The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, September 03, 1906, Image 7

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THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN. MONDAY. SKPTKMBKR 3. 1906. t $1.00 eurt« account with a LITTLE HOME BANK and book or with the book only In the SAVINGS DEPARTMENT OF THE NEAL BANK Interest allowed at the rate of THREE AND ONE-HALF PER CENT. PER ANNUM, compounded semi-annually. g H. THORNTON, President. W. F. MANRY, Cashier. H. C. CALDWELL, Asst. Cashier. SCH00L8 AND COLLEGES^ SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. DONALD FRASER SCHOOL FOR BOYS Prepares for College, Georgia Tech and Annapolis. Thorough courses; Excellent homo-life. . Pine Discipline. Opens September 13. For handsome catalog, write GEORGE GARDNER, Principal, Decatur, Ga. twenty-Iseventh session BARILI SCHOOL OF MUSIC For the Higher Art pi Plano Playing and Singing and a thorough MUSICAL DEVELOPMENT. Dlredtor .Alfredo Barill. School Reopens Monday, September 3, 1906. Studios 607-508 Lowndes nuildlng, and Residence Studio: 83 WE8T FIFTH STREET, ATLANTA, GA. THE SOUTH'S LEADING MILITARY COLLEGE-PREPARATORY HOME SCHOOL, GEORGIA MILITARY ACADEMY COLLEGE PARK, GA. Limited to SO boarding pupils, with ten teachers. Special preparation for Southern colleges. Graduates accepted by colleges without examl- Parents cordially Invited to visit and Inspect the school before " ‘ ire. EL J. C. WOODWARD, A. M., Pret. WESLEYAN FEMALE COLLEGE MACON, GA. Oldest and Best. Weslayan Conservatory of Music, Macon, Ga., Larg est and Beat. Schools of Art, Elocution, Physical Culture, Bookkeep ing, Typewriting and Stenog raphy equally as good. Expenses the lowest, and health record unequaied.' Accommodations for a few more. First entrance day, Septem ber 10; opening day, 12. Class exercises resumed 14. es free. GUERRY, Prest. MARIST MONDAY, SEPT. 10TH. . HIGH SCHOOL Courses: Classical, Technological, Commercial; TECHNOLOGICAL course, with cer tificate for ‘Tech" Freshman class; BUSINESS course, complete: Short hand, Typewriting, Bookkeeping etc.: ALSO 5th, 6th, 7th, £th grade' pro grams. CITY 8CHOOL TEXT BOOKS USED THROUGHOUT. Phone 782 or 1696 for catalog. Better: Come to building PEACHTREE AND IVY. AMVSEMENTS utt BIJOU OPENING OF THE SEASON. WEEK BEGINNING TONIGT. Matinees Mondny, Tuesday, Thursday aud . Saturday. Haverly’s Mastodon Minstrels Sam** mjou Prices. Sale Opens Friday, SPECIAL MATINEE LABOIt DAY. CASINO TONIGHT AT 8:30 AND THE REST OF THE WEEK, ■Right Vaudeville- INCLUDING THE THREE COATES, AND JOHNSON & HARTY. Order Seats. Bell Phone 236 North. SCHOOL BOOKS AND ALL SUPPLIES AT JOHN M. MILLER CO.’S, 39 MARIETTA ST. ARE YOU GOING TO PAINT? Linseed Oil U the llfo of paint. Seo that It Is pure. Spencer Kellogg Old Process I.lnsced Oil Is the oldest brand In the United States. Sold by P. J. COOLEDGE & SON., Atlanta. Savannah. GEORGIA NEWS IN PARAGRAPS KAN OVER BLUFF TO SAVE NEGRO BOY *f"dal to The Georgian. Savannah, Ga., Sept. 3.—Dr. J. C. Stothart, of this city, and Mr. Stiles Dunbar, of Augusta, had a narrow es cape from death at Thunderbolt yes terday afternoon while driving In Dr. St'ithnrt's automobile. Dr. Stothart saw a small negro urchin In the road "av, who had become confueed by the approaching machine, and realizing that quick action was necessary to keep fr, 'm killing the boy, he swerved the machine, which ran over the bluff, about 12 feet high. Dr. Stothart and J lr Dunbar escaped with bruises, al though the machine was badly smashed SALVATION ARMY 0FFICER8 1 INSPECT PROPERTY. fpi'-'lal to The Georgtsn. Anniston, Ala., Sept. 3.—Adjutant " blgerly, of Atlanta, and Captain Rob- ln*. of the local Salvation Army corps, returned last night from Jacksonville, "■here they held services and Inspected the property which has beep given to the army by Mrs. Fanny Adkins, of that , tty. They will not know dellnlte- [L "hat action fb take In the matter until they hear from Major Berriman, . Atlanta, who Is at the head of the army in this section of the South. English China The present rogue for English China ? MJglF tnet In our charming collec tion Dinner and Tea services, sets of Piate3, odd pieces—all In patterns of trust artistic type. M -aier & Berkele County Orstorlosl Contest. (Special to The Georgian. - Homer, Oa., Sept. 3.—The oratorical contest held here Friday by the schools Banks county was a success throughout. Miss Ruth Turk, of Ho mer, received first medal and Master Willie Ray received second medal. Lightning Destroye Barns. Special to The Georgian. Tugalo, Ga., Sept. 3.—Lost Wednes day night at 12 o’clock lightning struck the barn of V. A. White, one of the most prominent cltlxens of Stephens county, destroying two large barne, several IraleB of cotton, and farming implements. It wss only by heroic work that the stable and stock were saved. 8mith Delegatee Named. Special to The Georgian. Dublin, Ga., Sept. 3.—The friends of Hon. Hoke Smith received Friday morning a list of the delegates decided upon by the successful candidate for governor to represent Laurens county In the Macon convention, which meets Tuesday, September 4, Physicians to Meet, Special to Thu Georgian. Dublin, Ga., Sept. 3.—The Laurens County Medical Association u-lll hold a meeting In this city next Tuesday. T,.e association Is composed of most of the physicians of the county, and a large attendance Is expected. New Ice Plant for Dublin. Special to Thu Georgian. Dublin, Go., Sept. 3.—Dublin Is to soon have one of the largest Ice plants In Georgia. The capacity of the plant will be forty tons per day, and with this capacity the people of Dublin und surrounding territory win have all the Ice they need. Messrs. A. and N. Sf. Block, of Macon, have decided to en large the plant they now have to this capacity. Return from East. Special to The Georgian. .Macon, Ga., Sept. 3.—Lee Wages, clerk of the city market, and E. O. Mi nor ami W. II. Stembrldgo, city fire men, have returned from a visit to Washington, Gettysburg. Harpers Fer ry, and other eastern points of interest. I A WIFE BEATER Crowd in Baltimore See Man Kick Woman Into Street. By Private I.eaacd Wire. Baltimore, Md„ 8ept. 3.—A young woman’s screams, attracted a police man and a crowd on West Fayette street today. They taw a man drag the woman out of the house, knock her down with his list and kick her into the street. The man was George IV. Bishop and the victim was his wife. But for the timely arrival of .the police Bishop would have been roughly han dled by the Indignant cltlxens, as threats of lynching were being made. The woman told the police she left her husband seven months ago because of III treatment; that she returned to him recently, but last night had to flee from his home. She took refuge at a boarding house, where he found her today, and renewed his savage attack upon her. Bishop Is locked up for po lice court. I BLIND TIGER BID HEAVY BUSINESS • full-grown blind tiger wns running overtime at 38 Ohl Wheat street Sunday afternoon, when Officers Coogler, Hollis and others swooped down on the place. Jack Hell; his wife, Hnllle, and several other negroes were captured and sent to the s(a tlon. Business was good at the tiger. 4o Judge from the numb A* of empty fait ties contls- a ted. Three Idg baskets of bottles, full nd empty, formed exhibit A at the trial. Judge Broyles, who had Just returned from his vacation, lined Jack Bell, the pro prietor. 350 nud costs, while Hnllle Bell wss 1ned 115. That running n blind tiger if irofltnhle wag shown when Hnllle prompt ly produced $85 and paid both flues. primarToctqbFr 15 FOR APPELATE JUDGES Governor Favors That Date. Convention Nominations Might Hurt Court. Governor Terrell thinks that It would Imperil the fate of the. amendment providing for the new court of appeals If the state convention Tuesday should nominate three candidates for the placos. It might make the friends M the oth- ■ four or five doxen candidal ferent or antagonistic tp the about October 15 would be time to hold a primary to n these Judges.' That would gtv D Large Residence Lots D (2 30 AT AUCTION 30 on This Great Opportunity to Your WW0j¥ Owo a Home. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5,1906,3 P. M. THE PRIZES GIVEN will be $100.00 in Gold divided into five prizes of $20 each. A ticket will be given to every person.. 16 years and over who-will liave a chance at these prizes whether they are purchasers or not. So Jie on.hand and have a good time and see the good work go on. ' THESE LOTS arc within seven minutes ride of the business cen ter. North Decatur car or Inman Park to Clifton; take car at Silverman’s corner. Car will carry you to the property. Get off cars at Glendale Park. THE TERMS of this Sale will be so easy as to give every laboring man the opportunity of buying his own home and stop paying rent. EVERY YOUNG MAN an opportunity to buy a lot so easy that he may make moiiev while he sleeps. EVERY SPECULATOR the chance to plant a few dollars in real, estate from which lie mav reap a golden harvest. TERMS Ten per cent Cash and $10.00 per month with 7 per cent interest. THESE LOTS are Inrge and beautifully located between the Mc Lendon and Dclvalb avenues (in Edgewood) with nice wide streets. BUYERS who improve the lots can either sell or rent them before the paint dries on them. The property all round is being thickly built with houses, etc. These Lots Face on Electric Lines. For information and plat call on C. W. SMITH, J. W. FERGUSON, Auctioneer. FOURTH NATIONAL BANK BLDG, 11th Floor. In case of rain or bad weather we will sell on September 6th. DR, ELKIN SUCCESSOR 'allege of I’hyslftana ami Hurgwns. Ikln Is fb'iin of the college. __ the m*w : ami It will paltry on l •allege by Andrew Goat to 8an Francisco. Special to Tin* Georgian. Huntsville, Ala., Sept. 3.—W Bales, former assistant cashier of the local office of the Southern railway., ban been promoted to chief bill clerk In this city. Leslie Ennis has been pro moted to city ticket agent, succeeding Harvie Hall, who goes to San Fran cisco, and Eustls Windham has been made assistant cashier. • “ORDER AN UI ;; SAID WOULL : AS HE DRE\ d, d * 8|)«clal to The Georgian. Mobile, Ala., Sept. 3.—Requeatlng those-near him to order nn undertaker, Daniel Todd, a local railroad man, whipped a revolver from his pocket and .shot himself In the left breast, at the VDERIAKER SUICIDE IV A REVOLVER horns of a friend Ists last svsnlng. He will probably die. Todd gave aa the reason for tha shooting of hlmaelf that he was dis heartened nnd tired of life. YOUNG BOXER IS KILLED BY A BLOW OVER HEART o a Ily Trieste Leased Wire. Harrisonburg. Va., Sept. 3.—Charles y Grigley, aged 14 years, was killed at • I.tnvllle, four miles north of Harrlson- ' burg, last night. Crlgley was struck v over the heart by Clay Campbell, a *’ to-year-old boy, and expired In five ; minutes. An Investigation was iqarte In behalf of the authorities, but no nr- rests have been made. Crlgley and Campbell were boxing, according to the best Information ob tainable today. He struck Campbell a blow and the tatter retaliated with a blow directly over the heart. Crlgley , staggered for a moment and then fell 1 to the ground. He wss carried to a : store where he expired without regain ing consciousness. RAILROAD SCHEDULES. Showing the Arrlvil sad Departure 0 f Ps«- aenxer Train, of tht Following llosdi: WmmtK a.n'D ATfctWTlC'tUlOlgilR No.—Arrl.o From— I No.—Depurt To— • 3 Xssbvffis.. 1:10 ami- 1 Na.hrllle. 4:95 am 73 Mnrlatla... 1:35 am) 74 Marl,tta..l2:13 pm “■ *'a.hvllle.,lt:45 ami* II Na«b»IIIM:M pm [arietta... 2:51 pmf 71 Marietta.. 3:31 pm ' .38 pm|« 4 Nashville. 1:30 pm v Or N'a.IjvlIJ,,.. Arrlrt I RanrvAiLWAV Depart To— aeon 13:01 am JLTUMfA AND, Arrive From— ICVU .1J.V1 nui vanish..... 9:00 am •con 4:00 pra ivaonnh..... 9:11 pm pmiJictwonnlle.. 1:3) pm EMT6IHT UAIK Yf. tvs From— I D.port To— .'.11:40 amPMontfomery 5:31 :otn»ry. 7:W pml-JIontg'ni’ry.i::43 .... . .11:30 pm -8.1ms 4:» ang, 1:20 »m|LaOrang,.... 5:30 itfom.rr. 3:40 pmi-Montg’m’ry.ll:15 pm illy. AH otb.r trains dally except Hun. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Train. Leave Atlanta, New Terminal Station, corner Mitchell and Madi.on Av.nua, N. t B.—Following •chrUuie flgnrta pnl>* guaranty as Information uutl ara ooc f*00 A. M.-No. 23. DAILY. Local to Bir mingham, mnklng all rtopa; arriving to Hlrmiucbam 10:15 n. tn. 6j3J A. M.-No. 18. DAILY. ?INCIN?iA~ Drilling Anothor Will. Special to The Georgian. Huntsville, Ala., Sept. 3.-—The New Tork-Alabama Oil Company Is drilling well No. 2 In West Huntsville, a few hundred yards east of the big gasser they brought In a few' weeks ago with an approximate flow of one million feet 8BB^S»sS^SBaB99SBSSS=Sa9aa CROWNS, BRIDGES, PLATES. Special to Tlw Georgian. Kill* Fift.en Rsttl.snsk... Warretiton, Oa., Sept. 3.—At his home, nine miles from this place. A. J. Lockett, yesterday killed fifteen rat tlesnakes ranging from tour to six feet long. Just a week ago Mr. Lockett killed another anake which measured eight feet and which had twenty rat tles. Dash for Liberty. S|hcIoI to The Oeorirtil n. Valdosta, On.. Sept. 3.—Chosen by her three convict companions to set the pace In a concerted break for liber ty, Callle Rogers, one of four negro women on the gang, gave the guards the moat spirited chase here Friday that they had had lately. After u vain chase of the guards, bloodhounds were brought to the scene and the woman was Anally rounded up where she had taken refuge on a log in the center of a pond. BEST ON EARTH $3, $5, $7 ATLANTA DENTAL OFFICES 39i Whitehall St. Phone 2663-J. for Dr. Lanier or Dr. Lovelace. SCHOOL BOOKS AND ALL SUPPLIES AT JOHN M. MILLER CO.’S, 39 MARIETTA ST. EMORY PROFESSOR COMES TO ATLANTA Special to The Georgian. Emory College, Oxford, Ga., Sept. 1—The opening, on September 19, will And a nuni- Iht of Important changes In the Kmory college faculty. Dr. Stewart It. Robert* who haa lieen profenMor of biology since 1903*. tins reslgn- i*41, mihI accepted a position ou the fuculty of the Atlanta School of Medicine and .Surgery. Dr. Uolierta win given nn M.D. degree by the Atlanta College of Vby»l- i-lfilm nnd Surgeons In 1906, nud was grad uated with nu A.B. degree from Kmory rotlege in 1902. Since then the degrees of master of science ami bachelor of science have lieeii conferred on hint by the University of Chi cago. The chair of biology will be filled by Professor F. N. Dnncsu, who. for the past year, hns l»een on a leave of nhaciict* to Clark university, at Worcester. Mass., here he received the degree of l'li.D. . rofessor Duncan wns professor of biology at /Kmory during the 1938-1903 session, aud since then lias l*eew profmoor of chemis try. Professor Duncan received A.M. ami A. B. degrees from India nu university, took post-graduate cows* In biology, mid has selstcfl In ehiMiilst^r ut Indiana nml South- restem universities. The former acting professor of chemistry, Professor A. G. Murray, will tescb else where this yesr. while his place will In* supplied by J. T. fthlnjrter, Jr., of Don- nldsonvlllc. tin. Professor Shtngler was gra«luntC4l from Mercer university, after which lie took a post-graduate course In chemistry at the University of Georgia. I jitter he received the master of science degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Techimlogy. nt Ifcwton. Msss. Professor Hhlngler will teach chemistry at Kmory for only one yesr. * Sam Jones Tabernacle Meetings, Carters- ville, Ga. On Ceptcmper 15th to 23rd. inciu. atve, the Western and Atlantic rail road will sell tickets from Atlanta- Dalton and Intermediate stations, ,to Cartersvlllo. at rate of one fare for the round trip. Sam Jones will be assisted by Evangelist Oliver and other ministers of renown. Prof. E. O. Excel) will have charge of U.: music, and other gospel singers of note Will attend. Three services each day, 10:30 a. m., 3:00 p. in. and 8:00 p. m., and the people of Cartersvllle will welcome the great crowds with the same hos pitality they have alwaya ahown. CHA8. E. HARMAN, Gen. Pass. Agent. arrive nt nml nanny Terminal .tntloo, corner of MadliOn avenue. tlKOftGlA UaILuoAu i From— L. Depart her train, dally exc,pt Sun- uui turnip.-, luiupunru ui u'liiiiuiru ij my coaches ami Pullman drawing room sl««p- lug cars. Arrives Home 7:90 a. m.; Chat* tsuoogs 9:45 n. ni.; Cincinnati 7:Su p. m.| Louisville 8:16 p. id.; Chp-ugo 7:29 s. «i. Cafe car service. All incats between At lanta nud Cluclunnll. 1:90 A. M.-No. 30 DAILY, to Griffin and “ ' | Columbus. Arrives Griffin 7:11 a. ui ; Co- Em lumbns 10 a. ui. ! 0:15 A. 51.— n. It, DAILY, local to Macon, ,‘ni ! Brunswick nnd Jacksonville. Makes all stops , arriving Mucou 1»:J5 u. iu.; i.iuu#- irlck 4 p. in.; Jacksonville 7:4u p. m. 7:00 A. M.-No. X. DAILY.-Pullmsn to Blrmlnglinin. Memphis. Kansas dry sad Colurudo Springs. Arrives Memphis l:Uft p. m.; Ksoshs city 9.s» s. ui., auu O/lorado springs 8:15 u. m. 7*0 A. M.-No. 12 DAILY.—I^icsi to Cbarlutte. uauvllle, Klchujuad arul Ashe ville. 7:65 A. M.-N 7. DAILY, a NOON. No. 91 DA1L Southwestern l.lnilteil. .Sleeping, lilnilry, observation and t T luu **-agh r “ HKATioAltr* AllfTWI-:- ItAlI.WAi'. ^ArrlTt From— J Depart To— Washington... 6:30 nmfUIrmlngham.. C:49 Ahhevtlio 9:00 a ml Monroe f Jo Memphis 11:45 am New York....12:001■ New York 1:90 pm)Abbeville.... 4:05 pm Monroe.. „ .. 7:40 pmf Memphis...., 5:00 pm Birmingham.. 9:Z5 nui:Washington.. 9:35 pm Shown In Central time T . ran tbroug without rhiiuge. mm cn route. ... ; New York 12;« “?-S‘ .si."TuiLr.-Si ••MS Let I" Vara* WOMAN IS KILLED IN PANIC IN CAR By Private Leaned Wire. Chicago, Sept. 3.—In a panic In a We.t Twelfth street trolley car, caused by the short circuiting of the current. Mrs. Anns Edelhartx Was killed and Miss Anns Robinson was seriously In jured yesterday. Several other persons suffered minor Injuries In an effort to escape from the car. Blind Tiger Css, Called. Hperlnl to The Georsten. Fitzgerald, Ga., Sept. 3.—The trial of the men arrexted on the charge of run ning a blind tiger was commenced Sat urday and consumed the greater part of the day. “WHEN IN THE COUR8E of human events It becomes necessary” to build a house, a home, a hovel, a huL a barn, a bungnlo, a facti^y, a tene ment, a shelter, a shack, a shed or any place requiring roofing, consult uh shout Vulcanite. It is the logical thing to uu, for reasons too numerous to mention. People who have bought Vulcanite are buying It when they need roofing again. There are facts which actually hap pen and they speak louder than word,. It doe. not require expert labor to apply It. It is recommended by the National Board of Un derwriters and Southeastern Tariff Association. “You can put it on.” ATLANTA SUPPLY C0„ SOLE STATE AGENTS FOR 6E0RGIA. 29-31 South Forsyth Street, Atlanta, 6a. J. C. GREENFIELD, Pres. C.A PEEK, Secj. See that this Seal it on every Rolls Inttim : 12:16 leinphls 7:15 I. in. 4J9 P. M.—Nn. 18. DAILY. «cvpt flat- tlsy. "Air Llm* Belle" to Toccoa. ■ 4:30 P. M.—No. 22, DAILY.—Grifflo aid Columbus. Pullman palace Sleeping egr b ml ii.iv rein cues. 4:95 V. M.-No. 23. DAILV.-Locul to Pay- vttevllle nml Fort Valley. 4#5 P. M.-No. 1b, DAILY*.—Through drawing room and sleeping ears 40 Uis- eluuatl a till Memphis nud Chattanooga Us Louisville. Arrives Home 7:2u p. m.: Dalton 9:96 p. m.: Chattanooga 9:55 p. iu ; Memphis 8:20 a. w.: L»;il*vltle 8^0 a. ni.; Ut. l.uuls 6 11. m.: cfndntiatl 8:10 t. m. 4:15 l l . M.-No. 3, DAILY.—Makes all stops. Ix>cal to lledln; arrives Uetlln 10:50 P l“is P. M.-No. 14. DAILY.—Florid. Lira- I ted. A wild Tc.tlliiilcd train to JackM)*. vllle. Fin. Through sloping cars nml 4laf coitrlu-s to JnckMuirille aud Brunswick: ar rives Jacksonville 3:50 a. m.; Drunswli-k a. m.: Kt. Augustine 10 a. ni. P. U.-&D. 97. DAILY.—Through Pullman drawing room sleeping car. At Inntn to Rhrerrport. i.ocnl sleetter Atlnnu to Blrmlugham. Blnnitigli;im 5:J5 a. m.: Meridian 11 n. m.: Jncksfii. 2:25 0. ui.; Vicksburg. 4:06 p. rp.; Shreveport iO:b p. tn. Hleepers open to receive piiHsengera S:ltt p. m. 12 NIGHT-No. 36. DAILY.-Unlte-l States Fast Mall. Solid vestibules train. Sleuplug cars to New ‘ 4»rk, Itlchmoml. Ubai lotte aud Asheville. Conch*** to Washington. Dining ears serve all tneals en route. Arrives Washington 9JO n. m.; New York 6:23 u. m. Local Atlnnta-Charbi'te sbvpei upeu to recelre nnssetigera nt 9:00 |». ni. Local Atlanta-Ashevllle sleeper open 10:30 p. ni. Ticket Offlci* No. 1 Peachtree, on Vlnducf. Peters Building, and new Terminal Station. Both 'Phones. Citv office. 142 main; 4|epol* No. 2. on Terminal exchange ANNOUNCEMENTS. For County Commissioner. T. M. POOLE.