Newspaper Page Text
Atlanta Takes Ten-Inning
Contest From Memphis
Memphis. T*!)n.« Auruit 21.—Before
2,000 fan* nil anxious to see who would
win th* third game of the series the
Crackers and the locals did battle
u!o».g the following lines:
First Inning.
Winters iirw out to center. C'roxlar
struck out Smith out. short to first.
Bide out Ne hits; no runs.
I*|»ss doubled to renter. Oartfr out.
pltohet to first. Blass went to third.
Babb ’talked Xlrholb- oil?. .-e-ond to
first. rin«s «oo*-*d. Babb on* attempting
to steal third Flrit out. One hit; one
Second Inning.
Morse went down from second
Art.' tl-.ffmur. out to left Jo.-.lnn "Ut. I * j'" r , n ':'
rhc*rt to fret No nits: no runs. jj';;
FitiItfi grounded .n second and * «nt
out a* first Nnder.ti bunted to third;
out ns. .irst Carey tiled cut. No hits;
no runs.
Third Inning.
Foe emundmed to third and wen?
nut at first Kvers out. second to first.
Chiles fanned Side out No hits; no
Owen* out shorr to first. Suggs ditto
J\ass walked. Carter groundered to
abort f*Uss out at second. No hit;
no runs
Fourth Inning
• Winters fanned cio/ler out. short to
first. Smith «af» .*» shnrtstopv err»»i
Htnlih stol> second and went to third
on wild throw Morse fanned. No hits:
no runs
Babb tiled out to left. Nlcholls out.
third fo first Smith singled. Nadeau
fanned One hit: no runs.
Fifth Inning.
HofTman fanned Jordan out. third t
first. Fox fanned No hits: no runs.
Carey nut. econd to first. Owens
1 filed «»ut Suggs safe on passed bull
after taking three strikes. Plass out.
a«Tond to first. No hits: no runs.
Sixth Inning.
Kvers fnnned Childs groundered it
second, out at first Winters walked
Crosier single*, to left, advancing Win
ters to second. Smith groundered to
abort. Croat er caught at second Side
out Ons hit: no runs.
Carter |*npped out to third. Bahb
walked. Nlcholls fnnned. Hubb out at
tempting to steal second. Side out. Ons
hit; no runs.
8sventh Inning.
Morse fanned. Hoffman out, third to
first. Jordan filed out. No hits, no runs.
Smith out to short. Nadeau out,
pitcher to first. Carey filed opt. No
nitat no runs.
Eighth Inning.
Fox fanned. Kvers lined out to first.
Childs out. second to first. No hits; no
Owens out. short to first. Suggs
filed out. Plus* singled. Out trying to
Ninth Inning.
Winters groundered to short; goes to
second on error, c'rosier bunted out.
Winters to third. Smith filed out. Wln-
seorlng. Morse singled. Hoffman
grounded to short Morse nut to second.
Curler lined out to short. Babb
out, second to first. Nlcholls out, pitch
er to first.
Tenth Inning.
Jordan singled. Fox fifed out. Catch
er throws to second, wild; Jordan
scored. Kvers popped out. Childs out,
pitcher to first.
J Smith out. pitcher to first. Nadeau
filed out. Carey walked. Owens singled.
Carry at second. Hurlburt batted for
Suggs. Out second to first.
Saratoga. Aug. 21.--Following are the
results of the race.* Imre today:
FIRST RACK--Sir Russell, 11 to 5,
won: General Haley, 3 to 1. second;
Neal*,t,, 4 to third. Time. 1:28.
SICntN’h n.\CK— Woolwich. 6 t" 5,
won; .NVptunus. I to5, second; Aura*-
sin 2 to 1, third Time, 1:42 1-5.
THIRD RACK-Yankee Gun, 7 to 2,
won: I e-muni, 2 to 1, second; Golf
Ball. *»-en third. Time. 1:07 4-5.
Fourth Rack The. Merchant
rid C'th.en Handicap: Red Leaf. I<»
rn**»», •* to i, won* Bedouin, II
in.*) to !. s-* c i d; outcome
VVilHaresj. out third. Thar
ito.'lv Hj.anker *r.d Ravenn
FIFTH R \<*E r.origan,
oi; Mac;*. Jr. oven, ee.-ond
•en. third. Time, 1:6' 3-5.
SIXTH RACK- Rose of Gold. 12 fo
f. won; Johnstown, 7 toe second: H
al Scot. 4 fo 1, third. Time. V 42 2-5
Forf Erie Or.t., Aug. 2! —Tin
todav resulted as follows:
FIRST RACE—Stoner Hih,6
won; Oleaxn, 2 to 1, second; Rubicon.
4 t'» .*», third. Time 1:off 4-5
SECOND RACK—Kdwln T. Fryer, 2
t«. 1. won' Charles L. Stone, I to 2.
second. Francis Ermine, 2 to 1, third.
Time l:lo 3-5
THIRD RACK- Ham Parmer, 2 fo 1.
con. Little Wallah-, 2 to 1. second;
Pank Holiday, 3 to 1, third
FOURTH RACK- Minot, 9 to 2, won;
Glimmer. 11 to in, second; Black Flog,
8 to 5, third. Time. 1:02 1-5.
FIFTH RACK-Sharp Boy, 4 to 1.
won; Rain Ha rice, even, second; Nerva-
tor, even, third. Time. 1:15 3-5.
SIXTH RACK—Jungle Imp, 2 to 1.
won; Crowshade, even, second; Ora,
6 to 1. thirl. Time 1:48 2-5.
Lntonla, Aug. 21.—The following Is
the result of the races b cro today:
FIRST RACK—Camp. 7 to 2, won:
Frank Flesher, even, second; Mildred,
even, third.
SECOND RACK—Night Hum. 16 to
I, won: Dresden, 10 to 1, second; Magic
3 to I, third.
THIRD RACE—Bonart. 7 to 10. won;
Webber, 3 to 1, second' Harold D., 3 to
5. third.
FOURTH RACE—Devout. 9 to 5,
won: John English. 6 t» f», second;
Meadowbreexe, out, third.
FIFTH RACK—The Englishman, 9
to 2. won; Red ’hlstle, 4 to 1, second;
Toboggan, 7 to 10, third.
SIXTH RACK—Mansard, 7 to 5, won.
Revolt, 5 to 1, second; Babe B., 4 to 1,
Winters, rf. .
Cruder. If. .
Smith, c
Morse, ss. ..
Hoffman. 3b.
Jordan. 2b. ..
Fox. lb
Evers, c
Childs. |». ...
Plass, If.
Carter, rf. ...
Babb. 3b
Nlcholls. ss.
Smith, 2b . ..
Nadeau. rf. .
Carey, lb. ..
Owens, c.
Suggs, p
All. R. H PD. A. H.
3 30 19 0
AH. It. H. PO. A.
31 * 1 4 30 14
Washington . . 000 000 000 —*n 3 0
Cleveland . . . ooo ooj oio —2 9 o
Batteries: Hughes and Warner;
Rhodes and Bernls.
Detroit .... 000 002 000 —2 7 0
Boston .... 200 002 01* —6 10 l
Batterfes: Hlever and Payne; Dlneen
and Carrlgon.
Second Game—
Washington . 001 000 00ft 1 —2 8 2
Cleveland . . ..000 000 001 0 —1 01
Batteries: Pntten and Wakefield;
Hess and Buelow.
St. Louts 000 001 0 —1 2 1
Philadelphia ... 000 001 0 —1 3 0
Batteries: Howell and Spencer;
Bender and Hhreck.
Called on necount of rain.
Provldence-Toronto, no gam; rain
New ark-Montreal, no game; rain.
Mi Hut unlay
tupaity mill
maed lints foi
ii. tta* Hume
tin* latter by tin
a Inn*
Score by Innings:
Atlanta 000 ooo 001 1— -
Memphis loft oOO 000 0— 1
Two-base hit—Plass. Struck nut—By
Childs 4. by Suggs 9. Base «n balls—.
Off Childs 3. *.ff Suggs 1. Sacrifice hit ,wl,u 1,1
—Carter. Stolen ba.t; —Sill Smith.
Panuml hall Smith. Umpire*—'VValna-
cott amt ttmi.lmhum-
afteriiiMia King Hardware
Whittier Mills Company
>n*l time this sea
soning In n victory for
i«-«*re of 3 t** 2. The giinr
•sto-l throughout, and It
Wo More Nashville for Me, 9 9
Declares Somber Mike Finn
Special Correspondence.
Memphis. J’enn.. Aug. 20.—No m*»re Jobs
In Nashville for* Mike Finn.
"I wouldn’t go bnek there If they would
give me the team,” said Mike, ta*fore he
left Memphis for Little Rock, •’and. by
the same token, I guess they wouldn’t
have me If I worked free."
On the other hand, Mike denies absolute
ly that he Is stated for Little ltoek next
year. “No deal has lieeit closed.” said
Mike, ’’and I dAn't know anything nliout
It. It was Just a uewsjNiper story.”
Mike denies also that lie knows any thing
alsnit the deal whereby Gilbert went to
Little ltoek.
••The Itonrd of dlreetors *lld It.” sab!
Mike. ”nnd I didn't know anything ntanjt
It until It was all over.”
”And then they roasted me for helping
Little Rock.
And now." walled Mike, "I'll get the
blame for this Castro deal. As a matter
of fa* t. It was decided by the stockhold
ers of the association, and I did not know
anything about'It until after it was all
uver. But yet. everylmdy will say that I
lid It to help Vaughan. And yet. they
all ought to know how 1 love Vaughan.”
Mike also Mounted tin* story that Abbo-
, tlcrhlc. would Ik> In Nn.hclllo a. nunnj.r
••|>o .mu think tho Ho,Ion N.tlhnnl, nrw
koIiib to Kirn him nwnj-—wh»n ho I. on-.i!
*S.or,0V And do you think ho I. Koine
Xn.livide whon tho Now York X.tlnuni,
mid iirnotlrnlly evory othor hie Iraeno
tomn him put in n hid for him? Not
Ahliy! Why. thnt .tnpy la tho moat
ono thnt linn Won iiuhll.hed In the linitu.
.Ini-o It wh orennlied."
Mike Imparted nomo additional Informa
tion nn to tho Sorrell mli-np. It m.......
thnt Hilly l^nilth eloqoil n deni with Ilia
iHmril of illreetorn of the oluli for
roll, mill thp dny ufter Finn nolil the piieb.
or to AtiKnntn. In mime way. the .|.vi|
tnlaned lire nt Imth Imrrol.. for neither
ton in oeei)i, to Imre the tdleher, mill he |.
not with Xnohvlllo.
It In tho KPiinrnl oplnlou here, hr tho
ivny, thnt t'n.trn will wine Imek to Hie
Nnnhrllln tomn nt tho end of the nonami.
It lookn n* tlioiiKh IllriuliiKlinni olferoij
II K'WItl -ploep of lltouey for him, nml n,
tlioiiKh Nnnlirlllo plekoil It tin with the .,, n .
dlllnn thnt It wnn to harp I'nntrn Imek nt
tho In-xInnlllK of next nonnnn.
It In eertnln Hint New Orlonnn nml
Memi'hle will put up n IdK klek on II,|,
deni. ‘
Memphis Team Strongest
In Southern League Now
News and Gossip Notes
From the Baseball Arena
line-up, but till*
Only two bases were stolen *
Smith. Vast Improvement over
work. Kid himself got as many
Memphis team.
ill nn easy chance
to cost the game,
a tied hard nil the
Whltey Morse’s eri
threatened for u wti
But the Dcutsctunnu
, Despite the fact that DcArnmnd made
three errtirs lit third base, Little ltoek
*lcfeate*l Nashville .Monthly. The sale of
Castro iieoessltnted Wiseman's playing
short. Elmer Duggan, once of ours, tilted
In In -right.
Winters, Morse, E
helped their butting average
its shut out the
mi, putting another
hopes. They will meet
The Chicago >
Giants Monday nl
crimp In Muggsy’i
again Tuesday nfto
Ituls- Waddell received some humps from
the lowly but promising Kt. Lulls Browns
Monday. The eccentric one was hammered
for fourteen safeties.
The While Sox again walloped tin* Grlf-
fitlilies. Five errors proved the undoing
f the Highlanders.
Tom Hughes adds to Ills pitehlug rec*
tss. right fielder for Memphis, had n
busy dny Monday, having to Ills credit six
put outs.
fits'll hits off "l.iieky" Loueks, and not
fen t u
New Or vatu ...
,Manuel nml Strati
ten. Umpire— Khust<
• 3 J MS0 S*6—3
10* 210 • C-4
Maxwell and llau-
Flrat Game—
Shreveport . . ofti Aid iif>2 —2 8 3
Hlrmlnghtttn . . <>0rt 1«1 030 — 5 8 0
Batteries: Fisher ami Graftius;
Reagan and Matthew**. Umpire—Cam-
S*»coiiil flame—
Slneve.H./ ....
H*rm "•*' am
Hickman nml
Mnl thews
anylssly’s giiim* until the last
wp, bill the mill Isiys deserved
hs they ontplnyml the strong
rltleal stages,
f the game was the fast
b«ith teams. Ultluehardt.
of Whittier Mills Company.
! played a star game. Itrown. Hall nml Rhine
j did the b**st stick work for the Wlilt
i tier Mills, G«»r«*c and Rcm|m*ss *11*1 the Iwst
j work for King llnr*lware.C**mpany.
! These two teams have broken even a**
: far this season. King won the first game
1 to 0-mid Whittier won Katunlay -3 to 2.
The Wldttlcr Mills team Is anxious to
play off tills tie before the season closes.
Score by Innings: R.II.E.
Whittier Mills Co....O 01002000-3 8 2
King Hardware Co..l onflOUlOO- 2 7 5
ID Clerics-South nml It Mings; Dorr# nml
00 COO (H -•
..101 O’f ♦’OO -I
Powell; Wilhelm
Kre—Cam pan
K. Cs
0&> «• »J
Keith and Douglass: iCnggnn a
L'luplrc- Pfenillligel. \ /
pone*! on ncrount *»f rain.
Augiicia 0 -1
Columbia « 4 I
Hattetlcs: Holmes. Moore and Car
ton: HotMnun »»n«l Sweeney. Called In
the efavenlh;*..
2i A b»»*»m has been launehe*! for John
D. Benedict fur governor of Oklahoma.
„ He Is now su|*eilntemlem of th«» Indian
Wells.! Territory
In thi
second lulling for Atlanta, Fox.
Winters, Crosier nml 81*1 Kuilth
ami only two runs resulted.
correspondent of his paper, and expressed
opinion that tho Real Elm nsMomldnge was
the largest he has seen this year, which
menus that IMcdmuut park was bettered.—
Commercial Appeal.
Mrs. Sparks was an Interested spectator,
nml worked ns hard ns her husband to win
by encouraging flutters of a handkerchief
when Baxter’s curves were breaking good.—
Coiuerclnl Appeal.
The Pollenn birds t*s*k Mr. Mull
Ami powder***! him at will;
He thought It was a baseball field
Rut It was Just a "mill."
—Montgomery Times.
•re’s the way It mine tp The Georgian:
11 11 spectacular game of huseball Mat-
unlay altcriioou. the Cornell team wal
loped that representing White Ouk Springs,
Gn.. to the time of 45 to 20, the game
being called 011 neeomiT of darkness at fhe
aim «>f the seventh Inning.
The features of the gam** were the pitch
ing of .Morgan, of the White Oak Springs
lilllc. allowing but forty-six scattered swats
In III" entire seven tunings. 11 ml the stick
a ork of all the players. As all six of the
tails carried Into the gaiue were ruined
by III** end of the fifth, 11 fen**e rail was
brought Into play, with which very **f-
ve work was done, especially by Simp
son. of the Cornull team.
"This player’s pleasure for the afternoon
was dninpc!i**«l when In* killed a enlf gmx-
lug In an adjacent field, with a hatjed ball.
At sunrise next Saturday morning, these
teams will again cross hats, and endeavor
to play out n full game during tin* day.”
Club —
Augusta . . .
Savannah .
Macon ....
Columbia . .
Charleston .
Chicago . . .
New York . .
Plttnbi’rg . . .
Cincinnati . ,
Brooklyn . .
St. Louta . .
Boat* m . . .
Played. Won. Lost. P. Ct.
. 105 G4 41 .610
. 101 61 40 .604
. 104 53 51 .510
. 105 51 54 .486
•. 98 45 53 .459
. 99 32 67 .323
Chicago . .
Philadelphia. . 109
Cleveland .... 105
New York .... 103
St. Louis 108
Detroit 109
Washington . . 107
Roaton 110
Played. Woa Loat. P. Ct.
Mobile . . .
Meridian . .
Huton Rouge
Gulfport . . .
Jackson . . .
Vicksburg .
Played. Won. Loat. P. C.
. 105 66 39 .625
. 106 67 48 .543
. 104 61 53 .490
Kjieclnl to The Georgian.
Memphis. Teiin., Aug. 21.—Right lit the
presellt writing Memphis has the strongest
•nschall team III tile K*mtheru League,
’here can lie little* doubt ntanit tills. The
infield Is undeniably the strongest and Is
of the best aggregations' of the kind
•en In the South In four or five years.
Ilnldi, ut third, 1s playing a jsiwerful
trnme. Is bitting the ball right on the nos
trils. lambasting both hard ami often.
Nlcholls, at short, probably luis no mpml
In flu* league. Those who have watched his
rork carefully here are of the oplnlou that
lie Is the ta»st Infielder of then* all. barring
notaMly In the league, nml thnt Is saying a
goo*I deal, especially ns his work has been
hi a position where It could he.compared
to the brilliant work of Charley Itnbb.
Jimmy Smith, once the fielding star of
the ShrevejMirt team, la a wonder. He la a
good hitter, which same may lie said of
Nlcholls, by the way, anil for graceful
fielding he would lie hard to l*ent. He Is
not quite In the class with our own Otto
Jordan. Imt he ranks right along up with
the liest of them.
Jimmy ’has broadened and hardened dur
ing this stay In the west, mid be looks to lie
In ta'ttcr physienl condition l»y a whple lot
than when he left the league. Right at
present lie aeenis to In* at his very best—
ami It may he uiuntlonod thnt that "very
heat” la prett* good.
Of <s»urs«* old "Scoops” Carey is right
there with the stars, lie Is not so mueh
with the hat ns one James Fox of Pied
mont fame, hut he Is a fielder who makes a
specialty of saving other men from making
errors—nml nt this he ennuht lm beaten In
tills league.
Plass, who has been lining a little of
everything lor everylmdy this season, seems
to tit In nleely In the Memphis outfield,
where he Is tadng used exclusively now.
Nadeau Is the same old hatting star nml
ranks along with Molesworth as a speedy
fat iiinn.
Carter, the new outfielder, looks to be a
wonder, lie handles himself well and Ids
batting is good. The home run he lilt Sun-
day was a record-breaker for length. It
was not like the average four-sacker which
g«*cn Into the bleachers or over the feme.
It whs 11 clean drive Into the deep right
center and Winters put up his best speed
In chasing It. but "Nick” lodd. but every
Carter In baseball in always ••Nick” I’nrteri
runs like a deer and lient the hull home by
a safe majority.
only In pitchers Is Memphis weak, nf
course Liebhanlt Is the ta*st man In the
league by nil odds, but he cannot win all
the games. Suggs Is pitching good ball, but
he has hard luck ami loses his games In
consequence. ‘ Ktockdule Is doing fair work.
I snicks seems to lie a comer of the Mem
phis staff. He has been doing go***I work
of late.
Due thing rail l»e said ntamt the Memphis
team: Just ns It Is probably the l*est team
right now, so also Is It. probably the ni*»»t
expensive. Goodness knows what It Is rust
ing the Memphis association, but It is cer
tainly on the far able of fhe salary limit.
er, the Memphis association Is un
doubtedly paying ns much attention t.* this
limit ns any of the teams in the league,
which Isn’t saying mueh.
If Memphis and Birmingham were t«» start
•ven right now It Is a safe l»et thnt Mem-
*hta would win the most games. Whether
he Burglars of Rahh will be nblc to mcr-
Probably 1
Fox played first In Ills old form.
Nashville tm*k two *
Birmingham, then wcu
and let the Travelers
Nashville’s star pitcher,
it of three from
to Little Rock
win. Itiichannii,
was In tlic tan.
Is Billy Smith a manage
Atlanta dllvetor*
ginnery Journal.
A glance nt the league standing lend* one
to believe Atlanta Is some |Nduts ahead of
Montgomery. Address your ntieutlous to
Militancy, l*n.
Shuster lit one time wss n Pelican. Don’t
you think Charlie Prang got hliu his p*»al-
tion?-Montgomery Journal
It seems that way.
Atbfnta continues to
Wc win occasionally.
"In Birmingham.” said
who watched the game
stand, "they had the per*
out for three games won
Atlanta 7. Memphis 5.
Little Ris k 2. Ndshvllle 1.
Shreveport-Birmingham, rain.
New Orleans- Montgomery, rain.
South Atlantic—
Hu van nuh 2. Macon 1.
Charleston 4, Jacksonville 1.
Columbia 1. Augusta 0.
Cotton 8tattfa-*>
.MuhlJc 12, Jackson 9.
Gulfporti'jlf Baton Rouge 3.
Vlckaburg 2, Meridian 1.
•JJ® i Special to The Georgina.
! Charleston, 8. C.. Aug. 21.—Three new
men npiieiire*! In Charleston uniforms yes
terday at the gaiue between Charleston and
Jacksonville. Crowder. Kipp, nml Fisher,
from the South Carolina State League,
played Infield (Kadtlous nml did go*s| work.
Glenn la stated to get a pink slip. Ills
work nt shortstop has been of the yellow
Foster nml Wclnlg. now state league
pitchers, are expected In Charleston nt
Pt inter is sore on the Charleston newsjm-
porn nml the directors lire sore on him. and
the public Is sore on tho whole shooting
match as far ns a winning team counts.
Rumor has It that l'ender manages Jack
sonville next season. It In a nure thing
that lie will not In* nt Charleston.
Special • ’•*rresi**»inleiic**.
M**ni|dita. Tonn., Aug. 21.—Billy Smith I
trying to buy •Row 11111" Gannon, win* used I mM
t*» ••lout the lull so vehemently for l.*-w 1
Whistler's iienmint winners, fie of the 45
piano legs b no slouch of nil outfielder. I
nml has boon known to break up games •
with Ills bludgeon
lie Is the property of the Memphis club,
III*Villg JllUI|N*t| to till* outlaws, subsequent-
ly going t.* Albany, in the New York
Mill** League. Why In* Is ullowcd to play
tiler** has not trunsidivd. but the Mem-
I phis club claims r* hold him In fee simple.
Either Childs or Zeller will do the fling
stunt tills afternoon. Suggs is scheduled
lose —.vi.niigomery j„ pit.-h for Memphis.
Around loouug for Panamai, and
hata to tbe cleaned
11 hard f**r
walling when »
Nash;tile player
from the gniud-
ntuge nil figured
rheu we arrived.
three nml ran
line. They were
tal Appeal, j
Vote for J. G. Wcedward
for Csunty Treasursr.
If do
tlliil he
Bullitt, the
recent Interstate commission Inquiry
into the hard coal situation, Ims an-
„ , nounce*I Ills candidacy for congress to
J ” succeed Edward Moir*ll. of the Fifth
Pennsylvania district, who has declined
Mr. Carter. «ln* exclaimed
nine, "My, but ain’t them* South-
nthustastle?” was not tin* only
piyuouK In the (prised at the enormoh* en
Whiting, attached to The t
publication In tin* after no*
Innfa. Is with the Atlanta
gill II
By Private Leased Wire.
Saratoga, Aug. 21. -Wealhi
truck nimbly.
Slickawav. five furlongs In 1:63 3^*. hand
By. Will vvln noon.
k Banner, six furlongs lit 1:39 2-5, handily, j H hock ite received Sunday morning by
coming in contact with a live wire
Brick Plank Sold.
Special to The Georgian,
Brunswick, Ga., Aug. 21.—The plant
of the Morris Brick t’ompany at Odes
sa. about D) miles from here, has been
taken over by prominent Brunswick
capitalists, and the capacity of the
plant will be doubled, and the output
of "Odessa brick" pushed on the mar
ket vigorously throughout Georgia.
Shocked by Livs Wire.
S|H*«'lfd to The Georgian.
Columbus, Ga., Aug. 21.—Frank
Burke, an arc light trimmer for the
(Vlumbu* Railroad and Electric Light
Company, Is in bed suffering from a
PllSSey, S|Ht*lnl to The Georgian.
Wilmington. N. t'., Aug. 2L—Arrange
ments are rapidly making for the interstate
trapshnotcr*' tournament to In* held here
August 22 and 25. Five or more claim will
compete for the prlxes from North Carolina
towns, while Virginia, South Carolina,
Georgia ami probably Tennessee will eueli
semi one «>r mure tenuis.
The percentage system will Ik* shot with
five moneys, the local club adding $190 1
day. The American Association rules will
1 new j |i,q nl Itreexe. fiv
f At- By. lining well,
staff I Royal Scepter,
I humlilv.
- - 1 Berkeley, five furlongs In l :*>4. hs
Ihdgrnvlu, mile lit 1:48, galloping.
furlongs In 1:»j5, hand-
veil furlongs in 1:34.
fJcttcrles: li
Raymond 1
Chicago .... v«.» no I :
Batteries: Ames and
Brown and Kling.
Maryland Republican* are Inclined to
bestow the next nomination for govern-
R c I or on Charles J. Bonaparte, secretary
* *» 3 0 f the navy. Mr. lbrnaioirte apparent.
ly ta not Inclined to encourage the
The anti-Mormon plank of the plnt-
1 form adopted by the recent Democratic
1 • » n 0 state convention In Idaho, pledges the
Democratic party to secure the enact
ment of legislation necessary to make
-Id —2 6 2 operative the "test oath” provided by
0* —4 S 2 the constitution of Idaho, which In ef-
Bowcrmau; • feet would disfranchise all faithful
Girardeau is not a ring j 1';.;;
politician, depending upon
the ring to elect and main-
tain his stay in the office ofisgStSj'Sf;'”'^ l;B .
county treasurer.
self-made man; the world
admires such an one. He
has never aspired for office,
is not a politician. His
friends have placed him be
fore the people for County
Treasurer, feeling that he
should be rewarded for what
he has contributed toward
the development of Fulton
county, and knowing that
he will conduct the office if
Why is Woodward mak- elected to the satisfaction
ing his fight against Culber- j of the taxpayers of the
Do you want Woodward son alone? He knows Cul-'county.
Birgain..« unr.d..m. a oTmon..* | for Treasurer? If not, be berson is the man he has got [ VOTE FOR . PETER F.
15 otcatur 6L ' Kimball Houa.. 'sure to vote for Culberson, ‘to beat. ‘CLARKE.
on realtor, .tlx furlong* In t:2». galloping.
IlMily nml g***Hl.
i mm Bmmcll. four furlong* In :52 2-6,
breezing. Ready to run 11 p*<*d race. IHl ,
Ib-b..* -even furlong* lu 1:32 2-5, breexlng. po|ie by xhe I’hrtatophcr
Printing Company.
vhlle «>n top o* a pole.
Paper Box Factory Located.
Special t«* The Georgian.
Columbus, Ga., Aug. 21.—A paper
box factory is the latest assured ad
dition to the industrial Interest* of
Columbus, the obi veneer works build
ing having been leased for that pur-
‘ * ‘ Box and
Watch this j
Percy Colgmve, the featherweight, of
Everett. Wash., and Bobby Johuxoii, of
Ciilifornta. hsv’e ta-en mntche*! to meet at
Everett tonight. The winner of the l*oiit
ha* been promised a match with Urn*
Spe**|nl to The Georgia n.
Angunta, Gn.. Aug. 21.—By Knvntmnlis
winning from Macon and roluiuhla’* Gc-
tory over Augusta y«*»t«-rday. the l** , nl«
loat the first place, and, It I* Indleicd, tha
The local* have five more game* this
week st home. Savannah ha* three nx»r*»
game* 011 the rood, nn*! then g«*e* home.
The team has three more gnim-s alth Ma
con, nml unless the Chump* are able to *l«*
something with them, the local* will he
If the 100111* win all of the game* from
now to the end of the Monsoii. and the Colt*
win nil of tile ga lues, the records will be:
L»t. r.
Thi* will ta*nt tho local*. It I* true,
however, thnt the l*»cnl* have three serif*
at Inline. nnH the Colt* have only one.
Savannah has five games lu JacksonGll*\
the last series of the <**n*on. and It Is be
lieved thnt the team will In* able to land
nil of them. Augusta plays Columbia to
day and tomorrow, ami Charleston tin*
Inst three dny* of the week. The team
then g**e* to Jacksonville nml plays a
series of Hire** games, returning to pbty
the Inst series with Macon.
From the present figuring. It ap|*enp»
that the local* have lost the pennant. :*l
though then* may In* something disastrous
linppen to the Sarannnh bunch.
• Private l**as«*d Mire,
inclmmtl. Ohio. Aug. 21.-The national
Ihis*>IkiII commtanlon nnii«>iinee*l t«slny that
Pitcher Frank Corrhlnn has Imnu n*I*I*’d
to the list of Inellflhle players. II" «•'»■
sold t*» the T*dedo club l»y the I'l.lladel-
plila National L«>ngui> club, and failed tc
show up.
Confldantlal loan* on valuables
Itr Prlvst*- I.eased Wire.
New York, Aug. 21.—'Tony Bender, tl.**
New Jer*«*y feotherwelglit, has gone t<*
Boston, where In* will In* rea«ly to meet
any ta»y in the country who will tusks
122 mmnds.
Tommy Burns nnnottttfc* thnt he will un
dertake to stop ller^er Inside of twenty
round* or forfeit all his share of t*”*
Freddie Welch, who kn*N*ke*I out n*- k
Keyes, of Australis, lu seventeen rounds-
lias lieeu practically mate In-* I t«» meet Abe
Attell for twenty rounds liefore a **lu
near Clm-lnuatl.
A Imttlc which Is lnten*stlng to the V
Knglaml siiortlug men Is to lie ;ta‘i«b«i #
night liefore the Uncoln Athletic tln»*.
Chelsea, when Matty Baldwin, of B-*s«''»•
ami Dave lK*spler. **f Cambridge.
They are arknowledjfed to be the bus*
*"“iiiher*” la TitW EuglMUtL