The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, August 22, 1906, Image 10
THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN. AGENTS WANTED. ONE CENT A WORD No ad. taken for leaa than 25 cents, the price of four lines. 8ix words of overage length make a line. The following rates are for consecutive insertions: 1 time 6 cents a line. S times 5 cents a line. • 6 times 4/i cents a line. 2H times 4 ce/its a line. 52 times V/2 cents a line. 78 times 3 cents a line. Written notice is required to discontinue classified advertise ments. OUT OF TOWN ORDERS MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY CASH Georgian want ads. are inex pensive, but they bring quick re sults and sure returns. Ads. for Situations Wanted will be inserted one timo free of charge. They mult not exceed four lines. WE WILL SEND FOB YOUR AD. WITHOUT CHARGE FOR MESSENGER SERVICE. CALL US ON BELL PHONE 4927 MAIN, OR 4401 ATLANTA PHONE. When tending ads. pay fee at rate, quoted above. J 'Mm** North At- ,, ami 306 Fourth Nullothi I Hunk building. for plan* of sale. PERSONAL BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS. W. II. HIIBLDON. FELLOW OF THE American mill Georgia State Assoelatli of public Accountant*. Hbeldon AudU Ci ulltors. 51*419 DAVID W. YARBROUGH. MASTER I'LL XI RE It, /’bones 12T-5. 90 E. Hunter St. WANTED HELP—MALE. WANTED. AND 17 YEARS OF FOR SEVERAL IIO WORK IN AFTERNOON. CARE THE GEORGIAN. ATLANTA WANTED—THREE TOI’NO MEN collector*. Address at once Collector, i The Georgian. WANTED. 1IELP- l>ookk*-«-j»•■ r nmUjlj■ had expt i I* AH tsq man ... ujiher: inimt liar feriMices: must h Address In owi • The Georgian. WANTED—HELP. YOUNG MAN AS BOOK KEEPER AND STEN- OG RAPHER .MUSI HAVE HAD EXPERT ENCE. SEND REFEREN CES. MUST BE STEADY, RELIABLE, SOBER. AD DRESS IN OWN HAND WRITING. B. & S., CARE THE GEORGIAN. WANTED - A FIRST-FLASH CANDY Uuiker. rapnlili' nf inn ringing f«'M tors.' iimiiufiirtiirinic rlty. Andre.. tV.. enre Ceorulnu. UK-A FIRST CLASS ItAHIIKIt. liASIKST Inni>‘ lenrneil. Full i our*e .til' 1 tte own xeveml ibn{>. In Atlnhtu where we eninl.iy K riiil'Mtex. Cmimilxnlen piiltl fr-nn .l.iv vmi .infer. Atlnntn llurher College. 163 tVlillelmll WANTKI* •:<>•>■> MILKMAN AM' I'AIIIV Hill: C'xxl mill xleml.v work to rlqlit nun. A|nilv I.. I*. l!ll*on. Hunt Atlanta. ivKUTlsixi: SOI.ICITIIU lull xlilhli.lieil paper: eoml pny. Ci WANTED HELP—FEMALE. ANTED—FKMAI.K. coilI’KTKNT REM nclun iijMirntor. furill.hefl _po.Illc““ iB'iigtop 'ryjiowtlter tin.. 118 c ANTKH, Yol.’ TO INQUIRE AUOUT ANTBD-L’SKRS OF MONEY FI.OIR. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE J EX I 'EI iTuNcTiTi HOOKKKKPKR. WITH IHixillmi. wlxliex In keep lluhtxe^iMioolJ lIVraoBsl) I*. 8., 19 S. WANT Ell- POSITION OF SOME KIM lie .nnrl nml linmnit eolnnH liny: enn fur nleh Ini ..r leferelu-e., Ail'lrexx R. I.. It.. »l llnene. FOn SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. Fin st~ uTTass uuhinkhs houhks •houM hare high grade sir ns Call on pCeut Wrn Oa, 8P.4 North 1‘ryor street #'ho Co.. Whitehall st. tr. ton ham: any FritNiTrun • xtnres to sill, mm* the Hoiithi uni Hah age Company, 20 South hide Mfg. Co.. 50 and 52 West Mitchell st. you SALK —TWO CAIt LOADS Broekwuy surrle*. ruimlH>ut« an« wagon*. Nothing better made. Georgia Vehicle Mfg. Co.. 6u and 52 West Mitchell •trect. WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS. 71 Whitehall i WAXTEI >—TEN THOUSAND PEOPLE T« I buy Money Flour. There la motiey In every saek. * MISCELLANEOUS. AT COST—MY STOCK OF IRON SAFES llE A FIRST CLANS IIAilllER. EaHIKKT $», We nlliloy trade laaruml. Full Several shop* In Attiuitn where i»nlv our graduate*. Commission piilu irwu* \ oil enter. Atlanta Hurber College, |62 Whitehall street. “KENT LIGHTS.” THE RENT OF MANTLE LIGHT* NOW sold *t HIM N. Pryor 8t. Alex Kent, j Phone 4S48 Iv Ru.M’S MEDICATED SKIN, SCALP ami hair soap; sold at drug and depart- ! incut store*: ask for It or write J. J. krnni, ) Scalp and Hair Specialist. 613 Tbo Grand, i Atlanta, Ga. 0LD HAT8 MADE NEW T-ANAXLC^AAn MILAN”" bTuXbT^UATb 1 elenued nml reshaped, 50c. j Soft and stiff felt huts cleaned sod re •Imped. 35c. Bands or sweat*. 25e each •xtra. ACME HATTERS. «u Whitehall 8t. FOR SALE—DOOS. FRENCH P O O D L E S— ItE<HHTKRED sf*M-k. 2 mouth* old. aud little beauties: male $20. female $15. McMillan Seed Co.. 23 ! South Broad street. FOR 8ALE—REAL ESTATE. IF IT IS REAL ESTATE YOU WANT to buy or sell, call to see me. II. C. Pen dleton. 614 Peters building. IF YOU HAVE PROPERTY TO HELL. place It with im: we give It our special and personal attention. If It’* worth the Price we will sell It. C. U. Well* Se Co.. 1104 Fourth National Itnnk. IF YOU WISH TO IIUY, HELL OR* EX- change property of any kind. It will pay you to *-c us. (\ H. Well* A Co., 1104 Fourth National Hank Bldg. GOOD LANDS FOR SALE—EASY TERMS 4«> acre* or more; five to six years’ time at little more tlisn rent cotton. Address Phil M. Berg, Cordele, Gn. WANTED—REAL ESTATE. IF YOU WISH TO BUY. SELL OR Ex change property of nnv kind. It will pav you to see u*. C. 11. Well* A Co.. 1194 Fourth National Rank. MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED I’EO- ple and other*. American Investment Co.. 704 Candler Bldg. E*tnl.ll»hml 1890. WRYMAN A CONNERS. EQUITABLE. Xfortgnge loan**on real estate. FOUR PER CENT HOME MONEY TO lend money ’for purchase money notes; straight loan* made for 5 per rent and up ward*. According to de*lrablllty of loan. W. A. Foster. 12 South Broad street. THE UNION SAVINGS BANK BUYS purchase money note* nml lend* money on Improved Atlanta property a reason- able rates. Bell phone i69. Gould llldg. MONEY TO LOAN AT 6. 6 AND 7 PER cent Interest, according to security of fered; small expense and prompt attention. Only on real estate lu urn! near Atlanta. H. B. Tprrnan. MONEY LOANED ON BEAL ESTATE. 3 TO 5 YEARS. 6 PER CENT. JOHN CAREY. IS EAST ALABAMA STREET. SPECIAL HOME FUND:4 TO LEND; nnv amount. 4' ; . 5 nml 6 per cent. Writs or call S. W. Carson. 24 H. Broad street. FARM LOANS WE ARE PLACING loan* on Georgia farm* at the lowest rates ever offered. The Southern XIortgage Company, Gould building. ^ MONEY TO LOAN ON HKAI. ESTATE at very lowest rates. No delay*. Charles Herman, rooms 202 3 Temple Court. WANTED—MONEY. WANTED—YtM- TO ASK YOUR GROCER i for Money Flour, and Insist on getting It, been a*# there |h money III It. INI 1 1, 1 ii A T K M::NT Y, III,NT,S stamp* ami war paper* Isuight. Best prices paid. Cha*. D. Barker, 20 Peters Ht., Atlanta. ART 8CH00L. W A NT Eli—T J IE PUBLIC TO VISIT Kliippy’s School of Art and Inspect por trait* painted by hi* large classes. Corner 1 Peachtree and Auburn. FOR RENT—FURNI8HEP R00M8. ] TWO MCE UPSTAIRS FRONT ROOMS In private family, every convenience; north side: one block from First .Meth odic church. Reference required. Addrc** D. W.. care Georgian. FOR RENT—OFFICES. OFFICE SPACE IN NICELY FURNISH- ed office. Phono 2833 or call nt 1330 Can- dler Bldg. FOR RENT—ROOMS. FOR RENT-TWO NICELY Fl’irNISII- ed riMuitN at 267 Pcnchtrcc. Rent reason able. LOST. , Who puts your paper on so *iirk. And guarantees that It will stick; Doe* your painting, doe* It idee, | Aud ’'always lowest In the price?’* 1 Burnett, of course! 1 Tour "Uncle Jim" 1* hard to bent: He’s at Kumhcr*12 E. Hunter street. Both Phones 550. LOST--ON WEST FAIR CAR, LAST Wednesday, between West End nml At Inuta. one set of green rosary beads. Re- I tmu to Georgian and get reward. FOUND. j FRANKLIN. THE CLEAN CLEAN FEL- low. Cleans suits $1 to $1.50. Pants 50e. 168 Whitehall St. Phones, Bell 629. A. 3881. WALL PAPER. WALL PAPER AND PAINTS. •’Don’t let ’em fool you." Jim Hurnett (formerly of Burnett A Willis) Is not dend nor missing. He 1* contracting wall paper aud painting. Office and show room 12 East Hunter street. Both ’phones 559. BU8INE88 0PP0RTUNITIE8. ATTRACTIVK 810N8 WlTX BRING YOU busluess. For high grade work call on Kent. 91*4 N. I’rjor. Puone 2928. AICTION 8AI.K KVKItV WKI>NKS|IAY at 10 a. in. nt the Southern Auction and . Salvage Company, 20 South Pryor. IF YOU WISH TO BUY. SELL OR EX t change property of any kind It will nay t you to sec II*. C. 11. Well* A Co., 1104 f Fourth National Rank. t tiii: SAD out. olre. Atlanta. i! blnitks *nf Renuett Printing thing In printing. 21 Br»n»d. WK WANT A P iKM. AND F«»|t .D we will ;nij $15. iitM-tlilon. nd.W* ; PICTURE FRAMES. werniK frames madk to order H. W. YrThrough J. II. GARNER & CO. REAI, ESTATE AND INVESTMENTS 305 and 306 Century Bldg. BOTH PHONES 449#. W fr^TrrXrrmnTTn^ r.M.m Iron.*, eorner tot. «8 tty VO, ter only !'..ixi eiixli, hxl.iuee one, two, three and four yeura. TALKING MACHINES. 1 TALKING MACHINES AND RECORDS— Wholesale and retail distributors of Vic tor Talking ^Machines and Record*. Just received large consignment of machines and over 10.000 records. Immediate attentinii given mall order*. We want the name* of all talking maebltie dealers In the South. Write for entnlogne. Alexamler-Elyeft Co. BICYCLE SUNDRIES. BICYCLES AND SUNDRIES—LARGEST bicycle and sundry distributor* In,the South. Southern agents for Pierce, Vale. Snell and Hudson bleycle*. Write for mir j906 catalogue and price list. Alexander- PICTURE FRAMES. PICTURE FRAMES MADE TO ORDER. If. W. Yarbrough. 2V4 Auburn avenue, corner Peachtree. Entrance Auburn ave- TRUNK AND BAG REPAIRING. II. W. ROUNTREE A HRO. TRUNK AND RAG CO. Retail and repairing. No. 77 Whitehall street. Phone 15*6. PIANO TUNING. 25 YEARS IN ATLANTA. TUNING 12 yenr* with one Arm; all work fully guar anteed; cut prices for Tuesday*. Bell puone 4K15-J, Cha*. II. Smith. 180 Penebtree. MEDICAL. KROMOPATII1L REMEDIES CURE scalp dl*eam>s and make bnlr grow. Krone* Medicated Soap makes you by* glenlcall.v clean. (30 years success.) J. J. Krom. specialist. C13 ’The Grand," At lanta, Ga. WATCHMAKING. TO THE TRADE: COM I’LICATEP watches are my hobby. Xlodern Ideas In work and dealings. II. Walter l**tt. Ibsun 1217 Fourth National Rank .Bldg., Atlanta. JOB PRINTING. NOTEIIEADS. ENVELOPES. BILLHEADS. cords, etc., printed 754- for 609. Address Cha*. D. Barker. 2D Peters St.. Atlanta. SHOE REPAIRING. GWINN’S SHOE SHOP. 4 LUCK IE. OPPOSITE PIEDMONT. Bell 2335. Men’* newed half *o1m, 75c. FOR-FINE SHOE RE PAIRING go to J. W. Carroll, 47 South Pryor street, opposite court bouse. All work flrst-clau. No cheap price*. CASH REGISTERS. (Second Hand.) NATIONALS. IIALLYTOODS. IDEALS and nil other makes nt bargnlu prices. We ran sell you * register, suitable for •uy business, at a price that cuunot help but please you. Cash or monthly payments. Every register guaranteed for two years. Southern Cash IteglMter Co.. Branch of American Second- Ha ml t.’nab Register Co., 24 S. Broad street, Atlanta, Ua. REGISTER EXCHANGE. 24 8. Broad St.. Atlanta. Ga. JOSEPH P. LONG CO. Real Estate and Renting, Atlanta Phone 4:158. Hell 5551 L 213 Edgewood Ave. IF YOU WANT YOUR PROPERTY TO change hand* at mice, at the be*t cash «»r time price pesMlbly to be had, ll*t your property with me, and If you have renting property give me a chance, a* 1 also do renting. I guarantee prompt collections. $2J.«W III YS CENTRAL PROPERTY ON corner; rented now for $125 per mouth; ha* two street fronts of more than 10J feet each. *M&» III’YN AN KXTIIA coon illoOM cottage on IloiiMtoii street. LI. w»i TAKKN CIIIIOM MOIHIIIN |‘((T- tage oil lloiiHtou Street. W,-|.Vi III’VS XTiKilt'K .' STIIItV IIKHI- deuce; lot 50x120 feet; *lde alley; ga* and HI YS r. ltllOM YVIII.l. I.OCATRII venting propevty; lot 60x100 feet, comer; $W) casli. balance $15 per month. VPl'III TKH.MH, IM'YH A MohKItN 5 rmuu residence on Erwin street; lot 37 by 150 feet, and al*o another house and lot same *lxe. fc.lSO III YS fi-IHHI.M I'OTTAOK: LOT 50 by 211 feet; splendid well; de*|rnldy lo cated aud would be an Interesting Invest ment; paying ID per cent now on $3,000. House on Fraser street. SPLliAI. l AIIM OK 23 Ai’UKS WITHIN *l\ mile* of, idty and within two bliM-ka of ear line, list ween city nud Fort .Mc Pherson: fronting l.ono feet on Stewart ave nue. two Idoekrt from ear line; line fruek farm aud will grow anything that we raise m Georgia *nli. Price $1.1.000; half enab. balance to suit purchaser. This 1* a very great bargain nml must go. GJ.ORE & JUSTIN, 215 Peters Building. SIX RIM>XI MODERN IIOUHE, REST part of Jones avenue, nml a beauty; $3,- 000. NRAIt OKOItOIA AVf'.Nl'K. WF. IIAVK two new three room cottage*, renting nt $6 each. We enn sell the two for $9*0. This 1* the kind of nil Investment that you have been looking for. Hee it* about tbl*. FIVE IUhYH COTTAGE ON’ NELSON street. Lot 60 by 125. Till* In clone In. Price $2,000. Wk HAVE a i.ot on woohwaiih avb- line; 1D4 by 185, to another street; only $1,100, TWO SIN-UOOM COTTAOKS NRAIt TRIt- mliinl station; sidewalks and sewer; cabi net mantel*: splendid renting section; $L- 5on inch; one-third rash nml iimnfhly p#.-- ment*. FOUR MCE LEVEL AND SHADY LOTS near Grunt park; $1,400. ll' Vo!’ IIAVR VACANT I'llOI'RliTY WR can rent It. If you have property for sale we can sell It. Give ii* a trial. W. E. TREADW’ELL & CO., Real Estate, 21 South Hroatl St—Hell Phone 26-14. Atlanta Phono 3803. SPECIALS. 192 ACRES. FRONT TWO CIJKKT road*: gissl *ix room h<ui*«*. outluilbiliiK*; V acre* g.HMl bottom laml. ordmnl. Will sell 1'tt acre* with Improvement* ami nil the bottom laud nt $!•*> per acre, or will sell the 192 acres nt $75 per acre; miles front Atlanta. If you want to consider the In-st pro|Mcdthut In country, see u* pllek. •», A( : HRlTi:ANi>. .V, AfltRS liillli, HOT- tom land, front two of tin- best road* In •ountry; 11 miles from Atlanta. Four ten- mt hiuim**; lau acre* original forest; hnl- tte-e in cultivation; $.'5 jwr m*re; 2 ndle* rom railroad station. Will cut this laud ii 5, lit, 15 or 25. to Millt purchaser*. If f linen salt you. buy It. If cut. It will cost $^» |»er acre. If you watt* iom«* or vacant lot In the city, see u*. ,« our list is round etc SANDERS, SMITH & CONWAY. , Phones 6488. 412 Peters Building. |2,600—GEORGIA AVENUE; 5-ROOXI COT tnge, on whleh we can make very attrac terms; any. (500 niah and (25 per $2.700—HRAND NBW 5 ROOM COTTAOB on large level lot In West End* on line, with every convenience, water, gas, ANHLKY PARK LOT-ON PEACHTREE circle, 196x420. and we are going to sell thin lot at coat for special reasons. Price $5,000—LINDEN AVENUE. NEAR PEACH tree, n splendid 9-room house on nice large north, front lot. Can make easy this. $4.250—ELEVENTH STREET: SHADY, level lot, 66x204. Your lust chanre to get lie of these lovely lots lor a home. Sim la I reason for selling. This la like silk, and Hue silk at that. provementa down. $3.960-NEAlt THE PEACIITRKEH WE have a brand new 2-atory well-built house, rented on lease for one year at $37.50; bouse is a dandy nml the location can't be bent. IK. _ there la In the pity). Thla house Is furnace, ‘tented. Ill •a ted for look beautiful; one of the l»est built houses to lie found. Can make easy terms on this to good party, and give possession ennt cottage next to Hunt street. In thla block you would have for neighbors such as Cant. Richard attic. Mr. oh Hemp hill. Mr. Perkerson. etc. Htreet to be rherted soon, and then property will go hounding up. FOR SALE. Beautiful Country Home. HEVEN-ROOM COTTAGE. WITH ATTIC and storage room. Unlit less than a year ng> for a home. I^irge new barn and servants* bouse. Plenty of shnde and fruit trees. Lot 2S0 by frOp. OpjMialte Dr. Rid ley’s home, near Decatur. Town Is grow ing In this direction. To avoid renting, will sell at n bargain. TERMS. Box 62, Decatur, Ga. M. A. SHELTON, DON'T FORGET M. A. SIIELTON IS WANTED. If you have any vacant houses and want them rent ed right away, list them with LIEBMAN, Real Estate—Renting, Phones 1075, 28 Peachtree Street. (SPRING large cash Peach lure. kbitau'ca Auburn avenue. nvlghbvthuwU; $2,vw. Fourth cash. STREET -EIGHT ROOM HOUSE. large J«t; good will? Everybody admits the race for Treasurer is be tween Culberson and Wood ward. Who do you want to j REAL ESTATE AT AUC TION. WE HAVE DIVIDED T HE BEAUTIFUL BLOUNT HOMESTEAD INTO 75 BUILDING LOTS. THIS PROPER TY FRONTS DEKALB AVENUE, AND RUNS THROUGH TO XIcLEN- DON STREET, AND AD JOINS THE HANDSOME HOUSES OF MESSRS. HIGHTOWER AND MOR RIS IN INMAN PARK; STREET CARS IN FRONT, LEVEL, PRET TY, SHADY LOTS. SALE SATURDAY, SEPTEM BER 8. 1906; 1-3 CASH, BALANCE $10 A MONTH AT 7 PER CENT. CALL FOR PLATS AT OFFICE OF ROFF SIMS & CO., REAL ESTATE AGENTS. 319 and 320 FOURTH NA TIONAL BANK BUILD ING. BELL PHONE 888. $ STANDARD 2880. MONEY. •m home In tine condition, first-class uetgbl*orh*N*d. on large lot, for vacaut prop erty on north aide. XL XI’NEILL and MATHEWS & HILL, 611-12-13 Empire. Bell ’Phone 1748. Atlanta 172 OX XOItTII nori.KVAUD. IIIOIIT AT Armour atatlon, nud on Southern railway, e have a pleee nf laud uow valuable but atirely to become more valuable, tbut we can sell you at a genuine bargain. Thla and 172 house rented mouth. We • figure of $850. mIh •• Center ‘ i» people at $5 pci make you thla at the Ion our lient opinion Is that you mid inve«tlgat4> this property. $2,250 TO $3,000—ON 1 ASIIBY STREET. Ilill street, Kant Georgia avenue mid aev- rol #treefi. we have mime very neat mid Jttraetlve cottage* with bent ear a * hall mid hath, clothe* closets, china and provision pantry; grate fireplace*, on Id . tntry; cm ... . mantel*, porcelain bath, atatlounry wn*!i*tnud. porcelain flush closer, sink, hot and cold water, gas, front and rear porchei of good width; ol*n tinted wall*. We cm. these all the way from $300 to $500 down and easy monthly payment*. Wh: continue to nay rent? Put the money yoi are paying for rent In mi Investment re MONEY! MONEY! MONEY! Be Wise and Invest Your Money Where It Is Safe aud Where It Will Pay You Large Amount Net Interest. WILL HULL YOU TWO OU FOUR NEW 8 and 8-room house* In choice white neigh iMirhood, rented ao as to pny you 9 pc year. Duly $8,250 or cash. Oil LAN SKI.L VOt! n,‘t<lpd; half HOICK I'OUNKIt the uew nostofflee, with Improve ments, that la paying 6 per cent uet; ft will double In value within three yenra. AN SKI.L YGU THE REST CORN HR ■"7- • nil \vil1* seiX YoT7 tTTe greatest bargain In rnllrond frontage close In (with Improvement* worth $12,000). Say, 200 * on rnllrond by 250 feet on street, for sum of $25,030. Do YOU' WANT A NBW HOME OF FROM 6 to 10 rooms on the north, south ... able nt from $1,700 to $10,000! Or lots lu any part of the city. WITH TERMS ON ALL THE ABOVE. CALL AND SEE US. WILL BE PLEASED TO SERVE YOU. XI. McNEILL and WM. S. SHERWOOD, Room 514 Empire Building. FOR RENT. NO. 93 FORREST AVE.-TIIIS 2-STORY mil frame, oil ' lot 40x120. which lien In front. I* on the south side of For rest avenue, lietwcen Piedmont avenue and Itufler street. Hun gna mid water, porce lain Imth, closet, stationary washstnud each floor, aud sink In the kitchen. This •rty la owned by Dr. Aslier. Two of room* are rewrfwl nud _oceuplinl by pled by Dr. Aslier. The reiitnl on this property Is $50 |ht mouth, and Dr. Ashe anxious that some one take the hou*4» that lll'lHtard him aud his mother. They «*x- •rt to make tue change on Sept. 1. For urther Information, Inquire oil the pre JOHN J. WOODSIDE, THB RENTING AGENT, 12 Auburn Avenue, Both Phonea til. n. O. MKDLOCK. HENRY II. JACKSON. R. O. MEDLOCK CO., orner Peachtree {Greet and Edgewtaal $7,000—LOVELY NINE-BOOM IIOUHE, line shade, lot 5<» by 180. near curlier Peachtree street and Xlerrltt* avenue. »5.Mo-Ki(nrr iiooSi iioi sr, fink lot 50 by 200, neur eorner Peachtrrt* and Cur rler. 14.380—RIO HT-ltOOM IHUMti. FINK shaded lot, near Boulevard and Angb*r. H.00O-N1NR-IKIOYI IIOI SR, S'BAH I'OIt tier Highland nml Jnekstm. $4,000-EIGIIT BO().M IIOUHE. NEAR COB- tier West Peaehtrci- and Kliubnll. |C,00O—LOVKI.Y - FOTTAHR IIOSIK NRAIt ettrner Went Peachtree ami Linden. Ifi.SOO-I.OVKI.Y NINRIIOOM HOt’SK, north side, now vacant; $50) or more cash and $50 or more month. Can’t build bouse for price asked. $4..*5>-SEVkN AND FIVE ROOM IIOUHEH —close lit—near capitol. Always rented, $40 per month. tS.OOO-RHiHTttOOH IIOISR, SHADRD lot, 3 acres: easy terms. $1,360—Forll-UOOM IIDI’SK AND HALL, near Fair street s<*luMd. $3.760—FI VR-IIOOM I'OTTAHK, IHILT for a home, near Wtsslwanl aud Is»gan. $I.500-RIIHIT KIMISI IIOI SR, 1’I.OSi: IN, Whitehall; bargain.—TKN-III 1061 tlOI’SK. I.AItliR LOT. very desirable; Whitehall. $3.000—SIN-ItOOM Hlll SR, softIT nor- levanl. near s<*hotd. $fi.6K0NINRItOI,M IIOISR AND 10 acre*. Rig bargain; niunt sell ipilck. 4’onie and ius|HH*t this. >,i.i»0 IH'YS I.OYRLY HOMK, NORTH side, built by northern man; t«N» large for them alnre children moving; eoat $*,- 500. $4.000—KIHHTROOM IIOISR, NKW, North Jackson: term*. $3,75A—TF.X-ROOM HOI'SK. BAUOAIN; East Hunter, near Hill. 12.750-HIX ROOM IIOUHE; LARGE LOT; Hill. ts,an-Nink-IhWu iioi sr. nbw. moii- ern; large shaded lot; owner dead, and home must be *<dd at once. WE HAVE FINE LIST OF IIOXIEH ON* vnrluu* streets, mtrtb and south side, and only ne$nl cham*e to show and euiivlm-e yon we have l**st list city and suburban liotues to Im* found. Call ami see us «ir phone and we will cull aud sec you at Tour resblcnci*. $13,000—ON NORTH HIDE. FINE RKSI iletiee section, almost new. up-to-date nine room modern home, desirable In every reapeet; servant's liim*«>, barn; flue shaded lot; 1D0 kv 330. $2.ioa pb::ttY shaded lot, jai'khon street: bargain. $6,-4.-—I-RKTIY SRVI'.NROOM HOI’SK and 25 acres. Peachtns* road. Ai'RKS. ON RAILROAD. ALL new Improvement*, costing iilsMit $6,000, u tine town. 35 inlltm north of Atlanta; ami worth the money. nl ha* fourteen tenant houses, .ill new. This farm nets XV. S. SHERWOOD. before arranging teuauta for auolher rear* No. 45 Evans Street. This is one of the nicest little homes you ever saw has all the conveniences, located in the popular portion of West End, near Lee and Gordon streets. We can sell it for $3,000. Suppose you take a look at it. FORREST AND GEORGE ADAIR. FOli SALE—DECATUR HOMES. A newly painted and papered t\\o-story, seven-room house, electric lights. Close to Agues Scott College and Cax*. Large lot; good neighborhood. Terms. Also seven-room cottage next to above, large, shad ed lot; a good time to invest in Decatur property. Address OWNER, DECATUR, GA. WEST ATLANTA PARK. Only Two Left of 8 Bright, New Suburban Homes. Th* fint month will Vo given FREE, end If occupied one yoor, two more months will bo given FREE at th* end of the year, making only nin* months you will have to pay for. None but good famillta will bo allowed in these house*. These are located on the river electric ear lint, only twenty min- utaa* ride from th* center of the city: contain 7 and 8 rooms; hav* never been occupied; ere located in West At* lint* Park. Every house fronts a fifty- foot park, which is sat in traas, ever greens and flowars. Pur* airi nativa oaka; an idtal spot for children. It it cheeper than living in the city and th* •urrounding* art more wholesome. In tha center of this park ar* the FERRO PH08PHATE SPRINGS, which will euro any era* of stomach or kidney trouble, ( no matter of how long stand ing. It now hae a new church, neatly furniehed, a store, a school house cost ing 82,500 will toon be completed. Capt. J. T. Mills, who lives on the grounds, will show you through the houses. Rent |20 per month. JOHN J. WOODSIDE, 12 Auburn Avenue. ATLANTA MAMETS. FRUITS AND PRODUCE. Officially corrected by Atluutu Fruit io4 l.itues itO to lot*. Ponchos, per cm to, $].0fkfZl.60. Pineapples, $1.50 .to $2.50. imuauas. straight*, t-- i„i»«rh $1.50 t 9 $1.25. $1-75. .... .... Watermelon*. $7.50 ....... . POULTRY AND COUNTRY PltODUCE - Live bens 35 to 37l&<*; fr‘— •*”' * broilers 15 to 22*.$e. Live to 36c: puddle 25 to 27</^e. Dressed bens. p«r lb., 12c to 13c. Kg*, per doien, 22c. cook- ducks* Pekin ai Buttei, tab!*, per lb.. 20 to 22Hc: In*, per lb., 12tye to 15c. Iloney—Near Si/10c lb.; In 1-lb. rai racks 19 VEGETABLES.—Irish potatoes. .Vo. stock. $2.50 barrel: per bushel. $1.60. Onion*. 3e per pound; cabbage, ike i,., IU1 new sweet potatoes. 75c bushel. FLOUR, GRAIN. PROVISIONS. FLOI it—Idstel* Patent. $5.85: Dlnnior patent. $5.25: Mu seen tab Htnr. 4.6*); f.-u,. liuteiit. $4.60; Red Engle. $4.25: Blue R|M„, $4.00; fnuey, $3.90; spring wheat patent. $.', bite. to $5.60. CORN—Choice red **ob. 76c; No. 2 754-: No. 2 irllow. 74e; mlxeil. 73c. OATS—Choice white clipped. 52c; clink white, 50c; choice mlxeil, 48c; Texas rus proof, 50c. XIEAI*— Plain water ground, per ImihIi*- 73c; liolted 140-ID. Jute*, per bushel. Shorts, white, fl.oi-, ineillnm. $1.40; lirowe* $1.35: pure bran. $1.10; mixed bran. $1.05 It IV ’I'lmnfh* nl-...nn I ^ ,, . do, choice _ timothy bales. SI: do.. .No. 2. $1: 1 , clover mixed, $1.00; do. No. 2 ciosed niiied. 90c. CLOVER.—Choice 80-? The above prices are f. o. b. Atlanta, tod subject to Immedlnt* acceptance. GROCERIES. SUGAR—Stnmlnru granulated, $5.?). NViv York Refined, 4V*e; plantations, Tm*. Market •rv strong. Iss»k for advance. COFFEE—Roasted Arbuckle’a $16.50, bulk, In bags or barrels, 13c; green, 10 to * V. Market strong. RICE.—Carolina 4t4 to 7Hc, according to grade. Market very strong. CHEESE—Fancy full erentn dairy, 1414c; vlna 14c; brick, 14e. Market strong. PROVISIONS—Supreme hams, 15c. Dove hams lf.l 2 c. California hams 10*,jc: Red Cr« 15c. Drj “ limns. 15c. Dry salt extra ribs. $9.S7; belllc: Snow STOCKS AND BONDS. Rid. Asked. Georgia 4V4*. 1915 112 113 IS SERIOUSLY ILL Reported That Venezuelan Chief Executive Has Bright’s Disease. By Private leaned Wire. Washington, Aug. 21.—Advices from Tarncns Indicate that President Cas tro Is In III health and that his condi tion is eeriou*. He is reported suffering from Rrlght’s disease. Honor A. F. Pulido, the secretary of the Ven ezuelan legation In this city, called at the state department to lenrn any ad ditional Information which the depart ment might have. No word has come to the department concerning t{ie con dition of President Castro’* health. GOVERNOR WILL SIGN ALL RILLS TUESDAY Governor Terrell Tuesday morning signed several legislative bills, and will wind up all remaining measures during the afternoon, preparatory to leaving Tuesday night for Meriwether, where he will vote Wednesday. • 111 •me tiniiirBiiay. Clerk John Bolfeulflet and his force of clerks wound up the work of en grossing bills and classifying matters Tuesday at noon. Among the last bills to be signed will be the pure food measure. Vete fer J. G. Woodward for County Treasurer. Georgia, It. 1L 6s, 1919..., Savannah 5«, 1909.. Macon 6a, 1916. Atlanta. 6a, 1911 Atlanta, 4V4«. 1922 Atlanta 4s. 1934.. Atlanta and Wcat Point 165 Atlanta and Wcat Point Debt*. 107 c. R. of Georgia l*t Income •lo. .3d Income Georgia Auguata and Mavannub.t. Hou th western.. 91 STOCKS REVIEWED BY NEW YORK SUN New York, Aug. 21.—The wildest excite- nient prevailed at the o|»eiilug of the mar ket. a* might have been expeeted, III view of the effort* mi Saturday to make tin* trading iim mutantlonnl ns possible. Sonic Idea of the netlvlty nt the opening may In* funned from the fact that the transaction* In the first ipnirter of an hour aggregated considerably more than a ipnirter of n mil lion shares. Initial <|iiofntlousi for Union Iflc and Souths .... . on the ticker, embraced 14,000 share* of tlm former and 10,000 shares of the latter. There ••an be no doubt whatever that the pnldk Interest In the market was larger than on any day lu a king while. It is years proba bly since tlie I'onimlsjdcn house* transacted such a Volume of outside luiafttc** In n •In gle session. The Iittendiiiiee of customer* lu tin* office* was largy, nml great number* of orders mine over the wires from out of town. Tin* rise In Atchison wn* based on a report that the dividend would Im» raised t K per cent. The advance In Reading li story of a 7 per rent rate, while, to uc- unt for the movement In Smelter*, thert us a reenrrenee of the minor nlMMif a 5 r rent extra dividend to supplement the ,..e*wit regular rate. There was no definite report regarding the movement In St. Paul, but it was said the short Interest was still large. The rights were traded In for the tlrst time on the exchange, the price ail ing from the recent curb quotation* In response to the rim* lu the stock. Missouri Pacific aud the other Gould Issues were made the subjects of much nianlpulatr ought ttraetlug a share of public It was said on apparently trust -.utborlty that the dividend on United States Steel common would be In- used to 4 i»er cent lu Octolwr.—Libert « Clay. The race for County Treas urer is between Culberson and Woodward. Make your choice and vote accordingly. THE LIVE 8TOCK MARKET. «4.50. gOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD O WOODCHUCK SHOOTS * 1 o O MAN WITH A GUN. O O By Private Leaned Wire. O O Waterbury, Conn., Aug. 21.— O O George Ailamx, of this city, was O O shot by a woodchuck and is in a O O critical- condition. Adams chased O O a large woodchuck Into its hole O and then puttied the stock of hla O gun Into the hole In an effort to O dislodge the animal. The wood- O chuck. In Its struggles to get out- O j EL,,* pulled the trigger of the gun and O lly Private Leased Wire. t’Uk-ago. Aug. 2!.—Iloga—Estimated r ** cclptff tisiny 15.030: left over 1.46*. 9larket strong. Light Img* $6.06^6.60; nilxcd ,$*’ 6.60: lienvy $5.75ff6.52H: rough 95.7566: PJjJ $5.5066.25; yorker* $6.45116.35; B«hkI to cha» $6,504*6.60. ^ l’nttie— Estlmatml n*celpt* 6,000. Mnrkti dull; umillty fair; I •cere* $L85«6.65: tl.35fr4.30; heifers $2.3P«5.30: cat vet $•>-*' 7; gissl prime steers $5,104/6.68; isxjf lluni L3.854i5.20; stockers and feeders f- Sln*«‘p— Estimated receipts 20.000. Mark'd lOe lower: unallty fair: native $3®«».l''; ' . ern $3..r,f;5.30: yearlings, $5.604|6.3); l»»-‘ • $1,604/7.50; western $4,754*7.85. THE DRY GOODS MARKET. dry goods New York. Ang. 21.-Th. hlng trade was very actl stir pmmIs nml plintr fol r pmmIs nml prints wen* tirm. Dre_ •Id very well lu the primary n»ar ket lu bdddng hons»*s. Tin* exnert mar* the content* of the gun lodged In O ! *^o»"wtalt* l g£X , K« l |e n t!> l!"«lit"t‘.'>m" r t''" Adams’ left side. Physicians O | probed for the bullet, but have 01 been unable to And It. O O Girardeau has arrived at goooooocooooopoooooodofwoo | the period of life that ena- . _ bles him to combine vigor, TRY A WANT AD experience and judgment m IN THE GEORGIAN the discharge of his duties.