Newspaper Page Text
J»t •• waa doped out In Tha Georgian
of Thuraday afternoon, Manager Dominick
■ Mailancy, the moet popular manager In
the Kouthern League. haa been auapended
I' r Karanaugb, prealdent of the league,
aa a reanlt of hla alleged aaaaolt on flbua-
Of eon roe. The Georgian waa not right
there on the hall held, and did. not
the eneonnter, but, Judging from the preaa
reporta aent out from the Creerent Clt.v,
Multaney dldnt' come arlthln 90 feat of
the tender nmpe.
The preaa reporta atated Thuraday that
••Mannger Mullaney made a break for the
umpire, lint waa held by aome one," while
Khuater'a pitiful wall to tha leagua'a bead
wna: "Mullaney kicked me and followed
me all oear the deld, nearly caoalng a
Loral fandom hare bad a nice Juicy taata
of Khuater'a ability to tall the truth, and
It'r a 90 to 1 abot that Mnllaney didn't
come within 40 feet of the Jbdge of play.
And the Karananxh-Fmnk combination
Mnrrd out In all Ita glory and yellow-
peaa when Karanaugb ordered Mhll ana-
pendel without eten ao much aa an In-
Ttetlgatlon. Yet—a drunken pitcher, who
la »rtlns In the capacity of umpire, may
n-aanlt a player and uae profane language
In the preaance of womed apectatore, Jnat
iN-cauae the aald Intoxicated player la a
member of tha New Orleana club.
Hut waa Manager Mullaney faaaed when
he got notice of hla auapenaton. Not hr.
The big trlahman with a wtt that la born
In him. wired the following touching men-
ange to Karanaugb.
C "William Karanaugb, Uttte Rock, Ark—
O. Shuater!” MULLAKBY."
Again The Georgian ealla tha attention
of the fana that Shuater for the peat
month baa trailed Naw Orleana around tbe
Special to The Georgian.
Klloam, On.. Aug. 94.—A rery Intereel
Ing but rather onaalded game of hall
waa played here Thuraday afternoon be
tween the atroug nine from Cnlod Point.
Slloam had a walk-orer with the nett
ing team.
Kllllnglm pitched a great game ’ for HI-
loam, allowing no hlta and atrlking out
nineteen men.
A gee, Union Polut'a atar pitcher, waa
batted hard In the fourth Inning, lie waa
ri'llared by Arnold, who waa treated Jnat
a little hotter. Tbe feature of the game
waa the great work of Ike Hltoam I ait
Tbe lineup and eeore follow:
* ictte:
' kii.oAS-
V. Kllllnglm. aa..
I„ llh.alea. 3b....
L Hill, rf
llrynobla. 9b.... ,
Curry. lb ...
cutaway, rf
c. IHmlra. If
It Ithodea,
Fllllngtm, p
I. Ilarf, cf
Cos. Sb
II. Reynold* M.. .
,.S I
0 0
1 0
7 St 1
Thorton, lb.,
th Ilatt, rf..
Overton, 2b...,
It. Aroohl, If..
Brnnllrt, c... .
Agvf. |»
eat) 0
f ... .0
0- s
.0 0 It
Summary: iVome ran. lllllaglm; tfcrw*-
I hi At • hit, II. Rhodes, Hill; two-tase hit.
Reynolds, Cain way; aacrWw hlta, Flllln-
fltn. Corry, C. IIIumIcs; base* on hall*
»tff Agee 4; struck out by Agee 3, by FIl-
lliidm !». Attend*****, SOQl Umpire,
Eddie Walsh Has Made
Great Pitching Record
Tbe remarkable winning epnrt of tha
Chicago White Box In the American
League, though It haa not yet terminated,
already eellpaea anything In tbla line dur
ing the preaent year, and will go down
aa one of the greateat atreaka of ylcto*
rlea In the hiatory of haaaball.
Chicago', record beginning with July 29.
when It atarted Ita wonderful atreek, la
aa follow,: Won 21, loat 1, tiod L Nine
teen Ylctortea hare boon aucceaelve.
Thla continued winning haa carried the
White Sox from fourth poeltlon, where
they were hardly conaldered a pennant poe-
elblllty, Into Drat place, with a ton-game
lead oyer tha Athletic,, thetr neareat ri-
While tha greater number of their game,
hare been won on tho homo ground,,
where they hare alwaya bean conaldered
altnoet Inrlnrlble, they hero yet to loae
their drat game on the preaent trip euat,
haring to date played eight.
The wonderful upward flight of tho Sox
began on tbelr return from their laat
eaatern trip on July 99. after they hnd Buf
fered aererely at tha -hand, of their raat-
ern rlrala. In Philadelphia, they fall rlc-.
time to the Athletic, to the- extent of lira
game, out of alx, and their pennant
chance, appeared to b« equrlcbed.
Back on their home ground,, they ral
lied and took'four game, from Waahlng-
too. Thla waa followed by a defeat at
tbe banda of Button.
Comlakey'a men regained tbelr atrlde
after thla setback, and, with the excep
tion of a 0-0 tla laat week In Chicago,
bare won eyary content.
One of tbe moat remarkable feature, of
the winning atrcak la the fact that tha
Chicago team la hitting very poorly; In
fact, rank, laat In tho league. Tbla, how-
errr. la affect by their flue fielding and bane
running, and the excellent work of tha
Though White, Owen and Patteraon hare
contributed greatly to the atrtng of auc-
reaaoa, the greateat work haa been dona
by Walnh.
Tbla pitcher haa not mot with a defeat
•Inca June, and of the twenty-three rlcto-
rlre, bo haa captured eight, more than a
third of the number.
He baa not allowed hla opponenta a run
In Are of theao game., In two only a aln
gle run, and In the other three.
In a ronteat agatnat lloaton on Anguat
2, he nlloweil Colllue' men - but one hit.
w — -——*
Memphis . ,
Netv Orleana
Atlanta . . . .
Shreveport .
Montgomery ,
Nashville . .
Little Hock .
Played. Won. Loat. P. C.
Auguata . . . .
Savannah . .
Columbia . .
Charleston .
'nr eight crime*, nu average
Jive, lie won games on July 29, Au
fust 3, 7, 10, )2, II, 18 end 23.
Variegated Dope Drops
From Sporting Sources
What |»n»nili»s to Im* tbe most hotly con
test *1 came of the season will be played
■t rt4Hlm,*nt |tnrk Saturday, when Knts nn<l
Blltey mara-t f,»r the last game of (be sea-
eon suit th.* t'hnmplnnshlp of tbe fonimer-
cUl I*ngt}*» *
Thl* gam* la i»f *|M^tal Interest for tbe
reason that if Hllvey wins they will be tied'
for irsi I'Lira-, while if Knts wlna the chain
plnnshlp c ,M> * to tU.m. The game will br
eaUM at s-J» oVlnek. A antalt admtadon
will in* t'harc't for gentlemen, ladle*
anil to* mimiti^i
Ihti* Walla.-.', Aiiante’a trark center
th« disabled list.
Will offHate a* uu*^lym
Rreltsnateln got an unuaually laid dose.
Billy Rmlth didn't get but ten days for
assaulting Umpire Shuster at Atlanta, whit#
Breltenatelu, who was himself au umpire
at the time, got fifteen day a for resent
ing what he considered an Insult from
Carey. President Knvannuch orderetl
Breltensteln suspended for ten days, bnt
he had been Informed that Manager Frank
had already gftren the local twlrler live
daya off with a 125 line attached, ao the
additional ten day* made It pretty hard
on Breltensteln, who had to anffer greatly
for a trivial offense.—New Orleans Item.
While everything went anioothly for the
visitors, even the grounders Imnndlng Into
Jordan's and Morse's pockets on occasions
to their left and right, they were entitled
to consideration and respect from nil fair-
minded people, for with a erlpplel line up
they laughed at all ,tocal attempts to rldl<
cnle sml even nerved themselves Into hur-
ratting the good old-fashioned rooters on
the bleachers, Jordnn especially making
life miserable for several sons of the sun
god by iiiiitnllslng motions to tbe score
board with Its liming record of current
happenluga. It was sweet revenge for the
Oeorglnus. who have been knocked out of
the race for the peiinnnt on home grounds
by our same Memphll who won a great
majority of guinea over In llokesmlthtown.
—Memphis Commercial-Appeal.
Although today la one one for rest, Man
ager l.leldinrdt of the t.lefitmrdts nnd
Manager Huggs of the Hucgses will cal!
metnltcrs of tbelr teams together for the
first preliminary practice for the game on
September 18. Carey will also engage a
trainer for hla sprint match with Ed llurl-
hurt for the turtle championship on the
•ante date, ntid Ed llurllmrt will put
In time practicing the get-away front the
crack of the plaM. such custom l>elng«tbr
regulation method used In stnrtlng all
sprints.—Memphis Cimituerclnl-Appcnl.
Yesterday Milo Stratton, the Pelican
catcher, taught his one hundred and first
game. He Is easily one of the most re
liable back st4*p* l» Ihe league aud In the
streteh Is giving the local clttlt splendid
service.—New Orleans Item.
Manager llaltb will hike to th» lndc|M*nd-
ent diamonds In a few wcks to Inspect
material for nest year's us**. Before Itabb
wss attached to tbe bawl fi>ld last season
he visited Maryland ami other Independ
ent vicinities, which resulted In the ills-
eovery «f X|ch«d!e. Il«* will prospect much
• hi the same . Hues this year, ami. al
though the et|M*n*e of such a trip Is <*onsld-
erahle. the discovery of a single talltosrer
enables the rlnb to *|ult with more than an
even break during these, times when lln«*a
on yonng Montled ball players with the
right make-up* are selling from |3<X> to |C,-
080.—Memphis Commercial Appeal.
Atlanta director! do not think so.—Mont
gomery Journal.
A glance at the league atnndlng leads one
to liellevs Atlanta Is some points ahead of
Montgomery. Address your attentions to
Mullaney, bo.—Atlanta Georgian.
We did rub It Into Atlanta a little hard
the last time. Beg pardon.—Montgomery
Members of the Atlanta team were grastly
Interested In the election news from tleor-
gin yesterday, although not a single player
would commit himself as to choice between
lion. Hoke or Hon. Clark.—Memphis Com
turrets! Appeal.
Oylor I* rapidly recovering. Tbs fever has
left him and he will lu* out In a week or
■o. Aleoek Is rapidly rounding Into form,
and will he able to get bark In a few days.
—Birmingham l-cdgcr.
Why Brouther* waa put out of the game
Is a question that the fans are asklhg. per
haps lllg league Umpire Shuster may tell.
Ask him.—New Orleana States.
When Jake Ats was ordered out of the
game yesterday Mullaney, who had enjoyed
the same distinction the previous day, walk*
ed over nnd congratulated him. They
promptly removed their caps and shook
hnnds. Ats w*nlked over to tbe bench and
Mullaney ti>ok his place at the bat.—New
Orleana Picayune.
Frank has a whole lot to do with thla
league, anyway.-Montgomery Journal.
Now, y»u’re kidding; ain't you, ho?
tarry lloffmnn played the l>est game of
his career at thin! for Atlanta. Ills work
on bunts was especially tyutt.
In (he fourth Xtcholts wVnt Into the deep
held, picked tip a hot grounder, and with
out straightening threw to rtrst In time to
uab Hick Crosier, the swiftest man on the
Atlnntn team. It robbed Irtek of a certain
hit.— Memphis Ncws-Hclmltar.
- Baster Mpnrks. Tout Hughes nnd "Itoc"
Childs will operate on the Travelers In
the remaining three games'of the series.
Charley Smith. the original Georgia
Peach, let Cleveland down without a rnn
and with only four hits Wednesday.
Birmingham’* winning number double-
header from Shreveport Thursday gave At*
linta a clear title to fourth place and put
Billy Smith’s team right on the heels of
Memphis, which did not play. Montgom
ery ties up with. Memphis Frtdsy after*
i. sml frmu the gait MulPa men are go
ing they ought to make an even break
with the Habblera. If Atlanta gets two
of the three remaining games from
little Uork, we will be In third place.
Is Billy Smith a utausfer) We bet tbs There seems to bo some Ill-feeling be*
Played. Won. Loat.
Chicago . . .
. 114
Pittsburg . .
. ut
New York . .
. 110
. 112
Cincinnati .
a 113
Brooklyn . .
. 109
St. I-oula . .
. 114
Boaton . . .
. lit
Chicago . . .
New York ..
Clevelffhd . .
St. Loula .
Detroit . . .
Washington .
Boston • . .
Played. Won. Loat. P. C.
Columbun . .
Milwaukee .
Toledo . . ,
Minneapolis .
Kansas City ,
Louisville . .
8t. Paul . \
Indianapolis .
Played. Won. Loit. P.C.
. 125 77 48 .818
. 124
. 124
. 124
. 128
. 124
. 12S
. 125
Llttl* Bock, Ark., Aufi. K—By plnyluu lirllltunt hawluill In aupport of Zol-
ler’a (Ip-top twlrllnfi, Atlanta defontnl f.ltdc Rock Thur*l,y aftornoon, lh,rol>y
winning It, fourth game out of fire played on the road.
Zeller w„ In grand form, giving up only throe hit,, and tho tram floldad
In grand ityle behind him: Jordan, Slone and’Winter, led the hitting for At
lanta, raoh getting Mnglo, when they (polled run,.
Atlanta .cored flrat In the aceond Inning. Morse boat out a hunt. Hoffuian
popped out, and Jordan tripled, sending Mono home. Fox groundered, but Jordan
w,i nabhod at tha plat,. Ryera' grounder forced Fox.
The next came In the fifth. Evera' single, Zeller'a tingle and Winters'
furnished the tally.
Tha Anal ran waa made In the eighth, when Winter, doubled, weut to third
on Croxlor', bunt, and .cored on Kmlth', fly.
The crowd In attendance wae mlcroteoplc and luke-warm, although Little Rock
played a gingery game.
Kparke end Keith aro slated to twirl In Friday's game.
The score:
Atlanta 1. Llttl, Rock 1.
Montgomery 2, New Orleana 0.
Birmingham 4, Shreveport 1.
Birmingham 4, Shreveport 0.
South Atlanlie—
Charleston 3, Auguata 1.
St. Louis 3, Boston 1.
Chicago 6, Philadelphia I.
Pittsburg 7. New York L< .
St. Louta S, Boston 1.
New York 9, Cleveland I.
Detroit 7. Philadelphia 6.
' Chicago 4, Washington 1.
American Aaaoclation—
Toledo 3, Kanaaa Gtty 0. .
Kansas City 9, Toledo 4.
Columbus 2. Milwaukee 0.
St. Paul 3, Louisville 1.
Indianapolis 1, Minneapolis 0.
Cotton States—
Gulfport (7, Jackson 6.
Vicksburg-Mobile, rain.
Baton Rouge 9, Meridian 0 (for
You and a greasy hat. Bussey can
dean, and reshape (the hat). 281-2
' Littlk uouK- Xn. u. 11. im>. a. k. Atlanta- Xb. u. ii. i*o. a. k.
S 1 ? 8 8
Dougin**, lb.. 4 0 0 9 0 0
Dp A ram ml, rr 8 0 0 1 0 0
Quirk. If 4 1110 0
Krinmrrllng. 2b 4 0 16 10
Jehnson, **.. .. ,.4 0 0 2 6 0
y.lnuuer, 3 0 1 6 1 0
nrady, p 1 0 0 0 1 0
Total. .. J 7 1 IT M 0
Winters, rf.. 3 1 1 0 0 0
Crotler, If 3 0 1 4 0 0
Hmlth, c. ...4 0 0 4 0 0
Morse, m 4 1 2 2 3 2
Hoffman. 3b.. 4 0 0 0 3 .0
Jordan. 2b 3 0 2 0 1 0
Fox. lb 4 0 0 12 0 0
Kvers, cf.. .. .. .. ,...4 112 0 0
Zeller, p ..3 0 l 2 5 0
Total* 32 1 1 S 12 1
Mttja 0 *a • • a a ..... ...0 0 0*0 0 1 0 0 0-1
Atlanta... . 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 fl-3
Nummary: Two*b*se hits. Winters, Krmmeriiug; three-bnse hits, iordnn; sacri
fice hlta, Rrady, Crosier; stolen Isiaes, Qnlek; l»qne on tails off Zeller 1, off
Brady 2; struck out by Zaller 4, by Brady 5; hit hy pitcher by Zeller 1; first base
on errors, Llttl# Rock 2; left on taaes. Little Rock 6, Atlanta 1: passed balls,
Rmlth; double plays, Johnson to Kemmerling to Donglas*. Time, 1:M. Umpire,
Special to Tbe Gaorglao.
Shreveport, la., Aug. 34.—Manager Gllka
haa a<dd Flrat Baacman Ahateln to tha
Ilttahurg National I-eagne rlnb. He la to
remain with Khreraport till tha cloa. of
the aeaaon. •
The purebaae price la aald to be 93,000.
Hiys the sapient scribe of The New Or
leans Item:
"In one thing we,are willing to ngree
with the fempestuona Imsetall aerita* of
Atlanta: %
"That Shuater la the aeaaou'a Joke as an
"He Is the amps whom Mnnnger Smith
assaulted when tbe official called a game
In that city tafore Smith thought It was
dsrk enough. Smith handle*] Shuster pret
ty roughly, nnd was generally eomfemned
for It, but since Shuster has hceit work-
Bcbreck’s face was black aa a thunder
cloud when be atootl a ml watched Huta's
poor throw roll along the ground, nnd he
certainly semed to |>e lu the sulks. It was
also noticed that RiiIm* nnd Bchreck did
not pull off their usunl exhibition of fan
cy pitching and catching before the game
daring the afternoon. Butte has left
Rchreek'a home, where he hnd long Iteen
the “star Itoarder," nnd It looks aa If
some serious difference had arlseu between
tbe two.—Cleveland threat.
Ing In this * lty, the fans have realised how
he eohld excite Kmlth or anybody else to
"Khnater may be a . pretty clever fellow
In aome respects, but he Is certainly not
a capsids umpire, nud If he ever realises
his nmldtlon to get into tbe big leagues,
we will lielleve his assertion’ that ntnpfr
“The only y«y to get along with the
New York team It to regard them as bit
ter enemies and to treat them aa such."
Manager Hanlon, of the Beds, holds that .. .... • ,
I!!: Manager McOraw and hi. lHnoIU P „,. Khratcr'Horant play ta fori Ira
lie deals out the spurton* article to both
For the first paragraph, many thank*.
"Ham" seld)m agrees with us In the sum*
Aa to tbe second paragraph, we told yon
ao. v
As to the third pamgraph, poppycock,
which has n>t even the merit of being
As to the fourth paragraph, comment Is
men, and propom* to - act accordingly
whenever the l(e«U and Giants meet.
no use trying to be even fairly decent
with the New Yorks," continued Manager
Itaulon,* "for they don't appreciate that
sort of treatment. The rougher or tougher
one gets with them, the better chance
one baa of getting an even break In- the
gamca with them. For that reason. I'm
going to Impress upon President Herrmann
the necessity of curbing tbe chesty gentle
men when next they visit Cincinnati.
They'll not get nway with the umpire In
timidation on the Clndunatt grounds that
they have l*een trying to work In the cant
of late. I propose to have a few police
officers handy during the New York se
ries. ami as soon aa 6>ne of them sa
or does anything out of tho
hearing I’ll have him yai
tween thoae old pals. Unite Waddell and
Ossie Kchreckengost. It looked very bad.
In the eighth Inning of yesterday's game,
to *ee Kehrerk loaf along after Unite's
hed throw fit the plate, while tarry scored
aud Coiigatton raced to third. After Con
nie Mack had yanked Ossie nut of the
game, the catcher explained that be bad
forgotten there was anylmdy running the
bases except tarry, and aa be deemed It
Impossible tit get him. he saw no use lu
rbaslng the Imll. Mack professed to ac
cept the explanation nnd the apologies
offered lny Hchreck, but he did not send
Oeale In to catch the second game. As
a matter of fact. Kchreck'a explanation of
hit action doesn't sound right. He has
a pretty good bead on hla shoulders, and
It Is sea^vly to be lielleved that Ije would
forget i*6»ngatton was going around the
l«gs, when It was Con gallon's rap which _ „ ,
•eut tarry on bis way to tbe plate. 300000000000000^0000000000 16 DfCbtur 6b
in-., w. wr,™in* irira ra. vorke
that lh»jr ,It>* tli.ra rrrrrttiluz. Tknw* two
R mra w» Inal lo thr S>w York mi the
p Jnat rlnanl, Iwrauiw Kni.llo ami John-
alnur bail liran blnffnl l>y Unlraw anil hi.
■non, .(III allrk in uiy rraw and ihm- will
. . — - --- r whm id.
ran prom-
. O
Atlanta In Little Rock. O
Naahvtlle In Shreveport. O
Montgomery In Memphla. O
Birmingham In New Orleana. O
The two Chicago teams continue their vic
torious march, sml It Itcglns tq appear that
Grnntlnnd Bloc's prediction, made nearly a
month ago, will be realised to the letter.
The former Atlanta sporting scrllH*. who
Is now doing stunts for The Cleveland
News, wna ntmut the first iportlng writer In
the country to come out with the uuhcdgHl
prediction that Chicago would this fall
boast two pennant winners.
Now, a month later. It la practically Im
possible for either the Kpuda or the White
Box to lose. The American taague team
Thursday won .Its nineteenth consecutive
game, aml ls getting pretty close to tho or*
gnnlaed bnaelmll record for straight win*.
The National league team Is nenrly 100
points ahead of Vlttahurg nud New York,
and Is going fatter than nuy other club la
the lengne.
Neither will ever In* headed.
The double win for Chicago will do or
ganised Imselmll n lot.of good. It has Ihhmi
nearly twenty years alnee the Chicago
National club won a pennant, and six year*
since Clark Griffith won for Chicago lo
the then new American League.
Both Comlskey and Frhnk Chance have
done great work. Both arc' dean, straight-
forward baseball players and neither has
tolerated the dirty tactics that Mr*
Grnw has consistently used. The defeat of
the latter will hurt the-National League
finances n little, but It will Ins good for
News and Notes of Sport.
The Willingham A Tift 1-uob.r I'rnnpnny
liaarliult I-Inli would like to metre i-kal-
lengra from any traiu In nr ahnnt th.
••tty. The Mne-np of the Wllllngtmm A
Ttft tram .» follow,: Wlnhnrn. rf;
Itarnra, 2h; Barker, n; Cotton, p; Coch
ran, 2t>: Uyaii, If: It. Kample, lh; C. Kam-
ple, e; Itaekum rf.
Aildrra, all rommnnlrntlna, to Creaton
Wlnlmra, manager, 270 Ire at reel, or 691
Bgttltehle building. Bell 'phoqea 353 nintn,
and 327 J weal.
Confidential loans on valuables.
Bargains In unredeemed Diamonds
Kimball Houta>
Four tout of five on the road.
Three more games with Mttle Uork. there
Ixdng a double-header Saturday.
Reuben nt his best Thursday, the Little
Rocker* only getting three. lilt*, one <*f
which wss u hunt taat out. • '
Brers seems to have got hit hatting eye.
tie socitrcd n single Thursday. Zeller
also had oue to hla credit.
Quick, living up to Ids name, was ths
only one to steal on tho "governor" Thura*
Kemnicrllng brought In the only run f«*r
Little Rock. With two down, Quick *lo-
gl«L then Kelnmle doubled.
In Atlanta’s last three games, her oppo
nent* hare only made two runs, an aver*
age of less than one run to the gam*.
I'relty gotnl for .cripples.
One Gultteres officiated Iwhlnd the lat
for Montgomery Thursday. He Is n n«a
one to the fans.
Pittsburg again took a fall out of tht
McGrow Muckers Thursday. The ao-called
GlantM have lost live out of the ln*t »1*
games. Thursday's game' shored them l*u*k
Into third phu*e.
■a, H'jlc 1 -
Co, Adam, ft Drew. Beaale PhWH*
Marveloun Merrill, t'ameragraph.
Sale nt Bijou Box Office.
For County Commlaaiontr.
and WHIfiKtr HABIT*
cured at home «ii«-
out paw. Bookcfp*J*
ticulars seat FBf**
)ffice 104 N. Pryor b'tcri*