Newspaper Page Text
FRIDAY. AFDFST 21. 1!*«.
A Sensational Saturday Sale Of Specials
Sale of Skirts.
Just in—200 brand new
| Fall Skirts of Panamas,
Mohairs, shadow plaids
and cheeked novelties;-ex
cellently tailored and
worth $8 to $12; choice
in Satur
day’s sale.
Sale of Waists.
Tomorrow we begin the
final clearance of summer
Waists with an offering of
beautiful lingerie styles of
fine Lawns and Batistes,
lace and embroidery trim
med; worth Q"7^
$Tl to $3, at O # C
Climax Mosquito Bars.
Again tomorrow we will sell Climax Mosquito Bars
at a sensational bargain price. These bars are extra
large and long and made on adjustable folding frames.
They sell elsewhere at $2.50; our price,
Saturday '
You know that a Bass Saturday Sale always means
bargains. Tomorrow, the values will be Detter than ever.
Come and see. Store’s open until 10 o’clock Saturday
A Great Sale of Men’s Shirts.
Here’s a sale of Shirts that should
create a sensation tomorrow. About
2,000 new and handsome Negligee
Shirts are included—madras, percale,
cheviots-, etc., in stripes, checks, fancy
mixtures- -cuffs detached—Shirts
worth $1.00 and $1.25;
choice of the lot
We Give
From a leading manufacturer we
have just secured 300 dozen of the ex
tremely stylish soft Negligee Outing
Shirts, with cuffs and collars attached,
silk flannel, soiesette, -mercerized nov
elties, etc.—Shirts worth $1.50
to $2.00; ciioiee, in this sale .
^ 18 West
Shopping Bags
On a special table tomor
row—a brand new line of
Ladies’ Shopping Bags
of fine alligator, walrus,
seal and other leathers;
some fitted with purses,
worth up to $2.50;
Back Combs, etc.
Beautiful Tortoisine Back
Combs, handsomely
mounted and set with jew
els; handsome gold-plated
Bracelets, warranted for
five years; $1.00 to $1.50
values; choice in OPp
this sale mwC
Ladies’ Long Silk Gloves.
Another lot of Ladies’ Elbow and 3*4 length Silk
Gloves, in white and black—same as selling in other
stores at $2.00—go on sale tomorrow at the sensational
bargain price of, per pair,
Baxley, On., Aug. 24.—Appling gives
Estlll 239, Howell 6, Russell 468, Hoke
Smith 686, Jim Smith 1.
Baxley, Gn.. Aug. 24.—Hoke Smith
carried Appling by 118 votes over Rus
sell, the next best In the race.
Waynesboro, Go., Aug. 24.—The con
solidated returns from Burke county
show Hoke Smith's majority to be 191
over the combined strength of his op
The vote is: Hoke Smith, 470; Es-
tlll, 217: Howell, 39; Russell, 22; Jim
Smith, 12. ..
For comptroller general: Wright,
606: Sanford 133. School commission
er: .Merritt, 466; Johnston, 327.
For congress, long term: Brannen,
489: Shlppnrd, 266.
For congress, short term: Over-
street. 486: Clifton. 171; Saussy, 33;
J. H. Smith, 51. „ , „„„
For representative: Sandeford, 2ou.
Munnerlyn, 202; Lively, 290.
Trenton, On., Aug. 24.—Dade county
gives Russell 249. Hoke Smith 244,
Howell 91. Estlll 73, Smith 8, '
For senator. Urock 347, Curcton „1S.
Sanford and Merritt nominated.
Savannah, On., Aug. 24.—The vote for
governor In Chatham county was as
follows: Estlll 2,120,' Howell 111. Rus
sell 30, Hoke Smith 1,733, James Smith
This gives Colonel Estlll a plurality
of 387 over Holco Smith and u majority
Of 238 votes.
clay" county.
Fort Gaines, Ga.. Aug. 24.—Official
ballot of Clay county: Hoke Smith
295. Howell 267, Estlll 5. •
Douglass, Ga.. Aug. 24.—The official
count gives Hoke Smith 697 majority
over the combined vote of the other
Douglas. Ga.. Aug. 24.—Judge C. A.
Ward beat Daniel Gaskin for repre
sentative. The race between Fales and
Overman for clerk was close. Dove
Rlcketson leads with n good majority
for sheriff over L. E. Shaw.
Daniel Vickers had a safe majority
over Corbett for tax receiver. J. T.
Rellhan for treasurer It elected over
three opponents.
Moultrie, Ga., Aug. 24.—Consolidated
returns In Colquitt county: Hoke Smith
876. Howell 27, Estlll 669, Russell 6, J.
Smith 0, Sanford 62. Wright 1,357, Mer
ritt 1,300, Johnston 114.
Kastman, Ga., Aug. 24.—The primary
was contested bitterly In Dodge be
tween the Hoke Smith and Russell
forces. The result was In doubt until
the count was finished In the last pre
cinct. There was much excitement, but
no disorder.
The official count gives Hoke Smith
676. Russell 665, Howell 12. Estlll 6. J.
Smith 2, Wright 1,160, Sanford 166,
Johnson 763, Merritt 663.
Blakely, Oa„ Aug. 24.—The total
votes for Early county give Hoke Smith
700. Russell 47, Howell 182, Estlll 74.
James Smith 5. For Judge of Pataula
circuit Worrell 464, Raines 554.
Springfield, Ga., Aug. 24.—The con
solidated vote of Effingham county is
as follows:
For governor: J. H. Estlll 400, Clark
Howell 39, Richard B. Russell 33, Hoke
Smith 321, James 51. Smith 1.
For state school commissioner: Mark
Johnston 333, William B. Merritt 454.
For solicitor general Atlantic Judicial
circuit of Georgia: R. AV. Sheppard
285, N. J. Norman 173, Livingston
Kenan 345.
For representative: A. N. Grovensteln
208, Clarence T. Guyton 314, W. T.
Greene 273.
For sheriff: W. A. Jaudon 706, W. T.
Smith 79.
For receiver of tax returns: IV. M.
Helmly 146, L. F. Grovensteln 477. it.
Edwards 176.
For tax collector: 'J. A. Ingram 286.
J. L. Hawkins 471, J. A. DeWItt 43.
For county treasurer: Leonorlan
Neldllnger 427, J. M. Gnnnn 360.
For coroner: Orville A. Rahn 391, J.
Ben Davis 400.
Blue Ridge, Ga., Aug. 24.—Complete
returns In Fannin with two districts
not reporteil at the time of consolida
tion gives Howell 220, Hoke Smith 166,
Dick Russell 34, Estlll 2, Jim Smith 0.
Blue Ridge district gives Smith 110
and Howell 70, Russell 3, Estlll 2.
Greensboro, Go., Aug. 24.—The total
vote for governor In Green county Is
os follows: Clark Howell 38. Hoke
Smith 818. Jim. Smith 273. Estlll 8,
Russell 30.
Lewis carries the county over Ban
ters for Judge of Ocmulgee circuit
ourt by 415 votes.
... „. .. IT * ... Forsyth, Ga.. Aug. 24.—The consol-
Galnesvllle, Ga., Aug. .4—The ofTIclnl (dated returns In Monroe county give
’* - * “' Hoke Smith 785, Howell 140, Russell
50, Estlll 29. Jim Smith 4. Sanford 135,
Wright 875, Johnson 208, Merritt 798.
solldated vote of Jeff Davis county Is
as follows:
For governor: J. H. Estlll 61, Clark
Howell 6, Richard B. Russell 238, Hoke
Smith 283, James 51. Smith 0.
For comptroller general—Vincent T.
Sanford 104, William A. Wright 427.
For state school commissioner: 5(ark
Johnston 111, William B. Merritt 434.
For representative: John A. Cromer-
tie 261, Lott W. Johnson 330.
For tax collector: H. E. DeFoor 276,
W. J. Googe 304.
For county treasurer: Isham O'Quinn
316, G. W. Harrison 255.
For county surveyor: J. E. Curry 350,
W. C. Lynn 224.
Wrlghtsviye, Ga., Aug. 24.—Johnson
county gives Hoke Smith about 300
Dublin, Ga.. Aug. 24.—The officials
returns of the primary as consllodated
shows the following:
For Governor: Hoke Smith 1,056,
Howell 47, Russell 567, James Smith 2,
Estlll 76.
For Comptroller-General: Wright
1.345. Sanford 280.
For State School Commissioner:
Johnston 788, Merritt 830.
For State Senator Sixteenth District:
Brantley 1,263, Carter 487.
Camilla, Ga., Aug. 24.—Mitchell re
turns give Hoke Smith 852. Estlll 421,
Howell 54, Russell 5, Jim Smith 0.
8anford received 190, Wright 1,079,
Johnston 463. Merritt 802.
Balnbrldge, Ga.. Aug. 24.—Miller
county gives a majority to Hoke Smith,
Vincent Sanford. Mark Johnson. Wires
down. Had to come here to report.
Can't get official count yet.
Cedartown, Gn., Aug. 24.—The fol
lowing Is a copy of the consolidated
returns of Polk county for the state
Smith 944, Estlll 513, Howell 58, Rus
sell 56, Jim Smith 7, giving Hoke Smith
a majority of 310 over the opposition
In this county.
Sanford received 324. Wright 1,218,
Johnston 678, Merritt 818.
For Judge Tallapoosa. Circuit—Price
Edwards 944. Bartlett 661.
For Sollclfor-General—Fielder 1,204.
Camp 393.
Secretary of State Phil Cook re
ceived the largest vote In the county,
it being 1,592.
In Tallapoosa circuit Edwards wins
over Bartlett, the Incumbent, by nearly
600 majority. For solicitor-general
Fielder, the Incumbent, wins over
Camp by 1,312 majority.
Polk, Paulding, Haralson and Doug
las counties compose the Tallapoosa
Hawklnsvllle, Go., Aug. 24.—The to
tal vote In Pulaski county gives Hoke
Smith 627, Jim Smith 4, Howell 26.
Russell 47. Estlll 359, Hughes 463, Lewis
717 '
Cuthbert. Ga., Aug. 24.—Hoke Smith
carried Randolph county 2 to 1.
The consolidated returns show Wor-
rlll elected Judge of the superior court
of the Pataula circuit by 57 majority
over Raines.
consolidation In Hall county gives
Hoke Smith 272 majority over Russell.
Wright for comptroller has 1.808
majority over Sanford.
Merrill, for state school commission
er. has 1,387 majority over Johnston.
Charters, for solicitor In the north
eastern circuit, has 1,383 majority over
Hudson, for commissioner of agri
culture, led the ticket In Hall, receiv
ing 2,394 votes.
Perry, Ga., Aug. 24.—The total vote
of'Houuton county was 1,133. Estlll se
cured 43, Howell 444, Russell 98, Hoke
Smith 759. James Smith 3.
For Congress—D. 5t. Hucker 695, E.
B. Lewis 425.
For Judge—TV. H. Felton 366, H. A.
Mathews 759.
Montlcello, Ga., Aug. 24.—The final
result of the electlo nln aJsper county
gave Estlll 7. Howell 291, Russell 64,
Hoke Smith 613, J. Smith 23.
Louisvilla Ga., Aug. 24.—The con
solidated vote for Jefferson county Is
as follows: '
For governor: Estlll 53, Howell 33,
Russell 149, J. M. Smith 34, Hoke
Smith 520.
For comptroller general: V. T. San
ford, 107, W. A. Wright 663.
For state school commissioner: .Mark
Johnston, 168, W. B. Merritt 595.
. For Judge middle circuit: Benjamin
T. Rawlings 638, Frank H. Saffohl 250.
Hazlehurst, Ga., Aug. 24.—The con-
Madison, Ga., Aug. 24.—The elections
passed off quietly In Morgan county,
although It Is claimed that a large
amount of money was put out against
Hoke Smith In some parts of the
county. R Is said that there will be
a test case made of the new law In re
gard to the buying of votes. The con
solidated vote Is as follows:
For Governor—Hoke Smith 715, Jim
Smith 371, Russell 36, Estlll 13, How
ell- 25.
The other vote was as follows: San
ders 341, Lewis 820, Wright 887, San
ford 312.
The vote for county officers Is as
follows: State senator, twenty-eighth
district. Colonel Q. L. Williford; rep
resentative, P. M. Atkinson; clerk su
perior court. C. H. Baldwin; sheriff,
R. B. Aycock; tax receiver, E. B. Fitz
patrick; tax collector, W. Dennis An
derson; county treasurer, E. L. Wal
Covington, Ga., Aug. 24.—The con
solidated vote for Newton county In
the general primary Is as follows:
For Governor—Estlll 11, Howell 256,
Russell 24, Hoke Smith 666, James M.
Smith 3.
For Comptroller General—Vincent T.
Sanford 198, William A. Wright 946.
For Attorney General—John C. Hart
For State School Commissioner-
Mark Johnston 396, William B. Merritt
Lumpkin, Ga.. Aug. 24.—The consol
idated returns In Stewart county give
Hoke Smith 388, Howell 196, Russell
17. Estlll, 17.
Toccoa, Ga., Aug. 24.—The consoll-,
dated vote In Stephens county I* as
For Governor—J. H. Estlll 6. Clark
Howell 17, Rlrhard R. Russell 577. Hoke
Smith 293, James 51. Smith 37.
Comptroller General—Vincent T.
Sanford 167, William A. Wright 711.
State School Commissioner—.Mark
Johnson 347. William B. Sterrltt 510.
Solicitor General, Northeastern Clr
cult—W. A. Charters 811, C. J. Well
born, Jr., 158.
Reldsvllle, Ga., Aug. 24.—The consol
Idnted returns of Tattnall county give
Hoke Smith, Merritt and Wright
heavy majority. Sheppard has a small
majority and Overstreet a big majority
over Clifton. Rawllng wins for judge.
Will Add to Efforts to Pro
tect the Women and
For protection of their homes, wives
and children, thor citizens of. Fulton
county In the neighborhood of West-
view cemtery and Battle Hill, In which
neighborhood Mrs. Richard Hembree
was attacked, will meet Friday night
and elect a deputy marshal and pay
him a salary of $60 a month.
The recent assaults committed on the
white women of the county brought
this move.
A movement for Increasing the coun
ty police force Is being agitated all over
the county and the matter will be
brought before the board of county
commissioners at their next meeting.
Bjr Private !^»nso«l Wire.
Winchester, Va., Aug. 24.—Miss
Martha Shanholtz. the 18-year-old
daughter of Jesse Shnnholts, living at
Gnlnesboro, this county, was struck
by lightning today while driving cows
from pasture. She was seriously
shockd, and a shoe was burned from
her foot. She will recover. Two of
the cows were killed.
t Dnwnon, Oa., Aug. 24.—The consol
idated vote In Terrell county Is as fol
lows: Hoke Smith 806, Howell 396.
Russell 69, Estlll 6.
Sandersvllle, Ga., Aug. 24.—The con
solidated vote of Washington county Is
as follows:
For Governor: Estlll 191, Russell
664, Howell 89, Hoke Smith 1,264, Jlht
Smith 9.
For Comptroller General: Sanford,
1, Wright 1,404.
For State. School Commissioner:
Johnston 634, Merritt 1,286.
For Superior Court Judge Middle Cir
cuit: Rawlings 1,367, SafTold 446.
•r Sheriff: Giles 6,061, Mayo 643, 8.
R. Moye 719.
For Tax Receiver: Duggan 1,269,
Holliman 602.
Abbeville, Ga., Aug. 24.—Official re
turns from all of the precincts of WII-
NppclnI to The Georgian.
Jackson, Miss., Aug. 24.—At Lex
ington, Miss., at a late hour last night
a negro woman, named Kate Hampton,
who lived In the yard of H. 8. Hooker,
one of the most prominent citizens of
this city, was murdered with an ax,
eight blows being dealt her In the
head, any one of which would have
killed her. The murderer escaped and
the people of the city are consider
ably excited over the matter.
By Private Incased Win*.
Petersburg, Va., Aug. 24.—In the cir
cuit court of Dlnwoodle county today
Judge J. F. West, presiding, the ver
dict of the Jury rendered yesterday
sentencing William Ruffin, alias
"Tinker” Ruffin, a negro, to eighteen
years In the penitential for the shoot
ing und wounding of Warren Brown,
postmaster at Hebron, Dlnwoodle coun
ty, anti robbing hlin of $800, was set
aside and a new trial granted.
Two Chatham Comity Ce
lestials Got Heavy sen
Hon. Petor W. Meldrlm. of Savan
nah, appeared before the prl.on com-
mlxxlon Friday morning In behalf of
LI Hop alia. Charley Sing, and Henry
Lung, two Chatham county'Cele.tlal.,
aent up for running an opium Joint.
Hop and Lung were convicted before
Judge Cann and fined 3500 and alx
months In jail, and twelve months In
the gang. Both are now breaking rock.
LI la said to be In wretched health.
Colonel Meldrlm presented some
strong petitions for pardon for the
Chinamen. It Is posslblmthat the com
mission will reduce the sentence to a
part of the fine and the two Chinks will
then make an effort to raise the mon
ey among their countrymen In Sa
vannah and Atlanta.
No other petitions will be considered
at this meeting, as the members met
only to consult regarding the furnish
ing of the Juvenile reformatory.
PUT AT $116,000
Report That Supply ."Was
Exhausted Is Shown To
Be Incorrect.
cox county Rive Estlll 43, Howell 288.
Russell 295, Hoke Smith 428, Jim Smith
Sanford for comptroller 112, Wright
For school commissioner, Johnson
166. Merritt 83
For congress, Lewis 585, Hughes 485.
For judgn of the C'ordele circuit,
Whipple 300, Hill 347, I-nwaon 420.
For solicitor of the Cordele circuit.
Jay 267. George 391, Williams 404.
Ily Prlvnle Loused Wire.
New York, Aug. 24.—“Al" Adams,
the ex-convict policy king and bucket
shop welcher, Is not In Mexico, as re
ported, .but la In New York today. His
son, "Al,” Jr., Issued a statement In
which he denied that his father' was
financially Interested In M. J. Sage A
Co. He Insisted that concern's lia
bilities would not exceed 1350,000.
.William E. Beverly wa« appointed
osslgnee of M. J. Sage A Co. He
■tated that In checking ov.r the ac
count. he found the llabllltte* to be
about 1330,000, With asset, of 8116,000.
By Private (.eased Wife.
Hagerstown, Md., Aug. 24.—Mrs. C.
E. Cline was- killed today at Sandy
Hook, Washington county, while using
a telephone. She received a shock
from an electric current that caused
her death.
Th. wires of the Harper’s Ferry
Electric Light Company and the wire
of the telephone company b«cama
crossed somewhere between Harper's
Ferry and Brunswick. Juat as Mrs.
Cline was using the telephone, the
electric light company turned on the
current for a few moments In order to
test their plant, The shook was so
great that Mrs. Cline expired almost
The report Thursday that an Insuf
ficient supply of .blank ballots was fur
nished the Oak Grove district was
shown to be Incorrect when Secretary
Charles N. Allen opened the supply box
Friday morning.
In company with a reporter for The
Georgian Mr. Allen went to the court
house Friday and unlocked the box of
supplies returned by the Oak Grove
managers. It was found that 28 bal
lots hail been returned unused and
that no shortage could hove existed.
Mr. Allen stated that he hod received
reports Wednesday that ballots were
exhausted at certain precincts, hut
a visit had shown this to he Incor
rect In every case. Blank ballots were
supplied according to the registration,
twice the number of tickets being sent
to each precinct as the registration
from that precinct.
Tbs new hotel st Charlotte. 5. C„ the
melwyu, bnz .Iwen leased by Harvey &
Wood, who are also the lessees of the
Piedmont botel, In this city.
A telegram receive,1 at the Piedmont thin
Afternoon from Charles A. Wood, who Is
In Charlotte today, announces this fact.
The Helwyn Is n modern, fireproof ho
tel of the very finest construction. It Is
modeled after tbs Piedmont, haring been
built from plane drawn by the lets Willis
F. Denny. Ttao botel will not be eomplet-
ed nml reedy to open until .boat the new
’Tr.rr.y &W<xx) an» now nmnnalnif dlrac-
torn of th© following hotala: Ilofal D»*ii*-
YU©? Iloaton, Mann.; IMadmont hotel, At
lanta; Hotel Wentirorth, Now rnstlo, N.
II.? Hotel Hocklnjchain, Portsmouth. N. II.;
PaMaconavNijr Inn, York CUffe, Main©; Hn-
tel I’etn barton, Hull, Man.;. Hotel Can-
i w'T5r r &hsris« , . o >. H 5r'
The Arm of Ilsrrry A 1
r, n. t.
- Harvey A Wood now ops.
more high-class hotels than any other l .
porntlon In the United Htatc It la th*lr
pnrnose to give their patrons the very
best St reasonable prices.
By Private Leased Wire.
Parkersburg, W. Va., Aug. 24.—An
egploslon of an oil well boiler, six miles
north of here, this morning, on the
Anderson farm, came near resulting
In the death of William Mayho ami
painfully burned Taylor Callahan, of
Petition In Bankruptoy.
Special to The Georgian,
Columbus, Ga., Aug. 24.—Two peti
tions In bankruptcy have been filed in
the United States court here, one In
favor of H. Simone, a saloonkeeper In
this city, and one In favor of C. B.
Wright, a traveling salesman.
“THE DOUBLOONS” will start Thursday—
It is one of the greatest serial stories ever published,
' and is famous from the fact that the largest daily papers
in the United States published column upon column
about it in their excitement, before they discovered that
it was a serial story. !