Newspaper Page Text
Tt'ffftPAT. AfOrdT 14. !•«
Mrs. George C. Ball, Editor. Charlotte Stewart and Selene Armstrong, Assistants.
A very happy occasion was the tea
at which Mr*. Henry Johnson enter
tained Tuesday afternoon for Mra. H.
Stiles Bradley, of St. Louis. During
her stay with Mrs. Floyd McRae Mrs.
Bradley has been the recipient of some
p charming attentions in the form
’ email Informal affairs, and it is re-
f fretted by her friends .in Atlanta that
she will return to St. Louis Thursday.
Mrs. Johnson's home was beautiful
* w|th many cut /lowers, and with palms
and ferns. Her spacious veranda was
also made charming by quantities of
roeee and nasturtiums.
Mrs. Johnson was assisted in the
entertainment of her guests by her
daughters, Mrs. Vaughan Nixon and
Mrs. Victor Smith. Mrs. Johnson wore
a lingerie gown of white and Mrs.
Bradley wore also a dainty white lin
gerie gown, lace trimmed. Her hat
waa of white straw, trimmed with pink
Mrs. Nixon and Mrs. Smith wore
t charming gowns of w hite muslin.
Mrs. Floyd McRae wore a pale blue
taffeta, with hat to match.
Mrs. Johnson's guests number eigh
teen or twenty of her intimate friends.
It Is stated tpat members of the fash
ionable set at Newport are greatly
alarmed because eight experts, four
men and as many women, with all the
power of census takers, arrived from
Washington ns emissaries of the gov
ernment, to obtain statistics regarding
Experts are also working In Provi
dence and other summer resorts of
New England. They will look over
the court records of every divorce
granted In Rhode Island, from Janu
ary 1, 1887, to date, and will even fol
low the records through to the end
of this year, thus making a twenty
years’ record of the divorces granted
and their causes.
The enumerators are supplied with
cards containing 11 list of eighteen
questions, for w*hlch they are obliged
to And the answers. If the court rec
ords will not give the answers the prin
cipals may have to. This phase of the
matter Is the cause of the trepidation
with which many women of Newport’s
divorce colony view the Invasion of the
Many of the divorced women In the
social set now summering at Newport
have already read the list of questions
and there hnve been many discussions
with neighbors in the privacy of the
boudoirs as to the ptobable scope and
power of the enumerators.
They shrink from answering ques
tions that bring forth domestic skele
tons they supposed to have been for
ever burled.
Some of the most prominent have de
clared they will not answer the ques
tions, even If they ure asked,,and that
the court records must furnish all that
the enumerators desire.
And not only at New port and In oth
er New England resorts are the enum
erators at work, but all over the United
.The vaudeville at the Casino this
week brought out a representative au
dience Monday night.
Among those witnessing the per
formance were Miss Josle Stockdell,
Miss Bessie Woodward. Miss Harrte
Stockdell, Miss Florlne Richardson,
Miss Martha Woodward. Miss Katha
rine Gholstln, Miss Nellie Hightower,
Miss Florence Hobbs, Miss Nannie Nlc-
olson. Miss Nan duBignon, Miss Mary
duBIgnon. Miss Janie Speer, Miss Ro-
line Clarke, Miss Nina Gentry. Miss
Halite Cobb Johnson. Miss Martha
Whitman. Miss Julia Rosser, Miss An
nie Fitten, Miss Lottie Peck Wylie,
Miss Hart Wylie. Miss Go wan Phe
lan, Miss Helen O’Brien, M»s* Grace
’Callaway, Miss Adora Anderson, Miss
Irene Kencftck, Mrs. William Mont-
E mery. Mr. and Mrs. Jam4a English,
r. and Mrs. Evelyn Harris, Mr. and
Mrs. Jsmes Robinson, Mr. Charles Ry
an, Mr. Robert Clarke, Mr. Glascock
Mays, Mr. Wlnshlp Nunnalty. Mr. Jesse
Draper, Mr. Charles Bayne, Mr. Sidney
Phelan, Mr. George Wlnshlp, Mr. Ar
thur Clarke, Mr. Burton Clarke, Mr.
Joseph Nash. Mr. Walter Nash, Mr.
Verstlle Glenn, Mr. Edward Barrett,
Mr. Preston iiugtr, Mr. Henry' Grego
ry, Mr. John Gregory, Mr. Nell Mc
Guire, Mr. Ernest Dallls, Mr. William
Parkhurst, Mr. Roger Keese, Mr. Alex
IfcDougald, Mr. John Fitter Mr.
Charles Sclple, Jr., Mr. James Kagan,
Among the many social affairs of
the past week, the prettiest and decid
edly the most enjoyable was the card
party given on Thursday evening by
Mrs. Robert Ambler at her lovely
home on North street, at Greenvlle,
S. C\, In compliment to her guests, Mrs.
Allan Schoen, of Atlanta, and Miss
Belcher, of Alabama.
The lower floor of Mrs. Ambler’s
home was en suite and prettily decora
ted for the occasion with quantities of
roses. Daintily appointed tables were
arranged through the drawing rooms
guests enjoy
progressive euchre. Two lovely prises
were given, a lace fan and one of
the new novels. At midnight a tempt
ing supper with many dainty entrees
was served. Mrs. Ambler was assist
ed In receiving and entertaining her
guests by Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Good
win, Mrs. Sarah Gower, Mrs. W. P.
Mrs. Schoen, of Atlanta, and Miss
Belcher, of Alabama, were guests of
honor at another delightful party given
by Mrs. Ambler on Thursday afternoon
when she entertained about 20 guests
at bridge w'hlst.
Mrs. Sarah Gower entertained a
number of friends on Friday afternoon
at her home on Washington street at
Greenville, 8. C.. In compliment to Mrs.
Scheon. of Atlanta, and Miss Belcher,
of Alabama.--Columbia State.
Snapshots of well known society people at the Saratoga races. In
the upper group are shown, from left to right, Mrs. Cromwell, Miss Me-
Lewce, Mrs. John Sanford and Mr. John Sanford. In the lo\v%r gr| ip
are also shown, from left to right, Perry Belmont, Mrs. E. R. Thomas and
Major Strickland.
The euchre at which Miss Lamar Je
ter will entertain Thursday afternoon
for Miss Lillian Brock, of Lafayette,
Ala., will be one of the largest and
most enjoyable parties of the week,
Invited to meet Miss Brock nrc: Misses
Leontlne Day, Luella Malsby. Frances
Connally. Lillie White, Kate Waldo,
Mary Eakes, Lillian Lathrop, Meta
Hart, Marguerite Lane, Lucllo Gra
ham. Luura Wyatt, Dell Parks, Mary
Robinson, Edith Watts, Fannie Hinton,
Muriel I (nil, Anna Watson, Aline Bal
lard, Caroline Ingalls, Sallle Lang-
home, Mrs. Emile Ureltenbucher,
Misses Dorothy Hreitenbucher, Louise
Baird, Genevieve Morris, Julia Rosser,
Elizabeth Rawson, Bessie Dobbs, Edith
Duncan, Bessie Davison, Juanita Grant,
Shirley Smith, .Margaret Nutting. Sa
rah Lee Evans, Antoinette Iilount, Ade
laide Nelson, May Belle Swift. Ella B.
Rushton, Ida May Blount, Griffith Hur
rah, Charles Owens. Martha Mitchell,
Jennie Lowry, Irene ami Etta Beau
mont, Ethleen Dobbs, Ollle Msy Os
borne, Ellen Lowry. Florence Dennis.
Odessa Greer, Samuel Askew, Helen
Gullatt, Ruth Blodgett, Laura Wood,
Mamie Jim Dunlap.
By our partial payment plan you can wear a nice diamond while paying for
It. Tbia la the beat way to spend money and at the same time sare
It. To be successful, look successful; wear a beautiful diamond.
The Diamond Palace. 37 Whitehall St.
The engagement la announced of
Mia* Kathrlne (taker, of Chicago, to
Ur. William Houaton, a aucceeaful
young physician of Augusta.
Mlaa Baker, who la a Virginian by
birth, Is a young woman of many ac-
compllahmenta, and popular In the so
cial life of the northwest.
No date haa been set for the mar
Mr. Henry H. Cabanlsa win enter
tain on Thursday evening at a stag
dinner complimentary to Mr. Kdward
H. t’ahanlsa, of Birmingham, Ain., who
la spending several daya with relatives
In Atlanta.
Mr. and Mrs. John Adnlr, at their
hondsome home. 'The Oaks," at Mc
Donough, t!n.. nre entertaining n de
lightful house party which Includes the
following guests: Mr. and Mrs. D. i\
Harper. Miss Margaret Harper, of Mil
ford. Tex.; Mrs. S. T. Carroll, of Dav-
Ishoro: Miss Fannie Harper, of At
lanta; Mr. Henry Kwann, Mr. Arthur
McCollum, of Conyers; Mr. Rss
Swann. Mr. Olln Adair, of Knapping
Shoals; Mr. It. W. Dickerson, of Afc-
Donough, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Forbes, of McDonough.
A wedding of Interest at LaUrange
will lie that of Miss Annie Laurie
Vaughan and Mr. Oscar Perkenson,
of Woodstock, to occur Wednesday
enlng, August 15, at the First Bap
tist church at* Ladrange. The bride's
father will perform the ceremony, while
her brother. Mr. Albert Vaughan, of
Macon, will be best man, and her sis
ter, Miss Miriam Vaughan, will be
maid of honor, and little MUses Miriam
Kdmonson and Sue Brown Vaughan
will act aa ribbon bearers. The bride,
elect Is one of LaGrange's moat popu
lar and charming young gtrls. (
Tuesday afternoon Mrs. John Al-
dredge entertained Informally at bridge
In honor of Mrs. J. M. Staples, of
Texas, and Mis* Sarah Belle Bunkley,
ob Macon.
Mrs. Aldredge's attractive home waa
decorated with fragrant summer flow
ers and after the game a delicious
luncheon waa serve.! The occasion
waa thoroughly informal. Mrs. Al-
dredge's guests Including only a few
Intimate friends.
Those present were: Mrs. J. M.
Staples, Mlsa Sarah Belle Bunkley,
Mrs. A. M. Burke, Mr*. T. P. Bunkley.
Mlaa Mary Aldredge, Miss Emma
Jones, Miss Julia Moore, Miss Hattie
Pound. Mrs. J. H. Whitten, Mr*. Hub
bard, Mlsaes May and Annie Lou Pa-
gett, Mrs. M. L. Wood, Miss Ethel
Eastln, Mrs. F. C. Htelnhauer, Miss
Whitehead. ' Mlaa Ethel Burke, Mr*.
Randolph Dixon and Mrs. Glover Else.
Mrs. hi. R. C. Smith's bridge Tues
day morning waa a pretty compliment
to Mrs. Theodore Petre, the guest of
Mra. William Peabody.
Mrs. Smith received her guests In
becoming gown of white lawn and Val
enclennes lace. Mrs. Petre wore
toilet of light bleu linen, trimmed with
heavy lace.
Mrs. Peabody wore a white linen
The first ptixe was a Dutch vase and
the consolation waa a Dutch stein. Mrs.
Petre was presented with a hand-made
Those present were; Mrs. Robert
Davis, Mrs. James Williams, Mrs. Rus
sell Porter, Mrs. B. D. Watkins, Miss
Ethel Mobley, Miss Noll O'Donnelly
and Miss Alma Pope.
On Saturday evening at a dinner
dance at "The Crossings," the splendid
Newport home of Mr. and Mrs. Stuy
vesant Fish, the engagement waa an
nounced of Miss Marian Fish to Mr.
Paul Rainey, of Cleveland and New
Mlsa Fish.Is the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Stuyyesant Fish, the former of
whom Is president of the Illinois Cen.
tral railroad.
Mrs. Fish Is regarded as one of the
ost conspicuous and successful
leaders of this country, a woman of
alert, aggressive Intellect, with a cer
tain magnetic charm. She entertains
In a lavish fashion. Miss Fish made
her debut In 1899, and Is noted for her
good sense and domestic accomplish
ments, She Is,rather pretty, and as Is
well known, herparents are Immensely
wealthy. j • ,,
Mr. Rainey hi ft Wn of tho' tate W. J.
Rainey, the Cleveland coke king, and
Is many times a millionaire. He Is
practically a New York man Bow, hav-
ng an office at 17 Battery place, from
where he directs his great coal and
coke Interests. His town house la at
tt West Forty-fourth street, and he
has n handsome country estate at
Westbury, L. I. Then, too, ho has a
splendid property of several thousand
acres (loan In Mississippi, where he
maintains a pack of hounds and en
tertains In a princely way. He Is saM
to be altogether the gayest and most
promising young man that has ever
come out of the West, and tha amount
of angling for him by ambitious moth
ers with daughters to be settled Is said
to have been very extraordinary.
Mrs. W. W. Snodgrass entertained
at cards Friday evening at her beautl
ful home on Gordon street In honor of
her niece, Mias Ella Snodgrass,
Cincinnati, Ohio. Those Invited
meet Miss Snodgrass were: Mlsaes
Irene Lempke, Crlatlne Wall, Clara Mae
Winn, Fallce Bloodworm, Anvla Bar
nett, B. Nelms, E. Prettyman and
Messrs. Charles Dyer, Robert Cheshire,
Sam Winn, Charles Moore, Lou Gresh
am, Charles Jones, Roland Shearer,
Leonard Hughes and Mr. and Mrs. A.
C. Bartlett.
Ice cream and punch were served
during the evening, after which the
E rises were awarded to Mlsa Irene
empke and Mr. Charles Dyer.
Miss Snodgrass will return to her
home In Cincinnati next week.
Mlsa Bessie Dobbs will entertain at
cards Wednesday afternoon In honor
of Miss Lillian Brock, of Lafayette,
Ain., the guest of Miss Lamar Jeter.
Invited to meet the guest of honor are:
Miss Edith Duncan, Miss Lillie White,
Miss Ethleen Dobbs, Miss Dorothy
Brettenbucher. Mlsa Lamar Jeter, Miss
Juanita Grant, Mlsa Florence Dennis,
Miss Lucy Buchanan, Mlsa Griffis
Dorrah of Greenville, Mr*. Robert Jar
rell and Mrs. John LincOlton.
Residence Music Studios,
271 Ivy 8trsst. Boll phono 018 Main.
When Diamonds are actual values,
their beauty Is a foregone conclusion
and our stones are thua doubly rec
Davis & Freeman,
Just Received. Look at Them.
Charles W. Crankshaw,
Diamond Merchant and Jeweler.
Century Building. Whitehall St.
Cleanliness in
Ice Cream Manufacture.
Cleanliness is a prime factor in
the manufacture of any food. It
is necessary to purity and espe
cially to desirability.
It is a known fact that milk and
cream absorb impurities very
rapidly, and for that reason it is of
unusual importance that the laws
of modem sanitation be strictly
observed in the manufacture of a
-commodity made from these prod
In the making of Nunnally’s Ice
Cream no pains or care is spared
to make the product perfect.
Every utensil with w.hich the
cream comes in contact is
thoroughly scoured with sapolio
and scalded with hot water each
time it is used. The freezing is
done by electricity, and neither
the ice cream itself nor the mate
rial out of which it is made comes
in contact with anything except
sterilized steel utensils and clean,
white porcelain.
The result of such methods is a
pure and healthful product, that
does not contain the semblance of
a germ or Impurity of any kind.
Nunnally’s Ice Cream Is the
name of this product.
The Tuesday Bridge Club met this
week with the Misses duBignon, at
their home on Peachtree street. After
the game a luncheon waa served. The
prise was a pair of silk hose.
Those present were; Mis* Annie Fit-
ten, Miss Janie Speer, Miss Josle
Stockdell. Miss Nellie Hightower, Mr*.
Evelyn Harris, Miss M. A. Phelan.
The annual conference of the
Daughters of the American Revolution
of Georgia will be held at Columbus,
beginning November 21. The meeting
will continue three daw.
The Oglethorpe and George Walton
chapters, of Columbus, will be the hosts
of the convention.
Friday evening Miss Dorothy Brelt-
enbucher will entertain the L. D. S.
Club In honor of Mlsa Brock, the guest
of Atlas Lamar Jeter.
The guests wilt Include Misses La
mar Jeter, Bessie Dobbs. Juanita
Grant, Florence Dennis, Ethleen Dobbs,
Edith Duncan and Messrs. Wallace
Draper, Bryan Crawford, 'Edward Da
vison, Curry Moon, Wharton Montelth,-
Lloyd Greer and Anton Breltenbucher.
The Southeastern Vaasar Alumnae
Association will meet Wednesday aft
ernoon with Mr*. Warren Boyd, 194
Washington street, at 1:80 o'clock, to
transact Important business. All grad
uates of Vassar are cordially Invited
to attend the meeting.
Miss Florence Schlrmacher, of At
lanta, was complimented recently with
a watermelon cutting by Mr. and Mrs.
Tom Dlx at their home at LaGrange.
A recent beautiful and elaborate so
cial event was the reception at La-
Grange given by Mr*. William E. Mor
gan In compliment to her sister, Mrs.
Robert Ridley, Jr., of Atlanta. The In
vited guests Included both married and
unmarried ladlei, and during the affair
large numbers of them called. Tho
handsome costumes worn added to the
brilliancy of the occasion. The home
waa decorated throughout with a pro
fusion of choice plants and ferns. In
the dining room, which was made espe
cially attractive by the display of ele-
rant cut glass, courses of salads and
ices were served as refreshments.
Sunday afternoon at the home of
Rev. Mr. Volbrecht Mias Irene Norton,
of East Point, waa married to Mr.
K. Agricola. The ceremony was
witnessed by only the Intimate friends
of the contracting parties.
Mr. and Mrs. Agricola left Imme
diately on a trip to Jacksonville and
Atlantic Reach. They are popular
young people, who are followed by the
good wishes of a host of friends.
Dow rendered very delightfully a few
rare vocal numbers.
During the evening refreshments
were served.
Mr. and Mrs. Wooley's guests In
clude!) Mrs. Belle Hill King, Dr. and
Mrs. Charles O. Jones, Miss Lillian
Jones, Mrs. Annie Mays Dow, Mrs.
Whlteford Russell, Mrs. J. Glascock
Mays,. Mrs. Fanny Wlllcox, Mr. ana
Mrs. J. Whlteford Russell, and others.
Tho paryt at which Mrs. J. W. Nix
will entertain Informally Tuesday
evening will be a pretty compliment to
her niece, Miss Sarah Belle, Bunkley,
of I Macon.
Invited to meet Miss Bunkley are
Miss Agnes Konts, Miss Luella Malsny.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin, Miss Aline Terry,
Miss Alta Edison, Miss Marlon Pee
ples, of Valdosta; Miss Ethel Burke,
Mr. Horne, Mr. W. H. Lowe, Mr. R. P.
Butler, Mr. Clifford WUkcraon, Mr.
Barry, Mr. Wallace, Mrs. W. F. Shu
mate, Mr, and Mrs. R. E. Hastings,
Mr. and Mra. Malsby, Dr. and Mrs.
Monday evening Mrft. F. A. O'Don
ohue entertained at her home In honor
of the fourteenth birthday of her son,
The house was beautifully decorated
with sunflowers and palms.
Madison, Madge Terrell of CoriiiKtuii! .!,»-
the conclusion of which prises were ,|„ McGregor of Athens, Elisabeth Swift
of Klbertoo, Nellie Stanton of Social Clri'le.
MM th2*ti ^hexln**work * as’jwot^esor
*ch«il mi,,lc " tht> G * or * la technologic!
Weeka vacation this summer.
lesgrtcultural department of tho col-
ind nil speak very highly of the ru|.
j, »* J! 1 * management It Is now under,
^J'raiik K Cox, depot ngent of the Pick-
rs* Bsllroed ( piummy, .mail,. a hualim*
trip, to Greenville, 8. C., on Inst Friday
. 111*; hula Earle, of \Valbulla. 8. (.' , I,
jhj^ charming gueat of the MIbms Aahuior.
Mr. and Mra. W. II. Itolterts are enter-
talnlng a few of their friends on it cumulus
£ rll ’\. i V Ino,, K those who **•«* enjovlnir their
hospitality are Mr. and Mrs. E. |\ Nowell,
Misses Bernice and Floy Fclker, Mr. Flay
LockUn nnd Mr. Krastus Roberts.
Mr. and Mra. W. II. Roberts gave
animal barbecue Wednesday at the
grounds. % * ' “ **
out nud
tulned Wednesday evening for Miss Elba
Harrell, the guest of Mra. W. O. Dean.
Miss Louise MeMullau, who visited her
sister, Mrs. Orrln Roberts, last week, has
Multan at the “Walton hotel. Anomic 'thow
present were Misses Flare and Mae Smith,
Joe llamomnd and Linda Feiker.
Miss Bessie Breedlove will have as her
guests this week Misses Adelle Blnsslu*
tfnine ot jersey, Clare Mae Baldwin
Mndisoii, Madge T “ ‘ “
Mrs. Della Norton Sturges has an
nounced the mnrrtnge of her daughter,
Beatrice, to Mr. Clark B. Firestone,
which took place Friday, August S.
at St. Pauls chapel. New York.
Mr. Firestone Is from Ohio, but for
several years has been editorial writer
on the staff of The New York Evening
During her childhood Mrs. Firestone
resided In Atlanta. She went to New
York several years ago and has since
that time been engaged In newspaper
and magaxln# work. For four years
she was editor of The Illustrated Sat-
Magaslne of The Evening Mail,
jss been a regular contributor to
many of the best Journals of the coun
Miss Josephine Davis has Issued In-
itatlons to a linen shower for Friday
afternoon, August 24, at 3:20 o'clock,
at the home of her grandmother, Mrs.
J. C. Peck, 87 Ivy street. In honor of
her cousin. Miss Pearl Peck, whose
to Mr. Sharp will take place
srriage to 2
ptember 4.
Mr. and Mrs. Vassar Wooley, at
their home on West Peachtree street,
entertained a few friends Informally at
musicals Monday evening In honor
of Mr*. Belle Hill King, of Washington,
Ga., who is a brilliant pianist.
During the eventnr Mrs King con
tributed several beautiful piano num
ber*. Mr*. Woody recited charmingly.
Mrs. J. Glascock Mays gave brilliant
piano selections, and Mrs. Annie Mays
Miss Mary Agricola won the girl’s
prlxe, a dainty fan, and the boys’ prize,
a hook, went to Mr. George Klein.
Misses Clair Sours, Mary Agricola
and Lillian Burkhart rendered some
recitations, after which refreshments
were served.
Carrie Bontenrelter, Nannie O’Donohue,
Lillian Burkhart and Helen Barnett,
Musters George Klein, Preston Miller,
Julian Whltchard, Charles Barnett,
Brexlll Parks. Edward Leach, William
Bnatenrelter, Frank and Dannie O’Don
On account of the hot weather and
so many of the members being away.
Circle No. 2, King’s Daughters and
Sons, will postpone their next meeting
until the flrst Friday In September.
Corresponding Secretary.
Wedding Postponed.
The wedding of Miss Eleanor Frey
Cochran, of Anderson, 8. C., and Mr.
Prentiss B. Reed, of Atlanta, ha* been
postponed until the latter's recovery
from typhoid fever. The date of the
w’eddlng will be announced later.
Mrs. P. L. Rlkanl. of Atlanta, visited
friends In Pickens this week.
Mias March* Htribllug, of Westminster,
8. C„ is the guest of the Mtsse* Purdy
this week.
Hr. J. X. Hnllum, of the Pickens Drug
Company, spent two days In Grceuvtlle, 8.
C.. on profeaaionn! business. •
The young |>eople of Pickens, on last
Thursday, attended a dance given by the
young |M*ople of Easley, over Hngood's drug
store, which was very much enjoyed by nil
who were present. Those who went from
Pickens were Msls Com Hltton, of An
derson. 8. C.j Miss Bowmnn, of Xewlier-
ry: Helen lloggR, Florlde Carey, Lucia
Folger, of *Plckens, and Messrs. l.eHol
Boggs. Ernest Folger. J. P. Carey, Jr.
A B. Taylor, who hns l>een In Anderson
for the Inst two months, working for n
surveying company, hns returned home
for recreation before taking up his studies
at Clemson college.
The young people of town enjoyed very
much the old-time “Pillau,” which was
given nt the Rruce park on Inst Friday
evening. All the young people left, think
Ing of the fuu the “olden time people"
used to have. lion. George 8. Legare.
left the crowd
Miss Breedlove haa Issued 125 Invitations
to a reception at her home Friday evening.
Miss Linda Feiker will entertain uext
week for Mina Breedlove's guests.
Mr. and Mrs. Hurry Rsy visited their rel
atives here Inst week.
Mr. G. E. Knox and Miss Willie Kn**
Jfem the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. H.
visit to Dalton nnd Farterstilie.
iriied from Ilogniivllle.
Miss Maggie Kent Is the guest of Miss
Mary Knox in Thomson.
Messrs. Mel I Wayne, Park Feiker, Paul
J ooper mid Weldon 8heats, of Atlanta, vis
ited here recently.
Air. lien Hammond, one of Alonroe't
prominent youug men, leaves for Atlanta
this week to accept a posltlou with sa
Atlnntn 4rm.
. MUs Alary ninlock wna the guest of Albs
Julia Ray last week. Before returiilne to
her home | n Atlanta. Aliss Blalock will he
the guest of Misses AUle Feiker, Beulah
Plrkie, Isal»elle Xunnally nnd Julia Mobley.
Many social functions have beeu planned
P. Carmichael nre visit-
time, but Is now convalescent.
Mr*, t. At Walker Is visiting In Marietta.
Mrs. Alary Benson and little- daughter,
osephlne. have returned home after an
with his funny " Jokes,” Mi the crowd
amused, and about 12 o’clock the jolly
crowd departed for their homes. Those
who atteuded were Mr. and Airs.
T. Legate.
Islar, and Misses _
Boggs. Florlde Carey. Vesta Ashmore. Bes
sie Ashmore, Essie Earle. Eva Earle, Mary
gwjIJVAanlePurily, Berta l-ong. Ora Ale-
hall, Ellene Taylor, of Pickens; Mlsa Pau
line Islar. of Orangeburg. K. C.; Miss Mar-
tic Strlbllnt. of Westminster, 8. f\: Aliss
France* Robinson, of Easley. 8. P.; Mbs
~ royles. of Aoderaou. 8. C.; Miss Bes-
'arfridge, of Fnlrbnrn. Ga.; and
i. Jerry AfcMnbou, of Charleston. 8.
rnest Folger. James P. Carey. Jr.,
Bruce, LeRol Bogg*. Julius Boggs,
Guy AIcFnll. Dr. L O. Mauldin, Andrew
Bramlett and Af. e. I*ong.
Professor Andrew Bramlett, who hns
been visiting In Atlanta, anil other pduces
10 Cents
ill'll n/—\ 150,000
(111 (I 1101 Population
l-LL*~.~-\ Has Atlanta,
|| . 11 llj IP Exposition ana
U &TJ UIJJJ Will Spend Each
Ws will rlv« 11,000 to ths
or On« Cent for every official but
ton or pin sold.
Solid Metal Gold Plate Button.
Por Bale by Dealer*.
717 Fourth Rational Bank Building.
Atlanta Phone 1910
•tv *bou!d represent good art They should be of aaperlor uual-
v/i'„» h iT® *n exclusiveness which especially enhances the
framed ^ t re,t ' Thejr ,houl <l be reasonable in price and appropriately
to the^world of^ i^."* PP,r the,c re « uUUe «- AJ *° everything new or oi<J