Newspaper Page Text
Ifififttoss oVy«iiroid»::
Mile* of afreet mllwnya,
Hanking <-"nllol
The Atlanta Georgian.
Bales cotton <
Value of 1906 i
VOL. 1. NO. 119
PRTPR- ,B Atlutl TWO C*fT*a
* XViVyiJ. On Train* FIVE CENT*.
Two Freight Trains on the Western
and Atlantic Railway Crash,
Head -on, With Fright
ful Results.
Seven trainmen, all but one of Atlanta, were killed In a frightful head-
on collision between two Western and Atlantic freight trains near Ring-
gold, Oa., at 1:S5 o'clock Wednesday morning.
It la aald the wreck wan caused by Engineer Clement’s forgetting
his orders and running past the switch, 200 yards north of Ringgold.
The c\ead are:
ENGINEER C. W. FISHER, south-bound freight. 111 Simpson street,
ENGINEER C. H. CLEMENT, north-bound freight, 39 Markham
street, Atlanta.
CONDUCTOR T. Y. WHITEHEAD, south-bound freight, 159 Central
avenue, Atlanta '
BRAKEMAN W. B. SKELTON, 40 Bartow street, Atlanta.
FIREMAN J. W. KENNERMAN, 212 1-2 Marietta street, Atlanta
FIREMAN W. M. SLAUGHTER, 205 West Alexander street, Atlanta.
WALTER SMITH, extra fireman, Lancaster, Pa
The trains In the wreck were north-bound No. 8, of which Clements
was engineer, and south-bound No. IS, which was running In three sections.
Only the third secUon figured In the smashup. It was In. command of
Conductor Whitehead and Engineer Fisher.
Conductor Whitehead and Engineer Fisher were Instantly killed. En
gineer Clements, Firemen Kennerman and Slaughter and an extra flreman,
who was making the run ( for the first time, were Injured so badly that
they died within a short time after the accident.
All of the bodies recovered were terribly mangled.
Those of Smith and Clement have not yet been recovered from the
The two engines were tom to fragments and five cars of each train were
Superintendent McCollum went to the scene of the wreck early Wed
nesday morning, a wrecking train and surgeons being sent from Chatta
nooga, which Is only twenty mUes from Ringgold.
W. D. Adams, conductor of‘the northbound freight, was not hurt In the
wreck, being the only one of the two crews to escape without Injury.
Homer Robertson, brakeman of the northbound train, Jumped from a
window of the engine cab Just as the crash came. While severely bruised,
he Is not seriously hurt. He lives at 17S Luckle street, Atlanta.
He had gone to the engine to remind Clement that his orders wars to
stop at the Ringgold switch, when the crash came.
Had he arrived at the cab a minute earlier the awful accident would
have been avoided. ,
Fatality of Figure*.
Clyde H. Clement waa serving the
Western and Atlantic railroad In'the
capacity of engineer his 13th day when
he met death because of the collision
with southbound train No. 13.
Engineer Clement was 33 years of
•;e, the death coming as It did when
promotion long sought for and work
ed for, had Just been granted.
He was a member of Central Lodge
No. 23. I. o. O. F., and, for a number
of years, was active In fraternal work,
making many friends, who have visited
the residence, 39 Markham street,
throughout the morning to express
their deep sympathy for the members
of the grlcf-strlcken household.
He was also an active member o‘f
the Rrotherhood of Railroad Firemen,
Jeon which organisation ho had not
taken his card because of the few'days
tlnce his promotion to engineer.
Mr. Clement was born at Tunnel Hill,
ua, and was raised there. He moved
to Atlanta some years ago along with
the other members of the family, so as
to facilitate his work. He Is survived
hy his parents. Dr. and Mrs. J. P.
Clement, two brothers, S. D. Clem
ent. an engineer In the Western and
Atlantic railroad yards, and John G.
Clement, an electrical engineer, aa well
*’ two sisters. Misses Reo M. and Etma
Clement, all of whom reside at the
home In Markham street.
The body will be taken from the
Jcene of the wreck to Chattanooga and
from there to Tunnel Hill Thursday.
The family will leave Atlanta for the
old homestead Thursday morning. The
funeral will take place in the home
town at 2 o’clock In the afternoon. A
delegation from tKe Odd Fellows ifhd
from the Brotherhood of Railroad Flre-
|nen win be In attendance at the serv
Thomas Y. Whitshssd.
Thomas Y. Whitehead was known
throughout the neighborhood of the
JcMdence. 1B9 Central avenue, as the
"Man on the Porch,” because of his
wonted pastime of /quietly rocking
•way the hours at the front of his
home while not engaged In his duties
of conductor on the Western and At
lantic railroad.
Conductor Whitehead has been with
9* A A. for the past 19 years
"os 49 years of
having been
,rn at Athens, Ga„ 185?! The greater
rt of his life has been spent In At-
“nto and at Kingston where-the re
s’* 1 "* will be taken for burial Thurs-
“*> m .rnlng.
Engineer Charles Whitehead, a
oousln Of T. Y. Whitehead, stated
o, , i. a. wmteneau, siaccu
’‘"day that Conductor Whitehead
J?*I | T node from Dalton to Ringgold
", ’ho cab of the engine so as to
JJ'c the loss of time walking from
caboose to the front of the train
i?'"’d'e orders. It Is further stated
j, * orders had been received by No.
n Meet No. 9 at Ringgold but that
orders were overlooked or forgot-
Mr Whitehead Is survived by his
, ■■ -"‘cireau is survive uj ,(»»
JfAthr—rip. » 41l»» Ada Anmapaugh.
Athens, and a 14-year-nld son, .Fred.
■ He lived in the home with his
Continued on Page Thrts.
Conductor who was killed in wrack.
Who It is charged forgot hit ordere.
Owing to a mistake made at police
headquarters, the name of Joe B. Ech
ols, who when recently arrested, tried
to commit * suicide, appeared In The
Georgian and other Atlanta papers
Eber Echols.
The fact of the matter is that Eber
Echols, who lives about 10 miles from
Atlanta on the Flat Shoals road. Is one
of the best known men In his section
of the county nnd has always borne a
reputation of Integrity and Industry.
It was unfortunate that his first
name should have been assumed by his
cousin, but The Georgian’s story dis
tinctly stated that the Echols who was
arrested lived at 10 Corley street in
New Executive Com.
Met in Atlanta Noon
The committee voted down by over
H. H. Cabanlss, of Atlanta, elected
permanent secretary of the state Dem
ocratic executive committee.
Election for three appellate court
Judges to be held October 3„ In sepa
rate boxes. The amendment creating
the court will be voted on at the same
This was In substance the action of
the new state Democratic, executive
committee In Ita first meeting here
The state Democratic executive com
mittee inct at 12 o'clock Wednesday in
the convention hall In the Piedmont ho
tel, with practically all the members
Upon motion of Hooper Alexander, of
eKalb, Hon. Henry Cabanlss. the
veteran newspaper man of Atlanta nnd
Augusta, was named as permanent
secretary of the committee, as first
predicted In The Georgian.
Chairman Miller read two letters
from members of the committee who
were absent, asking that they be rep
resented by proxies.
Mr. Berner, of Monroe, Hoke 8mlth’s
law partner, said he had no objection
to proxies now, but that he would op
pose them hereafter.
Reuben Arnold, of Atlanta. Intro
duced a series of resolutions providing
for the election of the Judges of* the
court of appeals.
One resolution provided for holding
the primary for this purpose on Octo
ber 30, the same day of the general
Urged Separate Primsry.
Mr. Holdemess, of Carroll, was op
posed to the holding of a primary as
soon as October 30. He believed that
It was Inexpedient to vote for appelate
judge until the people had ratified the
amendment. He strongly urged a sep
arate primary.
Reuben Arnold said that his purpose
In naming the day for the primary was
to save expenses. He seemed to be the
spokesman of the new regime, but to
an outsider It appeared that some of
the new members, not being old poli-
tlclans, were rather inclined to kick
against Messrs. Berner and Arnold's
Mr. Arnold, Mr. Berner, Mr. Wright
of Richmond, and Mr. Alexander, o-
DeKalb. and Mr. Knight, of Berrien,
were prominent, and they made them
selves heard upon every matter that
came up. _
Hooper Alexander wanted T. C,
Crenshaw’s name left off the ticket, as
this was a Democratic ticket.
Mr. WriebL of Richmond, and other
able members of the committee, were
honest nnd frank enough to say that
eveiy name should be on tho ticket and
let tho voter decide for himself for
whom ho wished to vote.
Mr. Knight, of Berrien, who Is a
member of the Soldiers' home Investi
gating committee, absented himself
from the Soldiers' Home committee,
nnd made himself felt In the committee.
Did the Macon convention make a
grave mistake In enlarging the commit
tee? Thirty-two or thirty-three mem
bers were hard enough to control, but
when It got <o fifty-eight, the discus
sion became general and seemed to
split this "unanimous consent" advo
cated by tho governor-elect.
To Name Judges October 3.
The court of appeal Judges will be
nominated on Wednesday, October 3.
by resolutions offered by Reuben Ar
nold. of Atlanta, and passed by the
state Democratic executive committee.
The voters qualified shall be those
defined In the recent platform. Ballots
for the judges shall be deposited in
separate boxes.
Arrangements are left with a sub
committee of flvq from the state com
mittee. The three candidates recelv
Ing the highest number of votes shall
be declared the nominees. Departure
from the majority rule, It is stated. Is
made because of the expense of hold
ing two primaries.
Tickets shall contain the names of
all candidates, and no ticket will be
counted where fewer or more than
three are voted for.
No County Assessments.
The following resolution by Mr. Alex
ander, of DeKnlb, was tabled':
'Resolved, That candidates for state
offices voted by the whole state, ought
not to be assessed by county executive
committees, and such assessments are
It was adopted.
Mr. Dean, of Hall, wanted the tick
ets to state only “For amendments,”
and Mr. Norris, of Cobb, wanted
“Against Ratification,” so that any
man. If he wished, might so vote.
The Atlantic circuit solicltorshlp also
came up. upon a petition from Living
ston Kenan, asking a re-hearlng upon
the returns In thnt circuit.
The resolution by Hon. Boykin
Wright, of Richmond, was passed, pro
viding that the place and hour for
holding n primary ahall be the aame
aa that fixed for the general election.
Cuban Capital Is Re
ported in a Tur
In the firs* asm* of the double*heed*
er between At'
Hants end Shreveport,
now being played at Piedmont pork,
Atlanta scorad two runs in tho first in
nings. The score at the ond of third
inning it Atlanta 2, Shreveport a
Havana, Sept.. 12,-r-The
city is an an uproar. News
that the United States gov
ernment has ‘dispatched
three warships to Cuba has
reached the people. It is ru
mored that more vessels are
to be sent and that an Amer
ican squadron will rendez
vous off Havana harbor.
Insurgents are boldly re
cruiting their forces within
the city. Reports are con
stantly reaching here of in
surgent success. The gov
ernment appears helpless,
Many believe that President
Palma is unable to cope with
the situation. A crisis is ex
pected within a few hours,
o o
Skldoo, melon:
Bent It, blossom; O
Welcome, autumn: O
Welcome, poaaum. O
O i O
O Bo rang the aweet rhymeater of O
O the New York Bun, to which Mr. O
O Marbury ran only add the claaalc O
O phraae. Not yet, but aoon. O
O The probabllltlea: O
O "Showers Wedneaday night and O
O Thuraday.” O
O Wedneaday temperature*: O
O 7 a. m. 73 degreea' O
O 8 a. m 74 degreea O
O 9 a. m. .... 74 degreea O
O 10 a. m 79 degreea O
O II a. m 71 degreea C
O 12 noon 80 degreea O
0 1 p. m. 81 degreea O
2 p. m 7? degreea O
Further Charges Made
in Investiga
Profane and abualve language to the
old aoldlera on the part of Dr. Amoa
Fox, treaaurer of the home; brutality
on tho part of Captain John A. Thomp
son: incompetence and drunkenness of
Captain Langdon Bowie; poor and lily
prepared foods, and further testimony
as to the character of Mrs. Belle Reid,
former stewardess, formed the meat In
the legislative Investigating commit
tee's second day’s work.
Testimony from tho Inmates of the
home relative to allegations set forth
In the petition were concluded Wednes
day at the morning session. Further
hearings will be held, beginning on
Wednesday afteVnoon, In the senate
chamber at the capltol.
The hearing of the committee did not
commence until 9:40, owing to the ab
sence of members.
As Senator Blalock and Represents
tlve Knight are members of Mis new
state Democratic executive committee,
they loft the meeting at 11 o'clock.
Judge Longley suggested that a Itml
tatl'on be fixed on the Introduction of
wltnessea along the line of testimony
submitted Tuesday. After discussion,
Judge Colquitt, for the petitioners,
stated that only a few more .witnesses
would be Introduced.
Senator W. C. Bunn, of Cedartown, a
member of the committee, was present
for the first time Wednesday morning.
On motion of Mr. Williams, four were
named as a quorum of the committee.
The hours for the session Wednesday
were fixed for 9:40 to 12:50 and from
3 to 4:60 In the afternoon. The ses
sions beginning Wednesday afternoon
will be held In the senate chamber
at the capltol.
Mors Tsstlmony Givsn.
B. M. Moseley was the first witness
Introduced. He said he had been In
the home two years. Asked as to Cap
tain Houle's treatment, lie said It ws
kind, but that he was very neglectful
of the duties. He testified that Captain
John Thompson was tyrannical.
"I nevsr heard him speak a kind
word to any one while he was here.”
Mr. Moseley ssld the butter was
rancid and unpalatable, and the syrup
unfit to eat. The biscuits were a com
bination of bad flour and wretched
cooking. He never had nny milk ex
cept what he bought. Beef waa served
twice a week and eggs were unknown.
, Played Favorites.
As to Mrs. Raid, she was partial to
some few, he testified, and overbearing
to others. Pressed to mention hor fa
vorites, he gave the names of Mitts,
Miller and Baffold. SafTold, ho declar
ed. spent most of his time In her
room. Baffold sat Just behind tha wit
ness. He appeared about 60 yeara old.
lie bought eggs, crackers and milk
up to a few weeks ago, when Mrs. Reid
stopped him from that. He cooked his
eggs In the grove then.
When naked why he did not com-
>laln of theae things, he said that the
mpreeslon waa general that It would
avail nothing, and result In discharge
from the Home. He said one man was
discharged for twelve months because
he cursed Dr. Amos Fox.
Question of Salaries.
New evidence brought out from this
witness related to the charge In the
petition that the Institution was over
loaded with useless officials.
He said Captain "Tip” Harrison got
1300 a year for four days' work aa sec
retary to the board of trustees, and
Dr. Amos Fox got a similar amount aa
purchasing agent.
Captain Harrison questioned him as
to how he gained Information as to his
salary, and M r. Moseley said It was
general talk.
In conclusion he testified that report
accredited Mrs. Retd with being Im
Crum Injects Humor.
John Fort Crum, who was discharg
ed from the Home for a difficulty. In
jected some humor Into the hearing.
He said Corporal Hughes knocked
him down and called him a damn pup
py. Asked why Captain Bowie didn't
stop the trouble, he said the superin
tendent stayed In bed until 9 or 10
o'clock every morning. Bowie went to
town every night and didn't come back
until the last car.
of the trouble between myself and Cor
poral Hughes I didn't know anything
about It.”
Questioned closely by Captain Harri
son. he admitted, however, that he was
at the trial of the case.
Kept Bill of Fare.
C. E. Loomis had been In the Home
four years. Captain Thompson, he as
serted, was cruel, and the food bad.
He bought eggs, milk, butter, Jelly and
..lleged butter and molasses were
served, but nobody could eat either.”
The bill of fare for a period of cov
ering June and July this year, as kept
Continued on Page Three.
New York, Sept. 13.—Oyster O
0 Bay Is aghast, for gossip has It O
0 that President Roosevelt has un- O
9 dvr consideration the purchase of 0
0 n place at Bayslde and the mak- O
0 Ing of hla home at that place In- O
0 stead of at Sagamore Hill. 0
Bombshell Is Thrown
Into Ohio Con
Dayton, Ohio, Sept. 12.—lVhat w
designated aa a bomb-shell for t
Republican state convention w
hurled by James Holcomb on behalf
the Cuyahoga county delegation,
came In the nature of a resolution as
ing United States Senator Dick to i
sign the state chairmanship, to
he has Just been elected.
On this proposition Congressman
Burton took the platform and In n most
Impassive, but earnest, manner, sup
ported the resolution. Burton declsreil
that the time bad come when conven
tions should do something beside glory
over the past and make promises f..,-
the future. They should do something
ologlcal commendations of this or that
Foraker to Rescue.
It was not fair for the committee
to take snap Judgment when Senator
Dick himself declared he wanted the 1
question of the propriety of his election
brought to a vote on the floor of th«
convention. He said It ivns better for
Mr. Dick to have the convention as a
body deckle on his merits nnd If he
were chosen In that way there could be
no one to criticise.
Loud cries from all parts of the hall
brought Senator Foraker to the stnge.
The senator said he was not a delegate
and not entitled to participate in the
convention, but ho could not under
stand why a man who was good
enough to be chairman for William
McKinley, George K. Nash and M. A.
Hanna was not good enough now. His
years of cnmpalgn experience nnd his
admitted fitness for the plnce should,
therefore, be sufficient to Indorse him
roll call being demanded by
Chairman Dick and the action of the
central committee sustained by n vote
of 573 ayes to 285 nays nnd a follow
ing vlve voce vote Indicated by Its
volume that the sentiment of the con
vention wns overwhelmingly for Ifiek.'
Cuyahoga county voted solidly for
the Holcomb motion; Hamilton voted
solidly against It -
It Ib reported todny that an effort
would bo made In tomorrow's conven-
tl-in l-i f"H o through resolutions In
dorsing Senator Foraker ns a candidate
for the Republican presidential nomi
nation In 1908.
-abor Leader Declares
Maine Election
Was Fraud.
Washington, Sept. 12.—Charging that
both the nomination and the election of
Charles El Littlefield In the Second
Maine congressional district were
bought for him this year, and that but
for the use of large sums of money he
would surely have been beaten at the
polls, Samuel Gompers, president of
the American Federation of Labor, to
day discussed with less reserve than
heretofore the late campaign In Maine.
"Everybody perfectly _ understands
that Littlefield would have been beaten
for the nomination but for the liberal
use of money. His opponent was un
doubtedly the choice of the majority of
Republicans In the district nnd would
have been nominated but for the use
of money against him. With the presi
dent declaring that the defeat of Mr.
Littlefield would be a public calamity,
e would still have defeated him, but
for the fact that a lot of fellows who
had been opposed to Littlefield were
hired to support him."
"Who furnished tho money that was
used In this campaign? Did It come
from Mr. Littlefield himself or from
other Interests?"
"Mostly from others—the Boston and
Maine and the Maine Central. Hut
then It was also made a test of faith
by the vested Interests of the whole
East. I have a copy of a letter that a
big wholesale liquor house in New York
sent to grocers all over Maine calling
on them to support Littlefield on the
ground that his defeat would be a ca
lamity to business Interests."
C’hlcago, Sept. 12.—Mrs. Harah A.
Boatman, aged 54. a rich widow, In to
day nought by the police, who were
notified that she han been tnlnslng
from her home f«»r a week. It wan re-
p4»rted that she carried $1,500 with h«r
the night she disappeared.