Newspaper Page Text
■/ ( /
Sound of Pistol Shots Drew
Crowd of
Extension of Time Asked
the For Filing of
Schedules. '
Inspector Ewing Has Been
Stirring Things Up in
A lynching was narrowly avoided
within the shadow- of the city stockade
Monday afternoon when one of the con*
vleta attempted to escape and the neigh
borhood was brought to the streets by
three pistol shots.
The negro w-as working for the pub
lic works department when he decided
tf attemnt escape. Oatherlng up the
chain fastened to his leg he started
.town the street. The chain dropped,
however, and was seen by Richard
t ’lark, an ex-policeman, who now works
for Grant Wilkins, on the Washington
street viaduct. .Mr. Clark pulled his
sun and fired three shuts, calling to
the negro to stop.
. Some ten nr fifteen men In the neigh
borhood hearing the shots run from
their houses with every conceivable
weapon and seeing the flying negro
started In hot pursuit.
The negro man stopped In time to
save his life and was taken back to the
Several of the men at the scene of
it- shooting declared that the first
thing which popped Into their minds
wss that the negro had committed
some outrage on u woman and had It
n n been or the Intervention of f,!r.
Clark would have killed him on the
spot. •
MIm Mable Lawrence, accompanied
\>y her father, W. c\ Lawrence, of Co-
penhill, visited the county Jail Tues
day afternoon, and wa* shown the ten
or twelve negroes suspected of commit
ting:, the brutal assault on the Misses
Lawrence aeveral days ago. Mlaa Law
rence wee unable to Identify any of the
prisoners n» being the man who per
petrated the deed.
Mrs. Msycr Is the wife of Am-
baseedor to Russia, who returned
to America on Thursday last for
her second visit since her bua-
ba.hl’e appointment.
The remarkable Increase of »I2,.
607.IB Is shown on the city licence In-
epector'e books as collected since the
Itret of the year over that during the
same time In 1905.
License Inspector R. A. Etvlng, who
has been stirring things up In this de
partment, has collected licenses from
several hundred business men who
heretofore have been overlooked. When
seen Tuesday he Stated that there were
still a numbr of others that he Intended
to get after and In -some Instances
would have their license money in the
city coffers before many more weeks
Up until July 1 there was an Increase
of 8624.26 on hacks and drays alone.
ably Be Called For
State Ticket.
An old man named Hawkins, with
more drinks than was good for him,
and an old umbrella caused a small
slrad riot on Broad street Tuesday aft
ernoon. He got In a discussion with
soma news boys, and this led to
light. In which he wore out his urn-
hirlln. He was chased over a viaduct
info a saloon by about 300 little ne
groes and white boys. He was there
arrested and sent to police headquar-
The go,pci meetings that are being
conducted In J. K. Shlppey Bros.' new
shrd on Pratt atreet, just off of Deca
tur street, are growing In Intereet and
a great meeting Is now In progress.
The shed le built on the tabernacle
style, seating 900 people, end le equip-
i»il with electric lights. Pleno, cornet
onil good elngers furnish music m*1
songs of Zion float out on the air, call
ing men and women to the worehlp of
All t'hrletlan workers are Invited to
ltrl|. In these meetings nt 7:45 each
evening. Workers In both branches of
the Y. M. C. A., supported by a strong
committee of business men. are con
ducting these meetings. ‘Everybody Is
welcome. Special arrangements made
for all ladlea who may attend.
c, c, hjtcherTo,
Messrs. Black and Draper have *«>t
their bonding business to tha Cliff c.
Hatcher Insurance Agency, who will be
general agents for Oeorgla and South
< ’nrollna.
All agenta in this territory will here
«ff<*r report to the Hatcher agency.
Hoyd Perry has been given the man
agement of the bond department.
H|MH*lnI to The Georgian.
Macon, (Jn.. Aug. 28.—'The Georgia stnte
shoot for the Heagtrt team In-gun nt Holton
raugo this morning with thirty-two men In
the contest. Five uien who were chosen
conhl not ntteiul. The others were on the
ground and tiegnu the competitive shooting
In their efforts to lunke the stnte team
which will represent Georgia In the nn-
tlonttl contest next week.
Colonel J. Van llolt Nash, of Atlnntn. Is
the executive officer In ehsrge of the con
test nt Holton. Lieutenant-Colonel 4. (\
I’ostell, of Hsvitnnnh, Is first nsslstnut exec
utive officer. Major llnrrl««»n Johnston, of
Mscoti. Is ststlstlcsl officer. 'Hie Uest shots
from Mncou. Atlanta. Hnvnnunh. Albany.
Thoinssrllle ami Marietta have been placed
on this list of thirty-two men. and from
them will be named the twelve uieu who
sre to go to Seagirt. There will be three
a I terns ten.
The remainder of the time will In- tie
voted to the stnte contest.
ny Private Leased Wire.
Cairo. Ills., August 28.—A mob Is on
Its way to Charleston to lynch Charles ... ... _
Goforth, n farm hand, who assaulted the 'V 0 " u * >on resolution, which the
I year old daughter of Kdwanl Albright, s b,ai k delegates seemed to think was
01 ILL 111 OLOOlUn
Convention Will Very Prob
Almost from the time the state cfn-
trnl committee of the Republicans of
tho state met nt noon Tuesday In the
senate chamber, a wrangle ensued and
was kept up till the close of the session,
There seemed to be a Fairbanks and
nntl-Falrhanks fight on, though no re
ference was made to his name, and
several of the leadera denied that Vice-
President Fairbanks had urged the
putting nut of n state ticket to pre-
serve the party organisation.
A white republican gave that ns his
opinion -before the committee met, but
several white delegates dented at
knowledge that such was the case.
The vice-president had not communl
rated with them, they said. Among
these were Cnptalh I. J. Barnes,
Thomson, and Attorney C. P. Goree, of
A convention wilt likely be called.
The real light, whether It had any,
reference to national nominees or not.
Negro Killed By Negro.
Kpertsl to The Georgina.
Gadsden, Ala., Aug. 21—Arthur
BP,unt. a negro drayman, waa shot
and Instantly killed by Lon Prater, an
other negro. In a row In a saloon yes
terday afternoon. Prater attempted te
. ..ape, but was caught and lodged In
Jail- M
Ill Private Leased Wire.
Keiv York, Aug. 28.—Charged with
h« In* failed to pay a bill at the
Victoria hotel, and with leaving a piece
or baggage that contained only a brick.
Airs Elisabeth Hamilton, who register
ed from Pittsburg, will appear In the
Jefferson market court Thursday. With
two children and a maid she regis
tered nt the Victoria two weeks ago.
Her bill amounted to SUM. Her home
Is at .Vo. 265 West Twenty-second
By Privets Lessed Wire.
Richmond. Va.. Aug. 2*.—Thomas
William-, a son of R. J. Williams, while
j on vacation at Clayvllle, In Powhattan
[ county Saturday, was struck by light-
1 nlng as be was milking a cow. Hla
arm Is burned and bruised, but hie In-
Juries arc alight and he will recover.
farmer near Bertrand, Mo,
Goforth won captured by farmer* bended
by Albright. who seriously .hurt Goforth
am! tried to kill him, but <iofortb wa*
rearned by deputlea and taken to Cliarte
By Private I .esse,1 Wire.
Wlnsted, Aug. 28.—Startled by the
■udden blast of an engine whistle while
he was walking acrosa a bridge. Sant
Armstrong, 70 yesrs old, stepped In
front of a trsin on which his son was
speeding to visit him, and waa killed.
The son drove his body home In the
wagon which the aged father had
brought to the etatlon.
By Private Leased Wire,
Philadelphia, Pa., Aug. 28.—Mayor
Wearer Is so seriously III that his phy
sician, Dr. W. M. L. Coplen, director
of the department of health, has ord
ered him to bed. Dr. Coplen will not
say Just what Mr. Weaver's ailment
Is, but he Is believed to be suffering
from some sort of throat trouble.
By Private leased Wire.
New Haven, Aug. 28.—Women mem
bers of the Greek Catli,,11c church at
New Britain, who are opposed to Fath
er Voshay, the paator of the church,
attempted to waylay hltn after a ser
vice, their Intention being to take the
keys <>f the church away from him.
Policemen scattered them.
blow at them, and. that It would
bar them from the convention. Eape,
daily did the South Georgia membera
of the committee resent this repreaen
Hon. E. A. Angler, of Atlanta, and
from Atlanta, stoutly contended that
the committee had no power to change
the unit of representation, and that
the convention alone had the right to
change the representation.
Over against these. Attorney C. P.
Goree, argued very fcrclbly that the
committee had the right to prescribe
the basis of representation for the con
vention nbout to be called. Fulton
county, he said, had cast more vote,
tor Roosevelt than the entire eighth
district, nnd therefore that district waa
not entitled to the representation of
the flfth district.
The wrangle was Intensified when
J. M. Ashby, :i white Republican of
Dawson county. Introduced the fol
lowing resolution:
'•Resolved, That a delegate conven
tion of the Republicans of Georgia be
held In the city of Atlanta on the —
day of September, 1908, at 12 o'clock
noon, for the purpose of nominating a
state ticket, as may properly coma
before such a convention.
“That the limit of organisation
the congressional districts, and that
each district be entitled to one dele
gate for each 100 votes cast tor Pres
ident Roosevelt In 1904. This appor
tionment to be os follows: First dis
trict. It: Second. 18: Third, 10; Fourth.
15, Fifth, 29; Sixth. 8; Seventh. 47:
Eighth. 9; Ninth, K: Tenth, 12; Elev
enth. 26.
“That only legally registered voters
be eligible as delegates."
At 2:30 o'clock the convention was
atlll In session.
J. H. Buck Dtad.
Sl*vlnl to The (ieoretau.
Gadsden. Ala., Aug. 28.—Judge and
Mrs. J. W. Penn received a telegram
vesterday announcing the death of J.
It. Buck. Mrs. Penn's father, at Selma,
Ala., where he had undergone a sur
gical operation on Thursday. 3tr. and
51 rs. Buck up to last Wednesday had
been the guests of Judge and Airs.
Penn In Ibis city.
Bjr Prlvste tossed Wire.
New York, Aug. 28.—It was stated
today that not a single railroad com
pany had been able to fully comply
with the provisions of the new rate law
requiring them to have all their sched
ules on flle by midnight last night. The
schedule of switching engine charges
wss the most difficult of completion.
The new law, which applies to all
railroads doing an Interstate commerce
business, went Into effect at midnight.
It will be enforced by the Interstate
commerce commission.
There esn be no extras from now
on, but the shipper Is expected to be
able to obtain In advance a final state
ment of the charge he has to meet.
Fremont Morse and L. Nettand, of
the Alaska boundary cnmmliilon, have
left for Yakubat Bay, where each, with
a party of nine men, will aurvey a atrip
of tho boundary.
• Latest photograph of the empress dowager of China, posed In man
ner that shows the quaint trappings of Oriental royalty. The dowager
empress has unexpectedly called a constitutional conference and may
grant freedom to China.
By Private Leased Wire.
Elberton, da., Aug. 28.—A negro by
the name of.Will Morrison has caused
quite an excitement In this city, occa
sioned by his asking a white lady to
kiss him, as she was handing him
change for peaches she had purchased
of him.
Troubfe Is expect** tonight.
Adheres to His Claim of
189 Votes in Con
Hon. Mark Johnston, of Baldwin,
writes The Georgian a car'd refuting
S tatements mad. In the Issue .of Mon-
ay relative to hie having carried only
eight or nine counties.
A* this card was submitted too lata
for producing In Its entirety It can
only be summarised here. He aays:
"It your Informant knows anything
at all concerning my vote In the pri
mary of August 22, he must know
eomethlng of the counties In a stone’s
throw of Atlanta. If he desires to
speak the truth why did he not eay,
as he was giving a Hat of my counties,
that Douglas, Cherokee, Coweta and
Henry were mine."
He eaye that he eecured every vote
In Lee except eight, and carried Baker,
Worth, Wilcox, Bandotph and Stewart.
He aaye the Information that he car
ried Foreyth and Madleon la news to
Mr. Johnston aays that he had no
Intention of aaylng anything about
how many counties he carried, but
that It got Into the newspapers and
he had to do so.
"The name old game of 1902 le being
played by the Ginn book trust In an
endeavor to have their candidate nam
ed by the convention by acclamation.”
He aays four years ago that W. B.
Merritt received only 171 electorlal
votes, but simply because the newspa
pers claimed 228 he was nominated by
acclamation. He says the agents of
the Ginn book trust la again furnish
ing reporters with lies. lie states that
whether he wins In the convention or
not that he will keep up hla charges
against the book trust and will prove
them. In closing he aays:
"I apologise most humbly to my
friends and the public, but I could not
say less In answer to this Anxious liar,
and I will not say more now. I re
assert my claim—that 1 will have 189
votes In the convention on September
The card Is signed Mark Johnston.
Odd Fallows' Barbecue.
Special to The Hcorxlan.
Gadsden. Ala.. Aug. 28.—The differ
ent Odd Fellows' lodges of this district
will have a union picnic.and barbecue
at Fort Payne on next Thursday, Aug.
20. SevemI prominent speakers will
be present to address the crowd and
a brass band has been engaged for the
occasion and a pleasant day la antic
Mrs. H. Gertrude Gerry, of East
Orange, N. J.. originated the Idea of
distributing the sermons preached by
Rev. F. Q. Blanchard, of the First Con
gregational church of that city, and
baa organised the Church klanuscrlpt
Society, and even' Monday copies of
the sermons preached the day before
are distributed to those who, by raaton
of Illness or other affliction, are not
able to get to church.
Passengers and the Crew
.Saved in the Nick of
By Private Leased Wirt.
Detroit, klcb., A (iff. 28.—A loaded freight
steamer, tho Charles A. Kdily, burned to
the water's edge on take Huron, near
Port Hanltac, nt 2:18 a. in. today. Twen
ty persons were on IwMrd, Inrludlnx the
captain's wife and two little daughters,
1 and 3 years old, respectively.
Half those on tho boat were asleep,
and were rescued with great difficulty.
The l>etrolt and Cleveland ateatuer, City
of Mackinac, 5 miles away, responded to
distress signals, nnd took the people all
on lNinrd, some of whom were nearly
Captain P. B. Elsy, master of the Eddy,
was III with lumbago, and escaped with
great difficulty. Home inrtnlters of the for
ward crew were ohllgiNl to escape through
whitlows, flames having cut off their way.
Most were In their uuderclothr*. As they
were taken off, the flames burst out In all
J. B. WhiUhead.
The body of J. B. Whitehead, who
died nt Thaxton, Va., Monday morning,
arrived In Atlanta at 3:10 o'clock
Tuesday nfternoon. and was taken to
Patterson's undertaking establishment.
It will later be carried to the residence,
683 Peachtree street, where the funeral
services will be held at to o'clock Wed
nesday morning. The Interment will be
at Westvlew.
Colonel for Third Regiment.
In n short time Governor Terrell and
Adjutant General Harris will hold a
consultation relative to ordering on
election to name a colonel for the
Third regiment. Colonel Usher Thom
ason resigned several months ago, and
Colonel W. Q. Obear, Inspector general
of the national guard, has been filling
the place until a regular commanding
officer la named. The Third has only
slg companies non-.
Entsrs Soldiers’ Homs.
James B. Moore, of Augusta, entered
the Soldiers' home Tuesday and will
spend the remainder of his life in that
quiet retreat. Mr. Moore enlisted nt
the beginning of the war In the First
South Carolina regiment and later was
with the Tenth Georgia, • commanded
by A. J. McBride, of Atlanta. He waa
discharged before the dose of the war
on account of physical Infirmities.
Twsnty Maks Returns.
Secretary of State Phil Cook received
returns from twenty corporations Tues
day morning, all Inclosing the fee of
31. One came from Newnan, another
from Hiram and the others from At
lanta concerns.
Mrs. Carolina Simpson.
Caroline Simpson, 59 years old.
died at 7 o'clock Monday night at her
residence, 65 Henry atreet. She Is sur
vived by her husband and two chil
dren. The funeral services will be held
at the residence at 9 o'clock Wednes
day morning, nnd the body will be car
ried to Flat Rock for Interment.
Luoilt King.
Luclle, thS 11-monlhs-old daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Kin- died at
the residence of the parents on More
land avenue Monday afternoon. Fu
neral services were held at the resi
dence at 3:30 o'clock Tuesday after
noon, and the Interment was at Oak
Mary Frank Dabnay.
Mary Frank, the Infant daughter o!
Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Dabney, died Mon
day at Athena Ga. The body was
brought to Decatur, Ga., nnd the fu
neral services were held there at 10
o'clock Tuesday morning.
Special to The Georgian.
Chattanooga Tenn., Aug. 28.—Dr. E.
L. Drake, of Winchester, Tenn.. a saga
and Inventor of a flying machine. Is In
the limelight again. Drake got Into a
spat with John W. Gates and others
who were dickering with flying ma
chines some years ngo because the doc
tor claimed that Gates had breached a
contract concerning hla flying machine;
Dr. Drake claims that hla flying ma
chine was Invented on the principle
of bird flight.
By Private Leased Wire.
Boston, Aug. 28.—Thomas W. Law-
son still mourns at the side of hla
wife's bier and refuses to be consoled,
holding little conversation with anyone.
The body of Mrs. Lawson rests In a
rich but plain metal coffin, which
hermltlcallq sealed. It rests In
temporary aland In the delightful lit
tle lodge-llke building, which the
banker'a wife herself had built, and
which Is located at some Ittle distance
from the palatial home, "Dreamwold."
It waa explained today that the only
reason for the body’s remaining on the
estate that the tomb which la to be Its
permanent resting place Is not ready.
Special to The Georgian.
Birmingham, Ala., Augi 28.—The fit
est election returns give the state for
Comer for governor by a majority of
between 15,000 and 20,000 votes.
He carried Jefferson county by a ma
jority of about 1,000.
Henry B. Gray Is elected lieutenant-
governor and the Indications point ta
the election of ex-Qovornor Joseph F.
Johnston and Congressman John H.
Bankhead as alternate senators.
81.80&—Mrs. V. L Walker to W. J. Smith,
1300— K. Bose, to mid to one-story frame
dwelling at lit I'esrI street.
11,200—T. J. Ash. to Intlld one-story frame
dwelling nt 118 Ash street.
11,700—A. J. Moss, to build one-story frame
dwelling at 115 l.oomlft uvenro*.
8275—Mrs. 8. B. Benson, to build frame
store nt 247 Graut street.
8100—M. If. Clarke, to mid to frame store
at 158 B. Linden avenue.
SW—B. N. Ilnlateml, to build frame room
at 288 Gordon street.
$150—Mrs. |„ tawnmii. to bulbl, frame
room at J5 Peachtree place.
$1,750—George R. I Ionovs n to J. II. Jones,
lot i*n Porter place near Peachtree street
I/md deoil.
85—'T. J. Jnmes to J. M. Nichols nnd A.
II. Jones, lot on rorner Griffin and tilmp-
son streets. Quit clnlui deed.
8850-Netil Bank to K. A. Morris snd Bos-
It Morris, lot on Thor '
Hllllsrd street. Warranty
I Sam i
84.637.60—Title Guarantee nnd Trnst Co. to
Mrs. A. W. Mynntt, lot on 8onth Pryor
street near Vasanr atreet. Warranty deed.
89.500— P. V. Hmlth to K. M. Uoliert*. Jr.,
b>t on «i»ruer Mitchell snd Mniiguui streets.
Warranty deed.
88,250—K. M. Holier!*. Jr., to Nathan Knl-
»r. some lot. Warranty deed.
82.000— Itenlah II. and Helen C. Llebmnn
to Mrs. ItaK. Allen, lot on comer Milled**
mid Oakland avenues. Warranty need.
84.600—Mrs. II. K. Allen to W. t\ KoMn-
son. lot on earner Mllledge and Oakland
avenues. Warranty deed.
87.300. Penal Hum—It. J. Magrudrr to \.
M. Hyatt, lot on IPne atreet near Jackson
street. Bond for tile.
58.500- M. L. Thrower to K. V. Crorkett,
lot on Month Pryor street near Rnwaon
atreet. Warantjr deed.
81.200—W. M. Heott to It. B. Thomna. bit
on Bngenla street near Boyd atreet. War-
RffO-Srx 8. J. Jones to W. P. Kefir, lot
n K. Georgia avenne near Connally atreet.
Warranty deed.
$900—W. I*. Mi
8inltb. lot on But.,
nne. Loan deed.
$22,001 INCREASE
By Private I.-n »,* f Wlri*.
Waahlngtnn, August 23.—The rail'
road rato luw becoming effective today,
the vent was signalized by a public
conference cf tbe representative! %f
New England railroads with those
members of the commtsalon now In the
city—Sleesers Knapp, Cockrell, Clem
ents and Lane.
About fifty railroad men were prea-
ent when the Informal meeting waa
called by t'imlmian Knapp, shortly be
fore II o'eioek this morning. B. D.
Calflwell, vice president of the - Dela
ware. Laeknwnnna and Western, waa
the first speaker. He asked for an ex
tension of lime for the glltlng of sched
ules; ask-d that present methods of
posting tariffs be permitted to continue
and demanded regulations In the mat
ter of publishing export and Import
rates, itfld brought up technical quee-
tlons bearing on the concurrence In
so-called Joint rates. He expressed
the hope that full oportunlty for a
free discussion at a formal hearing
would be given.
George V. Massey, general solltctor
of the Pennsylvania Railroad Compa
ny, gave the assurance that reports of
that the lines represented at the hear
ing are antagonistic to the law, are un
Gate City Terminal Compa
ny Moves to Oust -
Snapshot of Mrs. Van Renselaer Cru-
ger and lawyer. A. Rusaell Peabody,
partner of Clifford W. liartrtdge, Harry
Thaw's counsel, on the court house
steps, returning from a visit to the'
cell of Harry K. Thaw.
Tho Goto City Tormina! Company, which
Is licgluiilitir active work towurtl Its ynrds,
has Instituted condemnation proceeding*
against twenty-six residents of the section
near the Junction of Monginn and Magno
lia streets nnd along Haynes and other
streets. Property belonging to the follow
ing owners baa been oondemned through
process aerred by tbe sheriff: W. Y. Crock
ett, Mrs. O. Volbcrg, C. W. Iluunlcutt,
Fred Grace, Nora Bllen, Mrs. Harriot
Hrlilwell. I\ II. Hnndnli. W. L Bandall.
II. G. Itnndnll, J. II. Rllaworth. Mrs. Mnud
Leak Cobbs. Mrs. A. B. Brook. Mrs. K.
Welford Wood, Charles L. Truitt, Mrs.
Harsh C. Anglin. J. T. Anglin. Mrs. Bllen
Verne, Susan Kngle, the New Terming
Kealtny Company. Hugh T. Inman, II. !«.
Stearns. C. 4. Hulttvan. Richard Boettcher,
Marie Krels. J. II. Kwlng, C; F. Benson
nnd Lonln Itosenfeld.
Several of these owners have been grant*
ed temporary Injunctions restraining the
terminal people from condemning their