The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, September 12, 1906, Image 8
MRS. BAKER’8 TEA. A beautiful function will be the tea at which Mra. Eatelle Garrett Baker will entertain Wednesday afternoon at 5 o'clock at her home, on Washington street. The occasion will be a pretty compliment to her two young cousins, Mieses Helen Ware and Nellie Belle Catlett, and a large number of their young friends have been Invited to meet them. The beautiful home of the Garretts w ill be decorated entirely in white and green, white rosea being used In quan tities and asparagus and mofden-halr fern giving the needed touch of green. These colors will predominate In the Ices and mints served. Mrs. Baker will wear a white lingerie gown, fashioned with lace, and will be assisted In receiving by Misses Augus ta Garrett, Aline Ruse, Louise Bisson, Mabel Taylor. Nell O'Donnelly. Miss Helen Ware will be gowned in pink silk trimmed with lace, nnd Miss Nellie Belle Catlett’s charming costume will be of rose silk. Its trim mings of lace, velvet bands and tiny buckles. Miss Augusta Garrett will wear a smart lingerie suit of white, trimmed with baby Irish lace. Miss Mabel Taylor's attractive gown will be of cream mousseline, fashioned with lace. Miss Nsll O’Donnelly will be charm- . Ing In a white embroidered muslin, and Miss Aline Ruse will wear a be- . coming gown of mull, trimmed with .Val lace. Miss Louise Sisson will wear a beau tiful gown of blue mull, relieved by touches of white. PARTIE8 At""eA8T LAKE. Among those seen at East Lake on Tuesday afternoon were: Miss Council, Mia Emma Robinson, Miss Bessie ■Woodward, Miss Nina Gentry, Miss McGowan Phelan, Miss Helen O'Brien, Ml*» Natalie Taylor, Miss Borah Col lier, Mr. Hamilton Block, Miss Stanley Wlmblsh, Mr. Percy Huger, Mr. Sidney l’holan, Mr. Joseph Smith, Mr. Dugas McCleaky, Mr. John Marsh, Mr. Clar ence Haverty, Mr. Smith. Mr. Henry H. Cooley to Wed Miss Mary Blair Armstrong Dr. and Mrs. Milton N. Armstrong announce the engagement of their daughter, Mary Blair, to Mr. Henry Hastings Cooley, of New York city. The wedding will take place evl>" In October. TO MI88 HEL£N WARE. A pretty event which will be In the nature of a farewell party to Mlse Hel en Ware, who will leave soon for Vaa sa r, will be the card party at which Miss Dorothy Breltenbucher will en tertain Friday morning. The occasion will be email and In- formal, only the Intimate girl friends «f Miss Ware being Included In Miss Itroltenbucher's guest list. Those Invited are: Mlesee Helen ■Ware, Mabel Carlyon, Charlotte Mid dleton. Marguerite Lane, Margaret Lat imer, Ethleen Dobbs, Bessie Bailey, Sa rah Williams, Jennie Sue Bell, Cecils Montsalvage, Edith Duncan and Mrs. Emllo Breltenbucher. MRS. AKERF EUCHRE. Thursday at her home on Pine street Mrs. Albert Akers will entertain In formally at cards. The party will be In honor of her attractive guest, Miss Mnry Bullock, and euchre will b played. IN HONOR M^8S WITHAM. Mrs. John H. Ralne will give a pret ty luncheon the latter part of this month In honor of Miss Laura Wltham, whose marriage to Dr. Dorsey will be one of the tmportant social events of October. IVY-NEVILLE. Announcement Is made In the Atlan ta papers of the engagement of Miss Julia Rochelle Neville, daughter of Mr. and Mra. Julian James Neville, of At lanta, to Mr. Paul A. Ivy, of Blrm Ingham, the wedding to take place In October. Mr. Ivy Is a traveling salea- mnn for the American Pipe and Cast Iron Company and la a young man of fine business attainments. He Is at present visiting In Milwaukee, Wls. Mr. Ivy and hls brothers have made their home In Birmingham for a number of years and the marriage announcement of the eldest brother will be a pleasant surprise to many friends—Birmingham News. JOHNBTOtTmILLER. Mr and Mrs. Andrew C. Miller hnve Issued Invitations to the marriage of their daughter, Stella Mae, to Mr. Rob ert Bruce Johnston, on Wednesday evening. September 2d, at 9 o'clock, at their home, 2» Irwin street, Atlanta. Miss Miller Is a moat accomplished and charming young girl, and Mr. Johnston Is achieving bucccss as a member of the Massengale Advertising Agency. MU8IC AT 5i7v.NO CLUB. Saturday afternoon from 6:30 to 7:20 o'clock an attractive musical pro gram will be given at the Piedmont Driving Club. There will be no regu lar table d'hote dinners, but a num ber of people will be seen on the ter race dining and enjoying the music. A MEETING OF THE ATLANTA SOCIOLOGICAL SOCIETY The meeting ot the Atlanta Socio logical Society which will be hold on Thursday evening. September 12, at 8 o’clock, at the Carnegie Library, prom isee to be of unusual Interest. As the value of sociology, and the Important part It plays in all economic and so- ,clat betterment, come to be recognized, the Atlanta Sociological Society will be counted aa one of the most Important and valuable factors In Atlanta's civic life. Among thoss on the program for Thursday night will be Mrs. Warren Boyd, Mr. Walter Brown, Mr. Dan Carey. Dr. Theodore Toe pel, Mr. C. E. Folsom, all of whom will read papers on "Parks and Recreation for the City's Children and People." In view of the recent agitation by the press of this subject, and of the tact that thoee who wilt contributs papers are thoughtful and earnest men and women, the meet ing Thursday evening will be one of the most Interesting yet held. The public Is cordially Invited to be present. IN HONOR~VI8ITOR8. Mr. Thomas Lyon will entertain at an elegant dinner Wednesday evening at the Driving Club In honor of Miss Council, of Jacksonville, the guest of Mrs. Samuel Smith, and Miss Scott, of Little Rock, the guest of Mrs. William Reynolds. The table will have as Its center- see a vase of pink roses and ferns, ivlted to meet these charming visit ors are Miss Sadie Morris, Miss Susie May Pope, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Cal houn, Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Byrd, Mr. Gus Ryan, Mr. Jos Brown Connelly and Mr. Tony Byers. spend-theTday PARTY. Misses Hazel and Zulu Adkins will entertain at a spend-the-day party on Thursday In honor of .Misses Scott and Horseley, the guests of Mrs. Frank Boland. The attractive visitors are the recipients of many social atten tlons. COMPLIMENTARY TO MI88 HAYS AND TO MR. AND MR8 HALE On Friday jvenlng Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Hale will entertain Informally In honor of Miss Jessie llayB, of Kansas City,.and of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hale, of Springfield, Mo. The guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. llale will be Mr. and Mrs. Howard Candler, Mr. and Mrs. William Percy, Dr. and Mra. Joseph LeConte, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph LeConte, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Dillon Akers, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Bergstrom, Mr. and Mrs. George Boynton, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Marlon, Dr. and Mrs. John Hurt, Mr. nnd Mra. Joseph Cole, Mr. and Mrs. M. Dayton. Jr., Rev. J. B. Flcklln, Mr. David Beattie and Mr. Palmer Johnson. DALE.FmER80N. Special to The Georgian. Athens, Ga., Sept. 12.—The marriage of Miss Lelln E. Frierson, of this city, to Mr. W. A. Dale, Jr., was a surprise to their many friends In the Classic City. The wedding was a romantic one, the young people having gone to Atlanta, where at the home of Mrs. E. C. Maddox they were joined In matri mony by Rev. J. W. Hunnlcutt. They have returned to the city where they will make their home. Miss Frierson Is a pretty and talented young wo man, and Mr. Dale Is the popular and efficient bookkeeper for Bell Brothers' Marble Company. Many friends ex tend the warmest congratulations and well wishes. DORBEYAVJTHAM, A wedding of great Interest to a large circle of friends Is that of Dr. R. T. Dm-sey and Miss Laura Wltham, which will take place on the evening of the 18th of Octobor, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Wltham, on Peach tree street. IN HONOR Mlis CONNALLY. Miss Charles Owens will give a car ride Wednesday evening In honor of Miss Frances Connnlly, who lenvea soon for Madame Letevre's school In Balti more. The guests will meet nt the Piedmont and after an enjoyable ride they will be entertained at a picnic (upper. MEETINQ OF~W. C. T. U. The Atlanta Willard Woman's Chris tian Temperance Union, will meet In regular session In Alliance hall. No. 721-2 North Broad street, Thursday afternoon at 3:20 o'clock. Members aro requested to be pres ent. MRS. MARY L. M'LllNDO>L MRS. J. A. ADKINS, President. Recording Secretary, TO RETURN "FROM EUROPE. Sir. nnd Mrs. A. M. Smith, of La- Grange, will return Saturday from Lelpslc, where they have been spend Ing the summer. With them will be Misses Hemphill, DuprAe, Rogers and Mushier, of the fnculty of the La- Orange Female College. Mlse Minnie C. Williams, of t’hlpley, and Judge Hutcheson, of lluchannn, visited tho college nt LaGrange this reck. MRS. FOSTER'S BRIDGE. Mrs. W. E. Foster will be the hostess a delightful bridge party Friday nfternoon nt her home Ip West End. Mrs. Foster has given a aeries of par ties nnd tho one planned for Friday Is to he In keeping with the other affairs given at this hospitable home. DENTAL AisOCIATION. The National Dental Association, which will convene In Atlanta the lat ter part of this week and next, will be the occasion of several large and many small social affairs. banquet at the Piedmont and a barbecue at the 'Cue Club are among few of the entertainments already planned for this representative body of Do You Want a Diamond? Come In then, and see us about our partial payment plan of selling diamonds. We have the most beautiful gems In all sizes at most tempt ing prices. Every stone must pass the most rigid examination by our •killed expert before It will find a place in our reliable stock. That's the right way to do. We have no other way. EUGENE V. HAYNES CO. The Diamond Palace. 37 Whitehall St. men, which will Include Dr. B. E. Tur ner, of Richmond: Dr. R. Attollngul, of New York city; Dr. B. Hollysmith, of Baltimore; Dr. L. G. Noel, ot Nash ville; Dr. Charles McManue, of Hart ford; Dr. Trueman Brophy, of Chica go; Dr. Mitchell, of London; Dr. M. F. Finley, of Washington, who la the president; Dr. William Conrad, of St. Louis, vice president for the west, and Dr. L. P. Bethel, Columbus, Ohio, vice president for the east. Dr. Frank Hol land Is vice president for the south. Dr. and Mrs. T. P. Hlnman will give a dinner Tuesday night in honor of a few of the delegates. Their guests will be Dr. and Mrs. II. Q. Noel, Dr. R. E. Turner, Dr. R. Atto llngul, Dr. and Mrs. B. Hollysmith and Dr. and Mrs. Frank Holland. knellerTroberts. Mrs. A. C. Roberts announces the engagement and approaching marriage of her daughter, Nellie Elisabeth, to Mr. George Coatleman Kneller, of Val dosta. The marriage will take place on Wednesday evening, September IS, at 7 o'clock at the residence of the brlde'e mother, 207 Park avenue, west. It will be a very'quiet event, to which only the family and a few close friends have been Invited. The bride will wear her traveling gown of wine-colored broadcloth, and the young couple will leave immediate ly after the ceremony for their future home In Valdosta. .There will be no attendants. Miss RoberU, who Is the youngest daughter of Mrs. A. C. Roberts, Is a great favorite here among a very wide circle of friends, and that her future home will be elsewhere will be sincerely regretted. Mr. Kneller has only lived In Val dosta a short time, having left Savan nah recently to become manager of the Valdosta Stationery Company. He la generally known and vary popular In hls old home.—Savannah Press. meetTng. There will be a special meeting of the Sheltering Arms Society at the home Thursday morning at 10 o'clock. This will be a meeting of Importance and each member of tlje society Is urged to be present. MRS. BOLLING JONES. Secretary. newman-stIinheimer. The marriage,of Miss Nettle Stein- heimer to Mr. Carl Newman took place Tuesday evening at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Stelnheimer, on Washington street, and was an event of more than usual beau ty a..d brilliance. The marriage cere mony was performed by Rabbi Marx in the mualc rooip before an Improvised altar of white and green, and the en tire lower floor was most beautiful In Us rich decorations of white and green. The dining room was especially elegant In decorations and appointments. Its largo center table glistening with cut glass and silver, and being artistically decorated with roses and ferns. In this room a delicious buffet supper was was gowned In white radium silk, trimmed with Brussels lace. She car ried a bouquet of white roses. Miss Ada Bell, maid of honor, with the bridesmaids, wore toilettes of white chiffon, lace trimmed, over pink silk. Their bouquets were of pink roses. Following the marriage at the church, an elaborate reception was held at the home of the bride's parents. Dr. and Mrs. T. P. Bell. In the hallway. In the drawing rooms, and In the dining . room white roses In conjunction with palms and ferns, were used effectively. The center- piece on the table was a plateau of white roses bordered with ferns. White tulle and ribbon streamers depended from the chandelier, the ends being gracefully knotted at the corners of the table. Silver candelabra with white and silver shades, cut glass and silver dishes made the table especially at tractive. The place casda were artistic designs In white and silver. Mr. and Mrs. Cheatham left on the midnight train for a honeymoon trip North and East Upon their return they will reside at Wadley, Ga., where the former holds a responsible position In the Wadley Bank. Mrs. Cheatham Is the elder daughter of Dr. and Mrs. T. P. Bell, and Is a young woman of unusual attractive personality. She graduated with first honors at Randolph-Macon College and her bridal attendants were all grad uates of the same educational lnstltu tlon. A FEW ART NOTES. Charles M. Kurtz, director of Albright Art KSlIery, la Buffalo, has secured a nne collection of German paintings for exhibi tion In tho near future. Mr. Kurtz writes from Munich: “The prospects for the exhi bition of German paintings In America was reprinted In every prominent news] per In Germany, and with the result tbni hnve received hundreds of letters from i lists In almost every portion of tho ma il I Tho bride was particularly handsome In her wedding gown of white mes- ealtne satin, fashioned with rose point lace. She carried a shower bouquet of bride's roses and her veil was adjusted with orange blossoms. Tho attendants were MI»H Lillie Stelnheimer and Mr. Anaclln Stclnholmer. Little Misses Troutman, of New Orleans, and Rosen thal, of Atlanta, were tho attractive lit tle flower girls, and wore frocks of white. Miss Lillis Stelnheimer wore a prlnoesse gown of lace and carried la France roses. Mrs. Stelnheimer wore black lnce, and Mrs. Newman, mother of tho groom, wore 'black silk and duchetse lace. After several months of travel Mr. and Mrs. Newman will find a warm welcome awaiting them In New Or-, leans, where they will make their home. vaughnTperdue. An Interesting event of Wednesday evening will be the wedding of Mr. James English Vaughn and Miss Caro line Perdue, which will take place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Perdue In Inman Park. The atendants will Include Miss Julia Perdue, who will be maid of honor; Miss Jennie Sue Bell, Mias Louise Johnson, Miss Marion Nutting, Miss Marie Ollreath, Miss Emily Woo ten. Mr. Lewis Vaughn will net as best man and Rev. Pendleton will per form the ceremony. CHEATHAM-BELL. An event of more than ordinary so cial Interest was the marriage Tuesday evening nt the Capitol Avenue Baptist church of Miss Blanche C. Bell to Mr. Russell C. Cheatham, of Wadley, Ga. The ceremony was performed by the father of the bride, Rev. T. P. Bell. The church was decorated with profusion of ferns. Southern sinllax and palms. Miss Margaret Lane, or ganist, plnyed the wedding music, and Mrs. Howard Whlddon. of McRae, Ga., n friend and college mate of the bride, sang with fine effect during the cere mony, "Because.” The bride was given In marriage by her brother, Mr. Frank Bell, of Birm ingham. Miss Ada Bell, sister of the bride, as maid of honor, preceded her to the ultar, ns did the other attend ants. Mrs. Frank Bell, of Birmingham, matron of honor; Misses Frances Llg- Nnnnle Catching* and Florence Peters, bridesmaids, and the grooms men. Mr. Samuel Wilkinson. Mr. Jones, of Darien, Ga., amt Messrs. Howard anil Duren, of Wadley. Oa. The groom anti hie beet man, Mr. John Cheatham, of Louisville, awaited the bride and her attendants at the altar. " / The bride's handsome gown was of white radium silk, made prineesse and trimmed with duchesse lace, nnd rose point medallions about the corsage. Her tulle veil was caught back from Her face with white rosebuds and the bridal bouquet was of white roses. Mrs. Frank Bell, matron of honor. foreigner wit Ion, or art tlon of a amnll collection of work* by raembera of the Munich "secession.” or* gnnlzod by Dr. Kurta and shown In St Louts eleven years hgo. tlons for artists. It baa been ascerUnucu through a compilation of engravings, mez zotints, wood cuts ami other published por traits. Details of their Uvea, political, m!l< Itary and domestic, ore plltured serious ly. and through caricature, to which no - KM«t*nr, -- * ~ * *- ■ French I eon. The passion for engraving# anil mezzo tints, etchings and pen or pencil dr— Inga, by and after great artists. 1* the Increase. At recent sales* the prices appear fabulous, but the Joy of the collec tor In securing an original, or a rare “find,” Is beyond price. Herr Mode.-, who general ly acts for the Berlin museum, wns filled with enthusiasm nt the sale of the late Alfred Morrison , (London), which resulted In innoy purchases. Some were examples of Lucas van Leyden, notably, for the very rare set of nine mate*, circular, anil within an ornamental border, of “The Passion of Jesus Christ,” ho paid 11,000. Mnny others which were not so highly prised !u the past sold for large sums. A striking exhibition will be that of the historical collection of tho American In dlnn ntwrat September 15 st the Art lnsti tnte, Chicago. Edward E. Ayer has long been Interested In this direction, nnd tho collection promises to be of more than average value. It will Include numerous oil portraits, ns well aa numerous crayon drawing portraits, Indian scenes of early periods In water colors, pencil drawings, hieroglyphics on vellum and skins, numer- nost Eight years had passed since any of the wail paintings at Westminster hud .been wl and cleaned nnd repaired, until Professor Church resumed the work some months ago. He advises the denning and repairing of wall paintings nt intervals of three am four years, such as those la the palace of Westminster. DOUGLASVILLE. Miss Carrie Glass, of Whltesburg, who has been visiting Miss Nellie Johnston, of this place, has returned to her home. Mrs. Frances Moore, of Macon, Is vlsltlug her parents, Dr. and Mrs. T. R. Whitley. Miss Harsh Smith, or Villa Itlca. Is visit ing her sister, Mrs. I*. Z. Dorsett, of this , l Mrs. John D. Fowler, of Wlnnsboro, Tex., la vlsltlug the family of her cousin, Colonel W. T. Roberts. ^ „ lion. J. T. Duncan, who hss been in New York for the past three weeks, returned home Inst Saturday. „ _, , . _ _ Mr. J. Wilson Darnell, of Chlcknshh, I. T., has returned home after a short visit to hls parents. Mr. and .Mrs. It. J. Darnell. Miss Jessie Green, of Dallas, has returned home after an extended visit us tho guest of Miss llnnnle Burton. Miss Mary Perkins, of Winder Is the guest of her cousin. Miss Pearl Perkins. Mr. J. C. Stringer has accepted ft position *”m\as*LucHo^VVatson has accented the prin cipal's place In the Jennie Stone Institute nt Winston and will leave soon to take up her work. City Primary Callad. fiprclnt to Thr Georgian. Amcrlcuz, Ga., 8epL 12.—The Demo cratic executive committee of Amerlcus has called the primary election for mayor and aldermen for October 3. Mayor Eugene A. Hawkins will be very strongly urged to offer again and doubtless will do ao. 75 PEACHTREE ST. Nathan’s Home Bakery and Vienna Cafe Bread, Cskst, Pies, eto„ frtsh daily. Atlanta Phone 1898. Bell Phone 1486 Wedding Announcement Fresh from the eastern markets and manufactories, and Individual with the newest art ideas, our materials for wedding presents are ready Jor the fall events. Davis & Freeman, Jewelers. Judge Marcus Beck, who w elected to the supreme court bench as associate justice, has bought a home on Peachtree court and will move In at once. Mrs. Beck and children yrill ar rive In the city In a few days and will be a delightful acquisition to the social life of the city. The Atlanta friends of Mr. Charles A. Wood will be pleased to learn that he will return to Atlanta about Sep tember 20 to spend the winter nt the Piedmont At present ho Is in the White mountains on ian automobile va cation trip. Mr. and Mrs. Howell Cobb Erwin, Jr., and baby, Reenas Patterson Er. win, are at home In Decatur, after spending the summer In Balnbridge with Hon. and Mrs. L. F. Patterson. Mrs. Jack Cutler, who was Injured an'automobile accident some time ago, Is well enough to be up. Mrs. Cutler and her son will leave Saturday for their home In Macon. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Buchanan are keeping house at present on Fourteenth street. Later they will build a hand some home next to the Huntley place, on Peachtree road. Misses Alice and Berthf Chason, daughters of Dr, J. D. Chason, of Bain bridge, spent Monday In Atlanta their way to Randolph-Macon College at Lynchburg, Va. Mrs. Rhodes Barnes and Miss Mar garet Barnes, of Columbus, passed through the city Tuesday en route Athens, where Miss Barnes enters Lucy Cobb Institute. Miss -Bernice Dunbar, after a visit of -several weeks to her sister, Mrs. Ed. G. Adams, at 89 West Harris street, left for her home in Newnan Tuesday. Mrs. P. S. Shelman, formerly of Car. tersvllle; Miss Annie Louise Hood and Miss Caroline Dalits have taken pos session ot their home, 306 Juniper street. Mrs. George J. Hansen left Wednes day to attend the convention of the Stone Mountain Baptist Association. Later she will visit relatives In Llth- onla. The many friends of M-s. M. H. Dooly will be glad to know that she somewhat better, although still quite 111 at her residence on West Peachtree. Miss Allle West, of Fort Worth, Texas, who has been the guest of Mrs. Wayte, at her home on North avenue, returned home Tuesday. Miss Eflle Stone, of Chattanooga, an elocutionist of ui *ual ability, stopped in Atlanta with fi .ends for a few days recently en route to Chick 8prlngs. Miss Annie Goode Torbett, who has snent several weeks In Grantville and In Lone Oak, as the guest of Mrs. Wll mer Sewell, has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. George Lowndes and family have returned ..from Warm Springs, where they occupied a cottage during the summer months. Miss Alberta O'Donnell has returned to her home at Balnbridge, after spend Ing several days as the guest of Misses Mattie and Myrtle Harrell. Mra E. Dean Ellenwood, who has been visiting friends In Chicago for several months, will return home about the mlddlo of September. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Peeples have bought a lot on Piedmont avenue and will begin the erection of a pretty home early In the spring. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Inman and chtl dren are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bucknell, at their summer home, in the Adlrondacks. Mrs. Robert Coulter and Miss Coul ter, who have spent the month August In Nacoochee Valley, have re turned to Atlanta. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Keefer have returned from Europe and will be at home after the first of the month, on Piedmont avenue. Mrs. Scarratt Morena and children, who have been nt the Majestic for the :ast month, will leave this week for Pensacola. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Graham have begun housekeeping and are now at home to their friends at No. 136 For- rest avenue. Mr. John Wilkinson, of Hogansvllle, who was recently operated on at St. Joseph's for appendicitis, I* Improv ing rapidly. BEAUTIFUL UNE OF -NEW BRACELETS— Just Received. Look at Them. Charles W. Crankshaw, The friends ot Dr. Clinton Brocket! will be glad to learn that he is recov ering from hls recent attack of ap pendicitis. Mrs. R. M. Klrvln, after a visit to New York, passed through the city Tuesday on her way to her home in Columbus. Mrs. Harford Way will leave Satur day for Eufauta, Ala, where she will spend eeveral weeks with friends In that city. Mrs. Malcolm L. Griffin, of Cuthbert, Ga, after spending two weeks with Mrs. C. Decker Telo, left for her home Monday. Miss Mary Dickson has returned to the city, after a visit to Grantville, where she was a member of a house party. Mr. Henry T. Long received Injuries In a runaway near Buford last Friday, confining him to hls home for several days. Miss Minnie Van Epps, who has been the guest of relatives in Augusta, will leave in a few days for a trip to New York. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Fagan and fam ily leave on the first of October for New York, where they will make their home. Mr. Devery Parramore, of Balnbridge, spent a day visiting In Atlanta on hls return to St. Mary's College, Belmont, N. C. Dr. John McLyre, of Climax, Ga, stopped over on a visit to friends In the city on hls return to Baltimore, Md. Mrs. Octavla Patterson Greir ns* ft Beginning to<jay .continuing tie balance of week EVERYTHING THAT’S NEW IN Imported and Domestic Pattern Hats —AND— MILLINERY NOVELTIES You Are Cordially Invited 4 Mrs. E. M. Buchanan, Atlanta. 420 Decatur Street 753 Marietta Street. MARRIAGE I INVITATIONS CORRECTLY AND PROMPTLY ENGRAVED SEND FOR SAMPLES AND PRICES J. P. STEVENS ENGRAVING CO., EncI tAVERS. WHITEHALL ST., ATLANTA, GA Mrs. S. L. Walker, a prominent work er of the W. C. T. U., of Balnbridge, has been In the city for a few days. Mr. Howard Pattlllo and Miss Eliza beth Pattlllo are In Baltimore, where Miss Pattlllo will enter echool. The friends of, Miss LouIbc Colzy will regret to learn that she Is quite sick at her home In Decatur. Mrs. Minnie Fontaine Stokes will be at home this winter with Mrs. L. Owsley on West Peachtree. Mrs. Minnie Thomas Peacock, Balnbridge, Is visiting Mrs. W. Whit Patterson on Pulliam street. Dr. J. Wray Pickett, after a stay at Monteagle and Tracy City, Tenn., Is at home again. Miss Vashtl Jones, of 8odal Circle, spent the past few days In the city en route to Monroe College. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Redding and fam lly have moved Into their new home, on Piedmont avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest B. Wltchard, of Athens, spent Sunday with relatives on West Harris street. Miss Maud Semore, who Is connect ed with the dally paper of Balnbridge, Is visiting In the city. Mlse Lillian Mkrsh has returned to Atlanta after an extended visit to Cht cago and Milwaukee. Miss Sarah Dorsey leaves Tuesday for Athens, where she goes to enter the Lucy Cobb Institute. Miss Cora O'Neal, of Balnbridge, spent a few days with friends at 202 Pulliam street. Mr. George Mills, who has been quite 111 at St. Joseph's Infirmary, is much better. Mrs. Bewick, Miss Flora Bewick and Master Harry Bewick have returned from Detroit. Dr. T. V. Hu' bard Is at home again from an extended trip to Boston and New York. Mrs. Robert Crowley and young son, of Savannah, are the guests of Atlanta friends. Mr. nnd Mrs. John Hill will return next v eek from* Boston and New York. Miss Annie Duncan, who has spent six weeks In New York city, Is at home again. Mrs. W. A. Bohanon, ot Grantville, spent Monday and Tuesday In Atlanta. Miss Jennie Ponder has returned from a visit to friends at Culloden, Ga. Mrs. George S. McNair, of Baln bridge, la in Atlanta for a few days. Mr. A. O. Smart, who has been 111 for the past ten days, Is out again. Mr. Charles E. Currier Is still quite ill and wilt not be out for ten days. Miss Mary Ridley, of LnGrange, Is the guest of Mrs. R. B. Ridley. Mrs. J. H. Morgan Is at home after a two months' stay in Nashville. Mr. and Mrs. Donald LoyleBS are at the Majestic for the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Bolling Jones are at the Majestic for the winter. 77 r - Frank Ridley, of LaGrange, spent $1,0*0 FOR-— 10 Cdnts 1GIOOO PPulstlon , W« Atlanta. IatlantaIIM. Edosition and Wl Spend Each 10 CENTS We will give $1,0) to the 1810 EXPOSI'ON, or One Cent for even official but ton or pin sold. BUY ONE 8H0W YOUR Solid Metal Gold Pin For Salo by r mmlms Mm, 717 Fourth National Bank\ildinx Atlanta Phan* 1810. MR. WM. E. ARMUD, ORGANIST AND CHOIR SISTER. .ALL SAINTS EPISCOPAL CfCRCH, will give Instruction In the at) of p|,no playing it hls studio in all Haiti r«rl»t House. General Mnslclamhlp Ch free to all etudenta Residence address; 39 E. THIRD 8T. Bell 'Phone 832, Non. Wednesday In tho city. iMlss Mabelle Payne friends at Culloden, Ga. Miss Pierce, of Augusta, Is tk gueit of Mrs. Peter Clarke. oni At- PICKENS, 8. C. Judge R. O. Purdy and family i turned to their home In Burnt ■pending the aummer In Pickens Mr. Guy McFall haa returned ton fa. Mr. Aaron Boggs, of Calhoun, v ted hi* ■on, A. J. Boggn, laat week. Mr. 80 years old and seems to be good year* more. The Misses Foster, of Greenville, her l»e- Ing the guests of Miss Nellie Oral), have returned home. Mr. I. Blank, of Charleston, Is d nn ex tended visit to Hon. George 8. Loire. Messrs. Will Ambler amf Will Gllath. of Greenville, spent last Buaday In Pkens. Mr. Wayne F. Mauldin has recovewi from n serious Illness nnd bis friends nnrejolc- X. Brandon Taylor, John Fields,\*Roy Boggs and Ilovey Rarle returned Wlem- sou College lent Monday to take untheJr studies. All are In the senior class. \ A mountain party conalstlng of Mtnnd Mrs. Legnre, Mr. and Mra. L. C. ThoUpj, Mr. I. IJlnnk. Jerry McMahon Misses Ashmore left Monday for Joc| Valley, where they w|JJ camp for at«i Miss Nellie Grandy entertained In hkor of the Mlsaes Foster Thursday night. * evening was very much enjoyed by attended. Several games were played excellent music was furnished by the Mil Rarle nnd Miss Ora McFall, after wlj delightful refrenhmenta were served, nil present were: Misses Olga and Omnn. n ter, Eva Earle, Essie Earle. Ora Me! nil r Messrs. Furman Holder, J. P. Carey, Christie RobJnaon* Bruce Boggs autl J* McMahon. . Mr. 8wayne Gilmer, wife and two chi dren, visited Mra. L. C. Thornley last ws*» Captain nnd Mra. F. G. Kramer are ta guests of Mrs. John I*. Thornley. 1 Bailey Poole aud Theodore Watnon. Anderson, visited Dr. J. L. Bolt laat Miss Mattie Finley la on an extend*! vlait to her slater, Mra. J. T. Partridge ■ Miss Buby Hammond and Miss JrJJi Bailey, two of Anderson's charming nnd tractive young Indies, were the gueris on Dr. J. L. Bolt laat week. . C. MELLICHAMP IMPORTER OF DIAMONDS 70 Whitehall Street. New open ter bualneaa and extends a cordial Invitation to the pub- . Stock embraces complete line of Diamonds, Jewelry, Watches and every article kept by flrst-clazs jewelers. J