM* I
tillered flint Ibnfer Hnlllvnn mid John P.
Hopkins Uni) ilcllltctfitcly ioIiInmI the lie
entta of Illinois of their |M»tlt|rnt rights, nnd
I still l*elleve no,” wild Mr. Itrjnn.
seeure polftfeitl i surer by force or fraud
ought to Im* iis dlsgrneeful in the eyes of
the public ns to necure money by force
«»r fraud. I rnii not coneelve of nny
ItlnnsIMc detenae ulili-h Mr. Hnlllvnn cun
make for remaining on the natlonnl eomtnlt-
tec. It a iMsiy Is nimble to rbl Itself of
the leadership of men like Mulllvuu. who
seek to control the |mrty orgnnlxntlon to
atlvniiee their corporate Interests, It might
ns well dissolve.
Mr. Itrynn added Mint lie bad Imhmi anx
ious to allow Hnlllvnn to retire without it
tight, but Hint It la probnlily Just aa well
that lie hns chosen to tight.
Permit, Is Issued for the
Building of ${15,000
Hundreds Are at Colorado
Springs to Talk About
Eight-Hour Strike.
Tin* granting nf n tmllillii* iivriuK to the
AI In hi If l‘oiu|iri*M eooipauy Mimil.y
•ruin* fur the mnatnii'tlaii uf n sIimI cost-
■UK null extending frnta Kdgewood
In Irwin street, maw 1.100 feet,
iinirk. Hi- beginning nf tin* Imlf minimi ilo|.
lar filnnt which tin* i‘nhijit-1-., roniimny de-
* linn* iittn In Inillil In Atlnntn.
Opeclsl to The Omil»i.
Dilla*, Tex., An*. 18.—When the
I lemocratlc elate convention meet! here
tomorrow there will be but tine con
text and that will be for* the nomina
tion for governor.
Tile primary vote for governor, which
w ill officially be declared by the elate
chairman, waa: T. M. Campbell, no,-
841; O. II. Colquitt. 68,629; M. M.
Hr..oka. 711,064; C. K. Bell. 66,168.
The choice of a randldale now lie*
with the convention. They are bound
by their Instruction* on the tint bul-
l*'t, which, will be a* follow*; Camp
bell, 818.40; Colquitt, 169.80; Bell.
164.68; Brook*. 166.26.
The low nun I* to be dropped at the
end of each ballot.
II. H. brake. proprietor of the Roll Air
hotel. In Pcnrhlrcc slr«*“l. received word
Monday night of the drowning of Ids broth
or. I'oopcr brake, at Padnenli. Ky., Hun
day afternoon, lie reeelvoil no piirtlculnrs.
bur lielleve* Ills brother inel dentil Willie
rowing In n boot.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Drake go Mondny to I Nil
his. Un., where the ftiiiernl nud Interment
will bike pliiei*.
Chairman Walter Taylor, of the *p*.
rial committee appointed to Investt-
*«te the manner In which local butch
ct« are carrying on their bu»lne*», hn*
* Hllcd a meeting of the committee for
Tuesday afternoon at 2 o’clock. The
h. >ard of health and the special com
mute* .will hear from alaughter hotiae
men for the laat time before the ordl
nance goes to council.
Dr. Taylor haa had the ordinance,
ill nun up by City Attorney Jamea I,.
Mnvson. printed In pamphlet form and
hit* f-nt roplea to the butchera and
member* of the board of health aa wel
aa counrtlmen.
0«* Committee t* Meet.
Next Saturday the special commit
tee. appointed to look Into the got
lixht company’s franchlae, will hold a
ee.elnn at 10:80 o’clock In the morn
tng Chairman Jamfs I. Kay has elat
ed that a report will be returned to
council altnllar In Rubstancc to the last
one. but more condensed In form.
I - the object of the committee to h
the franchise tested In the court*.
. At the next meeting of the streets
i committee the Atlanta. Mucon and
Griffin Interurban electric line's fran
chise will be up for dlaruslon. The
tax committee will hear from the phar
macist* at Ita next meeting.
on debt* Inurrcd by guardian* the
bondsmen cannot be sued according to
a decision of the supreme court In the
oa»e of M. Rich Brothers against the
Fidelity Deposit Company of Maryland.
It Is set forth In the case that goods
a ere purchased by Mrs. J. 8. Btgby,
guardian, and her two daughters,
amounting to 81,600. Efforts to collect
i the guardian falling, action waa
ght against the bondsmen,
te bondsmen tried to wtlttraw as
security on the allege 1 ground that
Mrs. Iilgby failed to make return* to
the Fulton county odrlnary of money
re. deed from an Inauranc* policy left
by Judge Blgby with hie daughter* as
I enefletarle*. The ordinary denied the
btndeaiB the right of withdrawing.
In the superior court It waa held
that a guardian's bondsmen could not
’■■ted. Mrs. Blgby is the widow of
i*e Blgby. formerly on the superior
wjit bench In Fulton county.
i'll** nitininl camp meeting at Mt. tilleuil,
bleb Iiiin lieen III avMlmi never it I day*.
•Iraw nn lmmen*e mwil from Atlnntn Hun
iluy. nud bugglc*. wngunn nml other ve
hicle* crowded wltli gunini worker* nml
pleiiHiiri* *eeker* urn* going from tUIn elty
nil tin* morning. Old mid young alike Join
ed Iii the two wri'lctm of tlo> ilny, nnd In
■pile of the beat tin* nmc ting* wer« crowd
ed during the afternoon nmr fvetilug.
rnnlilltig Elder J. i|. Lukes r.f tin* At-
luiitn i*oi»rerein-c iHoutlB tv nn prenriit nt
both «crvlcc* Monday nnd assist et| In the
programs ttrnttiKcd by the local commit
tee*. Hevernl of the pnntorn of local
linirchen went Momlny morning nml will
mwlnt An the conduct tug of the nervleen dur
ing the Week.
A fen* »rc of the *crvlcc* on Hundnv wm
the goml order Which prevailed. A delegn
tloti from the eouiity police wnn preMent to
prevent nny disorder which might itrlMc. Imt
the live meuincra of the force under Chief
Turner were aide to return to Atlniitn
without re|Nirtlng a nlugle Infmetlou of the
The enuip meeting Will continue until fur
ther notire.
At tha Casino.
The Klenorn Sluter*, quaint come
diennes, Morris and Morris, direct from
the Palace Theater, of London;
Latina, the physical culture ntrtfstc;
Jacob's marvelous acrobatic dons;
Cartmell and Reed, comedy entertain
ers; Stanford und White, In an orifc%nul
creation, and the cameragraph make
up the progrutn of events that wilt
serve for entertaining purposes at the
Ponce DeLeon t’aslno during the \vee' #
that will commence Monday night.
While the bill doea not (mssess the
sensational features or the exceptional
novelty that has held Interest during
the past three weeks. It Is ftturulvii on a
different plan, and Its principal
strength lies In comedy, and certainly
comedy has been a acarce feature for
some time past.
People like to laugh and there Is a
good long and hearty laugh waiting,
and the lid fs going to be broken open
with this bill.
The Sisters Klenora created one of
the strongest comedy hits of the sea
son during their engagement at the Bi
jou last season, as the features of one
of the strongest musical comedy com
pany organisations that was offered,
and It Is possible that they have not
been forgotten.
Morris and Morris, the English ec-
centrlqties, will offer something quite
away from the average run vaude
ville. They have been star (avi /rites
In Kurope, and their American engage
ments have been exceedingly pleasing
and successful.
The other numbers on the bill are of
strong Interest, and In all It seems that
the atti action will be more than well
lly {'(Irate Leased Wire.
Colorado Springs, Colo., Aug. 13.—
The fifty-second annual convention of
the International Typographical Union
opened here today. Three hundred del
egates, 600 former delegates and aev-
eral hundred members uf the Women’s
Auxiliary are on hund to attend the
sessions. Consideration of the fight
for the 8-hour day now* being waged
will be one of the chief .topics dis
Itmir Admiral Whltlii*.
Afoiig, of Honolulu. Wlillf Ills bride Is
ttiorouglilv Aiimrlciin, Afou* In the noli of
a fiill-iiod*i*d ('ItliioNi'. Still more uiiususl,
liow-toer. In the fact Hint In* Iihs iio Ions
tlinti 1.1 ulNtorN. tin if of whom bnvo mitr-
rr, ns
fourth Into the
„ P.H-N6* is the wife of Hour
Admiral Whiting, so thill by this Intent
union idle will become the sunt us well ss
the Nlster of young Afong.
ItvewNter. who served oil the rrulncr lliir-
vurd In the Htmnlsh-American wur, nml n
tlilnl of l.lcutonunt Andrew J. honghorty,
or tho nniiy. AIIm*ii whs the InNt mcinlH>r
of tin* family rftnnlnlng uuiinirrhil. Ills
rouriNliln. like that of IiIn Mister*. Iwgnu
under tne eiMMuinut trees of the I'nclfli*
Island, and the fumlly ItMks to him for
the |ierpetmillou of n mime already known
In every enpltsl of the world, nnd espeelnlly
In the host elreles along the 1'nrlfU’ went.
For twenty years nnvnl officers have told
of the ilellghtful ho«|dlnllty nffordeil them
In the Afotig home while their ships hiy
ut nmiior Iii llumditlu Jtny.
Tourists have come hack from llnivnll
telling of the gorgeous semi'-Oriontut mail*
sloii or Whig All Fong— the mime has sine**
been Aiuerlennlxed—and Mrs. Coiioe|Hioii
Iti Fong, who Is s mixture of Haar ‘ a “ -
'ortuguese. Every
In 1 Islands talks of
-he bright lined fowl.... ......
leal hiihnds and Die fitlid of good nature of
the highly nttruetlve progeny of Whig All
Fong, mlflloiiiilre of the South Hens.
Along shout IH&h n young Chinese Iwnrlng
this iis me isine with u Nhhdoud of his fel
low countrymen to Honolulu, lie was tin-
usiinlly Inlelllgeiit uml giuilsl, nnd, with a
little eapltsl, soon built up n prosperous
business In Chinese crockery, silks and brb--
a-brse. In ii short time lie wus the lending
nierehant In llomdiilii. lie s|M*nt money
fre«dy nml wss well llkeil by whites and
hml floated Into I Inwall. She wiis what U
known as a Kanaka, and thiWe was a
strain of Fugllsh IdiMwl hi her. and after
tlielr innrrhiKe. In IHO'), It was this strain
Iii her which produced the energy nud ex
ecutive ability by which she helped him to
gain money.
Ah Feng Invested In sugar nine plniitn-
ami lr ** “*■
ertles yielded shoo*! Incredibly large |»ni
be iHM'tinie very wealthy. In ten years he
was worth mow than $300,000 nud was add
ing $36.00*) to this auuiuilly. lie was care
ful anil prudent, while his business asso
ciates drowsed and took iio heed for the
morrow, and he was ceaselessly watching
for littiiii'cs to hay more plaiitatloiis at
cheap prices from the Improvident Ifs-
Meanwhile the Ah Fong family elrelo
uldeiicil. There were six children in the
home In 1810. a hojr Slid live girls. Right
more girts were tsiru there during the next
16 years. Wing Ah Fong was an Ideal
father. He was delighted to see liow each
child resembled the mother In facial ex
pression. lie hired servants galore, cu-
larged his house every few years, ami
thought nothing too good for his babies.
lie used to Hud no greater Joy than to
get his wife and all his numerous girls Into
a great liiuit»ertug o.en infringe like -
Heinrich, the biggest Bengal
tiger In captivity, had hi* left fore
pour operated on In Ills cage In
the Bronx xoo the other day. The
picture show* how the operation
was performed after Heinrich had
eaten enough morphine to kill a
regiment of soldiers.
Young Wells To Be Court
, martialcd for Overstay
ing Hia Leave.
By Private Leased Wire.
Norfolk. Vn„ Aug. 12.—J. Raynor Htorra
Wells, apprentice scntaoii, IT. H. N., bus
baud of a chorus girl mid son of Millionaire
W.. P. Wells, of New York and Newport,
who Is it prisoner in the brig of the receiv
ing ship Franklin. Is Mug treated ns any
other luitu would be who overstayed time
front ship. Ills diet Is bread and water,
uud he Is to he tried by summary court-
mart la I. It Is sold that he Is determined
to get out of the navy, whether honorably
or dishonorably.
It Is stated tt.._
young Wells can Ik* given
Iii the brig und the lots of three nmnti
pay- %
d i>n
Animal Is Killed By Secret
Service Mail With
lug slowly
for hours at n time. It used to Im» a nirm-
(•ruble sight to see isiwlliig along any of
thi> luvu made ronds In lloimlulu Piqm Ah
Foilg. with III* htllg queue dangling down
Ills liack. driving In a vehicle containing
his entire family circle, all singing, laugh
ing slid having a g**od time by themselves.
True rhluese that lie Is. Wing Ah Pong
never gave up his bbm that the Chinese
wavs of living nud doing tblug* were a
little superior to any others, lie let UU
wife conduct the home and tires* and edit-
cate the girl* ns she saw At, hut he tin»k
charge of the Itajr, Altwrt. smt for a long
tint**, while the slsteis were garbed and
trained after the American fashion, he
luol his head shaved, wore a queue ami
HfTiH’ted flowing silken garments like those
of his father.
Indeed, he nud his sisters have never
Ihm’ii ashamed of their origin, nml with
their accomplishments, they need not Ik*.
All the girls have the tropical love for
music and several ore excellent singers.
Personally, seven of them urc noticeably
pretty, with Murk eyes and hair. One.
Mrs. Arthur Johnstone, wife i*f a promt
iiimit Honolulu merchant. Is a dcml htoiidc.
ami the combination of her blue eves ami
lark lashes nnd hair and her pink ami
white 4-oniplexton make her the accepted
beautr of the family. Several of the sit
ter* have their father’s tall stature. ,but
the rest are of petite figure. Three have
Tis|hh| eyes nml nearly effery one
of them has the mother's olive c«Kiipicxloit
and soft, easy mode of ifMih.
Whig Ali Fong was reputed to I** worth
tia.tWHMO In 1*80. Two year* later he left
lloiiidnb: nnd went to Chinn, lie has never
returned, and the reason for hi* strange
act has always l**en a tuy*i*ry to the out
side worhl.
lie sfieut months getting hts ctiormon* _
business la stops tad then sailed away, married.
lly Private Leased Wire.
Oystar Hay, Aumiat IS.—W. Rmlcn
Roosevelt, the president’* cousin, waa
saved from a mad dog by the cool
nerve and atrnlght shooting of a secret
service agent. James Bloane.
Mr. Roosevelt was walking along th6
edge of a pond on his property near
Sagamore Hill, when attacked. He ran
out into the road and wax trying to
beat off the beast when Sloane drove
up on hla way to duty nt Sagamore
Hill. The mad dog made a vicious
lunge for Mr. Rosevelt’s throat, but fell
short. The dog made a second leap and
burled bis teeth In Mr. Roosevelt’s coat
Hioane Jumped from the carriage and
opened Are with an automatic platel.
Hoks Smith’s Appointments.
Atlanta, Monday evening, August 13.
Lawrenoevtlle, Gwinnett county, Wed
nesday, August 15.
Valdosta, Lowndea county, Thursday,
August 16.
Augusta. Richmond county, Friday,
August 17.
O By Private Leased Wire.
O Utica. N. V.. August 13.—Eu-
O gene Smalts went to a clam
Q bales a couple of days ago and
O found a .rare pearl In a clam,
O which he was about to destroy.
O. The gem Is worth about $1,000,
O so competent Judges say.
loutlis paw
MMkwn brgandHpiMRHMIi
n atiwy that he had narrowly escaped . ■
vetv punishment for haring deserted a wife
In I’hlnn. Mr*. Ah Fong nml her daughters
kept closely to thdr home for a long time
siul never spoke cf the subject to outsider*.
After this period, however, the hospitality
Hangs Him Up By the
Thumbs and Crushes
Boy’s Tongue.
Ily l-rlr*t, iJttei) Wire. .
Trenton, K. J., Aug. 12 Bgcauee
Regnault Haabrook, 10 yean of age,
threatened to tell the police of hi*
father’s extreme cruelty toward him, It
te charged the father wrapped a plect
of wire around the boy’s tongue and
tightened It with a atlck until the lad
became almost paralysed. Policeman
Walter Qreene arrested the father. At
bln Haabrook*, who I* 20 year* old, and
wax refuxed ball.
The treatment charged toward the
boy consisted of hanging him by the
thumbs, depriving him of his meals and
whipping him In a most cruel manner.
Doztn Negro** in a Row.
Twelve negroes, eleven women and
one man. beside* a dusky pickaninny
lined up before Acting Recorder Wil
liam Oldknow, councilman from the
Third ward, Monday morning. Two of
the negro women were charged with
quarreling over the ownership of some
baby toys. Nora Finch claimed the
toys for her pickaninny, which plcka.
ninny she had brought to court, and
I .u I a Jones Insisted that the toy* wer,
the loyshif her "little Inncrcent chile"
All the negroes tried to talk at once
and It wn» eevrsl minutes before Coun
ellman Oldknow could restore order In
the court. Nora Finch said that I.ula
drew a smoothing Iron on her, nnd Lula
said Nora cursed her unmercifully, The
Finch woman wa* lined 26 and cost*
and Lula Jones got 23.76.
Boy Run, Away. *
Fired by the ambition to become a
"butcher-boy" In order that he might
get to ride on the train as often ae he
liked, oDrsey Manning, a youth of Vi
year*, took French leavie from his home
Tnladega, Ala., on Friday night,
stating to hla parents that he was go
ing to Atlanta. The boy’a father, W.
W. Manning, of Talndcga, haa request
ed Chief Jennings to keep a watch ojit
for the boy In Atlanta unit to notify
him the minute he le located.
8uei for Divorco.
Mrs. Khble Cauble, wife of J. T. Cau-
blc of thl* city, on Monday morning
tiled suit for divorce In superior court
against her husband nn the grounds of
cruel ami abusive treatment. Mr*.
Cauble, formerly Miss Ebblc McCowan,
waa married to J. T. Cauble on March
29, 19 M, und they separated nn AUgvet
4. 1906. The petitioner asks for a total
divorce und the custody of her 12
year-old child.
Dr. Marx to 8peak.
At a meeting for members only In
the club rooms nt the Grand opera
house Monday evening, Rahl Marx will
address the members of the Heptagon
club upon the subject. ’The Future of
the Jews and Their Effect on Modern
Clvllliatlon." All members are urged
to be present. Rabbi Marx haa won the
reputation of being one of the most
gifted preachen In Atlanta and hi*
talk to the members of the Heptagon
Club will be one of hi* beat.
Negro Dioppod HI* Chiekons.
A burly negro carrying a sack of
ilckens, was surprised Sunday
at the comer of Lowe and Hunter
street* by Officers Lowe and Chewln
and chased, the officer* firing several
shots at the fleeing chicken thief. In
the heat of the chase, however, the
negro dropped hts luggage and the offi
cers captured quite a prize In the shape
of a dozen or more fat frylng-tlxed
chickens. The officer* etate that the
negro gave vent to an oath when one
of the shots were fired and It la
thought from thla that the negro wa*
Is Looking for Walter Brown.
Chief Jennings ha* received a letter
from Mr*. Halite Brown. Chester, N. C„
who I* looking for her »on. \V»lter
Brown, aged 21 stating that the boy la
working In an Atlanta cotton mill. She
says she le a poor widow, and although
her *on had been away from home for
two year* ehe had received only one
letter from him. She say* ehe feele
positive that If Chief Jenlnga 'phone*
to the cotton milt* around Atlanta
that he will locate her missing son.
Secretary Oimmcck III.
W. R. Dlmmock, secretary of the city
water work* and recently amde lieu
tenant of the Governor"* Hor»e Ouarda,
Is III at hit residence. 114 North Jack-
son street. Mr. Dlmmock’* condition I*
not at all crttlral, and It I* the hope of
hie many friends that be will have a
speedy recovery.
A Twin Wilertnelcn.
A freak In the way of a watermelon
Is being exhibited In the offtca of the
By Private Im*.| Wire.
Oyster Bay, M. Y., August 18.—In
sisting upon speaking to President
Roosevelt Mies Asl L. Esse, who came
to Oyster Bay some weeks ego for the
evowed purpose of Interviewing the
president or Mrs. Roosevelt on what
ehe declares Is “a matter of life and
death." created a ecen* during the ser
vice in Christ's Episcopal church yes
She took a seat directly behind tha
pew usually occupied by the Roose
velt family, and when James Duffy, an
usher, requested her to relinquish this
seat, she re .used. Duffy forcibly re
moved her to the rear of the church,
and Miss Esac says he tore her gown
In so doing. For this act she later ap.
In the rear of the church kiln Esac
refused to tit down. A secret service
agent stood beside her and during the
servlet the mads no less than a dnte n
attempts to get past him. As the pj t .
Idem wot leaving the church three se
cret service men surrounded Mist Esac
but ahe shouted:
"Mr. President, Mr. President, Presi-
dent Roosevelt, won't you speak to me
a moment 7”
The president turned hie hand ss he
pasted, but did not pause.
By Private Lenmnl Wire.
Berlin, Aug. 13.—In ftepteuiber. 1104,
Ludwig Leaa!e, a factory foreman Iii Dur-
laDch, wa* knocked down by an auto-
mobile which was lielng furiously driven.
The car waa owned by Mro. Mary Adelaide
Yetke*. who was 111 It st the time. The
next day Leoale. who tknnxht lightly nf
hii Injuries, accepted tftu offered by Mrs.
Yerkes* repreaentative. who called to *«*
him. It proved later, however, tknt he
had received Internal injuries, which were
serious, and. be died within s week, leav
ing n widow nud three children unpro
vided for.
The Inw courts Inst February returned
n Judgment for $3,160. Mr*. Yerkes Ignored
ibis, sud refused to contribute anythin*
for the relief of the family.
By Private Leased Wire.
Philadelphia, Aug. 13.—'Today lielng the
hoodoo day,” the 13th of the month., con
sternation was caused among naval official*
and the crowds of spectators at the lecsgtie
Island navy yard, who had Journeyed from
various parts of this city and state to wit-
- Mates .government,
i nnnounccd that Admiral Craig.
nre considered to lie i
Hum’s fighting uiaehli
l>e turtiNj over tomorrow.
ove fli
for rn
By Private Leased Wire.
New 'York, August 18.—Preston
Machtney, a stage carpenter of Pitts
burg, was attacked by two Italians In
a Third avenue car early today and
was cut and clubbed so brutally that
he la now in Gouveneur Hospital, close
to death. Kathleen Cook, to whom he
Is engaged to be married, la at the
same Institution, suffering from shock.
While terrified passengers struggled
to get out* of the way, and white wom
en screamed wildly for help, a tall,
muscular Italian cut Machtney's face
from the temple to the chin with a
raxor. severing his ear. Tha police say
the fight was over the woman.
After the Italian escaped a policeman
prevented Machtney from bleeding to
shut with his hands,
ing man on the sidewalk and Miss Cook
unconscious beside him. a great crowd
gathered, while an ambulance from
Gouveneur Hospital was awaited.
The woman, who was with Machtney
at ths time of the assault, recently
came from Pittsburg and Machtney fol
lowed her here. The police say they
had quarreled In Pittsburg and the
man had come here to try to patch up
the difference.
They consider It significant that the
attack occurred near the woman's
home, and that at 3:30 o'clock In the
morning ahe was going away from the
direction of her home In a car. The
police are searching for the two men,
who, they say, are friends of the wom
Blacks Are Rounded Up by
Big Posses of Dep
By Private I^noetl Wire. *
Mbldleton, N. Y.. Auff. 11—After an ex
citing night, the uiob of negro tunnel em
ployee* who hn<l taken imMcsshm of the
village of Otlavllle, eight miles from here,
were rounded up at their ramp ueitr the
village by a po**e of tweuty-flvr deputy
Nheriffa. sworn In for the oorsalon. Heven
of the negorea had lieen shot, one aeri*
onsly. No whites were Injured. Physicians
were summoned from this city to rare for
the Injured.
The following appointments have
been sent by the governor to the sen
ate for confirmation:
J. A. Edward*, judge of the county
court of Macon, four years, from May
28, 1907.
R. N. Holtxclaw, solicitor county
court of Houston, two years from Oc
tober 18. 1906.
C. L. Morgan, Judge city court of
Reldavllle. for term expiring January
H. H. Elders, solicitor city court of
Raldevtlle. tor term expiring January
1. 1911.
in F. Brannan. Judge city cour
Statesboro, for term of four years, from
December 12, 1806.
F. T. Lanier, solicitor city court of
Statesboro, for term of two years, from
December 12, 1906.
F. O. duBIgnon, Fulton county, di
rector Georgia State Normal School, six
years, from January 6, 1906.
John Temple Graves, Fulton county,
director Georgia State Normal School,
*1X years, from January 6, 1904.
R. J. Atkinson, Meriwether county,
director Georgia State Normal School
two years, from January 6, 1906.
James M. Dupree, Macon county, di
rector Georgia State Normal School, six
years from date.
E. A. Timer, Baldwin county, direct
or TJeorglt State Normal School, six
ears fron. date.
Pai’alysis.of Heart Likely to
Take off the Pon
lly Private Leased Wire.
London, Aug. 13.—In high ecclesias
tical circles It Is reported that the con
dition of Pope Plus X gives concern
to hi* physician. Paralysis of the heart
Is feared as his hollntss. It Is said, Is
affected with a dangerous form of gout
which not Infrequently takes that
commissioner of agriculture at the
eapltol. It I* a twin melon, perfectly
formed, weighing about 30 pounds It
waa raised by J. M. Wallace, a farmer
living In BD'ant'e district, near College
Thiel Flees With Valuables.
Three pistol shots and the fleeting
footsteps of a negro aroused Formwalt
street shortly after 4 r'/klc Monday
morning. The negro succew.ed In get
ting away with a suit of clothes, a
watch and aeveral pairs of >9 oes, all
belonging to Engineer H. R. Biackwell.
of the Southern Railroad, a ho resides
with his family at 344 Four. <\t. The
watch stolen by the negro I* valued at
21M and the clothing at 326 The po
lice have been notified and ore mak
ing an Investigation of tha case.
By Private Leased Wire.
Chicago, III,, Aug. 13.—In an effort to
control the financial situation In Zion
City, Wilbur Glenn Vollva, ha* caueed
every conspicuous place In that com
munity to be placarded, with notices
asking stockholders In the various en
terprise! In the city to sign powers of
attorney In his favor.
Aa a Justification for the move. It le
asserted In the proclamation, that with
these powers of attorney In hand It
will be possible to float a loan of 3L-
060.000 to provide a working capital
for the various Industries.
By Private Uwatd \Ylr*
AunapOi’lo, JM„ Aujf. lt-Admlml Janiet
II. Haml*. «nprrint*u«l*nt of the a*v*l
•hlpmen on arrount «»f toxin*. lie ha**
however, recommended that two be dla-
tn!**«d for continued Infraction* of regu
lation* while on the rammer crutoe, *ud
that two lie |itml*brd to a leaaer degree.
attlmore. Md., Aug. II—In a flf of de*
- • rer nu Incurable *pln*l *ffec»
enrtetta Volmer, aged 9 year*,
luldtle today. Hbe drank Hi
ounce* of carbolic arid, after trying in
vnlu to oneu arterie* In her arm. Hb#
JaIdied a pin In her arm In a doxen place*,
and tore the Sexto open.
Ellis, college physician at Randolph-
Uacnn, Ashland, waa drowned while
crossing a swollen creek four mile*
from Ashland yesterday. He was a na
tive of North Amsterdam county. HU
wife and five children survive.