The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, August 14, 1906, Image 1
ATLANTA. Ijn.W population. :*.W aomec ’5.0A0 telephones. F4»v*n mala line* of railroads, 161 of street railway. 122. »\ 000 of hanking capital. The Atlanta Georgian. OKOHOIAi ? iw.ooa Mpiiiatloa. cotton crop in ltng. •.FO miles of steam railroad. VC milow electric street railway. 1» Cotton fRotorla* 1 600.000 sptodloo, I'actorlca consumed Sfc.000 bsfss Morning Edition. ATLANTA, GA., TUESDAY, AUGUST 14, 1906. Morning Edition. SON OF BANK LOOTER THINKS THAT FATHER HAS TAKEN OWN LIFE] Walter Scott Says He Will Be Wit ness. HE TOOK PISTOL FROM ARCHITECT Tombs Officials Deny That Thaw Has Any Spe cial Privileges. fi.r I’rlrnti Leased Wire. New'York, August 13.—Walter Scott, the Death Valley miner, made an amas- Inc declaration today that he was the nieana of preventing Stanford White from killing Haro- K. Thaw In Madison Square Garden last January. "Scotty” said he haa two witnesaea, men prominent In New York club life, who were present at thfc time, and add ed that Manager Reynolds, of the gar den. knew all about the affair. The miner la willing to come to New York and tell his story on the witness stand at the trial of Thaw, and today Clifford W. Hnrtrldgej the ybung mil lionaire's counsel, opened communica tion with “Scotty.” Says He Haa tha Gun. "Scotty" said that when he was a cowboy with the Buffalo Bill Wild West show, several years ago, he met White In Madison Square Gardon. They became good friends. "Scotty” declares he took White's gun away from him and now has It. Detectives employed by both the dis trict attorney and by Thaw’s counsel today ore seeking to establish the iden tity of the young woman who went to aee Stanford White on the afternoon preceding the shooting and said that Mrs. Harry Thaw had called. Has Note Whitt 8ont. Thaw's counsel, It was learned today, has a note written by White to Evelyn Thaw, which accompanied a basket of flowers he sent to her late In the after noon of the day he was killed. This note,' which expressed a fervent desire on the part of White to see Mrs. Thaw, Is believed to clearly establish the motive for the shooting of Thaw’s long time rival and enemy. Lawyer Hurtrldge denies that Thaw Is breaking down. Does Thaw Enjoy Luxury? When told about the atory given out In Pittaburg last night by Paul Mc Donald, who said he had a cell next to that of Harry Thaw In the Tomba prison. Warden Flynn. of the Tomba, laughed, but dented In toto ever)- state ment credited to McDonald. McDonald waa arrested In New York on a charge of embestement at the cr quest of the Pittaburg police and wai returned to that city. The young man says that, although he waa not charged with murder, he was permitted to oc cupy a cell In "murderer's row” In the Tombs that ha might be near Thaw, w hom he knows. The slayer of White, •aid he, lives In luxury In prison. He aaya Thaw dispenses money with a lavish hand and haa the prlaon at taches running at hls beck and call. He says Thaw's wife Is permitted tq enter her husband's cell and that the guards withdraw discreetly when the two hold converse. At the top Is shown Mrs. Theodore Btensland, wife of Theodora Stensland, vice president of the wrecked Milwaukee Avenue State Hunk, which closed Its doors a few days ago. In Uic loft panel below 1s shown Paul O. Stensland, president of the bank, who has fled and cannot be found, while In the right Is shown a'portrult of hls son, Theodore, who has turned over all hls father's real estate to the hunk and who l« generally believed to have been Ignorant of hls futlier'a forgeries and speculations. u WILL ACCEPT 1 VO MEN AND MEN VICTIMS OF FIGHT by Private Leased Wlie. New York, Aug. II.—As the result of s mysterious shooting early today at oceanic Walk and the Bowery, four persona, one a woman, were wounded. It Is thought by the police that they wer» hit by stray bullets which hau been fired In a fight nearby. All were carried to the hospital. TURKISH SULTAN HAS HEMORRAGES Special Cable—Copyright. Constantinople, Aug. 13.—Reports from an official source today declare that the sultan's condition gives no cause for alarm and that the alarmist rumors of Friday and Saturday were merely etock exchange maneuvers. On the other band, a correspondent of a Parts paper has cabled hls editor that the sultan Is suffering from hem orrhages. CONVICT MAYOR CLOSE TO DEATH By Private Leased Wire. Trenton, N. J, Aug. 13.—Mayor Wil liam H. Belcher, • of Paterson, who !*at week began serving a 12-year sentence for embexslement. Is seriously III In the prison hospital. Physicians fear he may not recover from mental and physical collapse. THINK THERE’S GOLD IN STREET OF CITY By Private Leased Wire. . . New York, Aug. 13.—Jamaica, L. I- *'•» greatly excited today over the al leged discovery of gold on city property Just west of the city training _eehooj. A laborer found the supposed gold. Hundreds of persons carried off speci mens. Turns Over to Authorities $650,000 of Real Estate—DepositorsT'DRely to Get i . 67 Per Cent. Ily Private U-.-I Wire. Chicago, Aug. 13.—Theodore Stons- land, son of the fugitive president of the looted Milwaukee Avenue State Bank, today revealed the first Inside story of hls father's'downfall and flight from Chicago. He believes hls father has commit ted suicide and declares that he could not poslbly have committed the colossal forgeries that were the cause of the wrecking of the bank. , Depositors of the bank. It Is declared, by Examiner Bones and.Receiver Fet- ser, will receive 67 per cent of their claims. This amount may be Increased as Teodors Stensland today has turned over to the bank h's fithcr's entire personal estate, amounting to more than 3650,000, acting under power of attorney sent by the elder Stensland, BELMONT'S 8TABLES BURN. Babylln, L. 1., August 13.—Belmont's racing stable and glas buildings were destroyed by lire today. It Is i. com ple'te loss., KILLS FIVE BOYS. Elisabeth, N. J, August IS.—A Penn sylvanla train dashed Into a group of five boys walking on the trestle near the atatjon this afternoon. Four of the boys were killed and one fatally hurt. DEMAND IS NOW MADE FOR AN INVESTIGATION OF THE SOLDIERS’ HOME Resolution is Intro duced in the House Monday. At the does of the Monday morning session of the house a resolution pro vlding for the appointment of an In vestigating committee for the 8o!dlera' home waa offered by Messrs. Mlllken, of Wayne, Knight, of Berrien, and Wil liams, of I-auren*. The resolution must He on the table one day before The resolution provides that a com mlttee of five Iron) the house and three from the senate t be appointed with power to summon! witnesses and com pel attendance and that this committee make a thorough investigation of the home and report Jits findings to the next session -f general assembly. The sensational charges against the management of the home, made last Friday In a petition to the lower house, were renewed Monday morning by Representative G. “W. Williams, of Laurens county, who rose to a quee- tlon of personal privilege and chal lenged the .maiugejhent of the home to a thorough Investigation of Its affaire. Mr. Williams was applauded at tha close of hls remarks, Mr. williams aald: "Having, while attempting to render honest help to the inmates of the Con- federate Sold.-a* IfeM ir. Georgia, provoked MM criticisms and v|le abuse I feel n fcut J jstlce to myself to claim th. H- r as • matter of per sonal privilege, I - "I desire, first, t>. set at rest the vaporing* of the vile by sayiyg that I shall not die—Ala matter with any but gentlemen.. That class of peo ple who are a menace t - the body poll- 00 0O000OOO000OOOCrOOOO0000O o o O CARVE8 HIS OWN COFFIN* 0 O AND HANDY. 0 O 0 0 By Private Leased Wire. 0 O New York. Aug. 13.—Jacob 0 O Croesman, of guakertown, has O O completed a coffin weighing 300 O U pounds, which ha carved from aol- O O Id oak planks. He keeps It under o O the bed so It will be handy. 0 C000O00000000000OO00OOC.0OQ lect of the degraded, I shall not dig nify with further attention. "Mr. Speaker, In order that this mat ter may take shape and bring some thing to pass. I desire to say that ev ery charge made by the Inmates of the home In their petition read before this body on Friday last, I adopt as my rhnrge and beg the trustees at the ear- llswt convenient date to permit me to euhmlt proof of their consideration. I only Impose two conditioned rpit, that the press shall be admitted to the hear ing, but that evidence given by the Continued on Page Three. RADTKE MAKES ATTACK ON RAINEY AND MAY Saratoga, N. Y.. August 13.—The paddock waa thrown Int a urry of ex citement here this afternoon over a free for all light between Jockey Radtke end hi* employer, Roy Rainey, and Trained Bud May.- The million aire owner of Demund, the/ 345,060 demon,” and May attempted to re monstrate with Radtke for not riding the colt according to orders, when Radtke attacked them In a rage. Flour ishing a hatchet, he chased Rainey out of the stable and later smashed May In the face.• The youngeter was Anal ly subdued by Mar. Rainey announced that should Radtke make such a break m . , «g*ln he (Rainey) would act him down tica, whoie only langudge Is the dig- for the year. District Attorney’s Campaign Manager Gives Tip. Hj- Private Leeied Wire. New York. Aug. IS.—John A. Hen- nebery, rhlef clerk In Dlatrlct Attorney Jerome'a office and the manager of Mr.. Jerome'a last campaign, gave It out as hls belief today that Mr. Jerome will accept the nomination for gover nor on the Democratic ticket If there It a strong demand for him. Mr. Hen- nebery mnde . this statement shortly after he hod arrived In town from Saratoga, where be has been spending hie vacation. Mr. Hennebery went on to say he had come from Saratoga In response to k telephone communication which he had received, from'four Democratic leaders. "It was arranged," said Mr. llcnne- bery, "that we should have u confer ence In New York tonight. I shall communicate with Mr. Jerome at Lakeville and will retqm to Saratoga tomorrow to continue my vacation.” Mr. Hennebery I* one of Sir. Demme's conflifentlui men and hls statement was received In political circles In this city with a lot of Interest, primaIyIiicIn MAY NOT BE HELD IN MUSCOGEE CO, Special to The Georgian. Columbus, Ga„ August II.—There Is a possibility of no primary bring held here. The committee of three ap pointed by Chairman Blade, county Democratic executive committee, to raise funds for the expenses of the primary, haa raised only 324.50; I860 eceksiiry. The v'-no.lttee say that If III - 11, J|. ,1. II / -'•!! I III ,1,1 balance by 6 o’clock Wednesday they will call off the primary so'far aa they are concerned. Judge R. B. Russell speaks here twice tomorrow at 11 am. at the court house and at 8:80 p.m. nt the opera house. There waa no tronble In se curing funds to pay the expenses for hls meeting. BRYAN TO URGE OWNERSHIP OF RAILROADS BY PEOPLE Won’t Make an Issue of the Money Question. Hr Private Leased WIV*. St. Louis, Mo., August IS.—Homer Baas, of the St. lamia Republic, writing from Zurich, Hwttaerland, under the date of August 3, gives the first deti nue statement of William J. Bryan's program for turning the railroads of the country, over to the federal and state governments. Tha plan la new and haa been carefully worked out. "Mr. Bryan will attack the truata In hi* New York apeech,” writes Mr. B "and 1 suspect h* will go further and give hie view* on certain form* of pOb lie ownership of public utllltlea, with especial reference to railroads both In terstate and within tha state*. Favors Income Tax. “It Is also quite likely that with the support of the original Bryan party wing nnd the aid of such Eastern con servative! ns Alvan Clark, of Now Jer sey, he will com* out boldly for a con- elltutlonal amendment that will make an Income tax one of the certainties of the next half dnaen year*. If Mr..Brynn enters upon the money question, It Is quite likely that he will repeat hls es- eertjona of the recent years that con ditions have eliminated money aa an Issue, as the results of several conver sations with Air. Bryan In London, at which lime I saw him nearly every day In a fortnight. "One of the many striking Impres sions that have mine to Mr. Bryan on this tour has to do with the ownership of great public utilities by the state with especial reference to th* rail roads. Mr. Bryan has hern In Europe on other occasion*. lie ha* bean care ful to examine the conditions surround ing the .government management of larger arteries of travel. To Own Trunk Linas. "In every Important particular he would apply the theory differently - to the United States. Hls plan would admit of the ownership of certain trunk lines by the government In order that OO0OOO0O0OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO o PREHISTORIC CHAIR O DUO FROM OROUND. O o o O By Private Leased Wire. O O New York, Aug. IS.—A. Reeve, O O of Echo, near Fort Jefferson, L. I, O O la trying to trace the hletoo^of 0 O a prehistoric chair, made of atone, O O which he dug out of the ground. O S Curiously the relic la much on the O •a me order, and aa comfortable aa O O a Morrla chair. O000C,OOOOOO000OOO000OO0 0OO ARE KILLED the efficient through oervlce ahnuld not In any way suffer Impairment, but he would Insist that tha local line* In ev ery state be owned by th* separate states, thus preserving more effectually the Idea of state Individuality which. In Air. Bryan's opinion, would In lime be wiped out If al\ lines passed Into fed eral control. "Th* enormous prestige that would be thk result of such a railroad man. agement In America would, of course, tend to Intrench the party In power and would In time accomplish what Mr. Bryan fears and would contend against the abolition nt state boundaries." BRYAN AND FAmTlY TO LIVE ON YACHT Grand Duke Refuses Command Army. to MUTINEERS TRIED AND SHOT DEAD Peasants Arc Reported To Ho in Terrible Condi* tiou from Famine. Special ('aide—Copyright. Paris, August 13.—William J. Bryan, now In this city, haa completed hls list of date* for th* American tour that will follow hi* landing In New York. Air. Bryan will arrive In New York on Au gust 3( or S3, but will not make hls of ficial landing on Manhattan Island un til 4' o'clock.p.m. on August 30. When Ills eteamer arrives In th* harbor A1r. and Mrs. Bryan end their daughter will be taken aboard th* private yacht be longing to Atr. and Mrs. E. F. Ooltra, who were classmates of Air. end Mr*. Bryan. The Ooltras will entertain th* llrynns nbosrd the yerht In a short cruise until the time fixed for th* lend ing. After the festivities attending the Bryan reception In New Tork and the completion of the speech making there abouts, Mr. Bryan will go to Chicago, where he will apeak on September 4. Ills other date* follow: Lincoln, September 5; St. Louis, Sep tember II; Louisville, Ky„ September 12; Cincinnati, September 33. Former Fort McPherson Troops Are Ordered to Fight Pul a janes fly Private Leu*ml Wire. Manila. August battalion »»f the Thirteenth nml one of the Sixteenth Infantry, stationed at Fort McKinley, will aall for Loyto today to reinforce the troops there, who are operating against the Pulajaneo. The newspaper* hero *»re urging that Lcyi- b© Ii.hkI.m! ..ver to the mili tary administration until the lawnesaneM there la eradicated. The Sixteenth Infantry waa formerly atatloned at Fort McPherson. Oa. oaoooooooowoooooooooooood MONKS ARE ARMED 0 TO GUARD WEALTH. O 1’tlwito fecnNod Win*. £ O Pari a, Aug. IS.—La .Matin pub- O ' • ' -I n •!lM|.iit.'h from st. O I'' ' long " lil- li tidli <*f frightful O auffsrtng among ths pennant* |n O Hk- k .■ . i miK-nt of Hnmiirn. Hun- O O ill mis .lie to 11«* dying for lack O O of food. Ths monks In the Lavra O O rnonaiitery, world-famed for It* O O lichen, havs bean armed to enable O O them to guard the treasure stored O O In the monastery. O O o OOOOOO0O000Oooaooooooooooo Special Cabin—ropy right. St. Petersburg. August IS.—It Is re ported that during tho night three po licemen were murdered in this city, one killed In Moscow, nnd three nt Kazan. RU98IAN MUTINEERS ARE 8HOT TO DEATH Ily Private l-en—d Wire. II'dingf.. r *4 Pinl Hid, Aug 13 Lieut enants Kochanowsky and KmlllanofT. aged 31, nnd five ooldlem were at a wit ting of the courtmartlal found gutltv r.J participating in the mutiny nt Hven- borg, nnd condemned to death nnd all e shot nnd burled In n common crave w I thou iky*a father I it St. Patera •r appealed »i ceremony. Km m colonel of the urg F.mlllHnoffi telegraph to the |ev«*. but tinaucn Iniicee’a nrreat i CHARACTER ASSASSINATION I T ARE ACCOUNTS OP BATS TELLER Birmingham Man Arrested On Charge of Embezzle ment. HpedaJ to The Georgian. Birmingham. Ala., August under H. Chlaholm, teller at National Rank, la charged embezzlement of tho funda of the officials of ths bank m amount at exactly S 100,000. W holm, who la 30 years of age thla morning from Atlantic C he tins been on hla vacation, found In hla clothing. It I that he haa been gambling and warrants will b© served i noon on two prominent me business. Th© young man la under h amount of $30,000. so that t the First National Hunk will be under $70,000. SAFE DYNAMITED AND CONTENTS TAKENi TWO STORES RDBBEO 13 -Alex- the First with th© the hank, onlng th© hen < 'hls- . returned Ity. where 13.000 « charged th© eonvIlle biMt night McClure’s store, 1 secured a thousnr $100 In money and They then enten and secured a lot < soft drinks. Tbey ■ attempted ofttce but failed 12 At Daw* ri entered Jim .pen the .«f©. liars in notes. AT FORT WORTH THE GRAVEST MENACE OF THE GUBERNATORIAL CAMPAIGN