The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, August 16, 1906, Image 4

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THURSDAY. AUGUST 16. r.*»r. THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN. BOTTLE HEIST B! TEXANS All Candidates Drop Out at the Last Minute. Special to The Dalllas, Texas, Aug. 16.—At 2 this afternoon O. H. Colquitt and C. K. Bell, two of the candidates for govern or of Texas, withdrew their names from before the convention, which made the nomination of T. M. Camp bell unanimous. This was Brooks had been dropjied on the first balllot this morning. clock Two Persons Are Missing and a Number Injured. Private Wire. Pittsburg, Aug. 16.—As a result of a fight between the striking miners of Pittsburg • Plate Glass Company*) Creighton mines and a number of non union men, two men are missing am vo were seriously Injured, one ol horn will probably die. Eight tn< n are In the county jail here awaiting a hearing on a charge of fel onious assault and battery, and another Is charged wljh Interfering with an of fice;-. ME MANY LIVES Railroad Lines Are Report ed Destroyed by the Waters. By Prlvnte Leased Wire. Bombay, India, Aug. 16.—Unprece dented floods have occurred In Bengal resulting In tfie destruction of railway lines. Communication has been stopped except by boat. It Is feared the floods have caused heavy loss of life. ‘FIGHTING BOB” EVANS ENTERTAINS FAIR GUESTS ABOARD FLAGSHIP SAYS STENSLAND HAS GONE EAST BE IN N, V i Friend of Danker Declares He Talked Witli Him. By Private Leased Wire. New York, Aug. 16.—A dispatch from Pittsburg says that Oscar Holmes, a mechanical engineer, who was onci Intimate friend of Paul Stensland, the fugitive president of the Milwaukee Avenue State Hank, of Chicago, says he saw the banker on a Pennsylvania train bound for this city. He says he hnd not seen Htenslnnd for two years, and when he saw him •t the station, walked up to him ami •aid: "Hello, Stensland, what are you do ing here?" Htenslnnd said: "For God’s sake. Is it you? Don’t give me away!" Holmes said he told the banker he had no Idea of meddling with his af fairs, and Stensland seemed much re lieved. He left on the next train going East. GOSPEL TENT MEETINGS ARE OVER With an average attendance of over 1,200 people from all |>arts of the dis trict, and with scores of conversions to testify to the good results accom plished, the union gospel tent meetings which have been under way for the past few weeks at Mubleton will como to a close Friday night with a session at which upward of loo prominent At lanta speakers will be present, many Joining In the service. Grent and lasting results have un doubtedly been accomplished through the medium of these gospel services, and not for years has there been such g religious revival among the farmers of Mablaton and vicinity. The exer cises of the closing- week have been In charge of Rev. E. H. Peacock, of Atlanta, and with the assistance of Miss Kate Irby as a soloist has suc ceeded In making the services highly entertaining and Instructive. AmoVig those from Atlanta who have attended the meetings and assisted In the progruni* were: W. C. Mansfield, E. H. Thornton, George Witishlp, F. .1. Paxon, George Muse, Dr. K. L. Connal- ly. President A. J. Monorlef of Cox College, Rev. Charles C. Jarrell und A. W. Farllngqr. WILL BE~CANDrDAfi _ FOR PLACE ON BENCH. Bpeclnl to The Ueorjrlnn. Jackson, Gu., Aug. 16.-~Hon. I* L. Ray, a member of the Jackson bur, will ba a candidate for one of the places on the bench of the new court of appeals In the event that that court Is estab lished. Mr. Ray Is a very able lawyer and has a large practice throughout the Flynt and adjoining circuits. He graduated at the University of Geor gia In the law class of 18H8. Corporation Formed. A petition for papers of incorpora tion were filed In the superior court Thursday morning by Paul J. Baker, James R. 8mIth and Victor Duimr Smith, who have formed a company capitalized at $15,000, to do a general real estate, stock and bond business, under the name of the Georgia Realty Company. LIVES Of F MENACED AT BLAZE By Private D-nsod Wire. New York, Aug. 16 —Two firemen were Injured and four »there were overcome by smoke and rescued with difficulty by their companions In a fire thnt destroyed a warehouse filled with Jute, located among the Bush stores at Forty-fifth street, between First and Second avenues, Brooklyn, today. The fire started from spontaneous unbust Inn In the one-story brlrk (i rehouse. STATISTICS. Strr BIRTH8. To Mr. mid Mrs. M. Goldsmith, Hprliig reef, a mm. To Sir. mid Mrs. S. I'. Mon6r1ef, st 20G Runt street, a dniiglitt-r. To Mr. mid Mrs. II. Hprntllng, Gordon street, u daughter. DEATHS. Infs lit *»f Mr. mid Mrs. A. T. Kvnns died III 25 Mcllnttuhl Street. Mrs. Willie Kvnns. :w years old. died of •iieiiiiiniiln Ht 26 McDonald street. Mrs. J<uM>p|ilue Jones. years old, died f Bright's disease at 45 Bonnie llrue a Mrs. Jinan Kelly, 43 years old. died heart failure nt .%l Iterator afreet. Hmntiel L. Land. 63 years old. died ut 0 Laivton street. Mrs. 1.1 rile Blelmnls, 59 years old. die jf typhoid fever ut 19714 Iterator street. PR0PERTY~TRAN8FER3. $950—4*. M. Winn, ndinlnlstrotor, to Mri Kate ('russell. lot on corner peters mi nmeroti streets. Administrator's deed. $3,Hf"V-A. M. Greentleld et nl. to Mrs. M . Lipscomb. lot on Auburn avenue*, uea .loeknoti Street. Kleentor's deed. $6,200, Penal Hum—Mrs. M. K. Wesley t Irs. It. R. Turner, lot oil Center street Bond tor title. $6,(MM). Penal Hutu—Peters luiud Co. to Thomas J. Peeples, lot on Piedmont avenue ••or Fourth street. Bond for title. $3,750 John B. Murpliv to Mrs. Mriuitt, lot on Jneksou street, near High laud nveniie. Warranty deed. $12,000, Penal Hum—Kliiptrc Htnte 1 meat Co. to J. It. Neal, lot on Forres line, near Fort street. Boml for title. $10,000— William II. Howell to Forrest Adair, lot on c-orner Crew and Ormond streets. Warranty deed. $ilo J. M. he Four to J. II. Whaley, lot oil Morris street mid Hast Point avenue. Warranty deed. $3.0-Peters Land Co. to William L. Peel, lot mi corner Piedmont avenue and Fourth street. Warranty deed. BUILDING PERMIT8. 8175— hr. C. II Murphy, to acid to frame dwelling at Jnc-kson street mid Angler live title. $25-H. Parker, to add to frame Uwelllug u t 190 Wood ward avenue. $l,li)0—J. It. Nutting, to build one-story frame dwelling ut 447 Auburn avenue. $65—G. N. Morgan, to recover one-story frame dweHIxg at 255 Fort street. $9,500—11. T. Inman, to bulni twostor; brick warehouse at 23 25 27 H. Forsytl street. $200-11. D. Hams, to re cover one story frame dwelling at 90 Melmulel street. $36—hr. W. W. McAfee, to build frame shed nt 62 lllll. $l.2<io It. A. Donaldson, to repair two one story frame dwellings nt 45 IS Knst Twelfth street. 8km-T. It. Hnwtell, to build l*nrn st 15!) Capltcd avenue. $160 Atbintn Hprlug Bed Co., to build n frame building ut Mentis street. ft,MM)—Mrs. F. C. Austell, to tmlld tw< one story frame* dwellings at US 40 Kxxard ► story nne Install hot nlr $160-11. II. Mays, to re eovei frame dwelling nt 66 Garnett st $263—M. h. Illun. to Instull hot air for nnee nt 370 Washing! $212—Mrs. II. hryphn furnace at 44o s.mili rryor street. $274- Mrs. I. Stcliilicliiicr, to lustall hot air fuiunee at 452 Washington street. $241—A. It. Iletthel. to Install hot nlr fur- “ “ *1 street. Uro-story I welling nt r.13 Hotith Vryo $1,100—Jessie Johnson, to tmlld frame dwelling nt 415 HI nip $150 11. Huns, ti Iwelllng nt 631 V. $400-A. and J. C. Avery, to build one Horv frame dwelling nt 326 Bulleti street. $3,250-11 C. Little, to build two story frame dwelling at 343 Euclid avenue. CUTHBERT. The voting men of tlie city gave a dance [outlay evening nt the nriuory. eompll- entiir.v to the visiting young ladles. Mrs. C. II. Harris eutertitltied the Bridge Club Tuesday sftermsm. J. T. Trbe Is nt Asheville and Toxn Mis: uullne id Vei trip to i tin — _ , Messrs. Lee, of Ccdtimbt Atlanta, spent Sunday Mrs. A. P. Move* |, ,r '" Tir have a and mid Hart, of FOB EAST DRIVING Aged Senator and His Wifj Held Up in Their Auto. B.v Prlvnte Tenant Wive. White Plain,, N. y„ Alr. |6.-t , rM nntniiiohlle lu whlvh Helm ter Clwnnrev M IJl-lwtv »»• hairing Wo.t.lie.fer cotiiii v wn, Itehl ti|i twin)- In Hartailnlv H e elmufTeur wu, ,rre»tml for ■imnling. sea. ntor and Mm. Iliiiew and nuother were In the nmehlne. The I'lirty Imd lieeli over nl |he imi.,.. If.iiTtnmii ooiiNtr.v hofne, mid the ninehl e •wording to Hepiit, Hherttr HnmuelTnwiV mlTe.; nS“ho.,!■”' “* « ,h - *■**«• of Li .timtlce of the (Hover wn, not m h.inie. no It wn. derided to hnve |h" °“ ,,l * ht ttt l"« "BTm Henntor ilepew. who n. Rlttlng In |i... » ,hl» l«hB III tCMtev. - up $-» required for the uppenranre of chauffeur •****' pruceed. Hc*n:llor "I do not _ _ traveling so fast. Imt the officer may ha lM*en Justified lu bolding us up." WIDOW BEGS UNCLE SAM TO FIND HER A HUSBAND By Private Leased Wire. Washington, Aug. 16.—Mrs. L. A. Worrell, a widow of New York city, wants to remarry, and owing to the backwardness of the swains of the great city has appealed to the pension bureau to secure a mate. Mrs. Worrell is a (tensioner, her de ceased husband having been a soldier In the Spanish war. She has written to Deputy Pension Commissioner Da venport, telling of her desire to remar ry, although In doing so she will for feit the government bounty she now enjoys. In her-letter Mrs. Worrell a Ay si "I have wanted to get married, but there seems no man here that wants me. If there Is, he Is very slow com ing forward, so that If the bureau will furnish a good man, presume the money will come nil right." "Tho money will corn! all right" Is Interpreted to mean thnt the lucky suit or will find Mrs. Worrell possessed of some worldly goodx. Commissioner Doronport referred the request for a husband to several of his clerks, principally those from New York city. All side-stepped, however. "Horry, hut the bureau can not do anything for you In this matter," Is Commissioner Davenport’s Indorsement on tho letter. ters, of Fayetteville, visited Mrs. Willie Gray during the inerting of the Lathe church. Mrs. J. II. Huff, of Texas, formerly Mias Kate ItobrrtHon. Is visiting relatives and friends In this community. Mr. W. Boliertson, of Atlanta, Is visiting Ids sisters. Mrs. Caiup and Mrs. Coimally, near Carmel. Tuesday night the young people of llnrnl son had a straw rMc. which was extended Mr. Jack Thompson’s, where* they had Mrs. J. __ been visiting Mrs. M. A. Iloduett. Mrs,. W. T. Callahan has as guests Mr. s 0UTHERN SOCIETY IN GEORGIA AND ADJOINING STATES. PLEASANT MENTION FROM OTHER CITIES returned from ii •elation. mI, spent Htindity with his parents. Mrs. Bed* Itblley. of Atbintn. Is visiting Miss Cobble tlood. Mrs. Tom Dunn entertained the Euchre Club Thursday nftenu*on. Mrs. Mottle Babin III Is spending Hie month at Mount Airy. Inland Bussey returned Wednesday fr«m» Atlanta. . . Addison Owen, of Alinlstou. Ain., Is attending Mrs He ZhIm. ml Miss Mary Znlier of Spring! ale, s|*elit E. J. Grehsm. Word has been received In Atlanta Thursday morning «»f the death ut Kl Paso, Tex., of E. J. Graham, the son of Rev. B. J. W. Graham, of 648 Wash ington street, editor of the Christian Index. Dr. Graham left Atlanta last Tuesday night to go to the bedside of his son, but according to the message be arrived too, late. Young Graham contracted consumption In t’ubu. und came to Atlanta In June, but left In u short time to go West In search of health. The body will be brought back to Atlanta for funeral services and In-: uruienu HEFLIN, ALA. Mrs. J. R. Little and children, of Atlanta, spent the week In Heflin. Little Miss Prances Fuller, of At lanta, has been visiting MImh Hattie 'errytnun, of Ilefiln. Hhe left for her home this morning. Mr. Frank Morgan has been with home people for several days. Quite a number of the Heflin young ladles who have first-grade license have been elected to good positions In work. Miss Kulft Strickland will .Sheffield to teach; Miss Flora Hell Stevens will teach at Pell Ulty; Miss Hassle Morgan has been elected director of music at Temple, Ga. The Ulelmrn county Institute met at Hells Mills, some ten mites Houth- nst of Ilefiln. The Heflin brass band made fine music for the occasion. There quite a number of good subjects bly discussed. Most all of the Ulebum ounty teachers were on hand. Pro- fesssor t\ C\ Hlaton, of Ilefiln; Super intendent Glassgow ami Hon. Uralg, andldatt* for congressman from the njrth district, made fine talks. Many f the young teachers had valuable suggestions to offer. There was a dinner spread out In the good old hos pitable way. A long, neatly construct 'd pine table under the oaks was well filled with all the products of the big farms around. Ex-Governor Joseph F. Johnston was In Ilefiln this week. lion. B. II. Coiner, candidate for governor, was in Heflin tills week. Mrs. Ben Easley, of Anniston, and her children are the guests of Mrs. D. I). Perryman this week.* There was an artist in Heflin Friday taking scenes about town. He had many pretty scenes In different parts of north Ulebum. There whs a pretty entertainment given ut the Moore county home Fri day evening. Five couples went out In a talla-ho, chaperoned by Mrs. Owen Black. The beautiful new home was tastefully decorated In ferns and flowers. Miss Hamner was assisted bv her little sisters, Ruth and Jennie. Refreshments and games were Intel- spersed. Mr. Will Haley returned today from Atlantie Beach, where he s|>ent several days. Mr. Ous Perryman, of Heflin. Is at Atlantie Beach. * for several flay*. The Misses Bullard hnve returned to Bre men after visiting Miss Annlu Hnggctt for some time. Mrs. Martin, of Augusta, mid Mbs Mlnule Clark, of Atlanta, are visiting Mrs. Ft Hun. and Mrs. Buctinnun. <*r Wuycrosa, are here for a while nt the Miles house. The Missionary Society of the Mothodlst church gave an Ice cream supper Inst Fri day eveulng. Miss Stacy McWhorter arrived thl from Ilswklnsvllle to aiiend the remain and Mrs. Ilnrrls. of Oakland. Mr. D. L. Hill, of Atlanta, mid Mr. W. F. Unldwelf, of Carmel, visited Ifnrnlson road. VALDOSTA. Mlmo* Susie and Bertie Howard are vis iting relatives and friends nt Blakely and other |*olnts In southwest Georgia, slid will be absent from the city for several weeks. Miss McRae, of Montlcello, Fla., who has been the guest of Miss Mee Young for some time, has returned to her home. Miss Mc Rae was the recipient of many social hon ors while In this city. Misses Dora and Ora ffltnm* sro visit ing Dowling park, where they will H|N'Ud two or three weeks. Mrs. D. II. Hmnll has gone to Dorehes- Lllierty county, where she will spoud •- — weeks visiting her mother, the summer wit/i her father and mother. Milt Watson has returned t Miss Rffl guest of Mrs. J. T. Duncan. Miss Braiiiitiu entertained n number her friends at her country home Inst Sat unlay night. Mbs Mamb' I'ittinnu Is spending time in Austell and Mubleton. Professor and Mrs. Dundy arrived home ek after spending the past tw *usln. Miss Willie Parks Janie The straw ride Wednesday night to I.lihtn Springs In honor of the visiting young In enjoyable affair. of Mrs. T. A. Jackson. ACWORTH. Mrs. J. I*. Snfn, of Uovfngton, la spend lug some time here with her mother, Mrs. Watson. Mbs Hazel Hatter, big her grand pa returned to her lion Northernt, of Rom « here. Williams, of Maeoi Mo!lie McGee and family In Ma- visit- lie Mr. ami M Mr. and Mrs. Inst Mo|t*!n» Ballard, of Br D0UGLA8VILLE. Fsker l.luley. of Powde Jsltor here Mr. Fo returned from a several urnWrlaad Island. Jerome Wilson entertained Milng ill honor of tile Misses Mias' returned to her home a. after \biting relatives In Gh f«u *e Mrs. Uora Kn»m. of Atlanla, is s|H'iiding a few dais with her mother. Mbs Lilly Fawn Wat home from Tallapoosa, w JUs Mildred Phillips has Cals week Misses Butler, K<l wards and Moseley, of Marietta. Mrs. Lena Smith and daughter. Pauline, of Koine, are \biting Mrs. t)cta\ia Humph ries. Mr*. Cotiunlly and daughter. Mbs F.Iolsc. who haie l*eon with Mrs. A. J. Durham for the past month, linve returned to the?.* homo in Mutes*ilio. N. i\ Miss I ji I lull Barrett Is visiting relatives In Marietta lids week. Mr. K. II. Northeiitt and family, of Mn rletta. have returned liotne after stNuidhig couple of we « 1 I.* U*l..r turned to her bn Mbses Adele Salley and Miss Kiln Mor row hnve returned from n visit to ijult- lunn. Dr. atul Mrs. C. C. Parson have gone on n visit of n few W(>cks to relatives nnd friends nt Fleiiilngton nnd Blnekslienr. Professor nnd Mrs. R. It. Daniels have re turned to the city after an absence of sev eral weeks. Professor Daniels hns been en gaged In twichhw at the tnnnninr seh/sd t Athens, -while Mrs. Daniels has licon biting relatives and friends ut Mvlngston, Ala. Mr. nnd Mrs. D. M. Smith nnd Mrs. Joseph Hightower hnve gone to Indian Kprlng to stay ten days, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Harris have gone to New York for n visit of several weeks. Miss Helen Mvddletoti is visiting rela tives juid friends nt Brunswick. J, W. West, who tins been spending some months In the West, returned to the city this week. Mrs. West, who no- eoiiipntiled her husband, stopped In At- ’ ‘ * for n eouplo Held. Mrs. John MeKensie returned to her home nt Thoninston tin* first of tJio week. Mrs. Jenkins, of Uuthbert, Is the guest little granddaughter. Annie Sutton, Is vis- Itliig relatives In Atbintn. Mrs. Stroxler. of Greenville, was the guest of her sister, Mrs. W. II. Hinton, tilt* past week. Mbs Kittle Wyelto, of Concord, Is visit guests her i. of Atlanta, ace sell. Inntn. ami will stay guests Cimilln. of Jacksonville, here of Mrs. A. W. Thomas. Mr. nnd Mrs. John F. Is»wta nnd the Misses Lewis left a few days ago for New York city, there, will tner resorts. Mbs .Sin* Harding, of Bowling Green, Ky., who bus been the guest of friends here for several weeks, lias returned to her home. ELBERT0N. Monday evening, from 6 to 8, Mrs. Z. C. Mayes eiitertnlned In honor of Miss KHxa* belli Swift’s house party. The last nntimtl meeting of the Korosls as entertained by Mrs. II. J.- Brewer Tuesday evening. Besides tin* members of Horosta, there were several visitors, r the regular program of the meet ing. refreshments consisting of nit cbibirate salad course, was served. Mbs Marguer ite Brewer, tin* talented young ’daughter if the hostess, furnished music for the or. The next meeting Is to be liebl lu Meptemb'r. and Is the beginning of a new year. The subject for the next year’s study lias not lea'll chosen. Mrs. Dr. Henry, of Anderson. S. t\. la •••milng the mouth of , ves lii Elberton. Mbs Louise Carlton. 1 niel. S. C., Is tin* Kites Utireh. on Heard strict. HARALSON. Essie Coggins niul Miss Bertha Jnek- f Holloa vine, hare l*ectl vblfing the • Bawls this week. M. It Baynes, of Samlersvllle. and eve. Miss (r«*n%» Unviie*. of Atlanta, r of Mrs. M. A. ILhJ- are i biting the nett. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Callahan are rejole lug In the ariiinl of u little daughter. Mrs. Willie Gray has ns guests .Mrs. W F. Culpepper nnd little •laughters, of Fay In Winder. BARNE8VILLE. the most delightful affairs so- •Inlly of the season was the entertain- limit given by Miss Bessie It. Williams, eomplillielitaiy to Mbses Florence ami Fe licia Morrison, of Jackson, and Mbs Allb* Mae Neely, of Valdosta. I’pon arrival, the guests were served with punch by Mbs Mary Anderson. Progressive fnii-tan was the main feature of the entertain- prize, a I>eaut1fu| gauze fail, " Smiley. The ism- p.ilnii'fto fan, was Butts. After the served. Those present were Misses Florence and Fellela MoitIs«>ii. Allle Mae Neely. Mattie Nelson. Annie Kate Slid Kltehlngs. Prised Pearl l.lfsey. Nel Collier. Grace * •lie BInckburu WOODBURY. Mrs. Charles Simpson is the guest of IIrs. II. W. Clements. Mbs Uoxle field, of Walhalln. H. C.. la COVINGTON. Jtrs. L. o. W'dKlit ami MIrr Lurlle \\ rlKlit. of Atlanta, are vfRttlng Mr«. Hubert Fowler. II. D. Hush, who l» taking an out ing at- I ml Ian Sprlntr. R|«»nt Sumlay her, on biiRln<-RR. Mr. K. R. Hlnaa, of Milladaevllle, haa ratumecl home after a vlalt to frlemlR In the city. I ' r - • I- DeLaperrlere. of Winder. "rS. *'• '’-’"k were the rurat. of R, I.. Loyd Sun-lav. Mr and Mr. H. D. VIurIi and Mr. Heard Perry are Rpendlng Rome time at Indian Spring. ‘ Mr. nnd Mrs. Carl Smith leave Sat urday for a few- days’ visit to relative* in Atlanta nnd Jonesboro. Mrs. Ernest E. Lee returned to her home In Dallas, Texas, fter a pleas ant visit to Mrs. W. D. Travis. - — —— j- - — ir -■■= -- . — —- - ™^r" — Phillips and hi* mother, of, she vblted Mrs. W. F. Cwlix'pp*^ *»ud llttU* dough- visiting ut the home of lutr i*-‘her. Charles Pensacola, Fla., anent a Dart * \at NASHVILLE, TENN. Nashville society wag well represent ed this week at the marriage In Co lumbia Wednesday afternoon of Miss Lillian Lee Smith ind Mr. Eugene Tavenner, of this city, assistant pro fessor of Latin at the Peabody Col lege for Teachers, and widely known as one of the finest amateur ’cellists In this country. The ceremony took place .on the lawn at Elmwood, the fine old homestead of the bride’s ven erable grandmother, Mrs. A. M. Hughes. Misses Jane Tillman and Mary E. Williams, of Nashville, were two of the bridesmaids and Mr. Henry McClelland was best man. The bride's twin sister, Miss Lena B. Smith, was maid of honor. The bride nnd groom went via Savannah for n six weeks’ trip to New York and other Eastern points. Mrs. A. G. Brandau and little sons left Tuesday to visit Mrs. Nannie Sea- well Boyd, of Atlanta, at Hyde Park, f’hlcago, where she has a house for the summer. Miss Elisabeth Moore and Elbredge Moore, who have also been Mrs. Boyd's guests there, have re turned to Clearwater, Fla. Miss Estelle Shook hns been the hos tess this week of a house party nt the Shook summer home at Tracy City, whose personnel Included Mr. nnd Mrs. Paschal Shook, of Birmingham; Miss Samnile Keith, Drs. Rufus E. Fort and McPheeters Glasgow, of Nashville. Several 4*mnll affairs have been given during the week In Nashville to com pliment Miss Mae Branch’s guest. Miss Mary Vnncey, of Elkton, Ky., Includ ing u clnner nnd subsequent theater party ut the Glendale Casino Thurs day night, given by Miss Branch. The Woman’s Congress at the Mont- eagle assembly last week was widely attended. Mrs. Oscar T. Peeples, for merly of Chattanooga, now of Cnr- tersvllle. On., who Is president of the Tennessee Woman’s Press nnd Authors’ club, presided over the annual conven tion of thnt body.! One of the suc cesses of the meetings was a paper, "The Literary Women of the 8outh In Closer Relations," written by Mrs. George C. Ball, of Atlanta. It was read by Mrs. Elizabeth Fry Page, whose girlhood home was In Georgia, and who was formerly president of the organization now headed by Mrs. Peeples. A feature of the Daughters of the American Revolution Congress the same week was the announcement made by Miss Mary Temple, state re gent, that .Mrs. T. J. Latham, of Mem phis, will give a silver loving cup next year to the Tennessee Daughters of the American Revolution chapter or member who raises the largest amount for Continental hull nt Washington. Mrs. George W. Fall, the adopted daughter of the late President and Mrs. James K. Polk, was the presiding of ficer nt the Daughters of the Ameri can Revolution meeting.* The large summer colony of Nash- vi I leans at Beershebn. where many hnve summer homes, is enjoying Just now a succession of al fresco affairs with card parties and germans. */ belle whs Miss Blanche Carson, of At lanta, who accompanied Mrs. Ittle K Reno and Miss Kllse Lipscomb here after u trip to Virginia Beach and Lookout Mountain, but Is now ho Atlanta. week with Mr. Lewis’ family. Messrs. J. C. Nixon and Dick Brown left Tuesday for an extended tour o' Texas and other Western states. Miss Marlon Usher, of Augusta was the attractive guest of Miss Lillian Clark several days during the past week. Mrs. W. H. Gaither and children are spending some time with Judge and Mrs. A. M. Griffin In Gaithers district Mrs. Heard Perry returned Friday from Indian Spring. Mrs. Richardson, of Atlanta, Is the guest of Mu. Belle Bradshaw. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Bush hnve re turned from a week’s stay at Indian Spring. Miss Bessie Crook left Thursday for Rock Hill, S. C., on an extended'visit to her parents. Miss Louise Skelton has returned from a visit to her grandmother. .Mrs. Sarah Skelton, near Oxford. Mr. and Mtb. Lewis Pace, of Wash ington city, are visiting In the city, the guests of Captain and Mrs. J. M. pace. Mr. Eula Huson, of Columbus. Is spending a month’s vacation with his parents here. Eula Is one of the most successful men of that thriving south Georgia city. Mrs. John B. Davis left Monday for a month’s visit North. She will visit Washington city, Baltimore, Niagara Falls, Buffalo and Cleveland before re turning home. LA GRANGE. Mr*. W. A. Reeves nnd children lour* this week for White Hulphur Springs, where they will remain till fall. George W. Murphy Is spending some time nt Indlnn Springs this summer. Miss Marree Mnshhurn entertained • party of yonug people last Friday eve ning nt the home of her parents, Mr. niul Mrs. N. K. Marsh burn, on Bnstd street. Dr. and Mrs. II. II. Slack entertained t party of young men nt their home with s stag supper. The erent was elegant lu every detail, lielng given In honor of s few college Imys. Miss Viola Burks returned from Hart well Thursday evening. She hnd tieeii the guest of her cousin, Mrs. Meredith, for several weeks. Mrs. Henry Jnrrel Is visiting In Athens nnd Madison. Mrs./(’henoweth hns returned from At lanta, where she hns been visiting for some time. Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry Banks nud their daughter, Miss Marguerite, are now In Kl- lierton ns guests of Mr. John Banks. Be fore their return here they will go to City Point. FIs. Mrs. Julia Hill, of Atlanta, is visiting Mrs. II. It. Shirk. Colonel W. W. Wisdom and fnniilv. to gether with J. F. Askew nud fumily. "f Jlogniisvfile. are stH'iidlug some time at Tallitlah Full*. Dr. L. D. Mitchell, after a Very ex tended visit to various points In Cuimda, returned home a few day* ago. Dr. TI. W. Terrell Slid family hnve re turned from Borden-Wheeler Springs, Al*. Amilc Kate Smith. Ida Thurman, Nannie Hitching*. Priscilla Stroud. Rosa linmmoud. I Kate Smiley, l^-la CAVE SPRING8. C. W. Davis, of East Point, is spend ing several day* here. Mrs. H. D. McCarty and little daugh ter, of Anniston, Ala., are stopping at Cave Springs hotel. Misses Gussle Dickson and Ethel Fox, of Brunswick, ate the guests of Miss Louise Hlght. Miss Mary- Lake Shelton will return home Saturday from Monteagle, Tenn. Mrs. Mary Stroud, of Rome, Is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. I). C. Stroud. MJfes Louise Hlght entertained de lightfully Wednesday evening In honor of her guests, Misses Dickson nnd Fox. nnd of her sister. Miss Wlllemer’s, birthday. After various games fruits nnd candles were served. Those In vited to meet Misses Dickson und Fox were: Misses Lillian Sparks, Emma Pettis, Minnie Smith, Maud, Kate and Lorn Edwards, Georgia Trout, M. Mc Collum, Katie and llmmle Asbury. Lu- clle Pullen, Mnud Miller, Emma King, Rusha nnd Reedle Ray, Lcla Mont gomery and Mary Pullen, Messrs. Cliff. Claud and Jete Miller, Asbury. Ray. Skelton, King, Tilly, Reeves, .Mont gomery, Rakestraw, Snow, Land ham, of Anniston, and Mr. Davis, of East Point. Mrs. H. A. Dean and daughter. Miss Martha, are with Mrs. Dean’s father. Captain Corput, for a few weeks. Mr. H. W. Wheeler, of Rome, spent Sunday here. Miss R. K. Summers left Monday '" r Birmingham and Atlanta to visit friends. Miss Georgia Trout will entertain Friday afternoon In honor of Ml-* Louise Hlght and her guests, Mlou* Dickson and Fox. Misses Fannie Culbertson and Dixie Hlght leave Saturday for Asheville. N. C. Mrs. Hawkins, of Marietta, who h *s been the guest of Mrs. M. L. Tumltn. hns returned home. Miss Margaret^Vntts and her mot.wj have returned home, after an extended visit to relatives In Katonton. Ga. Professor R. \V. Edenfleld Is In M*- ron - . , Miss Vivian Tilly ha* returned home, after a pleasant visit to friends in Norcross and Toceoa. Mr. Irby Joe Daniel, of Rome, down Sunday. Miss Lillian Montgomery has J?* sumed her school at Bellvtew. will spend Saturday and Sunday b* re with home folks. . Mrs. T. H. Smith, of Rome, the guest of Mrs. N. 8. Miller. Mrs. John M. Hill, of Atlanta, Is vis iting relatives and friends here. .Misses Butler, of Atlanta, Ofci *** with Mrs. Sheldon.