The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, August 22, 1906, Image 1
EXTRA The Atlanta Georgian, extra VOL. 1.1 NO. 101. ATLANTA, GA„ WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 22, 1906. pDTnp. In Atlanta TWO CENTi. : On Train* FIVE CENTS. EARLY RETURNS FROM MANY COUNTIES TELL STORY OF SWEEPING VICTORY FOR HOKE SMITH; CARRIED ALL THE RURAL DISTRICTS OF EULTON FULTII COES titans VOTE CLOSE IN FLOYD, MUSCOGEE AND SUMTER; SMITHITES CONFIDENT James M. Smith Wins in McDuffie County, Defeating Tom Watson in Bitter Contest—Estiil Carries Chatham County. Bulletin* to The Georgian from ita own correspondents over the state, •implemented by the full bulletin services of the Western Union and Postal telegraph companies, received up to q p. m. Indicate that, with the excep tion of scattering counties carried by Howell, EatlU, Rusaell and James M. Smith, Hoke Smith has clearly outstripped the Held In his race for gov ernor. Returns from the rural precincts of Richmond give Hoke Smith a large majority, and the Indications are that he will also carry the city of Augusta. The vote In Muscogee county Is close, both Howell und Hoke Smith men claiming victory. Floyd county la also close, the Smith men claijning the city of Rome and the Howell men the rifal #istrlcts. Chatham county will probably give Its vote to J. H. Estlll, whose home county It is, though Hoke Smith is pressing him closely. Fulton county, with full returns from all country precincts, gives Smith 949, Howell 526, Russell 86; Estlll 5, J. Smith 2. / James M. Smith has carried McDuffie county, the home county of Tom Watson, who had made desperate efforts to carry It for Hoke Smith. James M. Smith illso carries Oglethorpe, hla home county. WAITING FOR THE VERDICT CARROLL COUNTY. Canton, Go,, Aug. 22, 6 p. m.—Ten district* out of sixteen In Carroll coun ty gives Hoke Smith 7X8, Civrk How ell 233, Russell 20, J. Smith 9, Estlll 5. The election was very quiet and out of a registration of 3,300 In the county, less than 1,600 votes were polled. RICHMOND COUNTY. Augusta, Ga., Aug. 22.—One hundred and twenty-fourth district of Richmond WATSON LOSES HOME COUNTY. Special to Ths Georgian. Thomson, Ga„ Aug. 22.—James M. Smith earried McDuffie county by 100 votes over Hoks Smith. McDuffie is the horns county qf Tom Watson, who ' ' to effort to carry It for WASHINGTON COUNTY. Sandersvllle, Ga., Aug. 22.—Five country precincts give Hoke Smith lit. Rdssell 66, Howell 4, Estlll 2, Jim Smith 0. CLINCH COUNTY. Homervllle, Ga.. Aug. 22.—Hoke Smith will carry Clinch county by 160 majority. TROUPE COUNTY. I-aGrange, Ga., Aug. 22.—Hoke Smith will carry Troupe county by an .over, whelming majority. HABER8'HAM~COUNTY. Clarksville, Ga., Aug. 22.—Returns up to « o’clock Indicate that Hoke Smith has carried the county by 76 to 100 plurality. Howell and Jnmes M. Smith ran clpse for second plnce. BROOKS COUNTY. Quitman, Ga., Aug. 22.—One prectnct heard from In Brooks county gives Hoke Smith 36, Estlll 23, Howell 0, Jim Smith 0, Russell 0. RICHMOND COUNTY. Augusta, On., Aug. 22, 6 p.m.—The voting this nfiernoon was retarded on secount of n hard rain, but It la be- lleved that the total vote will -reach t’.uOii, Iintl tlrnt Hoke Smith will get 75 per cent of the votes cast. He was con ic,led the county early In the morning although It Is believed that Colonel Es tlll has received a good vote. His blends In the Third ward say that he will carry that precinct, but It Is hard ly probable. Reports from the 124th district show that Hoke Smith carried the district hy t'j majority. This Is the only dis trict heard from ns yet. HARTE COUNTY. Hartwell, Qa., Aug. 22.—The consol- Muled vote of this county gives Hoke Nmlth a majority of 200 over all op position. Hoke Smith’s vote In the county 779, Jim Smith 512, Howell 21, Russell 41, Estlll 5. WALTON COUNTY. Monroe, Ga., Aug. 22.—Russell car le* Walton county by 300 majority, *Mtnated. LUMPKIN COUNTY. * Dahlnnega, Ga., Aug. 22.—Russell carries I.utnpktn county 2 to 1 over all ho, opponents. montgomIry county. 'lienwood, Ga., Aug. 22.—The race ’f between Hoke Smith and Rus- It Is thought Russell will win In Montgomery. cobb Bounty. Marietta. On.. Aug. 22 Five Cobb county Precincts give Hoke Smith 281, "' •'ell .6, Russell 6, Estlll 4. elber’Fcounty. Klherton, Ga., Aug; 22.—Elbert coun ts is very close between the two Smiths r.‘ robably give Hoke Smith a ' "all majority. MADISON COUNTY. Smilhonia, Ga., Aug. 22.-5:20 p. m — JM cation, at 6 o’clock are that James COBB OOUNTY. Marietta, Ga.. Aug. 22. 6:50 p. m.— Eight out of eighteen Cobb county pre cincts give Hoke Smith 698, Howell 132. Russell 51, Estlll 26. Marietta^ Ga., Aug. 22.—Eleven out of eighteen Cobb precinct* give Hoke Smith 773, Howell 145, Russell 76. Es tlll 30. NEWTON COUNTY. Covington, Ga., Aug. 23, 5:40 p. m.— All the precinct* except two show 294 for Hoke Smith, 210 for Howell, 166 for Russell, 4 for Estlll, 1 for J. Smith. Hoke Smith will carry Newton by 300 votes. FAYETTE COUNTY. Fayetteville, Ga., Aug. 22, 6 p. m.— From the returns received Hoke Smith has carried Fayette county by about 175 mujorlty. 8UMTIR COUNTY. Amerfcus, Ga., Aug. 22, 6:55 p. m.— Indications at this hour show that Hoke Smith will carry Sumter county by about 200 majority. Smith has about too majority In the country. Hon. Dudley M. Hughes will carry Sumter by about 200 majority, he coming In- from the nve country precincts with about nfteen majority. CHATHAM COUNTY. Savannah, Ga., Aug. 22.—Eattll has carried Chatham by a safe majority, also Camden, Effingham and Bryan. For the short term for congress Baussy probably carries the county, though Overstreet get* the district. For the long term Sheppard carries the county, but Brennen Is reported to have carried the district. terreTiTcounty. Dawson, Gu., Aug. 22, 6 p. in.—Ter rell county was conceded to Hoke Smith by 170 majority. Returns from all the districts are not In. 8MITH GETS MILTON COUNTY. Alpharetta, Ga., Aug. 22.—Milton county gives Hoke Smith 702, Russell 86, Howell 33. Estlll 3, J. Smith 0. douglas"for smith. Dopglasvllle, Ga., Aug. 22—Hobe Smith will carry Douglas by 4 to 1. 6:30 o’clock three precinct* give Hoke Smith 273, Russell 41 and Howell 19. QUITMAN COUNTY. Georgetown, Ga., Aug. 22.—Clark Hqwell has carried this county'by 41 majority. WILKES COUNTY. Washington, Ga., Aug. 22.—Twelve precincts had been heard from at 6 o’clock, giving Hoke Smith a total of 307 vote* uganlst 253 for Jim Smith. The count of the ballots In the town district has Just begun. Out of a toUI poll of 503 votes the Hoke Smith men claim 300. Three districts yet remain to be heard from. All are claimed by Jim Smith supporter*. The outlook at present In dicates that Hoke Smith will carry Wilkes by 75 to 100 votes. County Precincts and Two Wards Show 800 Majority. F ni::i m iii carry Madison county. NEWTON~COUNTY. ' "vlngton, Ga., Aug. 32.—5 p. m.— or. c county precincts In Newton n• n y gi v * smith 61, Howell 24, Rus- '" i9, Jio, SmUh t stewartFcountv I Os., Aug. 22.—*:tO p ; m — Bin IS'L"” at O'clock are that Hoke “ . D T , „ B ‘ nuh ha* carried Stewart county. Re- Continued on Page Three. GRADY COUNTY. Cairo, Ga., Aug. 22, 6:35 p.m.—The race la close In Grady county between Estlll and Hoke Smith, with a possible majority for Smith. HALL COUNTY. Gainesville. Os.. Aug. 22—Vote In Hall extremely close between Hoke Smith and Dick Rusaell. By GEORGE FRAZER. Special Cable—Copyright. SI. Petersburg. Aug. 22.—Apparently well authenticated reporta are. to the amaslng effect-that Count Witte has been summoned to return to Russia and take Premier fftolypln'a place as prem ier, and that 5t. Kuropatkln, who has been In -disgrace since the defeat of the Russian army by the Japanese at Mukden, is to He made secretary of war with instructions to remodel the whole military establishment, and If possible to weed out the disaffected elements. Neither of these re|mrt* have official sanction yet, but they are believed In high quarters., Stolypln has fltlled In his effort to restore order and to pla cate the peasants, while the entire army again Is In a slate borderim chans. It may be, possible for Vt and Kuropatkln to do better, but few believe It. There has betn little, If any Improve ment In the situation throughout the country. Political assassinations are being committed with horrible trequen cy, the industrial centers are seething with discontent and rebellion, while the peasants are In a state of partial an. urchy all over the country. If Witte were given a free hand to Inaugurate such reforms ns he might deem necessary, he might be able to accomplish something. But nobody be lieves he will be. His hands will be tied just as Stolypln’* are and the re suit, according to the beat opinion, will be the same. 1 100 PORTO RICANS BROUGHT TO WORK ON SUGAR FARMS Special to The Georgian. New Orleans, La., Aug. 22.—One hundred Porto Rican laborers arrived this morning on board’the steamship Arcadia and will be Immediately dis tributed among the sugar ptantere of this state on trial. If the experiment* prove a success hundred of other* will be brought here to relieve the condi tions due to a great scarcity of labor for such work. * PIEDMONT BROKERAGE CO. CLOSES ITS DOOR8. hotel. ;erage Ith offices In the Piedmont closed up Wednesday. The company, which Is correspond ent of the M. J. Sage Company, of New York, received Ita orders by wire Wed nesday. It |a said the company went badly short on UnlAn Pacific. The Piedmont Brokerage Company has been conducted under the man agement of W. R. Love since the de parture of R. Epimett Hotxe. The company -figured prominently In the recent Gotten Association Inquiry, ESCAPE JAIL El Climbed Out Skylight and Were Lowered to Ground. Special lo The Georgian. , Selma; Ala, Aug. 22.—There was a wholesale Jail delivery about 2 o'clock this morning, eight negro prisoners making their escapes from the Dallns county hasttle. one of the escapes, John Westley, was awaiting trial for murder. Another alleged murderer, Dillard Steel, failed to get out with the rest and was found hiding behind a trunk In the front purt of the bu' ' Ing. The negroes had to break thro the Iron bars and doors of two cells across a hallway and then break Into another cell before they got to the place where the ei.frame Into the main walk around was made. They then climbed up three stories of Iron slatted floors, having to bend back the Irene before they could pull themselvea through. They then broke out the sky light and having gained the roof, let themselves down to the ground by means of blankets. It was almost In conceivable that subh work could have been done and not be detected. Only Two State House Officials Are * Opposed. OTHERS A WALKOVER REBELS III HAYT READYJ ATTACK Nine Huudrcd Men March to Join Genera Navarro, e By Private Leased Wire. pe Haytlen, Haytl, Aug. 22,—It !• red a bloody civil war will follow when General Guelllto. who at the head of 900 revolutionists, has left DaJabon, join* the troops of General Navarra and makea an attack on Monte Crtsto, The government of Santo Domingo has sent 1,200 men from Moca against the revolutionists. JURY EXHONORATE8 PATROLMAN CARPENTER. K|tee1nl to The Georgian. Shreveport, La, August 22.—Coroners Jury forenoon exhonorated Patrolman Comptroller Overwhelming ly Defeats Vince San- • ford. Only two of the state house officer* had opposition, but from Indication* received from over the state by The Georgian those two will overwhelm ingly defeat their opponents. Comptroller General William A. Wright was opposed by Vincent T. Sanford. of Floyd. Comptroller Wright’s re-election by a very large majority Is conceded. Slate School Commissioner W. B. Merritt Is opposed hy Hon. Mark John son, of Baldwin. Johnson will make a good race, but Indications point to Commissioner Merritt's re-election. All the other state house officers were without opposition, and polled practically the full vote alt over the state. They are; Secretary of State Philip Cook. State Treasurer Robert E. Park. Commissioner of Agriculture T. G. Hudson. Prison Commissioner dement A. Ev ans. Chief Justica Supreme Court William H. Fish. For associate Justices supreme court, Marcus A. Beck, Samuel C. Atkinson and Joseph H. Lumpkin. The last two were voted for twice: First for the un- explred term ending January L 1997. and then for the full alx years after that ttme. Hy Private I.,,nsoil Wire. Columbus, O, Aug. 22.—The Ohio Democratic convention ndjourned early this afternoon. The efforts of A. L. Finley and others to force Into the platronn a county local option plank met with defeat on the floor of the con vention by a two-thirds vote. The platform favors local home rule, more railroad and franchise taxes, no passes, the referendum, condemn* boodle, boss es and jnachlnes, urges a bank Inspec tion law, praises the late Governor Pat- tlson, declares state levy should be abolished, direct Vote for United States senators and Indorses Bryan for presi dent. State Chairman Garber and his friends remain In control of the party machinery, having defeated Tom L. Johnson for control. ALLEGED ATTEMPT TO EXTORT MONEY. Kpeiial to The'Georsinii. Chattanooga, Tenn, August 22.—A special from Harriman, Tenn. says that Mrr. J. W. Lakln* npd Low Brown have been bound to court on a charge of attempting to extort money from C. P. Flanders, president of the Flanders Manufact nen*. eUli Charles Carpenter, who last night shot and killed Jim Hunter, a levee foreman, who resisted arrest. Negroes had ac cused Hunter with attempting criminal assault. BY HIGH PRICES By Private tensed Wire. Santiago, Chile, Aug. 22.—Following the announcement by wholesale and retail butchers In this city that the price of meats would ba Increased, the mayor has taken steps to prevent any such action and the people have pledged themselves to buy nothing at famine rates. An order has been Is sued by the municipal authorities both here and at Valparaiso that owners of oxen and cattle shall kill them and do nate the meat for free distribution to the needy. Thirty thousand earthquake refugees have arrival from Valparaiso. They announce that the authorities are In fear of an Insurrection by ths half- crated populace, who object to military rule. The alcade Is organizing relief committees and the government has decided to coin 10,000,060 pesos (369,- 300,000). Fifty children In one Institution were crushed. Three nuns, who were at tempting to rescue some of the Inmates, were caught by a second shock and also kilted. Several small Islands have sprung up In the bay of Valparaiso and Incoming ships bring news of depres sion along the coasts. WIFL DESERTER IN TOIL8 OF LAW H|m--I.i [ to The Georgina. Chattanooga, Tenn., August 11.—W. V. Davie alias Jo* Gibson, a white man. with t wife and sir children, residing' a*. Graysvllle. Ga.. la In the tolls of; the law having been lodged Ir. the | county Jail here on a charge of abduct ion. The Victim of the prisoner I- Miss Lucy Norman the dnughtci Mrs. Rhody Norman, of ClraysvIlUvt who a said to be a mother-in-law defendant Thlrtoen rural precincts in Fulton county, with only East Point to be hoard from, show the following totals for govornori Hoko Smith, 875. Clark Hcwoll, 405. . R. B. Russell, 80. J. H. Estiil, 4. Jim 8mith, ?. Ths tamo precincts show the follow ing totals for county treasurer: Culberson, G65. Branan, 219. Woodward, 213. Sharp, 149. Barnet, 78. Draper, 60. Girardeau, 38. Clarks, 22. The vest pocket vote predominates these days and times, and a little shouting may prove a very false clew. It Is generally regarded that Hoke Smith will get a majority of at least 1,500 votes and some think It will run up to more than 2,000. The sensation of the day hns been the fprorc about T. 11. Ooodwln. candi date for mayor against W. R, Joyner. Wise politicians, however, think that the spurt he has taken In public opin ion Is due rather to unexpected strength than to getting more votes than Joyner. Hoke Smith will carry every ward In the city,' It Is believed, except tho Seventh, the Eighth and possibly the Sixth, it Is nlp-und tuck In the latter ward, however. The F|o*t, tho Third, the Fqurth and. the Fifth are regarded as certain for Smith. He will get more votes In the county precincts than Howell. Rutsell fill get a fair vote, nnd the others practically none. The few contests for councilman and alderman have excited but little Inter est In the Individual wards und practi cally none fn the city at large. Up to 3 o’colck not a single row, fight or disturbance had occurred that was serious enough to call for the po lice. Every word la well patrolled. In the rnnty precincts It hns been very quiet. Here are the stories of tho wards: FIRST WARD. Registration, 1,181. City, vots at 2:30 o'clock, 535. Stats and county vote at 2:30 o'clock, 534. The voting was not so fast during the middle of the day as during ths early hours, and the result In n num ber of races will be undecided until the vote Is counted at the close of the polls. Iloke Smith shows a strength In the ward which his friends predict will bring him a majority. The county treasurer race Is uncertain. Dr. Bas kin lend* for councilman. Curtis and LaHatte seem to be ahead of Hllburn for alderman. Men who arc Interested In neither candidate to a great extent predict that Goodwin will carry the ward. ' SECOND WARD. Registration, 2,179. City vote at 2:30 o'clock, 1,127. 8tate and county vote at 2:30 o’clock, 1,160. At this hour the crowd around the eourt house corner hod reduced Its en thusiasm to husky yelling for Ooodwln and Joyner. Money wna freely offered by each side, but was not taken. Every body wanted to bet, but no money w as In evidence. Wearers of Hoke Smith badge* were greatly In ths majority ' , end while they were not 'crying the name of their favorite In the city race, they advanced his candidacy. Voting has, been brisk ever since the poll* opened for business ami at this hour a number are. still In line. THIRD WARD. Registration, 1.547. City vote up to 2:30 o’clock, 824. State nnd county vote up to 2:30 o’clock. 871. The only feature out of the ordinary that happened at the third ward polls during the day up to 2:30 o’clock was the appearance of two registered voters who tainted to scratch off the pledge of fenlty to the Democratic party. Thee were told If they did the vote would not he counted, nnd they left. Goodwin Is said 1 to he carrying the ward, though the vote will be close. Smith is clearly In the lead for gov-