Newspaper Page Text
Liverpool Failed to Meet
Advance in. American
Markets Yesterday
I Market Is Expected to Con
tinue Dull Until After
Bureau Report.
The tool cntton
iJrtrt opened W* points lower today.
Ki. w«» not «o weak as uprated cm the
owtn* to the fai t thnt henry cot-
Ewbrl.hi from Interentn ID the South
^.“cuinalated overnight.
W Uverpoot market
'i,..,.. tiii. mor
... ahoweil rather
RSimeaa thla morning than eif'Ct-
£°"n futuren. holng Ji«t .point .town,
“hen nn ndraace of 1V4 point* wna ex-
K*!- In Increased demand, Bplhnera
. X; jnoo bales at E.tld, 4 polnta up.
mg York, to follow Liverpool, should
•... nrs'iied nlaiut B points lower, hut on
Kmr tovorlnc orders Initial price* were :fif>
EJIu down. A slight further Improvement
CSJd immediate after the first rail.
Iffer which trading wna very iiulet, with
Be tetdency downward, through tluctun-
rron sad weather reports nro favorable,
thoura holt weevil nud other Insects nro
_ _ nsei
some damage In Texas
I rMU |t of recent rnlna In some sections.
IP" __ Mtoolliop <■ ritimPliul p|i>a t*l ti tfi
I rf|*ort«l
In’ewfvfr' tbe weather IV reported clearing
. tS'Ketr Vork Commereta! says: “He-
I Harts from correspondents Indict. the crop
IT tmuitun will. Iii nil nrnlmhlllti’
C ...iniliilt season wilt, In nil probability,
be larjer than last rcr, Cot win not ejrnal
••imM o| ypfi r liAfnm ln«l.''
... ... year before last,
forecast Indicates showers
Saturday for west Fior-
^pl. For the
Eitiui'i'teil reeelpi
■ lir .
Itbc I'liaiper jleld
I ri "' rfiL'f
||lte tonight
Private Wire to Ware & Leland.
Np ' V •SP t *_ 7.—Liverpool opened
down on near
it V* down
—. —" --•— p. u., tju'IU down i
come^ftt up* 08 8 P°t* 4 up. Due
onened about oh expected on LI
i s ?**D n C "as pretty genei
jiaslon houses nud local longs
jtfrt>rday» The hurricane and storms pt^-
dieted on the Atlantic const teem to have
been side tracked, giving bears more con*
J2SS25 morning Look for a nervoul
market the next few days till the bureau
ed considerable _
cotton, and working up from'
prices. It looks ns though one
orgeat bears on the floor coveted his short
cotton yesterday, although the same party
js Inclined to sell again this morniug.
i here are a lot of private reports here
deterioration and boll weevil In Texa*
Look for a nervous market. Think It trA
no ft good Beal ping market until the liu
reau Monday to sell ,T ‘ agg
weak spots.
rallies and buy
H. \Vil8on Is offering 6,000 December
Kchlll and Ilfly are picking up cdtton.
Loteer-Uoldmna weekly letter: Rains
hnve been quite general tor the past two
days in our territory, and complaints
deterioration from the flattering prospr
of two weeks ago are general. There Is u
doubt thnt with these continued rains some
damage must result from rust, shedding,
worms and too rank growth, preventing
natural fruitage. Notwithstanding this,
far ns southeast Missouri, Ark.inn is
the north portion of Indian Territory
concerned, there is a much better crop than
mat year now In sight, Homo new cotton
has appeared, nml picking In the uplands
will become general next week,
New Orlenns, Rept. L—Cables are uufn
rorabls and considerable fresb buying will
probably be necessary to hold prices Uj
"tv up iioTPfiuij in mini liners 11,1
on tills side. The expectation of bullish
■plegranis from New York say that ..
Is rumored there that the bureau wlu sup
piement its teport on condition by giving
estimate from Its Held agents of the
August 25. 'fills rumor !
The net stock of cotton lo New Otlenus
In 13.421) bales, ngnli-st 41.7*7 nt tills time
last year. The ntnoufit of cotton on ship
board Is 2,493 bales, against 3.646 last year.
The government lesues a storm warning.
8, Al.iit.inu nml MlaalMtppl.
Llano-. fnlr tonlsht nml tomo
«./>Aii>ts tomorrow:
I \vw Orleans * •• ••1.206 to 1,700 2,095
I(intfcVton 9.500 to 10,500 11,968
■tinniton ;?:*» to im
1 TV«kly Intsrior mowmini: lor twmit.v-
rl-ht Inh-rlor • town*: Hwolpts H.7M,
lalnit 1.23 loot yenr nml 106,100 In 1904:
tour uml 70,816 In 1904.
I Into ,1ft6t for the week 120.709, ngnimt
|n«l Inst year Old 153,542 In 1904.
I orerUnd to nnrtliern mills anil I minds
l,„ the seek 3.896, igaln« 4,34 last yent
I* KIM? Inslkht* for week 113.306. nonlnst
lust yenr find for season 113,3%
Isrilnst 231.2*1 lsst yenr
I on vlftornun hammering Iiy the ben,
I III, ninrkct In the. I»te trading worked
I steadllv. the done living nt the lowest IKilnt
■ of the' ilsy, net 4®17 polnti lower.
Liverpool, cotton, spot delnntid
MU It.wu; ssies <,ww; ADirm-uu «,JWj
■ iMftilntlon and export i00; receipts 4,000,
I all American.
Atlanta, quiet at 9%c. „
_ New York, quiet at 9.S0c; delivered on
laontrict 600.
Sew Orlenns, steady at 9%e.
at 91
..'Hmlngton, nominal.
Baltimore, nominal at 9%c.
Memphla, quiet At 9%c.
Mobile, easy at 9c.
Charleston, steady at 8Tic.
ward thn enst Florida const, end Ml
center of the storm is north of the Riba
The market is dull and narrow, add lit
tle activity may be expected UuUl after the
are quickly absorbed nt yesterday's pri
Thus far, about 3.000 bales haro been
market IBooks
Private Wire lo Gniert * Clay.
New York. Sept. 7.—Liverpool at 12:20
p. ni., wna 2V6 lower. Was due ltt up.
The market Is entirely local, with Wll*
•on and Mitchell selling and Borden buy-
*. h * eenimerctnt crofi
9,8<0 bates, against 18,656,-
841 in 1KM-1906. . t
Total consumption all kinds cotton in 500-
pound bales 16,892,228, against 16,641,667 pre
vious year.
The Journal of Commerce saya: A full
volume’of hualne#* is going oh generally,
but buyer* will not take more tMr *—
in many lines, ana, in fact, are saying
freely that they are like peddlers In some
things, hunting from house to house try
ing to do basinets.
New Orleans. Sept. t-Llverpoo! at
points^down la a poor market. Wi« due
po^nt representative __ wires
_ The fellowlag table shows receipts at ths
Irrta today, compared with the same day
I ait yttr:
I N>w Orleans. . ,
|Gilr#iton. . . .
I Mobile
ISarannsh. . . .
Iciulrloatnn. » , .
I Wilmington. . •
I Norfolk
llUltlraore. . , . ,
I Boron. . . .
B . TBe fonewlbg table shows receipts at the
interior towns today, compared with the
lianie day last year;
Itfotta. .
„ daily cotton letter.
New Orlssns, Sept. 7.—The cotton
•jsrket was dull today and had a down-
"Srfi tendency.
Liverpool failed to meet the optimism
thst prevailed on this side yesterday
5“. result was that lungs were
rather inclined to lessen their hold-
13,’.’ .“P 0 ** were easy In spite of many
witl.h crop telegrams from the Inte-
r™ r *® r the simple reason that they
JJJ? b '<“h covering for several days
wt. There no longer exists any un-
Jtsiily short interest In the market.
Tomorrow and the first half of ths
BSS-'f session will probably be dull.
in.:.'"/ "-"•lun win prooauiy or uuu.
initn the bureau out of the way more
business will probably be seen.
'“*t we are right on top of the
,,, r ' au 'here Is still as much uncer-
Iv. 1SL TT what ,h ® report will be as
sty Idea of what the report on
shining will be although It Is, of course,
jeneratiy conceded that the amount
” will fall far short of what was
eturned last year. Tho bit of gossip
r -t to the report on condition Is
the government will Issue a sup-
»t.^TI' a re P° r t giving an estimate of
"as happened to the crop’s con-
wion sinre August 25. This rumor,
S5*! #r - utterly lacks confirmation. If
3o.,k. n Twport were Issued It would un-
-wutitfdly be very bullish for. accord-
t--s to report* from the belt, the crop
! ,rlnr » t *d to a marked extent
""fe August *6. The movement Is
“' becoming n strong bullish argu-
ti., 1 ; Hester resumed his figures on
crr >p movement today and made
Our traveling representative wires
Shrovenort to Texarkana, along Red riv
er, fine crop; hill seotlona goml; think
condition ns good as 1904 snme date. Stilt
blooming In low lands, opening rapidly on
old lends; all gins along route running.
Today's map Is excellent. Clear nml fool
In the west nn.l cloudy In the east. The
only rnlnrnll to amount to anything tins
fallen In Tennessee, white the expected
storm hns fatted to materialise.
New York, Sept. 7.—The opening was
steady at unchanged prices to an ad
vance of 6 points, owing to higher ca
bles. and prices held around the Initial
figures during tho forenoon, although
offerings were quite heavy and demand
showed little Indication of broadening.
Europe and Wall street sold here, while
the buying seemed to come from prac
tically the same sources as yesterday,
Including some of the local trade In
terests and shorts. The European sell
Ing was thought to Indicate profit
taking by some of the European Inter
ests who sold on the valorization ad
vance, covering on the subsequent de
cline, and hive recently sent out rather
bullish messages and might now be
tnklng a moderate profit on long coffee.
A prominent local authority on coffee
subjects In an article published this
morning states that the recent decline
In Brasilian markets and lower firm
offers have resulted from the forced
realising of speculatively held supplies,
retbsrtni * * |M|
jan selling by growers, and this
seemed to accord with a private cable
gram received late yesterday from
Havre that Santos holders were with
drawing offerings also with the higher
primary markets, according to this
morning’s cables. Rio was 115 rels and
Santos 100 rels higher.—Ware A Le
of the New York coffee marl
for to-
April lgj>-A«*
October JJ-tM
November 8.36-8.60
December ••••»
Closed steady.
the amount of cotton In sight for the
week 1*1,000 bales, against HMN this
week last year, 166,000 In 1904 and
*7,000 in 1*01. The lack of export de
mand, partly but not wholly, explains
the light movement. One of tho largest
and most'reliable spot houses In this
market received the following telegram
from Hope, Ark., today In response to a
query: "We cannot make firm offer;
at present on account of light receipts.
In some sections tho crop Is undoubt-
edly turning out later than expected
and the lateness Is affecting the move
ment to eome extent. Again, many
farmers are bending all thtlr energies
toward picking and are storing their
cotton In the seed Instead of ginning It.
Edited by
Joseph B. Lively
Mr. Lively's twenty-live
yeors* experience of ed
iting markets In Atlanta
and the South hns made
him a recognized au
thority In his specialty.
Atanrohdh. . . .
American Loromotlve.,
do, preferred. . , .
Anicr. Smelting Ref. ,
do, preferred. . . ,
Alf-hlson * . ,
do, preferred. . . .
American Cotton OIL .
Amer. Car Foundry.
Baltimore & Ohio. . ..
Brooklyn Rapid Tran.,
Canadian Pacific. . , .
Chic. & Northwestern..
Chesapeake & Ohio. . .
Colorado Find & Iron..
Central Leather
do, preferred. . . .
Clilc. & Great Wftftt'n.
Chic., Mil. A fit. I*. ,
Delaware & Hudson. ..
Distiller's Securities. ..
do, preferred. ,
General Electric. . , ,
Illinois Central.
Amer. Jeo Securities. ..
Louisville A Nashville..
Mexican Central. . .
Missouri Pacific.
N. Y.. Out. & We*tern.
Notional Load
Northern Pnetflc.
New York CentrAl.
Norfolk & Western.
PeunHjIvnnln. . . .
I’cople's “
Pressed Steel Car.
Pacific Mall. . .
1: i . i < ] I n lt
Repul.lle .Steel.
United States Rubber.
• do. preferred. . . . .
Southern Pacific. . . .
Southern Railway. . . .
do. preferred. .
HIoss Sheffield. . .
Tenn. i *.»nl A Iron.
Texan A Pacific, . .
Union Pacific. . . .
United States Steel,
do. preferred.
Vn.-Csr. Chemical.
do. preferred. .
Western Union. . .
do. preferred. .
Wisconsin Central,
•referred. .
me following is the range in cotton to
lures In New York today:
Sept. . ,
Oct. . .
Nov. . .
Dec. . .
Jan. . .
Feb. . .
March. ,
9.06 9.07
9.17 -9.20 9.06
9.24 9.
(ilose.1 barely .tt-mlr.
8.641 8.60-tei 8.76-SO
8.84 8.84-8SJ 8.00*1
1 07 9.0687| 9.00,11
01 9.0687 9.U-82
9.26 1.26-27 9.41*42
9.361 9.36-371 9.49-50
Total stock sales today, 1,088,000 abares.
Following tabic giro# opening range and
close, compared with, yesterday's
Futures opened nhlet and steady.
Opening Previous
Oct.-Nor. . .
Nov.-Dec. ..
Dec.-Jan. . .
Jan.-Feb, . .
F«b.-March. .
.4.97-4.96% 5.01 4.90
.4.994.9! 4.98 4.99%.
.4.96-4.94% 4.98 4.97
.4.07-1.96 4.99% 4.96%
.4.994.97% 5.01 5.00-5.00%
.6.01 6.01 6.02%
.6.04 5.06 6.04%
Cloned firm.
lure. In New Orlesn. today
Bept .
Dec. . ,
Jan. . ,
Feb. . .
Pointers on Provisiont.
Prlrnte Wire to Ware A LeJand.
Sept. 1.—Nothing In wheat nt the
opening. Crowd not disposed to e»'ll It,
Ouerlngn not large and demand small.
Rosenbaum selllqg wheat. Looks ns If ac
ceptances were good.
centanceH were gootl.
a , Wl trade In provisions ao fsr.
Scattered buying of ribs Induced by high-
■S hfl* iiinrlr.S ..........
erbog market. No features.
Chicago Jnter-Ocean: (Jalveston Is block
■oojl With wheat. Tho Santa Fe road yes
terday issued orders thnt they would not
Itake any more whent for Galveston for ten
days, or until the blockade was cleared
[One export bouse Is said to have 500,j
nna pmwj mure rolling
nearly the same qusntltyVP^liVB^PEViP
claimed that there were 1,200 cots of wheat
on track* Elevator stocks there last Sat-
prdsy were L700,p00. Until It Is possible
to loed out wheat Into vessels for export,
no new business can lie taken for Galves
ton. This cut Kansas City cash Interests
out of the gulf business temporarily, and
cush handlers there were offering wheat
of salea were made
At Kansas City, 200 cars'wbeit were left
on the tables and sold yesterday.
Cash business In Cbicngo Thursday was
6,000 bushels No. 1 northern wheat at 8c
Over September In store. 78c. Corn. 110.-
000 bushels, and oats 200.000. the latter In
cluding 190.000 bushels standard at %c over
8etpemt>*r and 20,000 bushels %c orer Sep
tember In store.
The seaboard sold 625.000 wheat for
irt, Including J04.000 bushels Marconi nud
port. Including 204.000 bushels Marconi nml
12,003 Manitoba, the latter to Canadian
arters wen* mads for 19,000 bushels
com at 2%c to Buffalo.
yesterday with the demaud .oqly fklr.
mills liolnrr ths. Iiskf liiirue. Vn 1 -
mills being the best buyers. No. 1 north
mated. Our men think this early rush will
Prlrnte Wire to Olbert & Clay.
rally unchanged. There was _ ......
Ing by pit traders. Trade was slow. The
weather In the northwest was fine, but
cars there, although (ucreeshif, * are less
than half of lest year.
Corn opened steady. Pine crop pros
%rod Weather and Improvement in Mis
sour!. Reports bed no apparent effect on
tho market.
fcj-tfltjek Kiffunxe.lN.w Orient Colton Kx>-hon,e.|Cli!csgo B»trJI o:I Trnfi..
Sj; S«k Cotton Eiek«,e. Now Orlnas Bto--k Ex--hoose. UTfr[.ool Cotton _ _
w *®rk Coffee Exchaog*.|NeTv Orleans BoartI of Trn«ie.|Galvcaton Cotton Lxchsags.
P«rst. WIN. rest! Bsctan^.- ^ FAQAN
l'rivnie »> irr» 10 mi
L * c * 1 »"d Long OlstsnM 52W.
Empire Building. Bell Phone, Main 858.
New Orleans, Bept. 7.—Options Im
proved slightly during the- day's ses
sion In Liverpool on lees favorable
crop nows, finally closing from 1 to S
points higher than the previous day's
evel. Holders of spot cotton were of
fering freely, which In a meneure off
set the Increased demand, ssles aggre
gating 7,000 bales at an advance of 4
taints In quotations. In spite of the
’act that the many Indications yester
day for bad weather today failed to
materialise, prices held remarkably
steady anj) continued so until the li
quidation of the long Interest, ac
cumulated yesterday, set In when
prices eased considerably. The mar-
<et, however, was an exceedingly dull
nnd uninteresting affair and n general
lack of Interest was displayed on all
sides. This apparent antipathy on the
part of the trade U largely due to the
near approach of the day eet by the
government for the publication of
th glnners' and condition reports. It
almost Impossible to forecast with
any degree of accuracy what the bu
reau's estimate of condition will be,
for lately so many unfavorable reports
have been received nnd eo Insistent
have some of them been as to the un
mistakable deterioration, that a feel
ing has been gaining ground that the
true damage has been greatly exag
gerated, but then it must be remem
bered that the report will embody only
that period ending with the 36th of
last month, and hence the late unfav
orable rain will have become elimi
Poor Cash Demand and
Rather Disappointing
Cables Factors.
By 1-rlrste I-eased Wire.
Chicago, Sept. 7.—Wheat ruled soft
during ths day and It closed l-4@3-8c
lower, corn l-ZQ5-8c lower, oats were
off a shade and provisions lost moder
The export demand for wheat was
small, and the clearances at the sea
board were light at 2,466,000 bushels,
compared with 6,081,000 bushels a year
Com clearances 3*8,000 bushels;
week ago 861,000 bushels.
Cash sales of grain were smalt both
here and at the seaboard.
I'rlumry receipts wheat nan hush
els and com 686,000 bushels, compared
with 972,000 and 679,000 bushels,
spectlvely, a year ago. '
Clearances wheat were small at 40.
400 bushels for the day and 2,466,000
bushels for the week.
Com clearances 60,000 bushels for
the day and 121,000 bushels for ths
for today follow:
Open. High.
m* 9 8 18
iii iiPi
lisJ _
kept.. 11.90 I4J0 16.79 16.76 lfjffji
Jen.... 13.46 13.46 13.5 13.3 13.37l{
m je i£ BE it, Bh
Sept.. 8.6744
= . if if m I
;« gUf.
He lower to He higher.
_ _ _ j higher.
Corn—Opened imchssgedi st 1:30 p. m.,
tncbangeu la Me lewer; closed uuebsaged
Unties palls. ,
ttiluth. . . .
.. r Tfr
'nrn. .
Osts. .
Ilogs . ,
Todny. Tumor.
New Yorh, Rept. 7.—Rpot sales In IJr-
erp-ol this morning were 7.80) Imles nt
an adraace of 4 jtoints, tmt nntwlth*tnnd-
Ing this better strength tn thp spot de
portment, tbc future tunnel foiled to re
spond to the rlee la our market of yester
day. anil opened st s decline of 1Q3 point*.
I notes tins clearly the tnsper of the trade
for the present. The New lurk market
opened steady Mf* down from ysstMdsy'a
finale and ilurlnjr the moraine rated itesdy
around tl«Me price* tmt doll. There was
disposition at oar time by same npera- to t.ld rhe market up, tmt their efforts
were not entlinstsstlc and sooa ceased. U»-
pnrts from lbs belt were aboet a stand-
off. lint th. weather map showed fairly
fsrmetde eoadltlons exlitfior- This l>clng
the period of crop deterioration, the bears
The follotrlns ficuros glee th, primary
movement of wheat nnd rorn:
Wheat—Reeelpts today 683,000 bushels.
Vtjsrwntt-fiffis. u.
800 haahria Uat year.
today 188.000 l.ushel..
fined sugar steady and unrbamrrd. London
sugar market stredy with Heptemher and
Oetolier nnehauge,| st 8a 57*d and 3» tHd,
re&mJ or £-.$' pt ' ?'- Tho 8lln "Tho
cotton innrkot sent prices
r ° 1ir,n « Inreely to fr
that a tropical storm may strike the cot
Stfal A! 1 * 1 T *'} ns hns nlremly’ re-
ccivca much anmage from rust, sheddlni
nr'L thC ,* attCnt,0na of W?cvll to till
?L nB A* _ •!. *°cros, too, ncconllnir to many
fhf Ulsimtches. which If"^ot accoS
ncvertholcss hnd
,ho i’ ,nnt *■ rn,,k the
^juHt iii the. right state
for*something or other unfavorable to hap-
H* a .»° »L. of the bears covered
freely ^partly from n desire to clesr the
decks before the publication of the covern-
S cnt reports which will appear on Mon*
‘y-. c#ro .t? l ,azft rd an opinion «s
to what these will state, though some ex-
the condition will 1
put It In the neighborhood of 78 to 50
Iper cent. Tbo Liverpool market was
stronger than had been expected, cither of
its own volition or by renRon of manipula
tion from this side, and this fact was not
without Its Influences here. Large spot In
terests were burin*. The spot innrkrts
hold up very well, and the dry goods t: *
reports nre In the main cbverful and
couraslng. Tho largest buyers were bulls
who bought here and In Sow Orleans."—
lllbert A Ulny.
Now Orleans. 8ept. 7.—The Tlmes Demo-
!«*«:. *Ths spftculfttor, lacking concrete
limit Ion at this time, knows not which way
to turn, hence the cotton market, within
limited scone, has devclopeol Into a very
uncertain affair. For the Immediate fufuVe,
bulls arc depending upon n prop which
mny or may not prove trustworthy. On I
the other hand, many a bear ha* l*egu»
to waver In tho Mlnu faith he has here-
tofpfe shown In the liearlsli cause. In the
attitude of the average cloth merchant.
*- nothing approaching the marked
n that might, with logic, be took*
- - - -— ere all the atorles of overpro
duction of insnrfactured gooda true. In
the attitude of the farmer, there In noth*
“"nt« Justify the hope that quantities
food supply will be large, nml the general
demand for labor, nt loast. In Amertcu, evl
•lences no Indication of early diminution.
Welching theso facta against the pessimis
tic dofiM that the pendulum having
swung high, must swing low again, rolM»s
the now paramount question: lias or has
net the tongue of the pendulum beeu
shortened through ths contraction of spec*
utatlva power? Time can alone bring tbo
answer. Meanwhile, extreme c.iutloi: (n
both corapa cheeks advances and declines
alike, for neither faction believes with
Portia that the quality of merry la not
*—| — & LeJand.
From Wall Street
Private Wire to Ware & Lelnnd.
New York, Sept. 7.—London miged
Canadian Pacific and St. Paul up
point early.
Further gold Imports likely, and be
lieve total engagements will exceed
There Is very bullish talk on Union
Pacific, Atchlaon, Baltimore and Ohio
and Norfolk, and look for stiff advance
In Copper and Anaconda, and a good-
alzed buying movement Is likely to
take place In Steels.
Time money still commands stiff
rates, but doubt if thero la any further
stringency in call loans. Would favor
taking on the good stocks whenever
Stocks opened somewhat irregular,
but disposed to show a strong front.
We have It from a very good source
that Colorado Fuel Is in for a big rise
“ i soon as the ore deal Is announced.
Steel, Common. Is ex-dividend 1 per
cent, and on its next rise think will
cross 50.
Decision In the ore cose Is favorable
to the Great Northern road.
They are talking 116 for Copper to
Would buy Steel common and also
the preferred.
Dow-JoncH* nummary: American stocks
In London steady at about parity.
Humors of £500,000 gold engaged In Lon
don today.
Bxpectad Importation of gdld will bo
iKiut os large "
ny In April.
Sharp recove. ....
^•nernily better outlook on International
More demand for stocks In loan crowd.
Norfolk and Western report shown an.
plus sfter charges equnl to 9.59 per cent on
common stock.
Money In Jjondon continues easy In spite
of American demand for gold.
Stiff nioac.v rates expected to continue,
but actual stringency Is considered over.
lown grain dialers' ntwoclAtlnn estimates
state corn crop at more than 400.000,000
bushels, r.6,000,000 more than hint year.
Further disclosures of fraud In connection
with real estate company, tmt receiver ex
pected to reopen for business shortly.
Twelve industrials advanced .SO per cent
Twenty nctlv* roads advanced .80 per
the gold movement this
Private Wire to Glbert & Clar-
New York, Sept. 7.—Marshall, Spader
& Co.: "We look to see a aatlsfactory
nrnrket today, perhaps without n wide
price movement, except In specialties.”
Expect further recovery this morn-
inff. Would take profits and await
some reaction before making: new com
The New York Financial Bureau unys:
Specialty Improvement seems to he the or
der of the day. We are glad the mnnlpuls*
live eonttneent will not r-'rmlt the market
n xeneral,to run sway. The public hns
n Koiirrnitio run swny. too pnnne
been huylnjc again, nicotine the stacks
dependent!)- mured and strongly tipped. M'
long ns an unronservstlrc plunging nnd
hold well with tint reasonable resetlons.
Thin iwdlcy Is to Im commended. There la
generally n better feeling, nud inm-li of the
Tone of tho Stock Market
at the Opening "Was
Street and Room Full of
Bull Points on Hill
STtocks Early,
Money nn os 11, open 12 par cent; high
17 per cent; low 3 psr ctmt; ck»se 4 p**r
Iiy Private Leased Wire.
New York, Bept. 7.—The stock mar
ket today opened at about the same
range of prices as last night's. If ex-
pectationa were entertained that the
bull leaders had In mind a wild mar
ket, they were disappointed. Cliques
here nnd there pushed up prices some
what, but In defense of their modera
tion from the bull point of view they
called It a safe and sane market. The
fluctuations In the money market yes
terday indicated not so much approach
ing ease as n situation fairly well un
der the control of the leaders. Because
call money on the stock exchange went
to 6 per cent and after business hours
quotation of 2 per cent* was made
ami widely heralded did not mean sim
ilarly good fortune for today’s borrow
ers. The first call loan-was made at
12 per cent, and then ran up to 17
per cent, fluctuating between these fig
ures during the forenoon. It was In
dicative of the growing confidence that
the majority of borrowers took chances
of getting a lower rate. Stocks during
the first hour showed no aggressive
upward tendency, but when prices be
gan to recede fractionally the market.
In tin* language of the bulls, became
significantly dull. There were several
’‘strong spots," nnd on the whole the
market held well.
The tone of the stock market at the
pnrea ny tne money relief, which. If ample,
will remove the only olistncle to better
ment In the security list. Pntlence will be
n virtue In the market for a time. Develop,
ments this morning do not rUniiRe the sit
uation materially, tint they show thnt tho
Interest of the public is sustained, which is
n strong point. The nubile will not buy
nnd pay 20 per cent tor carrying stocks;
neither will brokers do the snme, nml we
anticipate that rates will he tnvcli easier
next week. We would bo conservative,
recommending that the general list be
bought on recessions, nnd specialties when
they are figgresstrely handled, but only f<
turns for the present.
cent. Brooklyn Rapid Transit was "one of
the most active features, and on heavy In
itial dealings opened V shove yesterday's
. opened \c above jre L .
cl«>j4.» nml guinea another ‘i*’- United Rtat
Steel ronimon was also heavily bought.
It opened nt 47, reaching a gain of %c.
Canadian Pacific roso l%c and Baltimore
and Ohio was up *;c.
Ohio nml Chicago nml Northwestern. Amal
gamated Popper was unchanged.
The street and room wero Tull of 11
By Trlvate Leased Wire.
.,11®; hulk 65.S5C6.fe; 1 cut I inn ted ’for tomor
row B.000: light nogH 69.199l.6t; mixed J&io
GG.52%; heavy 65.3506.40; rough
plg« tf.frot/rt.iM; yorkers 69.4506.16; good
lo choice henry |9.46e«.5S.
Cattle—Estimated receipts 3.000. Market
good prime steers 6S.Sti.90: poor to me
nlum 63.75 / 05.2O; stockers and feeders f2.2S
'•» 1.25.
8beep—Estimated receipts 7,ono. Market
:sauy; quality fair; native SijMin GQ; west-
rn £3.2508.90; yearlings 63.60tfG.25; lambs
western 64.60C7.80.
points before tlio opening on the lull
stocks. Bending nnd Union Pacific, nml
In tho early trading those stocks made
sharp advances. The supply Increased,
however, ns higher price levels were reach
ed. and the ricnwind became i.rm urgent
during tho first hour. The most signifi
cant billing was In Northwest. London
bought shares.
Government bonds unchanged.
Other bonds lower.
- >%!282%|2X2%
,4i-in-<>ii.. ,. .. «• »i •• .. loy .p)h-j
'nnndlnn Pacific.. 174% ITS 177%
Uhlr., kill, and 8t. FauL... lMVlflHIlM
Brie.. »•• 4;%i 47%| 46%
Illinois Central 174 174 1174
l.ttiiisvlllo ami Nashville. . • U:*U>149% 149'f
Pennsylvania. . . •
Southern Pacific. . • 4
'nloo Pacific .«
jkltsd States Steel..
do. preferred. . .
-*ll44 '144% 141%
. j 143% J143% 1143%
...[108 11
New York. Bept. 7.—Th# market for cot
ton seed oil was again active and strong,
There was active bidding
for cash and September, Beptcuilier show
ing an advance of «c from the low point of
August. October was la active demand,
nil offerings were readily taken. The lui
ro/ed situation continues. Influenced very
the active demand for export.
R SrBcttlaSr for October shipment and a
■lr Inquiry for fieptember, w1»h the small
stocks. The demand has only been satis-
stocks. The demand has only
fled by advancing ths market, and 'while
there Is some Increase In offerings of new
oil. It br.s not been snffMent to eb*ck
the advance. The market at the clone
‘ _ - jogbar.—
fatML*’""* *® ,c b, * b * r -
(ipenlnc. rinsiaf
September. • • • • ,
November. .......
January. .......
Oldest Established Office South.
Ground Floor Gould Building. Daily
market letter nml market manual
mailed on appllratlon.
Bankers and Brokers,
Comspondsit's Capital 1250,000
nerescNCC. thc ncal bank
on th. othee tisnU the hulls nre awaiting
more decided adverse report, before mak
ing any rls»rm» onslaught, la the mean
time. the trade rontlnur. to I—lleve la a
large yield saleao the rmp la overtaken
Iiy mime nnforeaeeu ratnetrophe ov au eSrly
cottonTgrain, provisions,STOCKS, 1
/lew Orlttst.
He. 2 Wall SI., feiett BelWnq. Mllaeta, da.
flaw fsfft Win
Hew Orlesm C#ffo» Irehaeqe.
literpool Cellea Attetlalh*.
tr £rltalt wire* to Hew York. How Orleoot, Chicago.
Boll Bair I2C7.
Chicago Boarg of fra Js.
Ch.togo Stork tirhinge.
How York Crffrr hthongo.
Foreign Exchange, Travelers! Checks, Brown
Brothers’ Letters of Credit available in all parts
of the world.
Frank Hawkins, President. „
H. M. Atkinson, V. P. .. Tnomai_C. Erwin. Asst.. Cashier.
Joseph ‘ ” “
lavoa, *• r, * h«»iTISS C.
McCord, Caifiler. H. W. llys
Third National Bank
Dr. A. W. Calhoun.
Milton Dargan.
John W. Grant.
K. X. McCord.
Frank TTawlrlns.
H. M. AtklniHHi.
Joseph A. MeCord.
CAPITAL $200,000.00
SURPLUS AND PROFITS . . $500,000.00
Accounts, small as well as large, invited.
3 1-2 per cent interest paid and compounded semi-
annually in our Savings Department.
Safe Deposit Boxes
For rent in our Vaults in tbc basement of the
Empire (Building for only $5.00 each per
annum. t
Absolute Security and all Modern Conveniences
You should not be without one. IVe invite
you to call and inspect them.
Title Guarantee and Trust Co.