Newspaper Page Text
L i
r^TT to
| Mr.. George C. Ball, Editor. Charlotte Stewart and Selene Armitrong, Aaaiatanta. j
Monday evening the usual number of
society people were seen nt the Casino.
Tuesday morning Miss Jnnle Speer
entertained the North Side Bridge Club
at her home, on Peachtree, her guests
Including: Misses Jennie English. Nan
and May duBIgnon. Josle Stockdell,
Erne B. and M. A. Phelan and Nellie
Tuesday afternoon Mrs. Molse De
Leon entertained at cards at her home,
on Piedmont avenue. In honor of Mrs.
Nina Solomon, of Sumter, 8. C. Those
Invited to meet Mrs. Solomon were:
Mrs. Julius Alexander, Mrs. David
Smith, Mrs. James Morrow, Mrs. Har
rison, Mrs. Porter King, Mre. C. L.
Pettigrew, Mrs. Herbert Brown, Mrs.
l> H. Lopex, Mrs. W. E. Foster, Mrs.
Irvin Walker, Mrs. Beall. Mrs. W.
Kagan, Mrs.> Fair Dodd, Mrs. Peter
Erwin. Mrs. T. J. Ripley, Mrs. James
Morrow, Jr., Mrs. Edward Van Winkle,
Mrs. Albert Spalding, Mrs. Edmund
Berkeley, Mrs. Clarence May, Mrs.
William E. Wllmerdlng, Misses Sisson,
Miss Sophia Clark, Miss Aline Ruse,
MISS Lula Slaton, Miss Mattie Slaton,
Miss Lucllla Hill, Miss Solomons, Miss
In the evening Mr. and Mra. J. a.
Rossman gavo a dinner at the Pied
mont Driving Club, the party .Includ
ing Mlsa Lucy Hlnea, Mlaa Theatt,
Mies Barker, Mr. Joe Brown Connally,
-Mrs F. P. Gamble, Mr. Ed Alfrleml.
Mr. Eugene Alfrlend. Mr. Will Park-
hurst, Mr. Charles Bayne and Mr. Alex
Ir\ In.
Wednesday afternoon the Misses
Snook gave a bridge party at their
home, in Inman park. In honor of Mrs,
Mery J. McConnell and Mrs. O'Don
nell. The Invited guests Included: Mrs.
Chessley Howard, Mra. Harvey John
son. Mrs. W. T. Smith. Mrs. Francis
Smith. Mrs. Dan Cabanlsa, Mrs. Chaa.
Phillips, Mrs. Peter Erwin, Mrs. Louise
Spalding Foster. Airs. John Wayte.
Mies Adelaide Everhart, Mlsa Lula
Simon. Miss Ret Dargan.
One of the social events of the week
mis ihe wedding of Mr. Frank Tucker
Mason, of New York, and Miss Ellxa
hrth Venable, which took place Wed
nisduy evening at tho Venable home,
at Stone mountain.
On the same evening Miss Mildred
Harris entertained Informally for the
Mlssra Heltner and guests. Miss Har
ris' guests on this occasion were:
Misses Wllha, Leonle and Adeline
Helfner, the Misses Matcher, 1.nolle
Woodruff, Louise Norman, Harriet Lee
Angler, Marguerite Chaffee, Edith
t’nfleld, Lillian Harris, Charles Moore,
Robert Hopkins, Fred Dlsbro. John
Norman, Frank Spratllng, Charles Dy-
er. Percy Gentry, J. C. Harris, Jr.,
Bov Abernathy, Joseph Arnold, Frits
Wagner, Alton Irby.
Mrs. W. It Foster entertained
bridge Thursday afternoon at her home
In West End. Mra. Joseph Ralne won
the first prise: Mrs. Albert Collier won
the second, and Mrs. Edward Van
Winkle cut the consolation.
Hill, Mrs. Bol
Ridley, Jr., Mrs. Charles McGehee, Mrs.
Clifford Hatcher, Mrs. Thomas Daniel,
Miss O'Donnelly, Mrs. liarvsy Phillips,
Nell Phillips, Mrs. Joseph Rich
Mrs. William Hahr, Mra. Boy
kin Robinson. Mrs. Carroll Payne, Mrs.
Edward Van Winkle. Mrs. Fred Pat
terson, Mrs. William Kiser. Mrs. Wil
liam Prescott, Airs, J. Walker, Mrs.
Beall, Miss Lula Slaton. Mrs. W. D.
Hawkins, Mrs. J. G. Oglesby, Jr., Mrs.
Colquitt Carter, Airs. A. W. Calhoun,
Mr- Andrew Calhoun, Allas Jeanette
Swift, Mrs. Claud Buchanan. Airs. Wil
lis Jones, Mrs. Lena B. Huntley, Mias
Sarah Collier, Allas High, Miss Steele,
Mrs. John M. Slaton, Mrs. Hugh Wil
lett. Mrs. Edward Chamberlin, Mrs.
Robert Wood. Mrs. Julian Field, Airs.
T. B. Felder. Airs. J. G. Hollenbeck,
Miss Nan Stephens, Airs. AtcBrlde, the
Misses MrBrlds, Miss Elisabeth Adair,
Mis. Frank Pearson, Airs. James L.
Dlcknjr, Jr., Airs. Albert Collier, Mrs.
W. J. Illaloek, Allas Louise Todd, Mrs.
Charles King, Mra. Eugene Pierce, Airs.
Joseph Rhodes, Mrs. James Crawford,
Mrs. Frank West, Airs. Rlx Stafford,
Mrs. Joseph Ralne, Mrs. Ben Watkins,
Mrs James T. Williams.
Thursday evening Allas Sllvey Speer’s
beautiful masquerade party. In honor
of Miss Julia Howell, was the social
event among the younger set. Mrs.
william Speer, Mrs. Sllvey, Alias Aline
Patterson, Miss Lltxle Afay Dough-
ertv ami Mra. Rhodes assisted Alisa
Speer in tho entertainment of her
Tho opening of the Grand Thursday
evening was the occasion of several In
formal theater partlee, which Included:
MISS Hattie Afay High, Allas Katharine
G hoist 111, Allas Harry Stockdell, Allas
Alice Steele, Miss Rnllne Clarke, Allas
Nannie Nlcolson. Allas Sadie Morris.
Miss Scott, of Little Rock; Air. and
Mrs Andrew Calhoun. Air. Thomas
I.von. Air. Qua Ryan. Air. Gene Ottley,
Mr. James, Mr. Vsldemar Oude, Air.
Carroll Latimer, Air. Toly Williams,
Mi. William Tanner.
Friday morning Mrs. J. O. Oglesby,
Jr. entertained Ihe members of the
Young Matrons’ Bridge Club. Those
playing were: Airs. Harry English,
Mrs A. HA Thornton. Airs. Vaughan
Nixon, Mrs. R. F. Sheddcn. Airs. An
drew Calhoun, Mrs. Thomas B. Paine
and .Mrs. James R. AtcKetdln.
Friday afternoon Mrs. Bowman gavt
a tea In honor of Alisa Pearl Peck.
Miss Cora Hemphill’s domino party
Friday afternoon was a pretty compli
ment to the Misses Helfner and their
Saturday afternoon society was seen
nt East Lake, where they enjoyed the
Inf'Wmaltty of an Athletic Club.
Saturday morning Miss Nan Steph
ens entertained at cards with delight
ful Informality on honor of Airs. Cay
McCall, of Jacksonville, whose visit to
her mother. Airs. James L. Logan, Is
proving a source of great pleasure to
her friends. Miss Stephens' home In
W< st End was made attractive by-
vases and Jars of cut flowers, and af
ter the game a delicious luncheon was
served at the card tables.
Miss Stephens wore a dainty white
lingerie gown trimmed with lace, and
Mrs. McCall was attractive In a smart
white linen ault trimmed with Irish
The first prize was a handsome wa
ter color, and the consolation a pack
of cards. Mrs. McCall was presented
with a pretty linen handkerchief box.
Those present were Mrs. James L.
Logan, Airs. W. E. Foster, Airs. Alarsh-
all Eckford, Miss O’Donnelly, Misses
Lillian and Allldred Harris, Allas Fan
nie Turner, Miss Bessie Ray, Allas Ada
Turner, Miss Ruth Lewis Muss 8usan
Battle, Allas Brent Whiteside. Allas
Caroline Howell, Alias Carrie Sasnett,
Miss Nettle Mills, Miss Louise Norman.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew C. Miller an
nounce the engagement of their daugh
ter, Stella Mae, to Afr. Robert Bruce
Johnston, the marriage to take place
at the home of the bride, 2> Irwin
street, on the evening of September
Mr. Eugene Cox will give a tally-
ho party Monday evening In honor of
the Aliases Hughes and their house
party, which Is composed of Miss Clair
Fletcher and Miss Annie Kata Fletcher,
of Forsyth; Miss I.uclle Woodruff, of
Columbus; • Atlas Mildred Harris and
Allss Harriet Lee Angler, of Atlanta.
The gayetlea which have been oc
casioned by the house party of the
Misses Helfner will continue next
week. A trolley party has been plan
ned for Tuesday evening, on which oc
casion the Misses Helfner and their
friends will he the guests of a number
of the young men of West End.
Saturday evening at East Lake
promises to be a gala occasion, num-
ous picnic parties having been planned
for the evening. The weather prom
ises to be Ideal for the regatta, and
the various swimming, boat and tub
races are being anticipated with de
In one party will be Alisa Janie
Thornton, Miss Marlon Peel, Miss Sam-
uella Whitman, Afr. Wlnshfp Nunnnlly,
Air. George VVInshlp and Mr. Willis
Another party, one of the largest
which as been formed, wilt Include
Misses Minnie Atkinson, Mary Padgett,
Nan and Kate Carroll, Kate Edmond
son. Foster Anderson, Ora 8ue Mitchell,
Jessie Mitchell, Kate Peters, Bessie
Welslger, Mrs. F. A. Clarkson, Air. and
Mrs. D. B. Osborn, Afr. and Mra. Willis
Timmons, Messrs. Ernest Duncan, Hall
Miller, Sam Williams, Fred Hoyt, Gor
don Mitchell, George Alllls, Joseph Bur
ton, Pressly Yates, Paul Nororosa, Clo
cum Ball and others.
In honor of their guest, Miss Kin
. d, of Washington, Mr. and Mrs. W.
L. Hodges have Invited Mlsaea Ethel
Kelly, Elisabeth Adair, Rollne Clarke,
Louise Van Harlingen, Jeanette Swift,
James Calloway, Tolman Williams,
Louis Gregg, John Dean Steward, Ed
ward Barnett, Alfred Kennedy.
A congenial party will consist of Air.
and Mrs. Harry English, Airs. Inman
Saunders, Miss Nannie Nlcolson, Air.
Rob Clark, Mr. Edward Inman, Air.
Arthur Kelly, Air. Rob Brown, Air.
Arthur Clark.
Alts. George C. Ek-kles will chaperone
Atlas Helen McCall, Air. Harry Afaples,
Air. C. D. McCnully.
Air. and Airs. L. D. Scott, who are
enthusiastic tennis players, nnd who
are to be seen almost dally on the
grounda, will hnve with them Atlssoa
Emma Scott, Allssea Gravea, Atlaa Col
ley, of Washington, Ga.; Mlsa Alary
Gude and Dr. Hayea.
Misses Bessie Pone, Aline Patterson.
Nina Gentry, Bailie Cobb Johnson,
Atessra. Loula Leonard, John Milan,
will form a party.
Friday evening Miss Feable Adams
entertained charmingly In honor of
the Aliases Helfner and their guesta.
Games were played, at the conclusion
of which prises were awarded the suc
cessful players. The first prise was
won by Allss Leonle Helfner, and Allss
Fletcher rut the guest prUq, a dainty
lacc handkerchief. The booby went to
Allss Moore.
Saturday evening Alisa Delay Adama
til entertain at Grant park In honor
of Alisa Pauline Aloore. Only the In
timate frlenda of Allss Adams are In-
Air. and Air*. James Brumby, of
Marietta, celebrated the fortieth anni
versary of their marriage. Wednesday
evening at the residence nt Mr. and
Mrs. Lewis Hoppe, In Alarletta. The
home was profusely adorned with rut
flowers, palms and ferns, nnd n de
lightful buffet supper was served. Air.
and Airs. Brumby's guests were Mrs.
Robert Leach, Air. and Mrs. Mungeon
Brumby. Mr. nnd Airs. Bolen Brumby,
Miss Isabel Brumby, Air. James Brum
by, Jr., and Mr. and Airs. Hoppe.
Mr. and Alra. J. G. Rossman enter
tained at an old fashioned dinner Fri
day evening at their home on Peach-
ree road In honor of their guesta.
Aliases Alexander, Eagle and Palmer.
The dinner wns served In the dining
room, where the table had as a cen
terpleee an apple tree laden with ripe
red fruit. The base of the tree
surrounded by foliage and the whole
effect was most novel and channlng.
“Do You Admire Diamonds?”
What is your Impression of a person who wears a nice diamond?
You will give the people that same Impression of yourself If you wear a
beautiful stone. Our plan enablea you to wea- a nice diamond while pay.
Ing for It Do tlu right thing for yourself.
e Diamond Palace. 37 Whitehall St.
All Ihe dishes known to a country din
ner were nerved by an old fashioned
Mr. and Mrs. Rossman'a guests In
cluded Miss Alexander, Alisa Lucy
Hines, Miss Eagle, Miss Palmer, Mr.
Charles Bayne, Mr. F. P. Gamble, Air.
Joe B. Connally, Mr. Aladlson Bell, Mr.
Julius DeQlve, Air. William Parkhurat.
Mlsssa Vivian and Ethel Thurmond
entertained a few of their friends at
their home near Forsyth last Tuesday
evening In honor of their cousin. Miss
Lillian Tutwller, of Atlanta.
The evening was delightfully passed
In conversation, music and games.
During the evening delicious Ices and
cakes were served In the dining room,
which was beautifully decorated In
pink and green.
Those Invited to meet Miss Tutwller
were Misses Mamie Hawkins, of At
lanta; Mabrle and Emma Arnold, of
Forsyth; Clara and Cora Bankston.
Julia and Jennie Clements, Pauline
Hollis, of Forsyth; Airs. I. E. Cham
bliss, of Harnesvllle; Llxxle and Nellie
Howard, Ethel Jackson, Josle Ingram,
Ida Thurmond, of Barnesvllle; Messrs.
Edward Ponder, of Forsyth; Walter
Butler, of Barnesvllle; Irving Shi, of
Forsyth: T. 55. Abercrombie, of
Strouds; Gordon Alayner, of Forayth;
Voster Butler, of Johnaonvllle; Gra
ham Sapplngton, Lent on Smith. Walter
Bramlette. of Forsyth; Farris Wilson,
Herman Bankston, Collie Wilson and
Mr. McDaniel, of Barnesvllle.
The marriage of Allas Pearl Beatrice
Peck to Mr. Richard Connell Shoup,
of Wilmington, Del., will take place
Tuesday evening, September 4, at the
home of the brfde'a parents, Mr. and
Mrs. F. H. Peck, 235 West Peachtree
street. The ceremony will be perform
ed by Rev. Frank E. Jenkins, and Mr.
J. Fowler Richardson will play the wed
ding music. The decorations of the
handsome home will be In white, pink
and green tints.
The maid of honor will be Miss Jose
phine Darla, cousin of the bride, and
Air. George Bocklns, Jr., of Wilming
ton. Del., will be beat man. The pret
ty little flower glrla will be Mlaaes EIo-
lae Peck, Sophie McLeay, Iaollne Camp
bell and Margaret Northern Mlsaes
Lillian Yow and Virginia Bowman will
serve punch. The approaching mar
riage of Mtsa Peck to Mr. Shoup la of
very much Interest to many friends,
South and North, and the removal
from Atlanta of Miss Peck, after her
marriage. Is a source of deepest re
gret to her large circle of Atlanta
Of many and varied accomplish
ments, including music and painting.
Miss Peck'# beautiful womanly attri
butes, and her unusual magnetic per
sonality have drawn about her In her
young womanhood Innumerable friends
and admirers In this her native city.
On Thursday evening 1 the Young
Men's Baraca class of the Tabernacle
Baptist Sunday school entertained their
young lady friends with a watermelon
cutting at the home of their teacher,
Miss Lucy Irby, on Alllledge avenue.
Quite an enjoyable evening was spent
In games and music, after which the
melons were served on the lawn.
Airs. Stuyvesant Fish, who Is a veri
table social genlba, has evidently mas
tered the art of seating guests at din
ners, a troublesome question at all
times for a hostess.
It Is said that at her large dinner last
Saturday evening she tactfully seated
her 102 guesta In such a manner that
each had an enjoyable time.
Here are some of the rules Mrs. Fish
Never place two fluent talkers close
together. An Interesting talker la a
rarity and should be placed where he
or she can hold away.
Husband and wife should never be
placed within earshot of each other.
On a gala occasion, no wife should
be forced to listen to her own husband's
The hobbles of people have __
considered. A man who talks yachts
continually should never be placed next
to a woman whose Interest In life cen
ters entirely about tho arts, and to
whom yachting trlpa are nothing but
seasick torture. The same rule applies
to automobiles as well.
Women who are Inclined to be Jeal
ous should never be seated opposite
each other, leat some “catty" remark
be made.
Above all, see that your gueate be not
bored. It Is the one unforgivable sin
of an entertainer.
A delightful social function of this
week was the Md domino party given
by Airs. J. P. Farley, Jr., at Opelika,
Ala., In honor of her guests, Allsses
Alice Beasley, of Atlanta, and Daisy
55uchary, of West Point, Ga.
Punch was served by Mias Virginia
Dickinson, the bowl resting In a bower
of ferns.
A profusion of palms, ferns and rut
flowers gave a brightening touch to the
Pretty hand-painted score cards were
presented by little Miss Alberta Wat
kins In a dainty costume of white with
Pink ribbons.
A delightful two-course luncheon was
served at the conclusion of the game.—
Opelika Post.
The moat Important social event of
the season at Statesboro, Oa., was the
wedding of Allss Margaret Johnston to
Mr. Grantham Israel Taggart, of Sa
vannah, at the Alethodlst t’hurch at 2
clock on Friday afternoon.
The decorations were In white and
green tints. The ferns, palms, southern
smllax and Ivy made the church very
artistic and attractive. After the ush
ers entered the bridal party, the groom
with his brother. Mr. Jack Taggart, as
best man: the bride with Mis Eunice
Lester, ss maid of honor.
Allss Lester wore a light blue linen
coat suit, with trimming of baby Irish
The bridesmaids, Allss Leah Leater
and Allss Kate Parker, wore white lin
en coat suits with baby Irish lace and
carried white carnation bouquets.
The attendants were Mr. Jack Tag
gart anil Allss Eunice Lester. Mr. Lee
Armstrong and Allss Leah Lester, Mr.
Homer Parker and Mlsa Kate Parker.
The wedding march was played by
Mrs. A. J. Mooney. Rev. G. N. McDon
ald performed the ceremony. The bride
were a handsome suit of brown silk
and carried bride's rosea. She
great social favorite In Statesboro, and
has entertained very graciously from
time to time at the hospitable home
of her father, Hon. O. 8. Johnston.
The groom Is a prominent young
business man of Savannah and Is a
member of a prominent family of cul
ture and wealth.
The young couple left Immediately
for an extended trip to the north and
Upon their return they will
Mr. O’Donnelly has prepared an elab
orate musical program In honor of Dr.
Landrum's eleventh anniversary of his
pastorate. There will be a special mu
steal service In the evening and the
choir will be augmented fdr both ser
Prelude to Lohengrin, Wagner.
Cornet, "The Evening Star," Wag
ner. .
Voluntary, "Pilgrim's Chorus," Wag
ner-Male chorus.
Offertory, "Just as I am," Chopln-
Vogrlch—Mrs. Peyton H. Todd and
male chorus.
Anthem, "Sextet," Donizetti—Mrs.
Todd, Miss Dunlap, Mr. Davies, Mr.
Hoke, Mr. Barnes and Mr. Scott
Postlude, Wagner.
Prelude, Bollmsn.
Cornet, Afeyerbeer.
Voluntary, “Festival Gloria In Ex-
celsls," (duet) Shelley—Mrs. S. D. Si
ler and Air. T. B. Davies.
Offertory, "Hark! Hark! Aly Soul!
Chadwick—Miss Marguerite Dunlap
and choir.
Anthem, Jerusalem.
A Alortet, for Solo, Chorus and Or
gan, Neldllnger.
Postlude, Borowskl.
Choir—Mrs. Peyton H. Todd, so
prano; Miss Marguerite Dunlap, alto;
Mr. Thomas B. Davies, tenor; Air. John
Scott, bass; Mr. C. T. W trm. cornetlst:
Mr. J. P. O'Donnelly, organist and
director; assisted by Mrs. W. S. Elkin,
Jr., Mrs. S. D. Siler and Miss Louise
Van Harlingen, sopranos: Mrs. Clar
ence Blossea Airs. W. T. Perkerson and
Mrs. F. A. Wynne, altos; Air. F. A.
Tleke, Mr. Alarlon Roberts, Mr. Charles
Hoke and Mr. Charles Bailmard, ten
ors; Air. Edward H. Barnes, Mr. Ed
ward Werner, Mr. Ernest Waltt and
Air. T. L. Jennings, basses.
Mrs. James Tsylar sad the Mlaaes Cobb
will retnrn home this week from a delight
ful atay In the mouutalns of North Caro-
ll Mra. II. T. Davenport anil Mlaa Mary
Davenport ore enjoying a trip east.
Allas Mattie Lewie Dodson la at home
axalo after a atay of s few days st Indian
’ 'Americas sends quite a bevy of pretty
glrla to college this fall. Among them are
Misses Emma Eldrldge, Alattle Itylnnder,
anil I.ltsle Mae Oliver, who will enter
Agnes Scott: Mlaaea Alattle Lewis Dodson,
Freddie Shipp, and KaM Wheatley, who
will go to Staunton. Va.: Mlsa Mamie Sqs
Dell will enter Cox College, Atlas Merle
Joaey will resume her studies at Mount da
Sales Academy, and Miss Mary Bagley will
retnrn to Monroe. , ,
Alias Carobell Murphy, of Oklahoma, la
Photo by Lenney.
Matter Inman is the young son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Inman.
Large Enrollment Is Re
ported and Many Im
provements Made.
Personal Mention
Mm. Edgar
MUIllUJi as* usiaisiiui.i
rut of her. R. L. Birin*.
Hlmtnon* and Ml** Susie
Simmon* are at home again after a trip
* *— —ast.
some time
are enjoying a stay In Lumpkto.
Mr*. C. F. Putnam la ipendlng i
Mra. ..
at Indian Spring.
MU* Louise lean
Ultor here recen..,. . .
Mr*. E. R. Clementa, after a visit to her
mother, haa returned to her home In Buena
'mV*. C. J. I.ew!a, of Monteanma. la here
for a few day*.
English China
The present vogue for English China
Is amply mot In our charming collec
tion Dinner and Tea aervlcei, aeta of
plate*, odd plecea—all In patterns of
most artistic type.
Maier & Berkele
If not the Hollingsworth Mattress
Co. will make It ao by renovating the
old mattresi nnd making It new.
Bell Phone 2562. .381E.
Atlanta 1175. Hunter St.
Cor. Grant and Hunter.
Reaidanct Muaio Studio*,
271 Ivy 8treat. Ball phone 918 Main.
THE ORGAN—Higher piano playing
composition. (Pupil* may enter at any
time. Competent «**latauta In the junior
grades. Three manual pipe organ* for tea-
aons and practice.)
Nathan's Home Bakery
and Vienna Cafe
Bread, Cakes, Pies, ste., fresh dally.
Atlanta Phone 1896. Bell Phans 1486
A Pretty Sight
The modish bracelet on a rounded
arm, and women today are wearing all
kind*. Our Jeweled effects, hoops, and
etched bands are alike popular.
Davis & Freeman,
Air. and Mrs. Chessley B. Howard
arrived here from New York Saturday
evening via the Southern railway. Mr.
Howard has been several weeka In
Europe on business, returning to New
York over a week ago, where Mrs.
Howard met him, and where they have
spent a delightful week. Mrs. Frank
Logan, a sister of Airs. Howard, who
has been visiting New York, Philadel
phia and Lake Chatauqua, returns with
Mlsa Adelaide Nelson has Just re
turned from an extended visit to Eu
rope. and Is now with her sister, Alra
L. L. Knight, on the Boulevard. Miss
Nelson has brought home many beau
tiful souvenirs of her trip abroad, and
has kindly consented to give her Im
pressions of Europe In The Georgian In
a few days. Miss Nelson will re-enter
upon her studies at Agnes Scott In
Airs. Eldred Slmklns and family, for
merly of Albany, Ga., who have spent
the past year in Decatur, will leave
Sunday for Athens, where they will re
side permanently. Airs. Slmklns has
purchased a home at Athens, and will
educate her children in the schools and
colleges of that city.
The many friends of Airs. Cay Mc
Call, of Jacksonville, Fla., are glad to
know that she will be with her parents,
Air. and Airs. James L. Logan, 146
West Peachtree, fora visit of about a
month. Airs. AIcCall arrived in At
lanta Friday.
Dr. W, W. Landrum has returned to
the city, after a delightful visit to Vlr-
S nla. Airs. Landrum, Aliases Ellse,
a and Mary Landrum and Mr. Bay
lor Landrum, who have spent the
month of August at Clayton, returned
Allsses Atargsret and Eleanor Fer
rell, of Alkcon, are the charming little
S uesta of/their uncle and aunt. Air. and
Irs. Nathaniel F. Jackson, at the Ara
Miss Bessie Chandler, whp has been
the guest of Allss Fay Afartln, of Nor
folk, Va., since their return from Eu
rope, Is expected home Saturday night.
Dr. C. P. Bridewell has returned
from a visit to Alalvern, Ark., and
will All his pulpit at both morning
and evening services Sunday.
Airs. Frank R. Logan, who has been
spending the summer In the Eas\ re
turned Saturday and Is with Airs. W.
O. Alltchell, South Kirkwood.
Air. Joseph B. Taylor, of Savannah,
la spending several days In Atlanta. He
has Just returned from a visit of sev
eral weeks at Toxaway.
Ing his vacation In Californio, will visit
Los Angeles, Pasadena and other places
of Interest to tourists.
Allss Myrtle Pope and little niece,
Alyrtle Robert, are spending several
days on Lookout mountain with Dr. and
Mrs. I. R. Stone.
Afr. W. C. Pope, who Is In New Or
leans, will visit his sister, Mre. L R.
Stone, on Lookout mountain, before his
return to Atlanta.
Air. and Mrs. Blanton Fortson and
young daughter and Afasters Henry
and Laurence Tompkins left Saturday
for a visit to Tate.
Miss Nellie Kate Mansion has re
turned from a most enjoyable visit to
her sunt, Alra. C. A. Minor, at Jack
sonville, Fla.
Mrs. K. 8. Williams and grandson.
Bertram Jordan, returned Saturday to
New Y'ork after a visit to Airs. Af. J,
a week In the city with his family,
leaves for Alabama In a few days.
Allss Nellie Howell, after a delight
ful visit to the resorts In North Caro
lina, has returned to the city.
After September 3 Dr. and Mra. E.
C. Carttedge will be at home to their
friends at 10 Peachtree place.
Friends of Mrs. R. o. Ross will be
glad to learn that she Is Improving
from her recent Illness.
Mies Anne Wallace and her mother
will spend the winter with Mrs. Nut
ting, on Linden street.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Allen, after a
visit to Atlanta, have returned to their
home In Dublin, Go.
Air. Charles Quinn, of Thom^svllle,
Ga., Is the guest of Mr, Jess Dobbs on
North Boulevard.
Mrs. William Inman and son and
Airs. Nannie Holt have returned from
North Carolina.
Airs. Halman, Mies Ruth Hallman
and Mr. Ernest Hallman have returned
from Tate.
Mr. Nathaniel F. Jackson leaves Sat
urday'night on a business trip to Sa
Alias Nora Belle Starke Is the guest
of Mrs. E. Y. Clarke In Washington
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Brown will
return to the city the first of next
Airs. Badger, of Aiken, S. C., Is the
guest of her daughter, Mrs. Clarence
Atlss Annie Johnson, of West Point,
Is the guest of Atlanta friends.
Mr. and Mre. Henry Tanner left Frl
day night for a visit to Tybee.
Airs. Thomas Northen and children
have returned from LaGrange.
Airs. George Denny and children are
visiting friends at Eatonton.
Mr. and Airs. Lowry Arnold have re
turned from Highlands, N. C.
Air. and Airs. Alllton Dargan have
returned from a trip North.
Many schools, public and private, In
Georgia, will open the 1906-’07 eeaelon
Monday. Increased advance enroll
ments over last year are reported from
several colleges and the prospects for
a large enrollment at the public schools
Is most flattering. Afany thousand
dollars have been spent In Improving
the school property In the state during
the year. The boards have been care
ful In selecting the best teachers and
prospects are that this will be the
banner school year In Georgia since
the civil war.
Special to The Georgian.
Tennllle, Ga.. Sept. 1.—On Monday
morning, September 3, the Tennllle In
stitute will open Its fall session. This
promises to be* a very successful term
for the school. Professor H. B. Bible,
who Is an educator of some repute,
from the state of Tennessee, has been
elected principal of the Institute. An
enrollment of 230 pupils Is expected.
By Private Leased Wire.
Forsyth, Ga., Sept. 1.—Ever)) Indi
cation points to a larger attendance
on opening day, September 10, at Mon
roe College, than ever before. The
enlargements and Improvement! re
cently made will enable the college to
meet these necessary demands of
Southern girls. The Improvements on
the main buildings which have been
made during the vacation will add
much to the usefulness and attrac
tiveness of Ponder and Wlggs halls.
The different members of the faculty
will arrive next week. Several have
spent the summer studying In the uni
versities of the North, and the others
In travel and study In the South. Thera
will be several additions to the faculty
for next session.
By Trlvste Leased Wire.
Statesboro, Ga., Sept. 1.—The fall
term of Statesboro Institute opens
Monday, September 3. Never In tho
history of the school did It have bright
er prospects. An addition of two
rooms at a cost of 33,000, with new
equipment for all rooms, add greatly
to the efficiency of the school.
Perry Public Schools. *' i
By Private Leased Wire.
Perry, Ga., Sept. 1.—Perry public
schools open next Monday. The Jury
commissioners yesterday finished revis
ing the Jury box.
Miss Dixie Bryan, of Marl
visiting relatives here. -*■
Rev. 8. B. McClohn and faulty, who
have been visiting relatives In Alempbls,
nave returned borne.
Alias Ellen Norton, who has been the
K ett of Altee Kuth Dnncan, returned to
r borne In Btrmlnxhem Thursday.
Allss Atiyme Cnddell has returned from
Major W. J. Blherl
here'retarned from Sfc
Allss Gusste Harris,
fimtengle, Tenn.
i, of union Springs,
hns arrival here to eccept e position In
wife end daughter,
1 *, Tenn.
nlon Sprln
Mlaa Luclle Klaer haa returned from
a visit to West Point, Ga.
Air. and Alra. J. Wllle Pope leave
Sunday for Tate Sprlnga.
Just Received. Look at Them.
Charles W. Crankshaw,
Diamond Merchant and Jewaiar.
Century Building. Whitehall 8 c.
Dr. K. B. Mack, of College Park
Presbyterian church, haa returned to
his home and will fill his pulpit on
Mr. and Mrs. Y r an Aator Batchelor
and Dr. and Mrs. J. G. lamest are at
home to their friends at 1*5 Juniper
Miss Sophie Thornbury and Mra.
Stovall will spend a week with Mra.
McD. Wilson before leaving for Eu
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lewis and Mra.
Bertha Swift have moved Into one of
the Scott apartments in Baker street.
Min Susie Hayes, who haa been the
Mr. William Hill haa returned from
Tate Springs.
Mrs. Eustace Shaw, who has been the
gue«t of Mrs. E.» T. Schuler. st Keuwc
hns returned to her home at Dixon, Ills.
Colonel und Mrs. Robert B. Kyle hnve
returned from a visit to Mrs. Inuring White
!y. at Otveitslioro, Ky. ,
Mrs. John It. Palmer entertained the
Wednesday Card Club at her home on
Walnut street this week
Mis* Ri
guest of . _
* her home nt Tuscnloowa.
Mr. nnd Mr*. 8. I*. Peace,
I*on. on Turrentlne avenue.
Ml**e* Kiniun nnd Flora Duke have re*
turned from n visit to their country home,
near Duke* Station. .
Mr*. J. R. McMullen and daughters,
llsse* c harlotte nnd Mary, hnve returned
rorn Mnutengle, Tenn.
Mr. ami Mr*. It. V. Davidson hi
turned from a reunion «*
family nt Tullnhonui. Tenn. ,
Ml** Nell Duncan cntertnlued Tuesday
evening In compliment to her guest, Miss
Alberta Pulghiuu. of Birmingham.
Mr*. F. A. Abercrombie and granddaugh
ter*. MIh*4>« Jean and Elenor Baker, are
at Menloe, (Jn.
Mlaa Mnrr Browning I* visiting her *{#-
ter. Mrs. J. B. McAllister, In Cbatta-
Mrs. J. T. Tillman ha* returned from
to city school*.
Cnpt.iln Paul Thomason, of Huntersville,
visited friend* here Wednesday.
J. II. Thornton aud two daughters,
Gladys and Martha, of Birmingham, ara
visiting Dr. and Mrs. Thornton, on For
rest avenue.
W. I. White has gone to J$ew York and
other eastern cities on hi* vacation.
George H. Schuler, of Birmingham, was
the guest of hi* brother, E. T. Schuler,
this week.
Mr. nnd Mr*. Felix Allison, of Savan
nah. Ga., are visiting relat/ws here.
Ml** Rosebud tana, of belina, Is Visit
ing Mrs. Will Bellenger, on Twelfth
Miss Amy Martin, of Jacksonville. Is ths
guest of her brother, Woodson J. Martin.
Mias Mary Murphree has returned from
a visit to relatives In Atlanta.
Mr*. Elisabeth McClerkln, of Anniston,
who has been visiting Mrs. J. O. Roberts,
haa returned home.
visiting Mr. and Mra. Homer Jones.
Rev. W. J. Wootten la at home from
Mra. D. Richardson has returned from
Powder Springs.
Mis* Harriet Webster will go to Colmnr
bus next week to be bridesmaid at the wed-
Ml** Ruth Guide, __
of MIhh fstill*ii McDaniel.
Miss Euln ltuy In at home from Atlanta.
Mr*. H. M. Ueutell, of Atlanta, has re
turned home.
Mr. nnd Mr*. It. E. Skinner have been
Mra. James L. Key, of Atlanta, has re
turned home.
Ml** Mary Johnston will go to McDon
ough to teach music In the High School
in that city.
10 Cents
—x ri t—s I50,ooo
Haa Atlanta.
111 Spend Each
W. will give 31.000 to the
or On. Cent (or every official but
ton or pin sold.
Solid Atetal Gold Plate Button.
For Sale by Dealer..
717 Fourth Nitionil Sink Building,
lilinla Phono 1910.