Newspaper Page Text
United States Marshal W. H. John
son. chairman of th, Republican state
central commute, expects to send out
nlthln a few days a call for (he com
mittee to meet In Atlanta between the
;5th and 18th of this' month to make
definite plans In reference to the call-
ins of a state convention and putting
out a Republican ticket for the state
■AVhat will be the principal object In
putting out a ticket Just now, Mr.
Johnsonr* he was asked.
•More than anything else to pre
serve the party organisation, and get
In good shape so that If at some fu
ture time the outlook seems brighter
«e shall be In a position to take ad
vantage of our opportunities," was his
The committee Is composed of IS
members, from each congressional dis
trict and eight from the state at lar^.
When approached In regard to the
matter, Postmaster Blodgett said that
his official duties kept him so well oc
cupied that he had little or no time
far politics and could throw no light
on the situation. Collector of Reve
nue Rucker stated that he could not
give out any Information on the sub
ject. A prominent Republican, who
refused to be quoted directly
stated that there was no doubt but
that a full ticket would be put out
this year, and that announcement to
that effect would probably be made
within a short time.
By Privets Leased Wire.
London, Aug. 14.—Having obtained
the maximum reduction of sentence
for good behavior, Ann O'Della DIss
DeBar, who, on December 20, 1001,
«as sentenced to seven years' penal
servitude for connection with a cult
known as the “Theocratic Unity," of
which theunan claiming to be hej hus.
bond, Theodore Jackson, was the ac
knowledged head, has been liberated
from the Aylesbury prison under ticket
of leave. *■' •'
: jnckson and the woman were arrest
ed In September,, 1801, as a result of
scandals In connection with the “The
ocratic Unity" organisation. Their trial
consumed three months, and the tes
timony was of such nature that some
of the London papers refused to print
It. Jackson was given fifteen years
In prison and his companion seven.
Mme. DeBar achieved great notorie
ty, working a deception by which Lu
ther R. Marsh, of New York, was
stripped of a fortune. She .married
General Joseph H. DIss DeBar In the
seventies and later traveled about the
country presenting herself as the per
sonification of occult powers. Then
General DIss DeBar left the adven
turess. Suit was brought to show her
up as an Impostor, and she was charged
with conspiring to defraud Marsh. She
was sentenced to a term of Imprison
As Vera P. Ava she fell Into the
hands of the Chicago police, who sent
her to the penitentiary at Joliet for two
yenrs. Then she married William J.
McGOwn, In 1895, In Chicago. He was
rich. In. 1899 she was run out of New
Orleans with Theodore Jackson, whose
wife she then said she was. Later
they turned up In Capetown. South
Africa, and one of the woman's dupes
was a wealthy contractor. Next the
couple went to London.
Special Cable—Copyright
Buenos Ayres, Aug. 14.—The arrival
here today of the Argentine cruiser
Buends Ayres, bearing American* Sec
retary Hoot and his family • was , the
signal for .the beginning of a five days'
celebration In- their honor. The city
is beautifully decorated with bunting
and flowers. Arches have been built
In many places which will be brilliant
ly Illuminated at night during the cele
bration. A program has been completed
which will keep Mr. Root and his fam
ily busy until they leave for Valparaiso,
At the banquet given in Mr. Root's
honor at Montevideo, the Amerlan we
re t ary, in toasting Uruguay, said that
he admired especially the beauty
of the Uruguanyan women and that
there were moments when he would
like to discontinue his tour and re
main forever In Uruguay. At the end
of the banquet the reception commit
tee presented Mrs. Root with a neck
lace of pearls, of eleven strings, Miss
Edith Root with another of five ropes
and Mr. Root’s son with a fine horse.
8pelal Cable—Copyright.
London, Aug. 14.---The moat fruitful
piece of conversation In diplomatic cir
cle* today la a meeting which la to take
place tomorrow between King Edward
and the Kaiser. It la confidently be
lieved that King Edward will at this
Interview make clearer hla title as Ed
ward the peacemaker, hot only by Im
proving the relations between England
and Germany, which nre not overcor
dial, but by taking joint action with
the German emperor, which It Is hoped
will aid In bringing about a peaceable
solution of the problems which con
front the czar of Russia. King Ed
ward left London today for Kronblnger,
Prussia, as his Immediate destination.
IS Is at this place Instead of Frisdsr-
Ichof, that the meetings of the mon-
archs will take place.
By Private Leased Wire.
Boston, Aug. 14.—Captain Jensen, of
the fruit steamer Admiral Schley, Is
responsible for the statement that the
gulf stream Is deviating from Its usual
"The gulf stream usually runs north
from latitude 84 degrees to latitude 28
degrees. It then turns to the east and
Is lost to vessels bound from Boston,"
said the captain. “Now It Is running
strongly from latitude 34 degrees to
latitude 40 degrees, IS minutes, or
within 2G miles of Nantucket south
ahoal light ship."
Captain Jensen says that the change
In the course of the stream Is thought
tq portend a mild winter.
"If It Is true that the gulf stream
has changed Its course In accordance
with the figures given by Captain
Jensen,” said a Harvard scientist, “an
explanation Is afforded of the excessive
periods of heat and humidity that have
vlsted the Atlantic seaboard during the
present summer. The prevalence of
heavy sea fogs Is also explained."
Fight on Bill to Extend the
Corporate Limits of
Pure Food Bill Special Or
der for Wednesday
SpMsI to The Georgian.
Portsmouth, Va.. Aug. 14.—Twe
Georgians, who have won distinction
at the United States Naval Academy,
Annapolis, will be graduated from the
great naval training school next month.
They are Midshipman W. P. Beeh-
ler and Carter Land Wright, midship
man. Both have done remarkable work
at the Academy, and will be presented
with their diplomas on Wednesday
September 12. Secretary of the Navy
Charles J. Bonaparte will. In all proba
bility, perform this pleasant duty, and
address the “middles,” who have fol
lowed the strenuous period of study
and Instruction,
These Georgia boys won out, so to
•peak, a year ahead of time. Their
four-year courses will not expire at
Annapolis until next June, but the
pressing need of naval officers caused
> ncle 8am to cut down their terms at
the Naval Academy to a little more
than three years, and their supelor
work during that time Is also largely
responsible for their early graduation.
Instead of going on the annual sum
mer cruise with the other members of
the second class at the. Academy, these
two Georgians with other advanced
"middles" remained In Annapolis and
have been pursuing their studies dog
gedly during the heated term. Next
month they wll realize the fruits of
their sacrifice. Then they will become
full-fledged naval officers. A leave
of one month will be granted them af
ter graduation, and they will visit their
homes, and then will come the navy
department's assignment to duty afloat.
They will remain at sea for three years,
and then be aslgned to shore duty.
Two Florida boys, two South Caro-
llnans, a Loulslanan and two midship
men from Alabama will also be gradu
ated on September 12. ,
They are as follows:
Robert Allen Burfnrt, Jr., Florid a
Harvey William McCormack, Flor
David Graham Copeland, South Car
Clyde Russell Copeland, South Car-
Arthur William Frank, Alabama.
Philip Huston Hammond, Alabama
Irving Hall Mayfield. Louisiana
William Henry Lee, North Carolina
Pwial to The Georgt-n.
Rome, Ga, Aug. Is.—Mrs. C. H. Tea-
Pf was struck and Instantly killed at
b-er homa’ln Llndale by lightning yes-
terday during a terrific electric storm
Which passed over Rome. The furnl-
fure In the room In which Mrs. Yeager
was seated waa tom to pieces and ths
tt »H« splintered.
.'Ira Yeager was the second , wife of
T-ager, the latter having lost hl» flrff
•><• and daughter In the Galveston dis
Several Children Shocked.
A large tree, said to be over 108
years old, In front of Ordinary John P.
Davis' resldsnce. In North Rome, was
struck by lightning. Several of Davis'
children who were playing on the front
porch, were severely shocked and stun-
ne Jt was the most terrific thunder
storm that has passed over Rome In
some time. Considerable damage was
done to crops by ths wind.
Local house bills occupied tha sUea
tlon of the senate Tuesday morning,
and a great mass of them ware put
through the hopper, and a huge stack
read the. second time for action at the
afternoon aesiion Tuesday, beginning
at 8 o'clock.
Near the wind up of the morning ses.
slop an effort was made to take up the
pure food-bill, but Senator Miller was
of a mind to quit, and,he Involved the
senate In a pretty wrangle that occu
pled the time until 1 o'clock.
Only lone local bill found any oppo
sltlon, and that not of sufficient
strength: to prevent Ite passage. This
was the bill to extend the city limits of
Marietta. Senator Candler wanted It
re-commltted to the senate general *-
dlciary committee for some kind ol
report, but Senator, Alt Blalock op
poaed that • procedure.
Just before adjournment the pure
food bill was made the special order
for the session Wednaaday morning
after the reading of the Journal.
Pay Pension Revlsor.
At the beginning of the session Tues
day Senator Hand moved reconsiders'
tlon of the special deltclency bill passed
He explained that by an oversight
the sum of 3183 due G. W. Hendricks
for work In revising the pension list
had not been put In the bill. This
revision, he stated, had saved Georgia
thousands of dollars. The bill was re
considered and the sum dus Mr. Hen'
drlcks placed In It.
Monument Appropriation*.
The appropriations committee rec
ommended for passage the 818,000 for
the Gordon monument, the 318,000 for
the Oglethorpe monument, and the
87,800 for a hospital at the Soldiers'
House Bills Pastsd.
• By Mr. Davis, of Burke—To make
additional appropriations for the years
1006 and 1007. to supply deficiencies In
several appropriations for expense of
E iovemment. Reconsidered to add pay
or G. W. Hendricks, special pension
list revlsor.
By Mr. Longlno, of Campbell—A res
olution to pay pension to L. D. Bel
• By Mr. Butts, of Glynn—To amen<
several acts Incorporating Brunswick.
By Mr. Smith, of Tattnall—To create
bonrd of county commissioners for
By Mr. Ramsey, of Jefferson—To cre
ate the city court of Louisville.
By Mr. Rainey, of Schley—To estah
llsh the city court of Ellavllle.
By Mr. Donaldson, of Decatur—To
amend the charter of Climax.
By Mr. Buchanan, of Early—To es
tablish the city court of Blakely.
r Messrs. Mason and Alexander, o
Jalb—To provide for board o
county commissioners for DeKalb.
By Mr. McRee, of Lowndes—To In'
corporate the town of Naylor.
By Mr. Moody, of Heard—To amend
the charter of Corinth
By Mr. Bush, of Miller—To amend
act establishing the dispensary In Col
quitt, Miller county.
By Mr. Alexander, of DeKalb—To
amend drainage laws of DeKalb.
By Messrs. Porter and Holder—To
amend charter of Rome so as to create
bond commission.
By Mr. Ward, of Coffee—To amend
charter of Bloxton.
By Mr. Mllllkln, of Wayne—To In
corporate the town of Hlckox.
By Mr. Land,, of Wilcox—To estab
lish the city court of Abbeville.
By Mr. Johnson, of Baker—To repeal
act Incorporating the town of Newton.
By Mr. Johnson, of Baker—To create
a charter for the city of Newton.
By Mr. Johnson, of Baker—To estab
lish the city court of Newton.
By Mr. Johnson, of Baker—To amend
act creating county courts Insofar t-l
refers to Baker.
By Mr. Derrick, of Rabun—To Incor
porate the town of Dillard In Rabun
By Messrs. Hardeman and Holder, of
Jackson—To amend set Incorporating
Bv Messrs. Greeae and Griffin, of
Cobb—To extend the Incorporate lim
its of Marietta.
By Mr. Knights, of Berrien—To es
tablish the city court of Tlfton.
By Messrs. Alexander and Mayson,
of DeKalb—To amend act creating the
public schools of Clarkaton.
By Messrs. Brinson and Donaldson,
of Decatur—To revise, consolidate and
amend act establishing board of
commissioners of Decatur.
By Mr. Ross, of Upson—To authorise
Yatesvllle to Issue bonds.
By Mr. Way, of Pulaski—To repeal
set establishing dispensary in Pulsskl.
By Mr. Lawrence, of Chatham—To
allow Savannah to execute a deed to
Purse to certain lands.
The fsoultvllle and Nashville railroad
waa Toeadaj moraine granted a permit for
the erection of a In nre ahed to take the
The ehed la to coat 110,000, and will
only be need- for almut four mouths, as
the permit atatea that It la to be torn
down January 1, 1107.
Special <'able-Copyright.
Rome, Italy, Aug. 14.—The announce
ment is made at the Vatican today that
the pope received Blehop O'Connor, of
Washington, In a long and cordial con
ference. Bishop O'Connor Is rector of
the great Catholic university at Wash
Special to Tbe Georgian.
Birmingham, Ala, Aug. 14.—Alexan
der Chisolm, charged with embesstlng
I funds of the First National Bank, 8100,-
I'OO, alleged to have been taken, will
| have to make a 380,000 bond to appear
before the United Statee commissioner
next Monday for a preliminary trial.
The same aiqqunt waa required of W,
L. Sims and 810,000 of C. M. Hayes, the
stock and cotton brokerage managers.
Pending the making of the bond
Chisolm spent the night at the Hill
man Hotel In the custody of a marshal.
Two warrants were Issued yesterday
against Chisolm, one against Sima,
one against Hayes, and on* agalnet P.
G. Smith, who also operate* an ex
change immediately In the rear of the
According to the warrant the
amounts secured, with the dates, were
aa follows;
May 10, 83,000; May 88, 13.000; May
88. 25.000; May It. 82,000; May 20,
280,000; May 10. 115,060; July 1, 810.
000; July I, 18,000. Total 171.80.
The. second wdkraut makes the same
charges with ths names of 81ms and
Hayes substituted for that of Smith.
The sum* paid to these parties, accord
Ing to the warrant, were as follows:
May 17. 86,000; May II,' 18,000; June
1, 86,000; June 10, 18,000; Jun* If,
88.000; June II, 11,000; Jun* 80, 85,000.
Total 810,000.
By Private Let set Wire.
New York, Aug. 14.—Mrs. Bins F.
Verrault, alias Mr*. Helen Hamilton,
aocompanled by Mrs. Brown, reached
the Federal building and went to the
marshal's office shortly before noon
By Private Leased Wire.
New York. Aug. 14.—While deputise
from the United States marshal's of-
flcs hunted today for Mrs. Blna Ver
rault, alias Helen Hamilton. Marshal
Henekel sat at hit desk and waited In
almost hopeless' expectancy that' the
woman might appear. It waa believed
she has fled from the city.
Astounding revelations, which have
been secured by federal officials con
cerning the game of hearts for monsy
played by Mrs. Verrault reached their
climax today. . . . .
It ha* been learned almost beyond
a doubt that Mrs. Hamilton was a
member of a unique "matrimonial bu
reau," conducted entirely by women
This bureau, It la believed, had
branches all over the United Statee.
In every large city In the country wo
men almost aa clever aa Mrs. Hamil
ton are said to have carried out plana
of fleecing “eligible husbands" on an
elaborate seals.
They would hire apartments, and
the places would be furnished In a
most elaborate scale. All of the costly
furniture would be bought on the In
stallment plan.' In these luxurious
apartments, the matrimonially Inclined
victims would call to see the wealthy
widow "who wanted a husband." The
wealth and splendor of It all would
stun the man and latar on they would
lend large sum* and then the "wealthy
widow" would vanish, and the Install
ment men called and took away the
unpaid for furniture.
Mr*. Hamilton was the queen of the
“rich widow" trust, but Mr*. Iseela
Brown, who lived with her. Is satd to
have been the real power behind the
throne. Mrs. Brown, tt Is declared,
originated all the Ideas for fleecing
men who wanted to wed rich widows.
Special to The Georgian.
Columbus, Ga., Aug. 14.—The quan
dary In which the Democratic execu
tive committee of this county found It
self In regard to funds to pay the ex
penses of ths primary election has
been somewhat lessened by the offer
of friends of Messrs. Howell and
Smith to divide the amount necessary
Arrested for Flirting—Mrs.
Thaw to Tell on
and pay It promptly.
Captain J. J. Slade, a warm support,
er of Mr. Smith, and L. F. Garrard,
who Is managing tbe campaign for Mr.
Smith here, hdve both assured the
committee that the Smith part of the
expenses would be forthcoming.
The Howell men have not yet taken
any decided action, but they have as
sured the committee that they would
stand their share of the expense.
By rrifSte tested Wire.
New York, Aug. 14.—It was
nounced definitely today that Mrs.
Evelyn Thaw would take the witness
stand and testify In behalf of her hus
band, Harry K. Thaw, at his trial for
the murder of Stanford White. Eve
lyn Thaw always had been willing to
testify, but Clifford W. llsrtrldge,
Thaw's counsel, repeatedly said that It
would r.ot be necessary.
Thaw's wife will not spare herself In
the ordeal that she must face, but will
reveal the Innermost secrets of the cir
cles In which Stanford White was one
of the shining lights and ot which shs
herself was a victim.
Thaw Was ArrtsUd.
Most Important of all, Mr*. Thaw's
testimony will reveal the Incident* of
the day of the tragedy. Bhe Is ex
pected to testify that White sent her a
basket of roses on the late afternoon
of that day accompanied by a note In
which he expressed hi* desire to see
her at once. Thla note la now In the
possession of the Thaw defense and
will be produced *t the trial.
The arbest of Harry Thaw In Wll
klnsburg. Pa., three months after his
marriage for forcing his attentions up
on a young girl there, was admitted by
the chief of police of that place today,
and It turned out that Thaw spent
nearly a night In a lock-up.
Proposes to Hear Other Wit
nesses as to the Ice
By Private Ussed Wire.
New York, Aug. 14.—Both sessions
today. It I* announced, will be devoted
by the grand Jury to Investigating ths
local Ice situation. Certain members
of the grand Jury have decided not to
watt any longer for District Attorney
Jerome nor will they rest content with
the testimony of the witnesses Jerome
sees proper to call. It is asserted that
they have found a subtle connection
between some witness** to be subpe-
naed and subsidiary concern* of the Ice
trust. The grand Juror* want to beer
certain people, and will call them an
witnesses whether Jerome I* pleased
or not.
Senate Bill Making Licuten-
’ ant Governor Fails of
Two-Tliirds Vote.
The house Tuesday morning dsfeated
the senate bill of Senator Wheatley
to create the office ot lieutenant gov
ernor, after a debate which occupied
most of the morning session. The bill
received a majority of thp vote repre
sented but lacked tha necessary 117
votes necessary to Its passage.
Mr. Felder, of Bibb, Introduced a
aubstltuts bill which provided for the
succession of cabinet officers to the
governorship In case of a vacancy but
this was also lost through lack of a
two-thirds vote.
Tha debate on the senate Mil was
taken up by a number of floor leaders
and brought out many blta of strong
argument. The fact that for sevaral
months there will be no president of
the senate who might succeed th*e gov,
emor In case of that official's death
waa dwelt upon.
The house was called to order by
Speaker Slaton at 8 o'clock. Mr. Hall,
of’Bibb, called up the bill by Senator
Strange providing for the amendment
of the code relative to suit* against
rdllroad*. This bill provides that suits
may be brought against a railroad In
the country, where the damage I* sus
tained regardless of whether the rail
road has an agent In that county.
^ Closes Thursday Night.
, The half price salo we have been carry-
. ing on for the past ten days has met with
phenomenal success, as is voiced by the
enthusiastic response of our many pleas
ed customers. The stoAk has been going
fast, but tho most sensational values still
await you in our parlors. The change in / !
tho management of our business necessi
tated this sale and as we have only a
short time in which to close out the stock,
we are forced to offer you our entire stock
of excellent pianos regardless of profit or
cost. The pianoB we are offer
ing are brana new—of standard makes,
such ns Mehlin & Sons, Soluner & ' Go.,
Becht, Bush & Herts, Weser Bros.,
Brambach and others.
They are magnificent in material and
unexcelled in workmanship. A trial by
any musician will attest these facts. No
amount of varnish on tho caso will make
a hastily or cheaply constructed piano
sound liko a good ono.
Tho merit of our pianos is not confined
to tho handsomo case alone. No muBi-.
cian can fail to bo impressed with their .
sweet, ringing tone and perfect scale.
They have the tone that lasts, and with
ordinary care your descendants of tho
next generation will find them as pure
and ringing in tone ns you find them to
It is those facts above all else that mako
it highly profitable for you to purchase
a piano wliilo you have such an excellent
opportunity. When you como down town
today or tomorrow make the Becht Piano
Parlors your first call. Tho other bar
gains about town will last. Your early
inspection promotes satisfaction. No
cheap, shoddy, commercial piano in the
lot, but all high-grade and doubly guaran
62 N. Forsyth St.
By Private Leased Wire.
Paris, Aug. 14,—William J. Bryan, In an Interview with a reporter
for a French news agency, upon being asked about hla candidacy for the
presidency of the United Stales two years hence, eald It was Imposslbl*
to discuss ths matter at present, as he must consult with friends at home
before making any statement.
Mr. Bryan today confirmed the report from Melbourne that ho Intends
to vlilt Australia this foil. Mr. Ilrysn say* he will sail (mm Fan Fran
cisco Immediately after the elections In November. He will bo gone ton
week* and will visit New Zealand as well as Australia. Mr. Bryan will
travel' alone.
TWT nvTXT> tiPflBflTiW hiatus In the office of governor the sse-
IN THE GEOKwIATl nut y ot stats fill the vacancy. If
Hall wished the bill put on Ih* callen-
dar that he might disagree with the
unfavorable report of ths general Ju
diciary committee.
Extended debate followed.' Mr. Hall
apoke for his measure. Mr. Perry, of
1, and Mr. Akin, ot Bartow, opposed
It. Mr. Kelly, of Glascock, moved the
previous questldh. Mr. Hall demanded
the yeas and nays.
Several members voted against the
bill for the reason that by giving the
right to bring suit In any county th*
-- - h00M | t wou |q tend to
suits In the hands of
city lawyers and damage claim special.
1st* to the disadvantage of country
Strange Bill Defeatsd.
The house refused to disagree with
the report of the committee and th*
bill was dsfeated for this reason.
Upon motion of Mr. Kelly, of Glas
cock, the senate bill to create a state
supervisor of teachers* Institutes, the
state school commissioner to flit th*
office, was recommltteed to th* com
mittee on education.
resolution by Mr. Hardman, of
Jackson, and others, providing for th*
adjustment of the culm of heirs at
law of Sherman J. Sim*, was passed.
The claim Involves the right of the
Northeastern railroad through the
81ms land*.
Senator Wheatley's bill to create a
lieutenant governor waa called from
the table by Mr. Felder, of Bibb, who
spoke on the measure. He offered a
substitute, providing that In case of a
there were any disabilities than the at
torney general could suocssd to the
executive and a regular line of succes
sion might be formed.
"There Is no need for a lieutenant
g overnor," said Mr. Felder. "Do you
elleve that we could find a man with
the ability to be governor who would
make a campaign for lieutenant gov
ernor at a salary of 1400 a year, merely
on the chanre of becoming governor
through th* death of the gov*ri)or7"
Wright Defends Bill.
Mr. Wright, of Richmond, urged th*
passage of the bill. He said that If the
governor should die there would be no
body to call tha legislature Into session
to elsot another. He favored th* elec-
tlon of a possible successor to the
governor by the people. He showed
how the present legislature wilt cease
to exist on the first Wednesday of next
October, and should the governor dl*
between that date and th# fourth Wed
nesday In June, there would b# no
president of th* senate to succeed to
the vacant place.
Mr. Felder asksd If It would not be
unwise to provide that a lieutenant
governor preside over th# senate when
h* might be entirely unfamiliar with
parllamtnlary law and th# senate rules.
"Any. man who will give forty-sight
hours' study of the rule book." replied
Mr. Wright, "will know enough to pro-
side over the senatd."
Seaborn Wright, of Floyd, spok* elo
quently In support of the bill, claiming
a round of applause from the usually
Indifferent house.
Mr. Hall, of Bibb, argued against
th* bill, on the ground that It gave th*
lieutenant governor a vote In the sen
ate In caa* of a tie, thereby creating a
new senator.
Mr. Dunbar, of Richmond, apoke for
th* bill.
The origlnnl bill waa put upon Its
passage and Mr. Felder opened the de
bate against It. He said the lieuten
ant governor would be a kind of lltU*
monkey with a silk hat and maybe a
few stars on his shoulders to go around
and make speeches when tbe governor
Is buiy.
Mr. Flynt. of Spalding, led the debate
In ravor of the bill. Messrs.. Anddrson,
‘Wilcox, Steed and Perry followed,
speaking for the measure.
"Any candidate who survives th*
present campaign, ought to be good for
1M years." said Mr. Perry.
Wheatley Bill Killed. •
The vote was taken and th* vote
showed 15 ayes and 82 nays. Th* bill
failed to receive the requisite two-
thirds, or 117 Votes, and was lost.
The substitute bill of Mr. Felder, of
Bibb, was then read. It provides a line
of succession In the event of th* death,
disability or resignation of th* gov
ernor In the following order: presi
dent of the senate, speaker ot the
bouse, secretary of state, attorney gen
eral, treasurer and comptroller g»n*r-
al. The eommlttoo reported favorably
on the substitute. The voto *h.,«.•<!
88 yeas and 44 nays, Urn ouhnfltnia
fulling for lack of o two-thirds vole
The last hour of tha session was oc
cupied In discussion of the bill of H.-mi-
tor Fitzgerald enlarging tho powers of
the railroad commission and requiring
railroads to put In sidetracks and spurs
wherever required. The bill went ovur
until the afternoon session.
Monday Afternoon Session,
Tho hours met at 8:80 o'clock.
Mr. Butts, of Glynn, caled up his blU
to amend section 725 of tho code rela
tive to the disposition of property pur
chased by municipal corporations. Ths
bill wus punned,
Th* bill of Senator Wheatley, to
amend the constitution to create the
office of lieutenant governor, wiu ta
bled by Its friends. It being evident
that no quorum could bo secured.
On motion of Mr. Flynt, of Spalding,
the bill of the Chn>i.ooi i.q.i. -oqitutive*
to appropriate 115,000 to erect a status
of James Oglethorpe In Savnnnnh, was
set as a special order, the house re
considering Its former vots. It w9|
then paged by a voto of 81 to 35 and
transmitted to the senate.
Speaker Slaton Huggested that the
house pay some attention to the nu-
mererous senate bills which, w,-r« on
the desk.
Senator Crum's bill to Increase the
pay of the state entomologist from
21,500 to 22,004 wus lost.
The Georgia Blate Sanitarian
excellent condition, according n
port of the tnveatlgatln
the house of represent!-
M. Kelly, of Glaacu
Dr. J. T. Longlno, J
retary, <*f the conn:
report to the houae^L
In which they com;*
tlon and Its offlccriM sgEES?
By Private I^imU Wire.
Philadelphia, Aug. 14 —Th
and Hudaon River Kallr
han given to the Mate
Wayne county for a n*»w h A.
th*- criminal insane for
enough coal on the land u
pitai for twenty rears.