Newspaper Page Text
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Mrs. George C. Ball, Editor. Charlotte Stewart and Selene Armstrong, Assistants. j
Or extnted with bral ..
Or. porbapn, !*«cn condemned my abode to
take up
With thooe poor souls thalr friends declare
For the shadowy days and the hours of
. gloom
I Tuire known far outnumber the sunny;
But this Is what saved me—I always could
The side of the world that Is funny.
How to choose the beat pathway through
life I have thought
Till my f»r«w I hare marked with two
I have hullt the most beautiful castles In
And nave seen them all tumble to pieces
The side of the world that Is funny.
And I firmly believe that the more we can
The stronger we’ll be to face sorrow;
So accept of life's worries the least that
you can.
And be sure that you none of them bor
And if, looking for sweets you find only the
From which some one’s extracted the
Too won't mind It a bit if so blessed you
can see
The side of the world that Is funu
—Sew York
A most enjoyable Informal event of
Friday was the bride at which Mr*.
W. T. Smith entertained at her at
tractive home In Inman Park. The
oocaslon was In honor of Mra. O'Don
nell and Mrs. McConnell, the guests of
the Mlssss Snook. Mrs. Smith was as
slsted In the entertainment of her
guests by her daughter. Mr*. Frances
Smith. Her home was beautifully dec.
orated with fragrant summer flowers,
and at the conclusion of an Intereating
game a delicious course luncheon was
served. Mrs. Smith's guests were: Mrs.
O'Donnell, Mrs. McConnell, Misses
Harriet, Gladys and Lula Snook, Mrs.
Whlteford Russell, Mrs. William nid-
dle, Mis* Ret Dargan. Mra. Charles
Phillips, Mrs. Peter Erwin, Mrs. Dan
Cabanls* and Mrs. Miller B. Hutchins.
Mrs. W. T. Smith wore a becoming
white lingerie gown and Mrs. Francis
Smith's toilet was also of white, lace
Friday afternoon at the home of her
grandmother, Mrs. J. C. Peck, on Ivy
street, Miss Josephine Davis gave one
of the prettiest parties of the summer.
The occasion was In honor of her
cousin, Miss Pear! Peck, who la one
of Atlanta's attractive September
brides, and waa a linen shower and
card party. The dainty linen pieces
which wert the gifts of friends to Miss
Peek were concealed In n great bell
made of smtlax and suspended between
■ the drawing room and library. Beneath
thla the bride-elect sat to receive the
shower of dainty articles which the bell
Then followed cards, the game of
•'500" being played. The score cards
were especially appropriate and dainty,
being hand painted In the design of
girls' heads covered with short bridal
veils. The first prise was a hand
painted plate, and the consolation a
four leaf clover stickpin. Miss Peck
was presented with a piece of shadow
Throughout the house pink roses
were used In profusion, and the Ices
served were In the shape of pink henrts
decorated with tiny Cupids.
Miss Davis, the charming young
hoateaa, wore a blue silk, lace trimmed,
and Miss Peck's beautiful costume was
of white silk, made prlncesse and trim
med with lace. Mra. Davis, who as
sisted her ilaughter In entertaining,
wore a white lingerie gown made of
fine mull and fashioned with quantities
• of lace. ’ Invited to meet Miss Peck
were Mrs. J. c. Peck. Mrs. F. H. Peck,
Mrs. T. H. McRae, Mrs. Betord, Mm.
Bowman. Mrs. Walter Cox, Mrs, W. T.
Healy. Mrs. Emerson Peck, Mrs. J. W,
Batmon, Mrs. C. B. Walker, Mrs. J. IV
Rice, Mrs. E. M. Williams, Mrs. M. V.
Boykin, Mrs. O. F, Lyle and Misses
Mabel Htllson, Kate Carroll, Nan Car-
roll Gamble. Sue Allen Ball, Louise Vnn
Harlingen, Nell Fuller and Miss Dun
A beautiful function was the uchre
party at which Mlsa I.uella Malsby
entertained Friday morning at her
home on North Boulevard In honor of
’her guest. Miss Portia Ray. and the
guest of Mrs. Jerome Bltnmon*, Miss
I Sarah Belle James. Mias Malsby'a home
waa beautifully decorated with roses,
the colors used being pink and white.
Stately‘palms and ferns were also used
In profusion. In the delicious lunch
eon which waa served after the game
tha colors white and pink predrorol-
Punch was aerved by two little
friends of the hostess. Misses Helen
Carter and Mary Hughes.
Miss Malsby. Miss Bay and Miss
James were a charming trio In lingerie
gowns of white mull, trimmed with
Valenciennes lace.
A pair of silk hose and a dainty purse
were presented to the guests of honor,
and the first pits# waa a pair of silk
hose. The consolation was a blue chif
fon veil, and the booby a box of candy.
Invited to meet Misses Ray and James
were Misses Margaret Smith, Alma
Tolbert, Hattie Hunter, Ethleen Dobbs,
Edna Pugh. Etta and Irene Beau
mont, Elisabeth Davison, Bessie Dobbs,
Griffle Durrah, Lamar Jeter, Lillian
Brock. Louise Massey. Sarah Parks.
Clara Brantley, Margaret Miller, May
Wood. Misses Sllvey, Misses Annla Lou
Pagett. Janie Laird. Marguerite Beck,
Nanelle Crawford, Ella B. Ruahton.
Felice Bloodworth, Mary Baron, Willie
May Harrison, Lucy Milan, Nan Car-
roll. Kats Carroll. Annie Grace Nixon,
Jennie Lowry, Aline Curtis, May Dun
lap, Jessie Mlse of Thomaaton, Jessie
May Reynolds of Marietta: Mrs. W. B.
Holllngnworth, Mrs. Sam Hewlett, Mrs.
J. C. Malsby, Misses Luclle Kiser, Lil
lie White, Dorothy Breltenbucher,
Georgia and Edith Watts, Lula Moyer,
Marie Houston and Louise Baird.
A forthcoming event In which a large
circle of friends la Interested Is the
marriage of Miss Alma Archer to Mr.
Jack Shropshire, the wedding to take
place September 6. Wednesday next
Miss May Archer will give the first
of several informal parties which have
been planned In honor of the bride-
elect, the occasion being a linen show
er and card party. Invited to meet
Minx Archer are twenty-four or more
girl friends. The guest list Includes
Misses Ruth Johnston, Lee and Ger
trude Brandon, May Taylor, Ethel and
Jessie Tutwller, Nettle Mills, Mamie
Schane, Nan and Kate Carroll, Annie
Grace Nixon, Mary and Caroline How
ell, Annie Shat-p, Margaret Brown,
Mamie Parish, Marie Parks, Clara Bell.
Augusta Hardin, Eva Williams, Ade
laide Allen, Alice Shropshire, Mrs.
Walter Rowbotham. of New Orleans;
Mrs. W. R. McClellan, Mrs. Robert
Daniel, Mrs. Arthur Norris, Mra. Floyd
Johnson, Mrs. Walker, Mrs. B. F. Ul
mer, Mrs. Tom Calloway, Mra. S. V.
Rusa, Mra Albert Marbut.
Miss Leila Plant entertained Inform
ally at the Log Cabin Club yesterday
with a spend the day party.
The young people went out In the
morning and enjoyed a game of cards
before luncheon, which was tempting
ly served on the wide verandas of the
club house. _ In the afternoon a num
her of young men Joined the party of
girls and dancing waa the pleasant
amusement of the afternoon.
Miss Plant's guests of honor were
Miss Ballantlne, of New Orleans, the
guest of Miss Lily Converse, and Miss
Ruth Parker's guests. Misses Marlon
Morris, Penelope Clarke and Elisabeth
Osborn, of Atlanta.
The young people had a moat de
lightful time In a happy Informal
manner throughout the day.
Miss Ruth Parker and her charming
trio of Atlanta guests are being de
lightfully entertained thla week.
This morning they were guests of
honor at a trail party and luncheon
given by Mra. J. H. Tlmberloke.
Last evening Miss Pauline Rough-
ton's dinner party and dance after
ward proved most enjoyable.
The guests at dinner were: Miss
Ruth Parker, Miss Marlon Morris, of
Atlanta; Mr. John Fort, Jr., of Atlanta;
Mr. Herbert Coddlngton, Mr. T. C.
(Parker, Jr., Mrs. T. H. Malllburton,
Mr. R. H. Houghton and Mlsa Rough-
The table waa decorated In pink and
white, with a floral centerpiece show
ing these colors. The Ices and other
courses as far as possible suggested
tlie color scheme. The lights were
shaded In pink and white, and the dec
orations In the drawing room and the
ball room were of the prevailing cotors.
After dinner a number of young peo
ple were Invited for the Informal dance.
—Macon News.
Jackson, Miss Mamie Cox, Mlsa Esther
Lyon, Miss Agnes Lyon, Mrs. Laura
Anchbacked, Miss Helen Kenady, Miss
Haxellne Dunbar, Miss Freddie Kate
Mlsa Sarah FHe will give a birthday
party Friday afternoon at her home on
Spring street.
The guests wilt be Misses Elisabeth
Denman. Ruth Tanner, Ruth Corrigan.
Margaret Corrigan, Elizabeth Corrigan,
Louise Green, Clifford Watts, Elolse
Peck, Mildred Wellhouse, Dorothy
Traynham, May PeabodyT Annie Bates,
Charlotte Wilkins, Reble Wilkins, Mar
garet Grant, Josephine Dean, May Hall
Wilson, Olive Wilson, May Bowen,
Helen Dykes, Margaret McCarty, Helen
McCarty, Dorothy Harmon, Nellie
Walsh, Ethel Powere, Evelyn Eagan.
Bertha Vaughn, Ruth Balle/T Josephine
Peabody, Idolene Kiser, Ella Cliff Kiser,
Lyndel Hayden, Ethel Low, Melville
Williams and Mesars. Clarence Mecca.
Bernard Williams, Tom Houston) Philip
Green, Don Watts, Paul CorTlgon.
Ralph Tanner, Ben DeLOng, Malcolm
Vaughn, Buford Bailey, Lawrence
Traynham, John Bowen.
Members of the order of the Ladles
of the Maccabees and their children
enjoyed a delightful afternoon and eve
ning picnic at Ponce DeLeon last Mon
day in celebration of children's day.
Gate City hive will hold a regular
meeting Monday evening, August 27,
In the Columbian Woodman hall, 122
Peachtree street, this being the last
meeting In the month. All are re
quested to be present and pay 102 as
sessment and dues. Hollister hive will
also hold a regular meeting Thursday
evening of the coming week.
The announcement Is made of the
engagement of Mr. Checkley Shaw, for
merly of Macon, but now residing at
Chattanooga, to Miss Angel Clarr, of
New York. The marriage will take
place at New York some time during
the early autumn.
Mrs. Sarah Frances Crawford, of
Macon, announces the engagement of
her daughter, Marie Antoinette, to Mr.
William Gordon Woodslda, of Minne
apolis, Minn.
The wedding will take place Tu<
September 18, at the home of the bride
at Macon.
tember 5, and will be a beautiful event.
The bride will be given away by her
father, Dr. J. W. Roberta, and will
attended by Mrs. Stewart Roberta
herself a bride of a few months,
maid of honor.'
The bridesmaids will be Mieses Ilene
Roberta, Alice Williams, of Macon
LUIIan Sullivan, of Macon; Desaa
Hays, of Covington, and Gladys Tilley,
of Conyers.
Mr. J. Clay Murphy, of Macon, will
be beat man, and Messrs. Charles Rob
erts, of Macon; Gabriel Sullivan, Cul
len Branan, of Pretoria; Walter Rosa
of Pretoria, and Donald Davis will act
as groomsmen.
Mlsa Helsn Roberts la the attractive
young daughter of Dr. and Mrs. J. W.
Roberts. She le loved for her winning
personality and for the womanly at'
tributes of her character.
Mr. Rosa Is a prominent young bus)
Hess man and has In Macon a fine fam
lly connection. After their marriage
Mr. and Mrs. Ross will reside In Pre
toria, Ga, where be has large business
Personal Mention
ird place, and will probably
Carlsbad about September 1.
Mr. B. M. Hall, supervising engineer
of the Unltetl States reclamation ser
vice, Carlsbad, N. M., arrived In At
lanta Thursday from Washington, D.
C., where he has been on bualness In
connection with the survey. Mr. Hall
le visiting his son, Mr. W. E. Hall, at
33 Bedford place,
return to ~ ‘
Mrs. M. P. Cooper has Joined Mrs.
Sanders In Atlanta at the bedside of
her eon, Dr. Hunter P. Cooper, who Is
dangerously III. Mr. and Mrs. Blanton
Fortson and daughter spent the early
‘ of the week with Mr. and Mrs
Fortson.—Washington (Ga.) Re'
Rev. Father Rapier, who has been
spending some time at Asheville, has
returned to the city. Father Young,
after spending some months at Har
vard University, and Father Southetm-
er. after traveling through the West,
have returned to Atlanta.
Miss Jessie May Wallace and Mr.
Eugene E. Jones were married Thurs
day evening at 2:30 o'clock at the
homo of the bride, 251 Angler nve
nue, Rev. Dr. A. C. Ward performing
the ceremony. A profusion of summer
flowers were used In the decoration.
The bride w ore a lovely • gown of white
mull, lace trimmed, and her bouquet
was of white roses.
The list of guests Included Mrs,
O. Stephens, Misses Willie, Minnie,
Pearl and Nettle Wallace. Mlsaea Lilly
nnd KHse Stephens, Mrs. H. Keel, Mr.
E. H. Keel, Mrs. A. T. Young. Mrs.
Elisabeth Jones, Mrs. M. J. Jones, Mrs.
Huste McCown, Mr. Fred Platt, Mr. and
Mrs. B. F. Kelley, Miss Thyra Ware,
Miss .Emily Dyer, Mr*. Ada Platt, Mrs.
liubolse. Miss Thelma Keel, Mr. Logan
Mallard, Mr. nnd Mra. O. E. Wallace.
Refreshments were served during the
picnic part'Tat EAST LAKE.
A congenial party of friends who will
enjoy tho sports of East I.nke Friday
night will Include Miss Jnnle Speer,
Miss Martha Whitman, Mlsa Rollne
Clark, Miss Blanche Carson, Mlsa Hat
tie Mae High, Miss Jeannette Swift,
Mlsa Loulle Roper, Mlsa Alice Steele,
Mlsa Laura Wltham, Miss Elisabeth
Adair, Miss McGowan Phelan, Mr. Tony
Williams, Mr. Bayurd Ilutta Mr. J. C.
Kirkpatrick, Mr. Arthur lame, Mr.
Meador Goldsmith. Mr. Voldemar Guile,
Mr. Peteet.
M Inn Bee Nelms entertained a party
of friends on a trolley ride Thursday
evening In honor of Mlsa Murphy, of
Augusta, and Mlsa Stuart, of Macon.
After a ride over the city the guests
were entertained at a delicious supper.
The chaperones were Mr. and Mra
Barnett, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dennis,
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Nelms and Mlsa
Leila Culberson.
Thursday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock
at the home of the bride, 2S< Simpson
street. Miss Irene Manning was mar
ried to Mr. R. A. Murphy. The cere
mony waa performed by Rev. Dr. A. C.
Ward, pastor of the Temple Baptist
Miss Agnes Lyon played the wedding
march. The bride wore a becoming
traveling toilette of blue silk unit her
bouquet was of whtte roses.
immediately after their marriage Mr.
and Mrs. Murphy left for Chattanooga
Refreshments were served during the
evening. The guests present were Mr.
and Mra. J. A. Manning, Miss Carrie
Manning. Miss Loi* Manning,
Luther Manning, Mlsa Laura Ware,
Mrs-. Merritt Allen, Mlsa Annie Allen,
Mrs. George Allen, Mis* Annie Osbum,
Miss Pauline Osbum, Mrs. J. P. Rollins,
Miss Lola York, Miss Bessie Burke,
Miss Mattie Burke, Mlsa Ruth Ander
son, Miss Ruth Adamson, Miss Lula
It Is our most ardent wish that every parson Interested In nice dia
monds win come and talk to us about our partial payment plan of sell-
* B * It ts instructive, most Interesting and usually results In a sale,
The Diamond Palace. 37 Whitehall St.
A violin recital will be given In the
drawing room of the Piedmont Hotel
Saturday evening at 9 o'clock by Mr.
Edward R. Barnhart, who will be a«-
slsted by prominent local musicians.
Mr. Barnhart has established an en
viable reputation as an accomplished
Miss Anne Baker and Miss Claire
Ridley, who hove been visiting friends
at Cuthbert, received many charming
social attentions durlpg their stay In
that city.
The young msn of Cuthbert gave a
dance Tuesday evening at the Armory
complimentary to Miss Anne Baker and
Miss Claire Ridley. On Monday aft
ernoon the Misses Ellis entertained at
a reception In honor of Mlsa Baker and
during tho week Miss Aliens Blmpson
gave a porch party to Mlsa Baker, at
which cords were played and delight
ful refreshments were served.
to misTbrock.
Thursday afternoon Mlsa Bailie
Langhome entertained nt a matinee
party In honor of Miss Lillian Brock,
of Alabama, the guest of Mlsa Lamar
Jeter. Miss Langhorne's guests In
cluded live or six of her Intimate
A very enjoyable event was the re
ception at which Mlsa Marie Brldwell
entertained Thursday evening at her
home In West End In honor of her
guest, Miss Lipscomb. The Brldwell
home, which Is especially adapted to
entertaining, was made doubly attract
ive by the decorations of cut flowers,
palms anil ferns. Pink roses were used
In profusion, nnd the spacious vsranda
was canvassed In and decorated with
fragrant flowers.
A guessing game afforded much en
Joyment, nnd at Its conclusion dainty
prises «ere awarded. The flrst prise
was a large box of candy, and Mlsa
Lipscomb was presented with a white
gauze fun.
Mrs. Brldwell assisted her daughter
In receiving and wore a white lingerie
gown of mult and lace.
Miss Brldwell wore pink silk and
Miss Lipscomb wns gowned In white
Miss Annie Trottl wore a becoming
lingerie dress and pink ribbons.
Announcement has been made of the
engagement of Mlsa Blanche Mohr of
Savannah, to Mr. 8. Helecher, of Bal
timore, the wedding to take place In the
early fall.
Thursday evening Mra. Charles
Shore entertained Informally eighteen
hr twenty of her friends at an "Up
Jinks” party nt her home on Merritt*
avenue. The occasion was In honor
of Misses Dean and Holt, the guests
of Miss Aylctt Lapstey.
The wedding of Mr. Bartow Belton
Braswell, of Gainesville, Ga, and Miss
Elisabeth Gresham took place Thurs
day evening at the home of the bride's
father, Mr. John H. Gresham, on Pied
mont avenue.
Rev. Mr. Troutman performed the
ceremony In the presence of the Im
mediate family. Mr. Braswell nnd hi*
bride left after the ceremony for a
trip to Asheville and Toxaway and
upon their return will be at home In
The marriage of Mlsa Helen Roberts
to Mr. Thomns L. Ross, of Macon, will
be of Interest to many people In At
lanta Macon and throughout the state.
The wedding will tnke place nt the
home of the bride on Houston street
o'clock on the evening of Sep-
Mr*. B. M. Hall, accompanied by her
eon, B. M. Hall, Jr., la visiting her
son, Mr. \V. E. Hall, at 33 Bedford
place. Mra Hall arrived about ten days
ago, and will return to her Western
home about September 1.
Mr. George S. Donnell, secretary of
the civil service commission for tha
Fifth district, has just returned to At
lanta from an extended trip to New
York, Boston, Washington and Phila
Mrs. B. K. Clapp, from Columbus,
Ga, has been visiting her brother, Mr.
W. E. Hall, for the past week. Mrs.
Clapp expects to return to Columbus
In about one week.
ter, Cora left Friday for an
stay at Hendersonville, N.
Mra. C. N. Donaldson, of Kirkwood;
Mrs. Lore Donaldson and little daugh-
an extended
C„ and
Greenville, 8. C,
Mlsa Alice May Freeman, who has
been the guest of Mr. and Mra. Percy
8. Darlington In Westchester, Pa, Is
expected home next week.
Mrs. Edward H. Cabanlss, after k
visit of several weeks to relatives In
Atlanta returned Thursday to her
home at Birmingham.
Mr. and Mrs. James W. English, Jr.,
who leave Saturday for a trip to Eu
rope, will be greatly missed during
their absence.
Miss Amy Armstrong, who has been
Fine Undermuslins Reduced
Many Are Half Price and Less
Some of the very beautiful and rather expensive Undermuslins shown here this
season have become slightly soiled or mussed. This will happen sometimes, no matter
how carefully they are handled or displayed. '
A little dust that soap and water will remove, or some other such trivial defect
makes a very great difference in the price of them now. , ’
$7.50, $8.50 and $10.00 Petticoats, $5.00 Each
These, for example: $5.00 for Petticoats that were $7.50, $8.50 and $10.00 Not a
great quantity, of course, but the styles are new and some of the handsomest effects
here are shown. Judge them in beauty by what the former prices have been. Strict
ly Lingerie models—charming with laces and embroideries.
There is another group of garments of all kinds, quite a large collection:
$3.50 to $5.00 Values, at $1.98
Night Dresses, Corset Covers, Chemise and Drawers, jnst one and two styles of a
kind, all these are included at $1.98, selling regularly at $3.50 to $5.00.
Misses* Skirts—-A Sale
New, Stylish Skirts, $2.50 and $4.00
Two collections of misses’ Skirts have just come in; one at $2.50; another at $4.00.
Immediately before the first days of school, this is surely a timely and interesting op
portunity, as each Skirt was made to sell for at least a fourth more"money.
Designs are the newest—plain, strapped and pleated models—the most stylish ef
fects in colorings and patterns—all desirable materials.
First quality in every detail, made exactly our way, to meet perfectly the tastes of
misses and young ladies. Most popular, perhaps, are the novelty mixtures and plaids
in light and dark gray, though other fashionable shades, navy blue and black, are
also shown. They are graceful Skirts with the “hang and swing” that is wanted, just
right. 30 to 39 length; 22 to 25 waist measure.
Davison-Paxon-Stokes Co.
Store of Many Departments.
ashlngton, Ga., will return to Atlanta
on Saturday.
Mr. and Mra. John T. Moody, Miss
Helen Moody and Mies Theodora
Moody have returned from Tenne*'
Miss Anna Beeves has been the
guest of her brother, Mr. R. B. Reeves,
at Cave Springe, for the past week.
Mies Jessie Hopkins has been spend
ing several days with her elster, Mrs.
W. W. Davie, at Carterevllle,
Mr. Clayton Trout Is visiting hla pa
rents, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Trout, at
Cave Springe.
Mies Isabel) Poetell, of Savannah, la
vlalttng Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Poetell on
Martin- street.
Mlse Thena Holt, of Sanderavllle,
the guest of her grandmother, Mrs.
B. Roberts.
Mrs. M. R. Emmons and Miss Ethe-
lyn Emmons have returned from New
York City.
Mr. and Mr*. William Hurd Hlllyer
amt little daughter have returned from
Mra. Roble Crider la the guest of her
brother, Mr. E. B. Broadnax, at Car
Mr*. J. L. Schaub and daughter will
leave Saturday for a visit to West
Miss Isabel Stephana, who has been
visiting In Jonesboro, will return next
Mlsa Lola Stephens, who has been
quite III, leaves soon for Charlotte,
Pictures should represent good art They should be of superior qual
ity. They should bsve an exclusiveness which especially enhances tbs
value and Interest They should be reasonable In price and appropriately
69 Whitehall St., can aupply these requisites. Also everythin* new or old
In the world of books.
James 8. Simons, Jr., and oon are spend’
Inf a few days at Savannah and Tjbee.
J. It. Droadhnrat baa returned from a
trip to Savannah.
A. P. Hilton apent Sunday In Sylvanla.
E. K. Orr has returned from a trip to
Savannah and Tybee.
T bee° f ** B# ArDau 8 u nday at
relatives at Sanderavllle.
Mrs. I*. W. Locke has returned from a
visit to Macon.
G. W. Williams spent Saturday In So-
Mias Ethel Pritchett Is visiting at Clarkes-
E. Pritchett, of Florida, anent a ftw
of hla. broths.'.
Miss Martha Stanley la flatting
this week to write our ad, for the pub
lic keepe us busy Ailing their orders for
Anything In the umbrella line nt fac
tory prices, and nil guaranteed.
Taylor Umbrella Mfg. Co.
Bell Phone 3748. Stenderd 3762.
A Pretty Sight
The modleh bracelet on a rounded
arm, and women today are wearing all
kinds. Our Jeweled effects, hoops, and
etched bands are alike popular.
Davis & Freeman,
Just Received. Look at Them.
Charles W. Crankshaw,
Diamond Merchant nnd Jeweler.
Century Building. Whitehall 8L
Mra. 7.. W. Matthews has returned
from a visit to relatives at Carroll
ton. ' •
Miss Bara Harrln la the guest of
Mra. W. F. Ellison, nt 216 South ave
Master Lawrence Tompkins Is the
guest of relatives at Washington, Ga.
Miss Sarah Pope Calloway, of West
Point, Is visiting friends In Atlanta.
Mlsa Lillian Goldsmith has returned
from a visit to friends In Carrollton.
Mlsa Ruth Gardner has returned
from a visit to friends at Carrollton.
Miss Elisabeth Hlnea Is the guest of
Miss Pauline Walker at Norcroaa.
Mra. Roger Davla has returned from
a visit to relatives at Covington.
Mlsa Claire Ridley has returned from
a visit to relatives at Cuthbert.
Mrs. V. R. Davis and Mra. Knott
have returned from a trip North.
Mr. C. A. Wood, of Portsmouth, spent
yesterday In the city.
Mr. and Mrs. John Maddox have re
turned from Ellljay.
Mlaa Mary McGuire has
from a trip East
Mrs. Samuel Lumpkin le In Wash
ington, Ga.
Mlsa Sadie Morris baa returned to
the city.
day* ago In the city, guest i
William Pritchett.
Mra. II. K. Pritchett, of Jacksonville,
Fla., la the guest of relatives In the city.
Mils Blanche Prescott has returned from
a trip to White Spring.. Fla.
Alton E. Huffman, of Mndlaon, Fla., la
visiting hla parents In this city,
II. W, Flournoy, of Fort Worth, Tea.,
la Halting In tho city, thn guest of Colo-
nel J. M. fltuhhs.
k E. Arnett spent Saturday In Wrights-
Mrs. C. C. Gunning and daughter, Ellin-
beth, returned Frldny from nu extended
visit In relatives In north Georgia.
E. P. Reals has returned from a trip
to silver Springs, Fin. v
^MHs^Estes^jijf Florida, Is visiting Mra.
Alva. J. n Dean Is the gnest of friends
at t’arterarllle.
W. L, Beckham Is spending noma tins
with relatives it Zebnlnn.
Arthur Pew, of Atlanta, apent FHday In
Mlsa May Robinson la visiting In trwln-
II. M, Stanley spent Sunday In Macon.
Mlaa Clio Williams la tha gueat of friends
at Forsyth thla week.
Mra. & W. Brantl
a visit to friends In Ms cm.
Mra. F. F. Hoarlmrough hat returned
from a visit to Huwldnsvllle.
8. B. linker spent Mundny In Mncon.
<1. A. Invln apent Sunday In Macon.
Mr. and Mrs. T. II. Hmllfi have returned
from a visit to Mkrqn, vf-va, they were
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. K. T. Keen.
George II. Crofts has roturned from a trip
to Atlanta.
D. W. Gilbert has returned from n trip
) Jeffersonville.
Mr. nnd Mrs. M. A.
day In llnwklnivllle.
Mrs. II. M. Stanley and children are
apendlns some time at Clarkeaville.
Mra. W. C. Floyd la back from a visit
to Kanderavllle.
Harry Floyd has returned from a vlalt
to relatives at Maenn and Atlanta.
After a pleasant visit to Miss Kathleen
man returued
Mra. J. D. Smith. .
tbo guest of relatives here.
Mrs. Paul Hough nml daughter, of Ma
con. spent part of this week at the New
to her home tn
of Hawklnsvllle, Is
10 Cents
8psnd Each
Wa will give *1.000 to the
or One Cent for every official but
ton or pin sold.
Solid Metnl Gold *Plate Button.
For Sole by Dealers.
717 Fourth National Gink Building,
Allinti Phono 1910.
to Gloucciter and Uoaton.
M. 8. Mn honey spent Ttieadajr In Mncnn.
Mrs. T. II. Jackoon and children are at
WrlRlitavlUo Bench.
I*. 8. Twltty la apendlng a few dnjra la
W. W. Ward, of Abbetllle, apent a fort
da/a In the city thla week.
J. T. Miller and family hate tnored to
Mncon, where Mr. Miller will be connect-
Clot* Race For Solicitor.
Special to The Georgian.
Savannah, Ga^ Aug. 24.—In the rare
for solicitor general of the Atlantic cir
cuit, Kenan has a majority over Nor
man of 188 votes, with Liberty coun
ty yet to hear from. Norman claim*
Liberty by 250. Four year* ago Kenan
won the election over Norman by 64
Reliable Druggists,
We Send for Prescriptions and Deliver Free
Atlanta Agents for
80c Pound