The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, August 24, 1906, Image 11
WMM EDITED BY ( ___ _ ' ! N. j JOSEPH B. LIVELY^ THE GEORGIAN’S RECORD OF MARKETS AND FINANCE ) Mr. Lively** 3» years’ experience )f editing mnrket* In Attnnfa sod the South hm made hfm a rs#» guizud authority Id ht* specialty. SIEIi IN TONE Initial Prices Were 3 Points Higher to 2 Points Lower. BULLS GAVE SUPPORT i, Brought a Quick Response, Prices Scoring a Smart Advance Early. New York, Aug. 24.—In the cotton market the undertone was steady at 3 points lower to 1 higher. The pit Element seemed to be fairly well evened up. and a little bull sup port brought n quick response, prices ad vancing 4 to 5 points over yesterday’s closp. Liverpool was due to come unchauger this morning, bnt Instead Urst prices were 1 to 2 points down on futures, while spot quots- ttons showed a loss of 5 points, making mid dling 5.29d. The futures at close were 4 point*. New York was (regular at the opening, first prices being 3 points lower to 2 points higher, bnt on some unfavorable crop re- nnd light ball support prices soon ■Mid upward—De ‘ - 8.95. sold up to 9.13. The advance * sales on which place. Mitchell market doWB. . thought to t»e for Price. , „ ... At mid-day the mnrket wa* dull with fluctuations covering it narrow range. Superintendent King's lu-siglit figures for till' week 76,324, nptln.t IMJtniM rent- For the eeniwll to dntc 11,073,239, n*tllu»t 13,634.- lli'i'elnt, of new cotton toilny at G»lve,ton 6,750, New Orlean, IS, Auguita 46, Uouiton 5,662 ami Savannah 30. Ilnuatoa expect, 6,000 to 7.000 bale, again,t 6.41H actual lilt year. Weekly Interior movement for twenty- nine towns: lleeelpt, 43,424. agaln«t 4S.6S9 ln«t year and 27.171) In 1904. Shipment, 49,600, agnlnit 47.- 462 in»t year and 26,101 In 1904. Stock,116,- 8POT con ON MARKET. Atlanta, qniet at Mtc. Now York, quiet at 9.90c. New Orlean,. quiet at 9 7-16c. I.lverpool, quiet at 6J*d. Attgn,ta. steady at 9He. Savannah, qnlet at 9 f-16c. St. I,onle, qnlet at Mtc. Iloeton. qnlet at 9.90c. Mcmphl*. < Ilhltlntore. nominal at 9Hc. Charleston. quiet at Sttc. Mobile, dull at 9V4c. NEWS AND GOSSIP Of the Fleecy Staple. 1’rlvnte Wire to Ware A Leland. New York, Aug. 24.—Llveri>ool opened quiet and unchanged. At 1205 p. ui., 1 dowu iiml .quiet but sternly. Hates 4,UOO. Himts 5 poluts dowu at 6.29. Futures due about unchanged. , Liverpool wires: “Market affected unfa* vorabjy by bears selling. Market exhibits very little buying power." Action of cotton market this morning In dicates a considerable short Interest, some of whom feel nervous. That bus caused buying and shows but little cotton for sale, rmnk we may have some further rally, but Ithout Nt.oiig news we think It will be sly temporary. Cotton mnrket sts have bougL. W ven np for end of the week. Trade mod erate, Out with a fair share of outside busi ness. Looks us though It would work up a little higher for the present. may work It up some, but would se! * ulges for the present, Leaser-Uolduutu cotton letter follows: The weather (luring the past seveu days has been more favorable over onr entire terri tory. Our reports from southeast Missouri, white river, Arkansas river, south Arknu- sos and the Helena districts are generally very good, particularly for the uplands. We hear of a few complaints about shedding ami sharpshooters lu the bottom lauds, but nothing at all of a serious character, and could only be expected with so much mois ture In the ground. The plant Is now lu the critical petrol, bnt the consensus of opinion from our bent-informed people over our entire territory Is that with only nor mal conditions during (September a good- sized crop Is at this writing practically as sured. New Orleans, Aug. 24.—Cables are unfa* vornble. They were duo about unchanged on l>oth American markets. The map shows a moderate amount of rain well scattered over the cotton licit Net stock of cotton In New Orleans 11,990, against 62,039 last year; on shipboard 3,198, nlust 28,893 last year. • Juris, Tex., wires: “The crop In this sec tion has been damaged 15 per cent lu the last two weeks by weevils and worms." It Is persistently rumored that big shorts are covering nud going loug. Waco wires: “Weather perfect:-farmers seem frantic to sell; receipts will be ex* ccedlngly heavy." Private Wire to Olbert A Clay. New York, Aug. 24.—Liverpool opened 1 to down; expected to be uticnnnged. Liverpool cables: “Affected unfavorably by bear selling. Market exhibits very little buying power." Dick Bros. A Co. say: "Cotton Is too low to permit the shorts to be comfortable FOLLOWED LEAD SET BY L Initial Prices on Stock Ex change Showed Decided Strength. SHARP GAINS SCORED Large Part of Buying in General List Apparently Shorts Covering. By Private Leased Wire. New York, Aug. 24.—This morning’s fresh outbreak of speculation In the face of the heavy Indicated drain upon the htuk tm •ithm may not have been convincing to thi more cautious element on the stock ex change, but with the rnuk and file who had grown restless under the discussion of the many difficulties nud their restrain ing Influences, the new start upward was greeted With much enthusiasm. There was uothlug nt all In the day’s outside news which could have made the market more attractive to the outside buyer. But the speculative position had been Improved by the extensive realizing of the preceding (lays. The lendlpg spirits In the trading had seen fed some of their paper profits and fortified for further endeavor, It#Tvns considered that the mnrket had taken the enormous load of realizing sales with rrf- innrknble small concession In prices, and that It had thereby testified to great breadth and underlying strength. Whether or not these deuctlons were .corrector should unfavorable crop news make Its ap pearance. For this reason *— aider It safe to lie short." 1^66 6 |vu •! ( '16 O «.W. 041/ • AMc tlment of the local trade and floor crowd. with the uncertainty of the next few s Staring the trader In the face." The New York Commercial says: "A ,rge number of bullish messages from the pit expected today. The next monthly government report Is expected by many to ■how smallest August deterioration ever known.-’ - :> The Journal of Commerce sirs: "The movement of goods from the jobbing houses uirtments ore using fines lending 1 LIVERPOOL COTTON MARKET. I.lrerpool, Abb. 24. 12:16 ]>. *n.—Cotto. speculation And export 600; receipts 1,000, American 600. . Futures opened quiet and ateady. Opening I’renoas Rant#. Close. Lip ,. .6.06-6.02 6.00 6.0J .4.90-4-98 6.04 4.« .4.93-4.92 4.97 4.g ...4.91-4.90 4.96 4.9 .<4.92-4.89 4.96 4.91 ,.4.92-4.90 4.98 , 4.9J .4.92-4.91 4.97 1 4.K 4.96*4.93 4.99 4.91 iJfft* 6.00-6.01 4.98-4.97 .4.98-4.98 6.02 4.98 August. . . August-Sept. Sent.-Oct. . Oct.-Nov. . < Nov.-Dec. .. Dec.-Jan.. .. Jim.-Feb.,.. TODAY’S PORT RECEIPTS. The following uble .bow. r*Mlpt, »t the port, todar. compared wits tS, aam, da, Init Tear: INTERIOR MOVEMENT. TSe following table thowa rtcalpta at tha Interior towns today, compared with the an ius day last year: Augusta. . Memphis. . St. Louis. Cincinnati* WARE & LELAND’S DAILY COTTON LETTER .... H Liverpool was MtJur disappointing, init our oj»eulug was v **ry steady nt a slight advance, which was ■•Weil ti* during the morning until prices ire the best part of 15 points higher than the level of yenterday’s closing. Bh-.rt* contributed folly as many buying or.I.M* us did the bulls. The advance.neem- }£L n„ «*"im— ... - nimsge lii Texas by weevil and worms. On “*'• opening sml for some time after they * a Pl*o*ed to hare been heavy buyers. Jh'dr iiurchaset put shorts ou the ruu and Ri c flu* market a strong undertone. The situation is now very uncertain. August Is fcUimn «„ the gamillers’ mouth. Just be- cniUM* the most nnlooked for developments *5® hatched In any twenty-four hours f it fjirge crops have been made over into famine ylyld* In August, and nmserva- ur.; opera tors have come ti> look upon a , ^Hon on the market In Anemit !!* ‘langenma thing. While the prospect* for n *«r*« crop, those prospects tU ,,hnn «‘*. The rains have ceased end nr + undoubtedly high: If they \vi i hl * h# T disaster may overtake the crop. ♦ i-u wiu'-nd Insect damage la complalmsl of ,n r, va «- V»d It la hardly probable UKU ovum. A ft 164 6 6. *W. CAinu, yesterday, and the day previous quite n large line was sold for South America end for the Hawaiian Islands." / New Orleans, Aug. 24.—Liverpool 2 down Is again lower than expected. Lnchauged was due. Map shews light scattered_....— —. — the Mississippi rlvor, with cloudy weather on Atlantic coast and clear lu gulf states. Heavy rains have fallen In Oklahoma and .. Drought a prompt response. Following the lend set by IaiiuIou this morning, the initial prices on the ’—* local The Texas short Interest has been chiefly responsible for the present advance. Now that the covering Is practically over, they arc beginning to send In less favorable rr«»p COTTON REGION BULLETIN. STATIONS OF ATLANTA DISTRICT. •Atlanta, clear. . . •Chattanooga, clear. Columbus, clear. . . Gainesville, clear. . Greenville, elondy. . 1141 • Home, Kpnrtitinmrg. clear. Tallapoosa, clear. . Toccaa, clean . . . West Point, clear. •Minimum tempera tares nre for the 12- hour period ending nt 8 a, ra. this date. HEAVY RAINFALLS. Gainesville, Fla.. .. . Thoiiuisvllle. tin.. Oklahoma, Okla.. .. Atlanta. Augusta Charleston Galveston. ..... Little Rock Memphis Montgomery New Orleans. . . . • Oklahoma Savannah Vicksburg WHndngton *72 T Indicates Imi^^reclnli a rainfall. Tin* tem|»eraturi>M were slightly lower than for the previous 24 hour* lu the eastern ills- * • * - * *-•-*- iter the wesflrn _,, w .crate rains have fallen In all except the districts of Galves ton. Montgomery and New Orleans. Heavy amounts are reported nt points In Georgia, this sort of damage will decrease as the season grows older. On top of this. are ueariug the time of the equinoctial storms, which sometimes have ranch to do with the slse of the crop. The greatest niovetnent of new cotton in August was 185,909 bales In p©6. We cannot bojH? to reach that amount this rear, although we will undoubtedly ex ceed the nevf highest moremetiL which wn* 98 631 bale* In Angnst. 1992. The crop of UDM7 was inly 8.757.964. and therefore a large movement of new cotton In August proves nothing. GI BERT & CLAY ATLANTA. OA. COfFCC, PIXOVIAIONA 11 «• ALABAMA »T. I rVL k o 8,0ek Et<-h*ng».|!C«w Oi^n,T*t\rEx,tang.|C1il«m TJJ4*. & York ort's» oSm arRclTOa^^Bssss^ «nd Long DMunTtSSR. FAGAN, M.n.fl.r, JST stock exchange showed decldinl strength with gains ranging from per cent, distributed throughout the list. The fea ture of the early trading was 8teel com mon, which advanced He. Amalgamated Copper and Anaconda resumed their up- ward course. Amalgamated opened %c higher and Anaconda 2Hc. In the railroad list, the strongest features were Atchison, Louisville nml Nashville and the IIIll stocks. The fortner two made first gains of 1 point or more, while Northern 1'n* clflc rose 144c and Great Northern opetied 2 points up. Other notable gains were % In Heading, % In St. Paul, union Pacific nnd Southern I’nelflc, % In Canadian I'n- dfle nnd H lu Wabash preferred. The itock mnrket developed general strength following the opening gains and f irice* of leading Issue* moved up sharply n the first hour. Atchison was most prom inent In the railroad list, advancing 2H points. O. R. McDonald Imught Atchison on a largo scale. Anaconda made a net ( rain of 4H i»olnts. A large part of the raying In the general list was apparently covering of shorts. London Ixraght 60,000 shares, chiefly Southern Pacific, Erie, Copper nnd Steel. Governments unchanged. ‘Other bonds firm. LONDON STOCK MARKET. STOCK- Ann co n dn Atchison 101*4 Chic., MU. and St. Paul.... 190& Erie 1 " do. preferred Illinois Central Louisville nud Nashville. New York Central Pennsylvania Rending .. ,, . Southern Pacific.. ' Cwon Pacific tJulted Atntes Htecl do, preferred, . . .. ,[108’ RANGE OF NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Amnkgnmated Conner........ American Hngnr Ueflnlng... Atlantic Coast Line..... Amcnoda American Locomotive.. do, preferred American Smelling Refining * do, preferred Atchison do, preferred American Cotton, Oil...., Baltimore nml Ohio Brooklyn Rapid Transit. Canadian Pacific. Chicago and Northwestern Chesapeake and Ohio, Colorado Fuel and Iron Central Leather do, preferred Chicago and Great Western Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Delaware and lladson Distiller** . Securities do, General Electric fir.... Illinois Central American Ice Securities....... LqplNvilio nnd Nashville Mexican Central Mlswourl Pacific.... New York, Ontario nnd Western National Lead..... Northern Pacific...... New York Central Norfolk and Western Pennsylvania .••••••••.»,. «. .. People's Gas Pressed Steel Car Rending * Republic Steel.. Rock Islnnd do. preferred ..«•««« United States Rubber do, preferred Southern Pacific Southern Hallway do, preferred... Sloss-Sheffield Tennessee Coal and Iron Texas and Pacific Union Pacific United States Steel do. preferred Vlrglnia-Carollnn Chemical do, preferred.....; Western Uulon Walmsh . .... I do, preferred Wisconsin Central do, preferred Total stock sales today 1,434,400 shares. NOTES ON GRAIN Pointers on Provisions. Private Wire to Gilbert A Clay. 1 nteresta apt*ear wll . Oats must la* close to bottom. Private Wire to Ware A Leland. Chicago, Aug. 24.—Wheat mcciiis to l»e In a g«KMl scalping position nt present. The mnrket Is e\ * * easily from a scrvntive way. Argentina visible supply In chief ports: Wheat 1,318.000, against 3.382.001 last year. Corn, 3,488,000, against 4.869.000 In at year. Oats ojhmhnI Ntcndy. Bartlett, Frazier A Carrington selling few. Heptemtier now local stdllng and lack of outside not get very from the bears, who ... „ but little effort to cover.*' easier ipport. Do not RANGE OF THE COTTON MARKET AT NEW YORK. Aug. . Hept. . ?t. . . s'ov. . , )ec. . Jnn. . . Feb. . , March. Closed steady. TIPS FLASHED From Wall Street Spader stained the Inte trailing yes* A Co.: Most t hiups point "to a sastaljoed market today, terday gnve — — .... — c — ... the Copper shares, the Htecl stocks, and. perhaps. Union Pacific. Liquidation since -Monday has been heavy, though without Impairment to the market’s tone, and while the situation to some extent depends THE WEATHER. LOCAL PORECA8T. For Atlanta and Vicinity—Partly cloudy, with occasional showers tonight aud Satur day. WEATHER IN COTTON BELT. Texas—Houston, Tyler, Dallas aud San Antonio, clear and hot. Mississippi—Hattiesburg, Merldlhn. New Albany, Aberdeen nnd Holly Springs, clqar nnd hot; Tupelo, Jackson, Ns* aoo City, clear nnd warm. Alabama—Birmingham, Selma and Ope lika. clear and hot; Montgomery, clear and very hot; Mobile, clear and hot, some rain yesterday afternoon. lenrliud pleasant*, ’ hard rain yesterday afternoon; Albany, partly cloudy and ptensaut, rained last night; At lanta, partly cloudy and warm. WEATHER IfTwHEAT BELT. Extreme Northwest—Partly elondy, 40 to 68 a (Hive. Northwest—Cloudy, 64 to 84 alrave; gen eral rain*. . „ West.nnd Southwest—Partly elondy,.84 to 74 nltove; general rains In Kansas and Iowa, locsl rains in Missouri, Nebraska and 111!* Ohio Valley—Partly eloiuly, 72 to 74 above. weatherTorecast. I^ralslnna, Alabama, Mississippi nnd East Texas—lx»cal rains rrhlay nml Saturday; cooler In north portion Friday; cooler Sat urday; light to frcsli south, shifting to southwest, winds. Georgia—Showers Friday anil Saturday; cooler Snturdny; light to fresh south winds. East nnd West Florida-Local rains Frl* ’resh south wluds. I rains nud cooler Frl- fair. n, i,nuM» Saturday fair, Illinois—Local showers tonight and Bator- ^j&llann—^(fcmSoiial shower* tonight and ^Wisconsin—Partly cloudy tonight and Sat urday; showers tonight In extreme north. Minnesota—Partly cloudy tonight pnd Saf- nnlay: showers tonight, uorthoast; warmer Hataraay. west. Iowa—Partly cloudy tonight; showers, southeast; cooler In central and southeast; Saturday jmrtly cloudy. Mlsaonri—Shower# tonight, except fair In northeast; cooler In northeast; Saturday partly elondy. . , . A . Kansas—Generally fair tonight and Satur day. WEATHER CONDITIONS. The weather t* elondy In the southeast nnd along the east slope of the Knrkles, while at most other points there Is Inf fit* ie cloudiness. Shower# have occurred lu he upper Mississippi valley. In northern Texas. Arkansas. Mississippi. Georgia, the Carolina*. Florida and along the northern Her of states from New England westwn-1 to the Dakotas. The following points n Georgia report over an inch of rain In the last 24 honrs; Tbomnsvllle 2.10, Albany 1.24, and Columbus 1.39 Inches. The area of high pressure that was cen tered over Montana yesterday morning has canoed cooler weatbec In that section, 0\It the rest of the country the pressure Is hm nnd 21at. The conditions favor partly elondy weatb- r in this section tonight and Saturday, with occasional showers. Is In any event farther decline. Expect advances In Steel common, Cop- e cr, Anaconda and Union. Strong mar- **• . Information contlnnes bullish on Coppt which will meet offerings around 11L It If supported around 101. Professionals are trying to break the Bt. Paul 190 support, bnt, If maintained, a good rally Is looked for; otherwise,** drop Is due, according to our calculations. New York, Aug. 24.—Tho New York Fi nancial Bureau says: Tho policy of spe cialty Improvement seems likely to con tinue. We advocate the observant 1 * of a neutral position on the market, as a whole, but with preference for the long side for turns wheu standard Issues are weak, we would follow specialties up conservatively. The public In the market will increase upon encouragement. TUe inside element seems to as to still !m» bullish, bnt desires stability with betterment, and will prob ably act conserratlvelyi This all the more points to specialty Improvement, which Is not affected by high money. . Do not buy on bulges. Government relief for the money market Is assured by the action of Hecretnry Hh*w, who has a big treasury surplus, and can also refnud the high lu- terrst-bcarlug Ixmds due next year. "“•* bank statement will probably be uni Ida tomorrow, unless there Is UtieXM large decrease In loans, which Will •ome further raids on stocks. The trouble In Cub* Is regarded by financiers n» fosriory so fsr as financial affairs are concerned, for the United Htatea gov ernment has authority to Intervene whim things .become really serious. We think the tendency of the market Is to seek grad ually n higher level, nnd reactions will lie but temporary, for no bear market Is pos- slide with tno enormous funds mental of the crops nud general butanes* prosper ity. Private Wire to Ware A Inland. New York, Aug. 2l-l*ndon firm MGttc hI i h we» posted hoase says no difficulty la anticipated In liorrowlng money at ren sonabte rates. The big men have provliL cd for funds well ahead, and, while re- ons may appear, there Is every llkell- that the Iralt campaign will continue, with the llarrlmau Pacifies active fea- Tslk Is bullish on Rteels nnd Coppers In well Informed quarters, Imswi largely on mngnfficcnt trade conditions and dividend *WoSld"take on Atchison, Norfolk. Chee- speak * and Ohio, Car Equipments and low- priced rails whenever weakness develops. There la a bull tit* out thU morning on Colorado 'Fuel. Kpedallst information Is to the effect that the stock b» supported around 67 very strongly. We think a try for a flyer might be made If a small stop I!esd 1 °preferred dividend 1% per cent; DeUwnre nnd Hudson ex-dividend I% per cent; Gas ex-dividend l per ceut. Wabash, east of Toledo. Including Wheel- Ing and litkeferie, Wnlstsh. Pittsburg Ter- mins 1 nnd West Hide Belt, show a gain of 81.290,008 In gross earnings, or nearly .28 per cent, notwithstanding heavy toss In coni haul, owing to miners’ strike April. May and June. It shows the unbounded prosperity lu the territory traversed by lu Dow-Jones’ summary: American stocks In I^mdon strong %GHc almve parity. Hlr Willi*n. __ dlsn Pacific will build 2 mil IIill t«*rritory for one he bnllda In Can AT NEW ORLEAN8. Aug. . . Hept. . . Get. . . Nor. . . Dec. . . Jan. . . Fell. ... Starch. , i.Vi Clowd ttoady. Itl Horn. (Uranic, to .print wh,«t In th. norlhwMt rpport«l from hnit and raSKlrtEEf 0 * £2. r ~S ,ock ,!llcl " ,n *• All Indl ton crop. American Locomotive Is now doing rec ord business. nnd the anuual report forth coming will show large earnings. Serious shortage In Itusslnn wheat crop. Revolutionary movement In Culm check, ed. Banks continue to lose cash to tha In terlor. but treasury deposits wl»b ont-of- town banks will help. Thirty-five roads for second week in An gnat show gross Increase of .184-10 per cent. Twelve Industrials advanced .27 cent. Twenty active railroads advanced .32 per The Chicago Inter-Ocean: Sale* of cash rain In Chicago were 160.000 bushels of rhent. 250,000 bushels of corn, and 140, I60.bod"oats. It Is Impossible to get any *klnd of news about the northwestern wheat crop. There were reports of good yields from the threshers; also, numerous claims of poor ones. Rains over part of the north west have delayed harvesting, nml If con tinued arc expected to retard the move ment of the new crop, in the face of thnse variegated reports, MliicuiHitls re ceived 25 cars of wheat yesterday which I H rn. Tha Meptein- • £\u, x ni «r over. — -- Ity nilllers nml Missouri millers were lu the Kansas City market yesterday with prices 2c higher: So. 2 ffffilh. and No. 2 hard nt 8se. There wore antes luto Wednesday of*175,000 bushels. Kt. Ij>uIs msh wheat was %c higher at TOOTllkc for No. 2 red. Despite the heavy marketing of winter wheat slnec July 1, Ht. Louis has only received 5.250,- 000 bushel* nr 1,789,000 trashels less than •nst year. Chicago received 14.492,000. nil Increase of 6.957,003 irasliels; nnd Kansas City 11.426.030. a decrease of 429,000 bush els. At primary points, receipts aggre gate 44,620,000 bushels, an Increase or 7,- 233.000 bushels over Inst year. Exporters at the Atlantic seaboard are mostly lH»nrlsh on wheat. They declare that Europe does not follow onr lend, and has only taken a tew loads. Reports from around Hpencer, Ln., any that oats arc yielding 208426 per cent less than last year, and that the farmers are stacking them. At Kentlsnd, Ind., oue farmer secured 47 irashcls per sere. C. E. Iii-wls, of Mlncnpolls, wires: "The people who are long wheat In Winnipeg nre sending out damage reports which we do not believe. Our Mr. Cassidy Is cov ering the north half of North Itakota nnd harvest in full blast.* THE COFFEE MARKET. New York, Aug. M.-The market opened steady, but at a partial drcllnc of 6 points, with liquidation of the near months con tinuing to \m the speculative features. This was mostly In the form of exchanges, however, nnd had little effect on the mnr- April June ». July August.. September.. .. October.. .. , November.. .. .. December Closed steady. nge. Close. 'SIS .16-7.' .20-7.:.. 26-7.35 7.35-7.40 7.40-7.45 8.8B4.“- ISi L. J, ANDERSON A. CO.'S DAILY COTTON LETTER New York, Aug. 24.—There wns better support offered to the cotton market today by short covering and some buying for a rally on the less favorable weather re ports from the lndt. Heavy precipitations were recorded lu Irath the eastern and westeri? portions of the licit. The market has been In a state of equipoise for soms time now. and the trade, as a whole, has been expecting a rally on any little change In the..character of the news. In addi tion, reports of weevil and shedding nre •till coming on. The bulk of the trade, howerer, still expect a large yield, and do not look for anything letter than n temporary rally ttnleaa there Is some de cided change In the crop ontlook. SOUTHERN EXCHANGE Oldest EsUblUhed Office South. COTTON - STOCKS BONOS GRAIN Ground Floor Gould Building. Dully market letter And market manual mailed on application. L J. ANDERSON & CO Bankers and Brokers, COTTON, STOCKS, GRAIN Correspondent's Capital $250,000 aCPEaENCC, THE NEAL BANK PHONE 1417. PRUDENTIAL BLOC MONEY ON CALL, Private Leased Wire. ' lew York, Aug. 21.—Money on rail 3H$5% cent. Htcrllug exchange, posted rates, 4.11% and Ysrk. New Otltsai. WARE A LELAND COTTON, GRAIN, PROVISIONS, STOCKS, BONDS, Ns. 2 Wall St., Ftfttt Buildlag. Atlanta, Ga. VCMSfffS; lit fsrft Cfffoi itekaage. Chicago Board at Trado. Jfcw Orleans Colton ficSaagc. Chicago Stock Uxkaoge. Lheraoot Collet Astoclal.oa. New York CtUee hekaago. frit alt Wires to Hew York, Bew Orleans, Chicago. f. C. COTHKAN, Manager. — fwm Bett Fbo ■< 1362. Standard Phone 2M, SOUTH OFFERING COTTON FREELY New York, Aug. 24.—The Hun says: "The cotton market developed unexpfrta.1 weakness today. It stnrtcd In Mvrrpoul, where prices fell 164920 American points. owing to manipulation tr$r American bears, liquidation nml large nffertugs of new cotton from tho Houtb. Tide wns the signal for heavy selling here for laoth sides of the arnrant, and prices fell sharply, nnd nlthough at one time a moderate rally oe eurred. It warn followed by renewed henry selling and depression, sml the last prices were about the lowest of the day. I4ver- jHMtl sold here and tho South continued t6 sell heavily, while the receipts of new cotton were lll»ernl aud the South wns said to be offering now cotton freely. On th«- decline, shorts covered and considera ble buying was also noticeable for account of local nnd Wall street traders. Hpot In terests were buying, a good spot dehiand wns reported at the South nnd Increas ing shedding and weevil damage were re ported from Texas, But, In the main, the crop reports were as favorable as ever. In fact, the Indications for n large yield, Judging from present appearances, are so giHMi that few have confidence In tho long side for any material advance."—GIbert is Clay. New Orleans, Aug. 24.—The Tlmes-Demo- ernt: ••Yesterday's cotton market waa quite characteristic of current events. Com tfcqiietitly, a few folk evidenced a drain to buy the stuff for the reason that even after a decline of 180 {mints and more, bear dope alone wins sympathy. In proof thereof, the talent traded on Liverpool's JJJoglralJy low opening, while tom# counted high temperatures over tha belt attracted little more than paasl.. M teatlon. The routing of the brag Interest held by oiice-eonfident reactionists proved a fruitful source of bearish profit, and left the staple short on friends and long on enctnlm. Meanwhile, though many wise traders bellevn the speculative price tins scraped iMittoin for tho time l>e|iif, the fact that spot cotton has swung down quite near tno trading value of options may prove an unfortunate object lesson to tho Yesterday’# decline of nearly a Imle leave# the price only n very few points liettcr off than the season's ex treme low level."—Ware Jk Leland. GIBERT A CLAY S DAILY COTTON LETTER. WHEAT OPENED Selling During Morning Ses sion Wns Mostly by the Pit Crowd. BUYING WAS GOOD Offerings Were Easily Ab sorbed—Advices From Abroad Disappointing. • -tin By Private loosed Wire. Chicago, Aug. SL-lfttfglDg sale popular In the wheat pit, these trnnunr. tlons being mollify against the big crop Northwest. Corn nnd oats were slow. Clos ing prices showed wheat V* to V “ff. corn V4 to %c lower, oat# off >4 to »,c, and pro- ■Bkhs np sharply- . .Imnry wheat receipts 477,001 bushels nnd com 434.000 bushels, against 643.010 lrashnlg nud 479,000 bushels respectively a year ago. Clearances lor tho <fny 210.500 bushels of Wheat, 10,400 bushels corn and 2,(K<0 Irashcls CHICAGO GRAIN MARKET. Chicago grain and provisions quotations for today follow: Open. High. Sr. 1 y.^... 7874 ”489i 48% 44<i 44»i WHEAT— Hept.... Iw May.... CORN- Hept.... Dec.... May J OAT8- . ept.,.» 2914 lee » 3! lay 8314 PORK- Hept.. 17.08 iT.dTH 17.05 Jan li.42* 13.43 13.35 Ix»w. Close. Close. :o?4 71H 71V4 73% 74% 74U •8V4 78*1, 78\ 48J4 38 'H’K Hept.. 8.60 Oct..,. 8.86 Jnn... 7,80 8IDBH— Hept... 8.86 tlct.... 8.60 8.80 m 7.75 13 46 13.46 8 SO 8.6714 8.S7H K 8* 7.S7I4 7.8244 8.J7H 8.86 7.224 Jnn.;;.. '7.20 7.24 CAM 11 WIIRAT- No 2 red 72©72%4; No. 8 dn 71JS72: No. 2 hnnl winter TlfnlH; Nj. 3 do 70ft71. PRIMARY MOVEMENT. The following figures show the primary movement of wheat nnd com: Wheat—Receipts today 477.000 btishela. 000 irashcls Inst year. Corn—Receipts toi|ty 424,000 Irashcls, against 479.009 bnutMft Inst year: ship ments tralay 800,000 bushels, ngupist ti‘3,- 000 bushels Inst year. LIVERPOOL GRAIN MARKET. Wheat—Opened higher; nt 1:39 p. r 4014c higher; rJose.l 4fi4e higbe 17000 I200J i of a reaction from yesterday’s dt»- lowtr. The ruling strength of the American mar kets was primarily dm* to short covering on Wheat.. Corn.. .. .. .. .. Oats., Hogs NORTHWEST CARK The following figures give the northwest cars today. Inst week and last year: ... . 7<ast Last Today. Week. Year. Minneapolis 7n lio 172 Duluth 6 130 8 COTTON SEED OIL MARKET. New York, Aug. 21.—The market for cot* ulet nnd a little wanker par. ‘nrJr _ . tlcninrly so of the Into deliveries, and there appeared to lie some disposition to sell for the recent advance. Netting was Influenced by tho weakness In cotton, and also by a report that 5m barrels of new prime oil has already been shipped to New York, nml more would soon follow. The market nt the close was generally 4c lower, with the exception of August, which ndvnnccd w.-tflts A I.elnml. Opening. Closing. August. 8544/3* 38 $364 Heptenilnw. 884088 October. . . . November. . . December. .... __ January 29>j4r80 29^ ton re* 294B3I 304 m 864, sml 600 November nt 30. IF *r at n more extensive scale, the Incentive for which Is found In the receipt of numerous advices from Texas, Indicating damage through the activity of IhiII weevil and worms. Complaints of serious Interference with picking, through the frequency of mini were generally reported, although full credence was not given those sources of Information, as the belief prevailed Chat they were partly Intended to Improve mar ket prices In order to achieve a better ba ils for selling. Whatever the Intention may have been. It waa effectual lu reducing to a minimum Itenrlsii activity, and served to create con- slderable encouragement to manv who atlll adhere to the theory that n reaction Is due. However, In the absence of any well found- ed cron scare. It does not seem likely that mnrket Improvements will »»e other thss temporary, ns general prospects for the crop continue still most satisfactory. LOWRY NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL, SURPLUS AND PROFITS OVER ONE MILLION DOLLARS Foreign Exchange, Travelers’ Checks, Brown 'Brothers’ Letters of Credit available ln all parts of the world. TIIOS. J. PEEPLES. Cashier. JA8. G. LESTER. Ass’t Caihler. MADD0X-RUCKER BANKING CO. CAPITAL SURPLUS AND PROFITS ACCOUNTS INVITED $200,000.00 $500,000.00 We invite accounts of individuals, corporations, banks and bankers and offer the best terms consistent with conservative banking.