The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, September 10, 1906, Image 11
THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER Id, ltyvt. 11 WAS VERY BULLISH Deterioration Was Greater Than Had Been Ex pected by Trade. ADVANCED SHARPLY Deport Does Not Cover the Period of Greatest De- 1 terioration. Br Private Lea led Wire. Vew York, Sept. 10.—The undertone 0 f\he local cotton market at the out- Mt this morning was more or less Irregular, and first prices were 2@3 points lower, being Influenced by poor eibles from the market at Liverpool. Commission and spot houses bought, ,nd the selling .was mainly by local the government crop report iff™. eoo&dSred bullish, the market Erf 31®!l points on heavy local cover- rile advance which followed the report at- tnJtwl heavy selling by powerful local Sir Interests, which eventually checked il,. rise after It hnd proceeded n matter of I ' „ imiinil. The buyers were smaller ■torts Ten minutes nfter the report, Icrs had recedeil .@5 "oint. •"» p. Trade was heavy After the call prices were steadier, at o'clock showing a recovery to Satur day's closing figures, bad crop reports, especially from Texas, being the Influ- , nc e for the Improvement. Trade was dull, the operators awalt- c the government reports to be Is sued at 12 and 1 o'clock, respectively, the condition report at 19 and gtnners' T1‘ a Kreeman, New York, In bis early cotton letter today says: fly reasou of the deist In Issuing the Beptemlier report of condition, some uncertainty seems to pre- nil ns to its character. The report will 1» made tip to the nsnnl dnte, the 25th of the month, and. In my Judgmeut, should shmv about Sit. There lias been some de- terioration since the fflth, .•.peclnlly In Tews, but the report will not Include this. If the average Is below 80 It will llldb'Ute terioration before August 25 which 1 do „.it think occurred. With n high average the market alight decline some, but a rally Should fidlow In view of the actual rondf- tlmis prevailing at the moment. It looks like a fair trading nuirket liotli ways at il-mt 9c for December. The eensus figures *111 Indicate nothing. The government rcjinrt on condition wns I,end at noon. Atlanta time. It was decidedly below expectations, ih,nvlag as It did. n deterioration of 5.3 (ami Hie July report, the figures being T7.9, spinel S2.9 last month. Its effect was Immediate, prices lumping urn- 16 to ts isilnts lii 5 minutes' time. II Is a bullish report, In tlint It covers n period which. It was thought, was slight, the report being made up to August 25, ilme which time serious damage has oc curred In Texas especially, from boll wvvll nad bo]l worms. The close was steady 5 to 14 points high- er Hum the close of Saturday, realising isles noising n sharp decline In the late trading. NEWS AND GOSSIP Of the Fleecy Staple. Private Wire to Glhert (c Clay. New lark, fiepr. 10.—Liverpool opened 3 lower. \\ as due nliout I lower. 1 „ ' n * r,t * t “Penod steady nnd about ns was expected; trade wns light, every one hesitating, awaiting bureau report Market easing oft a ItuTe, on lack of sell ing nnd little demand. Hchlll tried to buy some cotton and tome little commission house buying. N*w York, Sept. 10.-"for the week. ne «* in,‘try good* wa* up to ex pectation* In volume nnd character. targe western house* have been duplicating recent order* by mull without further ■tntement than goods were wauted quick ly, and thla practice linn l»eeu no frequent tlmt seller* are feeling keenly their tnabil- to hurry foods from the mills nnd fln- i—-M w P rk **, ri ? G feature of Importance In the situation Is the eontluued absence of speculation In all divisions of the mar ket. Ituyers are supplying ttteta needs by frequent re-orders, Irrespeettve of money condition* and without quibbling ns to the price of the day or week. In all respects, the trade Is In a healthy condition in so far as the market leaders cau see It.” New Orleans. Sept. 10.—Liverpool at*233 down Is disappointing. Waa duo un changed ou our market. Our traveling representative wires from Paris. Tex.: “Tyler, Mfneoln. Terrell. Greenville to Commerni*. •* stripped the plant Edited by Joseph B. Lively MARKETS Mr. Lively's twenty-flve ybars' experience of ed iting markets in Atlanta and the South has made him a recognised au thority in his specialty. TIPS FLASHED From Wall Street RANGE OF NEW YORK STOCKS AND COTTON MARKETS NAME OP 8TOCK. Amalgamated Copper.. . . Atlantic Coast Line American Sugar Ref. Anaconda American Locomotive . do, preferred Amer. Smelting Ref do, preferred. ...... uu. preierrea. ... American Cotton Oil. . Amer. Car Foundry. .. Maltlmore A Ohio. rown belts; not a single btoom along on Ire route. Commerce to Paris, crop good. »nt weevil here in larse numbers. North Texas crop deteriorating rapidly, and mag niflrent prospects of live weeks ago will not be realised. ,r A special from Houston to The Times- Democrat says: "Texas cotton cron has not prospered during past week, heavy rains tn some portions, showers In others. The work of the weevil over most of the cotton district and the lioll worm over quite a large territory have militated against the farmer. Reports are uni formly poor or bad, the report of tho gov eminent expert showing that the weevil is scattered over a greater area than for merly. According to the various reports, the crop does not bid fair to be any better than last year." reports. Spots are The net stock of cotton in New Orleans Is 14.963 bales against 42.410 at this time las rnool futures ___ 12:15 p. tn. down nnd quiet; sales 7,000 spots, ..own, nt 6.45d. Futures doe to come about unchanged. ~ * is. I g about stead of unchanged ns due. The weekly crop reports In the morning papers are err unfavorable. The bureau on condition will be pu at 12-o'clock our time today, nnd will com pare with 82.9 last month, 72.1 last year and 84.1 in 1904. v 4 The report on ginning will be Issued at — *'— and will show the amount ». m.. our time, cotton glnn ...11 compare 374.821 in 1904. , _ 1# The weather map Is favorable, as It shows very little rain over the cotton belt. Temperatures are unseasonable. Price gave out on August 3. before bu reau report, that condition of.82.2 would In dicate crop of 10.000.000. N«w he Issues s circular stating condition of 80 would indi cate cron of 13,000,000. There is absolutely nothing in It. , The market Is going through an evening up process In anticipation of the govern- nient ^report nnd floor traders are doing ' New Orleans is buying here and some of the larger local traders are buying. New York wires that n large operator In their market Is out with a condition report of 80. It Is said no matter what the gov ernment condition may lie, an effort will made to depress the market. If true, looks like n good on ,r buy for n SPOT COTTON MARKET. r Hh prices, easier, middling uplands 145. Sides 7.000. Ainericnu 5,700. Specula tion nnd export receipts 300, all-' Ameri- Atianta steady nt 8% new. N>w York quiet at 9.80, delivered ou con tract ion. New orlenns steady nt 9. Augusta steady at 9 3-16. Savannah quiet nt 915-16. St. Lulls quiet nt 9H. Houston steady at 9%. ' Boston quiet lit 9.80. Wal vest on quiet nt 9%. pportunlty will be furnished * .... - turn. The market opened quiet with no particu lar feature. The map Is very favorable, very little rain while the weather is gener- - «•-—. e re porti causing a few shorts to cover. tyona except southwest Tetns and Arkansas. McCullough brothers’ FRUIT AND PRODUCE LETTER. TODAY’S PORT RECEIPTS. 1909 1906 Nmt Orleans ftslmton Mobile Hsvsnnnh Charleston Wilmington Norfolk Bouton , Philadelphia 3438 11761 670 4742 962 967 3(4 2586 9824 2306 16811 1739 1266 1822 406 10 Total , 22284 85212 INTERIOR MOVEMENT. J* fellowl.f tit til. show, receipts »t th. Interior towns tod.y, compared with th. ■»e J«J lilt year: 1909 DOS Hooston .... hm»in . . . * * fbtnphis ... l^t, Ijitila . . .***'* C*ln«‘innatl 11672 2172 90 611 1120 13671 3606 169 150 41 Total 16636 17537 THE SUGAR MARKET. , Vnr . l ‘' fl-KL Ift-Bagsr steady: un- 0,, P-1- l-nnflou beet October H 3VL 6IBERT A CLAY 8 DAILY COTTON LETTER. tm* ? rl "« n ". fl-PL W.—Liverpool ruled 1 . amI sternly, option* rinsing 1 to tfbhol* |-’" wn ' while .pot Miles reflvoteil n CP 1 ’ 1 / I'l'reased demand. 7,000 bole* hnv- 1* '"“"’.’’'d Imndfc Onble new* Is very •inn.. '' Ill|, “y confined to nil evening up h, VTotHory to the bureou report., "Wwesiher map todnr wns verv fsvnrsMe. "povlnlly with reference to the S'CJ'ta Ml weevil In Texse. end ,a KrsdasUy spreading thst the Atlanta, 8ept. 3.—Apple receipts for a week or ten days, principally from Missouri points, hsvs been somewhat In exeesa of demand and consumption. A satisfactory range of prices, how ever, Is being generally maintained, but when shipments from other sections begin, a graduated lower range of valuee Is expected. This prediction Is juitlfled by >i reported heavy yield with the quality better than the average. Banana valuea are sufficiently low to Justify a general nnd llliernl consumption. crop of oranges Is reported to lie of fair average yield nnd tho quali ty auperlor to that of taot aeaaon. Two earn of bnaket grape, of aaaorted varieties now en route tn thla market from Ohio polnta. The demand la aurflelently strong to warrant the predlrtlon that they will lie promptly taken at good valuea on t'nllfornln fruit haa been In light supply an far thla senaon. Many of the principal vnrletles are reported to be short as to production thla season, which will neces- aarlly reault In the high range of valuea and prompt disposition of all receipts. l'nlibnge, generally speaking. are nrrl In Imd eondltlon, the reault of the hot wen tiler, nnd the demand being only fair, some toss Is reported on the part of the loeal handlers. , . Irish Iiotatoes of good quality are ac tive at good values. flame condltlona apply to onions receipts hardly aufflelent to meet trade tlwee™potstoea In light aupply and sail- Celery ls Pl p!entlfnl, with demand In cllned to lag. To the contrary, tomatpea and lettuce are acarce and active at high l>l Both live and dreaaed poultry ready aalq * t No‘ct?nnge U “'ndte appllea to eggs, either as to rrrelpti or prloot. * The butter market Is quits healthy. Beat gooda aelllug readily at advanced prlcea. •••ItllUUiC K V/U1U. . s. e e • Brooklyn Rapid Tran Canadian Partita Chic. A Northwcatsrn.. . ♦ . Cheaapeaks A Ohio. ..... Colorado Fuel A Iron Central taathef. . do, preferred . Ch)c. A Great West'n. . . . . Ch|c„ Mil. A 8f. P ftalnware & Hudson. .. . • •DistlUer's Securities. .... Erie _ *lo, preferred. ........ {fe ne ^*J 5,ectrlc Illinois Central Amer. Ice Hecnrltlea Louisville A Nashville.. . . Mexican Central Missouri Pacific NAME OF STOCK. X. V.. Ant. k Western. Nntb iml IsCjid Northern Pacific. . . New York Central. . Norfolk & Western. Pennsylvania People's Gas Pressed Steel Car. . do. preferred. , . Pacific Mail Reading Republic Rock Island. do. Southern Pacific. . Southern Railway. do. preferred. . RIoss-Sheffleld. . . Tenn. Coal * Iron. Texa* A Pacific. . . Union Pacific. . . . United States Steel, do. preferred. Western Union. Wabash da preferred. . Wisconsin Central, do. preferred. NEW YORK. . . — ......wing I, tb, rat tiif.a In New York today; !i s 3 J II 1 c M Septa, a . Oct. . . . Nor. . . Dec. . . Jan. . . . Fsb. . . . 8.69 ftfl |.M 9.(0 f,P 9.17 S:S 9.8 9.09 9.2S 9.36 il 9.69 8.68 iiS 9.02 9.10 9.17 9.24 9.32 8.08] 5:8 $.19 S:S 511 8.68-60 8.m4 9.04-06 9.31-32 9.40-41 9.61-62 8.59-63 i:8l 9.97-08 m 5:“:i - , ^ ftirt t cil, . Total stock sales today, 936,800 shares. LIVERPOOL. Ilowing table rivew opening fhnge and \ compared with yesterday's closing: tores opened quiet and steady. Opening Previous Range. Close. Close. ....6.08 -5.09 6.11 6.10 • •. .4.96 -4.96U 4.98 4.96V4 .... 4.92^-4.91 4.93 4.94# ■1 m p » 4.97 4.99 ....6.00 -4.98 4.99% 6.01 . .6.00 6.01# 6.021 . .6.03 -6.03 6.03 6,04< September.. Sept.-Oct.. Oct.-Nov. . Nor.-Dec. . Dec.-Jan. . Jan.-Feb. . Feb.-March. March-April. April.-May. liay-Jun#,. Closed ateady. Comparison of Cotton Condition For August 25”, 1906, With Previous Year Washington, Sept.- 10.—The crop reporting board of bureau of statistics of the department of agriculture finds from the reports of the correspondents and agents of the bureau that the average condition of cotton on August 25 was 77.3, as com pared with 82.9 on Ju^r 23, 1908, 77.1 on August 28, 1905, 84.1 on August 26, 1904, and ten-yenr average of 73.2. The following table shows the condition of the cotton crop by states on Au gust 25, compare^ with previous years, and that on July 25, 1908: STATES— North Carolina.. . South enrollnh. . Georgia Florida Alabama. . . . Mississippi Louisiana.. .. .< Texas.. Arkansas Tennessee Missouri .. Oklahoma. . . Indian Territory.. Aug 1996 1906 1904 1903 1902 1901 1900 1899 NEW ORLEANS. turea In New ig !• the Orleans Sept. Oct. . Nor. , Dec.. Jan. . Teb.. dnreb.. . H«T~ . . Closed si steady. I il I 3i I 01 9.01 ns 9.14-15 9.18- 18 9.19- 20 9*41-42 9.64-56 a lifts 9.16 9.21-22 9.43-41 1898 United States.. ..1 83.91 77.31 72.11- 84.11 89.11 M.ftj 81.41 87.0| 62.41 76.4 NOTES ON GRAIN Polntera on Provision*. Texas had will .toll tor short of realisation. The government reoott rnnkes the condi tion Up to AUgUSt 2S6. T7-* Imp fi* .. . . n)|t yHir ^ n ,j |4.l the year lie- lurr ten-year average of 73.18. !n- namucli as many opinions previously seem ed to agree that 7» would represent a near approach to actual conditions, the govern ments figures of 77.3 were eonslderetl some- whst bullish and prices advanced i*onslder- JiSy/ but the market continues so rela tively narrow that the greater P® rt |°“ the Improvement wns lost on profit-taking by small bulls. However, there seems to hare been lately creafM a sentiment antag onistic to lower prices, aud It Is iwrelv pos sible thst from now on more Interest may Im» witnessed In the desire to lift prices on, of the rut Into which they have fallen and . ... ••••ftusiiy spreoiiing umi vne or inn rui p,,t prospeeta of a time back that I incidentally to higher levels. 1 1 ALABAMA ST. GIBERT & CLAY STOCKS. BONOS. COTTON. ORAIN. COFFEE. PROVISIONS MEMBERS. ATLANTA. OA. >n Z% t / t . ark Exchanw|N>w Or”(ins' > c7imn F.xchjnxc.lChl^o DMrd of Traa*. L,c * 1 *nd Lon fl Dlatano. TaVe’phona"529al* ? w . n. FAGAN. Mananar. ALONZO RICHARDSON & CO., PUBLIC * ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS Empire Building. Bell Phone. Main 858. ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Private Wire lo Ware A Leland. Chicago, Sept, 10.—The trade In heat very .email, but there la a dls- >alt!on among locals to buy on thla ireak, expecting rally. What on. Is the question. Heavy Liverpool cable and liberal world's .ahipmenta are bound to give ua lower prices again today. Report here aaya Jonea A Inglta make the com crop t.000,000,000 bushels. Scattered selling by long. In Sep tember and October lard with moderate buying by shorts. Commission houses aelllng January lard and rib,. Market easy. Corn opened easier with general com mission houa, aelllng, headed by Krenn. Demand scattered; weather fine. Crop outlook excellent and Improving. Date firm. There la a big demand for May at 32 l-2c. Only a few sold there at opening. Offerings light. Commis sion houses now paying 5-lc for May. Cash hAuses sailing December. The Istsr-Ocean says; The government crop report Is due Monday sftrrnoou. It Is expected to show the condition of corn close tn 90, and possibly above thst figure. Last month It was 53.1, nnd hut year 39.5 A eondltlon of 90 will Indicate s crop of 2,- 751.000,000 bnshels. The condition of spring wheat at har vest Is expected to he between 34 and 85. I jut month U ws* 18.9. and the con dition was Inst year 17.1. Thla, however. Included winter find spring. .There will be no report on winter report. The estimate on spring last month was 2WJWOJIOO bush' 283,000,000. 403,209 BALES OP COTTON GINNED By Prlvats Leased Wire. Washington, flept. 10.—Tho census bureau today announced that the reports from gin neries show that the amount of cotton from this year's crop ginned to Sept. 1 463,200 bales, as compared with 476.8U the same date last year. Tho reports this year were from 6.492 ginneries, ns compared with 8,829 In 1906, WHEAT DEPRESSED AT MOPE® Spring Wheat Receipts Larger Than a Year Ago. Liverpool Cables Lower. COTTON SEED OIL MARKET. New York, fiept. 10.—There wns little, activity In the market for cotton seed oil with price changes narrow. The tenden cy, however, waa toward n lower level, nnd largely to aelllr - *- *—‘ * cats. It Js genera though offerings at there will be plenty of oil moving short ly. New cron deliveries were less suscep tible to bullish Influences. The market st the close was quiet, with prlcea un changed to %e np. The only sale reported was of S00 barrels December nt 3064c.—Ware 4c Leland. Opening. Close. September. " October.. November.. December.., January.. . March.. Majr rloscd steady. Sales, 600 January «t 90%, lowever, was in warn n lower level, araely to selling by prominent Iqter- lt la generally relieved that, nl- b offerings at the Mouth are light, els, am 1nc lai ajaat ndftlon year : will compare with 82.9 last year. The estimated cron last month was 800.000,000, compared with 963,000,000 as the final last year. ^ Some big yield* of wheat are reported In North ihikota. One field of 100 acres in Ward county. N. Dak., yielded 44 bush els Scotch fifs per sere and all graded No. 1 hard. Traders who have been successful In grains 'of late put the situation this way: r ‘!t Is s situation where one mast Ignore the price of all grains and Jratcb the conditions, as they nrq. the price-makers. The price for the moment cuts no figure, so long as present conditions exist. They may torce prices lower, but nnless there is better buying support, declines are to ^A**decrease of 212.000, bushels In Anstra Han shipments of wheat for the week was SOUTHERN EXCHANGE Oldest Established Office South. COTTON-—STOCKS BONDS GRAIN Ground Floor Gould Building. Dally market letter and market manual mailed on application. WEATHER IN COTTON BELT. Tria«~8an Antonio pertly. cloudy; no min. Houston cloudy end pleasant; hard rata yesterday afternoon. Temple end Ty ler clear and pleasant;-heavy rain and wind yesterday. Fort Worth clear ami bat. Iinllas and Belton rlear and pleasant, flherman cloudy ami damp; lleht rain Sat urday afternoon; henry rain Sunday. Mlsslnlnpl—Topelo clear amt ntraaant. Amorv, llattlrshurx, Yaaoo City, Meridian and Hotly flnrlne* clear and warm. Jack- ton amt Vlcksbnrx clear and ‘ ad pies sen Opelika Alabama— BlnMnthOB, Montgomery clear and warm. Huntsvlll, clear end plraeent. Mobile eteer end hot. Troy cleer and plenaant. WEATHER IN WHEAT BELT. Extreme Northweat—Partly cloudy; 58 to 82 nltnve; local rains. Northwest—Generally clear; 54 to 81 HX'Mt nnd Southwest—Generally clear; 68 to 74 above. Ohio Volley-Oenerally clear; M to TO above; kieil rains, WEATHER FORECAST. >y in,I North < , ,*n Flo. — . variable winds. J , Alabama—Fair Monday and Tuesday, eept .bowers In nortbeaat portion, llsht variable winds. Mississippi, I-oolslan* and Eastern Tex- ss—Generally fair Monday and Taeaday, llsht south wind, Arkansas—Fair Monday; Tuesday, show- L. J. ANDERSON & CO Bankers and Brokers, COTTON, STOCKS, GRAIN Correspondent's Capital $250,000 REFERENCE. THE NEAL BANK RHONE 1417. PRUDENTIAL BLOC By Private Leased Wire. Chicago, Sept. 10.—The matter of a lack of cars here Is said by the trade to restrict the receipts of grain ma terially, especially conditions on the Illinois railroads are quite unsatisfac tory. Receivers say that with a plenti ful supply of cars Chicago would be getting a thousand cars a day. Talk of an Improved run of wheat In the northwest waf against tfle price and there waa a lack of demand for cash. That cereal was unchanged to l-8@l-4c lower. Corn closed tame and was 1-8® S-Sc lower to unchanged. New buy ing orders were seen in the oats mar ket. The dry weather In some sections held oats. They closed 3-8®l-3c high er. Toronto reports a better demand for oats on export account. Minneapolis reported that the Insur ance companies have raised their rates on all wooden elevators from 15 to 25 per cent. The Michigan corn condition Is placed by the official report of that state at 94; last month 37; wheat yield 12 bushels per acre; lost month 18; oats yield 29; last month 34; rye 14. Clover seed condition 73. There were Increases In the visible supply of 115,000 bushels wheat, 673,- 000 bushels corn and 35,000 bushels oats. Primary receipts of wheat 1,207,389 bushels and corn 727,190 bushels; com pared with 1,210,000 and 830,000 bush els, respectively, a year ago. Clearances for the day were 524,000 bushels wheat, 110,000 bushels cent and 155,000 bushels oats. Private Wire to Glhert & flay. New York, Sept. 10.—Marshall Spader & Company: It la conalatent to expect strength In the Copfiors and ('ualera. ’-m." . r l“dii, In the Industrial Hat e affiliation and perhaps consolidations tuny be expected. J*® fur specialty Improvement today. jy® l,lc * Union I’acltlc, Southern Pacific, St. Paul nnd Erie. -The New York Financial Bureau aaya: The worn la evidently oat, hence the short covering move of Hnturday. We expect specialty Improvement today. Be conaerrn- tlve and operate accordingly. The fntll- vldiinl position closely followed liy Immedi ate movements will show the best results. Th» l> --tg ratf .. tl1 *. taking of fair returns. Ika-i't te situation seem* to ns at thla writing to be much better. Developments Monday are favorable to linprove- „T h ® test’of a big hank do- fielt hail an effect opposite to that antlol. fij.™ Hf - Iinr , t 3' I* can mean only one thing, the hanking Interests are serene In !B , JSSN»**JS. n r “ ,nhl1 "}' "f the finan cial situation, this is fnvoralde to apeelnl- '« 1“ evident that SLt ioV* or therealHiut, thla week. This will restore the surplus. The "»an,*R n ''t V" 1 ?' "■"•If t° distribute 5£»?.-. <,l . r,d : nd *' baf "‘ay have the basic qnnlltlea to do an—namelr. the hacklln Physlca! condition,. The pnaslm,,. 1 of the next few months on the long aide are better than In the history of Walt • believe, provided, as before, no calamity arrives. an,i no signs of auch a catastrophe appear. Prlvate tVIre to YVore A Leland. New York, Mept. lO.-Imndon firm I4e«i INITIAL PRICES Gold Engagements for Im port Caused Strong Tone the First Horn'. BROUGHT OUTSELLING „*5" r ."!C r ff olrt engagements expected today. SS? is,, fey bullish 0,1 the general mar- n-LmiS ■PtS" 1 "treas on Erie. Reading. Brooklyn Rapid Transit, Hteels and fop. monetary altnntlon will attract V Son <1 , n '., nni , ” lb® event of easier rates xch.-i.lS d "t' buying In the active stocks. inl„ re ,I* r <|harp advances appear, we he- walt for^(rm,k»°tn'buy o,r'' P ‘ pr0lU " °" d , .‘.“So 01 !, nt I-* P- m. were 2-16 off at 886-18 for money. : Aw^Hcan stock* in London firm. nboro parity. cro,, rcport ou, » cotton re port due to<Iny. Almost nil the large hanks show lens than ~„P?f.9 ent reoerve. Hnnks have lout on Stocks Were Sold at Conces sions From Saturday’s Closing Prices. Ry Private Leased YVIro. New York, Sept. 10.—The stock mar ket today opened a trifle higher for most of the active Issues, but without any sensational features. As has been the ease of late, the activity was con fined to a few stocks, notably Atchison. The announcement of the promised gold engagement was delayed for some reason or other, and when call money opened at 8 to 10 per cent there was a realising movement which carried prices fractionally lower, St. Paul and Union Pacific being conspicuously heavy. Altogether the professional traders appeared to have neither con viction nor the desire to acquire any. Later It was announced that HO.Ooo,- 000 had been engaged and more would come, and the entire market rallied, particularly the Southern stocks. Tho trading was not In large volume, though rl'.t to luterlor •Ince A™ ‘ h „* Hecretary Shn\V> emtar for opSfU!;."is!!;? *° ld ln tr ’ n,it b * c< ” , "■ , London settlement begins tomorrow. MsJ,?i5 h 9 r ^ g0,(1 * n * > «ementa ln London ex pected today. of Norfolk and ” e»tern about 12.6 per cent on common stock. Ilrooklrn Rapid Transit shows large re- ' n maintenance and legal expense*. I* nrtber closing of anthracite mines to rep dowu production. Thirty-seven roads for fourth week of August show an average gross increase of 11.84 per cent. ■ eji LONDON 8TOCK MARKET. Anaconda... , Atchison...** Canadian Pacific Ch1o„ Mil. nud 8t. Paul... Krie Illinois Central Louisville and Nashville.... Reading.. Pennsylvania Hoiithcrn Pacific Union Pacific United St nt e/t Steel do. preferred THtl l|CIOi| CIOS 1230 |289 and the tone was fairly firm. New York, Sept. ;10.—The Initial prices of stocks this morning generally showed gains over Saturday’s close. The market Improved without any an nouncement regarding funds secured from the eub-treasury against gold Im port engagements. Atchison rose over 1 point and Great Northern preferred 11-2. Other strong features were Erie, New York Central, Louisville and Nashville, Southern Pacific, Brooklyn Rapid Transit, American Car and Foundry and Colorado Fuel. Money on call opened at S per cent and advanced to 10 per cent In the ear ly morning. The realisation of the expertod heavy eugngenieht of gold for Import to this rooufry caused n strung tone nil through the market In the flrat hour. The most active Importaut fnetor was gencrnl nrnf- It-tfiklug sales. Helling orders earn,- in ■fliiMMai many quarters on ail the moderate nd made, and In some issues ndvam not waited for, but stock* were lo! * - - * - - - concessions from Saturday's closing price*. London trading was mixed nnd much of “ same character as the local on«ntinns. e arbitrage brokers sabl that sales exceeded the buying by about shares. Government bonus unchanged. Other bonds Irregular. CHICAGO GRAIN MARKET. !n and provision quotations for today follow Open. High. WHEAT- ^S.SS IIP L|£SS I h I I Sept..... 19 Dec JO 1 Sept... 16.79 Jan.... 13.06 LARD- Sept... 8.60 Sept... Oct.... 8.66 Jan.... 7.77*4 SIDES— Sept... 8.89 Oct.... 8.36 Jan.... 7.00 8.80 EM 7.00 8.60 •8.66 7.87*4 8.96 8.60 m 8.13*4 8.80 7.77*4 8.66 8.16 7.06 CASH WHEAT— No. 2 red 7OU071; No. 3 do 89070*4: No. 2 bard winter TOV407O; No. 8 do 68089. NORTHWE8T CARS. ,.Jo cars today, Todsv. Week. . ..401 Holiday . ..268 Holiday The following figures gfvt tho northwest * ; tost week and laat^yrar: Minneapolis.. Duluth COTTON^ 'g^in Provisions,Htocks^bonds, Ha. 2 Wall St., Ptltn Building, Atlanta. Ca. MMBIBS: How fork Cntton Exchange. Chicago Board of Trado. Hew Orlttns Cottea hthange. Chiuoo Stock hchange. I Hew York Collee Ctchiage. ‘ * — get. Pha< t Cottoa Exchange. Ball Phone 1262. Standard Phene SS FBL PRIMARY movement. The following figures give the primary movement of wheat nnd corn today: , L°33.000 bushels, against 1.021.000 bushels ^ last year; shipments to day. 340.000 bushels, against 517,000 bnsh els last year. Com—Receipts 851,000 bushels, against 736.000 bushe s last year; shipments today 718.000 bushels, ogalust 513,000 bushels last year. CHICAGO CAR LOT8. Today. Tomor. ..90000 Wheat Corn ...... , Oats Hogs ....... LIVERPOOL GRAIN MARKET. Wheat—Opened *40He lower; nt 1:90 p. Octolwr n*-. *4<? lower: cloeed *40%c lower. November .x^ rn -7°l >f,|,IMl 1J0 p. m., I December.. .... . *40*4« lower; closed %c lower. Closed steady. THE COFFEE MARKET. New York, Sept. 10.—The coffee market opened Irregular nt on-advance of 5 points on January, n decline of 10 on August and unchanged to 6 lower on other moons. Trading wa> moderately active nnd the fea ture was the buying by a large house which Opening usage. < April May June July &&r7 . ..8.96-7.06 7.00 , ...7,00-7.10 .. ..7.10 . . .7.06 I. ..8.85-6,46 . ..6.43-6,66 . ,.6.65-6.66 .. ..6.65-6.70 6.60-6. *9 6.70-6.76 C.8TM5.RS 6.86-6.90 LOWRY NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL, SURPLUS AND PROFITS OVER ONE MILLION DOLLARS Foreign Exchange, Travelers' Checks, Brown Brothers' Letters of Credit available in all parts of the world. Frank Hawkins, President. H. M. Atkinson. V. P. TnomasC. Erwin. Asst. Cashier. Joseph A. McCord, CasMer. R. W. Dyers, Asst. Cashier. Third National Bank Capital .... $200,000.00. Surplus .... $300,000.00. DIRECTOR8I Frank Hawkins. H. M. Atkinson. Joseph A. McCord. 31 % Compound Interest U the rate your money will draw If deposited In the SAVINGS DEPARTMENT of CENTRAL BANK AND TRUST CORPORATION CAPITAL $500,000.00. CANDLER BLDG. STRONG, SAFE, CONSERVATIVE You are invited to call and Intpect our quarters and Investigate our facllitie. to serve you. A hearty welcome await, you F.t thl, bank. A8A Q. CANDLER, President. W. H. PATTERSON, Vice Pres. A. P. COLES. Ca.hier. JOHN S. OWENS. Vlce-Pre*. WM. D. OWENS, Aeit. Cashier. YVSI. L: PEEL ITr.ld.nt. THOMAS J. PEEPI.KS. Gmhl.r. ROBERT F. MADDOX, Vie. President JAMES G. LILSt'KIt, A.sWtimt Ci MADDOX-RUCKER BANKING COMPANY. CAPITAL $200,000.00 SURPLUS AND PROFITS . . $500,000.00 Accounts, small as well as large, invited. 3 1-2 per cent interest paid and compounded semi annually in our Savings Department. Safe Deposit Boxes For rent in our vaulls in ibe basement of the Empire building for only $5.00 each per annum. Absolute Security and all Modem Conveniences You should not be without one. IVe invite you lo call and inspect them. Title Guarantee and Trust Co.