The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, September 12, 1906, Image 10

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Id , " 1 'Hit ATJjAA'JL’A VjrJiiUXtVxlAA. WANT ADS. ONLY ONE CENT A WORD No ad. taken for tess than 25 cent*! the price of four lines. words of average length make a line. The following rates are for consecutive insertions: 1 time . .... 6 cents a line. 3 times . . . . . 5 cents a line. 6 times . • • • • 4y 2 cents a line. 25 times 4 cents a line. 52 times 3'/ 2 cents a line. 78 times 3 cents a line. WE WILL SEND FOR YOUR AD. WITHOUT CHARGE FOR MESSENGER SERVICE. CALL US ON BELL PHONE 4927 MAIN. OR 4401 ATLANTA PHONE. When sending ads. pay for at rates quoted above. ADS FOR SITUATIONS WANTED WILL BE INSERTED FREE. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS. V. II. IHSLDOIf, FELLOW OF THE American and Georgia State Association - -* * * * =Mt Co:. 518-019 i ra 1*3 Is, jjhtme 1194. of Public Accountants. Sheldon Audit Co;, public accountants and auditors, 5*“ " feninla Court. Exqjnlnations, atipra audita, Loewi and long distance phono WANTED HELP—MALE. PHARMACY DIPLOMA AX'D , JCEX' SK Id 12 months. Address Southern College of Pharmacy, Atlanta. Ua. XIOIIT SCHOOL—II OOKKBEP1NO. Shorthand. Typewriting, etc. only 84 a month. Dranglion s Practical Iloatness Col- lege. Piedmont Hotel block. t22 Peachtree. Bell phone SS9. Call, phone or write for catalogue. It trill convince you that Draugnon'a la the best. WANTED—WHITE OFFICE BOY. CALL at Georgian office. WAXTED-A MAN TO RUN 10-INCH OUT- side moulder, capable of tempering and making his own cutters Stnte wages. Ap ply Box 463. Athena. Ga. WANTED-HAND AND MACHINE NAIL- era anil box cutters for liox factory. •Phone 114! main. A. 8. Byeri Co. WANTED-TEN TRUNK . MAKEI18 AT ones: working nine hours: full pay. Ap ply Enterprise Trunk Mfg. Co., I'owell street and Georgia railroad. WANT A POSITION? OVBll «no 8E- cared hy ns Isst month. National Kin- ntoymeat Association, 1022-28 Century bldg. The largest business In the South. WANTED—AT O.VCE-BXPEBJE.VCKD man to work In pressing, club. Apply Thursday at 10:8) at W% Whitehall. salesman, clothing salesman, stenographer and office man. 8W»: stenographer. 8o0: young lady file rlerk, 840: young lady ste nographer. 840. Bellamy Business Agcnry, im Candler tmlldlng. WANTED-A FIRST CLA88 ADVERTI8- Ing solicitor, 'rood proposition Cooper ative Book Compttuy, 97H Teach tree Street, Atlanta. WANTED—AT ONCE. FIRHTCLAH8 l*ottler. man who understand* hi* bind- ness and Is desirous of steady employment. The National. Bottling C,in|>auy. 106 Whitehall. WANTED—WATCHMAN Foil SUNDAYS only from 6:30 a. m. to 6:*) p. nt. Address, with referenrea, ''Watchman." care The Georgian. WANTED HELP—FEMALE. WA.NTED-FF.MALB. COMPCTBNT BEM- Ington operators furnished positions. Remington Typewriter Co.. 118 Peachtree WANTED - HOUBKKEETER IMMEDI- stoly for young ladles' college. Only com- netrtit ahd experienced persona need apply. State salary required and send recommenda tion.. Addres. at once Shorter College, Rome. Ga. EXPERIENCED PAPER BOX MAKERS. BEST WAGES IN THE CITY. ALSO WANT 10 GIRLS TO LEARN BOX MAK ING. PAY WHILE YOU LEARN. CALL 35 1-2 W. ALABAMA ST. WANTED—WHITE WOMAN COOK WITH no Ineuiubnince; can have room lb bouae with famllv; must come well recommended. Good pay wo right party. Chert road nnd Vlnrtnln avenue. College Park. Mrs. Tram mell. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE.. WANTED—POSITION IN MARBLE 8HOP. I^ttercr or nil-round workman; have been accustomed to lettering headstones: mostly sunken Innerlptlon*. Thn*. # E. Johnson, I. O. Box 73. Quitman. Oa. • 8ITUATION8 WANTED—FEMALE. WANTEIt-lIKIH-ORADB HTBNOOIIA- phar with several years experience wishes position. Alice, care Georgian. EXPERIENCED LADY STENOGRAPHER desires pooltlon; can give best of refer- encea. Aildreoa C. A., enre Georgian. PNPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER DE- ^alrea position, nreferaldjr legal work. Ad- AGENT8 WANTED. WANTED—AOISNT8—BOY8 AND OIKIJI In e«ry town In Georgia sod Alabama for midget cards. Writ* for free samples and tarma. Autry Greer. Atlanta. Ga. MU Empire building. AOKNT8 WANTED-WE MANUFACTURE ten vplejidtd honsehoUl articles that sell rapidly: oar sgenti are making from 33 to 810 per day: a mire money winner for men and women; write now. you won't ragret It. Amsrtcsn M. A P. Co.. Cam- bridge. Ohio. PICTURE AGENTB-8END YOUR WORK to us for enlargement; fair prices, good finish; 16 by 20. Religious and scenery pic ture* cheap. The cTaruer Company, ISA peters street, Atlanta, Go. PERSONAL. DAVID W. YARBROUGH. MA9TKU PLLMBER, Pboxes 125. *> Hnatra St. FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. tIRBT-CLAM BUBINE8* lit) USES ihoul-1 hay, high grada signs. Call on £int Big Co.. Nl% NorthVrrar strrat IF YOU HAVE ANY FURNITURE Oil office fixtures to sell, see the Southern Auction nnd Snlvoae Company. *> South Pryor. 'Phone Bell 2806. Typewriter—a no. latent im- proved Kmlth Premier: co*t $106; will sell for l»o. Address W. P. H.. care Georgian. FOR SALE CHEAP—IIA11 LOCK TYPE- writer. A. R.IIoulker. 516 Cetera Bldg. FOR BALE—AN A-l DRY GOflDK AND shoe ImuliicMi; opened April 23; In live town; new county of south Georgia; doing fine strictly cash business; new modern building; electric lights, all convenience*. Owner desires to enter banking. "System," WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS. WAKTED-ALL KINDS OF BALABI.E school, law, medical book* for ca.h. J. C. Oarsn. 71 Whitehall .treet Phone 1S22. WANTED—TEN THOUSAND PEOPLE TO buy Money Flour. There la money lu every sack. WANTED—SECOND-HAND BOLI.TOP or flat top desk, tvllh aid. drawers. Hint h. In good condition. State price. Ad-, | drem Drak. care The Georgian. WANTKlt—OLD HOLD. WE AI.U)W 1 highest value* for old gold. Eugene V. • IlnrucK Co.. 37 Whitehall street. r OLD HATS MADE NEW MISCELLANEOUS. VICTOR MANGANESE AND CHOME stool bank safes and vault doors; every- thine In safe line. 1L W. Ellis, Agent, 2« 6. FOR SALE—REAL ESTATE. IF YOU HAVE PROPERTY* TO SELL. place It with us; we give it our special and personal attention. If It's north the price we will sell It. C. H. Wells & Co., 1104 Fourth National Bank. IK YOU WISH TO BUY, SELL Oil EX- STORE—132 PEACHTREE STREET, RUN* Peachtree street. TALKING MACHINES. TALKING MACHINES AND RECORDS— Wholesale and retail distributors of Vic tor Talking Machines and Records. Just received large consignment of machines and over 10,000 records. Immediate attention given mall orders. We want the names of all talking machine dealers In the 8outb. Write for catalogue. Alexander-El yea Co. SANDERS, SMITH & CONWAY, Phones 5488. 412 Peters Building. BICYCLE SUNDRIES. BICYCLES AND SUNDRIES-LARGEST Idrvcle nnd .undry distributors la the South. Southern agents for Pierce. Vile. Snell and Hudson Merries. Write for our HP* vet.lonue end price list. Alexander Klyen Co. „„„ MESSENGER SERVICE. FOB PIIOMIT AND RELIABLE MES- „sensers. 'phone 33. J. A. Davies nnd J. KROMOPATHIL^ REMEDIES CUltE eenlp diseases nod mnke bnlr gr<r». Rroin’s lledlcnted msp mnken yon by- clinically clean. <30 yearn success.) J. J. Krmn. inaolillnf Of n—mnA •• A f. PICTURE FRAMES. picture frames made to order. H. W. Tarbrough. J% Auburn nrenue, corner Penebtree. Entrance Auburn are- _ PRESSING CLUB. PRESSING—ALTERING—THE NEW EH- rekn Pressing CIub-cleanlng-Repalrlng. Atlanta 'phone 700. Bell 'phone 2475. 105% Whitehall street, Atlanta, Oa. Meml»ershlp It per month. ART SCHOOL. WANTED—TIIE PUBLIC TO VISIT SlappT't School of Art and taapeet por trait n painted hr hit largo classes. Corner Ptacbtrce and Auburn. BOARDERS WANTED. THE BON AIR, 384 Peachtree at., aollclta Inspection, comparison nnd patronage. WANTED—BOARD. Boyle, Secretary, Tech School. LOST, STRAYED OR STOLEN-ONE tnnre. W. H. Duke, 192 Peters street. FRANKLIN. THE CLEAN CLEAN FEL- , low- cleans suits, <1 to 11.60. Psnts 60c. 16* Whitehall St. Phones. Hell 620. A. 3881 FOUND - MOI’SE COLORED MARE. about seven years old. on last Friday, on property of Rowell Park sanitarium, X, Gordon atreet. Owner ran get bv calling BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. AUCTION SALE EVERY WEDNESDAY at 10 a. ra. at the Southern Auction and Bqlvngo Company. 23 South Pryor. IF YOU WISH TO HUY, SELL OR Ex change property of any kind It Will you to nee ut. C. II. Walla A Co.. Fourth National Bank. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. J.. each, two new 8-room houses, 338 nnd 342 Fulton street: rented at 114 eaeh. Also 19 Brandon at 81,600; elose In, corner: 236 Courtlnnd avenue, 83,600. owner. 61 Irwin MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PBO- American InTettmeal Co.. 704 Cnntflcr Bldg. Mortgage Ioann on real estate. THE UNION SAVINGS HANK BUYS purchase money notet nnd lenda money on Improved Atlanta property a reason- able rates. Hell phone 769. Gould llldg MONEY TO LOAN AT 6. 6 AND 7 PER cent Interest, according to security of. fered; small expense and prompt attention. 8 n & °Turroan e, * 0 * e " 0mI lleflr #^ a uts. SPECIAL HOME FUNDS TO LEND: * 00,1 • per cent. Writ* or call 8. W. Carson, 24 8. Broad street. I* ARM LOANS—WE AUB PLACING loans ou Georgia farms at the lowest rat'a ever offered. The Southern Mortgage Company, Gould tnilhllag. * * MONEY TO LOAN ON HEAL ESTATE at very lowest rates. No delays. Charles Herman, rooms 202-3 Teranle Court. ... .. . .... V...1S IK’dl 14 .'Itr.vr. J IU W*ml on monthly payment plan; no delay; lao money for purchase money notes, itralght loans made at 5 per rent and up- WANTED—MONEY.' eollsternl. Must hsv. rlthout delay. Address Claude tin., ear. Box 27. YEARS. 810.000. alued at » money WALL PAPER. ml Ming, lit li contracting wall paper painting. Office and show room U l Hnntar atreet. Both 'pbonea 650. PICTURE FRAMES. PICTURE FRAMES MADE TO ORDER. II. V\. Varbroimh, 14 Auburn avenue, coruer Peachtree. Entrance Auburn avenue. JET OUR PRICES ON ONION SETS, alfalfa. Crimson. Red. Rurr, Alsyke and IVlilte clover, grasses and grain needs. SEWING MACHINES. RENTEII-TW 0 DOLLARS PER MONTH, either Singer or Wheeler A Wllaon. We rent only new maeblnea with complete aet of attachment*. Prompt delivery. Both Singer Sewing Machine Co., 79 Whitehall atreet. A.^^,?f 1 |p2f„^ R A^ 8T0VE8 STOVES A$ aet up. Expert workman. * Furniture house. 286 Peter, street. ... Atlanta 24i2, llell 794 west. We bny any- thlng. $3,250—NO. 275 EAST NORTH AVE., 5-ROOMS AND HALL; EVERY CON VENIENCE; BRAND NEW; LARGE LOT. TERMS EASY. -TRUNK AND BAG REPAIRING. H. W. ROUNTREE A tlRO. TRUNK AND nV'. Befall and repairing. No. 77 Whitehall street. Phone 1676. WATCHMAKING. TO THE TRADE: COMPLICATED watches arc my hobby. Modern Ideas In workjtnd deallnpi. II. Walter Lett. Room 1217 Fourth tlonal Rnnk Bldg.. Atlnnta. . SHOE REPAIRING. GWINN’S SHOE SHOP. n ,f^IE. OPPOSITE PIEDMONT. Bell 2835. Men a sewed helf soles. 75c. D. T. WEST & CO., CONTRACTORS. BlIU-nEHH AND REPAIRERS. 3»4 N. Forsyth St. Hell (Jlnlnl 1061 and 2266. Atlanta 306 and 2256. HOMER L. HUNT, BNOGBAPHEB A CORRESPONDENT. STENOGRAP1 39% Whitehall St. 32% s. Hell Phone Nn. 6047. CASH REGISTERS. (Second Hand.) NATIONALS., HALL WOODS, IDEALS nml nil other makes at bargain prices. Wo can sell yon a register, suitable for any business, at n price thnt enu not. help bat please yon. , Cash or monthly pnyments. Every Tog- ter guaranteed for two rears. SECOND-HAND CASH REGISTERS OF ALL MAKES BOUGHT AND SOLD. THE SOUTHERN Second-Hand Cash Register Store, 24 South Broad Street, LOVELY HOME IN COL LEGE *PARK, CORNER LOT, BEAUTIFUL SHADE AND GRASS, FRUITS, RAILROAD AND CAR LINE. HAS 8 ROOMS AND NICE INTE RIOR FINISH. OWNER LEAVING THE STATE AND ANXIOUS TO SELL. $4,000. TERMS. MATHEWS & HILL. 611-12-13 Empire Building, Bell Phone M. 1748. Atlanta 172. OX X. JACKSOX STREET WE HAVE absolutely the beat 9-room bouae on the atreet for the money. You only have to look at it to realize that It la a bargain. Only $5,250. Good Henna. . X. JACKSOX STREET XEAIt POXCE De Leon avenue, a new 8-room houae; modern In every reapect; enat front, fine abade, large lot. $7,500. Easy terms. IN WEST END WE HAYS BARGAINS ON nearly every atreet; come up and lef» talk about them. We know we can auit you In this part of the city. OX RAWSOX STREET WE HAVE JUST bad Hated with ua a bargain; you can’t find much property in thla section. but we can Sell thla at $2,150 caqh for n few dhys only. Come quick. * WE HAVE SEVERAL SMALL FARMS near Atlanta, suitable for dairy nnd poul try raising; come up and look at the list; It costa you nothing to talk to us, and It Is a pleasure for us to show you whnt we have. STOP PAYING RENT! BECOME YOUR OWN LANDLORD! THE STANDARD REAL ESTATE LOAN CO. of Washington, D. C„ will sell you from one to five contracts entitling you to a loan of from $1,000 to $5,000 at 5 per cent simple Interest, returnable In small monthly Installments of $7.50 per month on each $1,000 borrowed, enabling you to become your own landlord nnd paying for your home for leas* than you ore uow paying rent. For prospectus and plans of the com pany, address J. Ht. Julfen Yntea. State Agent, 321 Austell Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. HOXE8T, TRUTHFUL, HUSTLIXG AOEXTS WAXTED IN EVERY COUNTY IN GEORGIA. FRASIER & SMITH, Bell Phone 3533-M OIDRE & JUSTIN, 215 Peters Building. NICK EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE, MODERN, l»eat part of North Jackson atreet; prac tically new; $6,200; one-half cash. FIVE-ROOM HOUSE, WESTERN Heights; lot 100 by 110; for $1,250. NICE LEVEL LOT 50 BY 100; ONLY $125. LOT 104 BY 186, WOODWARD AVENUE, running laiek to nnnther atreet; $1,100. NEAR GRANT PARK. NICE, LEVEL, shady lot, 100 by 189f fronting on three atreeta; $1,400. NEW SIX-ROOM HOUSE IN SEVEN minutes' walk of terminal atatlon; side walks, aewers, cabinet mantels; renting at $16; $1,556. GOOD INVESTMENT. Four houses ou corner lot Good street. Rents $31.00 month. Price $3100.00 Sec LIEBMAN, Real Estate—Renting, Phones 1075, 28 Peachtree Street. FOR SALE 218 South Avenue, Between Cherokee and Grant. I AM OFFERING 'THE BEST-BUILT house In the city of Atlanta or the state of Georgia. There is not one lota of l»otch work about It. Every particle of Inbur was done by strictly first-class mechanic*, and the material Is of the very best. It was built for a home by the owner hluiself. If you are looking for a house thnt looks like n mechanic had been nrouud when the work was going on, come out to sec me. Tin* house Is five rooms, two balls, bath room, large closets, wide verainlns. both front and rear. The Interior finish Is equal to any $10,000 residence, and la put together like n piece of furniture. The lot Ilea lienutifully. nnd hna nil kluda of fruits In bearing. The uelghlmrhnod cannot be surpassed anywhere. Grant Park furnishes one of the nicest nnd largest play grounds In the city, mid la only a few steps away. If you nre looking for an Investment, now Is your chance, ns the cost of repairs will not be anything for years to come, and, of course, the rent money will be clear profit. Price $2,500. Take any Grant I'nrk car, nnd walk south one block nnd west one-half block from the Cycloroma build Ing. Apply to owner, 218 South avenue. • W. A. FOSTER, Real Estate and Loans, 12 S. Broad. Lawn Street Houses for Sale. We have three attractive cottages for sale on Ln^ street, in the neighborhood of Park street church in West End. /• 1 These are new houses with all conveniences. We win sell them for $2,250; one-third cash, balance in month- lv payments. > FORREST & GEORGE ADAIR. STOCKS AND BONDS. Hid. Asked. Georgia 4%s, 1915.. ..112 Georgia, It. It. 6s. 1910 .105 Ravaunoh Cs. 1909...^ .. .... ..102H Macons 6s. 1S10 « 106 Atlanta, 6s, 1911 ^ .105 Atlanta, 4&U-4922 ..107, I-..'., 103% Atlanta 4s, 1934 105 AtlnnTa and West Point. . . .165 Atlanta nnd West Point Debts..107 Central Railway of Georgia 1st do. Income do. 2d Income do. 3d Income Georgia .. ..205 Augusta and Savanoab. .... .US ■1-S4 107 170 no Southwestern.. Georgia Pacific lsts.. . C. and A. lsts.. ..116 ..120 ..112 THE AVERAGE NEW YORKER IS HAHPY IF HE HAS CAR FARE THREE CHOICE BUILDING LOTS ON North Boulevard nnd Angler avenue. First lot east side of Boulevard. 42 feet south *of corner, 47x140 to 10-foot alley—$2,600. Second lot southeast corner of Boulevard nud An gler avenue, 42x140 to* nIIey-$2.7M. Third lot 60x96, alley each side, Just east of Houle- vard on Angler—$1,600. Nothing else like, these lots left. SOUTHEAST CORNER OF CULBERSON and Oak streets. Elegant little home prop osition; has every convenience; elevated lot. This house was built for a home. Price $2,875. (.Diiair, morm-sueeiea auu uonoie-noorcti; has ever/ modern convenience; elevated lot, facing the park; best portion of'the street: lot 60x200 back to another street; an Ideal location for a home. Price $4,000. IN GRANT PARK SECTION-NICE SIX room cottage; gas and water; hard oil finish; elevated lot; cabinet mantels, dou ble-floored; nearly netv; spleudld value for $1,600. Terms. I AM OFFERING MY HOME FOR 8ALE, No. 260 Lee street. West End. Parlor, dining room, kitchen, five large and two small bed rooms, two dressing rooms, very large reception hall, two fnlr bath-rooms, house Is storm-sheeted, double-floored nnu screened throughout. Can be converted Into flats at small cost. Nice fruits nnd garden spot; lot Is 50x200 feet. Can mid more ground If desired. House Is three years old, and always occupied ns my home. Bell Phone 2027. Atlanta Phone 1831. HALES DEPARTMENT. A. S. HOOK. It. C. flVE. R. M. JONES & CO., 515 Empire. Phone 3453-J FOR RENT. M. A. SHELTON, 4'ANAM A AND MILAN STRAW HATS ACMB HATTERS. 6V, Walt. FARM FOR SALE. miles by wagon Georgia; only $20 per acre. O. H. Well & Co.. 1104 Fourth National Dank Dldg., Atlanta. Ga. NO. 498 COUUTI.AND HT.-TIIIH 2-HTORY 10-room frame, ou lot 5)xl60, which lies »)lght)y derated. Is »» the west side >>t Court laud street l*»twecn Mcrrttts nud Lln- deu avenues; bns gas. hot nnd cold .water; bath, closet, sUttlonnrT Wnsbstand. sink lu the kltcheu; Is In splemild neighborhood; and the owner ezpoets to put the property In splendid repair. I'ourtlaud street ears pass the door; Penehtre»» street cars Jnst on# block away. Rent $60 per month. JOHN J. WOODSIDE, THE RENTING AGENT. >8 Auburn Avenue. Both Phones 618. WANTED WOODWARD AVE. SECOND - HAND ROLL TOP OR FLAT TOP DESK, WITH SIDE DRAWERS. MUST BE IN GOOD CONDITION. , 0 TS STATE PRICE. ADDRESS' wk have several lots that wt I DESK, CARE GEORGIAN. • ^ ,7i" vrr * * na * olvc TO CONTRACTORS, CARPENTERS AND HOUSE MOVERS The Fulton Realty and Improvement Company has between fifty and one hun dred houses to tear down and move about four or five blocks and rebuild. Bids for the removing of any number of them will be received. We also have about the same number to move short dis tances without tearing down. Apply at room 704 Empire Building for full particulars. $3j005—FORM WALT ST R BBT, NBAIl ciwtcd, all conveniences; lot 60 by 150; nlley. This In n modem homo and Is cheap. Terms to suit. $2.100—COOPER STREET, NEAR CRUM- ley, slxvroonrcottsge, cherted street; gas, water and sewer. You can make a pretty $1,750—COOPER STREET, NEAR GLENN, gtHMl five-room cottage, newly painted, good condition; has gas, water and sewer, with bath room. A bargain on terms to street. There Is some future to this, and It Is a bargain. $3.400-HUNTER STREET, CLOSE IN, corner. A fine Investment; lot 60 by 83. Rented $33 with ease. 184; three houses „... , v „, , v , ^ Paved atreet, car line, gas, water and sew- $3,000—NORTH BOULEVARD. NICE 8EV- en-rooni cottage, all conveniences; lot 64 by 154. A bargain for few days only. M. A. PEARCE, Hslesmau. G. M. M’KINNON, 520 Peters Bldg. SAUNDERS, PRATHER & COMPANY, 510 Temple Court. Bell Phone 2081. CENTRAL AVE. SEVEN ROOMS AND BATH. CARIXKT mantels In every room; close In; bouse Is brnud new $4,000 CHAPEL ST. <n BAT $24 per i E. HARRIS ST. SOUTH PRYOR ST. WEST SIDE. NEAR TERMINAL STATION: THREE houses, renting for"$8S per month; hi* corner lot; houses almost new $9,0» $65 PER FOOT ON WEST PEACHTREE, where nelghlmrlng lots hnve sold for $80 l»J* r l**H, east front, 200 feet deep; all Improvements down. Owner wishes to sell nt once for -good reasons. There are no untold defects' or drawbacks to this proposition. ~ A BEAUTIFUL HOME. ON, SPRING stiTet, north of Nprth avenue; $7,000. A HKAUTlFl'I. KltillT-IiOOM NOItTIl side home; modern. In every particular; g06Hl east front lot; $6,50<). Very easy terms. OX 1'IEHilllNT AVKNI'K. NOlktll (H - Ponce Del^ou avenue, a modern ten-room house. In good condition; $66 per month rent has been offered for this; $7,750. 8t600 BUYS TIIE BKMT NoUTH - SlTJE home we have seen for the money; ulue rooms, modem In every particular; level lot, 60 by 200, to a 10-foot alley; built for a home four years ago; double-floored and storm-sheatiled nml In A1 condition. Place now to« large for owner. Can make term*. IN WK8T KNU, A NBW MOKKRX KRV- en-rooni two-story house; good sized lot. $3.300. Easy terms. '. WE IIAVB A XI'MBKII OF HI'I.KNillli negro Investment propositions from $1,' 000 to S7.780. BEAUTIFUL COliXKU LOT oS .'once Del-Ciui. Special price on thla for five days. H. BI.AHt AllMMTIIOXt!. Haleamau. 'Ye», I took my British friend to Ni agara Falla." "I don't atippoae he waa enthusiastic even vbout that.” He waan’t until he learned that one side of It waa Canadian.”—Philadelphia Press. hear you and Jones have been out hunting." , Yes—Juat got tack.” Dtd you have any luck?” I ahould any 1 did. Jonea only hit me once."—Cleveland Leader. TRY A WANT AD IN THE GEORGIAN From The New York Press. The margin of ready cash In pocket on which a New Yorker Uvea and does his work must be surprisingly small. With thousands who go down tow dally, an extra cigar or cut of pie would wipe It out. The men and women who have only car fare are le glon, and the person who struggles through Monday until Saturday on schedule of dimes really achieves greater triumphs of finance than are ever pulled off In Wall street. How thousands emerge from the low tide of the day before pay day Is a mystery. New York Is built for people with little ready money. Kvery new trans portatlon line encourages a slenderer margin of cash In pocket. The rapid Ity with which the 3ubwny whisks people from the city hall to Washing ton heights makes a quarter ample capital upon which to set out from home. Probably a hundred years ago, the farmer who lived that far up would have made sure his pocketbook was well filled before he started for the city. Millions of people go to ball games, races and Coney Island every summer with Just enough money to get home by the usual route. If a sudden breakdown made It necessary to take some conveyance costing 50 cents, In stead of 6, they would have to walk. Even the spruce young man on his way to the theater with his sweet heart may be operating on a capital that will Just cover car fares and sup per. If an earthquake were to send every one flying toward Jersey, very few families would have the nfeans where with to support themselves a day, even at normal prices. Banks hold the av erage New Yorker's surplus, whether It be a hundred dollars In a savings bonk or hundreds of thousands In trust company. The rich are often no better off for ready cash than the poor, proportionate to their scale of living. One of the young millionaires of this city, for example, seldom hae cash enough to pay for a moderate priced dinner In a good restaurant, and his friends say thnt when the bill Is less than he wishes to draw a check for, he lets some one'with cash pay It, giving nn equivalent later In hos pitality. If the rich were turned out Into the streets by disaster, probably their servants would have the cash, not they. Not only In money, but In his food as well, do New Yorkers live on slen der margins. The corner grocery, the butcher, the delicatessen, the milkman with his noisy morning visits—these carry New York from day to day. When country houses dotted Harlem, families laid In n winter's stock of pro visions, and were In condition to stand a siege If need be. But modern dis tribution has altered nil that. Provis ions nre purchased from day to day, and from hour to hour. Thousands would be hungry In a few hours If the restaurants closed. When breakfast Is cooked In many, homes, the materials for dinner have not been purchased. This provisioning of millions of people by an Intricate organisation works so exactly that It turns on pennies. Provisions are distributed on ( schedule of hours. The least dlsar rangement lit train time or wagon de liveries might spoil two million break fasts. But the system works without _ hitch from one year's end to an other, and the Inhabitants of Manhat tan Island live In a continuous plenty of food and drink that makes famine an unknown word. Yet starvation Is really but a fen- hours awny. Nothing shows this more clearly than the character of modern foods. Our forefathers put away hams, salt pork and sides of nncon for the winter, with flour by the bnrrel nnd potatoes by the bushel. Many New Yorkers have no flour barrel at all, but depend upon the bakers. Vegetables are purchased by the quart, and meats ready cooked by the half and quarter pound. The staple foods of the past have given place to perishable things like fruits, milk, eggs, salad, vegeta bles, etc. Ice cream was a luxury In old times, not so much on account of cost as because It was difficult to dis tribute. Delicate pastries, such as may be bought today around the cor ner when company arrives, were un known In those sollder times. It Is one of the wonders of this modern distribution that In few in stances has It failed, throwing a city against the realities that lie behind Its delicate mechanism. The plight in which the people of San Francisco were driven In a few hours has been so rare an occurrence the world over, and especially In our own country, ns not to be worth considering. Mathe matical chances for one of our cities being put Into this abnormal condition are Infinitesimal, negligible, and prob ably no system could safeguard us against this vague, faint line of risk. The New Yorker riding about to work, business or amusement, with 25 cents between him and starvation. Is In less actual danger of being driven over h|s margin of Immediate resources than a local magistrate or merchant In some savage land living In a house with hidden gold and months’ provisions. Yet there Is always the chance of an overturn, however slight. If one esme to New York It would show, strange things. SPECIAL NOTICES, FUNERAL NOTICE. FALVEY.—The friends and rpi.M of Mr. John J. Falvey, Mrs Marl’S Falvey, Miss Lizzie Murphy'nnd u. a Hannle Murphy are Invhed ,T„ J the funeral of .Mr. John J. FaU^! 0 Thursday, September 18. 1906 at a- m., from St. Anthony's chaoel’ 10 Cordoned Ashby MTZgS pie^rcrr^.rhrerV-a'n'r^vw Patterson's, 96 North Forsyth 5 at 3 a. m : Mr. Clarence Haven , 1 ' Terance Doonan. Mr. Edgar SrmiHi. Mr. John Morris, Jr., Mr. c. C T& Mr. John Jtlount, Mr. J. A Von'nl?™’ Mr. Thomas Kel ey. D " hl «. THE WEATHER, LOCAL FORECAST. , For Atlanta and Vldnlty~8h„w..r, i„. tonight and Thursday. rs “h WEATHER CONDITIONS. The northwestern area of high nrr«..» has moved eastward during the fist?sK2 nml Is -now eentral In Tellowstonl f'm Low temperatures aecompnny this h!rt Havre nnd Yellowstone Park renonln. 5i degrees this morning. A tronX Jf *3 pressure extends from Iowa sout¥we„t iZ Texas. Over most of the eastern hal ? the conn ry the pressure hi. deer,1!^, nn.r..Sj;!r n> ' n, ° rn,n ‘ t <« There are several small areas of vhmSL ness, hut nt most stations the weather g Itnln has fallen In portions of vwu. Georgia, Alabama. ,„d western half of the Mississippi vnller -it! heaviest falls were at Birmingham nad K.J '' e*L being 1.42 and . LOO respeetlvelr * bid Vri™ tM ‘ n,tUre ln ,h " " u,h '“• changed The eondltlona favor showers In this , tlon tonight nnd Thursday. J. B. MAItm nv. Hectlou Iilreetor. COTTON REGION BULLETIN. For the 24 hotira ending nt s a. m ; meridian time. September 12. 1906. =(\ 8TATIOXB OF ATLANTA DISTRICT. •Atlnnta, cloudy. . . VhnttnnooRn, cloudy. . Colmnhuz, clenr. . .., Gainesville, cloudy. . Greenville, cloudy. . . Griffin, cloudy. . . . *Mncon, clenr. MontJreilo, dear. ... S'ewnnn , tome, clenr. . Mpnrtnnburg, cloudy. . TnllnpooM, cloudy. . . Toccon, cloudy. w West I’olut, clear 90 70 .'*4 ~ •Minimum temperatures arc for the ]t hour period ending at 8 a. m. this date. HEAVY RAINFALLS. n Okln.. Nhnwnce. Oklu.. CENTRAL STATION. Dlst. Averages. I zV* Charleston. . Galveston. . Little Rock. . Memphis. . . Mobile. . . . Montgomery. New Orleans. Oklabonis. . , Savannah. . . Vicksburg. . . Wilmington. T indicates Inappreciable rnlnfnll. REMARKS. About stationary temperatures pn-vnllN over the lielt. Rainfall oecnrred la sll pot* tlons with the exception of Charleston ille trlct. The amounts were light to luiHlerntl ns a rule, but at Athens. On., nnd ln ok» hoiutt heavy falls were recelvcil ATLANTA MARKETS. FRUITS AND PRODUCE. . Officially corrected by Atlanta Fruit im Produce Esc linage. Lemons. $7.75Cf8.00. Limes, 60&75c. Pineapples, $1.5002.*0. ltnnnuas, straights, per bunch, $1.5001-'* Calls, per bunch, $1.0001.25. CALIFORNIA FRUIT—Fancy stock: Elbertn peaches, per box, $1.50. '• *-•- — box, $3 2k “I suppose you are bored a good deal?" “Yea," Admitted the busy man. "I am."' "What sort of people bore you the moat?" "Well, to give you a careful answer, the kind who ask me If I am not bored a good deal. !«oulsvll!e Courier Jour nal. Business Man—What do you want? Applicant—1 came to Inquire If you were In want of on assistant. Bust nor s Man—Very sorry. I do all the work myself. \pplicant—Ah, that would Just suit me.—Stray Stories. sin Bartlett pears, per tx plums, per erstc, $2. bln 11 prunes, per crate, $2. ..— Pent grapes, per crate, uw. Blue Mnlvolse grapes, per crate, $2.1$ POULTRY AND COUNTRY TRODUCB- Llve hens, 3603?ttc; frlco, 22ttf?25c; broU* Llro^ucii Pekin, 35c; puddle, »027tt** Dressed beus, per pound, 12013c. *-*— —dozen, 26c. . . ..... table, nor pound, 20®22H<t: c001 ' Inc. per pound, 12446150. Honey, new; SftlOc pound; In one-pooss rucks, 10612c. i VEGETABLES—Irish potatoes. So. 1 stiwk. $2.52*4'barrel; P«r bnabrl, 11.6k . Onions, 3c per pouud: cab bare. P° ,B New sweet potatoes, 50c bushel. FLOUR, GRAIN, PROVISIONS. FLOUR—Postel a patent. $5.75; 4Mamoo« patent. $5.10; Mascontbh Star, $4-6’j {JJJf parent. $1.60; Red Eagle. $4.15; Blue UU'boj |3^90t fancy. S3.90; spring wheat patent. $»» tioiiN—Choice red cob, 76c; No. 2 wbtt«. 75c; No. 2 yellow. 74c; mixed. 72c. OATS—Choice white clipped, '“JL white, 50C; choice mixed. «e; Texas ran IIE’aL—Plain water-grpnnd. n* r . 7>: bolted. 140-pmtnn #orea perj‘»;bei-£ Shorts, white. 8.60; medium. $M°- # ,,r £ $1.36; pure bran. $1.10; mlxeti bran. $1® ^ HAY—Timothy, choice large l«J ,M - J* j do., choice sms'.; bases. UJ26: do.. { timothy luiles, $1.00; Z, R 60; do., . . eloerr mixed ShOO; do.. No. 2 ctorer ml 90e. CLGVER-Chmre Me.- tB | The above prices are f. o. b. Atla"*** 1 •object to Immediate acceptance. GROCERIES. .. Arbwkl*'* •>'& barrels, green. W SUGAR—Standard granulated, 85 » York refined, 4J4c; prantutlons, 5c. >1*™" very ttriHig, . COFFEE—Roasted bulk. Id baga o. be "tllCE—Terollnn 44467%*. ueeordln* * Iriwle. Market very atrong. CHEEKE-Faney full cream daItr.™ twins 14e: brick 14c. Alsrket «'f UUl f M rt FRO VISIONS—Snpreme bams. ‘gri hams. 15%.'. rallfiwola hams, n* ufo • roes ham., lie. Dry salt extra rll* J helllea. Iha . 810.59: Jat bBcks. «c. 9 la y Sc: Supreme lanl.< 89.IW4: Be* 1 W rv- Snow Drift rompouaiL 7%r: Hcd trees, -or TRY A WANT AD IN THE GEORGIA^ 1