Newspaper Page Text
Millinery, Dry Goods, Notions, Clothing, Dress Goods,
Trimmings, Hats, Boots, Shoes, Etc., Ever
Attempted in Atlanta.
Commencing Tuesday, August 14, at 2 p. m., THE SOUTHERN AUCTION AND SALVAGE COMPANY, at their salesroom,
20 S. Pryor, will start to dispose of the contents of a bankrupt department store.
Sales will continue daily from 2 to 4 and 6 to 8 p.m. until entire stock is disposed of.
On Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday We Will Sell to
White People Only,
but every Friday we will sell to colored people at the same hour. This is no shoddy stock but the bulk of it is Fall and Winter Goods.
We will start the sale Tuesday with the finest line of Plumes, Paradise Tips, Ostrich Tips, Wings and hft trimmings of all de
scriptions, and extend an invitation to all the ladies to be present; also to merchants and milliners. We Intend to give some useful and
handsome presents to the ladies that attend, whether they purchase anything or not will make no difference.
This is undoubtedly the largest sale of its kind ever attempted in the South, and it will pay to attend.
Those that have attended our sales know, and for the benefit of those who have not we wish to state that under no circum
stances will we undertake any fake sale. It is our aim to succeed by obtaining and holding the confidence of the public. There have been
a number of overtures made us to conduct so-called auctions from premises with the proviso that we obtain a certain price, and we have
and always will reject them.
We wish to assure the public that any time they see that the sale is conducted by the Southern Auction and Salvage Company
it will be a legitimate auction. •
Remember, the Sale Commences at 2 P. M., Tuesday, August 14,. We Have Seats for Ladies and Bargains Galore.
B. BERNARD, Auctioneer.
In Georgia and Adjoining States |
Pleasant Mention From Other Cities
itlss Fannie May Baker Is a mem
ber of a house party at Dow no. In
south Alabama.
Mrs. William F. Hughes, of Birming
ham. Is visiting her mother, Mr*. A. D.
reden, on Forest avenue.
Miss Ruth Agrlenla entertained In
honor of her cousin. Miss Edna Schil
ling. of Marietta, G*., on Thursday
evening with- A domino party.
Mrs. A. S. Riddle, of Chickasaw, I.
T, Is visiting her father, S. W. Riddle.
,\lr. and Mre. C. D I.averty attended
the marriage of Mr Laverty'e el.tera
In Talladega Saturday.
Miss Mary Stapleton, who has been
visiting Mleg Alma Leek, has returned
lo her home In Birmingham.
Rev. J. (1. Dickinson, pastor of the
First Baptist Church, Is enjoying his
The Sunbeam Society of the First
Presbyterian Church entertained with
a lawn party at the residence of Mrs.
J W. Stone on Friday evening.
Mrs. Batson, of West Point, Oa„ Is
the guest of Captain James Brooks and
family on Fifth street.
Mr. and Mrs. M. L, Foster are visit
ing their daughter, Mrs. Charles Whit
ly. at Owensboro, Ky.
Misses Alice Gaugnlan and Kllxabeth
Emmona, of Birmingham, are the
guests of Miss Dorothy Line on Tur
rentlne avenue.
Miss Ita Stocks has returned from
a visit to relntlvee at Tupelo, Miss.
She was accompanied home by her
ciMisIn, MIsa Llnette Stocks.
Judge A. M. Ayers and wife, of Gun-
lersvllle, are visiting Mrs. E. P. Al
ford and family.
Mrs. W. P. Hofferbert entertained
Tuesday evening with a domino party
In compliment to her slater, Ml»s Llane
Byesrnbach, of Delphos, Ohio.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Buck, of Tusca
loosa, are visiting Judge and Mrs. J.
W. Penn, on Turrentlne avenue.
Mr. and Mre. Joseph 8. Moragne
have gone to Atlantic City, N. J., to
sts'nd several weeks.
A pnrty composed of Mrs. W. P.
Johnson and daughter. Miss Josephine,
Sirs, Annie Paden and Mies Alice Pa-
den have gone to Pueblo, Col., to visit
Miss Suejette Lanier, of West Point,
Qa , is the guest of Miss Clyde White
"•> Walnut street.
from a visit to friends in Tennessee.
Mrs. o. D. Duncan Is visiting friends
In Birmingham.
J. D. Snyder li visiting friends at
his former home, Marysville, Ohio.
Miss Mao’ Dortch has returned from
a visit to friends at New Decatur.
Miss Laura Belle Enslen, of Bir
mingham, who haa been visiting Miss
Belle Jones, returned to her Home.
Miss Elva Goodhue has returned
from a visit to relatives at Oxford.
Mrs. J. If. Klnnobrew, of Colum
bus, Miss., Is visiting friends and rela
Miss Jennie Glover, of south Ala
bama, la the guest of her brother, Cato
Glover, on Twelfth street.
Hon. I. W. Hill, state superintend
ent of education, visited this place, his
former home, for eeveral days this
Miss Mary Boyd, of Marietta, Ga„
le the guest of friends here.
asheviTle, N. C.
Gnt of the most pleasant social af
fairs of the week was a reception giv
en by Miss Alice Brown at her Home
on Cumberland avenue Thursday even
ing In honor of Miss Davidson, of Vir
ginia, who Is visiting her. ■ There were
about one hundred guests
Mrs. Barrett Phlnlxy, of
who’has been In Asheville for two
weeks, has returned to her home.
J. W. Newborn, of Birmingham, ar
rived yesterday to spend two weeks.
Mr. Newbern<ls connected with The
Birmingham Newe.
Mina Margaret Darby has gone to
visit Mrs. Carroll Lord at Plainfield,
N. J„ for a month.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles V. Lance, of
Waycross, Ga., have been in Asheville
for a week. They returned home Frl-
day. r
Mrs. J. C. Hunter, of Atlanta, who Is
spending some time nt the Battery
Park hotel, will be Joined by Mr. Hun
ter next week, and will remain It
Asheville until the Middle of Septem-
h< Mrs. Arthur Haynes and Miss Buth
Haynes, of 8elma, Ala., are here for
for s month's vacation.
James H. Lyman and Fred Clarke,
of Savannah, nrrlved In Asheville the
first of the week for a short stay.
At Season’8-End Prices.
Men's Suits and Odd
Trousers at 25 Per
Cent Discount.
A goi'geous array of splen
did values; it’s your oppor-
• 1
tumtv to save money.
Straw Hats $1.00, worth from $2.00 to $5.00. We
don’t want to carry them over.
Wash Neckwear, worth 25c, to close, 3 for 60c.
50c values 35c, 3 for $1.00. Splendid assortment.
They are at the Manor,
Miss Nell Hemphill, who spent last
summer In Waynesvllle, arrived Thura-
day from her home In Atlanta, and kill
be here for a month.
H. M. Newell, of Augusta, Is h< p
for a week. He formerly lived m
Asheville. •
Mrs. Dina Hamilton, of Kllgon, Tenn.,
la visiting here.
Mrs. Jack Reynolds Is In New Or
Miss W. W. Silk, of Birmingham, la
the guest of her aunt, Mrs. L. S. Rob
Mrs. James S. Fowler Is In Vlnemont.
Mrs. Newson, of Cincinnati, la the
guest of Mrs. 8. Kohn.
Mrs. J. VV. Murphy snd daughter.
Ruby, are visiting In Memphis, Tenn.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Newson, of
Mulberry, Tenn., are vlattlng here.
Miss Odelle Rodgers has returned
to her home in Birmingham, after n
visit to the Decaturs.
Miss Sue Robinson was In Trinity
the past week.
Mrs. Harry Watkins, of White
Plains, Ark., la here. _ .
Miss Lessle Burns la In Putaakl.
Mlth Ruth Reggie la In Lodlavllle.
Miss Annie Buis Is at home, after a
visit to Louisville, Ky.
Miss Lillian Kirkland la apendlng
the summer In Moulton.
Misses Lillie and Ada Saywell are
here from Sheffield.
Mr. and Mis. John S. Halsey and
family, of Corbin, Ky., are here on a
Vl jVisaea Jane and Loulae Lindsay, of
Florence, are here,
MIsb Willie Huston is on a vlalt to
Atlanta. . .
Mls» Mary Roberts Is at home from
visit to Louisville, Ky.
Miss Annie Isigan has returned to
her home In Prospect, Tenn., after an
extended visit to the Decaturs.
Mrs. W. 8. Pinkerton, of Birming
ham, Is the guest of Mrs. C. L. Price.
Miss Maggie Sullivan, of Tennessee,
le here on a visit.
Mrs. W. M. Jolly is at borne from
Mrs. O. C. Parker la In Blrmlng.
hB Mra. W. L. Montgomery la nt
Bplungs, Miss. , „
Misses Annie Bmyrle and Maud
O'Shea are on a visit to Tennessee.
Mr. and Mrn. M. A. Leopard were In
Athens the past week.
Mrs. Smith has returned to her home
In Louisiana after a month's visit to
Mrs, 8. Kohn.
Miss Lucy Morrow Is spending the
summer In Mobil?.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jones, of
Huntsville, were here toe pest week.
Miss Ethel Graves Is visiting In Ten-
J. J. Morton, of Nashville, Tenn.
visited here the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Bibb are spend
ing a few weeks at Vlnemont.
Miss Annie Peebles Is In Kentucky.
Mlee Kate West le spending a tew
weeks at Vlnemont,
Miss Nellie Pinch Is In Russellville
Mr, and Mre. James >Utchell are at
home from n trip to Denver, Colo.
Mies Pearl Billings Is at home, after
a trip to Culman.
Mrs. E. D. Whit* end daughter, Mies
Lura, are In Orand Rapids, Mich.
Miss Mercedes Hamilton, of Birm
ingham, le here.
Miss Bessie Harrison, of Huntsville.
'* Mr"and Mrs. John F. Lovln are at
home, after a visit to Texas.
Mlee Elisabeth Richardson, of Quid
Nunc, was the gueat of Miss Annie
Skeggs the past week.
Mrs. Oussle Bedding, of Nashville, la
visiting relatives here.
Mlee Clara Partnell was married on
laat Sunday, to Mr. Joe Hamilton at
the home of the bride’s parents at Aus-
ttnvlile, a suburb of this rlty.. The
wedding waa a uulel one.
There was another wedding at Aua-
tlnvllle on Sundav, that of Mlea Carry
Roberts to Mr. Hewitt Mays. Only n
few Invited guests were present.
Mr. and Mra. W. R. Hall entertain
ed with a dnnee at the South Side
pavllllon on Tuesday night In honor of
Mlsaea McAlpIne and
their gu’esls,
Miss Eva Whlttlngham was given a
surprise party on Wednesday evening
In honor of her return home from
Louisville, Ky. About fifteen couples
were present and a most delightful
evening was spent, lcea and cakea
were served. '
Mr. and Mrs. Krltheval entertained
nt their home on Wednesday evening
In honor of a sister of the hostess, Mrs.
George H. Peirce, of Chattanooga,
Tenn. Refreshments were served,
A most enjoyable event of the week
/ ilcnlc given
was a picnic given by Rev. Horace
copal church, to the Sunday school ot
h!s church, at the South Side perk.
The pretty and attractive children of
Senator nnd Mre. Hand, of Pelham,
Ga, are visiting their grandmother,
Mrs, Florence D. Hollis, on Tnylor
Miss Floyd Fort, after a visit to rel
atives In Forsyth nnd after a slay at
Indian Spring, has returned home.
Miss Harris, after a visit as the
f ueat of . Misses Josephine and Nell
urpln, has returned to her home In
Mrs. E. G. Simmons, who has gone
for an extended trip to Washington,
D. C„ will go from there to New York
and other points In the East before
her return to Amerlcue.
Mrs. Oeorge D. Wheatley chaperoned
f utte a party of young people to Holly
prlngs one svehlng this week.
Captain and Mre. John A. Cobb are
spending some time at Indian spring.
Miss Carobel Murphy, of Tucson,
Arlsona, and Mlee Williford, of Atlanta,
are the charming guesla of the Misses
Hawkins nt their home on College
Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Armstrong are
spending a week at Indian Spring.
Mrs. Henry S. McCleskey has return
ed from a visit to friends In Macon.
.Mr. Eugeni Hawkins, after a stay In
the mnuntainu of North Carolina, has
returned home. His family wlii
main there all summer.
The friends of Mrs. Clyde Bom
Moore are anxious over her continued
Miss Luclle flulce Is with her sis
ter. Mrs. J. H. Reynolds.
Misses Hattie and Georgia StockwelL
of Columbus, ara the guests of Mra
Dora K. Webster.
Lieutenant Clifford Jones, after a
short visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Homer Jones, has gone to Dallas, Tex.,
where he will be married on the 16th
of August to Miss Bess Green, the only
child of Mr. and Mra. A. A, Green.
The wedding Is one of much social In
terest since both Mias Green and Lieut
enant Jonee are of old and prominent
Miss Harriett Webster has returned
from a visit to Miss Daisy Elliott Tick-
nor, of Columbus, Ga.
Miss Sara Quinn has returned to hei
home In Washington. ,
Master Edward Webster h»s return
ed from a visit to Master Frank Skin
ner at his home on the Chattahoochee.
Mrs. C. P. Edwards, of Shoal Creek,
la visiting In town this week.
Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Hubbard are the
guests of Mr. J. F. Tabor.
Miss Ess/e Bagwell, ot College Park.
the admired guest of Miss Lura
ard, of Hickory, N, C., are the guests
of Mr. nnd Mrs. T. F. Allison.
Mis* Blrdla Jackson,, of Eastman, Is
visiting Miss Flora Bonner.
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan W. Collier, of
Florida, ire visiting friends and rela
tives In La.-o lit. 1
Miss Lucy Harrison Is on a visit to
Brevard, Hendersonville and Asheville,
N. C.
Miss Maude Swilling Is visiting rel
atives In New Jersey snd New York.
Mr. W. B. Sadler, of Lake City, Fla.,
Is the guest of Colonel II. It. Chan
Misses Elisabeth and Clare Bolfeull-
let, or Macon, and Miss Bertie Moor*,
of Monroe, La., are three attractive
young ladles visiting-Miss Maude Rob
erts this week.
MIm Minute Mtntnona, of Ilyron, la visit
ing her brother, Mr. W. T, Simmon*.
Mrs. R. It. Jnrilnn has as her guests
Misses Nesbitt, uf Albany amt Norris, of
Newton. .
Iir. .1. M. Pago ami wife nr- .lilting In
.Vow York.
her. w. IV Thompson, of Atlanta, spent
Hominy In the city,
Mr. O. I- Andrews spent Tuesdsy In Sin-
Mr. N. It. Itnwla spent several day* this
week In Fltsgernld.
Iir. J. W. Hleks, uf rimttunaugn, spent
Bnndsy In the city.
Mrs. J. M. Williams Is the guest of rvla-
llres nt MWodgetm*.
Jaikao&vJlfo.. ito mm\H*
Macon 11:40 anil Macon........ iw |mi
Hnvannsh 4:0ft pmiHavannsli 9:16 mu
Macon 7AS pin, Jacksonville.. 1:3) pm
xv*a a vi. wvrnioiwTitrrr*
hltCon 7AS pm Jarksouvlllo.. I:»J Pin
rmxmriHT} WKyrTuiKmATir*
ROAD. | |
ATTtY# Prom- I Popart To—
..11:0 nrn;*Moirtgon>rrjr "
I .y. 7:0 prorMontg'm'ry
HHMHLJ, , .1135 pin 'Holms 4:99 pi
LaCirang# §:?) aiii[Ln<Jrnng*.... IdpbJ
HfjM|| lorv. j-40 piui’MoDtK m’ry.11:16 pi
•Montgomery, 3 40 pmi’MoDtg'n. __
•Dally, All other trntni dally eK>«pt h<
.... trolna of Atlanta an<l West Point
Railroad Company arrive at and depart
trout Atlanta Terminal station, corner of
Mitch#]) street mid MmJJsnn avenue
TTRiTTlTflA It a 11 ;I(cTaT»:
_ Arrive From— ) Depart •
Iambus V> l. —
«:16 A. M.—ft. IX. DAILY. local to Macon
llrunswlrfc mid Jacksonville. all
nrrtvtuc M«ruu 9:U
tar M i ' V I * **•
i.; Jot kh-.iuil,
,-«o. *. DAILY.—I
i. Mmuplds, Ka
J. 8. AdnniN In nt ludlnii Hprlng.
Alvnh Mintth spent Hundny nt Tent
K. L. Hcnrlxirougli, of i
, Depart To—
ntni’AuKUNta 715 a
Jooysrs c .45 mn.IJtlmnin K> ou «
Covington 7:49 am 'Augusta...... 1:30 pi
•Augusts,. , .1? pm Conyers iflW pi
Ltttinuln X:J| pm Covington.... I:W M
•August!...... 6; IS l>iu,*Au8nsta 11:45 pi
•Dally. All other trains dally except Hun
Arrive rrom— l Depart To—
Hundny in this 3fty.
... p <| ( ..
I Hu—_—..—psi-.,—
ColorniHi HprlugA. Arrivua Mviiipl
I p. ui.( Knm.iN City I.eS a. iu.. miu ( ‘dorado
Hprlnge B;1A a. iu.
7Ao A. M.—No. 11 DAILY.—Local to
m | Cbnrlottis Danville, Richmond and Asbo
"'hi A. U.-M T. DAILY, Chattnnooys.
12 NOON. No. ip. DAILY.- tVsshlnet'-o
ml Kuothiveatern Limited. Lloctrlc light
d. M*-. ping, m-inry, oli»<>rraU<ui and Him
nr# through without cIioiik*- D’.iiIiik rare
orve alt nicofe eft routp. Arrltea lViteft-
Handera vil
Akcrtitnu, of Mncon, spent Bun*
la c‘
seven I
The Telfnlr
i. L. I*. I lea 11 In at Llthln Hprl
II. Reid, of (Ireenatwro, ai»«t»l
days re.-eutly In the city.
fcdltor 0. F. Meltae. of The ...
KntorprlNc. spent Muturduy In the city.
Mr. and Mrs. It. *!. Neill, of TIioiiiiiNvtlte,
n few i’nyN In the city last week.
if Inn Mamie Haiimey has returned from
n visit to Mamhallvlr.-.
Mrn. .1. M. Hindi oni, *Mnrtdinllvllle, la
the guest of relative In the city.
Mr. and Mrs. <1. A. Vnlden have return'
cd from n visit to r In tires at (illtaon and
Air. nml Mra W. IV. Itohlnaon nre visit
ing different points In north (leorgln.
Ml ns Hicks, of Monteiuma, is visiting
Mr. W. L. floodwyn, of Richmond, *•.,
sns In the city Tuesday.
Mr. J. M. Williams le nt Indian Hprlng
it tending the holiness camp meeting.
Her. 4. W. Htokes will leave Monthly
Mr. It. L. limiter has returned from a
visit of some length to relatives Iu Ar*
Mra. K. T. Jmnea haa returned from the
’arollnns, where she spent several weeks
nt various resorts.
Mrs. Judge J. W. IfBgood Is the gueat
of Atlanta friends this week.
tnulo. Tex., nnd MIsh Annie lllanehe Most-
whk, of Arliuita.
Airs. I mu Jones, of Angnstn, la visiting
relatives here.
MIm Nannie Mae Thfasher entertained
Ffl'jny evening In honor of her gneat, Miss
Ihdln Watson, of Athens.
Mr, A. Ashford snd Mr. Hugh Aber*
cromhla visited Athena Monday.
Her. nnd Mra. F. H. Hudson were I be
guests of Sfra. T. J. Park this week.
Mrs. B. M. Hudson nnd Mis* Annie
Hudson visited Medn this week.
Miss Josli* Held, of Kstonton. waa the
guest of Misses Lieu Park and Mattie Kd-
mnwimm mvutt), •
Mrs. I'niilini’ Xllci* I lilt, of Aiuerlcns, .la
visiting relatives at Medn. *
Miss Ku)« Mnihinx, of I’ordele, wn» the
of friends here this week.
Jennie and Mam
'timed he....
and Kills Mae
One t»f the most delightful nffslra of the
noon was n reception *'
Park to their guest
“ffi ,
lette, have returned .
to Misses Lieu, 4|enlc
No. is DAILY, exempt Hu
Mrs. It
hostess of
Monday In honor of
. are expei
[seo shunt the
TriwhltMiT R. A. Smith, of the national
..Ive HUtrk Insurance rintii*nny. of this
Hty, went to Atlanta the first of the week
isws sinme nnn
enferfulned roinpllinenfary
nnd tlielr guest Tuesdsy.
Miss Annie Hudson, of
illgaaa Elisabeth and Hattla Laon-
eandidst* for council from the Thlr
ward, subi«‘ to tho whlto primary on
lo Ml»»•-» l'»rk
Jf»iu Mrs. muiiiii Wu ,.-»•* miiw nvmp •nm*ui, in mixiiidii, VSI
ting her parents In Kentucky. They hostess Tuesday evening at one of the |
I spend several itnya na guests of At- ties! and most delightful affairs of
season, the guests of linaor lielng Misses
Xfnwle and Jennie Hreene of Tnpletfe.
lion. J. T. Dennis, of Meds. gave an
entertainment Wednesday evening In hon
or of Misses Park's guests, the Mieses
Hreene. of Trtplette. who returned home
Mr. nrui Mre, A. A. PMinniiffeoti anrr na
obl-fH.blotir-l ImrlM-’iu* til ihrlr horns lirrr,
TUr m-i-sslon wns a <1- Hell, fill one. Tim..-
in-sent won. .In,le- nml Mr*. J<KK-|>h H.
•urih-r. Misers Msrthn. Lucy end Ir-ll*
insrph H. Turner, Jf„
will s|h-iiiI srvrrsl days os xnrsl .
I,mill frli-iHls iM-fore reliiMifiid to ilirlr
home Iu (Ms city.
Mm r, J. I’lsrkr anil hsliy hnvs retomrd
from rlslllnc rrlollri-s tu Atlanta ami oilier
norm IbHiraja ludula. . ,
lira. I', M. iHeiker has reiurai-d from a
rlsll with her wiri-uls al Adel,
Dr. Charles E. MrCanillfsa a ad hfs aoa
ami daughter ar» enjoying lh« oci-na
‘ reeaes at HI. Hlnions for a fortnight.
Mr. and Mrs, H. C. Mustier Hsre rolorn-
nl from tbslr rlsll to Omalia, Denver, Halt
Lake City ami ulher wealern luilllls.
MIm. IJaale Walker, of Maeiin. and An
nie (IriH-n. uf Dublin, hare lieen llie gui-ala
at Ibe home nt Alderman J. K. Tamer ami
wife this seek.
(i. A. Jolly, freight agent of the Atlanta,
Birmingham nnd Allan!!-, with bln wife
a ml rhlldrmi. are rlaltlng relatlrra mid
frtenda In Atlanta ami other uerth (Itor
in. DAILY.
If.Mhftlotnrlii*. i'uliiuan obser
car Atlnnta to Macon.
4 Jb P. M.—No. 17. DAI I
sleeping car nnd way cwjrbcn
Ikiio Arrirrs lllrrningliatu
Memphis 7:15
4:30 I*.
day. ”Alr Lluf Balls'
4:30 p. M.-sNo. 12. DAILY.—Hrlffln and
Columbus. Pullman palaco sleeplug cur
and «iay coaches.
4:» P. M.-No. XL DAILY.-Local to Pny-
sttevllle nml Port Valley.
4M P. M.-Ko. 15. DAILY--Through
drawing room aud sleeping ears 40 On-
S iatl nml Memphis nml «'hnttntio«>ga to
lavlllc. Arrives How* 7:50 p. in ; Ihittoo
p. m.: n*stts»opfn 9 f* p. m.; Mmupbls
J :J0 a. m.; I-*- usilii.- 940 n. in.; m. l.mda
p. m.: Llnclaoat* i:lo k. m.
1:16 P. M.—No. JL DAILY.—Makes all
■tops. Local to llsain; arrives II* fliu 10 -VJ
11:15 P. M.-Xu. 11. DAILY.—FlorMn Lim
ited- A solid vestiboleil train to Jackson-
vllio, I'*la. Through sle—deg .nrs aud flay
coscbos to JsckMiiuvlilo and llrunswlck; uf-
ilt.-H In. I (m.iiyII!.* T s) m. iu.: ItruuMwIcb
In. m.j 8L Augustins 10 s. ni.
11.49 P. M |U r. DAILY - Through
r ...mi ninhlinf ...r At.
utn to Hbrev*|»ort. ix*csl %\<
to lllrmiujrhntn. Arrives Illn
B. Mst .Meridian 11 s. m.: Jn
in.; Vlrlrsburg. 446 p. to ; Hbi
p. m. Bleepers open to receli
U RllTliT-No.
I nst Mall. HoiI«1 Vestlt
cars tu New ork. Rich
Asheville. Coachos u
ears serve all meal
Washington t».30 t». m.
Isoenl Atlanta-Clin
receive psssr
per Atlant
Ingham 5.:
teou 2.*l
report 10 I
W. DAIIsY.-Uolted States
Vchfllmle.i train. Bleeping
harlotte and
ton. Dining
at 9^
’ ’urncr. Mr. snd Mrs. Jn
Sflss Josle Refit, of Kstontr
l<*r Hodges, of Mllb-tlgevllle:
Allen Hill. Of Americas; mi
and Messrs. Msiwt, Hugh
Park, and Mtsoes Mattie at
August 1
H. 4*.
I respectfully announce myself a
candidate foe council from tho Fourth
ward, subject to whiU primary on
Au9U,t22 - DR. B. E. PEARCE.
,«• Misses Nelli.* ami 4**ssie linger eu-
lined st a lawn party Taesdny eve-
tn honor «f their gueat, MIm Jessie
roan, of Hanford. Via, The color
I respectfully announce myself a
candidate for oouncil from the Sixth
ward, aubioct to tha white primary on
respectfully announea , myeelf «
candidate fer County Traacurer.aub-*, *.hi.*.ri Kc Au r ..».
Ml*. Alh-e Hbrphrrd. of Ablwvllle. was
ie guest of her sister, Mrs. J, L. Ilttmsn,
*e first of the'Week. .....
The Misses Nellie nml Jesafe Hager eu-
Tilng I
Wnrman. . .. —
scheme waa pink nnd eraen and parlor,
plasm ami lawn w**re dcwwmted with aril*
fidsl flowers ami Jaiwncse lanterua. Parlor
ami lawn gau»o aud wasle constituted the
features of entertainment. Refreshments
were served.
Mr. O. If. MrRee Is visiting here.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Ashford are In A
Mr. Karas Klder Is at home for a visit.
Misses Nelle Coeroft and fona Veule ami
Mrs. VA Thompesr* Hatted Tyljee loot week.
Mr. Albert Jokaana ami Mr. Walter Booth
At the Roll Call
WiD have the call. It's got it already.
Good on all building:, flat or steep roofs.
look for this trade mark
ATLANTA SUPPLY C0. f Sole State Agents,
29 and 31 800th Fortyth 8tr««L ATLANTA, GA.
f. C tillNfieiD. frnldtat C. A. Pitt. StcrtUr,