The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, August 22, 1906, Image 5
THE ATLANTA GEOBGIAN. AMERICAN DENTAL PARLORS 195 Peachlree Street, Atlanta, Ga OVER SCH4UL ft MAY. Dr. G. C, NEEDHAM, Prop, Rubber Plates 22-K Gold Crown.... Forcelaln Crown Eridgework, per tooth PAINLESS EXTRACTING TEETH CLEANED Hours, 8 am. till 8 p. tn. $0.50 MP FREE! 8unday, 9 a. m. till 4 p. m. tVl ‘TAKE IMPRESSION AND PUT IN YOUR TEETH SAME DAY. TIE VICTOR SANITARIUM ■ 321*323 Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Ga. TUM, WHISKY an<l other drug hablta cured In tour weeks. Patients do not suffer as at many Institutions. Comfort of patients carefully looked af- | Sanitarium Is home-like and pleasant, and not a prison, as some Line. Treatment entirely free from any harmful results. For full dculars rail or address Ths Victor Sanitarium, or Dr. B. M. Woolley, Box 387. fNKEN PASTOR THREATENS LIVES vale Lensed Wire. |co!n, Nebr., Aug. 22.—Rev. A. M. a Methodist minister, was yes- committed to the state Insane Jtal as a dipsomaniac for treatment Jlrunkenness. The complaint on (h he was taken before the examln- ,board was tiled by his wife and Ehter, who testified that Herry had atened their lives. Civil Court in Session, hint to The Georgian, fecatur, Ala.. ( Aug. 22.—Circuit ge D. W. Speaks Is holding a spe- term of the circuit court In this The term-will continue foe-two leks, ahd ls.for the trial of civil cases |ly. Church Dedicated. rial to The Georgian. Decatur, Ala., Aug. 22.—Rev. Frank Culver; of Birmingham, dedicated he Methodist church at Austlnvllle, a uburb of this city, Sunday. There was 1 large congregation present at the ledlration. The church Is a handsome me and has Just been completed, BOOTH-TUCKER AND BRIDE ARE TO VISIT THE U. S. Here are pictures of Commander Booth-Tucker, of the Salvation Army, and his new bride. The couple Intend taking a bridal trip to this coun try. Before hWr marriage Mrs. Tucker was Colonel Reid. GIVEN ONE DAY IN JAIL FOR KILLING HIS WIFE FRED CARTLEDGE * WAS ACQUITTED Special to The Gcorglsn. Augusta, Ga., Aug. 22.—Fred Cart ledge, who shot and killed Jack James Sunday night, has been acquitted by Magistrate Nurnberger. Self’-defense was the plea. 0OO000000000000000000Q000O O NEW LAW IS TESTED Q ON MEN WHO MADE IT. O O 0 Special Jo'The Georgian. O Brunswick,: Ga.'. Aug. ' O cently the .city-council of O: wJcXpaased;an m'llnan' c Nursing Motnsrs and Malaria. The Old Standard, Grove's Tasteless hill Tonic drives out malaria and builds up the system. Sold by all Icnlert for 27 years. Price (0 cents. Salvation Outing. ■V'l-lnl to The Georgian. Decatur, Ala., Aug. 22.—The Salva tion Army, under the directions of En sign and Mr*,, A. H. ..Paul, will give on outing to the poor children and their mothers on (he 28th of this month. They will spend the day at the pa vilion of the Traction - Company In South Decatur. Refreshments will be served on the grounds and the party will be given a trtlley ride. FULTON TINTED LEAD. Every painter know* wbat it la. It Is the host tlntd lead mado. Manu factured by < F. J. COOIEDGE & BRO., Atlanta. Savannah. 22.—ReA O Bruns- 0 making 0 ——| I, - , 1—...— JUDDfl 0 clNgjhuw'of other advertising mat- 0 0 tor ubotjt: the streets or In yards 0 O lif this city. The first persons ar- O O rafgned for violating the new or- 0 O dibanco were members of the city ~ O council, one being agent of one of 0 the railroad companies-that enters . 0 Brunswick and the manager of 0 0 one of- the largest mercantile 0 0 houses Jn the city. Each was fined 0 by the city court. 0000*000000000000000000000 DEMAND 18 GREAT ON THE ICEMAN Hpeclsl 'to.Tho Georgian. Gads'deh, ;, Aug. 22.—The owners of the local ice plant have announced that they will double the ,alse of the plant here, which Is being run to Its full capacity, but Is now unable to supply a sufficient quantity of Ice, so great has the demand grown, and the company has been compelled to buy Ice on the outside In order to fill Its or ders. AN AUTOMOBILE LINE WILL BE OPERATED. Kpeclal to The GeorglSU. Gadsden, Ala., Aug. 22.—A company has been formed here to operate public automobile passenger line, tho first the city has ever had. Two stand ard machines have been bought and are expected to be here In time for the company to begin operations by Sep tember 1. $26.25 EW YORK AND RETURN -VIA— IUTHERN RAILWAY Pickets on sale AUGUST 28, 29, good returning iving New York not later than SEPTEMBER 4, 3. ^ I TWO MAGNIFICENTLY APPOINTED TRAINS DMY. Electric Llghteu. /Wathl .gton end. South western Limited' fUnlted States Fait Mail.” ive Atlanta 12:00 noon Arrive New York 12:43 p.m. Detailed Information cheerfully furnished upon appll 9«r and Ticket Office, 1 Peachtree street. Phone 142. J. C. LUSK, District Passenger Agent. 12:00 midnight 6:30 a. m. licMtion Paaaen- By Prlvnte lensed Wire. Denver, Colo., Aug. 22.—One day In jail wan the sentence Imposed upon Charles Pennington for killing his wife, Anastasia Pennington, with his Ret. The testimony In the case showed the woman was Intoxicated and quarrel some when Pennington struck her In the face with his fist, causing her weak heart to cease beating. Judge Mullins has tried two similar cases heretofore, and his sentences were In each case one day in jail. AGAINSTMURPHY Doesn’t Want Support of Tammany Leader or s McCarren. . WM. GRUNDY WANTED TO SLAUGHTER NEGRO Englishman Rushed IntoBarracks to Kill Assailants of Misses Lawrence—Locked Up. IVIIdly excited and with pernplratlon pouring from hla trembling body. Wil liam Grundy, a native of Liverpool, England, rushed Into 'the police bar racks and demanded the negro who la suspected of having assaulted the Misses Lawrence near Copenhlll. The ejder Miss Lawrence, It will be .remembered. Is from London, England, and the fact that a native of his land had been so brutally attacked probably drove Grundy Into a temporary freniy, By private tassel Wire. New York, Aug. 22.—There were three developments today of Impor tance and Interest In the local political situation. Charles F. Murphy came out In a statement In which he clearly Intimated that Tammany Hall’s sentiment fa vored William R. Hearst for -the Demo cratic nomination for governor. - District Attorney Jerome said It waa no surprise to him' to find - Murphy prractlcalty In the clearing for Hearst. Grundy rushed up to Turnkey Host ...ntea. r.k,w «„n *—•*-» w,ck and demanded that he be let at Safe-Guarding An Advertising Investment You will grant that an investment in advertising should be safe-guarded in every possible way—its security as care fully scrutinized as that of any other investment you make. Ik >UT strange to relate, when it comes to advertising, the average business man often accepts the mere “judg ment” or “opinion” of some ad vertising man whom he becomes convinced is more or less “ex pert at the game.” We do not ask the business man to accept alone the ripe judg ment developed by our 34 years experience and the largest busi ness of its kind in the world. No Sir—a tangible, definite basis underlies the advertising invest ment we ask the business man to make. We want you to know what we do to eliminate the waste in ad vertising due to the use of wrong copy and wrong mediums. SAFE-GUARD FOR AN AD VERTISING INVESTMENT. We want to tell you how we can infuse some of the Western Spirit—Initiative, Energy, Ag gressiveness, backed by facts— into YOUR advertising. We want to tell you how our unique position in the advertis ing world has brought us the $5,000, $10,000, $20,000-a-year brains of the business to focus on your problems—your entire business. One of our representatives is in your city every few days looking after the interests of some of our present clients. That is why we are advertising in this news paper—to you—NOW. A letter addressed to us, signify-^ ing that you will grant us an in terview in your office, will not We want an opportunity to ex- ^ _ # plain to you in person our tan- obligate you in any way. gible basis for advertising, i. e., the Lord & Thomas Record of Results, the ONLY practical We are Issuing a series of small books (doth bound) covering advertising in all its phases, which we send free to interested advertisers. Lord & Thomas CHICAGO NEWSPAPER - MAGAZINE - OUTDOOR ADVERTISING LiAJtGKHT Advertising Agency in America Axsuu.vsu.vs Hood fob curan. e-S,000,000.00 NEW YORK BUGGY 8TRUCK BY TRAIN! OCCUPANT MAY DIE. Birds of a feather flock together,' said., he, “and when a person,' intel lectually sterile, socially vulgar and morally .obtuse, Insults the decent peo ple of the state Irrespective of party, by seeking the nomination of a polltl- pnrty by advancing dollars and not Ideas, and by methods akin to those of the blackmailer, no thinking man could doubt where Murphy could be found.” Statement of Hearst. Mr. Hearst Issued a statement, say ing: Over three months ago I gavo an In terview to The Brooklyn Eagle defining my position, which I have not altered. I said: 'McCarren may be for me, as reported, but I am not for McCarren. regard him strictly as a corporation representative, and not as a Democrat. understand his .motives In giving the Impression that he Is for me. They are wholly selfish. McCarren believes that may have some elements of strength with the people, and he hopes to profit by It through having It appear that he favors my nomination for some office. '* 'I don't mind eaylng that it will be mighty bad thing for both Murphy and McCarren to be "for me” tf 1 am declared elected as mayor. It Is ab surd to talk of a combination between theae men and myself. I have not sought their support in any way, and never shall do so. 1 "I repeat now that 1 am absolutely and unutterably opposed to the Mur- 1 and the McCarrens and also to Ullivans and McCellans and to the kind of politics that they alt repre sent." EACH ASCENDING BALLOON CONTAIN8 FREE TICKET Special lo The Georgian. Decatur, Ala., Aug. 22.—The Decatur Lodge of Elks will give their annual sunset excursion on Thursday, August 30. The excursion wilt be run on the Tennessee river and the handsome new steamer White Oak will be used. Every day until the excursion the Elks will send up a baloon from Bank street. Each of these balloons will have tied to It a tree ticket to the ex cursion. TRAVELING PICTURE MAN 18 BADLY MI8SING. the negro, stating that they wouldn't need to hang him If ha (Grundy) got his hands on him. The turnkey tried lo pacify the Eng. Ilshman and told him that they didn’t have the negro. But Grundy said: "You can't fool me." The Englishman waa put In the bar rack* himself and told to stay right still until he cooled off. It so happened that Grundy waa placed In the next corridor to tile negro who Is suspected of the crime, and he learned of his closeness to the black by reason of visits the suspect was paid by ths dif ferent officers. When he learned that he "was so near to and yet so far from" the negro Grundy nearly had a fit. Becoming tired, however, the angry man seated himself on the fluot* and gave vent to a deop sigh. A representative of The Georgian passed the cell ns Grundy was saying: "Well, I ran all the way from Marlet- ta to kill that negro, and 1 ended by getting locked up myself." It whs stated by some that Grundy waa drinking, but the man looked as sober as a country mule. Special lo Ths Georgian. Charlotte, N. C., Aug. 12—W. E. Htpp, a prominent farmer of Mecklen burg county, was struck by a Seaboard train Monday morning some miles west of the city, as he was going home, and received Injuries, from which. It Is feared, he will not recover. Mr. Hlpp was going In the same di rection a* the train, and the vehicle In which he rode was struck from ths rear, the mule being killed and the farmer thrown a considerable distance, where be fell unconscious. Mr. Hlpp suffered a fracture of the arm, a broken hip and other Injuries. MORE THAN MONEY. A Minister Talks About Grape-Nut*. HpcHst lo The Georgian. Yatesvllle, Ga., Aug. 22.—A traveling picture frame vender, who has been operating In this section for some lime, took sudden and unexpected leave Mon day, leaving several unpaid bills, It Is stated, at hotels and livery stables, and other places. This man gave hfs name as Laddie Moore and had sue-I Creek, Mich cessfully Worked himself Into the con- I "There's a reason." fidence of the Yatesvllle business peo- 1 Hoad the little book, "The Road to pie. Wellvllle," in pkgs. “My first stomach trouble began back In 1885," writes a minister In Nebraska, “resulting from hasty eating and eat' ing too much. I found no relief from medicine and grew so bad that all food gave me great distress. "It was that sore, gnawing, hungry feeling In my stomach that was so die tresslng and I became a sick man. Grape-Nuts was recommended at food that could be easily digested. "Leaving the old diet that had given me So much trouble, I began to eat Grape-Nuts with a little cream and sugar. The change effected In 24 hours was truly remarkable, and In a few weeks I was back to health again. "My work as a minister calls me away from home a great deal, and re cently I drifted back to fat meat and Indigestible foods, which put me again on the sick list. "80 I went back to Grape-Nuts and cream and In four days I was put right again. The old dull headaches are gone, stomach comfortable, head clear, and It ta a delight to pursue my studies and work. "Grape-Nuts food is worth more than money to me, and I hope this may Induce some sufferer to follow the same course i have." Name given by Postom Co., Battle Sam Jones Tabernacle Meetings, Carters- ville, Ga. On 8optemper 15th to 23rd, Inclu sive, the Western and Atlantic rail road will sell tickets from Atlanta- Dalton and Intermediate stations, to CartersvlUe, at rate of one fare for the round trip. Sam Jones will be assisted bjr Evangelist Oliver and other ministers of renown. Prof. E. O. Excel! will have charge of the music, and other gospel singers of note will attend. Three services each day, 10:30 a. m., 3:00 p. m. and 8:00 p. m., and the people of Carteravlllo will welcomo the great crowds with the same hos pitality they have always shown. CHA8. E. HARMAN, Gen. Pass. Agent. PA8TOR PAWN8 CLOTHE8 TO 8UCCOR FAMILY, SHINGLE BUYERS ATTENTION You are losing money if you buy Laths and Shin gles before getting our prices. . Beg to draw your attention to our “Carolina Special Cypress Shingle.” Our “Carolina Cypress Shingle” is an exceeding ly liigh-gradc shingle of full dimensions and of most attractive looks. All old contractors and property owners say the Best All Heart Cypress will last twice as long as Best All Heart Pine. One inspection of our “Carolina Special Cy press” means that you will buy, as they make the neatest roof and will outlast Heart Pine. CAROLINA PORTLAND CEMENT CO. lly Private tassrd Wire. Carml, III, Aug. 22.—'The Rev. Wil liam M. Long, pastor of the Methodist church at Oakford, III, arrived here yesterday with his family in, a penni less condition. The minister went to a bank and offered to pawn his suit of Prince Albert clothes tor 18 In order to buy tickets to Evansville, Ind., where he has relatives. The money was raised. HOQ8 ATTACK CHILD WHO CLIMBED IN PEN. Rpeclsl tn The Georgian. Charlotte, S. C, Aug. 22.—A child of Mrs. Ed Thompson, living near Dur ham, was attacked by hogs a few days ago, and at one time It was believed that the child'would not survive. The boy had climbed Into the pen and was hitting the animals with a stick when he was attacked and bitten on the body before rescued. The bites of the ani mals caused a heavy loss of blood. CAPT. HOBSON TO 8PEAK IN INTERE8T OF COMER Kpeclal lo The Georgian. Decatur, Ala., Aug. 22.—Captain R. P. Hobson will speak at Athens,,Ala, on Thursday, Aug. 23 at to a. m. In the afternoon he will speak at Hart- selle. It la learned that his speech at Athens will be.In the Interest of B. B. Earner tor governor. His speech at Hartselle will not be of a political na ture. Senator John T. Morgan will also speak at Hartselle on the same date. This will be a home-coming day and a big barbecue will be served free of charge to all present. All places of business will be closed. ROUND TRIP Summer and Convention Rates. Bound trip summer excursions from all points East to Pacific Coast and Northwest, from June 1 to September 15th, with special stop-over privileges, good returning to October 31st, 1906. Summer Rates to Colorado, June 1sftd Sept. 30 Use the splendid through service of the SOUTH ERN PACIFIC from New Orleans, UNION PA CIFIC from Kansas City or Chicago to all points West, Northwest and Southwest, including palatial steamship service from San Francisco to Japan, China, Australia, etc. Through Pullman Tourist cars from Washington, Atlanta, Montgomery, etc., and from St. Louis and Chicago to California. WRITE ME FOR LITERATURE AND INFORMATION. . J. F. VAN RENSSELAER, General Agl,, 124 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, Ga. r 0. BEAN, T. P. A. G. W. ELY, T. P. A