The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, August 28, 1906, Image 10

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10 THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN. TUESDAY. Al'lil XT WANT ADS ONE CENT A WORD Six words of average lengt make a line. The following rate ore for eonseoutive Insertion*: 1 time 6 cents a Uni 3 times 5 cents a lim 3 times 4Vt cents a line. 26 times ...... 4 cents a line. 52 times V/z cents a line. 78 times < . . . .'3 cent OUT OF TOWN ORDERS MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY CASH Georgian want ads. are Inex pensive, but they bring quick re- suits and sura returns. Ads. for Situation* Wanted will b* inserted one time fret of charge. They must not exceed four lines. WE WILL SEND FOR YOUR AD. WITHOUT CHARGE FOR ME88ENGER SERVICE. CALL U6 ON BELL PHONE 4927 MAIN, OR 4401 ATLANTA PHONE. When sending ads. pay rates quoted above. PHOh If: WANTED HELP—MALE. WANTKI»-TH KEF, YOUNO~ MEN * i at once Collector, i WANTED, HELP-YOUNG MAN bookkeeper and stenographer; must bad experience; send references; intis Stead?, reliable and sober. Address In ofv handwriting B. A H„ rare The Georgian. WANTED—OOOD, HONEST BOY learn printing trade. Call at Star oi » Peters street. PHARMACY DIPLOMA A In 12 months. Address Mo of Pharmacy, Atlanta, Ga. Company. 400 Highland avenue. THE ••ORDER OF WAHltlNGTt TWENTY-THREE YEARS OLD AND COMPETITORS. 950 PER WEEK HUSTLERS. ADDRESS. WITH REF K.NCE. «. L. LYDB.V SUPERINTEND! REPRESENTATIVES. 916 HAST FH STREET. CHATTANOOGA, TKNN. WaStKD-TEN CAKPENTERH. APPLY Atlanta Ire and Coal Company, avenue and Georgia railroad. WANTED—TEN THI NK MAKERS oikH*. Apply Enterprise Trunk Mai tnrlng Company, Powell street and Georgia WANTED—HELP. YOUNG MAN AS BO< KEEPER AND ST] OG R A P H E R .MU HAVE HAD EXPE ENCE. SEND REFER ^ AGENTS WANTED. • WANTED—AGENTS—BOYS AND GIRLS in every town In Georgia and Alabama for midget curds. Write for free oamplea and terms. Autry Greer, Atlanta, tla. 1912 Empire building. WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED—ALL KINDS 06* SALABLE school, law, medical (took* for cssb. J. C. Gavsn. 71 Whitehall street. ’Phone IS21 WANTED-TEN THOUSAND PEOPLE TO buy Mouey Flour. There Is money In every sack. WANTED—SECOND-HAND BOLIcTOP or flat-top desk, with side drawers. Must be lu good condition. State price. Ad dress Desk, care The Georgian. WANT El 4-COUNT BY WEEKLY NEWS- paper: give location, equipment, business done, mid lowest cash price. Cash, this office. WANTED—TEACHER8. WANTKIt—PRINCIPAL AND PRIMARY teacher for term «f eight montlis. Don't answer unless prepared to show ability. Address E. A. Nesldt, Tucker, On. PICTURE FRAMES. PICTURE FRAMES MADE TO ORDER. If. W. Yarbrough, 1H Auburn nveuue, corner Peachtree. Entrance Anlmrn avenue. WALL PAPER. WALL PAPER AND PAINTS. “Don't let 'em fool you." Jim Burnett (formerly of Burnett k Willis) Is not dead nor mlaalng. lie la contracting wall paper and painting. Office and show room 13 t East Hunter street Both 'phones 660. ART 8CHOOL. * WANTED—THE PUBLIC TO VISIT Klappy’s School of Art and Inspect por- tralta painted br hia large classes. Corner Peachtree and Auburn. ^ MISCELLANEOUS. THE HOUTHBBN AUCTION AND SAL vage Company will buy or sell you out. VICTOR MANOANKHK AND CRO.ME - ateel hank safes and vault doors; every thing In safe line. It W. Ellis, Agent, 26 S. Broad street. PERSONA:— > DAVID W. YARBROUGH. MASTER PLUMBER, Phone UEC. 10 B. Hunter EL “KENT LIGHTS.” THIS1 BUST OF'MANTLE. LIGHTS NOtV X „f°w "t Mtt N. Pryor St. Ain Kent. .. Phot). IIA Vi KROM'H MEDICATED SKIN. SCALP •* and bulr noun; wild at drug and depart ment atorei; aek for It or write J. J. Krom. r Scalp and1 Hair Bpeclallet, 4U Tha Grand, R Atlanta, Os. « C.W. RUSSELL HAS MOVED TO 19 Peters street. Have your roofs, gutters and warm air furnaces nut In shape before winter comes. FOR 8ALE—REAL ESTATE. I IF IT is REAL ESTATE YOU WANT K to liny or aril, rail to aee me. H. C. Pen- dleton, 614 Peters building. p f IF, YOU HAVE PROPERTY TO HELL l>J«« It with lie; we give It our eperlnl nr and iienonnl attention. If It’e worth the P price we vrlll eell It. c. If. Wella St Co.. 1104 * rourth National Rank. IF YOU WISH TO HUY. HELL OR EX- ~ change property of any kind, it will pay *’ you to see us. C. II. Wells k Co., 1194 Fourth Nntlonnl Bank Bldg. STORK—1.12 PEACHTREE STREET. RUN- nlng through to Fnrerth etrot-t, liu-lud- Ing good InnM-mcnt nnd uputnlm. A|i|>lv at office of Gnthmaa Steam Laundry, liW ^ Peachtree street. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. DRESS IN OWN HAND- „ u WRITING, B. & S., CARE THE GEORGIAN. » aoo# ' v PINE part of Atlhnm. HHP * lint enn give poesei IJttIDENCE IN THE tlhntu. I.ot 07 by ssesslo REST _ r . Now Ion In alxty WANTED HELP—FEMALE. WANTED—FEMALE. COMPETENT REM- Ington operators furnished positions. Remington Typewriter Co., 119' Pe#rhtree INQUIRE ABOUT WANTED—USERS OF MONEY FLOUR. ’ WANTED WOMEN TO WORK IN CANDY AND CRACKER FACTORY. GOODWAGES AND GOOD SURROUND INGS. WE EMPLOY NO CHILDREN. APPLY BE FORE 7 A. M. IIARRY L. SCHLESINGER, 70-72 MADISON AYE. ..onld take part In antnirl ■ conrcnhmt farm. Easy terms. J. C. Bur- mss, 41 Weal Hunter street, Atlanta. .WANTED—REAL ESTATE. BOARDERS WANTED. THE HON AIK. 3M Pmrbtm «t„ unlli-lte MONEY TO LOAN. WANTED HELP—M.l. and F.rn.te. SITUATIONS WANTED—FEMALE land avenue, city. WANTED—POSITION BY KXPERl- eneed. accurate stenographer. Salary 150. Beat of reference*. Address Mias 8., 528 Candler building. ’ FOR 8ALE—MISCELLANEOUS. FIRST-CLASS BUSINESS HOUSES should have high grads sins Call on Phone a& *** Pryor street IT YOU HAVE ANY FURNITURE OR •me fixture to wll, tha Kuuttirru Auction end Salvage Company. 20 South Pryor. ’Phone Bel" 73M. FOR SALE-BEST LIVERY RCNINKHS IN Atlanta, paying 50 per cent on Investment. Owner eaunot look after the bmdnesa* terms or will exchange for property. Address Owner. 3ft> Fourth National Dank Bide Atlanta, Ua. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PBO- pie and others. American Investment Co., 704 Cnndler Bldg. ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS. W. B. SHELDON. FELLOW OF THE American and tleorgla Htate Association of Public Accountant*. Sheldon Audit Co., nuldlc accountants and auditors,- 618-519 Temple Court. Examination*. appraisals, ‘Its. Local and long distance pnonc 1198. audit TALKING MACHINES. TALKING MACHINES AND RECORDS- Wholesale and retail distributor of Vic* tor Talking Machines and Records. Jnst received large consignment of machines and over 10,000 T records. Immediate attention glren mail orders. We want the iiaines of nil talking mnclilne dealers In the South. Write for catalogue. Alexander*Elyen Co. SANDERS, SMITH & CONWAY. Phones 6433. 412 Peters Building. 92,600—GEORGIA AVENUE; 6-UOOM COT- tage, on which we cau make very attrac tive terms; say* |50a cash ami 925 per month, if thl* doesnt suit you, uiay be able to do still letter BICYCLE 8UNDRIES. BICYCLES AND SUNDRIES- LARGEST bicycle and sundry distributors In the South. Southern agents for Pierce. Yale, d Hudson bicycles. Write for out Hogue and price list. Alexander* Elyen Co. MESSENGER SERVICE. Y>B PROMPT AND RELIABLE MBS* sengera, 'phone 23. J. A. Davies and J. MEDICAL. IPATIIIC REMEDIES CURE diseases and make hair grow. , Medicated Soap makes you by- ly clean. (90 years success.) J. J. 92,700—BRAND NEW 5-BOOM COTTAGE on large level lot lu West End. ou car line, with every convenience. water, gas, Gila lot at cost for special reasons. Price 96,700. It's a gopd one. $5,000—1.ISltF.S AVENUE. NKAIt PEACH- tree, a splendid 9-room house oil nice, large north (rout lot. Cau make easy 94.250—ELEVENTH STREET: SHADY. level lot, 65x204. Your last chance to get otie of these lovely lots for a home. Spe cial reason for selling. This Is like sRk, and flue silk at that. PICTURE FRAMES. ’ICTf'RB FHAitKn MADE TO Oflt.... H. W. Yarbrough. 2V4 Auburn avenue, urner Peachtree. Entrnfico Auburn ave- Expert workman. Patteraou ouse, 286 Peters street. * Phones, ?, Bell 794 west. We buy May TRUNK AND BAG REPAIRING. Retnll and ret rjjtMrtn,. WATCHMAKING. ■o TUB TRADE: COMPLfCATBD watches are my hobby. Modern Idea# In ’orlt and dealings. II. Walter Ix»tt. Room 8HOE REPAIRING. GWINN’S SHOE SHOP. 4 LUCKIB. OPPOSITE PIEDMONT. Beil 205. Men's sewed bait aolea, 75c. FOR FINE SHOE RE PAIRING go to J. W. Carroll, 47 South Pryor street, aposlte court house. All work first-class, o cheap prices. CASH REGISTERS. (Second Hand.) Cash or monthly payments. Every register ■scanteed for two years. Southern Cash Mater Co., Branch of American Second- REGISTER EXCHANGE. 24 S. Broad St.. Atlanta. Go. FOR RENT—FURNI8HED ROOM8. Address 162 Cnurtland Street. or two young gentlemen; line location. "Medmont avenue. 936.00 FRONT FOOT-WE HAVE ON THE north side, ou n good street, 2S0xl&). al most • perfectly level, covered with dense 93.950—NEAR bare n brand rented ou lens* for one year at 937.50; house Is a dandy and the location can’t Im» beat. 96,600—VIFTII jfTlli.KT HOME OF NINE rtioms, *ou lot >J0x2J0 (as perfect a lot as »l» Jur* * ' ‘ 94.400—NINE-ltOO.M WEST END HOME, brund new, ou car Hue; good location, out look beautiful; one of the la-st built bouses "HR ■■llll, till l»ll 1MIW, JRIl IHIH pleted; In aplendbl nelghtiorliood; first va rant cottage next to Hunt stree * block you would have for nefgl _ . ... m aneh Lapt, Richard attic. Mr. ob Hemp- —J. Mr. Perkerson. etc. Street to be cherted soon, and then property will go bounding up. WEST ATLANTA PARK. OLD HATS MAOE NEW b*t» cleaned anil re- WANTED SECOND - HAND ROLL TOP OR FLAT TOP DESK, WITH SIDE DRAWERS. .MUST BE IN GOOD CONDITION. STATE PRICE. ADDRESS DESK, CARE GEORGIAN, Mortgage loans on real estate. POUF PER CENT HOME MONEY TO lend money for purchase money notes; straight loans made for 5 per rent and up wards. According to desirability of loan. W. A. Foster, UAouth Broad street THE UNION HAVINGS HANK BUYS purchase money notes and lends money on Improved Atlanta property a' res son- able rates. Bell phone 719. Gould Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN AT 6, • AND 7 PER cent Interest, according to security of fered; small expense and prompt attention. Only on real estate lu and near Atlanta. 8. II, Turman. YEA *v • i nano, * inn JOI1 CAREY. It EAST ALABAMA STREET. FOR SALE-REST RUBRER TIRE* workmanship guaranteed. Georgia Ve- blcle Mfg. Co.. 50 and 52 West Mlti-bell st. FOR BALE-TWO CAR LOAD* FINE Brockway surrles. runabout* and depot wagons. Nothing better made. Georgia i Vehicle Mfg. Co.. 60 and 62 West Mitchell ftrepl. ty - WHILH-THEY LAST-ONE DOLLAR ItlB- h'Mis 7Sc, 97 u doxen; 75c ribbons for 60r, 14 SO iter <loxcn. If we have the kln«l von ~*ant. Iielter loa«I up. Rest iitrloii , |1 to 94 txix. Discount on five or- lapses. Kiv-Dix Manufacturing Com- f want. n*de. 411 Austell building. REDUCTION HAI.E-IIAND MADE KEE- J.ox Ribbons, Including two colors; former prl« e, 91 eaoh, 99 dooen; now 75c each. 17 dor.* ii. Ivory nrniHl. former j»ri/v 75* each, 97 • i< ren: MV. whit** they fust. %ie ,^ch. I4f » di*X4*n. Carbon paper, ll to Q Ih»x. , K- ix»x Manufacturing Company, 611 Aus- '+relt bullllng. on haml. retlucetl ... .. Ivory brand rlblmns werr 97 d<»zen. 76c; now ‘1.60 doxen. or 50r each, t’arlioti puts-r. fl ''“aeount on flve a| * — ■ - _ T r ._„jftirtiiflBs Cot tell building. SPECIAL HOME FUNDS TO LEND any amount, 414. I and 4 per cent. Write or rail s. W. Canon, 24 8. Broad atraeL FARM LOANS-WE ARE PLACING loans on Georgia farms at the lowest rates ever offered. The Southern Mortgage Comitany, Gould building. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE at very lowest rates. No delays. Charles Herman, rooms 202-9 Temple Court. WANTED—MONEY. WANTED-YOU TO ASK YOUR GROCER for Money Flour, and lusist ou getting It, becaune there Is money In It. LOST. Who puts your paper on so stick. And guarantees that It will stick; Does your painting, does It nice. And "always lowest In the prlcef Burnett, of course! Your “Uncle Jim" Is bard to best: lie’s at Number 12 B. Hunter street. Both Phones 660. POUND. FRANKLIN. THE CLRA96 CLEAN FEL- low. cleans suits 91 to ll.M. Pants 60c. 10 Whitehall 8t. Phones, Bell 529, A. 339L BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. ATTRACTIVE SIGNS WILL BRING YOU busiuesa. For high grade work call os Kent. 91H N. Pryor. Phone 292L AUCTION HALE EVERY WEDNESDAY at 10 a. m. at the 84iutbern Auction aud Salvage Company. 20 South Pryor. IF YOU WISH TO BUY. HELL OU EX- .change property of any kind It will pay roii to ***** ii*. i\ II. Wells 4c Co., 1104 fourth National Bank. WANTED. If you have any vacant houses and want them rent ed right away, list them with LIEBMAN, ‘ Real Estate—Renting, Phones 1075, 28 Peachtree Street. Only Two Left of 8 Bright, New Suburban Homes. ’ Th. first month will b, glv.n FREE, and If oceupi.d on, y*ar, two mart month, will b. glv.n FREE at tha ,nd of th, y.»r, making only nln. month, you will h.vo to pay for. Non# but good fgmllioa will b, allow.d in th.M houan. Th«„ ar, located on tho rlv.r .l.etrlo oar lino, only tw.nty min- ut.,’ rid, from th. e.nt.r of tho eltyi contain 7 and 8 room.; hav. n.v.r b.en occuplwt; ar, locatad In W.xt At l.nta Park. Every hou,. front, a fifty foot park, which ii ,,t In tr..., aver gra.n. and flowar,. Pur. air; natlva oak*; an .pot for children. It la cha.p.r than living In th, city and th. .urroundlng. ar, mor, wholuom,. In th, e.nt.r of thl. park ar, th. FERRO PH08PHATE SPRINGS, which will eur. any cru of atomaeh or kldn.y trouble, no matt.r of how long .land ing. It now ha* a n.w church, neatly furnl.hcd, a .tor., a school hou*. coat Ing 82,500 will toon bo completed. Cipt. J* T* Mill., who lives on th, grounds, will .how you through tho hou,,.. R.nt $20 per month, JOHN J. WOODSIDE, 12 Auburn Avenue. J. H. GARNER & CO. REAL ESTATE AND INVESTMENTS 305 and 306 Century Bldg. BOTH PHONES 449k. CENTRA!, AVE.. NKAIt MITCIIEI.L-A good Im.liii.i lot for $t,’W. Fourth raph. U E A C II T R K E—THREE BEAUTIFUL homr. on easy trriue-111,500, |i),000. J17,. MANAliKIt AN At l>KY fitKIDil AND SPECIAL BARGAIN NICE 7-ROOM COTTAGE HOME. 139 DAVIS ST. ON THE CAR LINE, AND WITH ALL THE CITY IMPROVEMENTS, FINE GARDEN, POULTRY HOUSE, GOOD BARN AND STABLE ALL ON A SPLENDID LOT 50X200 FEET. THE 0 W N E R BUILT THIS FOR A HOME, AND SPARED NEITHER MONEY NOR PAINS IN HAVING EV ERY CONVEX I K N C E FOR A HOME. THIS IS VERY DESIRABLE FOR ANYONE WHO NEEDS TO BE CLOSE IN. PRICE $3,000. ONE-HALF CASH, BALANCE $32.50 PER MONTH. E. A. NESBIT, 3 EDEGEWOOD AVE. BELL PHONE 3794. I'KACHTRKK—CIIOICK VACANT LOT between Thirteenth ntnl Fourteenth ,te„ W. E. TREADWELL & CO., Real Estate, 24 South Broad St.—Bell Phone 2644. Atlanta Phone 3803. RealEstate At Auction 75 Lots. We have subdividec the Blount property into 75 lots and wil sell them at auction on the premises Saturday, Sept. 8th, at 3 O’Clock p. m. This property fronts De- Kalb avenue and rum through to McLendon St It adjoins-the handsome res idences of Messrs. High tower and Morris and within 167 feet of beautiful Moreland avenue (Inman Park). These lots will front on two electric car lines and covered with pretty shade, lie beautifully, no grading, no fills. Schools and churches are conven ient. This entire tract is sit uated on a commanding em inence, which overlooks At lanta. On all sides of these lots are some of tho most beautiful homes in Atlanta, insuring to tha purchaser an established neighborhood. atrrot. Well adaptinl for private aanato- rlmu. 92.200 Bt*YH 19 A(•IIKHIVf'iXND.'FIIoVt lug two rnllmatla, 3 miles from dat f city. 43.1'M liras A NICK IlltSlK tlN CUKW street, one block of Georgia avenue. Wells street;*rent* fi»r 922.60: new. iM'f'lirvH A'TilltKKiuiOM lioTsiroS Kstorla street, one bhn-k of 1‘earl; white netghlMtrluinri. »»» lll'YK THIlKF.'hlKtU RlU'HK ijjf I Jimpklnstreer. . ' . 13.150 IIUYH A FlVg-tuilfS llol'l6 OS' • Hmith Pryor. n home amj a Utile beauty: front all thrown together by fold- lug doors. H.iW IIUYH A I.OVBI.V HOUR ON "Sfifrut/OM III7PMK " ANIt More ..attacked In. one (dork of the 4*np- 5 Al'UKM FltONTING 260 FKF.T ON HOW ell Mill road, running Isaek 1.090 f**et. Fnt qnlrk sale at a bargain 9L260 FOB A NIUI Highland avenge. • Wk IIAVK HOMK FIXE VACANT LOTH In West Kiwi We sell ’’the earth" cheaper i We are offering very liberal terms to pur chasers--one -t bird cash, balance #10.00 a Month, 7 per cent interest. Plats and informa tion at office of RoffSims&Co. Real Estate Agents, 319 and 320 Fourth National Bank Building. Bell Phone 888. Standard 288C. No. 228 East Hunter .Street. Here is a good piece of propertv-that we can sell for $3,000. It is the kind of place that you can touch up with paint and paper and get a satisfactory rental, being lo cated close in on a good street near railroad develop ments; it will make von money some dav.- Wc recommend this sort of real estate to our cus tomers. FORREST & GEORGE ADAIR, MATHEWS & HILL. 611 Empire Building, Bell Phone M. 1748. Atlanta 172. Elegant North Side Homes. WE HAVE FOB BALE THE MOST AT- tractlre homes on Korth i Jackson street, and especially la this true of the two we noyr hare In mind. Thiqr ore located on beautiful lota that Ue well, SO by 196, and are. In every respect, the moat modern of homes to lie found anywhere In Atlanta. They hare only recently been built, all ma terial being rigidly Inspected l»y a compe tent person, mul are storni-shenthed and double-floored. They hare eight rooms, are furnished with mahogany mantels, and there Is nn abundance of shade, both front and rear. The price Is 97,600; good term* Ik> glren. ^ FOB 95.261 WE HAVE WHAT IS PBQB- aldy the chea{K*Ht, and, for the money, the moat desirable house and lot on North Jackson. It In up-to-date In every detail, and we should lie glad to give you full Information. Uall to see tia, for we kuow can Interest yon. SPECIAL NOTICES. B. Whitehead, president of Cola Bottling Company, the plant will be closed Wednesday, the day of hia funeral. A. MONTGOMERY, **• Secretary ana Treasurer. ATLANTA MARKETS. FRUIT8 AND PRODUCE. Officially corrected by Atlautu Fruit and Produce Exchange. I>mnna, 96.75Q7.U6. Limes. Pineapples. 91.6002.66. ilaiiann*, atralgbta. per bunch, $LS0&L7S. Cull*, per hunch. 91.0061.26. POULTRY AND COUNTRY PRODUCE-*) Dive luma, J5Q37Hc ; fries, 22tte3c; broil* Vw duck*. Pekin, Be; puddle. 25<?27Hc. ^jter, Inc. per pound, Honey, new, rack*. 104912c. VEGETARI.EB—Irish ind, 20Q22Hc; cook* md; In o potatoes. “We Get Results.” OPPORTUNITY UNUSUAL! FOURTH WARD. NEW NEGRO PROPER TY PAYING 16 PER CENT. Finest offering In city. Well, built house; clean, level lot. Best location, close In, near car line, both ways. Rents for $36. Price $2,750. See us today. MOORE-GAUNT Co„ (Incorporated), Real Estate and Renting, 609*610 Cen tury Building. Phone, Main 4234. f, per pool 1. li'WIUc. . StflOc pound; In one-pound ■took, 92.5214 barrel; per ImaheITJi.OO?' 0 ’ * Onion*. 3c per pound; cabbage. Hie pound. New sweet potatoes,' i«.c bushel. FLOUR, GRAIN, PROVISIONS. FLOVR-Foster* parent. 95.75: Diamond patent, 95.10; Mnscoutnh Star, 94.60: faucy patent. 94.60; Red Eagle. 14.15; Dine hllibon. IMOj fancy, 93.90; spring wheat patent, 93.0$^ COnN—Choice red cob, 74e; No. 2 white, 75c; No. 2 yellow, 74c; mixed, 73c. pATB—Cnolce white clipped, 62c; choice white, 50c; choice mixed, 48c; Texas rust proof, 60c. MEAI^—Plain water-ground, per bushel, 71c; Imlted. 140-nound *-itea, per luiahel, 65c; Bhorta, white, )L60: medium, 91.40; ♦brown, 91.36; pure bran, $1.10: n»lxe4l bran. $1.06. • . HAY—Timothy, choice large .bales, *1.10: do., choice small bate*. 11.06; do., No. i timothy Ini lea, $1.00; lw>. 91.00; do., No. 1 eloerr mixed, fi.oo; do., No. 2 ctorer mixed, • CLOVER—Choice 90c. « The ahore price* are f. o. b. Atlanta, and subject to Immediate acceptance. GROCERIES. # SUGAR—Stnndnrd granulated, 95.20. New York refined, 4Vfce; plantations, 6c. Market very strong. Look for advance. COFFEE—Ronateil Arbnckle's 116.60, liulk, In bags or Imrrelf, 19c; green, 10& 12c. Market strong. RICE—Carolina 4VHT7ttc. according to grade. Market very strong. CHEK8E—Fancy full cream dairy, 14Uc{ twin* 14c: brick 14c. Market strong. PROVISION*—Supreme haras, 16c. Dora hnma, ISHc. California hams. lOt^c; Red Cross hams, 16c. Dry salt extra ribs, 99.17; bellies, 20-6 lb*.. 910.50: fat backs, 8c; pistes, 6c; Supreme lank 99.75: Red <*rosa, 10c. Bnow Drift coini>ound, 7%c; Red Cross, 7%c. STOCKS AND BONDS. Bid. Asked. .* 112 112 I 1 J*. GJ.ORE & JUSTIN, 215 Peters Building. RIX-K003I MODERN HOUSE. BEST •art of Jonea avenue, and a beauty; 93,. bS* WJTfrit riii)B "o^ n^aT: fitfa f te«T. between Chestnut and English avenue, nice level large lot. 9326. WiHIATh X MbK ViVK hMid cot: tage, east front. Lot110 by 100, In Weft- rn Heights, only $1,*“ street.~Tot 60'by*i*2L Price $2,000. , 'VK.'.'AVE-ri.OT oM WoT51»WAItL AVE: «r •l ...106 ,166 Georgia 4Ha. 1915.. Georgia. K. It. 6a. 1910.. Savannah 5s. 1909.... . Macons 6a. 1910.... .. .... Atlanta. 6a. 1911 , Atlanta. 4Hs. 1922 Atlautn 4a. 1934 Atlanta and Weft Point. . . aoo Atlanta and West Point Debts..107 Central Ballway of Georgia lat Income . .. ... do, 2d Income do. Id Income. Georgia.. .. .. 4(20 Augusta and Savannah.*. . . . ,115 Southwestern 116 Georgia Pacific lat*. 120 C, C. and A. lata.. .. .. ..612 STOCKS REVIEWED ' BY NEW YORK SUN 10*14 107 in- fit nne; 101 by lfi, to another afreet; only ,100. KWii 8IS Itnoil <(>fTrAoE« SEAfl tWT mlnal station; aldewnlka and aewer; cabi net mantela; splendid renting aectlon; 9L 600 each; one-third cash and monthly pjy. menta. fAult EBmrxgPTBXOT l6t3 nnr tirant nark; ,1.400. IF VoU IIAVR VAt'AXf PTOF1HTT XVH ran irnt tt. If roti bar, property for ul, can Mil It. Ulr. a. . trial. FOR RENT. FOB BBNT-A LONG LIST OF HOUSES. /All alaea and prices. We show onr houses and move our tenants free. Call Monday aud get a bulletin. JOHN J. WOODSIDE, THE RENTING AGENT. 12 Auburn Avenue, Both Pbon.i 111. PERSUADES GIRL TO WED ON PAPER By Private Lc«i*e<l Wire. Norfolk, Va., Aug. 28.—Berets Ba tooae, a confessed Anarchist, la In Jail here charged with making an aifar chlstlc marriage. After a hearing he was held for further Investigation. Batooae, who la 29 year* old, ap pea red In court as the complainant against C. Friedman, whom he had charged with ansault. Friedman testified that he assaulted him be cause he had persuaded Friedman's slater, a pretty 17-year-old Jewish girl, to sign an agreement that she was Batoose's wife and would recognise no other marriage contract. Friedman testified that Batooae was driven out of Russia flve months ago for his an archistic teachings. on tho open market In l.ondoii had boon secured for New York encouraged the In terests working for a - decline to Increase their exertions In that direction, and with such success that In the last hour a nnni- l»er of the active stocks showed declines of 3 or 4 points from their recent high level*, and while. Juat liefore the dote of trading, price* stead led somewhat, there was no considerable rally from • tb» low C * *ea of the day. Money on call, eased off, aa aouie loans were tint out by broker* age firms which usually handle a good-deni of Standard Dll bualneoa the trading ele- tnent construed this aa an Indication that Standard Oil Interests had sold stock and were ready to encourage a decline In prices so ns to get back their lines on favproble terma. Time loans were quoted at 6 per cent and a commission. Atchison, like St. Pan!, made a new high record In early dealing ... .. . _Jgh record In. .early dealings. but. unlike the latter, retained a good deal ' strength through the entire nesakni. of ita of 9703.424 In gm«* ami 9416.— rumor that at an Informal conference tha directors had tentatively agreed to liirteaM the dlvlilend to 6 |ier «t»tit found no credence, although It Is well understood that certain Individual directors favor an advance to that rate. Joint official action will not, however, l*» taken nntll October. The advance In Sugar, the greater part of which was lost liefore the close, brought ru mors of rights and a scrip dividend, but THE DRY GOODS MARKET. Now York, Aug. 29.—'The dry goods mar ket opened firm on all spot gimd*. Tha trade opened atmng with Jobbing ....... __ buyers from the middle weat I Baw silk is higher. Dress go* steadily anti printers report !i many market. Justifiable Homicid#. Special to The Georgian. Hawklnsvllle, Ga., Aug. 28.—At 11:90 o'clock Saturday night the Jury In the case of Roswell Daniel, tried for killing Barton Hendley, rendered a verdict of Justlflable homicide. This cane occu pied the entire time of the court since last Tuesday, M. A. SHELTON, . . . good trade thus far In faucy lines. All Idrached goods are very firm. Brown cottons are slior, and heavy cottons can In* bought at low prices for late dell wry. LIVE 8TOCK MARKET. By Private Leased Wire. Chicago. Aug. 29.—Ita celpts today 19,000. Market steady s tenlny's average: quality fair; left 6,061; bulk 9*£&40: estimated for tomor, row 31.000: light hogs 99.06C6.67H; mixed M <i6.K: rough 95.4WT5.75; henry 95.45fl6.45.* pigs 93.40tff.40: yorkera; good to choice heavy 9f.4ltff.57tt. Cattle^-Estlmatcd receipts 10,090. Market steady to a shade lower: quality fair; lieeves 93.76tff.«: rows 92.26tf6.26: heifers 92.25fiS.2S: cows 91.ttfM.90: calves 95.60tf7.50; good prime steers SS.35tff.6S; poor to me- dltiin 93.S5fJS.20; stoekers and feeders 9LJ0f9 J .J0. Sheep—Estimate*! rtVelpta 19.000. Market teady; quality fair; native * * ,m 9S.25fi5.60: yenrllnga |4.63tf6; western H60tf6- WAS FOUND IN POOL , OF HIS OWN BLOOD Hafteratown. Md.. Aug. 28.—John Lloyd, formerly with th. Western Maryland railroad, waa found lyln* tteml-conaclnu. thl. morning in a pool of blood at hi. boarding home here. Fellow boarder., hearing Lloyd x-ram* bllng about the lloor, ru.hed Into hia bed room and found him lying In a corner. phy.lrlan wa. .ummoned, but Lloyd refuned to let him make an ex amination. although he I. thought to be fatally Injured. He refuned to an- UOX'T FOROP.T M. A. SIIEI.TOX II* “ fatally injured. He refuned to an- 1 pmrtlnil .tore aud mux. repairer; beat »wer ouentlone. and .old he wlnhed to H work anil material guaranteed. Both phone, be left alone. It la Believed ho at,- ii M 8. Fryer .uveu tempted aulclde. n f |