The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, August 15, 1906, Image 10

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ONE CENT A WORD No ad. taken for lost than 25 eenta, the price of four lin#£ 8lx words of average length make a line. The following ratee are for consecutive insertions: 1 time . 5 times . 6 times , 26 times . 62 times . 78 times . . 6 cents a line. . 5 cents a line. . 4'/* cents a line. . 4 cents a line. . 3Zz cents a line. . 3 cents a line. Written notice is- required to discontinue olaasified advertise ments. OUT OF TOWN ORDERS MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY CASH Georgian want ads. are inex pensive, but they bring quick re- suits and sure returns. Ads. for Situations Wanted will be inserted one time free of charge. They must not exceed four lines. i sssa=s=g==s= ' "" "—"s? WE WILL 8END FOB YOUR AD. WITHOUT CHARGE FOR ME88ENGER SERVICE. CALL U8 ON BELL PHONE 4927 MAIN, OR 4401 ATLANTA PHONE. When sending ads. pay for at rates quoted above. v WANTED—FURNI8HED ROOMS. COUPLE DESIRES TABLE BOARD AND furnished room, or simply table board, Ui neighborhood of Jack eon and Forrest State terms. T. C., The Georgian. FOR RENT—ROOMS. FOR RENT-TWO NICELY FURNISH* od rooms at 267 Peachtree. Rent reason* shin. FOR RENT—OFFICE*. OFFICE SPACE IN NICELY FURNISH- ed office. Phone 2833 or call at 13» Can dler ISIdg. Wall paper. WALL PAPER AND PAINTS. ‘Don’t 1st ’em fool yon.” Jim Burnett (formerly of Bnrnett A Willis) is not detd nor missing. He is contracting wail paper painting. Office and show room 13 Hunter etreet Both ’phone# GW. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. TALKING MACHINES AND RECORDS- Wboleeele and retail tor Talking Machine# received targe *— over **“* ~ given „ ail talking machine dealers In the south, Write for catalogue Ale«ander-Eiy— Co. BICYCLES AND SUNDRIES—LARGEST bicycle end eundry distributors In tbe south. Southern agents for Pierce. Tale, “neU and Undeon bicycles. Write for oar K* catalogue and price Uet Alexander* for special occasio BN PAINTER PICTURE FRAMES MADE TO ORDER. II. W. Yarbrough. 2H Auburn avenue, corner Peachtree. Entrance Auburn ave- FOR SALE—REAL E8TATE. dleton, 614 Peters building. WANTED-REAL ESTATE, side preferred. Permanent, care Georgian. WANTED HELP—MALE. J WANTED—GOOD 8TRONO WHITE MEN ae helpers In the foundry to learn mold- era* trade. Good pay to etart with and aeh MIlf Ufg. Co. DO YOU WANT TO DISPOSE OF YOUR goods? If so, call up 2206 {Hell). The Southern Auction and Salvage Company, 20 South Pryor. WANTED. TWENTY GOOD. RELIA BLE BOYS BETWEEN 14 AND 17 YEARS OF AGE FOR SEVERAL HOURS’ WORK IN AFTERNOON. ADDRESS, IN OWN HANDWRITING, B. X. L., CARE THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN. PANTED—YOUNG MAN TO LEARN the drug business. Addrsae “Druggist, •re The Atlanta Georgian. DO YOU WANT TO BE A FIRST-CLASS barber? Easiest trsde In the world to learn. We own a chain of barber sbopa In Atlanta In which we work only our own graduates. Full course, 120. Commission paid from day you enter. Atlanta Barber Oollege, 162 Whitehall street. And guarantee# Does your painting, does It nice, And ‘'always lowest In the price?' Burnett, of course! Your “Unde Jlm“ la hard to beat? He’s at Number 12 E. Hunter street Both Phones 660. STRAYED FROM 245 WASHINGTON street fox terrier dog; has one black •not on tall. Dog answers to nsmo of Teddy. Finder return to 7 Bsst Mitchell street and receive reward. FOUND. low, 1'iraiia mu!■ m ,i.w. i bulb hwi:, 168 Whitehall Ht. Phonra, Hell (29. A. Mil. MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED Peo ple nod other, American lDTratm,nt Co., 704 Candler Hid*. Eatalillihed 1990. WEYMAN A rONNKKB, EQUITABLE. Mortgage loans on renl estate. FOUR PER CENT HOME MONEY TO lend money for pufehase money note#,* straight loans made for G per cent and up wards. According to desirability of loan. W. A. Foster, 12 South Broad afreet. THE UNION RAVINGS BANK BUYS MONEY TO LOAN AT 6, 6 AND 7 TER cent Interest, according to aocurity of- fered; small expense and prompt attention. MONEY LOANED ON REAL ESTATE, TO 5’ YEAltH, 6 PER CENT. JOH! CAREY, 18 BAST ALABAMA STREET. SPECIAL HOME FUNDS TO LEND; any umount, 4V4, 5 and 6 per cent. Write r call 8. W. Caraon. 24 8. Broad street. WANTED—THREE YOUNG MEN collectors. Address at once Collector, care The Georgian. * WANTED—TWO BOY JOB AND ONE cylinder press feeders. Good pay; steady work. Blosser Press. W. C. Nunemachor, manager, 40 Walton street. WANTED HELP—YOUNG MAN bookkeeper and stenogrnpher. Must hare had experience. Send references. Must r- steady, reliable and sober. Address in ow handwriting, B. A 8., care The Georgian. WANTED HELP—FEMALE. WANTED-FEMALE. COMPETENT REM- Ington operators furnished positions. Remington Typewriter Co., 118 Peai WANTED-YOU TO INQUIRE ABOUT Money Flour. WANTED—USERS OF MONEY FLOUR. WANTED—THREE WHITE GinLS AP- ply at Guthman Steam Laundry, White ■BaBBBBJaBmaRKaBnBavBiaewnBBBnaBBB MISCELLANEOUS. AT COST—MY STOCK OF IRON SAFES and vault doors to be sold at cost during next week; now le your time. 2t 8. Broad etreet. R. W. Ellis. Atlanta. HYGIENIC SANITARIUM IS NOW ready for the reception and treatment of ail Invalid*. Leaet price $1 per day. Dr. J. M. Armstrong, Morrow, Ga. BUSINESS AND CALLING CARDS; REG nlar alxe. latest type. 36c per 100 postpaid. “Midget Card*,’’ the hit of the season. 2Gc per lw. Autry Greer, 1312 Empire building, Atlanta, Ga. A FIRST-CLASS BARBER. EASIEST de learned. Full course $20. We own ral ehop# In Atlanta whore we employ our graduates. Commission paid from you enter. Atlanta Barber College, iVhltehall street. .DOING INVITATIONS, LITIIO- aphed stock certificates; everything In Lting. Bennett Printing House, 21 South ad atreet. THE SOUTHERN AUCTION AND SAL jgg^Com^an^jjllMHi^oi^jjell^rm^out^ FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. FIRST-CLAsST COAL, DRY 8TOVEWOOD—PROMIT DB- llvery. John T. .Stocks A Co., 296 Peters •i.,^4 KaII 'nhnna IK «m(• Atlanta ’nhnna foldln, door*. due itrrl* cflltn*. Col. ! Co.. 89 whltahall »t. FOR HALE—ONE FINE SPANISH JACK. Apply to Dr. H. A. Canon, Jewell, <ia. IF YOU HAVE ANY FURNITURE OR ol7lc-i> fixture, to Mil. mv the Southern Auetlon and Salvage Company, 30 South I'rvor. •1‘hnnp Bell 2WK. WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS. C. Oara'n, 71 Whitehall .treet. 'Phone 1NTL WANTED—TEN THOUSAND FEOI’LK TO buy Money Flour. Thera la money In mry aach. ART 8CHOOL. PUBLIC TO VIHIT . Hehool Of Art .ml Inapeet por- tralta painted hr hla tar*. rlaanea. lorner I'caohtree and Auburn. OLD HATS MADE NEW PANAMA AND MILAN STUAW HATH ACME li ATT ERA. m Whitt MONEY TO LOAN ON HEAL ESTATE at very lownat ratea. No delaya. Charlea Herman, room, 3024 Temple Court, WANTED—MONEY. WANTED-YOU TO AHK YOUR GROCER for Money Flour, and Inalat on gettln* It, because there la money In It. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. CASH REGISTERS. (Second Hand.) NATIONALS. HALLWOODS. IDEALS and nil other make, at berg Ola price. We can tell yon n regtater, suitable for toy builneas, at A price that cannot help but pleaae you. Caah or monthly payment. Every regtater guaranteed for two yeer.. Southern Cash Regtater Co„ Branch of American Second- Hand Caah Retlatar Co., M & Broad atreet, Atlanta, Go. REGISTER EXCHANGE, 24 B. Broad St, Atlanta, aa. SANDERS, SMITH & CONWAY. Phone# (492. 412 Peter* Building. HAM-BRAND NEW (.ROOM COTTAGE, Just completed, on North avenue, near Jackson etreet; you will have to eee thle cosy little cottage to appreciate lte value. Beat of material and workmanahlp uaed, beautiful cabinet mantels, tinted walla, etc. Can make attractive terms to right parties. THIRTY ACRES UP THE PEACHTREE road, lying just off the main road; splen did t*room cottage, aplendld orchard, all kinds of fruit, splendid wire fences end Iron gates, good pasturage, springe, etc. We want to show yon this and point out ebv* eral features not mentioned here, and then make yon a price. WANTED. Houses to rent. Have clients for houses in all sec tions. If you want your va cant house runted at once, list it with LIEBMAN, REAL ESTATE AND RENTING 28 PEACHTREE ST. Phones 1075. SEE M. M’NEIL AND WM. S. SHERWOOD Room 514 Empire Building. IF YOU WANT A HOME OF FROM BIX to ten room* at from $1,700 to $3,000, $4.* 000 to $12,000; any part of the city; with long time. Lots from $000 to $2,600. IF YOU WANT CENTRAL PROPERTY, which we will guarantee to double your $8.250—N. BOULEVARD; BRAND NEW 8-room house on large lot. In prettiest part of thle street, being near North ave nue and Ppnce DeLeon. Thle le a beanty and no mistake. Can make very easy term# on thle to desirable party. W. E. WORLEY, 325 Empire Bldg. Atlanta Phone 3983. SEPTEMBER 18 MOVING MONTH. you are moving out of a rented house Into another rented honse, you are not wJml when I can put yon In-a brand-new home of your own on easy terme. CAN PUT YOU IN POSSESSION OF all the new Jiouscs advertised below In one hour. Small caah payments; balance luat like rent iRAKli-NEW TWO-tfTij&Y SEVEN-ROOM house near Hurt's nark Ju Edgei Price is $2,250. $100 casnaud $15 per nr flue corner lot. with east front. It’a than you could (4 WEST LINDEN. NEAR BPIIJNU, (0.350-A BEAUTIFUL FIFTH STREET home of nine rooms, on tbe prettiest 60 by 180-foot lot in the city; house Is furnace- heated and up to date. Can assist yon to get terms on this. $2,760—GRANT STREET BARGAIN OF •- room house, lot 60x160 to alley; elevated, on car line; can make terms to acceptable party of $400 caah and $25 per month. $1,000—COLLEGE PARK HOME OF SEVEN rooms, two stories. In good condition, on corner let (102x172), shady and pretty; near car line; we can make terms of $1,000 caah, balance easy on tuts. $4,000—ABOUT COMPLETED; NEAR THE Peachtrees, we Bare a lovely 2-story 8- room home, - finished beautifully Inside and out; If you want a bargain, let us show you this place at once, aa It la the only thing of Its kind In the, city situated so favorably and to be had on easy terms. WEST ATLANTA PARK. UO 8EB SOUTHERN AUTO AN1)'EQUIP meat Co. w. rapalr, raeonatnict, .*• Chang., bay and nail automobllan. Uarcjn. 10-11 ntrant, Atlanta. Ga Ball nhnna 4494-L Mala. ATTRACTIVE SIGNS WILL BRING YOU bantu.**, Far high grade work call on Kent. 9rti N. Pryor. Fbon* 2939. AUCTION HALE EVERY WEDNESDAY nt in n. m. at tho Southern Auction nnd Salvage Company, 20 Month Pryor. DAVID W. YARBROUGH, MASTER PLUMBER, Pbonrn UK. SO U. Hnnt.r SL Largoat stock In South. (4 N. Broad “KENT LIGHTS.” THE BE8T OF MANTLE LIGHTS NOW sold at UK N. Pryor 8L Alex Kent, Phone 4848. K ROM’S MEDICATED SKIN, SCALP and hair soap; sold at drug and depart ment stores; nRk for It or write J. J. Krom, Scalp and Hair Specialist, 613 The Uraud, Atlanta, Ga. SHOE REPAIRING. GWINN’S SHOE SHOP. LUCKIE. OPPOSITE PIEDMOF FOR FINE SHOE RE PAIRING go to J. W. Carroll, 47 Smith Pryor street, wposlte court house. All work flrst-class. No cheap prices. M. A. SHELTON, DON’T FORGET M. A. SHELTON IS A practical etove and range renalrer; beat work and material guaranteed. Both pbonee 6275. 61 8. Pryor street. SNOOK’S Big Furniture Values To morrow. Full Quartered Oak Dining Tables, Mg legs, only $10.0) Full Quartered $45 Sideboards cut to... 27.60 $26.00 China Closets only 15.60 $20.00 Leather Dining'Chairs (6) only.. 12.50 $35.00 Hat Racks 22.60 The biggest value* ever shown In Iron Beds. $6.00 Circle Head and Foot Piece* only..$3.50 $20.00 extra heavy Beds, all colors.. t .... 6.50 $15.00 2-Inch Pillar Beils only 8.60 All-steel Spring ouly All-cotton Mattresses .only, 3,90 Ihin’t ini** these big values. $40, $60, $60. $S3 Du ten ports, cut to $25. $35. $45, and 50, In solid Mahogany. Weathered nnd Golden Oak. Watch out for*our big mine 6ro roll met ting mile; best grade of Japanese Mntting. will Ik* lfp^c. P. II. SNOOK FURNITURE CO., U North Broad Street. IF YOU WANT CENTRAL PROPERTY with 5 or 6 per cent net Income end sure to Increase-call end eee us. R. O. Modlotk Henry H. Jackson R. 0. MEDLOCK CO., Corner Poachtreo and Kdgowood, Hell Phone 3794. Atlanta Phono 4794. $1,250 FOR FOUR-ROOM AND HALL COT tage, Wimble street. Terms. for uottAoe, «|ultt Hill, Terms. 11,3(0 for Aftik HaLL C6t- tage. King atrrot. >1,000 FOR FIVK ROOM COTTAGE, 8IMR street. Terms. >1,600 FOR FIVE BOOir COTTAGE, LOVE- joy street. Terms. >1,A‘U FOR .SIX-ROOM IIOL'RH ANl) TW'O- room house, rents $20. Negro property. fc.600 FOR MlX-llOOM COTTAGE, HTEAll heat, uear car line. K.760 FOR MIX UOOM COTtAGE.'XvIlItt;. hall terrace. FOR HIX-R^UM COTTAGE, CAP- Itol avenue. *1.150 loll suvknrooM cottage. Johnson avenue. *1,150 Foil KKVE.XROOM cottage, .Summit avenue. *1,150 FOR MEVE.S'-ROOM COTTAGE, East Fine street. kooo FOR eigiItrooM TWOMTORY house on Whitehall; near In. 1*000 FOR 155 ACRES OF LAND 55 miles of city; good Improvements. T<W0 F()R TEN ROOSTlim SE. 10 ACRES of lsml, on car line, nt s big bargain. Improvements worth the money. iMiift—LOT 60 BY M0, ON FONl’E UK l*eoit avenue. l.lflt YOFR FARMS WlTll I’ll; AIAO good rent property. Only Two Left of 8 Bright, Now Suburban Homes. Th, firat month will b, given FREE, and if oseuplad on* year, two mor, months will bo fllven FREE at th* nnd of tho y,ar, making only nlna month* you will havo to pay for. Non* but good famlll** will b* allowed In th*** houaai. Th*a* *r* located on th* rivor electric oar line, only twenty min- ut**’ rid* from th* c*nt*r of th* city; contain 7 and 8 room*) h*v* n*v*r been occupied) ar* located In W**t At lanta Park. Ev*ry houa* front* * fifty, foot park, which I* **t In tr**a, over* greens and flower*. Pur# air) native oakai an ideal spot for ehlldran. It I* ehtaptr than living In th* city and th* surrounding* are mor* wholaaom*. In th* canter of thla park ar* th* FERRO PH08PHATE SPRINGS, which will cur* any oat* of atomach or kidney trouble, no matter of how long stand ing. It now hat a new church, naatly furnished, a store, a school houa* coat- ing $2,500 will aoon b* completed. Capt. J. T, Mill*, who lives on th* grounds, will show you through tho houtaa. Rant $20 par month. „ oTRHET new nine-room house, tiro block* this aide of Georgia avenue. Reedy for occupancy. Cash or terme. CLOSE TO MARIETTA AND ALEXAN der atreet* I have three brand-new five room bouoea Jaat completed; reudy for occu pancy. Price 12,000; (300 caah, ITS month ly. If yon will take a look at thene bouoea you wRI nei rented houae, NEAR JACKHON AND 1'ONC'fc t>E LEON' avenue, I have the awelleat and moat up- to-date nine-room house In the city; shady, east front lot, and aide alley, 5$ by 190 feet. Price $7,600; 92,600 cash, balance to suit. KEEP YOUR EYE ON MY DAILY AD. JlJST COMPLETED, IN EDGBIVUOl), between two car lines, e beautiful five- room house. Price $1,600; $300 cash. $16 per month. This is above the aver “ house. Fine mantele In every HEVKRAI, NEW FOUR-ROOM HOUSE! i lu Edgewood at $1,250 each; $60 cash $12.50 per month. Why will yon keep ; Ing rent? ON WEST I'EAL'llTltEE, I HAVE _ beautiful nine-room house Just as good ns there is, at $8,250, on attractive terms; lot 60 by 231 feet, and elevated. KEEP YOUR EYE ON MY DAILY AD. IN GRANT PARK SECTION I *UAVf! Just completed four beautiful six-room houses; all modern: tile sidewalks. Price $2,350; $350 cash, $25 per month. 313,000 WILL PURCHASE ONE OF'THE most beautiful homes In the city; lot 105 by $36 feet; beautiful ten-room house and very fine barn. It la second to none. Easy 47 LAII1UH AVbilUrj, 1 IIAVIV A 1 1‘4A- room house that cost $5,000 alone to build. Can aell thla week for $4,600. Part caah. FOR RENT. FOR SALE. Beautiful Country Home. trees. I«ot 280 by 500. Opposite Dr. Ridley’s home, near Deentiir. Town is growing In this direction. To avoid tenting, will sell i bargain. TERMS. Box 62, Decatur, Ga. FOR SALE Decatur Cottage. 47 WEST NORTH AVENUE. This two-atory, eight-room frame, on 60 by 200, which lies level, is ou the north side of West North avenue, between Sprlnfc and Williams streets; has gas. hot and cold water, porcelain bath, closet, sta tionary washstand on both floors; sink In the kleheo and aluk In the pantry; la heat ed with hot air furnace. If you are look ing for on extra nice house In the beat of repair and In one of our beat neighbor hoods, this Is your opportunity. West Peachtree cars block and a half away. Will be vacant September l. Renta, $75 per month. JOHN J. WOODSIDE, THE RENTING AGENT, 12 Auburn Avenue, Both Phone* (18. GLOHE & JUSTIN, 215 Peters Building. patktl.l tnet mantels; splendid renting section; $1,- 500 each; one-third caah and monthly pay- Nil K LOT oS‘ ASWRl* STREET, M IlY 200 feet, east front, and covered with nice oak trees; only $260. BEST BARGAIN ON SOUTH 8tl>K; NIUE five-room modern cottage, with hall; well elevated; needs to be seen to be sppre- dated; only $1.850. NEW PROPERTY; RENTS 812 PER month; >900. Lot a* show yon thla. FIVE-ROOM HOFjfK ON NBUON atr.i‘t: lot M by IS. Thla Is cloaa In. Prlii* IJ.iO). MIX IIiiOM ' lIot'HH, hXS'KIN ArltfcET; Terms. AT 304418 WEST FOL'ItTIt HTRfeET. WE have two three-room cottages In first-class shape, renting to white tenants at $7 each, and a small noose In Tear of on# lot.* Thla is a bargain st lLSW- i ADVERTISE NOTHING fll’T BAR gains. WEST END, CLOSE TO GORDON AND Lee streets, and on an elevated corner, nest six-room house lu apple-pie order, at $2,650. It would Interest you. ASHBY STREET, WEST END, SEVEN- room house; lot 58 by 258 feet,*at $3,i00; .one-fourth cash. FOR BARGAINS, NOTICE MY AD.7. 1 AM BUILDING AN UP-TO-DATE FCH/IT room house ou South avenue, uear Grant. It will be ready in ten days, l'rlce $1,660, on easy terms. C'LOSB IN CORNER. NORTH SIDE, IN block bounded by Peachtree and Baker, good seven-room house end room enough left for sn apartment house. Price $5,5o0; one-third cash, balance one and two years at 6 per cent. Think of It, having 100 feet front. Somebody will come uloug lu oue year hence and offer you $8,000 for It. IN JUST ONE BLOCK OF PEACHTREE and this side of Baker atreet, flue apart- nieut corner, with good house. Price $8,- 500. Owner adjoining lot wants $16,000. Note the difference and come to see me. LIST YOUU PROPERTY WITH ME IF you want It sold quick. l CAN*' si'tow YOU 19 1’Ett CENT IN hrand-uew white property on Jones ave nue. it will take $2,400 to^ handle tho prop osition. BRAND-NEW LORNER SToItE AND brand-new dwelling of six rooms In Graut park seetlcn. Hundreds of houses being built all around It. Good business. Price, $4,500. NEW (-ROOM HOUSE ON HEMPHILL avenue. It’s well built and a beauty nt $2,000, on easy terms. CHEROKEE AVKHiIH, PACINO GHAN'T park; lot 50 by 200 feet to alley. It ought to sell qujck nt $3,600; part cash. WATCH MY AD THE COMING WEEK. IVY HTUEET—Tills SIDE OF HARRIS; good 9-room house st $5,500. The only oue left ut the price. HAST CAIN—VERY NEAR PE AC! tT it B K j right here Is a pick-up st $5,260; lot Is 56 by 100 feet; 6-room house. SEE ME FOR CLOSE-IN PROPERTY. GOOD f.ROOM HOUSE ON WILLIAMS street; lot 50x200; side alley. This side of Harris; reiits $38. Price $4,500. OS LUCKIE STREET-GOOD 7-ROOM house In stone’s throw of Piedmont hotel.- Price $3,600; part cash. CLOSE IN-ON AUBURN AVENUE; 9- room house; good lot: soon tie business profierty. Price $4,500. IP# cheap.. FEACHTHEE HOME—rtiJILT OF GRAN- lte, and n beauty, st $15,000. It's the best thiug there Is. JACKSON STREET-NEAR NORTH AVE- nue; good 9-room house: elevated lot and well worth your $5,200. Half cash, W. NORTH AVENUE-CLOS0 TO Peachtree; a 9-room house; built for a home; nothlog but good material. Sacrifice at $8,500. MI-RING STREET-NEAR NORTH AYE- nue; good 9-rootn house nt $5,000; $1,000 cash, $50 per month. I WOULD UKE TO, SHOW FOUR FlSfB West Peachtree homes to persons who know’ how to appreciate something good. GOOD i-ROOM 2-SToltY FIoTsB ON Piedmont avenue, near Linden. Price $3,- 650. NEAT COTTAGE ON E. i-INE STREET. between Piedmont avenue nnd.Courtlaud. Price $3,000. Good netgbhorhodil. NOTICE MY AD FOR IIARUAINfl. VERY CLOSE IN—CKNTItAI. AVENUE; 1 have 10-room house at $4,250. Good place for boarders. Easy terms. GOOD 6-itOOM HOUSE ON MILLS ST. Price $2,600: cash payment and $20 per month; would rent nt $25. *6,&M-CL6iiE TO STATE CAPITOL AND beat home that you can find for the money; 10-roonr bouse; lot 60x200; side drive and good barn. Pacing”iraxt paiiK. i have a neat 5-room bouse: lot 50x185 to another street, it p.600; $1,000 esu run 6 years at C per S. BOl't.KVARD—FINE HOME OF N'In^ rooms ut $3,350, on easy terms. Lot 50x190 feet MOVE INTO A BEAUTIFUL HOME ON 1 Park avenue; 80-foot street, 9-rootn house; $3,600. $350 cash. $35 per month. Two Houses On North Boulevard. We will sell Nos. 95 and 101X. Boulevard for $5,700 cash; These are 8-room houses, between Edgewood ave. and Auburn ave.; lot is 106x160, with good elevation. An out-of-town owner wants to sell these two places for cash. FORREST AND GEORGE ADAIR. J. H. GARNER & CO. REAL ESTATE AND INVESTMENTS 30S and 30S Century Bldg. BOTH PHONES 4499. CENTRAL AYE.. NEAR MITCHELL. A .quod l>naln»qq )«t for 13,7(0. Fourth caah. tEACi JAcIlTnIik-TlikEB BSautifU. Jiome* on May tcrm*-|U,M0, 313,000, 117, PEACHTREE-CHOICE VACANT LOT between Thirteenth and Fourteenth ata., 09 by 210 to alley, 97,960. Ooly 91,000 caah, balance 91,000 annually. PONCE Da LEON AVE.—ON TOP OF THE hill beyond the nprin(«; .aplendld view of th* city; corner lot, 60x300; >1,(00. One- fourth caah. THURSDAY Snook’s China Closet Day. $25.00 round corner China Cloafet only..$15.60 Glass end Colonial only 12.00 Full double-leaded $50 round corner only 35.00 Full Mission leaded front aud ends only 21.00 Tables, Chairs, Buffets to match. Don't miss It; they are big values. P. II. SNOOK FURNITURE CO., 6$ North Broad Street. CLAUDE L. NORRIS, BELL ’PHONE 4439. 716 FOURTH NATIONAL .BANK BUILDING. SOUTH SIDE COTTAGE-NO DOUBT TIPS FLASHED From Wall Street Private Wire to Ware & Leland me R n U “' an ' h ° Wln * ‘"'Prova- Bulitah tendencies are atlll uppermrat and higher prices can be expected with ‘he poex blUty of bear drive* on BrJ,? efafe Tran * lt ’ Fue ‘ and a Uw oul 'eouthweat rail* dlanla, strength due to large present ,2 prospective business. 01 r. 1 !. w,se to accept profit, on United States ateela In cane of »han> upturns, aa well aa Harrlman Pacilk? coalera" ' I '* W York Central und u5 . There la a tip out that Southern Pa. clflcr will make a new high record to* day. The atock sold at 811-4 in isid Southern Pacific crossed 80. S. 1 ; ,?“ ul heavily bought and looka aa If Union Pacific would crosR ton Copper seems to be in demand ani steels should work higher. Believe It today Pay t0 8ecure P roflts on upturn, Dow A Jones Ca’a aammarv parity. |U L ° l|aoU flrm nt ^ t0 * £Sl London settlement concluded teslar Ten-cent fare question continues to lm. Kriotlriy. Brook, J ,u “»»>■> bualrnS Joseph Rtmaey’a projected New York. Ittahurg-Uilctgn electric rood annonnnd lit untiling Mid about occurlns tcrinlnnlx «o»;ofif ta.t K VSff. 1 "‘ de ,acna,a T"™ ri > Demand for Cnnodlnn I’aclfic In the loan owd, but stocks otherwise plentiful Plttalmrg! ,r ° n rep<,rteJ ,rarc '- 'tou a,Canadian Pacific earned 11.91 on common Thirty-two roads for first week of An- per’cen?” nvera * e F*'°* s Increase of nil Crop currency ruorement begins with St. ifL"?,!.?” Orlcnun drawing hem II; on New York. Paris reports ... „ ment with a dlsposltoln to cut loom, from COTTON SCORED A SMALL DECLINE New York, Aug. 15.—A small decline took and .. .. , The fluctuations during the day, however, were not very wide nor was the trading on - large scuh'. After opening allghtly lower i the forelgu news, prices rallied aud ud- vanced moderately under the stimulus, of reports of lucreaslug weevil damage lu Texas, where further showers occurred aud where, moreover, tho government weekly report states that less ruin and more sun shine Is needed In many counties. Then, too, a rainfall or 1 to 2 Inches was reported In Georgia und at some points lu North Carolina, and many were disposed the precipitation in that section julllsh feature. A precipitation of 4 Inches was reported at Meridian, Miss. Shorts, large und small, covered to some extent and thore waa a certain amount of more optimistic sent!- .. asu m * Russian Influences. Twelve Industrials advanced .17 per rent Twenty active railroads advaucell .22 per buying. The average trauer, however, little incentive to lake ’ on an extensive scale. ;o the long side Tho buying Is merely for quick turns or to cover shorts, and unless some wide’ ■out Insects or other caust , the opinion of muuy close observers that nothing but teu»|>orury ral lies are likely to occur for the time being, especially as tho movement of the new crop continues to Increase and outside lu- tereat In tho speculation Is ubscut.—Glbert A Clay, erst snys: Beyond of tangible steadiness, yesterday’s market waa without special significative except In so far as short covering was impelled by excessive rains In Mississippi. Business again on a limited scale and routined mrgely to ring scalping operations. The near future will probably have to reckon with accumulating crop damage reports, which, while as yet Indicating nothing side of Jackson street; beautiful and ele vated, nt $60 per foot. Adjolhlug lota owner asks $100 per foot. * ar schools and college*. Price, $2,600. Also sol eu-room two-story residence next to above property, newly painted and pa pered; house has electric lights nnd Is screeued. $3,750. Terms. Box 62, Decatur. TRY A WANT AD IN THE GEORGIAN street; store and large corner lot. for two dwellings. Price $1,850; part cash. HERE 18' YOUR MoNBY-SIaKER—Or mom! stn*st lots, facing car line, at $475 each, on your own terms. I Just want 12 months to clear you $2t» on each lot. TWO LOTS NEAR CAPITOL AVENUE. on Fraser stmt, 44x334 Mfh. nt 9*» ouch, itwtt tortus. MY.ADS WILL HE ATTRACTIVE ALL NEXT WEEK. SELECT BARGAINS AND NOTHING ELSE.—Vkw 6-IDIOM HOI HE; RENTS 939. Bjiki—FOFH IIOI SES; RENT AT t>T SCW-flttlEE IIOI SKS: RENTED AT 8101 S.40A—TIlltEK llOt HES; RENT AT ST 6A1 ACRES OK LAND ;H MILKS J-’ROM Atlanta on Henlwan! Air Line railroad, one mile on railroad front and station place. Price $10.000. STOCKS REVIEWED BY NEW YORK SUN New York, Aug. 15.—The Sun anys; After an o|>ening marked by strength and activity, to which' Brooklyn Rapid Transit was the only liuportnut exception, some of the lend- lug stocks Uke Uulon Pacific and Southern Pacific eased off a little ou profit-taking, without, however, exerting any import Influence. Dullness aucceeded, and this vailed during the greater part of the slon, without the element of underlying strength, but lu the last hour recovered their early losses nnd closed with advances on the day. ,8outhern Pacific, which was the lender in activity, made a new high record for the year, closing at the top figures, aud brokers who had orders In the stock said It enjoyed altout aa good a mar ket as anything ou the Ust. Kteel common ranked next In activity. Baltimore aud Ohio waa among the active favorites, sell- couut of Itself.—(Jiberf A Clay. THE SUGAR MARKET. Georgia 4Hs. 1915...., l« Georgia. It IL Cs, 1S10 106 Savannah Sa. 1909 102% Macon 6*. 1919 106 Atlanta, 6s. 1911 Atlanta, 4%« Atlanta 4s. Atlanta and Atlanta and C. It. of Georgia lat Income.... do. 2>l Income do. 3d income Georgia Augusta aud Savannah Southwestern Georgia pactfle lata Cm C. and A. lat Private Wire to Glbert & Clay. New York, Aug. 15.—Marshall, Spa- der & Co.: “Most reviews make It ap. pear that what Is known as the public are not largely Interested and that the market Is at most entirely patronized by large banking and seml-speculatlve interests, but all agree that there Is full evidence of the scarcity of the best Is sues and that there Is nothing in the forecast of events to Justify less con fidence In the market. Most everything points to a higher market today,’’ The Financial Bureau says: "Exten sion of short covering and specialty prominence seem likely In the stock market owing to the lack of pressure of stock as Indicated by light transactions and dullness on declines. The decided tendency evinced on the part of the street to go short at every sign of re cession forms a support that defeats the object of the bears temporarily. XJntil the largo Interests take profits, nowever, we do not expect serious de clines, and at present we are at a lost to find buyers for them, so the manip ulation of the last few days Is likely to continue, especially as the outlook fa vors a good bank statement, which should induce short retirements to soma extent, as money is the factor still. Developments over night show no al teration of the financial outlook, and we still regard the market as a whole as being confined within tratilng lim its, of course with specialties easily raised as usual when the general list is held at a certain level. We recom mend the neutral policy of consent- tlsm, but with the mind alert for spe cialty betterment as heretofore stated. ATLANTA MARKETS. FRUITS AND PRODUCE. Officially corrected by Atlanta Fruit ml Produce exchange. Lemons, $4.75435.00. Limes 50 to 75c. Peaches, per crate, $1.00411.50. FlneapplM, 81(0 to 83.50. „„ Bnnsnas, straights, »•— hunch $1.83 tl $1.76. Culls, per bunco, $l to $1.28. Wstermelom, $7.80 to 130.00 per 100; d* “pouCtUY AND COUNTRY PRODUCR- Llve hens fi to 37H?; fries 22# t#*S| hroller* 1( to 32}4c. iJrq duckt, P«H» * to 96c; puddle 36 to 97H*. Draaoed heni, per lb., 13c to 13c. — “ fi, 30c. _ . P *to l lfc * ,0 ”* -onoj-Ntw ^I0c lb?) In 1-lb. rack! 1) ^VEGETABLES.—Irlah potatoca. No I stock, $2.60 barrel; per bushel, 90c. Onions, $1.60 bushel: cabbage. 2c imuoL ew aweet potatoca >1.60 buahcl. FLOUR, GRAIN. PROVISIONS, FLOUR—I’oatela Patent, M.00; DlamooJ patent, $5.60; Mssrontah Htsr, *4.©- fawf patent, $4.66; Red Eagle, $4.40; Blue lUbbqfc HOO^ mney, $3.90; spring whist patent, $£» °(’uitN—Choice red rob, 76c; No. 2 white, **; No. 2 yellow, T4c; mixed, 73c. 0.kT8—Choice white clipped, 52c; chow# white, 60c; choice mixed, «c; Texas ruit* proof, 50c. . . . MEAL—Plain water groand, per htfsbfl 73c; bolted 140-lb. Jutes, per bushel, «e* Shorts, white. $1.66, medium. $1.4* 1 ; hjow^ $1.35; pure bran, $1.10; mixed bran. IM& HAY.—Timothy, ebmee large bales. fl-Mj do, choice small bales, $1.06: df. *. timothy hales, $1: do.. No. 2. $}: do.. clover mixed, $1,00; do, No. 2 closed CLOVER.—Choice »!. t ... mnd The above prices are i. o. b. Atlints, »b# •abject to Itnmeillst# •ceeptinc#. GROCERIE8. , SUGAR—Standard gramamted. $620. VJ York Refined, 6Vt; plantations, 5‘t- Martrt ' Cbyt'i:E—Ronsted Arbnckle’s UJR bulk, in tug# or barrels, 13c; green, W *• 12«‘. Market strong. .. _ RICE.—Carolina 44 to 74«, sccordln* » rnde. Market very strong. , strong. jct (911 cress twins 14c: brick, 14e. Market strong. PROVISIONS—Supreme hams. IBe.■ W hams 154c. ( nMfornla bams 104^: ,\T ham#. 15c. Dry #nlt extra ribs. : ^ 1,l £ 20-5 lb#., $10.50: fat backs. 8c; ^ “ me lard. $9.75; Bed Crow. $& * a< " compound, 74c; Red Cro#s, 7%c. THE DRY GOODS MARKET. rr.*P mi today, i ri*-*' 1 nra on ■*in"**■'*-’ rij • — —Me sh»‘‘' r ' , i^ ... ... .. . . TRY A WANT AD ukadqlaiu'kr^fo^harga.nis. IN the GEORGIAN rn* i .. advanced %c a , ... bums end %c ner yard on An advance or He s yard on 44 sh-e< ^ will !»e snounetnl tomorrow, for the day lacked little' of th-