The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, September 07, 1906, Image 11

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Liverpool Failed to Meet
Advance in American
Markets Yesterday
Market Is Expected to Con
tinue Dull Until After
Bureau Report.
nr Private lenwl Wire.
vork. tiept. 7.—The local cotton
market opened S&* points lower today,
5r,‘ Vi» not so weak ns expected on the
Idle, ’win* to the fact that heavy cor-
Slag 'orders front Interests In the South
Jid accumulated overnight.
Thu erpool, nnirt^t rtowed
on futures. Mur HL- . -
Jhni an advance of 154 points
in Increnseil demand, spinners
tik ns 7.00» bales nt B.«d. 4 points up.
York, to follow Liverpool, should
►ivo opened about * points lower, hut on
“ ,o covering orders Initial prices were 2f|o
Sts down. A slight further Improvement
occurred immediately after the I rat eel .
if er Which trading was very quiet, with
the tendency downward, through tiuctua-
'Sn and weather reports nre favorable,
llnjush boll weevil anil other Insects nre
.Snorted ns doing some damage In Texas
.. n result of recent mins lu some sections.
However, the weather Is reported clearing
'"The New York Commercial says: "lie-
non* from eorrespondonts Indicate the crop
f r n'mlng season will. In all urolmhlllty.
he larger than Inst year, but will not Mual
it,,, l,“mper yield of yoar liefore la.t.’ ?
The eastern forecast Indicates showers
late tonight or on Saturday for west Hor-
"in Alnltsma and Mississippi. For the
ha Inner, fair tonight and tomorrow.
Estimated receipts tomorrow:
New Orleans 1.706 lojti
6.600 to 10.500 11,90
Houston 7.600 to MOO 10,4
* ...• > l H *Msln« huwamAnt • Fop twent*
Weekly Interior movement: - _
eight Interior towns: Iteeelpta 74.
i.yjs last year and 106,400 In 1904:
Shipments 74,783. ngalnat 44.»0Jast year.
90.944 III 1904: stocks 106.087, against
f SSI Inst rear nuil 70,816 In 1904.
' into -lg(it for the week m<09. against
tp.ffil last year and 163,642 In 1904.
Overland to northern mills ami Canada
I," the. week 3.685. agalnat 4.2*4 last year
"KlnVs* Insight' for week 113.306, against
Inst year and for season 113,306,
ngnlnnt Zll.Ml Inst year.
on vigorous hammering by the bear*
the market In the late trading worked
■tendilv, the close living at the lowest point
of the day. net 4C17 points lower.
Liverpool, cotton, spot demand In
creas'd. with prices steady; middling up-
lands 5.4M; sales 7,000: American 6.100;
•peculntlon and export 700; receipt! 4,000,
til American.
Atlanta, quiet nt 9V4c.
New York, quiet nt 9.80c; delivered on
contract 600.
New Orlenns, atendy nt-9ftc.
Ilouaton, steady at Olio.
Gnlreiton, firm at 9 5-10C.
Wilmington, nominal.
Of the Fleecy Staple.
Prtvnte Wire to Wsro & [.eland.
late. At 13:16 ,
steady. Sales 7,<
■ome 7H up.
near nn«l $4 down —
. m., %<gH4 down aud
0; apota 4 up. Due
. l2i! ou ?P p ned ntout B * "pelted on Liv
erpool espies. Selling ubx pretty general
by commission houses and local longs of
Vi . ,..The hurricane nnd storms pre
dicted on the Atlnntlc coast seem to have
hceu aide tracked, giving hear* more con*
naence this morning. l.ook for a uerroui
market-tfce-wext few days till the bureau.
The mnrket since the opening his display,
ed considerable strength, taking f~ - J
cotton, and working up from i
jirice*. It looks na though one ... iur
largest hears on the floor covered his short
cotton yesterday, although the Home party
Ih inclined to sell again this morning,
there are e lot of private reports her** of
deterioration nnd boll weevil In Texas.
Look for a nervous market. Think It will
bu a good scalping market until the bu
reau Monday to sell on rallies nnd buy oo
weak spots.
H. Wilson Is offering 6jo00 December
lays In our territory, nnd complaints
deterioration from the flattering prospects
of two weeks ago ore general. There Is u-
doubt that with these eoutinued rains some
damage must result from rust, shedding,
worms nnd too rank growth, preventing
natural fruitage. Notwithstanding this, ns
far as southeast Missouri, Arkansas and
tho north portion of Indian Territory are
concerned, there Is i much bettor crop than
Inst year now In sight, dome new cotton
hna appeared, nnd picking In the uplands
will become general next week.
New Orlenns. Sept. 7.—Cables nre uufn
▼arable nnd considerable fresh buying will
prohnldy be necessary to hold prices ui
on this side. The expectation of bulllal
week-end figures may help some.
The weather map shows practically
raln^over the belt. Temperatures are about
Telegsams from New York aay that it
la rumored there that the bureau will sup
plement its leport on condition l»y giving
on estimate from Its field agents of the
deterioration that has taken place since
August 26. This rumor br.a not been con
Tbe net stock of cotton In New Orleans
la 13,429 bales, against 41.7V? at this time
laat year. The amount of cotton ou ship
board la 2,492 hales, against 3.646 last year.
The government lnauea a storm warning.
It say* the tropical storm la m
ward the east Florida coaat, nnd
center of the storm la north of the Bnhn
The market la dull and narrow, nnd lit
tle activity may be expected until after tbe
The s
are quit..., — _ ..
Thus far, about 3,000 bales have been
Some heavy selling of December In our
market. Looks like Brown.
Private Wire to Olbert A Clay.
New York. Sept. 7.—Liverpool at 12:30
, m., was 2% lower. Was due lVf
The market is entirely local, wltl
son nnd Mitchell selling and Norden buy-
U| fhe Chronicle makes the commercial crop
of 1906-1906 11,319,840 bales, against 13^56,
841 In 1904-1906. ^ m
Total consumption all kinds cotton In 500-
pound bales 16,393,228, against 16,641,667 pre
vious year. . „ „
The Journal of Commerce says: A full
volume of business Is going on generally,
but buyers will not take more than they
require for their current needs, which are
large. They admit the acarclty which rests
in many lines, and, In fact, are saying
freely that they nre like peddlers In some
things, hunting from house to house try
ing to do business.
New Orleona, Sept. 7.—Liverpool at
points down la a poor market. Was due
point up.
Our traveling representative
The following table shows receipts at tha
jvorti today, compared with the same day
New Orleans. . . .
Kuvnnnnh. . . • . ,
Charleston. , . . , ,
Wilmington. , , • ,
Tbe following table shows receipts at tho
loterlor towns today, compared wltb tho
same day last year:
Houston. .
Augusta. . ,
Memphis. .
St. I.ouli. .
Cincinnati. .
Total. .
New Orleans, 8ept. 7.—The cotton
market was dull today and had a down
ward tendency.
Liverpool {ailed to meet the optimism
that prevailed oh this side yesterday
and the result was that longs were
rather Inclined to lessen their hold-
m*e. Spots were easy In spite of many
hulllsh crop telegrams from the Inte
rior for the simple reason that they
nave been covering for several days
Part. There no longer exists any un
wieldy short interest In the market.
Tomorrow and the first half of the
Mon-lay session will probably be dull,
with the bureau out of the way more
fresh business will probably bo seen.
Now that we are right on top of the
“ areau ,here l« .till aa much uncer
tainty over what the report will be as
• v *r. The trade has hardly attempted
I?..™ any 1( iea of what the report on
tinning will be although It is, of course,
Jfneraily conceded that the amount
fe urned will fall far ihort of what was
returned last year. The bit of gossip
is l 6 *? 1,1 * ,0 *he report on condition Is
inat the government will Issue s. sup-
; re P°rt giving an estimate of
What has happened to the crop’s con-
“‘Ilon Since August 26. This rumor,
however, utterly lacks confirmation. If
such a report were Issued It would un-
doubtedly be very bullish for, accord-
to reports from the belt, the crop
ti-’terlorated to a marked extent
r.August 26. The movement la
■at becoming a strong bullish argu-
™ht Hester resumed his figures on
we crop movement today and made
old lands; nil gins along ro
Today's map Is excellent. ...
In the west and cloudy In the east. The
only rainfall to amount to anything has
fallen In Tennessee, while the expected
storm has failed to. materialise.
New York. Sept. 7.—The opening was
steady at unchanged prices to an ad'
vance of 6 points, owing to higher ca-
tries, and prices held aroutid the Initial
figures during the forenoon, although
offerings were quite heavy and demand
showed little Indication of broadening.
Europe and Wall street sold here, while
the buying seemed to come from prac
tically the same sources aa yesterday,
Including some of the local trade In
terests and shorts. The European sell
Ing was thought to Indicate profit
taking by some of the European Inter-
eats who sold on the valorisation ad
vance, covering on the subsequent de
cHne, and have recently sent out rather
bullish messages and might now be
taking a moderate profit on long cbffee.
A prominent local authority on coffee
subjects In an article published this
morning slates that the recent decline
In Brasilian markets and lower firm
ofTers have resulted from the forced
realising of speculatively held supplies,
rather than selling by growers, and this
seemed to accord with a private cable
gram received late yesterday from
Havre that Santos holders were with
drawing offerings also with the higher
primary markets, according to this
morning’s cables. Rio was 126 rels and
Santos 100 rels higher.—Ware A In
Following Is tho opening range ami el
of the New Tork coffee market for to
Mnreh -
•May -
November... .
December.. .. ..
Closed steady.
Range. Clow.
..,.6.60 6.71) 1751.90
. .6.78
. .6.904.9*
the amount of cotton In sight for the
week 121,000 bales, against 222,000 this
week last year, 163,000 In 1904 and
27,000 In 190*. The lack of export de
mand, partly but not wholly, explains
the light movement. One of the largest
and most reliable spot houses In this
market received the following telegram
from Hope, Ark., today In response to a
query: "We cannot make Arm offers
at present on account of light receipts.
In some sections the crop Is undoubt
edly turning out later than expected
and the lateness Is affecting the move
ment to some extent. Again, many
farmers are bending all their Energies
toward picking and are storing their
cotton In tho seed Instead of ginning It.
corrcc. provision*
K» Y *«°ek Exchange INew Orlcat.a Cotton ExeBnn*e.|Chlcjiro Basra of TTsa*.
V £ 9. 0,, on Exchange. New orlenns Ktock Lxchinge. Liverpool C®ttsn A NO-US u
• '* tork Coffee Exchange.lxew Orlenns Board of Trsde.lOslreitoo
Private Wires to all Exchanges.
«esl and Long Dlstsnss Telephone 5298.
w. R. FAGAN. MsnsQar.
Empire Building. Bell Phone, Main 858.
Edited by
Joseph B. Lively
Mr. Lively's twenty-five
years' experience of ed
ltlng markets In Atlanta
nnd tbe Hoatb baa made
him n 'recognized au
tborlty la Ills specialty.
Amalgamated Copper.. .
Atlnntlc Coast Line. .
American Sugar Kef. .. .
Anaconda *, •
American Locomotive.. .
do, preferred
Amor. Smelting lief. , .
do, preferred
. do. preferred. ....
American Cotton oil, , •
Amer. Car Foundry. .. •
nndlnn Pnrlfle.l . . . ,
Chic. & Northwestern..
Chesapeake A Oh to. . .
Colorado Fuel A Iron.,
dill, ft ill. 1". . ,
Sflijflfe A Hudson. ..
Distiller's Securities. ..
„ do, preferred. ....
General Electric. . . .
Illinois Central. ....
Amer. ire Securities. ..
Louisville A Nnuhvllle..
Mexican C
N. Y.. Ont. A Western.
National Lead
Northern Pacific. . . .
New Tork Central. . .
Norfolk A Western. ..
People's Gas .
Pressed steel Car. . .
do. preferred. . . .
Pacific Mall
Bepubllc Steel. ....
Bock Island.
do. preferred. . . .
United States Ilultber.
do. preferred. . . . ,
Southern Pacific. . . . ,
Southern Railway. . . ,
do. preferred^. . . ,
Sloas-Shefflelrr . . . . ,
Tenn. Coal A Iron. . . .
Texaa A Pacific
Union Pacific ,
United States Steel. . ,
do. preferred. . . . ,
Vs.-Car. Chemical. . * ,
do. preferred
Western Union. . . . , ,
do. preferred
Wisconsin Central. . . .
do. preferred
Total .fork Ml., today. 1,083.000 sharva
xne following is the range in cotton f«
lures In New Ydrk today:
closed barely ateadyT"
ruiiuniug mini' bit
close, compared with yeat
Futures opened uulet a.
.—. _ eMail
opened quiet and steady.
Range. Close. Close.
September. . . .6.08-6.07 5.13 5.09
Sept.-Oct 4.97-4.9614 6.01 4.99
Oct.-Nov 4.96-4.94 4.96 4.96V4
Nov.-Dec 4.96-4.94H 4.98^ 4.97
Dec.-Jan 4.97-4.96 4.9014 4.96V4
Jan.-Feb 4.99-1.9714 Ml 5.00-5.1
Feb.-March. . . .5.01 5.03 6.02J
March-April. . .6.04 5.06 6.04<
AprJl-May. . . .6.04 R.06U 5.06
-JSne 5.08-6.06 5.08H 6.08
Pointers on Provisions.
Prlvste Wlro to Ware & Lelnnd.
Chicago, Sept. 7.—Nothing In wheat at tbe
wmlng. Crowd not disposed to set 1 '*
fro ring* not large and demand small.
Boscnbnum selling wheat. Looks os if ac
ceptances were good.
\ery light trade In provisions so tar.
Scattered buying of ribs Induced by high
“t |>og market. No features.
Chicago Inter-Ocean: .Galveston Is block
aded with wheat. The Santa Fe road yea*
y Iiaued orders that they would not
any more wheat for Galrcaton for ten
«r until the blockade waa cleared
One export bouse la said to have 600,-
bushels wheat In Its elevator there,
and 600,000 more rolliu* In, In addition to
nearly the same quantity on track. It waa
claimed that there were 1,200 cors of wheat
on track. Elevator stocks there last Sat
urday were 1.700,000. Until It Is possible
to load out wheat Into vessela for export.
ca»b handlers there 'were offering wheat
Chicago yesterday mors freely than “ ~
month. A number of sales were n
to come here, and an Increased movement
from the southwest to Chicago !• expected.
At Kansas City, 200 cars wheat were left
ou the tables and told yesterday.
Cash business in Chicago Thursday wai
5.000 bushels No. 1 northern wheat at S<
over September In store, 78c. Corn. 110,-
000 bushel#, and oata 200.000. the latter In
cluding 100.000 bushels standard at 44c over
Setpember and 20,000 bushels He over Sep
tember In store.
The atotboard sold 625.000 wheat* for ex
port. including 204,000 bushels Marconi and
12.000 Manitoba, tho latter to Canadian
Charters were made for 96,000 bushels
corn at lV4c to Buffalo.
Cash Wheat In.Minneapolis was of HOHc
, Wheat Is being threshed from the shock
and marketed freely In North Dakota, wired
M. Case, of Minneapolis. “I think the
proportion of Marconi la larger than esti
mated. Our men think this early rush will
not last as long aa usoaL There Is more
tendency to stack or hold it."
Private Wlro to GIbert A Clay.
Ing by pit traders. Trade was glow. The
weather in the northwest was fine, but
cars there, although Increasing, are Ir
than half of last year. 1
Corn opened steady. Fine crop pros
Good weather nnd Improvement In Mis
souri. Reports had no apparent effect —
Poor Cash Demand and
Rather Disappointing
Cables Factors.
By Private I-rttM-tl Wire.
Chicago, Sept. 7.—Wheat ruled soft
during the day and It closed l-4©*-8c
lower, corn 1.2Q6-SC lower, oata were
oft a shade and provisions lost moder
The export demand for wheat waa
small, and the clearances at the sea
board were Ilfht at 2,933,000 bushels,
compared with 6,081,000 bushels a year
o*o. ...
Corn clearances 128,000 bushels;
week a(o 261,000 bushels.
Cash sales of *raln were small both
here and at the seaboard.
Primary receipts wheat 686,000 bush
els and corn 686,000 bushels, compared
with 972,000 and 679,000 bushels, re.
epectlvely, a year a(0.
Clearances wheat were small at 40,
400 bushels for the day and 2,468,000
bushels for the week.
Corn clearances 60,000 bushels for
the day and 323,000 bushels .for the
New Orleans, Sept. 7.—Options lnv
proved sllchtly during the day’s sea.
slon In Liverpool on less favorablt
crop news, finally closing from X to
mints higher than the previous day's
evel. Holders of spot cotton were of
fering freely, which In a measure off.
set the Increased demand, sates aggre
gating 7,000 bales at an advance of 4
mints In quotations. In spite of the
fact that the many Indications yester
day for bad weather today failed to
materialise, prices held remarkably
steady and continued so until the II
quldatlon of the lon’g Interest, ac
cumulated yesterday, sot In when
prices eased considerably. The mar
tet, however, was’an exceedingly dull
and uninteresting affair and a general
lack of Interest was displayed on all
sides. This apparent antipathy on the
part of the trade Is largely due to the
near approach of the day set by the
government for the publication of
both gtnners' and condition reports. It
Is almost Impossible to forecast with
any degree of accuracy what the bu
reau's estlmats of condition will be,
for lately ao many unfavorable reports
have been received and so Insistent
have some of them been as to ths un
mistakable deterioration, that a feel
ing has been gaining ground that the
tnfe .damage has been greatly exag
gerated, but then It must be remem
bered that the report will embody only
that period ending with the 26th of
last month, and hence the late unfav
orable rain will have become elimi
New York. 8e|it. 7.—Spot sales In Liv
erpool this morning were 7,000 Itsles nt
sn advance of 4 points, hut. notwithstand
ing this better strength In the .pot de
partment, tho fnture market failed to re
spond to the rl»e In our market of yester
day, sad opened at s decline of 1471 point.,
Indlentlng clearly the temper of the trade
for the prerent. The New York marker
opened steady Hh down from yesterday's
finals and dHrine the mornliuf ruled steady
around those prlfea, hot dull. There was
dlaporilloo at one tints by some opera
tors to hid the market dp. hot their efforts
were not rathnalaatlc and soon cessed. Ite-
porte from the belt were shoot a stand
off. tint the weather man showed fairly
favorable conditions existing. This being
the period of crop ileterioratlon. the bears
were not dtapored » lie persistent, and
on the other hand tbe balls nre awaiting
more decided advene reports, before mak
ing any rigorous onslaught. In the mean
time, Ihe trade continues to hrllrre In a ■
Urge yield antes, the rrop 4s orrrtsken
by some unforeseen catastrophe or su edrlj
Wheat—Opened unchanged to Me higher:
_t 1J9 p. m., t*e lower to l*c higher; eloicd
He lower to He higher. . ’
Corn—Opened nurhangrd: at 1:36 p. m.,
unchanged to Ho lower; closed unchanged
to He lower.
last week and last year:
t'orn. .
Oats. .
Hugs. . ,
The following figures (Ire tha primary
movement of wheat and corn:
Wheat—Receipts today 583,000 bushels,
agalnat 913.000 bushels last year: stdn.
meats today 367,006 bushels, against 336,•
000 bushel, last year.
Corn-Receipts today 639,(100 bushels,
agalnat 630.606 bushels fast year; shipments
totlay 296,000 bushels, against 611,006 bushels
last year.
Private Leased Wire.
.few York. Sept. 7.-Ux ....
fined sugar steady and unchanged. Iximlon
sugar market steady with Heptemher and
Octal<er unchanged it 6s 644d sod b 4H*L
Sew York, 8ept.. 7.-The Sun ta?i: “The
rocklnr* of the cotton market tent prices
unwara yesterday, owing largely, tp P feara
that a tropical atorni may atrike ihe cotton
country on the Atlantic coaat. AJao, It
efflrmed that Texaa baa alreadr re
ceived much damage from rust, shedding
and the attentions of boll weevil to the
plant. It eeema, too, according to many
which If not accoin
P« n £ l J?J orders, nevertheless had
f 11 ? 1 thc P* nnt !■ In all the
Atlantic states, and Just In the right state
for something or other unfavorable to ban-
pen to It. Some of the bears, covered
freely partly from n desire to Hear the
decks lH*fore the publication of the govern'
went reports which will appear on Mon
day. Few care to hasnrd an oplnlou’as
to what these will state, though eomo ex*
pram tho belief that the condition will
Its own volition or by reason of manipula-
tlon from this side, nnd this fnct was not
without Its Influences here. large spot In-
terasta were buying. The «pot markets
hold up rsry well, and tbe dry goods trade
reports are In the main cheerful and en
couraging. The largest buyers were bulls
who bought here and in New Orleans."
Olbert * Clay.
Intuition at this time, knows not which way
to turn, hence tbe cotton market, within
limited scope, has developed Into a
uncertain affair. For tbe Immediate fin
hulls are depending upon a prop which
may ot may not prove truetworr
the other hand, many a bear hi
to waver In the blind faith he ti
tofore shown In the Iwnrish rsuse. Ih the
attitude of thc average cloth merchant,
there Is nothing approaching the marked
enthusiasm that might, wltb logic, be look
ed for were all tbe stories of ortvrpro-
ductlon of raanrfscturcd goods trim. In
the attitude of the farmer, there Is noth
Ir - “ “ ‘
rsnt "the convletloii K that * the' yield will
exceed another year'* cona'imptlon. The
food supply will be large, nnd the geucral
demand for labor, st least. In America, evl
dances no Indication of early diminution.
Welching these facta against the pessimis
tic dogma that tbe pendulum baring
swung high, must swing low again, raises
the now paramount question: lisa or hn«
not the tongue of the pendulum been
shortened through the contraction of spec
ulstlve power? Time can alone bring th<
answer. Meanwhile, extreme caution It.
both camps cheeks sdrsnees. and declines
alike, for neither faction believes with
Portia that tho quality of mercy
strained.”—Ware A I a-land.
Hhlpuient ai
*r, with the i
New York. Sept. 7.—The market for cot
ton seed oil was again active and strong,
selling up to tbe highest prices seen for
several weeks. There was active bidding
for cash and fleptemtor, BeptemUor show
Ing an advance of 6c from the low point o!
Align*t. . October waa In active demand,
all offerings were readily taken. The lui
proved situation continues, Influenced very
largely by the srthre demand for export,
■amettlsrlF “ " “ ‘ ““ *
fair ln<
■took*. . r -J-, j -i-.-r-
fled by sdvsndng the msrket. and while
there Is some Increase In offorluga of new
oil, B bss not beeu suffldcut to check
the advance. The market at the close
was firm and generally H0!c higher,
Ware A Leland.
September. . •
October. . • •
November. . •
leceinber. . •
, snuary. . . .
March. .....
closed* quiet.
Oldest Eetsbilsh.d Office South.
Ground Floor Gould Building. Dally
market letter and market manual
mailed on application.
Bankers and Brokers,
Comspondsnt’s Capital $250,000
f0,t, * Hew Orlttat.
ootton^g^ain', ^Frov*isi5n$HtocksPbonds,
* IT,(ISI,. MnMjh* filliali.
fire r„> CilUn ruling.. Ciltifo fi.irj #17rW«.
Orlr.t, C.ff.s fieAt.,e- 5f«t f«_Aafl,..
LI,treat Cell*. Si*otl.ll..,
frit lit Wiitt It Htu Tor I, Ntw Orient. CUcni.
him, ««i3«.
ro'* Collet [icMllff.
From Wall Street
Private Wire to Ware & Lelnnd.
New York, Sept. 7.—London mixed,
Canadian Padflc and St. Paul up
point early.
Further gold Imports likely, and be
lieve total engagements will exceed
There In very bullish talk on Union
Pacific, Atchison, Baltimore nnd Ohio
and Norfolk, and look for stiff advance
In Copper and Anaconda, and a good-
nixed buying movement la likely to
take place In Steels.
Time money still commands stiff
rates, but doubt If there Is any further
stringency In call loans. Would favor
taking on the good stocks whenever
8tocka opened somewhat Irregular,
but disposed to show a strong front.
We have It from a very good source
that Colorado Fuel Is In for a big rise
as soon as the ore deal Is announced.
Steel, common. Is ex-dividend 1 per
cent, and on Its next rise think will
cross 60.
Decision In the ore case Is favorable
to the Great Northern road.
They are talking 116 for Copper to-
Would buy Steel common and also
the preferred.
Dow-Jonra' summery: American stocks
In Ixmdon steady at shout parity.
Rumors of £500,000 gold engaged In Lon
in today.
Ex|>ected Importation of gold will he
about an largo as tho gold movement this
way In April.
Shorn recovery Id Russian bourse and
generally better outlook on International
More demand for stocks In loan crowfi.
Norfolk anil Western report shows su
plus after charges equal to 9.59 per cent o
common stock.
Money In I.ondon continues easy In snlto
P American demand for gold.
Stiff money rates expected to contln
but actual stringency la considered over.
Iowa grain dealers* association estimates
aUte cora crop at more than 400,000,000
pected to reopen for business shortly.
Twelve Industrials advanced .80 per cent
Twenty active roads advanced .30 per
Private Wire to Olbert & Clay.
New York, Sept. 7.—Marshall. Spader
& Co.: “We look to «ee & satisfactory
market today, perhaps without a wide
price movement, except In apeclaltles."
Expect further recovery this morn
ing. Would take profits and await
some reaction before making new com
The New York Financial Bureau says:
Specialty Improvement seema to bo the or*
depondentl)’ moved ami strongly tipped. Ho
long ns an nnconservstlve plunging and
broadening can be avoided the list should
hold well with but reasonable reactions.
This policy Is to lw commended. There Is
generally a better feeling, and much of the
opposition to Improvement hns been dissi
pated by tbe money relief, which. If ample,
will remove the only obstacle to totter-
ment In the security list. Patience will to
a virtue In the market for a time. Develop
ments this morning do not chsnge the sit
uation materially, but they show that the
Interest of the public Is sustains, which Is
a strong point. The public will uot liuy
and pay 50 per A*nt for carrying stocks;
neither will brokers do the same, and we
anticipate that rates will to much easier
next week. We would to conservative,
recommending that the general list he
bought on recessions, nnd specialties when
they are aggressively handled, but only for
turns for /he present.
By Private tossed Wire.
Chicago. Sent 7.-Hoc#-Boce|pts 10.009.
J2 c J‘fe^ r L‘I un *V*y fnIr; left over
6,189; bulk 36.3506.86; estimated for tomor
row 3.000; IJfbtbog* >110i98.»;
eAKV^hrevjr 95.— “^
Tone of the Stock Market
at the Opening Was
Street and Room Full of
Bull Points on Hill
Stocks Early.
Money on call, open 12 per cent; high
17 per cent; low, 3 per ceat; close 4 per
8008.30; yorkers' |i.«
^ vy 16.4508.66.
Fo choice Tieav,
Cattle—Estimated receipts 3,000. ...
"teadv; quality fair: beeves 13.760180: cows
. * lair. irer-»»*» •d.iaxft.o0; COWS
.264f4.20; heifers |i26<08.20; calves |j.6O08;
ood prime steers 3S.Sfj6.80; poor to me-
him 33.7605.20; Stockers and feeders 32.25
Sheep—Estimated receipts 7,000, Market
■tw'LV quality Vi*1
ern |.T2Sf}5.69; yearling* 35.60C6.25; Iambi
31.501/S; western 34.60C7.80l
By Private Leased Wire.
New York, Sept. 7.—The stock mar
ket today opened at about the same
range of prices as last night’s. If ex
pectations were entertained that the
bull leaders had In mind a wild mar
ket, they were disappointed. Cliques
here and there pushed up prices some
what, but in defense of their modera
tion from the bull point of view they
called It a safe and sane market. The
tluctuatlons In the money market yes
terday Indicated not ao much approach
ing ease as a situation fairly w'ell un
der the control of the leaders. Because
call money on the stock exchange went
to 6 per cent and after business hours
a quotation of 2 per cent was made
and widely heralded did not mean sim
ilarly good fortune for today's borrow
ers. The first call loan was made at
12 per cent, and then ran up to 17
per cent, fluctuating between these fig
ures during the forenoon. It was In
dicative of the growing confidence that
the majority of borrowers took chance*
of getting a lower rate. Stocks during
the first hour showed no aggressive
upward tendency, but when prices be
gan to recede fractionally the market.
In the language of the bulls, became
significantly dull. There were several
“strong spots,” and on the whole the
market held well.
The tone of the stock market at the
polling was steady, nnd with the few
exception*, price movement* showed an
average change of not more than |V4 |>er
cent. Brooklyn Rapid Transit was one of
the most arrive features, and on heavy In-
Itlnl dealings opened * 4 c above yi»*terdny'ii
nnd gained another J 4 c. United States •
Steel common was also heavily bought.
It opened at 47, reaching r gain of Sc.
Canadian Pacific rose IV* nod Baltimore
and Ohio waa up. *ic.
Gains of Ke were ret'orded In St. Paul.
Louisville nnd Nashville, Chesapeake and
Ohio and Chicago nnd Northwestern. Aqinl-
stoeks. Bending nnd Union Pacific, and
in tho early trading those stocks made
sharp advances. Tho supply increns *
cant buying was lu Northwest,
bought 50,060 shares.
Government bond* unchanged.
Other bonds lower.
Canadian Pacific
Chic., MIL and St. Paul..
Illinois Central ..
Louisville and Nashville. .
Beading ..
Pennsylvania. .....
Southern pacific.
Union Pacific •
United Htnte* HteeL. «... .
do, preferred. ......
178% 178
181% 18H4
47% 47H
9214 92%
Foreign Exchange, Travelers’ Checks, Brown
Brothers’ Letters of Credit available in all parts
of the world.
Frank Hawkins, President.
H. M. Atkinson. V. P. w
Joseph A. McCord, Ca aider.
Third National Bank
Dr. A. W. Calhoun.
Frank Hawkins.
H. M. Atkinson.
Joseph A. McCord.
J. n. Nunnnlly.
J. Carroll I'tyne.
E. B. Boseer.
David Woodward.
WJL L. PEEL, President.
ROBERT F. MADDOX, Vice President
CAPITAL $200,000.00
SURPLUS AND PROFITS . . $500,000.00
Accounts, small as well as large, invited.
1-2 per cent interest paid and compounded semi
annually in our Savings Department.
Safe Deposit Boxes
For rent In our vaults in tbe basement of the
. Empire {Building for only $5.00 each per
Absolute Security and all Modern Conveniences
You should not be without one. We invite
you to call and inspect them.
Title Guarantee and Trust Co.